Summer Heat – Chapter 4: Birthday Party

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#4 of Summer Heat

I am barely in time for the release today. :)

I hope you enjoy it. This is all still the beginning. :)


While this story is inspired by movies (like S.H.I.T.) and Games (like BSC) all characters and plot is original from me. I hold the rights on this story.

If you see any kind of similarity with another story it is not on purpose.

There are no intended copyright infrigments in this story.

Please do not repost or use the content without asking and linking this story.

(You can always create art from the story even without asking if you link the story and let me know of the art.)

For legal reasons all actors and characters in this story are adult (and considered to be adult).

This story is art and plays in a parallel world where no humans exist and where animals evolved into anthros. All in this story is fantasy and all similarities (except for country names for an easier understanding) to real persons, believes, races or nations are not intended. The content of the story or comments of the characters do NOT reflect the believes or thoughs of the author but are purely for entertainment. Please do NOT try this at home.

Adult notice: This story is an adult (R-Rated) story of anthro species having intercourse (including incest). The age range of the actors is 8-16. If you do not like this kind of content or if your are still a minor in your country (usually under 18) please stop reading this story directly.

Summer Heat - Chapter 4: Birthday Party

The day went by in a flash and with every hour Zen gained more endurance. The girls moaned and cried in pleasure under him and he plunged them hard with his dick and knot. The heat of the girls grew stronger and as much as Zen was aroused and in need to push into them they also felt in need to have him inside their pussies. Only the big clock destroyed the circle when it hit the eight mark with a loud gong and Mara, who was resting while the siblings were mating like their life depended on it, winced and looked up to the electronic clock in Zen's room. "I need to get ready to go home. I am supposed to get there by 9." - "Need a ride?" Zen offered while he moaned and pushed the knot into his sister who howled in her orgasm and soon after he joined in so that Mara had to repeat her answer afterwards." "It is okay. I will still make it if I go in ten minutes. I so wish I could stay here. You really helped me to lose a bit of this tension." She played with the cum that dripped out of her used cunt and then with a sight went to the bath room to take a shower. The siblings stayed locked together and moaning while they rode out their orgasm and when Mara came back they still were connected. "Tomorrow same time?" asked Zen while Mara pulled her anti-scent underwear over her wet pussy that still dropped small drips of cum. "I will try, but you know my parents." She rolled with her eyes and put on the rest of her gear. She noticed the strains that they left with all their mating and sighed. Then she was at the door. "Don't do too much without me." She laughed and both siblings moaned a goodbye to her before she left the room and closed the door.

The next days the air in Zen's room was filled with the scent of heat. Mara visited them again and cooked something to eat for all of them. Zen took her more than Sierah during the day because his sister had him at the nights all to herself. The strong interest of the girls to get mated lasted for four days until the last trace of their heat was gone and it was just Zen's request that made them get into position but the moans were exchanged with groans now and Zen soon noticed that it was not as pleasurable for them anymore and stopped to ask for it. He found out a new game that he read about on a website called "muzzlejob" where first his sister and the next day Mara suckled on his dick until he got his orgasm. It did not feel as good as plowing their pussies but he moaned and howled in his orgasm with each of the girls. The months got to an end and so came the next month August and the birthday of Mara closed in. For Zen the week afterwards was much more interesting because by his count, and if everything the books said about heat being every month, both his sister and Mara would get into heat and with that into the mood to mating again. They decided that Zen would throw her a coming to age party at their house for a few days with a sleep over and because Mara was now adult her parents did not stop her. They had her leave home after her birthday, that she celebrated with her whole family, and it was a relieve for them that Zen offered Mara to stay with them until she found her own apartment. Her parents gave Mara a password to unlock the adult parts of the internet, something that Zen's parents totally forgot and he never knew existed before. They planned to browse the internet at his home after the party to check up on all the information that they never had been able to access. But a big surprise was in for Zen when Mara came to him with all her luggage at the 15. August because it was not just her standing outside but with her a small deer and an even smaller bunny.

