Summer Heat – Chapter 7: A phone call and ideas

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#7 of Summer Heat

A new Sunday, a new chapter. For those who have seen the movie S.H.I.T., you will notice what will come already. For the others: you will soon see.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 7: A phone call and ideas

The one waking him up the next morning, he overslept after the wild night with Lily again and just returned at the first light to his room, was Mara. They had a long talk in which Mara explained him all she learned about pregnancies and how their belly would swell and Zen was much more caring now that no heat tickled in his nose. He held Mara in an embrace and softly caressed her back while kissing her and telling her that she could always live with him. She was supposed to leave her parents' home anyway and already did a few days ago. Mara liked the idea of moving in with Zen but she still was afraid what his parents might say. Not only for her pregnancy but also for the one of Sierah. "What if they tell my mother?" - "We will figure out something. They are not home often and for the next 3 months definitely not." - "But in 3 months we will both most likely be showing our pregnancy." She replied but he pulled her close and kissed her. "Don't worry about it now. We will figure something out until then." - "And what about Lily then?" Mara brought up. "And Lily will have to go to school too. They will notice directly for both girls and I am not sure their parents will welcome it. I mean it is not like they could afford more cubs." Zen pondered. "We could kidnap her." He suggested but Mara shook her head and let out a protesting snort. "Common Zen. That would be an even bigger crime and in addition, where do you want to bring her afterwards? Hide her here in the house for the rest of her life?" she asked. "Well, until she got the cub for first would be enough but you are right. Kidnapping will not only make her parents worry even more but also make it even harder to hide her pregnancy." He pondered while his fingers trailed down into the pants of Mara and he scratched over her pussy and clit. His mind, occupied by Lily right now, longed for another go at the bunny girl. "How about the big forest in the mountain that is owned by my parents? It is no too far from here, just a few hours. No one will enter there because it is private property and we can hide her." - "I thought you just moved kidnapping off the list?" Mara moaned. She felt the stimulations of his paw and her pussy went a bit wet. "You are right but what if she would come there with the blessing of her parents?" - "You mean something like a summer camp?" she asked and he nodded. "Yes, a summer camp... sort of." He wiggled his finger inside her snatch and she moaned when he pushed it through her tunnel. His paw became drenched from her fluids. "But you forget school. For the summer this would work but then you could also just invite her here for the rest of the summer. Her parents would not object this either I guess. But what about the time when school starts?" - "So some kind of school?" he suggested. Mara moaned loud from his finger and got more and more horny. "You need... teachers for that and then... why would the school be all in the mountain?" - "Well, how about you and me? We got good grades and I would pay you to be one of the teachers." Mara started to twitch and Zen noticed that she was close to her orgasm. "Do you think... that they would believe... in a school just for her?" Zen doubled his afford and soon she came all over his paw and collapsed in his arms with a roar. She lay soft against his chest and twitched and panted. "Then we just do as if it is for more than just her. We could add my sister to it. My parents would not suspect anything if I was to admit her to this school. They are not home anyway. And maybe Angela's parents will admit her as well to this school. And we can just make them believe there were much more applicants." Mara took a few minutes until she calmed down from her orgasm and looked into his eyes. "And why should the school be in the mountains? How will we prevent the parents for coming for a visit? Why should the girls live there and not at home?" she asked again. "Well... because I am sponsoring it and... yes the school is there to prepare young girls to the time after school so that they learn how to live and survive on their own." He suggested. "You know... getting them to live without their parents for 1 year and teaching them to care for themselves with a group of other girls." - "But they are long before leaving school!" Mara gave to think. She still twitched and huffed and her pants were soaked but she seemed to be more focused on the topic now. "Well, never too early to learn about life, is it?" Zen smiled and kissed her. They discussed a few more details of the plan. Mara should be the teacher and head of the 'young girls school' while Zen was staying here to meet his parents when they came home. She would teach the girls all about pregnancies and what else she learned on the adult websites of the internet, even though it was considered a crime to teach this to cubs. With having graduated school both Zen and Mara were qualified to act as teachers. In Pan there was no university for that but just a few guidelines that could be found on the internet.

