Tides Ch. 2: A Lover In Need

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex.

Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is only encouraged when it has to do with spelling and grammar, and grammar outside of dialogue since those errors there are probably my fault anyway. In other words, we like how it is written whether it's the best it can be or not.

Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain and Kera (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Speedo (c) someone other than us.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Rain knelt in front of the porcelain altar, breathing heavily from fatigue and dizziness. She groaned and rubbed her stomach.

A very wet and exhausted Hobie opened the cabin door after hours of surfing, his toned, athletic adolescent body clad in a tight blue Speedo, his belly bearing the small but noticeable lump of his three-month-old pregnancy at the waistband as he leaned his surfboard up against the outside of the cabin. "Rain? Where are ya, honey?" he called out, stepping into the home and dripping all over.

She called out in a tired voice, "I'm in here hon- urk!" She was cut short as she felt her stomach clench again. She leaned over the bowl and waited for what she knew was coming.

Hobie rushed across the wood floor to the bathroom, a short trip considering that the cabin only had several rooms, frowning as he crouched down to put his wet arm around her, doing his best to not get her clothing too damp. "Oh, honey, is the pup giving you trouble again?"

She couldn't answer as her breakfast came back up with an "Urrrpshh!" She panted and whimpered for a few seconds before her heavy breathing returned. "Yeah...it's almost 11:00 and I'm still having morning sickness. This pup's making its presence known early."

He sighed softly, giving her neck a kiss and slowly standing up. "I'm going to call Kera; she'll know what to do." He walked to the phone on a desk nearby and dialed Kera.

Rain flushed the toilet and rose to her feet, rinsing her mouth out with some mouthwash before she made her way to the couch and lied down, closing her eyes and continuing to take deep breaths. She idly rubbed her still-hidden womb, whispering, "Sweetheart, please try to take it easy on me, my body needs time to get used to you."

After a few rings, Kera's voice answered. "Kera Hsagra speaking."

Hobie looked over at his lover with great concern. "Hello Kera, it's Hobie. Rain's not feeling well, it seems she's having a lot of nausea and can't keep anything down."

"Mm hmm...how long has this been going on? And is she feeling any other signs of distress?" On her end of the line, the Latias Pokémorph was writing this down in a notepad she always kept on her person for these occasions.

Hobie looked around as he thought. "A while, actually, but it's getting worse. I'll ask her." He held the phone to his chest and called out, "Rain, how long have you been feeling this way?"

Rain called to him, "All this week for sure, but I've felt a little uneasy for the last three weeks at least, to say nothing of sore breasts and other hormonal imbalances." She shrugged helplessly.

Hobie spoke into the phone again, "She says that it's been like this for the last three weeks, along with sore breasts and other hormonal imbalances, but she's been feeling really bad for this entire week." He whimpered a bit and lowered his voice. "In fact, two nights ago she had a nightmare where she dreamt that," he paused for a second, saddened, "she got so sick that she died." He gathered his thoughts and spoke normally again. "Yeah...I never had these problems when I was where she is, and I'm really worried about her...shouldn't girls have it easier, considering...well, you know?"

Kera shook her head. "Well, she's still going through puberty more than you are so her hormones have to be crossing a lot of wires. You're also in all-around better shape, what with surfing and such. I doubt it's much more than a frying circuit board, to continue the wire analogy, but if you'd like, I can come and take a look at you both."

"That's a good point," he said, blushing about her comments regarding his being in better shape, chuckling a little to himself. "Well, you're always a welcome guest in our home, and I know I'd feel better to have you here...I'm sure Rain would appreciate the diagnosis in person. Price is no concern. And is there anything you could think of that might help with her discomfort?" he asked, his concern for his lover evident in his to-the-point tone of voice.

Kera smiled. "Of course price is no concern, you love her. But don't worry; I think you would have learned by now that I'm not interested in money, in fact it's my pleasure to be welcomed into a home where I'm needed. I'll be over at...hmm...1:00 work?"

Hobie nodded. *And I'm rich,* he thought with a smirk. "That would be fine. We'll be ready for you."

Kera chuckled. "Okay, see you later. Until then, just have her relax and eat some saltines and drink some ginger ale, if you have any around. Some fresh air will probably do her good as well. Unless you have anything else you need to talk about, go tend to her."

"No, I think that's all for now, thank you Kera. Bye bye." He hung up the phone and went over to Rain's side, crouching down next to the couch and stroking her head. "I'm going to get you something to relax your tummy, okay love? Kera'll be on her way over in a couple hours."

Rain smiled at him and nodded, still tired from her recent sickness. "Okay, hon. Thanks for being so good to bothersome little me," she said with a giggle and a scratch of the top of his head.

He murred at the scritch, smiling at his lover and looking into her eyes deeply for a moment before he stood up, turning to the kitchen. He picked out some saltines, poured two glasses of ginger ale, and brought them back to Rain on a tray. "Here, sweetheart. Have some of these, they'll help."

She took a bite out of one of the crackers and smiled. She rested her hand on her flat tummy and smiled lovingly at it and then at Hobie. "I think this one's going to be quite the fireball. A week short of two months and already giving us a run for our money." She giggled again.

"Yeah. I didn't have problems this late. I mean, my first month sucked. And having to hide it." He chuckled softly, leaning back against the couch and munching crackers. "They thought I had mono for a month, and I prayed that they were right even though the truth was looming in front of me. I just told them I was eating a lot of fast food. My buddies, that is..." he trailed off a bit. "I'm going to miss them."

She sensed her lover's unhappiness and hugged him as best she could, murring. "You're not going to be away forever, you know. I certainly don't hold exclusive rights to you. Once the pups are born and we're all ready, we can go back." She kissed the top of his head.

"Yes, but that's no-" he stopped himself, putting a hand on his tummy. "Six months for me...and I'm not going anywhere until you and both of the pups are comfortable, so make that at least eight months." He bit his lip and sipped his ginger ale. "Wow, can you believe it? How many couples both get to bear their children?"

Rain moved her head so her face was parallel to his and said, "I think it's an incredible thing. We'll both go through this together and we'll be able to help each other have our pups. And I don't want to share it with anyone more than with you, honey." She licked behind his ears.

Hobie flicked his small ears and giggled happily, leaning over to kiss Rain's cheek - he would kiss her muzzle, but he did walk in on her hunched over the toilet. Instead, he gently pawed at her t-shirt and leaned in to nuzzle her flat sleek belly, feeling his sheath stirring at the sight, knowing his pup was nestled beneath her skin. "You are so beautiful, Rain."

