Summer Heat – Chapter 5: Surprises

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#5 of Summer Heat

Another week passed, another chapter to release.

I hope you like this weeks chapter. How do they say about "licking blood"? In Zen's case it is something different.


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 5: Surprises

Zen sat down and rested while he listened to the calm breath of the sleeping girl and felt his last spurts adding to the contribution inside the bunny's womb. His paw caressed her strongly bulged belly. It was nearly twice it's normal size now and the teats at her belly poked out strongly. He felt his own exhaustion from going two times in a row and when his balls calmed down and his dick swam in the spunk inside the girl that was filled like a balloon he leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes. His paws still played with her nipples and even caressed over her clit but the sleeping bunny did not show any signs. He felt the pressure and the seal on her cervix from his dick and further down the second seal of his knot just behind her libido. He opened his eyes again and his gaze fell upon the remains of liquids on his cover from their act. A mix of semen and her juices started to dry already and then he looked down at the bulged belly and realized that it would make a mess of his room when he went flaccid now and pulled out. Slowly, not to wake the girl, he stood up and opened the door of his room. The combined bathroom and toilet was just a few meter away and he slipped in and closed the door of the bathroom before moving into the shower. It was silent in the house and Zen could hear the breath of the bunny girl and his steps on the tiles. He stood there in the shower, moaning and holding the girl in front of him, waiting for his member to go flaccid so that he could pull out. His tip already shrank down and a bit of spunk pushed passed the cervix and around his member. The knot held back the flow of the semen for two more minutes before it also shrank down enough to allow liquid to push past and tickle from her snatch over his base and balls. It was very slow at first but soon there was a stream gushing over his balls and then at the ground of the shower. It took three more minutes until he could pull out completely and saw down the bunny girl in the shower watching her empty faster and the bulge decreasing at a rapid pace.

