[SotO] Chapter 14: Coup d’état

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#14 of Shadow of the Oasis

Okay, the second last chapter. After this there will only be one more. Sorry for the short delay.

The story takes a turn that might come unexpected. Drama in the jungle. I hope you enjoy it.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

This is a pure fictional story is an artwork for the purpose of entertainment. Any similarities with real persons are unintended and any content of the story does not reflect the opinions or suggestions by the author.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 14: Coup d'état

Years passed by and the time did not stand still for Chuma. He just had his ninth birthday and the age showed in his joints that started to hurt now and then. He also was not as strong as he had been in the past. He did not join the others for the hunts and let his subordinates do the patrolling most of the time. He lay on his favorite spot over the lake and watched the cubs and females play or bath while the sun was roasting his pelt. He was happy that they lived peacefully in this corner of the oasis. It was hidden away from the humans that did not come here and intruders rarely came by. Mostly they were single males on their search for some water being surprised that a pride actually lived here where they were in a considerate closeness to the humans. Sometimes one of his or the other males' kids went with one of the males to seek adventures. Mostly it was a young male using the opportunity to not go out alone on their journey but sometimes one of the girls even decided to go with them, much to the happiness of the lucky males.

Harbuu and Kundaa had reached the peak of their strength with their six and five years and they mostly dealt with the strangers without even contacting Chuma. Harbuu was the stronger of the two males and also claimed most of Chuma's daughters for himself. He let Kundaa have a few as well but if there was an odd number going into heat he claimed the higher half for himself and he also always was the one who chose which ones he wanted. Chuma did not stop them from sorting this out themselves. He had grown a bit tired with his age and avoided anything that was bothersome or would mean to spend extra energy.

Chuma woke up with a strong scent of heat around him. It was the heat from not only one but multiple lionesses and he knew that his queen was due and also his daughters Binti and Basima. He yawned and slowly woke up. He was not as eager and energetic as he used to be and he took his time to get up. He would leave Binti and Basima for the other two males and take his queen.

A loud moan made him open his eyes in a flash. He knew this moan. It was the moan of Sanura, his queen. He looked to the side and saw Harbuu mounting his queen and making her moan under his powerful pushes. He was on his paws directly and approached the couple showing his teeth but something jumped him from the side. Kundaa pushed him to the side and made him trip and stood in front of the couple while he bared his fangs towards Chuma. He knew what this meant. They grouped up against him to take over the pride. Chuma attempted to attack two more times but he knew already that he was no match for the younger males anymore. Even one of them was enough to keep him in check but there were two of them. He had to back down and watch Harbuu take his queen. And to his shock the queen was not forced into it but she seemed to enjoy it and when Harbuu dismounted she presented to Kundaa who took the opportunity to mate her as well. Harbuu closed in to Chuma and chuckled.

"That's how it is old man." He said with a laugh in his voice. "I will not chase you away or kill you because without you we would not have gotten such a magnificent pride. But all your females are now ours. We will take over the pride and you will not mate any of them. Not if they are in heat and also not otherwise." He looked into the eyes of Chuma and he knew that he just lost his pride. Not only because of the words of Harbuu but also because Sanura betrayed him. She chose the younger lions as her kings and she chose to abandon the one who saved her live.

In the next weeks Chuma slowly got the information about everything behind this coup d'état. The idea and initiation had come from Sanura and she had been the one asking the males to keep Chuma alive and not send him away. She still loved Chuma as a father and the one who saved her but she had decided that the young males were better suited to bring strong cubs now. Chuma had to experience that it was the queen who had the real power within the pride and commanded the other lionesses. None of them came to Chuma to mate anymore. They still snuggled up with him and cuddles at night, especially the cubs, but like Sanura they only let Harbuu and Kundaa on top of them. Harbuu became the new king and Kundaa his second in command. The queen became Harbuu's wife and only he mated with her while Kundaa had to settle with the other females and the promise to get their daughters.