She murred in pleasure at being shown affection by her lover and fellow parent-to-be. She leaned back and closed her eyes, smiling and blissed out. "Mmm, that's so nice...especially knowing that someone's in there despite all the trouble he or she is putting me though." She scratched behind his ears and let herself be loved as she blindly looked for Hobie's tummy with her hand.

He kneeled on the floor beside her, his belly now within range of her hand, as he gently and lovingly nuzzled her lower tummy, slowly drawing his tongue across her short fur, tasting her unique flavor and feeling his Speedo growing tighter. "Mmmm it'll be so worth it."

She started drifting off both from fatigue at being sick and from being so serene. She tried to stay awake but couldn't. She was just too at peace with everything for the moment. "Yeah, it will be." At that, she lost consciousness.

Hobie sensed she was falling asleep as he kissed and licked her tummy, sitting up and smiling at her calm beauty, laying down against the couch and closing his eyes, not leaving his lover's side.

The sound of a boat horn woke Rain from her slumber. She stretched and looked at the time: 12:58. "Wow, almost right on time." She gently nudged Hobie.

He squeaked quietly, dry by now and stretched out on the floor on his back, flinching slightly and flicking his tail. "Unnnf...not now mom..." He let out a sigh, not waking.

She waited for a second and nudged him harder. "Hon, wake up, Kera's here."

"What? Huh?" He sat up and blinked, looking around, putting a hand to his forehead and groaning. "Ooh man. How long was I asleep...?" He looked at Rain, smiling gently and flicking his tail happily. "Oh, now I feel better."

She smiled and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, knowing that he probably wasn't too keen on letting her kiss him yet. "Good afternoon. Now wake up, sleepyhead, we have a guest." She rose and started to walk to the door but felt a bit of dizziness again. She leaned against a wall and shook her head, sighing. "Yes, and I gather that you're awake in there as well," she said, patting her tummy.

Hobie bolted to his feet as Rain stumbled, his hands on her shoulders to help her steady herself. "Ohh...you're still dizzy?" He whimpered a bit, looking out the window, thankful Kera was here. A hand slid over her own on her tummy, just holding her close to him.

Rain nodded. "Yeah. Guess I stood up too fast." She took a few deep breaths and stood upright. "Okay, that wasn't so bad. Now let's go see Kera." On cue, the horn sounded again.

He nodded, walking with an arm around his lover's waist as they walked out the door, still clad in his Speedo but no longer aroused.

Kera waved to them from her boat before stepping onto the dock. "Hi you two lovebirds!" she called as she took a waterproof suitcase from the boat and walked up to meet them.

Hobie waved, smiling at her greeting and stroking Rain's back. "Hello Kera. Hope the trip wasn't too hard."

"It's good to see you as well, Kera," Rain said.

Kera smiled radiantly at them. "Oh no, I've done trips like these before..." She raised an eyebrow playfully at Hobie. "Though you look as if you were going to come to me." Both she and Rain chuckled.

Hobie blushed and scratched the back of his head. "I was out surfing earlier, and then I fell asleep with her." He pecked Rain's cheek and wiggled happily. "I did as you suggested. I think it helped some."

Rain nodded. "Yep. Been asleep pretty much since you called. Had a bit of dizziness when I got up, but not as bad as it's been."

"Well, let's have a look at you, then. Shall we go inside?" Kera asked.

"Certainly, mi casa su casa." Hobie led the way and opened the door, offering Kera inside.

Kera smiled to Hobie. "Thank you good sir," she said before walking inside with her suitcase. Rain followed her in. Hobie closed the door behind them and walked over to the couch, taking the opportunity to clean up the dishes from earlier.

Kera sat down on the couch and patted the spot next to her, inviting Rain to do the same. She opened her suitcase and took out a stethoscope. "All right, hon, turn around and take some deep breaths." Rain did so and Kera put the scope to her back, listening intently. The otterboy returned from the kitchen, standing to watch Kera and his lover, intrigued by what Kera was doing.

After a little while, Kera nodded. "Sounding good. Now turn around and I'll listen from the other side. You said your breasts are sore lately?" Rain nodded. "I'll try to be gentle, don't worry."

Hobie chuckled a bit, looking down at his own chest, feeling his nipples. Odd, they were a touch sore too. From the saltwater, he figured.

Kera moved the instrument over Rain's chest, eventually causing Rain to wince a little. "Oh, I'm sorry, I see you weren't kidding."

Rain closed her eyes. "It's okay, some spots are just more sensitive than others." She blushed a bit as she thought of how Hobie made a point to explore those sensitivities.

He just flicked his tail quietly and watched. "Are you going to examine me too, Kera?" he asked innocently.

Kera looked over at him and smiled. "Yes, dear, but I'm mostly here to make sure she's all right." She put the stethoscope back in her suitcase and took out another instrument for measuring blood pressure. As the device worked, Kera asked them, "So, have you been thinking of names or anything yet?"

Hobie churred. "Oh, umm...honestly...uh, I thought about naming mine Mistral." The girls knew quite well that that was the company that made Hobie's surfboard.

Rain chuckled. "And mine? Not really sure. I was thinking maybe Tides or something. I'll let inspiration come to me when it's ready."

Kera nodded. "Those are both nice names," she looked at Hobie, an expression of fake displeasure on her face, "even yours, Hobie."

"What? I see it every time I'm out on the waves; I figured it'd be great! I'd never forget it!" He giggled and smiled, crouching down next to the girls. "The pup doesn't need a name right when it's born."

"That's really sweet," Kera said to Hobie. She looked back at the instrument. "Mm hmm, looking good. I think this retreat of yours is doing you a lot of good, Rain, your blood pressure's where it should be despite your discomfort." She took out a small portable scale and set it on the floor. "Hop on, hon," she said while helping Rain stand.

Hobie grinned, looking very interested when Kera took out the scale. "Now, Rain, you know I love you no matter what."

Rain returned Hobie's grin as she stepped on the scale. "Oh come now, you know we're both going to get all big with babies," she said with a wink. "All the more of us to love."

Kera laughed. "That's the spirit." She nodded at Hobie. "You found one with a good attitude, you did." She took a peek at the number on the scale. "You're up a couple pounds from last time. That's good, but it's not where you should be. Believe it or not, you actually need to gain weight, and a little faster at that. You're a bit behind because you've been sick lately, and that happens, but once your tummy settles down, try to eat simple foods like soup and such, okay?" Rain nodded.