The door crashed open and when Zen turned around in haste he saw the deer girl, Angela, close the lock that he forgot before and rush to the toilet. She pulled down her swimsuit and sat down before letting a strong stream of pee flow down into the water below her. When she sighed and looked around she glued her eyes on Zen in shock. "I... I am sorry... I..." she tried to apologize. Zen stood in front of her with sticky and dripping balls and a half erect member that also still was coated and dripping from his semen. Lily did not wake up but still sat in the shower with very small drops of semen still tickling out of her. "It is okay Angela." He calmed down the girl that totally was in panic about disturbing him at his shower and seeing him naked. She seemed to not have seen Lily. "How about you help me with cleaning up and we will forget this. We will not tell anyone about this okay?" he offered her with a smirk and the girl shyly nodded and looked down on the ground while her pee started to hit the water under her again. Zen had not thought about her accepting. It had been a quick idea when his mind processed the situation but without thinking he already moved to the girl with his balls dripping every step. He stopped right in front of the deer and with his paw he softly grabbed her yaw and pushed it up to face his balls. "Lick it clean, okay?" he asked with a warm and caring voice to not scare her even more. The girl threw an embarrassed look at him but she did not object but extended her tongue and started to lick his furry sack. He saw from her reaction that she did not like the taste but bravely she continued to lick away his semen from the fur to make up for her storming in on him. Zen moaned softly and his member started to get a bit harder again. The girl had a long tongue and it wrapped around his balls softly and massaged them. He looked down and saw that she was nearly finished with his balls and that his member was erect again and stood up straight. He pulled a bit back and still held her yaw when he aimed his member at her soft lips and pushed through them. She did not resist him when he pushed his member into her muzzle. It was soft, wet and warm. As a deer her muzzle was longer that the muzzle of Mara and Sierah had been and Zen did not hit the throat with his member being in up to his forming knot that pushed softly against her lips. He put a hand on her head and started to make her bob her head back and forth to slide along his member and after a few times she imitated the movement. Angela still seemed to be caught in her guilt and trying to make it up to him and so she did not object even though she did not even know what she was doing. "Try to suck it while you are going." Zen asked her softly and he felt that his knot was nearly completely formed again. The muzzlejob from the young girl felt even more amazing than from Mara or Sierah. They had a hard time to even take him this deep and never had been able to take his knot into their muzzle but the long muzzle of Angela was the perfect fit for giving him a pleasure very close to that inside of a vagina. When the girl started to suckle on his member while moving back and forth in small movements he moaned loud and closed his eyes for a moment. The tongue of her swirling around his member and the wet suctions felt amazing. Zen felt himself coming close to his orgasm and decided to try out if he could go even further. With his paws he softly made Angela open her muzzle a bit more and pushed forward spreading her yaws with his knot. Her teeth scrapped against his knot but they were not sharp like the ones of Sierah or Mara. They felt rather good and Zen put a bit more force into his push. He heard the girl gag under him and felt that he entered her throat with his tip. He eased a bit and pulled back to have the girl calm down. "Open your muzzle wide and try to get used to the feeling without gaging." He whispered and caressed her head. When he pushed the next time he saw her close her eyes and fight the gag reflex but he still felt it twitch around his tip and heard her cough. He eased out again and repeated this action a couple of times. Each time she gaged less and after the tenth time she only contracted a bit around his tip but did not cough anymore. Her eyes were slightly open and he caressed her head while he pushed his full knot into her muzzle. "You do a great job." He praised her and already felt his balls contracting and then the first spurts were sent down her throat. He noticed that he was just past her throat and therefore she did not need to gulp it down but he just shot it down her food canal and he saw the strong bursts of cum at her throat pushing through from the bulge that was his member. Her eyes popped open from the strange feeling of the gooey stuff flowing down her throat into her stomach but when Zen tried to pull back a bit he noticed that her lips sealed his knot inside her muzzle. It took him three advances and the help of his paws to make her open her muzzle again and pull his member back into her muzzle. It was accompanied by a cough and sneeze of Angela who got a few spurts into her trachea and cum started to leak from her nostrils before she started to gulp down hard and drink the rest of his cum. "Sorry to surprise you like that. I thought you might want to have a taste as well." Zen chuckled and caressed the head of the girl. "You are doing great and you look super cute." He whispered and he saw in her eyes that she was embarrassed but also happy about the praise. When his spurts subsided and she did not have to concentrate on gulping down so much she even started to suckle a bit on his member again and squeezed out the last drops of his semen. It nearly felt like she reluctantly let his member go when he pulled out after the last spurt. Her eyes looked like they were in a trance. "Thank you Angela." He said and licked over her nostrils to clean up the cum that leaked out before he pressed a soft kiss on her lips and even pushed his tongue into her muzzle. He tasted his own cum but he did not mind. He had tasted it before when he cleaned the girls after mating them. Deep inside he wondered what it would be like to mate with Angela and he decided that when the girl would get into heat he would definitely try it out with her. While he kissed her and crouched down in front of her he fondled her chest and belly. He caressed her teats that were located just between her belly and her mount and he also scratched softly over her folds that were small and smooth. He earned himself a moan that was muffled by the kiss and a minute later he decided to break the kiss and let the girl go. "Remember that this is our secret okay?" he told Angela and she nodded. "Do not tell anyone. Neither your friends or your family, can you promise me that?" The girl nodded again still being a bit beside herself from all that happened. Zen was sure that it had been a bit too much at once for the 8 years old girl. "Okay, then go change now." He told her and watched the girl leave the shower naked with her swimsuit in her paws.