Only two females did not follow the coup d'état. They could not go against the will of the pride and let Chuma mate them but Leta and Aisha left the pride. Both of them had only been in the pride because of Chuma. After a long talk with him they left the pride to live like it was normal for their race. Their daughters stayed with the pride and so Chuma saw them off one evening while his heart realized that his happy times, his times as a ruler and protector, were of the past.

The younger generation started to be born and Sanura was all over her two daughters Hakima and Hiba. Chuma avoided the company of Sanura most of the time. He felt that it saddened her that he pulled back and did not even snuggle with her anymore but he could not be around her. Her betrayal took a big toll from him. He did not eat or drink properly and his fur began to show that he was not in good health. His eyes showed the agony he felt deep inside. Sanura never noticed it because he did never look into her eyes again. He wanted to keep his memory of how she had been and not see the betrayer, the one who plotted his downfall and offered herself to Harbuu and Kundaa willingly. When he had to watch the cubs he sometimes was lost in memories of Sanura because the two girls looked exactly like her mother had looked back at the time he rescued her. The old male refused to sleep with the others in the den because he did not want to see Sanura sleeping next to Harbuu with a happy smile on her muzzle. Sometimes the other girls he rescued, Kani, Bina and Kamaria, or one of his daughters came to snuggle up with him at the night but Chuma stayed distant and did not react. He accepted that they lay down next to him but he did not speak much and he also did not actively snuggle up with them or show any of his old kindness and love. The females knew that his heart was broken but they did not know how to help him. They could not offer themselves to mate with Chuma because they knew that not only they would be punished but Chuma would most likely be killed by Harbuu and Kundaa. The only moment when Chuma was nearly himself again and joyful was, when he was watching the cubs. He let them play with his mane, got back a bit of his energy and played catch with them or showed them a few tricks for hunting.

The traditions for welcoming new huntresses had been forgotten. Harbuu and Kundaa did not follow this custom. For one part because they were much stronger driven by their pure mating instinct and did not mate with any female that was not in heat, except for Sanura whom Harbuu shared with Kundaa when she was not in heat, and on the others hand because they had their hands full with all their females. Chuma saw the girls leave with high spirits and come back exhausted and happy when they had their first hunt. He began to doubt if he had been a good father and king or if all that he had done had been selfish and cruel and that this was maybe the reason why Sanura dethroned him. His mood went even darker and he did speak even less. The females had to force him to eat something and drink regularly. Chuma had no fun in life anymore. He had been robbed from the one thing he loved more than anything else on the word: his queen Sanura and the other girls that he rescued. Even if it was just mating with them that had been taken from him he felt, especially for Sanura, that he lost them completely. To not get hurt even more he turned away from them even more and even the cubs were not able to cast a smile on his muzzle anymore.

After a bit over two years had passed he had become a loner. He got back a bit of his energy because he was doing long walks by himself now. He sometimes only returned after days of walking through the jungle. Finding new hidden caves or even one time going very close to the man's village to watch them. He moved around aimlessly. Because he did not care about grooming himself and also pushed away any female who tried to do it for him his fur became matted and dusty.

Chuma lay in the cold den. He had been out for a few days and returned the last night. The weather outside was too hot to lie in the sun and so he pulled back into the cave. The den reeked of heat because a few of the females were in heat and Kundaa and Harbuu did their job. When Chuma looked up he saw that they were at their game with the queen again. While Harbuu took his queen in her snatch Kundaa had her head pushed down and made her suck him off. Next to them two females lay on the side licking their puffy and creamed folds.

Hakima, the oldest daughter of Harbuu and Sanura, entered the den and directly went to the three mating lions. She seemed to be in anxiety. "Mom, Tuni slipped and skid down a slope." Kundaa and Harbuu stopped for a moment but Kundaa did not let the queen put his dick out of her muzzle. "Is she okay? Which slope did she slide down?" There was not much worry in the voice of Harbuu even though Tuni was, next to Malia and Sauti, the youngest daughter of him and Sanura. "She did not hurt herself but she cannot climb up again. Hiba is trying to help her but she told me to get mom fast." "Chuma!" Harbuu shouted and Chuma got up slowly. "Go and check for the cubs. We are busy here."

