Tides Ch. 1: First Wave

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#1 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Contains...*looks about and whispers* sex! *giggles*

Yes, we are fully aware that the correct pronouns used to refer to a herm are "shi" and "hir" (in fact, I count this as being one of the main things I took away from my first year at college :P). But Nauta decided he doesn't like using that when the herm leans pretty far on the male side; plus, he has herms he does call "shi," so any herms out there, just relax. Kay? *thumbs up*

Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Rain stood at the doorstep of Hobie's beach house, a pair of suitcases by her sides, a few bruises on her face and arms, and no small amount of fear in her mind. If Hobie wouldn't take her in, or worse, took her in and then kicked her out, she didn't know what she was going to do. The sixteen-year-old otter girl gulped, and knocked on the door.

Her maleherm otter boyfriend was busily cleaning things up and packing a couple of small bags when he heard the knock on the door. Being clad in only his white briefs, he decided to peer out the peep hole in his door before deciding whether he wanted to bother putting anything else on. When he saw it was Rain, and she looked physically and emotionally hurt, he immediately threw open the door and embraced her in a hug. "Rain? What're you doing here?"

The younger and shorter otter hugged him back, crying into his shoulder. "M-My parents kicked me out and I didn't know where else to go. Can I stay...." She couldn't finish her sentence before her tears got the better of her.

He held her against his body in the doorway, stroking her back and rocking her gently. "Shh, shh...it's okay, honey, of course you can stay...." He bit his lip, knowing this would put a chink in his plans to get away that week...he hoped it would blow over soon anyway. "What happened? Why did they kick you out?" He looked closer at her bruises and growled. "Did...did they hit you?"

She enjoyed the feeling of being hugged by her crush, remembering how he held her after they mated for the first time. "I don't really want to talk about it right now...can I just eat something to calm down?"

"Sure, honey...just come in, here, I'll get those...." He reached down and grabbed her suitcases, turning his back to her as he placed them in the corner, and quickly shut the door behind her and put his arms around her again. "What would you like?"

She smiled at him despite herself. This was one reason why she found him so attractive: not just his body but also because he was so affectionate. "Anything, really. Just kind of hungry for nothing in particular."

He nodded and gave her a quick peck on the cheek; all the closeness had made his sheath a bit prominent in his briefs, as he turned to walk into the kitchen and prepare something for her. "You can sit down anywhere you want; I'll bring it out to you." Rain eyed his crotch for a moment before going to sit down on his couch, thinking of what she was going to say. A few minutes went by and soon Hobie reached over the back of the couch to set a plate with a thick tropical fish sandwich and chips on Rain's lap, smiling to her and kissing her cheek. "No matter what it is love, it can't be that bad," he said as he sat down next to her, with a sandwich of his own; it was easily twice the size of hers, even though hers was certainly not small.

She purred at the scent of the food and nearly drooled at the sight of it. It even took her mind off of what was troubling her for the moment. She dug right in. Hobie had even added a bit of tartar sauce. She voiced her appreciation with a "Mmmm."

Hobie grinned - if there was anything that he knew could make a situation better, it was food. He took a huge bite of his massive sandwich, practically swallowing it whole before chomping off another bite. "Gooof iffin ehh?" he asked with a mouthful of bread and fish. She just giggled a bit and nodded, careful not to swallow. She noticed that his sandwich was bigger than the ones he normally ate but shrugged it off, reasoning that he was just hungry. The otterboy finished his sandwich in record time - his tummy was even bulging a little from how much he'd eaten, his normally athletic frame not hiding his appetite for the moment. "Mmmf, fresh caught halibut...nothing beats it." He grinned softly, putting his arm around Rain.

Rain nodded. She finished her own sandwich and leaned against him, letting out a rather loud belch to emphasize her satisfaction. "Ahh...nice...I hope I can look forward to doing more of that."

He nodded softly and gave her tummy a gentle caress, his hand sliding just under the hem of her shirt to stroke the soft, short fur directly. He pressed his body up against hers, doing his best to redirect his fishy breath. "So, sweetie, do you want to talk about it?"

She moaned a bit as he rubbed her the way he knew she liked to be rubbed, but her expression again became sorrowful. "...I guess, but, um, can we go out on the porch? I want to look at the ocean, it always helps calm me down."