Zen locked the door this time and started the shower. The water was flowing down on Lily and he cleaned up the girl and himself before he dried both and carried the sleeping girl into Sierah's room. The bunny girl woke up for a moment while he was washing her off but when he was drying her she fell asleep again. He could tell that she was very exhausted from their act. Angela was still in Sierah's room and helped him to find the pajamas of Lily and dress the girl before he put on the futon and placed the cover over her. He even remembered to put on her anti-scent underwear that he found in the bag. It took Zen twenty more minutes in his own room to clean up the mess they made, quickly wash out the swimsuit of Lily and put it into his sister's room. He went down to the others after he put on a shirt and a shorts. The deer girl seemed to still be thinking about their act before because she looked at him a few times and seemed a bit shyer than before. Zen however was the only one who noticed that. They ate their dinner and Mara asked Angela why she did not each much. The deer girl said that she was not that hungry and Zen was sure that he filled her stomach so much that she could not eat a full course now. "We will leave the rest in the fridge." Said Mara. "If one of you gets hungry later feel free to eat." Zen explained that Lily was fine but just exhausted and needed to rest and the others started to play a board game. After they finished, Sierah won hands down, everyone was tired and they decided to call it a night. Zen walked into his room and directly fell on his bed. He barely slipped off his shorts and just pulled his cover over himself being in his shirt and underwear. He was too tired to put on his pajamas.

Something pushed the arm of Zen and he was directly awake. He had a light sleep and he was used to his sister waking him up at night when she had a bad dream or something was wrong and by instinct always was directly full awake. It was dark in his room but the electric clock at the table next to his bed showed midnight. He turned around and expected his sister but he gasped in surprise when he saw the head of the bunny girl Lily. "What are you doing here?" he asked and she put a finger on her lips. With a look Zen confirmed that his door was closed and he was sure Lily wanted to show him that he should not wake up the others. "What gives me the honor of your nightly visit?" he asked again and the girl giggled. "I... well... it starts to itch again and I wanted to ask... if you can help me again?" Zen took a moment before he was sure that he understood right. He remembered all that happened the last evening and that the bunny girl was in heat. She seemed much pushier than his sister or Mara had been. They had been presenting to him but they did not wake him up for that. But who was he to deny the offer of the girl and so he smiled and nodded. "Okay, but did it not hurt you?" he asked. "No..." a gaze of him made her stop. "... okay it did at some times but it felt really good afterwards." This was enough of a confession for Zen to let out the male inside him. He helped Lily to slip off her pajamas and the anti-scent underwear. He was directly met with a strong scent of heat and for him it was no wonder that the girl was strongly in need. When she crawled on his bed she directly went into position and Zen lost his gear in a few seconds. Before he mounted her he took his underpants and held it in front of her muzzle. "Put this into your mouth. It will muffle your voice so that the others will not wake up. He heard the girl take in the air through her nose and with it his strong musk that was stuck to the cloth. Without any questions she stuffed his underpants into her muzzle making a silencing gag and then Zen moved over her and pushed into her soaked folds. Her groan was loud but with the silencing effect of her gag it was not loud enough to be heard outside of the room. Her scent had Zen hard and in need as well and he pushed into the girl hard and without break. Her tight folds stretched good around his thick member and he slapped her folds with his knot. The wet slaps were louder than her constant moans and even Zen had to control his voice to not moan out loud. The scent that occupied his room stimulated him in addition to the tight twitching around his member and he felt the growing need to push all the way inside her and fill the girl. When her orgasm started he increased his hard affords and earned a combination of moans and groans from the girl when he pushed his knot hard against her folds that still denied him entrance. One minute was all it took for him to overpower the resistance of her libido. With a sigh and a moan, he felt his knot sink into her hot and cramping folds and started to push hot semen into her still twitching womb. He pressed his pillow into his mouth to silent the howl that he felt coming inside. He was unable to totally suppress it but he held down on his voice and the pillow did the rest. For the first time since entering Lily he looked at the girl and saw that she was panting strongly but her moans were weaker now. He pulled out her gag to let her breathe freely. "How was it for you? Feel better now?" he asked the girl smiled bright. "That was exactly what I needed." She admitted and Zen felt over her big belly that stretched from his spunk. "I think we should move to a bathroom or else we will have a lot to clean up." He whispered but then he pondered. He could not take the bathroom close to his room. It was the closest one to his sister's room and if the girls would need to go they would discover them. He did not know how long they would mate but if it was for him they would not stop soon. He felt the growing need to push into this girl again as soon as their connection would break. "I think we should go to the bathroom at the other side of the house. There you can scream as loud as you want. No one will hear us." Their house was very big and so he knew that it was hard to even hear shouting from the bathroom on the ground floor that was on the other side. It was rarely used because this area was for guests of his parents and with his parents being home very rarely the rooms were empty most of the times. He knew that he only had to hold down his howls because it would be loud enough to even travel this distance. He picked up all their clothes and stood up. "Hold on tight." He told the bunny but she had problems because she was faced away from him. With him holding her and her sitting on his base still being held tight together by his knot he opened his door and they sneaked through the house as fast as possible. It took them ten minutes to reach the bathroom he was talking about and he turned on the lights now that they were far enough from his sister's room. He noticed that they did not make it one minute too late when he stepped into the shower and felt the seal of his knot break and cum dripping down his balls. A few minutes later his member slipped out of her used cunt and more semen gushed out of her folds and dripped from his balls and member that were showered in his own fluids.

