[SotO] Chapter 13: Two more…

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#13 of Shadow of the Oasis

With a short delay because of the website down time but here is the next chapter. I hope you like it. There are 2 more to go from here.


All characters in this story as well as the story are copyright by me (Imya). Please do not repost or use characters without permission. You may do fan art of the characters (this is very welcome) but please link the story to the fan art.

This story is pure fictional and meant for entertainment only. All actions and characters in the story are pure fantasy and in a fantasy world.

This is a pure fictional story is an artwork for the purpose of entertainment. Any similarities with real persons are unintended and any content of the story does not reflect the opinions or suggestions by the author.

The age circle in this story does not follow human standards but the standards for each respective animal that was used as reference for the characters. For legal reasons all actors of this story are adults (in this fantasy world).

This story does contain sexual and erotic content of feral big cats also involving cubs and adolescent big cats of different species with an adult lion.

If you are under the legal age for your country (normally 18),feel offended by this or do not like this kind of content please do not read any further. For the rest: Please enjoy.

Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 13: Two more...

The hunt of the girls went good as they were as good hunters as their mother. Sanura was proud of her daughters and led them back to the main cave. Chuma had talked to her and his other wives and decided to do a slightly different ceremony for the princesses. Like her mother all should see when they were losing their virginity. Unlike his other daughters Chuma openly talked about what would come with the girls on the way back and together with Sanura he explained that as princesses they had to show bravery and strength at this tradition and make sure to present their virginity willingly to him and bear the pain and show their obedience and love for their father. The girls looked a bit afraid of what was going to happen when they heard that it would hurt at the start. In the den they were reluctant and hesitant but when Chuma commanded Nia to stand in the middle of all others and lift her tail she slowly put her legs into a wider stance as if to pee and lifted her tail up. Chuma marveled in the view of her cute pussy and licked over it. The girl was a bit aroused already, most likely from the explanation he and her mother gave her before, and he tasted her innocent girl juice and made her moan. He took his time, talked to her, explained her that she was now welcomed into adulthood and as a princess will learn how to serve a king and accept the future of the pride, the cubs, with dignity. Just when she relaxed from the pleasure that ran through her snatch he bit down and moved atop of her. Her face changed when he pushed into her taking her hymen and innocence in one go and spearing her cervix before her muscles locked up and clamped around his member in pain.

Nia groaned loud and let out a small screech before she seemed to remember the lecture before and tried to fight down the will to cry out loud. Tears flew over her cheeks and she sobbed but bit her teeth together and suppressed the urge to let her voice go. Only whimpers and groans left her muzzle afterwards when Chuma took her hard and scratched her tunnel sore with his barbed member. Chuma enjoyed the tight tunnel that clamped from the pain until her tunnel went numb around his rod. He moaned and purred into the ear of Nia while he pumped in and out of his daughter and princess. He did not pull out after his first climax but just pushed through it. When he filled her the second time he rested for a moment but after the spurts started to move again through the now numb tunnel of Nia and with her finally beginning to moan he pushed himself to a third climax that finally also brought Nia to orgasm. When he let go of her neck her legs gave in and she collapsed on the ground exhausted while his member slipped out of her abused cunt. Bina helped her to get up and move a bit to the side where she could rest. She directly closed her eyes while the spunk of Chuma still dripped out of her cunt. Her cervix sealed the rest of it inside when her belly was only slightly bulged and she put her head on the forelegs, too tired to watch the ceremony of her sisters.

