Wild Ch. 1: Confession and Prayer

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#1 of Love in the Wild

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

This not only contains sex, it contains...*looks about and whispers* incest OMG! *giggles*

Yes, we are fully aware that the correct pronouns used to refer to a herm are "shi" and "hir" (in fact, I count this as being one of the main things I took away from my first year at college :P). But Nauta decided he doesn't like using that when the herm leans pretty far on the male side; plus, he has herms he does call "shi," so any herms out there, just relax. Kay? *thumbs up*

On a side note, this story is of great importance to me as it details two of my firsts: the first time I RPed live (on AIM) and the first time one of my characters did something sexual.

Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Stormtalon reclined on the nest of furs and cloth, his eyes closed and wings relaxed as he lay there, catching some shut-eye as the sun shone low over the horizon, bathing the cave, as well as his silver and white feathers and fur, and blue abdomen, in a soft orange glow. His deep blue eyes were closed to block the glare the sun cast off of the cave's lagoon as he basked in the sun's warmth. The twenty-one-year-old griffon's hunting equipment and leather armor were piled in a corner of the shallow cavern, and he wore his usual clothing, pants and a button-down shirt, over his muscular and well-built frame; one would never think he had female reproductive organs to go along with his male bits.

Nivalis, four years Storm's junior, was taking a little longer than usual, but he had actually been back early. He was outside of the cave, thinking over something that had been troubling him for a while and wouldn't leave him alone. He came back early because he couldn't concentrate on foraging. Finally, the primarily-tundra-griffon hybrid decided that he had no choice but to tell his brother about it and hope Storm didn't hate him. He walked into the cave, set his gatherings down, and walked over to Storm.

The bigger griffon's ears perked as he heard rustling outside, and the gentle steps of his brother's feet on the ground echoing lightly off the rocky walls of the cave. He narrowly opened one eye, looking over at the younger white griffon, perking the corners of his mouth in a smile. "Welcome back, bro" he said softly, shifting to sit up.

Niv nodded and smiled, but his smile lacked some of the radiance it normally had. "Have a good day?"

"Oh, more or less, I'm a little sore from hunting..." He looked upon his brother with curiosity, tilting his head slightly and noting Nivalis's discontent. "Are you all right, Niv?"

"Yeah. Just had something on my mind..." His heart skipped a beat as he knew that the moment of judgment would soon arrive.

Storm patted the furs next to him. "Come, sit down and talk to me. I'm always here to listen to you; you know that."

Niv gulped and sat down. He looked Storm in the eyes (it took a lot of his willpower to do so) and took a deep breath. "Storm, you know I love you, right?"

"Of course I do, hon, you never have to tell me." He gently kissed his brother's forehead, a bit of an unusual gesture for a griffon. "And I love you, with all my heart."

Niv smiled a bit sadly. "Well, therein lies the problem..." He reached over and held Storm's bigger hands in his.

Storm squeezed Niv's hand and looked into his eyes. "Yes, Niv...?"

He returned his brother's gaze with his light blue, nearly white, eyes. "Um...I have two problems. First...uh...I'm...I-I'm..."

His beak slowly gaped in loving amusement of his little brother's shyness. "You're...." He put a wing around the smaller griffon affectionately.

"I know it can work this way with non-anthros but..." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and blurted, "StormIthinkI'mbi!!"

Stormtalon chuckled softly, but in a manner that was obviously lighthearted, and gently scritched Niv's head. "Aw, you do? Why do you think that?"

Nivalis let out a sigh of relief that Storm wasn't angry at him...yet. "Well, you know I like to watch the wildlife mate. But...I recently found that I was just as aroused by seeing the males become excited as I always have the females." It wasn't untrue, but it wasn't what he really wanted to say...or the real reason why he thought so.

He smiled wider, petting his brother back through his shirt, fanning his other wing out in a stretch and flicking an ear. "Well, you know how I feel about that kind of stuff...as a herm, no matter who I'm with, I'm bi."