"I'll cook for her!" Hobie said cheerfully, winking at Rain and trotting over to the scale. "I wanna see how much I've gained." He waited for Rain to step off the scale. Rain chuckled and stepped aside, making an overly grand gesture for Hobie to get on. Kera beamed at Hobie's eagerness. The maleherm stepped on the scale, expecting to see maybe a couple pounds gained; hardly anything, he thought...though his Speedos were a bit snug in the back, maybe just from being washed too many times. "So, what's the damage?"

Kera looked at the number and raised an eyebrow both in surprise and playfulness. "Well well, I'm glad Rain thinks of the 'all the more of me to love' train of thought, but I wonder if she feels the same about you. You're on the other end of the scale, no pun intended: you've gained a bit more weight than most moms at three months."

Rain giggled and hugged her lover, patting him on the bum, having noticed that there was a bit more of it lately. "You bet."

Hobie blinked, his eyes widened, looking at the number and whimpering. "But...but it can't be...I've been working out and surfing and...what the heck!" He stomped off the scale and sat down on the couch, half-serious in his whining, looking down at his belly and gently fingering the lump. "It's so tiny, how could I...?"

Kera and Rain moved to sit on either side of him. Rain hugged him again while Kera spoke in a reassuring tone. "Hobie, it's nothing that can really be helped, and make no mistake, working out is definitely going to take the edge off of weight gain, but clearly your pregnancy is different from hers." She looked to Rain for additional support.

Rain hugged Hobie closer and nuzzled his face. "Yeah, and I'll be catching up, so you won't be alone, you'll see."

"Mmmf...but...meh. I wonder how long my swimsuits are going to fit before I have to go buy maternity wear," he said, stressing 'maternity wear' with a disdainful tone to his voice and putting his arm around Rain. He sighed, shrugging. "Guess I'm just spoiling our pup with a padded room," he said with a smirk.

Rain giggled. "Well, I'm going to reach that point too, and I feel fine about it." She whispered in his ear, "Especially since, well, who said we have to really wear anything around here?"

Hobie got a big goofy grin on his face from that. "Mmm...I think I like the sound of that," he thought, and felt his loins tingling at the thought. "Anything you'd like to do to me, Kera?" he asked, trying to think of something else.

Kera smiled at him. "Yes, I'd just like to give you a quick check as well before I do the internal exam." She was as calm as could be when she said that but looked to them for their reactions.

Rain couldn't help but blush again. Hobie just looked static. "Internal exam...?"

Kera nodded. "Well, yes honey, I can only inspect so much from the outside." She patted him on his back. "But the best part is that you'll both be able to listen to your pups' heartbeats."

Rain immediately perked up on hearing that. Hobie bounced a bit on the couch, giggling. "Re- really? Already? Oh my god...that's so awesome!" He looked at Rain happily, holding her hands.

Kera beamed again at seeing their eagerness. She knew that telling parents-to-be that they could hear the baby's heartbeat always made them smile. And now these two would have even more to hear. She put her stethoscope back on. "All right then, let's move along. Turn around, Hobie."

Hobie obediently turned as instructed, taking a deep breath. "What're you gonna do, Kera? Is that cold?"

Kera shook her head and moved the instrument across his back. "If it is, I'm betting you barely feel it through that otter fur of yours...okay, turn back around."

He giggled and turned to face her, nodding slightly. "It's true...I'm just a wimp. Ask her!" He motioned to Rain with his head.

Rain laughed. "Nuh uh, I'm the wimp!"

Kera chuckled as well. "Okay, calm down, and breathe deeply some more."

Hobie took a deep breath, standing up straighter and relaxing, though his sheath was starting to get a little firm from Kera's soft hands touching his chest. He was even more horny than the average otter thanks to his pregnancy.

Kera listened for a few more seconds before taking off the stethoscope. "You're sounding pretty good yourself. Now let's just get your blood pressure." She started measuring it and tried to make some small talk as before. "If I may ask, are either of you hoping for anything in particular? Boy, girl, herm?"

Hobie giggled at her question but went rather stone-faced upon Kera's mentioning "herm." "Uhh, I for one...hope it's one or the other. I don't want him or her leading a life like mine. I mean, with the confusion, and having to hide everything..." He looked down at the floor and blushed furiously. "I guess I kinda want a little girl." He cradled his belly and whimpered cutely.

Rain smiled warmly at both of them. "And it's not important to me. What we get is what we get."

Kera nodded and checked the device. "Okay, you're also where you should be. All that working out and surfing is going to pay off: you're going to use those muscles," she said with a grin and a pat of one of Hobie's thighs.

"Hehe, I ...what? What do you mean?" He blinked, looking down at the pat, which only served to make his sheath thicken further.

"I mean, you're going to be carrying a good bit of weight around, yes?" Kera explained. Rain had a knowing grin.

"Oh, yeah, I suppose so..." He hummed for a moment. "That reminds me, how much longer do you think I'll be able to surf?"

Kera pondered the question. "Well, swimming and such is really good for you," she nodded at Rain, "and you can probably surf as long as you're able to balance...but I don't recommend it without protecting your front, especially if you fall off and hit your board."

He nodded slightly, playing with his belly button. "Hm...what should I do, strap a pillow to my tummy?" He giggled.

Kera smirked, "Well, you're not far off the mark. I've treated other furs around here who pine for the waves, and I've made some padding that you can wear on your upper torso somewhat like a wetsuit. It's going to look weird, as if you're even more pregnant than you are, if you're wearing another wetsuit over it, but..."

"Really..." He thought about it. "Well, if it means I can safely keep surfing for a while, then I'd love it."

Kera nodded. "All right then, I'll bring a couple of suits for you the next time I come. Until then...well, stuff a towel in the front of your wetsuit." She then addressed Rain and Hobie. "Now I'd like to do the internal exam. Have either of you read in a pregnancy book what we do?"

Rain nodded. "Yeah."

Hobie shook his head. "No..." He looked a bit unsettled. "How internal is it?"

"Well, most furs are uncomfortable with the concept at first, but..." Kera spoke to Hobie in a calm voice, "I'll show you by doing it to Rain first. Is there a bed or something similar she can lie on and have me be at her feet?"