Chuma could see fear in the eyes of Sanji when she moved up but the girl bravely raised her tail to the ceilling and stood there for him to inspect her. He repeated the procedure he did with her sister. He licked her until she relaxed and the fear left her facial expression and then he bit down and mounted her. Like her sister she was not able to suppress all of the pain and she cried out loud before fighting hard to hold it back. Her tears flew even stronger than for her sister but she did not wimper as much and closed her eyes shut to fight against this pain in her loins that Chuma's dick was causing. When Chuma climaxed the second time in Sanji making her belly bulging out he noticed that Bina distracted Cecille a bit while getting her ready for her turn. The panther licked the pussy of Cecille making the girl squirm and moan while her sister under Chuma still groaned. Chuma smiled and increased his pace while the last spurts still shot into Sanji. After his third shot inside the girl he released her neck and like her sister the energy of Sanji was depleated and Bina helped her to get next to Nia while Chuma led Cecille into the middle of the den.

The ground already swam in the semen that had gushed out of the other girls with some blood of their defloration mixed in. Cecille stepped into the puddle carefully sniffing at the liquid and licking a bit off her paw. She obviously did not like the taste or smell but put on a brave face when she opened her backside for Chuma. The girl was already leaking juices from the actions of Bina. Chuma directly went to work and lapped away her girl juices. It tasted mild but wonderful for Chuma and increased his mating drive with each lap. He continued like this until the pussy under his tongue twitched and Cecille first sprayed more of her girl juices into his face and then started to pee. Chuma waited for the stream to subside and then licked the remains from his daughters pussy before moving on top of her and biting down. Chuma was not sure if it was the pleasure roaming through the nether region of Cecille, her just dying down orgasm or if the girl just was so good at keeping it in but she only groaned a bit and did not cry when he pierced through her hymen and cervix in one go. Chuma directly went at it with a frenzy pace scratching the unprepared tunnel of Cecille with his barbs and earning more groans and a few tears from the princess. From her recent climax her tunnel was much more lubricated than her sisters had been and Chuma pushed and pulled easily moaning in pleasure from her clenching wet tunnel. He already climaxed and spurted his white seed into her womb but he continued without slowing down. Even when he came a second time making her belly bulge out a bit he did not stop and with the third time he just slowed down but did not stop. The girl under him started to moan and with all the extra lubricant of his semen he slipped in and out more easily now. Cecille reached her own orgasm but Chuma pushed through it, prolonging her climax and the milking contractions around his member. Her orgasm was still going on when he came a fourth time inside her but he still was not satisfied with his daughter. The face of the princess showed that she was also lost in pleasure. She had her eyes half shut and moaned with her muzzle slightly opened. The love daze was written all over her face and her tunnel did not stop twitching around the thick organ that was inside her for the fifth climax already. Her belly showed a clear bulge even though a lot of his semen gushed out every time he pulled back until only his tip was inside her snatch. Her legs began to wobble a bit but she held on while the barbs only caused electric jolts of pleasure inside her numb tunnel and kept her orgasm rolling. When her legs gave in at his sixth orgasm Chuma crouched down while he softly held her body with his bite in her neck to slowly put her down. He laid atop of her with her exhausted body still twitching around his spraying dick. He felt the pressure increase when her belly hit the ground and pressure was put on her bulge. She groaned and Chuma released her neck while he bottled her up by resting deep inside her folds. He licked over her head and ears and whispered: "You are doing great my girl. You are a very talented princess and the male that will get you when you are in heat will be blessed."

Cecille did not answer. She was to caught in the pain of the pressure in her womb, the pleasure of her slowly dying orgasm and all the other feelings that mixed inside her. She closed her eyes and put the head on her paws while Chuma felt his climax nearing again from the weak milking of her tunnel. He did very slow and small movements back and forth with his hip to not break the seal but a bit of his semen pressed out and coated her tunnel. Not enough though to relieve the princess from the pressure and soon he added new pressure with his seventh climax inside her without pulling out. He stayed inside her stretching womb while his spurts went on and he felt that the totally depleted girl went to sleep like her sisters.

Chuma woke up Nia and took her a few times and then Sanji. None of the both had the endurance or pleasure that Cecille felt and in the end Chuma went back to his favorite girl and while he felt his own exhaustion pile up and the waterfall was dark from the night he pushed into the girl one last time and then settled for the night while feeling his seed spurting into her womb and seeing Sanura snuggle up with her other daughters to keep them warm. From all the hunting traditions this one had been the most fun for Chuma and at least Cecille had shown real royal behavior and proven herself to be the child of the insatiable Chuma.

