Summer Heat – Chapter 8: Unexpected events

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#8 of Summer Heat

This week the story will take a step back with the adult stuff but there is a nasty twist to the story.

I was asked last week what the reference to S.H.I.T. is and I think you will find the reference unfoldung in this chapter.

This situation when you know you have messed up. But Zen is top of his class and has access to a lot of money so... he can manage. But there will be a lot of encounters following this one mistake so stay tuned for the comming chapters.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 8: Unexpected events

For the next two days Zen was mostly occupied with Lily until her heat declined and finally went away. Zen also took a break from mating after this time and they spend one more day together until it was time for the girls to return home. They made sure that Angela and Lily were groomed and cleaned good and no trace if his cum was noticeable at them. Zen was sure, after what they read in the internet, that Lily was pregnant and he just hoped she would not show already. Then again his sister and Mara also did not show any noticeable sign other than not being in heat. At the time her next heat would be due Lily would be with them again in the summer school. Zen used the next days together with Mara and Sierah to go shopping and into the big pool in town. They enjoyed the summer with all the free time, ice cream and lying around in the sun. Zen also went to the city hall to get the justification for him to be the guardian of his sister, his father already phoned them, and his password for the internet.

At the end of the week he decided to check his emails while Mara used his second laptop to check on the website if the applications of the girls were already submitted. "Holy Cow, what is this?" Zen looked up to Mara. He just saw that he had more emails than normal in his inbox but had not been able to check on them yet. "Zen, look at this. We got 15 sign-ups for the summer school already. How is this possible? No one knows about this, right?" Zen looked at the screen and it did not process yet. The counter clearly was at 15 and just when he looked at it the counter advanced to 16. "Shut down the application directly." He said in haste when he snapped out of the shock. Mara clicked a few times searching for the function to deactivate the button and when she finally found it the counter showed 18. "What are we going to do now? How did this happen?" asked Mara but Zen looked back to his email and started to read the first.

Dear Mr. Moons,

I am so happy that I got the hint to check this website from her co-worker Mrs. Flourenne. My daughters Tanja and Sissy are 12 and 9 and I feared that I had to spend a fortune to get them a nanny because my husband was badly injured on a trip to Anto. He is hospitalized there and I will fly down to nurse him. They are very well behaved girls. I think it will benefit them well to learn about the life after school and have some fun with other girls their age. I wanted to let you know that I have someone to watch them in the next two weeks who will drop them off around noon. I thank you so much for admitting my girls. It will be much more fun for them then to move with me to Anto and it will distract them from worrying about their father.

Thank you again for founding this school.

Sincerely Mrs. Arabella Hoopers

Zen gulped and looked at the mail again. Antol was a city at the other side of America so he understood the situation of Mrs. Hoopers very well. Even more because it was hard to get a new school in a new city on such short notice and a nanny that was there all around the day was very expensive. He read through the mails. All of them were from parents. Some wanted to know if they had to pack anything special, others asked for the qualifications and even the school permission. It seemed all of them either got the information from the parents of Lily or Angela. They seemed to have spread the word with their co-workers and friends and then they told it their friends and quite some parents found the offer appealing for various reasons. Some just wanted to save the school funds, that were quite high even for the governmental schools, and others had similar situations like Mrs. Hoopers that they had to move away temporarily or had a big project at work coming up. "We need to get these certificates." Zen mentioned and showed Mara his notebook where he noted down all the requests of parents. "I just did my first aid course last month so it is still good. How about you?" Mara shook her head. "I need to refresh it. And I think we should also get a certificate in children medical emergencies. This is a 2-day course. I just found it while I was looking for other schools and open positions for teachers to get some ideas." They put their heads together and started to plan and collect everything that they still needed to do and where they could do it. It helped that Zen now also got his password and they could browse at the same time but it was still hard to get all the information together. Zen replied to the parents that they would upload the information they asked for on the website soon and together he also build a list of required items for all girls and an extended file with the rules for the girls as well as the parents. They created a handout for the parents with his email, an emergency number of the landline of the house in the forest and Zen did an emergency call to a construction company to remodel the big house to add showers and toilets there as well as adding a sport field. He called a big warehouse to deliver beds and everything needed to fit in 18 girls, Mara and him into the house. He was happy that his parents always calculated on a large scale and this vacation apartment was as big as the normal house where he was now trying to get the 'school' planned out.