They did not bother to clean the shower but just rested for a while and then Zen had Lily go into mating position again and mounted her with the pool of semen at the ground and his balls and member as well as her pussy still dripping from spunk. Zen did not go slow or took any consideration for Lily but pounded her hard and strong but the girl seemed to like it exactly this way. The room was filled with the scent of her heat and the moans of Zen and Lily as well as the wet slurping and smacking sounds of him pushing hard into the girl until he knotted her again and made a new bulge in her belly. With the resting that she did in the evening she showed much more endurance and they mated nearly the whole night until Zen noticed that it got a bit brighter outside through the window of the bathroom. They both panted hard by now as fatigue finally caught up with them. "I think we need to get you back into my sister's room." He whispered huffing because he just came. "Already?" the girl sounded as exhausted as he felt but she still seemed to not have enough. "If we do not want them to notice I think it is for the best." He pulled her close and caressed her nipples and fur which earned him a strong moan. "But we will have a few minutes until I can pull out anyway so let's enjoy it. And tomorrow night you can come again, okay?" The girl sighed and nodded. Zen noticed that she closed her eyes and he did the same while he put his head over hers and pressed his throat against her furry forehead. He also closed his eyes and focused on the twitching around his member, the calming breath of her, the relaxing of her body and his own contractions of the balls and the spurts inside her. He thanked his sister in thoughts that she had invited Lily for the sleepover. "I am happy that you came to visit us." He whispered without opining his eyes. "Me too." Admitted the girl and then they went silent and just listened to their heart beats and their breath. They took a shower after he finally slipped out and Zen made sure to help her and clean the fur around her nether region before she helped him to wash his balls. When she put on the anti-scent underwear, Zen noticed that a bit of spunk still dripped out of her folds but she seemed not to mind. Before the other woke up, Zen let Lily crawl back into her bed and he did the same with his bed. When Zen fell asleep he dreamed of Lily and Angela as well as of his sister and Mara. He could not wait for the heat of the other girls and with this dreams he rested until he was woken up at ten by his sister.

Summer Heat – Chapter 6: Late discovery

# Summer Heat - Chapter 6: Late discovery Lily looked as tired as Zen felt and Mara threw a few gazes at them both so that Zen was afraid she noticed something. Soon they went to play in the garden and Zen was able to sit down in a chair in the garden...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 4: Birthday Party

# Summer Heat - Chapter 4: Birthday Party The day went by in a flash and with every hour Zen gained more endurance. The girls moaned and cried in pleasure under him and he plunged them hard with his dick and knot. The heat of the girls grew stronger...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 3: Busted

# Summer Heat - Chapter 3: Busted Zen was woken up by something warm dripping into his sheath. When his mind slowly woke up he felt his member emerge and poke out and the drops directly hit the tip of his dick. A scent tickled in his nose and he...

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