They were interrupted in their plans with the entry of Lily. The bunny girl stumbled into Zen's room and he directly saw that she was hard in need again. With Mara already knowing about her heat and what they did there was no sense in hiding it and so he directly beckoned Lily to his bed and started to kiss and finger her. When he removed her underwear the heat scent filled his room and Mara moved a bit to the side when she saw the lust entering Zen's eyes and he was bringing Lily into mating position. "So, how are we going to start this now?" she asked while Zen lined up with the pussy of Lily. "With a push." Was his answer and accompanied by loud moans of the bunny girl and him he pushed hard into her and started to pick up a fast rhythm. "You know what I mean." Answered Mara. "You set something up. Maybe at the internet. Write that the school is for free for a set number of girls as pilot project, founded by me." Mara looked at him going at it hard with Lily and sighed. She knew that with him pounding the girl this was not the time anymore to discuss it any further. She left the room and left Zen alone with Lily. She closed the door but their moans could be heard in the whole floor and she had a hard time to focus her mind because her pussy itched a bit from the heat scent of the girl and her recent orgasm. She moved downstairs to watch over Angela and Sierah who moved to the pool and sat next to it while browsing through the internet. She found a service that helped with creating a website by dragging the different boxes with text or pictures around and the whole morning she crafted the website for the 'School for young girls'. To fit the age of the three girls that they wanted to let in on this she made the possible age range from 8 to 12 and also put up a note that the fees were covered by the "Moons Education Foundation" for this pilot project. She added a terms of use that included that the parents were not allowed to visit the girls for the whole year and that they were not allowed cell phones and that the school would take over any responsibility for the wellbeing of the girls for the year. The start of the school should be with the school season was set to be in half a month when the normal schools would start. She also added an application button to send in the information for the girls and added an automatic response that they were accepted to safe the work of going through the application. It was just for Sierah, Lily and Angela after all if their parents agreed. Zen and Lily came out to the pool around noon. She looked a bit tired but Zen directly joined Mara and praised her for how far she got. He approved the website and with his credit card paid for the fee to have it pushed live for the next year. When the scent of Lily got stronger again, she could not wear the underwear under her swimsuit after all, Zen started to strip and pound her in front of all the other girls. With already being found out by Mara he did not care about them seeing and so it was left to Mara to explain why they were suddenly having sex. Their show made Sierah and Mara so aroused that they soon started to lick each other and they even included Angela and showed her how a girl could please another. After Lily was exhausted he took Sierah and Mara once each and then moved over to Angela. With her being aroused so much from the earlier licking his entry into the girl was much less painful than her first one and she even moaned a bit until both of them joined in a hard climax and he filled the girl while the other girls watched in disbelieve that he would even take the 8 years old deer.

Just when he calmed down a bit while his member still spurted a few loads of spunk into the deer making her bully bulge his mobile phone rang. He looked at it and it was his father's cell phone number. He put a finger on his muzzle to show the others to be silent and Angela even put her paws in front of her muzzle to muffle her soft moans. "Hello dad! What's up?" he greeted his father and then listened to his words. After a minute he replied. "You can't be serious." Even though his voice sounded like he was in disbelieve he smiled and pulled Angela closer and started to caress her belly and fondle her utters with his free paw. He felt her twitches increase again and she pressed her paws hard on her muzzle to hold in the moans while Zen enjoyed the feeling of her contractions and the spurts inside her womb. "For how long?" he asked and then listened to his father. "Three years? Are you crazy?" she shouted and the girls looked at him. "It is not about me not having a job right now. I am not her father and..." he was interrupted by his father and while he listened he moved back and forth between the clit of Angela and her utters caressing over the bulge where his knot was deep inside her. "If you put it that way then I guess I have to..." - "Okay, bite me. Just make sure that you come back after this time. And tell mom the same..." - "Yea, whatever!" he cut the line and put his phone on the table next to him. Angela bleated out loud and he felt another orgasm run through her little body. Zen hugged her and now caressed her utters with one hand and her clit with his other. "Good job to hold it in." he whispered with a smile and rocked slightly up and down while he felt his own climax closing in from her milking tunnels until he spurted a second time in the deer without even breaking the seal of his first time. Her belly bulged strongly and he whispered: "Too bad you are not in heat little deer."

"Was this father?" asked Sierah who had her eyes still glued on the bulging belly of Angela. "Yes and if it would not benefit out plans I would be angry for his dick move." Zen said a bit louder so that they could hear him over the moans of Angela who started to moan when his paw caressed her utters again. "Why? What did he say?" Zen grinned. "I am now officially your guardian. Remember uncle Bob? The one living in Europe?" Sierah nodded. Their uncle had visited them last year for a few days. He was as rich as his brother and ran some companies in Europe. "Well, they decided to stay with him for 3 years to build a new company for fashion together." Zen caressed the bulging belly of Angela. "They said that they will not come home for the next three years and I am in charge and should handle your education. For once I am happy that our parents are totally selfish." He chuckled and turned to Mara. "How is it going with the website?" - "All ready. It will take a day or two until it is online the website said. I set it so that you will receive the mails if they respond." Zen grinned. "You should edit something. We both will be teachers there. Now that my parents will not come home I will help you to teach them and we will have a great time." He caressed the belly of Angela who showed a mix of groans and moans from her stretching now that her climax died down. "And you two have to tell your parents that Sierah told you about this school and you want to go to the school with her." He mentioned. Angela and Lily nodded and Lily looked at him with a needy gaze. "When is my turn again? I feel super itchy again." It took a few more minutes until his knot shrank enough for Angela to deflate and even more until he could pull out but Lily directly jumped him. She did not care that his lap was full of semen. While Sierah brought Angela to the shower and helped her to clean up Zen took Lily hard and Mara returned to the work on the website. Only every once in a while she shot a look at the mating couple.

Summer Heat – Chapter 8: Unexpected events

# Summer Heat - Chapter 8: Unexpected events For the next two days Zen was mostly occupied with Lily until her heat declined and finally went away. Zen also took a break from mating after this time and they spend one more day together until it was...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 6: Late discovery

# Summer Heat - Chapter 6: Late discovery Lily looked as tired as Zen felt and Mara threw a few gazes at them both so that Zen was afraid she noticed something. Soon they went to play in the garden and Zen was able to sit down in a chair in the garden...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 5: Surprises

# Summer Heat - Chapter 5: Surprises Zen sat down and rested while he listened to the calm breath of the sleeping girl and felt his last spurts adding to the contribution inside the bunny's womb. His paw caressed her strongly bulged belly. It was...

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