Niv let out a soft laugh in spite of himself, trying to maintain his somber mood. "Well, I guess that's true enough." His expression became serious again. "But there's the other thing I need to tell you."

"Okay bro, you know I think it's cute that you're discovering this about yourself." He gave Niv's beak a gentle rub with a finger. "When I was your age I didn't have anyone to confide things in. I had to learn them all by myself."

He cocked his head in curiosity. "Not even mom and dad?"

"Mom and dad died before then, you know," he said quietly, his smile fading somewhat. He'd raised his brother alone the last five years, and learned a lot about himself in that time from the responsibility. "So what is it that you want to tell me?"

Niv's sorrow returned, and deepened as he realized that there was no backing out now. He took one of Storm's hands and held it in his own, letting the other hand go. "It's a lot bigger news than telling you my sexuality. Promise me that if you hate me because of it..." he moved Storm's hand so it was at his neck, "you won't hesitate..." He couldn't hold his tears in anymore and started sobbing openly.

He watched as his brother held his hand, looking at him lovingly and compassionately, pulling him closer as he started sobbing and folding his wings around him. "Aww, it's okay Niv, I'll always love you no matter what...please don't worry."

He winced as Storm said that he loved him. He pulled away from the hug, still crying, and managed to control himself enough to speak. "I'm not sure about that, but I'll always love you. And that's exactly the problem."

Storm looked confused, and nuzzled his brother's cheek lightly. "Why is that a problem, hon?"

"Well...I do love you. I love everything about you. I love how you've taken such good care of me. I love how you've always been here for me. I love you as a brother..." He lowered his head and averted his gaze to the floor before closing his eyes. He opened his beak and tried to speak but nothing came out the first few times before he whispered, "...And more."

"And...more?" Storm asked softly, giving Niv a gentle lick over his forehead, cradling him closer to his warm body. "When I told you I loved you no matter what, I meant it..."

Nivalis let his tears flow as he cried into his brother's shoulder. "I'm sorry, Storm...but I can't stay with you anymore...I don't want to make you reject my feelings over and over, I love you too much to want you to do that."

His hands stroked his brother's smaller body, gently petting over the smaller griffon's clothing and over his neck and arms while kissing his neck and gently preening his fur. "Yes you can, you can stay with me. You need to stay with me Niv, you can't make it out there alone...and neither can I." He let out a gentle sigh, rubbing his cheek against his brother's. "I love you...any and every way the word can mean."

Niv's eyes widened in astonishment. He loved his brother as more than a brother...and Storm felt the same way for him? He had braced himself for Storm to kill him or cast him out into the wilderness, but...he didn't know what to do. So he let his unconscious mind take over by nuzzling the side of Storm's face and licking his cheek.

Stormtalon smiled, closing his own eyes as his hand strayed down Niv's back to gently brush against his rump, holding him in his lap and purring loudly in love and affection. "Mmm, Niv...nothing could ever make me love you less, or leave you...you're everything to me."

His tears were now tears of happiness as a joyful smile spread across his face and he started purring as well. "And you're everything to me, Storm." He felt a stirring under his groin and blushed.

"That's all that matters...whatever we call it...is just icing on the cake, sweetie," he said with a giggle, scritching behind Niv's ears and flicking his tail playfully, the prominent bulge of his own male parts under his pants unintentionally pushing up against his brother's.

He pulled back from their embrace with a shy grin, his eyes darting back and forth from Storm's eyes to Storm's pants. "Do you...want to..."

It took a few moments for Storm to realize what Niv was getting at, his own sheath having firmed up slightly from their embrace. He eyed Niv's own prominent arousal and blushed noticeably. "Oh, um, hehe...I uh...I've never..." he stammered, somewhat embarrassed that he was as inexperienced at sex as his little brother.

He looked away, the same grin on his face. "I haven't either...but the animals...usually start by pawing at each other." He let his hand trail down Storm's stomach, pausing midway so Storm could get the idea.

Storm's breaths began to quicken and he felt the warmth in his crotch increasing just from his brother's touch on his flat, toned stomach. He leaned back slightly to give Niv more access to his body. "Ooh, hehe, well I suppose...I've never felt someone else's hands on my...crotch..."