The next morning started with the powerful scent of fresh heat. It was still very faint for each girl but three girls in heat made it an intoxicating cocktail for Chuma. That their heat came so fast did not give him time to think about his actions if this happened. He controlled himself hard to jump the girls in front of all the others and because their heat was just beginning they were not yet so strongly in need to present to him. "Come with me girls." He told them when they stood up and went towards the waterfall. Only a few of the others were awake including Sanura who looked at him. "I can't think with this air around me and I will weight my options. I hope you will accept whatever I decide." He whispered and Sanura nodded. Chuma went back to snuggle his head against hers and then led the three young ladies in heat outside.

They took a long stroll through their lands while Chuma was silent for the most time and the girls began to giggle now and then. They started to feel the effect of the heat and the burning need crawl up inside them. They were oblivious to the troubles of Chuma. He was sure to go upwind of them but still his member swayed hard under him and dripped pre here and there. After an hour he stopped and turned around to the girls that also stopped. "You..." he suddenly perked up his ears and put his nose into the air. He smelled something that did not belong in these lands. "Go behind the bush there..." he hastily whispered and even if the girls did not understand what was happening they followed his command because they heard the alarming undertone in his voice. They went behind some big bushes good twenty meters downwind and with the scent totally vanishing from his nose his member slowly retracted into its pouch while Chuma turned upwind and his nostrils were quivering.

A feline smell went into his nose. And on top of it he smelled that they were male. There were at least two of them. His ears picked up the cracking of some branches and he scanned the direction while he crouched behind a bush. Two lions slowly walked through the forest. From their actions it was clear that they had not picked up Chuma or the girls. He thanked the wind that the males were not downwind because they would have smelled the heat of the girls from miles away. They were male lions and the bigger one was as big as Chuma, with dark fur, a black mane and a strong build. The slightly smaller male also had dark fur and a dark, but not black, mane. His build was smaller and thinner but still it showed strength. Chuma scanned every part of their bodies. From the defenseless and naïve way of moving, they were not very old and even less experienced. From the way their mane was matted they were running around as rouges with no contact to any female or caring pride for at least one or two years. From the fullness and value of their mane Chuma assumed the bigger one to be around four years old and the smaller one around three. Their fur was so on sync that they were most likely brothers but from different mothers. There seemed to be too few months between them to be from the same lioness. Chuma was still strong and with 7 years in his best age and with much more experience. Even though he did not have to fight much in the last years he was sure he could handle both of the intruders.

"Good Morning young fellas!" he suddenly spoke loudly and stepped directly into the way of the lions when they were just a few steps away. The younger lion jumped back and hid half behind his big brother while the bigger one also took one step back. Chuma saw that he tried to put up a strong front but in his eyes he could read that he had not expected to meet another male lion here and that he was also not prepared for a fight. The strong and confident posture of Chuma seemed to make him insecure and careful. "Good morning sir." He answered with a low voice lowering his head which showed that he was not confronting Chuma but being submissive. "I did not see you here before. Who are you and where did you come from?" Chuma still eyes them carefully and with authority. At the same time his voice did not suggest them any danger but he used a warm and gentle tone to greet them like guests. With his daughters nearby he did not want to risk a fight either.

"Well... yes sir. We come from far away and are on our journey for nearly two years now. We... I mean my brother Kundaa and me." - "What is your name?" Chuma asked and nearly chuckled from the wince of the other male. He sensed that he tried to be as polite as possible and that he just noticed that he might have done a mistake by not naming himself first. "Harbuu..." he added fast and then he continued while looking up to Chuma: "We came across this oasis and avoided the man village. We thought we could find water here if..." he hesitated. "...if you would allow us to drink the water if we find some here." Chuma smiled. The young lions were no thread and they seemed nice. A thought began to form in his head. "Sure, no problem. If you want, I can show you the way to a river." He answered. "I am Chuma by the way." He added as if he just remembered that he had a name. "I was on a morning stroll with my daughters and there is nothing wrong to take a detour. It is not far."