Chuma was a bit angry at Harbuu. He seemed to care more about fucking his queen, that was not even in heat, than to look for his own daughter. Without a word he followed Hakima outside who also seemed to not be too happy to only have gotten the old grandpa for help. "Sorry about that." Chuma said. He read the rolling of her eyes correctly. "I know I am not the help you would have wanted. But I will do my best." Hakima seemed to be embarrassed that he noticed her disapproval of the choice. "Oh, I am sorry for acting up Chuma. I surely am not unhappy about you joining us... well a bit maybe but... I am sorry. I know you always cared good for us." When Hakima and Hiba had been cubs they had a lot of fun with the old male. It had been the time before Chuma had become more and more of an eremite and when he had still been playing with the cubs. Chuma did not answer and Hakima also went silent. She felt that she had hurt the old male. She had heard the stories from her mother how he saved her when she had been a cub and she was sure her mother would not have liked it if she would hear her acting bad against him. She knew that Chuma was not on best terms with her mother since Harbuu and Kundaa took over the pack. Her mother had cried a few times over her own betrayal and because she ripped the thread between her and Chuma who was more than just a king for her, he was a father. In a sense this made Chuma her grandfather even though they were not related by blood and Hakima always saw him as this.

They arrived at the slope and Chuma looked around. "Didn't you say your sister and the other cubs are here?" Hakima panicked and went to the slope and there she saw Hiba with the three cubs at the bottom from head to tail covered in dust and dirt. "Sorry! I did not watch the other two carefully enough and they fell down here as well and I followed them to calm them down." Chuma also arrived and looked down the slope. "We will not be able to get them up here again over this slope." He said. "It is far too steep and slippery." He tested the ground and when he put a paw on the steep the earth just crumbled away. "What should we do?" asked Hakima and he noticed that she was beginning to get into a panic. "Just relax. We will get them out but we will have to take the long tour." He mentioned and pushed his paw into the direction of the forest. "This valley there goes on for a few miles and then it hits a river. If we follow the river a while we can get back here in half a day or a day depending on how far we make it." Hakima followed his direction and she seemed to calm down a bit. "But I think we will both have to jump down there. The cubs will not be able to run that far alone and one lion can only carry one cub at a time taking that they are three months already." He knew the three youngest of Sanura. They looked exactly like their mother just like their older sisters. They were smaller than other cubs just like Sanura had been and therefore they would manage to carry them. He took the lead and jumped on the slope that directly took him down to the 4 young females and a minute later Hakima also found her bravery and came down as well. While the girls calmed down the cubs Chuma noticed something that had been bothering him for a while. He thought that his nose had still the scent of the den inside but now he noticed that both Hakima and Hiba went into their heat. He was sure that the other males did not notice because of the heavy heat scent in the den, else Kundaa would not have waited to claim Hakima. All the princesses were promised to Kundaa because they were the children of Harbuu. Chuma did not bother to mention the state of their heat. If they were lucky and they could make if back fast, then Kundaa might still be able to produce some offspring with them. If not, he would have to wait a bit longer. It did not concern Chuma. He picked up one of the cubs by the nap and went ahead and when he waited a few steps away the other adult females imitated him and followed him with a muzzle full of cub. They followed the valley but the luck was not on their side. After a few minutes, water started to come down from above. It rarely rained but Chuma knew that when it did it poured down for a few hours. His fur was being washed and cleaned from the dust while he thought about the next move. If the river was rising it could be dangerous for the cubs. They needed to find a den that was dry to wait out the rain storm. For this season it was not uncommon for a rain to last for a day or longer.