"Angela!" his sister ran past him and hugged the deer. "Lily!" now the bunny was the target of her hugs. "What... are they doing here?" Zen asked a bit hesitant. "They are my guests." Said Sierah. "I thought celebrating alone is not as much fun as with some more people and a sleepover is most fun with a group and so I called all my friends but only Angela and Lily were still here and not in vacation. Now Zen recognized the girls. The deer, Angela Larson, was actually 2 years younger than Sierah, 8. His sister had met her on a vacation sports group and she got good friends with her. Lily Flourenne, the bunny, was already 12 and a cute bunny like they made them. She was one of the senior members at Sierah's gymnastic team at school. Both of the girls had in common that their families would not go into holiday but stayed here and Sierah did a lot with them when she was home in the school breaks, what happened most of the times. Angela's father had a small farm and this was the busiest time for him. Zen spotted a bit of dirt on the nose and the fur of Angela and knew that she had helped her parents before coming here. Lily's parents were very poor and she had seven brothers and sisters. They could not afford to go into vacation and Zen remembered that Lily had always been happy to escape her house work when Sierah invited her to something. The big bags that stood next to them told Zen that they were prepared for a sleep over of a few days.

"Do their parents know and approve of them staying here for a few days?" he asked Sierah and Mara put a paw on his shoulder. "No worries, I talked to them and told them that I would also stay here and watch the girls." On the one hand Zen was happy that his sister would have someone to play for the next days but on the other hand he also was disappointed because he had wanted to have some fun with his sister and Mara if their heat came back. "Well then, get inside. I already ordered food and it should soon arrive." He mentioned and let all the girls in before closing the door. While they all settled in the food arrived and Zen prepared the table while all the girls prepared their sleeping places in Sierah's room. It was big enough to have ten more of the girls in it and they put out futons on the ground where the other girls could sleep. It was late already when Zen called them for dinner and they all ate with high appetite. Zen had ordered a bit more because he had not counted the two other girls in but when the new delivery came they all finished and found it to be enough already. Zen put the delivered food into the fridge for the next day. "What do you girls want to do now?" Zen asked. "Pool!" screamed Sierah but he stopped her. "No, not directly after eating, you know that." Mara sank back. She looked at Zen and her smile showed that she had been about to say the same to the girl." They decided to watch a movie for kids to pass the time and then the girls changed into their swimming suits and Zen into his trunks. Sierah gave one of her old swimsuits to Lily because the girl did not bring anything to swim with her but Angela had her own. Zen noticed that Lily was a bit hesitant and came out as the last with her swimsuit on. She seemed absent or even embarrassed about something and when she entered the water she yipped from the could touch. Zen kept a watch over the girl that acted strange in his opinion. Mara and the other girls were so into splashing with water that they seemed not to notice. After a while Lily left the pool and mumbled something about a bathroom break but she only got half to the house and then Zen saw her tripping and falling.

"You keep playing." He said to the girls that seemed to not have noticed it. "I will check if Lily hurt herself and bring her the first aid. Can you watch the two in the meanwhile?" Zen asked and Mara nodded. She also looked to Lily with a worried gaze because the girl did not standup yet. Zen closed in to Lily who was sobbing and picked her up to carry her into the house. She did not scratch herself but it seemed she just twisted her foot. Zen carried her inside and put her on the couch and then massaged the foot until Lily stopped shedding tears. He took a towel and started to dry the fur of Lily but then he noticed something. The swimsuits did not allow girls to wear the anti-scent underwear and it would also soak from water and with it missing he picked up a spicy scent from the girl and now also saw at the drying swim gear that her nether region was wet. He gulped and already felt his dick slowly creep out of its poach.

"Are you in heat Lily?" he asked and the girl nodded silently. "This explains that you seemed to not feel alright for the last hour. I noticed you were very uncomfortable but I feared you were ill." He picked her up with the towel under her back and turned to the stairs upwards where the bedrooms were. "Are you alright?" he asked while carrying her upstairs to his room. "It itches so strong." She replied. "Is it your first heat?" he asked but she shook her head and whispered. "My second. But my first was not so bad." She answered. The poor girl even shivered a bit. "When did it start?" he asked and just held the conversation running. "This morning. This is why mom had me wear my special underwear but for swimming I could not fit it into the swimsuit." Zen quickly processed the situation. He heard the muffled screams of joy from the pool outside. The girls were probably still occupied for at least an hour until they would come in. He felt his member poke against the fabrics of his trunks and the scent in his nose directly went to his brain and made it foggy. "I can show you something to make if feel better." He said already under the alluring effect of her heat scent. "But you have to promise to never tell anyone about it, okay?" The girl was clearly very confused and felt very uncomfortable because she did not think long about it. She nodded. "I will not tell anyone." - "Not even your parents, okay? And you have to do what I say." She nodded again and Zen put her on his bed. He had thought that the girls would ruin his plans but at this moment it looked like their visit blessed him with a new chance.