Niv said nothing but an "Mmm," in response as his inexperienced hands continued downward. He looked with great interest at his brother's crotch as his own shaft hardened. He moved his hands over the growing bulge, up and down his brother's shaft.

The big maleherm gasped and squirmed slightly, fanning his wings and arching his back as he felt the touch of another for the first time, even through the thin fabric of his pants, cause his sheath to harden quickly, pushing the fabric further out and his legs spreading as his scent became intoxicating, a combination of male and female arousal. "Ohhh Niv, that feels so good...don't stop..."

He smiled at the knowledge that he could give his brother such pleasure with no personal experience. He also started to think that he should take his brother's pants off first, but Storm told him to continue, and he wouldn't deny him; plus, the air was so laden with pheromones that his bisexual brain was only half-functioning. He kept rubbing Storm's shaft, no longer embarrassed to stare. Then he moved his head down and started nuzzling it at the same time as one of his hands moved to caress Storm's nethers.

Storm moaned and writhed beneath Niv's careful ministrations, pushing his hips against the hands rubbing his shaft, and then his brother's beak, feeling the smooth and hard object pressing against his emerging shaft and ballsack. His cunny grew damp while pre leaked from his shaft, creating damp spots over both that steadily grew. "Mmmf, I'm gonna...oooh, Niv...!"

Niv saw that his instincts were proving reliable, which was just as well, since being something of a druid he knew the power of instinct, so he listened to them again and went for the kill. He withdrew his hands from Storm's privates and quickly forced them down the waist of Storm's pants. One hand grasped Storm's shaft as best it could as the other reached between Storm's thighs to slip a finger into Storm's folds. Finally, he pressed his beak hard against Storm's shaft and moved it up and down the organ, not hard enough to hurt him but enough to apply a good amount of pressure.

The big griffon gasped as he felt his brother's hands invading his pants, and a sharper breath as they touched his hot, throbbing flesh. His sex clenched tightly around the fingers inside of it. It was a matter of seconds before he let out a mix of a screech and a roar, thrusting his hips against Niv's and shooting ropes of cum into his pants, soaking them quickly and splashing Niv's beak as the combined force of his climax caused the button to burst on them. "Ohhh gods, Niv!"

He grinned in satisfaction from feeling Storm climax...and in a combination of love and lust from the smell and feel of the cum around both of his hands. He kept his hands and beak where they were, covered in Storm's cum. But when the button popped off, he was able to move his hands in even deeper, firmly grasping Storm's cum-covered penis and jacking him off as he continued to spurt.

Stormtalon moaned as Niv gripped his slippery, slimy cock, grunting and opening his eyes slowly with a silly grin on his beak, pulling his brother closer and laying back as the front opening of his pants slid down from Niv's arm. "Mmmf, I can't believe I just did that...I haven't pawed in a while...guess it built up, heh," he said as he looked at his brother with loving eyes, relaxed and satisfied.

Niv returned Storm's loving gaze and nodded. "I'm glad I could give you pleasure. You don't have to do the same if you're too tired." He then lay down on Storm's front and nuzzled Storm's throat.

Storm lifted his head at the nuzzle, groaning a bit and purring again as his claws lightly grazed Niv's back, the cum in his pants soaking through into Niv's as well. "Mmmm, I just need a minute to...hmm..." He got a mischievous glint in his eye. "Say bro, how would you like to cum inside of me?"

He froze at that. "...Um...I know this kind of makes us mates now, but...I don't know..."

He sat up, feeling even more daring about the fact that he was a herm. "I mean, you fingered me, but I think you should stick something else inside me, something that belongs there." He reached a hand down to grope his brother, gently feeling Niv's stiff shaft and ballsack. "Besides, I want to feel something inside of me...and nothing and no one more so than my brother."

Niv grunted at the feeling while a pang of love and longing entered his heart. "That's so sweet, Storm...but...what if you get pregnant? I don't know if I'm ready to be a parent...even though I'd love to have a grifflet with you..."