He knew there was a den a bit upstream but they would have to go into the opposite direction of where they wanted to be. With the safety of the cubs in mind he turned to the left, upstream, when they hit the river. It was very small normally and they walked inside the river because the walls on both sides were too high to climb yet. All of them were soaked but Chuma managed to guide them to a small path that went away from the river over rocky ground and then up to a cave he discovered in one of his many journeys. The den was quite big and comfy and with the terrain around being rock and it being high over the river there was no danger of the rain washing out the ground and causing a landslide. He dropped off the cub and shook his fur until most of the water was out. Hakima and Hiba did the same before they licked the cubs dry. "We can wait for the rain to die down here. If we are lucky it will only last the night. If we are unlucky it might take one or two days." The girls were finished with the cubs who now snuggled up with each other exhausted. They moved in to Chuma. "Thank you for helping us. I think we would have drowned there without you." They started to groom his fur and for once Chuma allowed them. Half an hour later they finished their work and for once his fur was clean and silky again. Chuma purred and turned to the girls. "Thank you. I guess it is no bad to get a bath every now and then." He chuckled and his gaze fell upon the hind of the girls that turned around to look for the cubs. Their tails stood high and without them noticing they were giving him a full view on their puffy lips. The heat scent increased and the den was now swimming in the pheromones of the females. Chuma realized that he was alone with the girls, if he was not counting the cubs. There was no Harbuu or Kundaa here to stop him. The girls were in heat and most likely strongly in need so it would be easy for him to seduce them. Sure, if Kundaa would get wind of this he would kill Chuma but this was a once in a lifetime chance for the old male who just remembered that he was a male and felt his member push out of its pouch from the heavy scent. He crept up on the girls and took in the intoxicating lovely scent. When his nose hit the pussy of Hakima he heard the girl stop chatting and inhale strongly and then moan under his lick. Before the girl got to her sense he jumped atop of her like he had done so many times in his younger days. He still was as skillful as in his past with his bite in her neck and Hiba could only gasp in surprise when she saw Chuma mounting her sister and then he already pushed inside the young folds. The wet libido gave way to his tapered dick easily and when he pushed further he felt her hymen. He knew that Harbuu and Kundaa did not mount the girls if they were not in heat and he felt proud to make this female a woman. Hakima groaned loud when he took her virginity and pushed all the way through her cervix into the womb. The groan from his scraping barbs was already a bit more silent and soon the girl started to moan under him and her tunnel twitched slightly already. She sure was in need. Chuma suspected that she held on the whole day and that his penetration was making her forget about everything and swim in the pleasure. He did not have the speed of his younger days but he went with strong pushes and a calm pace. Chuma noticed that Hiba was getting aroused by just watching them. Instead of stopping them she fell to her side and started to lick her burning spade while Chuma made her sister moan and chirp so loud that the cubs woke up and watched the scene. Chuma came hard in Hakima and she also climaxed around him milking his member. Chuma enjoyed this first time in years where he felt the milking insides of a female. He pulled out and evaded the swipe of Hakima and while the girl rolled on the ground he had Hiba present to him already. He was sure the arousal and heat had made her forget that she was promised Kundaa and should not mate with Chuma but he was not about to wait until she remembered. He bit down and deflowered the second female in a row and with hard pushes made her moan after a minute of groans. Hiba was as tight as her sister. They reminded him of their mother when she had been crowned the queen. It all started back then. The betrayal of Sanura and the takeover of the younger males. But Chuma also remembers Cecille and his later cubs from Sanura and Cecille. Hiba was just like Sanura, just like Cecille, just like her sister Hakima. Chuma made her moan with long strokes sliding his member back and forth with the full length. He was scratching the insides of her tunnel with his barbs and made her moan and chirp in pleasure. The memory of the past vanished and Chuma just concentrated on the beautiful lioness under him. Hiba climaxed under him before he climaxed himself but he just pushed on prolonging the twitching of her tunnel until his balls contracted and filled her belly. He was not sure if this already sealed the fate of the sisters but there was a lot of time left for him to make sure they got pregnant. The rain did not even think about stopping and Hakima already presented for him mewling while he pulled out of Hiba and jumped back to evade her swipe. Like her sister Hiba also rolled around and Chuma knew that this would ensure that his seed would reach the eggs inside her faster.