Lily moaned when he started to caress her dugs through the swimsuit and also rubbed her legs. She closed her eyes and the wet spot at her nether lips grew bigger. He went up and down her body with his paw feeling the warm wet spot and her legs and her cute camel toe with his paws. When he felt the clit against the fabrics he pushed his hand under the thin layer of cloth and directly massaged her pussy. Lily was so lost in the feeling and moans that she did not even notice when Zen slowly pulled down her swimsuit with each rub down her belly until he pulled it off completely and he had a full view on the naked bunny. Even though she was older she also was one head smaller than his sister because she was a bunny. Zen pulled her small slit a bit open and saw her hymen still intact and her clit poke out engorged. Her puffy lips were soft and swollen. He did a probing lick over her spade and earned a long moan of the bunny girl. He continued and her scent and taste grew stronger and made him hornier with each second. He lost his trunks and his member was standing hard and tall up against his stomach while his knot was still forming. Her cute moans increased until she shouted in pleasure when her maybe first orgasm came over her and she splashed her tasty liquid right into the muzzle of Zen.

The boy was not able to wait any longer. He flipped the girl on her belly and pulled up her rump. He bent his lower half strong enough to be able to bite her neck softly. She did moan but he was not sure if rabbits did this at all. He was very careful to not scare her or hurt her neck. Because it became to uncomfortable, because of her size, he decided to just hold her with his paws and let her nap go. His first thrust made her scream loud. Zen was happy that he closed the door so the chance that the girls outside heard the scream was a bit lower. He had broken her hymen and pushed deep inside her relaxed folds before she cramped up and denied further intrusion. He pulled back and thrusted forward again sliding in a bit deeper. Despite her being so small and tight he found out that her nether lips and tunnel stretched much easier than the one of Mara. He totally disregarded her cries and groans and japed into her with increasing pace and soon he felt himself knocking at her cervix when his now completely formed knot was barely touching her lips. "Relax a bit more." He whispered into her big ears and licked over her face to dry the tears before he pushed extra hard. His tip breached her cervix and moved in but his knot only got in to a quarter before it became too tight and her tunnel squeezed together. He thrusted again and he only got a bit further in but he started to establish a slow pace. The girl under him started to cry again from the pain of his stretching knot. Despite her pain he felt her fall into a small climax from the stimulation a few minutes later and he managed to nearly push his knot half way in at the tact of her spasm whenever she relaxed. Even if he already poked the back of her womb a few times he was set to cram all of himself into her. His next thrust was even stronger but he needed five mora and a lot of crying by the girl until he sank in deeper and her lips closed behind his knot. He felt his tip pierce into her chamber walls and spurt after spurt now escaped his climaxing dick while his balls squeezed and contracted like crazy. He pulled the bunny up and turned to sit down on his bed making himself slip a bit more inside when her weight pushed down on his base. He caressed her belly while the still groaning girl was filled with more spurts from his twitching balls. Her belly already had two bulges. One from the cum he pushed into her like a hose and one of the knot that was locked inside her. He caressed her nipples and pushed a bit up and down while his spurts did not want to stop and the groan of the girl slowly turned into moans again. Zen licked her head and face clean and whispered silent words into her ear while he rode out his orgasm. The girl was exhausted when his knot shrank down enough for him to pull out but the scent and the heat that had been around his dick prevented his aroused mind to go flaccid. Zen put the exhausted girl into position again and pounded her for a second time. She groaned less and moaned more but before he reached his second climax she climaxed herself and it knocked her out cold. Zen still pushed into her relaxing tunnel until he filled the already bulging girl with even more spunk.

Summer Heat – Chapter 5: Surprises

# Summer Heat - Chapter 5: Surprises Zen sat down and rested while he listened to the calm breath of the sleeping girl and felt his last spurts adding to the contribution inside the bunny's womb. His paw caressed her strongly bulged belly. It was...

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Summer Heat – Chapter 3: Busted

# Summer Heat - Chapter 3: Busted Zen was woken up by something warm dripping into his sheath. When his mind slowly woke up he felt his member emerge and poke out and the drops directly hit the tip of his dick. A scent tickled in his nose and he...

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[SotO] Chapter 13: Two more…

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 13: Two more... The hunt of the girls went good as they were as good hunters as their mother. Sanura was proud of her daughters and led them back to the main cave. Chuma had talked to her and his other wives and decided...

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