Rain nodded. "Yes, our bed should work just fine. Come on." She rose and led Kera to the bedroom.

The otterboy followed, a little worried but doing his best to hide it. "Does it hurt?"

Kera shook her head. "No, honey, in fact if you just relax it probably won't be uncomfortable at all. You may even like it," she said with a wink. They reached the bedroom. "All right, Rain, please take your pants off and lie down on your back." Rain did as she was instructed.

The girls didn't need a lie detector to tell that Hobie liked seeing Rain start to get naked...even without being able to see what his seed was doing to her body. At least, not yet. "Mmm... " He turned and blushed slightly, trying to hide his rock-hard sheath.

Rain could tell what Hobie was thinking and looked to his groin. "Love, maybe you should put some pants on for now."

Kera didn't have to look to know what was going on, nor did she want to make Hobie uncomfortable by looking. She started to slowly run her fingers over Rain's abdomen and press down in a few places.

Hobie just sat down on the floor on the other side of the bed and folded one leg over the other, obscuring his crotch. "I'm fine, honey. It's not like I didn't model practically naked for magazines..." he said with a bit of a sad, nostalgic expression.

Rain giggled. "And I have you to model for me, and only me," she said with a wink. Then she winced a bit.

Kera looked up at her. "Oh, sorry. You felt that already? You must be pretty sensitive there."

Hobie smiled, and then sat up, exposing his tenting Speedo. "What is it?"

Rain motioned with her hand for him to stay calm. "Just hurt a little is all."

Kera nodded and turned her head to face Hobie. "Nothing to worry about, she's just more sensitive than I expected at this point of the pregnancy."

He nodded. "I'll keep that in mind..." he said with a bit of a twinkle in his eye, moving closer to watch Kera's hands on his lover's belly.

"You do that. Just take it easy on the tummy poking for now." Kera felt around a bit more before she retracted her hands. "Feels all right from here, now comes the internal part. I'm going to wash my hands. In the meantime, take off your underwear and relax." She exited the room.

Rain looked at Hobie, blushing. He walked over to her to gently sit on the bed, his Speedo tenting further with his partial erection, which he didn't bother to hide at all around his lover. He gently placed his hand on her flat tummy, feeling ever so gently below her navel, where he knew her growing womb was. "Mmm, you look so beautiful, sweetie..." He leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Rain always relished it when Hobie did this. She smiled and kissed him back as she pulled her panties down. "I think you're going to like the next part, love."

He widened his eyes as she exposed herself to him, a stain of pre appearing on his Speedo as his arousal grew. "Mmmf, I already do sweetheart..." he murred, gently nuzzling down her shirt to her tummy, kissing it and licking her belly button.

She couldn't help but murr loudly and shiver as he went for her sensitive tummy. "*growl* Might want to save that part for another time, don't want to make Kera jealous."

Said Latias was in the doorway holding a pair of Latex gloves. She had turned her back to them but she definitely had a wide smile on. "Well, I'm glad that you're the kind of couple that finds pregnancy appealing."

Hobie sat up suddenly, ducking back behind the bed and giggling softly, though both of their scents told of their interest in one another. "Uhh, well, I find her appealing no matter what..." He looked down at his swimsuit, seeing it rather wet and glistening from his excitement, and he sank down further.

Kera smiled, turning her head slightly so she could see Hobie. "Would you like to step out and calm down? It makes no difference to me."

The otterboy looked thoughtful for a moment. "Uhhm, no, that's okay. I mean, you're gonna have to examine me too anyway, so..." He blushed again, laying his head against the bed and nuzzling Rain's hip.

Kera nodded and put on the gloves. "Well, please move out of the way, I need to examine Rain's cervix. You know, the opening to her uterus." Rain blushed even harder.

Hobie's erection was throbbing by now, literally dripping onto the carpet from his wet Speedo, and his femsex wasn't far behind. "Mmmmhmm...I do know some things though. That's where I put my...uhh...cock, when we made our pup." He said with a proud smile as he moved to Rain's head.

Kera laughed a bit. "Yes, you did put it near there, but that's where your sperm went through, along with her uterus and fallopian tubes, to reach her egg. You're a herm, yes? Don't you know your body?"

Rain spoke up. "Well, we've learned a good deal about each other's bodies, that's for sure," she said, blowing a kiss at Hobie.

He leaned up to nuzzle Rain's cheek. "Well honestly, I don't know much about that side because I never really used it...until three months ago." He chirped playfully and gave Rain's cheek a lick, stroking her head.

Rain licked his nose, murring. "And look where that got us: now we're both gonna be having pups."

Kera remained silent. She leaned down in front of Rain's exposed crotch and placed one hand on top of Rain's abdomen and the other in front of her sex. "Okay, you might be sensitive here too so try to relax, hon."

Hobie grinned at his lover's comment, and watched Kera work, trying not to make it difficult for her.

Kera slowly and carefully inserted her index and middle fingers into Rain's vagina, gently feeling around. Rain started breathing a bit harder upon her entry despite her efforts to relax. Then Kera hit a sore spot, causing Rain to grunt and grip the sheets in mild pain. "Ooh, I guess you really are sensitive, honey. Just take a deep breath," Kera said as reassuringly as possible.

He whimpered a bit at Rain's discomfort, and put a hand on hers to help comfort her. "Does this mean we can't have sex?"

Kera maintained her gaze on the area between Rain's legs. "Not necessarily. Her reproductive organs in particular just need time to get used to having to push out a big ol' pup when it's ready to come. This happens sometimes; it'll calm down sooner or later. Feel free to have all the sex you want once she feels she can again, but if she can't, no penetration. Masturbate, both yourselves and each other, to your hearts content." Rain's face turned to a deep crimson.

Hobie started doing just that idly, rubbing himself through his Speedo as he watched, the carpet under him dampening with his pre as were the front and crotch of his swimsuit. "Mmm, well we've done all that before so no problems there."

Kera looked up at him and raised an eyebrow. "Well, I think you should know that pregnant herms tend to be more sensitive, at least in their male bits, as they get bigger. All that pressure on your privates makes it easier to set you off..." she said with a wink and a click of her tongue. Rain's face looked as if it were going to combust.

Hobie panted slightly, doing his best to not reveal what he was doing. "Uhh...and with nothing to wear...shit, that's gonna be interesting." He blushed slightly, but nowhere near as much as Rain.