Chuma saw that the lions had not have much water in the past days because the younger lion lost his shyness and came forward with a sign of relieve in his face that spoke more than any words. "Follow me!" he commanded and went towards the bushes where his daughters waited. "These are three of my daughters. Their names are Ai, Amica and Chichi." He explained when he told them to get out of the hiding. Chuma saw that the boys were very shy and that they directly got aroused from the smell of his daughters. Their penises poked out of their pouches. "Harbuu and Kundaa need to get some water quickly." Explained Chuma. "Mind to show us the way?" he asked and the girls giggled while turning around and running in front of the males. Chuma carefully watched the reaction of the newcomers. They surely were attracted by his girls and he knew that no lion could fight the smell of heat without getting aroused. He himself showed a hard member between his legs and all three males were dripping pre on the ground. When they reached the river Chuma let them drink their fill while he also took a little bit of water and continued to watch them. The girls jumped into the river and took a bath before they shook off the water and licked each other dry a good ten meters away from the males.

"What do you think of my daughters?" he asked Harbuu who had only been ogling at them in the last minute hovering his open muzzle a bit over the water. The male quickly closed his mouth and gulped down a bit of water. "They are..." he gulped again nervously. "... beautiful." He finished his sentence. "They are slenderer than any lioness I have seen and their fur has a very nice marking." Chuma chuckled. "Yes, their mother is a Cheetah." He explained and Harbuu moved his muzzle to the water to take another mouth full of water and after he gulped it down without moving his eyes away from them he said: "That explains their lovely look." Chuma knew that his daughters were something that you would not see often and their exotic look was appealing for males. In addition, they stood in the wind and their scent of heat was all over the males now making it very hard for them to control their instinct. Harbuu and Kundaa seemed to be too afraid of Chuma to follow the instinct. His presence was a better control on them than his own control was for him. Harbuu's nostrils flared and Chuma did not miss this sign. "Yes, they are in heat." He stated and saw how Harbuu pushed his head in the water to hide the fact that he lusted after the girls. "Are you interested?"

Harbuu looked at Chuma for a few seconds before he was sure that he understood him correctly. "Well, of course sir..." - "Chuma" - "erm... yes Chuma. How could I not be?" "Do you and your brother have any experience with females?" Chuma asked. "Not yet. We did not meet any other lion since we were sent away from our pride by our father. Chuma nodded. It was normal for fathers to push their sons away but from what he had seen so far their father did not prepare them much for the life in the wild. "Then I have a purposal for you." Chuma said to him. "How about this. You can stay with our pride and you can mate with my daughters as long as you keep your paws off my females and do as I say as your king." Chuma was pleased with his decision. He could not mate all his daughters even if he wanted to. It just felt wrong and he knew that a healthy pride needed more than one male for protection but also for healthy cubs. "This will be a lot of work for you though." He added. "I have six females and each of them had at least one litter so far. "How could we say 'No' to such an offer." The younger lion asked and added fast. "We accept all your conditions naturally." Chuma was sure that they would be obedient and follow his command. In addition, they were strong and with training they would be good protectors of the pride and what was as important they would be fathers of strong cubs for his daughters. "To complete this agreement, what do you two think of a bit fun?" Chuma asked. "We are three males and there are three females. How about you pick one each and we see how much my girls can teach you?" Harbuu and Kundaa looked like they could not believe their luck. They were sure still virgins like they said before. "Who do you pick Harbuu?" he asked and the young male pointed at Chichi. "Chichi? A good choice. What about you Kundaa?" the youngest male shyly pointed at Amica who was at the other side. "Amica! This leaves Ai for me. Let me show you how it is done. Make sure to bite them in the right spot. You will feel a ripple go through their body if you do. After this just let your instinct go."