The next week was hard work and Zen found little time to play with his sister but she was very understanding and helped them where she could. They packed everything that they needed like the rules for the girls, that would be given out when the parents were away, and school books into boxes and had loaded them into the car. He even organized a bus to bring girls from the closest village in case parents could not bring their kids and they had to get there by public transport. He never would have thought that he would be able to get all the requests of the parents done in the week but when they uploaded the information of all the certificates they managed to get in the week on the website. There was not much more time to prepare and Zen left Mara with Sierah at home while he took the car to their holiday zone to check how the constructions were doing. They finished 2 days before the day the girls should arrive and Zen went back to get Mara and Sierah. All three worked hard for the 2 days to go through all check lists, get enough food for weeks and made sure that everything was clean and proper. The whole area, more than five miles in each direction, was guarded by a big wall with code protected gates and video surveillance and movement detectors all around the walls. His parents always had been very tight on security but for this project it was perfect because it would show that the girls were protected. Zen went through his speech for the next day that he wanted to give to the parents while Mara would welcome the girls. And then the day came and Zen crossed his fingers that he would survive this day and none of them would ask questions he was not prepared for. His sister and Mara had finally started to show a little bit of a belly and instead of her belly open tank top his sister was wearing a dress. Mara decided to wear a wide blouse and a skirt that also would cover her figure without a tight fit to cover for her small belly.

The bus with three girls where the parents were unable to come, except for the Hoopers it was just one fox girl named Lisa Pears who was 12 years old who did come alone, was there first and Mara grouped the two sisters together with Lisa in one room. They had become friends on the drive to the site already so they did not object. There were five big rooms that would have space for four girls. In addition, there was on the same floor a room of the same size for Mara and on the ground floor an even bigger room for Zen. While Mara and Sierah showed the girls where they would sleep Zen waited for the parents to arrive. It became hectically very soon when them dropping by every minute. Zen greeted the parents and showed them the way inside and while they joined their daughters in observing the bedrooms the next car arrived already. It took over one hour where Zen got more and more nervous and tried his best to not show it until the last car arrived and let all the parents and children sit down in the big dining room, they barely fit in there and Zen had to get some chairs from other rooms as well so everyone could sit down, and they all got some drinks and sandwiches. He introduced his sister, who would be one of the girls who would learn here, and Mara, the head teacher and the one taking care of the girls needs. He explained that they would all together cook the food, do the cleaning and live in a big community. He would organize all, make sure that nothing was missing and also would make sure that the girls were secure in case someone would manage to get by the heavy walls. In terms of security the parents seemed not to be concerned. Zen was known in the city from many tournaments in martial arts and the walls were more than any school or house had in security in whole Pan. In addition to that the area was not only big but also over one hour away from the next village and it was very unlikely that someone would get there by chance, climb over the wall and make it to the middle of the forest, with quite some wild animals, to the girls and then have the power to beat Zen. In addition, the location of the place had been given privately to the parents and never appeared on the website so even if someone knew about the school itself, they would have a hard time finding it without one of the parents telling them.

After a few questions of the parents they said goodbye to their daughters and a few tears were shed by the girls and parents alike before Mara and Sierah led them to a forest walk to teach them the rules how far they could go into the forest alone, which parts of the forest could be dangerous and where they could find the well, fruits and the big garden for vegetables. Even though they had food provision for months in the big freezer this was just for emergencies. The plan was that the girls would grow their own food and then prepare it. The garden and was the work of one week for a big group of gardeners to build and plant enough vegetables of different state to be useful from the start. Zen stayed with the parents and showed them around the house and the other facilities. He explained them how the girls would live, that they would prepare everything themselves and that they would have a share of the tasks to do to help everything working. He presented to big medical area and the big cabinet with medicines for all kinds of problems from poison to illnesses. The parents were amazed from the preparations and detail they put into all of this and ensured him that they trusted the facility to be the best care for their kids. After the sightseeing they all returned to the dining room and Zen handed out the emergency cards.

"If there is an urgent emergency and you need to contact us for something, you can dial the number or send an email. The phone is connected to my room next to the entrance that you saw earlier. Out project builds on the independence of the girls and for this we want to keep any connection to outside at a minimum. Their cell phones will be confiscated and they will get them back at the end of the year. Please only call if it is urgent and if I am not around to take the call leave a message on the voice mail."