Kera felt around for a little bit longer before her expression changed to mild puzzlement. She felt Rain's abdomen as she kept her fingers in Rain's sex, being careful to avoid the sensitive spot. "Hmm..."

Rain looked at her in alarm. "What is it?" Hobie blinked curiously. "Yes, what is it?"

Kera looked around in thought as she moved her hands. "Not exactly sure right now. Don't think it's a problem...but...hm. Hobie, will you step outside for a moment, please?" Rain looked at Hobie, fear on her face. Kera patted her belly. "I promise, you and the pup are all right, Rain."

Hobie looked at both of them, too worried to be embarrassed as he stood up, exposing his tented pre-soaked Speedos, showing off his rather generous otter endowment. "Uhhm, if you say so..."

Kera averted her gaze from Hobie's package out of respect for Rain as Hobie left the room. A corner of Rain's mouth pulled into a grin despite herself. "Yep, and he's all mine, he is."

Hobie smirked a bit and stepped out of the room, but leaned back against the wall just outside the door, perking his small ears and keeping quiet. Not much could be heard as Kera kept her voice low and calm. "Rain hon-...possible...-aving..." "*quiet gasp*" "...Do you want.......okay." Then Kera's voice could be heard at its normal volume. "You can come back in, Hobie."

He returned, annoyed he didn't hear more, with a frustrated look and his erection almost gone. "Is everything okay?" he asked as he sat beside Rain again.

Rain nodded. "Yes dear, everything's fine. We just needed to talk about one of the grosser sides of pregnancy and didn't want to make you as sick as I was," she said, smiling and sticking her tongue out at him.

Kera, meanwhile, had taken off her gloves and thrown them away. "And now is what I'm sure you were both waiting for: hearing the heartbeat."

Hobie beamed and hugged Rain tightly. Rain hugged him back and smiled at Kera, who returned the smile and rose to leave the room again. "I'll just bring all my stuff with me this time. Be right back."

Rain licked Hobie's face. "Ooh, I can't wait!" He giggled and licked his lover's tongue. "Mmm, I wonder when she's going to violate me?" Rain gave him a gentle and playful slap on the cheek. "It's not being violated if you want her to do it." He whimpered mockingly. "And if I wanted her to do it, you'd slap me again!"

She indeed slapped him again, still being playful. "Don't lie to me, you. You may be an otter, but you're like a dog with a bone." Hobie giggled and nipped gently at her hand, just catching it with his tongue. "Yeah, well you love my bone." He winked at her.

Kera knocked on the wall outside the door, not looking in. "Get a room you tw- oh yeah you did."

Hobie giggled at Kera's comment. "Come on in Kera, we're just being silly."

Kera came in carrying her suitcase, giggling. "Well, save it until your company leaves, m'kay?" She took out a device that looked somewhat like a tape player with a microphone on it. "Now, ready?"

Rain nodded eagerly, as did Hobie. "Sorry Kera. What's that thing do?" he asked.

Kera fiddled with a few buttons on it. "Well, I'm going to hold it against her tummy and we'll see what we can hear. In the old days we needed to use a kind of gel for the best results, but not anymore."

Rain took Hobie's hand in hers and waited anxiously. He smiled and kissed her cheek. "Gel, eh? I've got some of that in the bathroom." He giggled; Rain knew he was talking about lube.

Rain couldn't help but break out laughing despite her slight embarrassment. Kera chuckled as well and waited for the ottergirl to calm down before she nodded. Kera put the microphone against Rain's lower stomach and moved it around: all that could be heard was the gurgling of Rain's gut. Hobie quietly observed, biting his lip anxiously. He watched Kera use the instrument with expertise.

This continued for a few seconds before a faint but constant thumping could be heard. Rain's eyes went wide and misted over as she looked at Kera, who smiled and nodded. "Sweetie, that's..."

He squealed. "Our pup!" He hugged Rain firmly and kissed her cheek, listening intently to the thumping. "It's so fast."

Kera sighed mentally. This was easily one of the most gratifying parts of her job and she savored every chance she had to experience it. "Yep, making a lot of noise."

Rain kissed Hobie on the lips. "I told you this one's making its presence known, didn't I?"

Hobie slipped Rain some otter tongue, the sound of the pup's heartbeat not only filling his heart with joy but also with desire for the pup's mother - perhaps it was the thought that he'd put it there. "Mmmm, and every day we're one day closer to holding our child in our arms."

Rain caressed his tongue with her own as she had done quite often lately. "Yep, and I can't wait to share it with you...both times." Kera let them hold each other for a little bit longer as the sound of the heartbeat continued to fill the room.

He moaned softly, reminded of his own pregnancy that just barely pressed against the side of the bed, blushing slightly as he pulled back from the kiss, looking at his lover affectionately while their noses touched, the pup's heartbeat continuing to fill his ears. "Can we have a recording of this?"

Kera nodded, smiling happily at the two. She pulled the instrument away, pressed a few buttons on it, and waited for something to happen. "I do believe you want to have a recording of your pup as well, Hobie?"

Hobie looked at Kera and nodded eagerly, gently stroking his tummy as he thought about what he'd just heard. "Oh yes, I would."

Rain was still blissed out. "There's really life in there...I still can hardly believe it..." She was talking as much to herself as to the others.

He turned to Rain and put his other hand on her belly, while petting his own. "And it's growing every moment...even now, sweetie..."

Rain sighed a long and happy sigh. "Yeah, and it's going to be welcomed into the world by parents who love it...I'd envy it if I weren't its mom," she said with a chuckle and another lick to Hobie's face.

Hobie murred at the lick and replied, "Well, we'll love it unconditionally...as we should." There was a tone of discontent in his voice; it was barely noticeable even to Rain, who was quite sensitive to Hobie's feelings. She cocked her head as if to ask what the problem was.

Kera spoke up. "Okay, I really hate to break up this lovey-doveyness, but now it's time for your examination, Hobie."

At Kera's comment, Hobie's eyes widened again and he blushed. "Oh...is it?"

Rain picked up the unease in his voice but let it go. She rose off of the bed and put her panties and shorts back on, inviting Hobie to lie down.

He watched Rain dress again and was suddenly hit with the realization of having someone's hand in his.... "I uhh...I dunno about this," he said as he lay down, still wearing his Speedo, which was again tented with his erection. His musky scent was strong in the room.

Kera tilted her head in curiosity. "I doubt you've had much trouble with having Rain's hand in you. Just pretend it's her." She looked to Rain for support. Rain nodded. "Yeah honey, it'll be okay. She has to make sure everything's fine."