Chuma approached his girls from behind and without a word directly went for Ai. He pushed his nose under her tail inhaling her strong heat scent and licked over her snatch which made her moan and lift her tail high into the air. He heard the moan of the other girls as well as the boys when they licked the hot and sweet nectar for the first time. The heat was talking to his girls and they moved into wide stances giving the three males the best access without even wondering about their advance. When Chuma was satisfied with the amount of girl juice around Ai's pussy he jumped atop of her back and bit her neck waiting for the youngsters to imitate him. They took three tries each before they hit the right spot but at this time all three males pushed in together and their females moaned in unison from the pleasure of their dicks pushing through their tunnel. There was no stopping for the young males anymore. Chuma saw that they went in a frenzy and the heat of the girls made them all moan in ecstasy. Chuma went for a far slower pace and when the two youngsters came into his girls and roared he still made Ai moan with long and deep thrusts. When the boys dismounted his daughters swiped for them by instinct. Harbuu was able to barely evade but Kundaa was hit and left dumb folded while the girls started to roll on the ground mewling. "Don't worry Kundaa. It is just their instinct." He calmed down the young male. "Just make sure to be prepared the next time you pull out of a female in heat." He chuckled and concentrated on his own task. While licking the neck and head of Ai he slid back and forth and felt her climax approaching. He pushed in a last time and with his strong spurts in her womb she also climaxed around his thick member. When he dismounted he backed off to evade the swipe of Ai but the girl was not as fast or intense with her swipe because she still was coming down from her orgasm. She rolled around like her sisters and after a minute all of them stood up again and presented for the males. On his command they all mounted again and the young boys had the right spot to bite down this time on their first time. The heat had the girls crazy and they let go all of their thoughts for their mating instincts. They moaned under the males and after the third filling even stopped to swipe. It took a few climaxes of the young males until their females got their first climax while Ai already had her third. Even though the young males went very fast the girls did not exhaust as fast as Ai. The reason was because Ai was experiencing ongoing twirling orgasms with high peaks and a constant twitching of her tunnel which drained her energy faster. Ai was the first to get wobbly legs and drop down softly guided by Chuma and soon after he saw first Kundaa and then Harbuu stumble after pulling out and falling to the side exhausted. The girls still had the energy to roll around and present again but the males were too exhausted to jump them again.

"You need to work on your techniques and stamina." Said Chuma and approached Amica. "You need to make sure that your female is satisfied and will exhaust before you. How would you else service more than one girl?" and with this is mounted Amica. The girl moaned loud when his thick dick pushed through her well lubricated heated folds. He ran his full barbed length through her tunnel back and forth making her mewl and come close to her orgasm in no time and when he was still pushing she entered an orgasm that was kept alive from his pushes. He came twice inside her before the girl's energy was depleted. He softly guided her to lay down and pulled out paining her tail and hind with his last spurts before turning to Chichi. His third daughter at hand held out a bit longer and he filled her three times but finally she also laid down and put her head on her paws to rest.

He stepped over Kundaa and held his half erect member into his face. "Why don't you clean me up for finishing your job?" he asked. The young male was not very happy about the proposal and wrinkled his nose. "It looks like I need to show you obedience." Chuma said and moved to the rear of Kundaa. Before the young male could do much, and in his exhausted state there was not much he could do to fight the strong male anyways, Chuma already mounted him and pushed his slick member into his tight tail hole. The boy groaned loud for a few minutes until his ass was sore and went numb and pain started to turn into pleasure. He moaned before Chuma climaxed in him painting his inside white. When he went to the head of Kundaa the younger male willingly directly went to work with cleaning his member and taking it into his muzzle. Chuma moved over to Harbuu who watched the whole scene but did not interfere. If it was because he was exhausted or because he showed his obedience Chuma did not know. He mounted to bigger youngster as well without even testing if he was willing to suck him off and the result was the same as with his brother. After he painted his tight ass with his spunk as well he got the male to clean him and Harbuu even suckled on his dick until he came a second time.