"You're not gonna get me pregnant silly, you're too young," Storm said, only half-convinced himself, sitting up and roughly taking off his pants, exposing his shaft and cum-soaked blue crotch fur, his large sac, and swollen femininity, starting to undo the buttons of his shirt. "Besides, I'm probably sterile, most herms are."

He winced at hearing Storm say that he was probably sterile. The joy and love on his face faded back to sorrow. "...But...but...I may not be ready to be a parent now, but I want to be a parent someday, and I want to be a parent of your grifflet." He sniffed and embraced Storm as hard as he could.

Storm blushed harder, sitting with his shirt open and holding Niv against his body, sighing and purring at the same time. "Oh, sweetie...let's just take what we have: each other. At the very least, I can mate with you as a female could...and give you as much pleasure as I possibly can."

He calmed down a bit, smiled at Storm, and took a deep breath. "...Okay. Let's become mates. I'll pray with everything I have that you can get pregnant, but I'll just keep hoping that my prayers will be answered, and I'll never give up on them."

"Not ready yet, but praying that you knock me up?" Storm giggled, getting to his knees and gently pushing Niv onto his back, straddling his body and dripping fluids onto his pants. "Mmmm, you do confuse me, love, but I adore you anyway."

"Well...I can't put my hesitation before the ability to bear children." He looked up at his brother-turned-lover and felt his desire grow as Storm's juices trickled onto his clothes. "You know me. I may contradict myself at times, but I just want to do the best I can." Then he looked at the bit of damage he did to Storm's pants. "I seem to have broken your clothes...perhaps you should do the same to me?" he asked, smiling.

With his own body stripped nude, he took his brother's shirt in his claws and gave it a firm tug, popping the buttons apart and exposing Niv from neck to waist, stroking the soft white fur with his hands. "Mmm, you're so cute..."

Niv purred as Storm ran his hands over his fur. "I know. I guess you got the big strong body while I got the short end of that stick."

"I worked out more. You could have a build like mine if you wanted, bro. I could help you," he said with a playful smirk, imagining his brother with his own build, and his shaft pulsing with renewed arousal. "Let's just say that if I get pregnant, I'll have to stop serving in the cavalry, and if I don't, we can try again, so either way is good." His fingers caressed Niv's small nipples nestled within his fur.

He grunted again at the feeling of Storm's hands on the sensitive spots. "Nah, I like being cute. I'm a decent hunter myself." Then a thought crossed his mind. "This is your first time too, right? Will it...hurt?"

Storm realized, as he reached down with a hand, he hadn't considered that. He began to carefully work on Niv's pants, popping the button off and letting the back of his fingers brush along his brother's cock while stroking Niv's chest with his other hand, Storm's own nipples standing out rather firmly from his flat chest. "Yeah, it might, I don't know...but it'll be worth it."

Niv gasped as Storm touched his cock, now throbbing with his rapid heartbeat. "Well *pant* just tell me when you're ready. And if you *ssss* want to, you can take me as well."

"Well see, bro...you're gonna get soaked when I cum anyway." He giggled and gently pulled Niv's penis up, letting his slick folds tease the head of his brother's shaft and drip honey down his length, his own cock bobbing in front of him and dripping onto Niv's belly as he slowly lowered himself onto the smaller griffon. "Oooho, just, slowly...mmmf, you're bigger than I was at your age."

Despite the pleasure of Storm's sex, Niv felt a sympathy pain from Storm, so he held Storm's hands in his own. "Just take your time and squeeze my hands if it hurts."

Storm nodded and squeezed Niv's hand in kind, and slowly took his brother inside of him. Halfway in he yelped and winced as he felt his hymen rupture, a trickle of blood running down Niv's shaft as Storm settled atop his cock, feeling it pulsing firmly inside him. "Oooooh gods, you're...you're inside me...mmmf..."

Niv cried out at being inside and flinched from Storm's yelp of pain. He gently kneaded Storm's hands with his own. "It's okay, it'll only hurt for a bit, then there will only be pleasure."