Hobie blushed more than he had all day. He groaned a bit and whimpered. "I was okay for three months without it...mmmm...hold my hand love?"

Rain gently took his hand in both of hers and nodded. "Please, sweetie?"

He nodded softly, nuzzling Rain and leaning back. "I uhh...okay..."

Rain nodded to Kera and knelt down next to Hobie's head, slowly licking and nuzzling his face. Kera took her cue and gently started to pull Hobie's Speedo down his legs. It was a little tricky at first because his erection was keeping it on, but it came free, a strand of pre linking it to Hobie's shaft.

Hobie panted when Kera pulled his Speedo down, freeing his shaft and making it flop against his belly, splattering some pre onto his fur as more dribbled down its length from the stimulation. His folds were also damp, but not nearly as much so as his shaft. He murred to Rain, turning his head to lick her nose and look at her warmly, feeling a mixture of arousal, fear, and discomfort.

Rain let one hand leave Hobie's and travel along his belly. "It's okay, love. She's not going to hurt you." He nodded and murred at the rubs from his lover, Rain got a little bit of pre on her hand from it.

Kera put on a new pair of gloves and readied herself as she did with Rain, her left hand coming right under Hobie's erect penis. "Here we go, Hobie." She started to enter.

He tensed a bit when Kera prepared to enter him and gasped as she did, a fresh spurt of pre soaking his belly bulge. "Ohhh, mmmf...I hope I can *pant* help that..."

Rain scritched Hobie's tummy while Kera held her hand still. "Just take a few deep breaths, hon. Am I hurting you?" Kera asked.

He shook his head. "No Kera. It's just...odd. Rain never actually...put anything up there..." He blushed again, looking at the ottergirl passionately, his cock dripping pre onto her hand as she stroked the tiny bulge of his womb. "Please don't stop, love," he pleaded to Rain.

Rain eagerly obliged him and kneaded his hand. Kera slowly moved her fingers deeper, careful to avoid stimulating Hobie's clit. He groaned a bit and closed his eyes, putting an arm around Rain, panting softly and flinching a little. It didn't hurt at all so far, it was just so new, and it both aroused and frightened him.

Kera could tell that she was almost at Hobie's cervix and stopped again. "Okay Hobie, this is going to feel pretty weird so I need you to try to hold as still as you can." Rain scritched his tummy harder, noting that he was being overwhelmed by the combination of pleasure and fear.

Hobie nodded and grunted, panting a bit louder, gripping the bedsheets with his free hand. "Mmmf, ok..." He clenched his teeth. Kera helped Rain scratch his tummy as she went the final bit, her fingertips brushing against his cervix. He moaned again, arching his back slightly, his sex squeezing against her hand while he whimpered. "Tryin' to hold still...nnnf..."

Kera felt around as gently as she could, her sensitive fingertips picking up all she needed to know. "Just a little bit longer."

Hobie whimpered again, panting and squinching his face as he tried to stay still, the muscles of his sex rippling slightly while more pre soaked Rain's hand and his belly. "Ohhh god, please...mmmf...noo..."

Kera suddenly became serious; this was way too much for Hobie. She quickly retracted her hand. He panted and yelped as she pulled out of him, panting heavily while he forced down his climax with all his strength, but remaining ragingly horny. "Okay, we're stopping if you're too uncomfortable," she said in a stern and concerned voice, as a worried parent would speak to a child.

Rain leaned over and hugged Hobie as best she could, whispering into his ear, "Shh, it's okay honey, it's over now."

He held Rain, nuzzling her neck and nibbling along it tenderly. "Mmmf, I'm sorry Kera, I don't know how many herms you do this to but it feels...mmmf...too good."

Kera gathered what he was talking about. "Oh, I guess you haven't had much experience with being penetrated, have you? Nor do you masturbate with your vagina or have Rain do so to you?" She spoke with a straight but calm face.

Hobie shook his head slightly, sitting up a bit. "I never...well, I never even put anything in there before...um...that party on the beach. One of the guys I surf with...he was pretty drunk and we...um, yeah." He blushed again and looked away. "I don't think he even remembers it." Rain continued to hug Hobie, not wanting to talk about the past.

Kera nodded and smiled again. "Well, everything feels a-okay for both of you. Now let's see how things sound."

His expression lit up instantly, smiling at Rain and giggling softly. "We're gonna hear the pup...hehe...in my tummy." He wiggled excitedly.

Kera said nothing, just disposed of her gloves and picked up her listening device again, pressing a few buttons and moving the microphone over Hobie's lower abdomen. She realized that she was going to have to move Hobie's shaft if she were going to get a good listen, so she stopped to put on another glove before moving it around again.

Rain listened intently for what she knew was coming. Hobie blushed, reaching down to push his cock away. "Here, let me help..." He chuckled nervously as he held it aside, though his belly was still rather wet from his pre. He rested against Rain gently, sighing softly and smiling knowingly.

Kera searched for a bit longer before the sound they were looking for filled the air. Rain immediately melted and looked to Hobie, smiling. "That's going to be our first pup, sweetie."

He yelped slightly and kissed her happily, rubbing his muzzle against her neck and flicking his tail. "Mmm, yes love, it is...it sounds louder than yours..."

Kera smiled calmly as she watched the lovers rejoice. Rain just licked Hobie's lips. "Give it time, mine will get strong and catch up, you'll see."

"I'm sure it will love...we'll make sure of it." He pawed at Rain gently, squirming and listening to the sounds emanating from his belly. "Oh man...that's coming from me..."

Kera nodded. "Yep, that's what's making your clothes tight."

Rain rubbed her own tummy and spoke to it. "Can you hear that? That's going to be your brother or sister."

All of this was just too much for the otterboy and his eyes began to tear up. He stroked Rain's back, his arousal long forgotten, his emotions taking over to no surprise given his hormones. "I can't believe there's a pup growing inside me...oh man..." he whimpered, tears of joy sliding down his furred cheeks.

Rain hugged him and rubbed his tummy. "Yep. There's a pup inside both of us. How could we have been so lucky?"

Kera withdrew the microphone and opened her device. She took out a small CD-like object and put it in a case. "Here're the recordings. They're indicated by name, date, and time, so you'll know whose pup's making noise."