Chuma let all the young rest while he kept watch and two hours later he urged them to return to the den because it was already past noon and he did not want the others to wonder where they were. The other females welcomed the new males with a bit of reservation. Chuma explained that they were only allowed to mate with females he assigned to them and introduced all the females to them starting with his queen Sanura.

The next weeks the new members of the pride slowly found their way into the new life. They learned how to hunt from Chuma and when Kabisa went into heat they double-teamed her. Together they managed to tire Kabisa out before dropping out themselves. With Binti and Basima they worked on their stamina taking the girls without break while Chuma watched over their efforts when he was not mounting Sanura who also was in heat. With Kali and Kisima finally getting into heat they showed their progress in making the girls orgasm multiple times and not resting until it was sleep time. The training of Chuma had turned them in nearly as good breeding machines as Chuma was one himself. The only thing they still lacked a bit was his years of experience. The girls excepted them after a while and snuggled up with them at night. They went on scouting missions together and Chuma suspected that they even trained their stamina by mating with each other because sometimes when the males had been gone on a "walk" alone they came back with damp fur under their tail.

And finally the day came when the princesses, Sanura's first born, went into their first heat. Like with their mother Chuma made a big even out of the princesses first reception of cubs that took place in the middle of their big den and the girls standing in the middle of all the others females. Chuma reserved his favorite girl of them, Cicille, for himself while Harbuu decided to select the soft Nia and Kundaa the playful Sanji. The girls had been prepared for weeks already and knew that each of them had their designated male for their first heat. All eyes watched them when the males circled around them and started to please their pussy and clit with their tongues. The younger males imitated Chuma but he had told them before already in which order they would please the girls. He was experienced to provide the most pleasure for a female in heat and his experience proved to be very useful for his princesses. Once they entered the girls while they were still in their climax from the oral job they received the girls did not stop to mewl and moan while the males speed up and slowed down their pace every now and then. The girls tunnels contracted all the time in their spiraling orgasm milking the members while they scratched the walls of their caverns with the barbs. The males came hard while continuing to push in and out and soon the bellies of the young ladies bulged and showed how much they fit inside their womb. Like Chuma did with Sanura they did not pull out. They rested atop the females, got water and meat from the others and either humped them or held their members inside while thick semen gushed into the waiting fertile wombs. Sometimes they pulled out a bit to let out their semen if the pressure was too strong inside but soon they pumped again and filled a fresh batch into the females. Three days and three nights they never left the snatch of their female for more than one minute. Even when the girls could not hold out on their legs anymore and laid down the males just crouched a bit lower and continued their session until their energy was depleted. Then they rested atop of the girls while their member was deep inside and as soon as their energy was replenished or they woke up from a short nap again they started to move inside of the cute girls. Some of the females showed their tribute to the males by licking their balls while they were resting and a few of the cubs imitated them. In the weeks after this event the pride got a bit calmer again. Only Cicille, who still was antsy even though her heat ended, still sneaked around Chuma and provoked him to mount her a few times until her horniness finally also went away and she went back to giggle with her sisters and talk about all their growing bellies. For Chuma these days would never be forgotten. The days where his pride was prospering and he was at the top of his strength and health with as many females as he wanted and two strong subordinate males that took care of the females he could or did not want to mate.

In the following years the pride grew and it was usual that every now and then a group of young females or males went on a journey to search for a new home, an own pride or just adventures. Because some left every few months their home did not grow to small and they still fit the rest of the felines into the big den.

[SotO] Chapter 14: Coup d’état

# Shadow of the Oasis - Chapter 14: Coup d'état Years passed by and the time did not stand still for Chuma. He just had his ninth birthday and the age showed in his joints that started to hurt now and then. He also was not as strong as he had been in...

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