Hobie nodded slowly, becoming more concerned with his love's trouble. "All right, come here, hon." He gently took her hand in his, leading the way out the back door to the wide porch overlooking the Hawaiian beach and the ocean waves. He sat down in a love swing and held her against him as she sat next to him.

She leaned into him, sighing. "I know it was only a few weeks ago, but how well do you remember when we first mated? I was scared since it was my first time, but you were so strong and yet so loving. You said you would wait as long as it took for me to be ready, but I wanted to show you how much I cared."

He nodded, realizing he was still wearing his briefs and that they were rather tented from her mention, but he lived in a relatively sparse area, nobody was likely to see. "I remember that fondly, dear. I think about it very often when I'm alone actually...you know I haven't been with anyone since then." He smiled warmly to her and flicked an ear, not quite sure what she was getting at.

Rain blushed a bit from the memory as well as seeing Hobie's arousal, but maintained her composure. "Well, I kind of hoped not. But I think you know that that changed my life, possibly both of our lives, right?"

Hobie tilted his head a bit, still a little confused. "Well...I fell in love with you that night...and I hope you love me too, even though we might not see each other as much as I'd like...."

Rain melted upon hearing him speak. She looked up at him with a loving smile and tilted her head up to kiss him on the lips, oblivious to the lingering taste of fish in his mouth. He kissed her gently, holding the back of her head and slipping his tongue into her mouth. She murred at the kiss, holding him for a little while before pulling back. She continued to smile at him as she spoke. "Well...I knew that my life would never be the same after mating with you. I was right, but in more ways than I thought..." she trailed off.

He looked into her eyes lovingly, purring and flicking his thick tail as he touched his nose to hers. "Your parents kicked you out because you had sex with me, Rain?"

She shook her head, brushing her whiskers against his. "No. They hated how I spent time with you, and they kept telling me that you're just another young surfing star and swimsuit model looking for a thrill, but they didn't know that I'd had sex with you. They kicked me out for what happened because of it." She took one of his hands in hers and rested it on her tummy. Hobie smiled as she took his hand, loving her soft and delicate body, and then as his fingers began to rub her trim belly, she whispered, "Daddy."

Hobie's hand froze in place. He looked into her eyes as her words caught his ears, his heart clenched, and a chill ran down his spine. "D-Daddy...?"

Rain nodded, sensing his fear. "When I told them, they said I was either going to get an abortion or else. I know we're young, but," she shook her head, "I just couldn't do it. So...they...*sniff*" She was again seized by crying and looked into his eyes, searching desperately for sympathy.

He sighed softly, caught between his love for this girl who now needed him more than ever, and his fear of what would happen to them both. There was no way he could leave her now, not after he'd knocked her up...and with his own impending problems...god, what was he going to do...damn him for not using protection! "Oh...Rain, don't worry about it, we're going to have this pup together...." He trailed off, not wanting to say the wrong thing or anything too soon. He gently rubbed the palm of his hand on her tiny womb.

She continued, crying out, "They tried to make me go!" She pointed to the bruises on her body and covered her face with her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry, Hobie...if you don't want me here anymore, I'll just leave and I'll never come to see you again."

"Nonono, I want you here, Rain, I want you to stay with me...." He held her hands and looked at her, smiling lovingly, though his face couldn't hide his concern. "We'll get through this together, and everything will be fine. You don't have to see your parents again." Rain lifted her head to look at him, her eyes filled with worry and fear, but now with hope as well. She couldn't speak; she didn't know what to say, so she just asked him with her eyes if he really meant it. Hobie rubbed her shoulders, kissing her forehead as his ears flicked. "It'll be okay, honey."

She moved to face him while sitting on his lap and fell into his arms again, hugging him as close to her as she could. "Really? You really want to have this pup...with me?"

He pressed his belly against hers, his stiff erection brushing her thigh as he smiled, and trembled a bit at the same time. "Yes, Rain...I want to feel the pup when it moves, I want to be there to catch it with you when it comes to meet us, and most of all I want to watch it grow up."

Rain kissed him again, her tears becoming ones of happiness. "Thank you so much, Hobie...you probably just saved both of our lives."