He smiled and took the case gently, sitting up and giving Rain a tender kiss and wiping his eyes. "Mmm, we were lucky when we met...heh...I was already pregnant by then but I didn't believe it."

Kera smiled as they gazed at each other. Then she stood up and put her microphone in her suitcase. "I think that covers just about everything here." She started to rummage through her suitcase before snapping her fingers. "Oh, except for one thing. Hobie, can I talk to you alone for a little bit this time?"

Hobie tilted his head curiously. "Umm, sure, Kera..." He looked at Rain, shrugged, and stood up; with his shaft resheathed he didn't even think of pulling his Speedo back up. Rain looked at both of them and nodded, trusting that Kera didn't have any bad news for Hobie. She left them and closed the door, having to go to the bathroom anyway.

Kera spoke to Hobie as she took out a notebook and started to write something in it. "Well, I wanted to make a suggestion about what you can do the next time Rain's feeling the more negative side of pregnancy."

"I'd appreciate that," he said with a sage nod, sitting down on the bed. "Your advice helped a lot today, though. Is there more I can do?"

"Yes. The next time she needs some TLC, there's one thing that cures quite a few ails: sexual pleasure. Any way it's comfortable for her, even if she doesn't orgasm. And so she really knows that she's not just desired, but loved," she said flatly but with a smirk.

He nodded, and smiled widely, his cock peeking out of his sheath again. "She never needs to doubt that she's loved."

"And I'm sure she doesn't; she and the pup are in very good health despite her bumps on this road." Kera patted him on the shoulder. "Just, you know, take the time to work her over; I'm sure you know what I mean."

Hobie grinned. "I think I can do that." He suddenly felt his arousal and looked down at his crotch, covering himself with a hand playfully. He didn't blush this time, however: she'd already seen all there was to see. "Oh, hehe, I forgot to get dressed again...sorry Kera. Hey, um, I wanted to ask you something..." Kera nodded. "Um..." He looked over his shoulder at his rear. "Is my body going to look as it did before I got pregnant, like, after the pup is born?"

Kera studied Hobie's body for a few seconds as she considered. "Well, creating a life is something that always comes with lasting effects, Hobie. You'll have breasts for sure until you wean the pup, at least. As for the rest of your body, we'll see, but right now, please try to not worry about it and relish these changes. They don't happen every day," she finished with a sympathetic pat on his back.

He nodded, and leaned forward a bit, poking at his chest idly as she spoke. "Breasts, huh...how long until the pup is weaned?"

Kera shrugged. "Depends on when you want to wean it. Personally, I recommend that mothers nurse for a while."

Hobie idly rubbed one of his nipples. "I just wondered if it's months...or years..."

"Besides, I'm sure Rain will love them," she said with a wink.

He nodded. "I guess...you really think she would?" He perked up, seemingly interested in anything Rain would enjoy.

Kera smiled and took her suitcase to the door, looking at Hobie over her shoulder and grinning. "You'll certainly see, won't you?"

He flinched a bit and rubbed his belly, nodding softly. "I suppose so. I'm so uncertain though Kera..."

Kera shook her head, not breaking eye contact. "Hon, Rain not only wants to have an unplanned pup with you, she wants to take a pup that isn't biologically hers and be its parent as well. I really think she'll stick with you." She opened the door, said her goodbyes to Rain, and left the cabin.

Hobie sat down on the bed, shivering a little with his fur standing up on his neck somewhat. He took deep breaths, gently caressing his belly with his eyes closed, lost in emotions he'd never before felt.

Rain finished relieving herself and washed her hands before she made her way back to the bedroom. Seeing her lover so at peace with himself and the pup inside him made her heart leap as she walked over and quietly sat on the bed next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder.

Hobie looked over to her, smiling softly, laying back and putting his arms around her. "All of this has really brought home the fact that...we're going to be parents." He let out a long sigh. "I don't know what seems more incredible to me: being a mother, or being a father." He kissed her forehead tenderly and looked into her eyes.

Rain rested one hand on her belly and one hand on Hobie's as she rested her head on his shoulder. "We're just lucky that we'll get to share the experience of becoming parents twice."

He nodded slowly and murred happily, putting his hand on hers and holding her close with his other arm, drifting off comfortably and sighing. "Yes we will, Rain..."

Rain woke up feeling as if she were freezing. She looked at the clock on the nightstand: 8:45. The sun was almost gone, making a beautiful sky, but it didn't change the fact that she had the shivers. She quickly got under the covers.

Hobie stirred slightly, groggily looking upon his lover in the orange light of the setting sun. He felt her shiver and duck under the covers, and chirped softly. "Mmmf...Rain? You okay, honey?"

She snuggled closer to him to try to take advantage of his body warmth as her teeth started clicking from the cold that wasn't really there. She shook her head. "Gimme a hug, I'm freezing."

He pressed his body against her and murred, still naked from before, petting her back and sides gently over her shirt. "Oh sweetie...it's not cold outside...why are you so cold?" He began to worry out of his love for her.

She shook her head. "Don't-t know. Just-t woke up, and I feel like this," she said with a bit of worry in her own voice.

"Should I call Kera?" he asked, kissing her cheek and holding her closer.

She just stayed close to him, shrugging a bit. "I don't know. Just-t stay with me right-t now."

He nodded and kissed her neck, sliding his hands under her shirt to pet her back. "Always, love."

Rain took a few deep breaths as she calmed down and started to warm up, but not very quickly. "Isn't there any warmer place to do this? Where you can s-still hold me?"

"Well...there's the hot tub if you want, but I don't think that's safe for us while we're pregnant." He thought for a moment. "I suppose I could turn the heat down so it's like a warm bath. Would you like that, Rain?"

She nodded into his chest. "Ok-kay, let's go." She moved away and stood up, her whole body shivering.

Hobie sighed a bit, sliding his naked body out of bed and walking up to hold Rain close against him, guiding her out of the bedroom to the porch, where a large spa sat overlooking the beach. He gently slipped away from her to turn it on, reaching a hand in to test the temperature, and then adjusting a dial. "Give it a minute, it's a little too hot for our pups," he said with a chuckle, walking back to her to hold her again. "Want me to help you take your clothes off?"

Rain shook her head and undressed, standing nude as close to him as she could in the warm breeze, both of which were still not much help. Hobie hugged Rain while they waited. "Why is this happening to you?" He sighed and tested the water again, finding it suitably warm but not dangerous. "Come on, Rain, let's get in." He stepped into the water, murring contentedly as he offered a hand to her.