Storm gasped and leaned back, moaning and riding his body against his brother's, squeezing and milking Niv's shaft with his slick walls while pre spurted out over Niv's chest, splattering his fur with the warm fluid. "Oooh it feels so good bro."

Seeing that his brother wasn't in pain anymore, Niv thrust his hips to meet Storm's. It took a little while, but they soon worked out a rhythm. He hissed and grunted as Storm rode him. Then Storm's neglected shaft caught his eye, and, curling his back, he started to lick the organ as best he could, using one hand to hold it relatively steady. Although Niv's mind was a haze of desire and pleasure, he did still have some rational thought: *Animals, from the smallest flea to the greatest whale...and plants, from the unsprouted seed to the most ancient tree...*

"Oooh man Niv, you're so good," he whispered between pants of pleasure, coating his brother's beak in pre and rapidly approaching his peak. Honey coated Niv's balls and what was left of his pants around his hips, tightening and stroking in rhythm with their bodies, his hands firmly holding his brother's sides as he rode Niv's shaft. "Almost...mmmf...there..."

Niv was too far gone to respond in words, instead picking up his pace. He could feel the tightening in his balls that signaled that he was fast approaching climax. *I ask that you lend my brother and me your spirit so that my brother can bear young if he couldn't already, even if just once. If not now, then in the future...!*

Stormtalon clenched his beak and cried out most ungriffonlike, his vagina closing tightly around Niv's shaft as honey spurted from his passage and fountains of hot spunk showered the younger griffon's front, Storm's cock pulsing and throbbing in Niv's hand as he bucked and shouting in pleasure, "Oooooh yessssss!!"

Nivalis felt his balls clench and just before he came, he thought, *All of you, please! Share your energy with us!* At that, he let out a mix of a roar and the cry of a bird of prey as he exchanged virginities with his brother once and for all, filling him with spurt after spurt of griffoncum. He came so hard that he had to disengage his hands from his brother's body for fear of hurting him as he dug his claws into the furs on which they were mating. His whole front upper torso and face was covered in both female and male cum.

The bigger griffon crouched over Nivalis as his brother unloaded cum into Storm's womb, keeping his vaginal muscled tightly gripped onto Niv's cock as the last of his own cum sprayed out onto Niv's chest, grunting softly and gently rubbing his cheek to his brother's, panting and swaying his tail in pleasure. "Oooh gods...that's incredible..."

Niv kept cumming for longer than he had ever done when just pawing off. Finally, he gave a last spurt and collapsed onto his back. His breathing was hoarse and coming in gasps. "Sorry to...sound like such...a weakling...but I take it...you're not up for...round three..."

Storm giggled, sliding a finger through the mess on his brother's chest and licking it off his finger, leaning down to nuzzle and kiss Niv's beak. "Mmm, I think I drained my sac with those loads hon, maybe later on tonight I can mount you instead." He grinned and began to gently preen Niv's neck with loving precision. "I love you so much, Niv."

Niv turned his head to lick Storm's face. He was so drained from the strain that he was seeing spots everywhere and his heartbeat was pounding in his ears. He took a bit to catch his breath before he could speak. "And I *wheeze* love you too, Storm." He shook his head to try to clear his senses. "Just, let me catch my breath."

He nodded and gently rested his body on top of Niv, making sure that Niv could handle the weight and letting Niv's shaft stay planted inside of him. He felt the warm seed inside his womb. Could his brother really have knocked him up? Storm kind of hoped not, but he knew that it would be cause to rejoice if Niv had. He didn't think they could afford for him to be carrying a child and looking out for both of them at the same time. But if it happened, it happened.

After-story disclaimer: Yes, the prayer Niv was thinking is based on stuff Goku of Dragonball Z says while using the Spirit Bomb. So what? I find it inspiring ^_^

Wild Ch. 2: Wish Granted

Love in the Wild Chapter 2: Wish Granted This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Enough of my "critique discouraged" stuff....

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Tides Ch. 2.5: Happy Family-To-Be

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is...

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Tides Ch. 2: A Lover In Need

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is...

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