The three cubs watched Chuma taking their sisters in turns for hours. The two older females did not stop presenting for him even when their energy was nearly depleted. They did not have the stamina of their mother. Harbuu and Kundaa did not regard the training of young girls much. They cared more about the quantity of their females than the quality but Chuma did not mind. When the girls collapsed he took them once each while they were lying on the ground panting until they were totally knocked out by their orgasm. Their pussies leaked his spunk on the ground and their bellies were slightly bulged from the quantity. Both of the girls were well bred and Chuma was sure that with this session their fate was completely decided. They would carry his cubs. Chuma turned to the cubs that were still watching him with big eyes. He knew that the cubs were mostly outside and Harbuu and Kundaa did not do it in front of them much. Not because they cared about it but because they mostly stayed inside when the females were in heat and the females with cubs went outside. This had most likely been the first encounter of them with mating. Chuma was not yet satisfied but a gaze on the sleeping lionesses told him that they would be out for a few hours at least. "Come here girls." He called out to the cubs. "You will help me with clean up with your cute little muzzles." He said it in a commanding tone and the cubs whimpered but followed his command hesitantly. He looked down at the cute kittens. "Well, go ahead and lick it." He told them presenting his still slick and half erect member. If he could not get the pussy of their sisters at the moment, he would at least get some muzzle. He missed the times when his cubs had given him a nice muzzle job every now and then. Hesitantly the cubs started to lick over his rod and while Malia and Sauti seemed to be too frightened to say something and slowly continued to lick, Tuni showed her dissatisfaction with the taste and spit it out. "Eerrw!" she commented. Chuma felt his member hardening again under the licks of Malia and Sauti but the attitude of Tuni made him angry. She looked so much like Sanura that his reminded him of the betrayal. She was the small Sanura but not like her mother in her younger days she was unwilling to suck him off. As if he was send back in time and Sanura was rejecting him as a cub. Sure Tuni was even younger than Sanura had been when he introduced her to this 'game'. She was at the age Chuma found Sanura. But something snapped inside of Chuma. Something that he suppressed all the past years. His anger and disappointment over the betrayal of Sanura and maybe also his growing need and arousal spoke to him.

Chuma grabbed Tuni and placed her in front of him blocking her chest with his paws while moving over her. She was small but he had done this in the past. Even though the cubs back then, even Bina, had been a bit bigger the method was the same. He would punish Sanura. For him it was not Tuni anymore but Sanura in her younger days. He did not hear the whimpers of the cub when he probed at her untested pussy and made it slippery with the pre that was exiting his tip. After a few minutes of foreplay he pushed in hard. His member only went in to a quarter but he heard the cries of Tuni and felt her hymen rip. He was sure that he did not yet slip all the way to her cervix but her tunnel clamped and made any advance impossible. He did not regard the cries of agony of the cub when he pulled back and pushed in again rubbing the tunnel of Tuni sore and stretching it with each stroke. He also did not see the fearful expression in the eyes of the other cubs and the two adult females when they woke up from the cries. The other girls were stunned and forced to watch how he was having his way with the small Tuni. Tuni grabbed around the tip of his dick that was half way inside her hard from the pain. For Chuma this was a nice feeling but for Tuni the barbs were hurting her a lot. Soon she lost her voice and only a husky whimper emitted from her muzzle while her tears ran down in streams. Chuma managed to establish a slow pace of strong thrusts that made her whimper every time he pulled or pushed. He felt the energy leaving the small body under him and the grip was not as strong anymore. With each push the cub stretched a bit more and he felt his member push in a bit further until it hit her cervix with his dick being inside her almost to the half. He felt his own orgasm approach and his dick already twitched. Eager he pushed stronger and just before his balls contracted he overpowered her young cervix and pushed into her small womb finally sinking in half of his dick. The whimpers had stopped and when Chuma looked down while he let his semen gush inside the small chamber he saw that the cub just lay exhausted in his paws and the belly started to bulge out. Tears still dripped down her cheeks but her expression showed that her mind already retreated and just relaxed and let the inescapable happen. The tight and soft inside wrapped around him strongly and he felt that he stretched her tunnel over the limit. His last spurts entered the small cub and her belly bulged and made the girth of the belly double its normal size. When Chuma pulled out of her the semen gushed out with some blood and he noticed from the lifeless body that dropped on the ground that Tuni lost her consciousness. Her nostrils still quivered which showed that she was still alive but she was exhausted and worn out by this act that was performed on her long before the time it normally would. He left Tuni lie on the ground and moved over to Hakima and Hiba who now were awake and watched him. He mounted Hakima and made her moan under him until she passed out exhausted again with two more batches of his spunk inside her. Hiba was next and she only lasted one climax of Chuma before she dropped down and fell asleep again.