She did as he asked and dipped a toe into the water: it was very warm to her. "I guess this pregnancy's going to be a bumpy road, so we'll have to enjoy the scenery...or something like that," she said with a giggle. She took his hand in hers and eased her legs in, hissing at the warmth mostly in contentment.

He smiled at her improved mood, helping her into the spa and holding her hands, slowly sitting both of them down but his cock peeking out of his sheath was noticeable before the water covered it. "Mmmm, ooh this is nice." He put his arm around Rain and leaned to kiss her neck. "I love you, sweetheart."

She slowly eased the rest of her body in the water, growling in pleasure as she started to warm up. "Yess...again you're so good to me...I hope I can repay you, even though you probably don't ask for it."

"You repay me by being here." Hobie nibbled the side of her neck and slid a hand over her thigh. "By your love...and carrying my pup." He caressed her belly, his fingers brushing her folds as he did so.

Rain blushed both from the heat and Hobie's words. She gasped as his fingers caressed her sensitive sex. "Oh...and think, in six months we'll be able to welcome our first pup into the world."

"And until then, we can relive the night when we made our second." He slowly slipped a finger into her folds, his erection throbbing under the water and fully aroused from the pent-up stimulation he received during his examination.

She whined as he slipped a finger into her and leaned against him, closing her eyes and breathing heavily. "Ohhh, Hobie, I am so sensitive down there, you can't imagine how good this feels..."

"Just tell me if it hurts." He carefully pushed another finger inside her, gently spreading her cunny with two fingers while he put his other arm behind her waist and cupped her soft tummy as he pressed himself up against her. "You're so sexy, Rain. So beautiful...so radiant and full of life."

She panted and groaned, rubbing her head against his shoulder. "Even *pant* when I'm puking my *ooh* guts out?" She moved the hand on her tummy to her breasts, trusting him do as he pleased.

Hobie's fingers caressed her breast, lightly rubbing her nipple between his soft fingers above the water while his other hand worked in and out of her cunny, sliding against her slick walls and brushing her clit while he kissed and nibbled on her neck. "It's part of all the changes your body is going through...changes we made together...and I adore every one of them."

Rain yelped in pleasure as he touched her chest, which had been quite sore lately but now his touch felt incredible. "Mmm, yes...ssss, these breasts of mine are going to get all big and full of milk for the pup...maybe both of them...and maybe even for you."

He blushed again, but her words just made him more aroused. He slowly pulled his fingers from her cunny and lifted them out of the water, taking a sniff and licking them clean, grinning at Rain before giving both her breasts a soft grope with his hands. She yelped louder and shuddered, almost orgasming right then. "Come here, you sexy girl," he growled, lifting her up with his strong upper body, pulling her over to straddle his lap, nudging her belly with his hard-on, and leaning back in the spa. "Think you'd like some otterboy inside you?"

"Yeah, but I'm still too tired to ride you, I'll have to get in a different position." She moved over so that she was kneeling on one of the seats in the spa, inviting him to take her from behind. She looked over her shoulder and winked, spreading herself for him.

Hobie raised an eyebrow flirtatiously and grinned. "Heh, you won't find me complaining." He grinned as he stood up, the water just up to his thighs as he stood behind her, gripping her hips and sliding his thick cock against her swollen folds, teasing her for a moment with his head just pushing against her cunny before sliding his wet length inside her. He slid his hands up to stroke her breasts and quickly worked up a steady rhythm of thrusting and pulling back, his balls rubbing against her backside as he did. "Mmmmf, so warm...murrr..."

Rain let out mixes of growls and cries at his thrusts. All of the soreness and pain in her body were gone, replaced by pleasure the likes of which was making her head spin. Metaphorically, that is; her real head was shaking back and forth, her mouth wide open and either panting or grunting. "Hobie, will *yipe!* you still *rrgh!* want me when I'm too big *awr!* to get up by myself?"

He gripped her breasts increasingly firmly, humping and thrusting against her firmly in lust while his bulging tummy pressed up against her rump, and she could feel his womb nestled in between her rump cheeks. He leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Mmmmf, gods yes, Rain, there will be even more of you to love...as I lick and caress your belly, taking you on your side, fingering you and eating you out until you orgasm and the pup kicks inside you..." He gently bit her neck and held on as he fucked her more eagerly.

She started snorting in her own lust, once again unable to speak, letting him know with the escalating volume of her voice that she was closing in on her peak. The mental imagery was just too much for her to take; she knew her dam was about to crumble and the flood of her orgasm about to come forth.

Hobie's raging libido was up first, however, as he arched back and cried out happily while hot ropes of ottercum flooded Rain's belly, which had nothing to seed that wasn't already there, as his hands kneaded and caressed her breasts and he held the nape of her neck in his teeth, firm enough to convey his passion but just before the threshold of pain.

Rain lost it soon afterward, arching her own back and taking a deep breath before she cried out in release, sending a spray of a mixture of vaginal juices and her lover's spunk out of her slit as muscles she wasn't fully aware she had gripped his cock like a vice. Her orgasm lasted a good long while as she transformed her love of Hobie to glorious passion. Finally, she started to slowly return to her senses, collapsing over the edge of the hot tub and gasping.

He moaned softly and leaned against her, just holding her against his body, one hand still caressing her breasts while the other strayed down to her belly, softly pawing it and feeling the warmth from his seed, and the tiny pup nestled within. He released her neck from his teeth, giving the spot several licks and a kiss before resting his chin on her shoulder. "Love you, baby."

Rain tried to lift her head to look at him but could only lay it on the edge of the hot tub. She caught her breath and turned around, almost falling into his arms and resting her head against him, exhausted but happy. "And we love you too."

His shaft slipped out of her along with a stream of fluids as she turned, hanging limply between his legs. He pulled her against him, gently stroking her back and rump with his claws, pressing his tummy to hers and feeling each little lump of their children. "Mmmm...I never doubted it, sweetie."

Tides Ch. 3: Let Me Show You

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain and Kera (c)...

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Tides Ch. 1: First Wave

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Contains...\*looks about and whispers\* sex! \*giggles\* Yes, we are fully aware that the correct pronouns used to refer to a herm are "shi"...

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Well...okay, more for egg lovers than for the other lovers :P This is the result of an RP between me and Rain. It was also the first one of its kind I ever did. Thank you, Rain, for such a good time and for wanting to RP more with me. This...

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