"Do you not carry a mobile phone with you?" asked one parent and Zen smiled. "Do you have a mobile phone with you, sir?" - "Naturally!" - "Well, then take it out and have a look at it." He asked the father and the man clapped his hands at his head when he noticed that this far out in the mountains with all the forest around there was no connection to any mobile phone network.

"The landline here has a double security connection. It is not only connected by wire but also by satellite to ensure that it will never be cut." A small noise raised when all parents were showing their agreement and ensured him again that he was well prepared. "When we are out, Mrs. Briggins and me will always have mobile radios with us to keep in touch in case there is an emergency." A whispering ran through the room. "In addition we have multiple static radios everywhere on the facility and even in the woods in case a girl should go out alone and get lost. But Mrs. Briggins already is taking them out and showing them the radios and tell them where they can go and where they should not go. The static radios all have indicators so if we get a message of one of them we directly know which one it is and can find the girl that asks for help."

"May I ask a question please?" A billy goat in the back raised his hand. "Please Mr..." - "Mince." Said the man. "The website explained the reasons why you are offering this for the girls and it all is valid but why are you not accepting boys to this as well?" a lot of other parents joined in and Zen noticed that they got the same question. He could not tell them that originally this school had only been for the two friends of his sister and Sierah and therefore they made it an all girls' school but he had expected the question and already planned an answer.

"Well, Mr. Mince there are couple of reasons for that and I am happy to explain them to you. First, this is a pilot project like you surely know from the website. This is the first time we are doing it and the idea came from Mrs. Briggins because she knows how lost a girl can feel when she is told to leave the house but has no idea what it is like to live on your own. We thought about taking both boys and girls when we planned it but there are many challenges with having both boys and girls in such a project. Most of the mothers here will know that girls can have some special circumstances that will living with boys make hard. Some of you might have helped with class tours where the class stays for a night at some place, right?" he saw a few of the parents nodding. "Well, you know how hard it is if young girls and boys get together. You need more personal that we can trust and with the idea emerging just after the end of last school year there was not enough time to hold interviews and find enough trustworthy people to ensure the wellbeing of the children and manage a mixed group. We would also have preferred in this case to have a second building for the boys but again the time was against us to build one here. These were the main factors that made us decide to keep it only with girls for this pilot year at least. Does this answer your question, sir?" the goat nodded. "Thank you Mr. Moons. They are all good reasons and I understand. But do you plan to open it up for boys in the future? I am sure my boys would love it." - "Oh I sure think they would, but we cannot say for sure yet. We first have to see if this pilot project goes good and we manage to keep up with all the school material next to teaching them all the things about living alone." The billy goat accepted this answer and thanked him for the explanation.

"Yes Mrs...." A Lynx woman had raised her hand. "Minx. My question is as followed: My daughter Nina just turned 12 and this is a very particular time for a girl with a lot of changes. I hope you know what I mean and can tell us how you are prepared for this." Zen had expected this question. "You do not need to worry and like I explained before this is one of the reasons we only have girls this year. Mrs. Briggins will make sure to educate the girls and help them through the confusion going with this event and we also have enough stock of special gear in different sizes." Zen presented his pre-written speech for this question. He had worked together with Mara on it for a few hours because he wanted at the same time show that they were very aware of the topic but also not give too much direct information on this topic that was considered a taboo by law. "Thank you Mr. Moons, I think that makes me sleep much calmer." Mrs. Minx said and from her nervous kneading of her paws he noticed that she had been very afraid to touch the forbidden topic. The rest of the questioning went by fast and Zen could see in the faces of all parents that he had been able to void all of their concerns and please them with a school facility that looked perfect in their eyes. All the work of one week breeding over plans and speeches until late in the night with little sleep paid off and Zen felt himself that he had all in control and that the start of the school already was a big success.

The parents finally left and in the first days Zen and Mara left out all classes and helped the girls to get used with the new situation. They did a lot of sports and had to dry more than one tear of girls that got home sick because they missed their parents but with the end of the week the girls settled in with the life in the school and the daily work was well in control and every girl did her part. On the Monday after their arrival Zen and Mara started classes with a very unique topic.

Summer Heat – Chapter 9: New rules

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