He had Malia and Sauti lick his member until it got hard again after he moved Tuni close to Hakima so the cub could sleep pressed into the warm fur of Hakima. After he was hard again he grabbed Sauti and even if the cub whimpered it could not get out of his grasp. He overpowered the cub and put it in position like Tuni. Malia fled behind the sleeping Hiba shivering while Sauti emitted the same cries of agony Tuni did before. Chuma went even harder with the cub than with her sister before. He felt her hymen break and her tunnel stretch slowly with each of his jabs. He scratched her tunnel sore until the cub could not cry anymore and the tears only ran down silently while he still pushed in and knocked at her cervix. Like with her sister he finally broke her last barrier shortly before he let go of his streams and inseminated the infertile womb of the cub bulging out her belly strongly. He licked the cute face of Sauti while he pulled out and let her drop down exhausted. After cleaning the young body, he moved her next to Tuni and it took him a few minutes until he caught Malia who tried to hide behind Hiba and get away from him. Her shivering and fear had already drawn out most of her energy and when he finally put her into position and pierced her libido he felt her tunnel stretch around him and he ripped her hymen and directly knocked at her cervix. Malia cried much more silent because she already had less energy. Her clamping of the tunnel was weaker and Chuma overpowered her cervix much faster and pumped into the small tunnel that stretched more and more to accustom for the thick member that was being inserted. His first climax washed over Chuma and he filled the cub but he still pumped in and out of her with small movements. Some of his semen was pressed out when he pulled back and pushed in again but her belly was bulged strongly and she still groaned and huffed when he moved. With the stretching of her womb and tunnel she became more and more ready for the thick organ and when Chuma pushed all the way in poking painfully into the walls of the young female he felt his balls collide with the folds and clit of Malia while a dam broke loose inside him. He rolled to the side taking the cub with him and felt her belly inflate fast while he was pushing spurt after spurt of his thick seed into her. He felt her body contract in a small climax for herself. After the tunnel had turned numb his continuous pushes must have set something in motion in the small cub. The climax was not as strong as any other Chuma had felt yet but the twitching of her tunnel was clearly not from pain but from a small orgasm. Chuma let the cub milk him of his second load before he pulled out to not hurt the womb of the girl anymore. With a sigh the girl just collapsed and was knocked out from the exhaustion. He cleaned up Malia carefully and moved her next to her sisters before he moved over Hiba and pushed in earning a silent moan without waking the girl up. He rested on top of her deep in her womb and with small movements in and out pushed himself to his last climax this day. While his seed seeped into the female he lay his head over her shoulder and closed his eyes. This day had been like a dream he dreamed for a few years come true. He did not only get his revenge on Sanura, at least it felt like this for him, but also he mated with two beautiful lionesses in heat that were the split image of Sanura. With a purr he drifted off to his sleep.

[SotO] Chapter 15: The end of a long journey

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 15: The end of a long journey Chuma woke up with the moan of Hakima. His member had slipped out of Hiba over the night but he felt it grow with the scent around and poke at her libido. The male pushed in and earned a...

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