He chuckled faintly, licking her nose and petting her belly again. "I would do anything for you, Rain...but I'm curious about something." He swallowed hard. "How do you know you're pregnant?"

"My period is late, my breasts are tender, I've felt all moody, and I took two pregnancy tests yesterday. They were both positive." She licked him back before turning to lean against him. "It's hard to believe, I know, but so far all signs point to us being parents."

Hobie nodded and then shook his head, averting his gaze a bit and staring into space. "But I used a condom...why...it didn't break. I don't get it."

She sighed. "I know, but...well, you know what they say, 'the only perfect form of birth control is abstinence.' These things happen sometimes...do you regret it?"

"I never regret anything I've done with you. I love you, Rain." He sighed and held onto her, wriggling a bit as her lower back pressed against his belly, seemingly uncomfortable.

Rain smiled as he held her. "And...I love you too, Hobie." She rested his hand on her belly again.

He purred and stroked her belly tenderly, smiling and feeling it. "So how far along would you be?" He counted the weeks on his fingers.

She watched the ocean and let it keep her calm. "I think I'm about three weeks now." Then a new train of thought crossed her mind. "Hobie, what are we going to do when I start showing? Being a surfing star and swimsuit model with a young pregnant girl around your house won't be the best publicity."

Hobie thought some more, doing some figuring in his head. "We have about two months before you show, and then you can hide it for a bit...umm." He subconsciously put a hand on his own belly. "We'll have to find a way to keep out of sight sooner than that though...."

Rain craned her neck to look at him worriedly. "What do you mean?" She felt her belly herself. "Do you think I might be having more than one?"

He panted and widened his eyes. "Uhhhm...that's not likely...chances are less than one in a hundred thousand of twins...and triplets are almost unheard of."

She thought for a bit longer as to what was making him so panicky. "So...what's the matter?"

He looked at her. "Uhh...it's...not really important...." His hand was clutching his stomach now, rubbing just below his navel, his cock throbbing in his briefs as pre dampened the apex of his bulge.

She felt his cock pressing up against her and blushed. "Well, I see that some of you is happier than other parts." She leaned forward to look at his tented briefs...and noticed his hand on his stomach. Her own eyes widened. "...Hobie...is there something you need to tell me as well?"

He chuckled a bit at her observation, shifting slightly and leaning back, sighing softly. "Rain...do you remember the party we met at, a couple months ago?"

Rain nodded. "Yeah...." She didn't like where this was heading, but if it went where she thought it was going to go, then so be it.

Hobie chuckled a bit. "I umm...I got around a bit before you and I met. Had some fun with some of the boys...." He rubbed his temple and sighed. "And when I say I haven't had sex since you and I did, I meant it. But before then...."

She gave him a look of shock. "So...our pup is going to have a half-brother or sister?"

He was surprised she put it together so quickly. "Well I am a herm...I just didn't know I was fertile with my female side...heh." He whimpered softly. "I only confirmed it a week ago...I didn't believe the symptoms until I started to feel it inside me." He gently took her hand and placed it on his lower belly. With some pressure a firm bulge between his navel and sheath could be felt.

She just stared, astounded by what she was hearing and even more by what she was feeling. She just shook her head, smiled, and laughed before she turned around on his lap to hug him. "Look at us. A couple of teenagers who are in love and are about to become parents...can't say I really thought my life was going to be like this, but I'm actually looking forward to it."

Hobie blushed fiercely as she felt his belly, looking up to her and smiling weakly. He held her in his lap and pulled her belly to his, sighing softly and resting her head against his shoulder. "I can't believe it happened to both of us...I mean, I was going to hide out for a while until the pup was born. It won't be long before I start showing, and my career was over the day I got knocked up," he lowered his head slightly, "but I can still surf...."

Rain nuzzled the side of his face. "Don't give up that easily. We'll both hide for a while until we're ready to come back and show the world what a couple of teenage parents can do. I'm not going to let you down when you're here for me too."

"Heh...the one thing we don't have to worry about is money. Just what the world thinks of us, and my career, and..." he looked down at himself, "my body."

She followed his gaze before she touched her forehead to his. "I don't care about money. What's important is that our pups have what they need most of all: parents who love them and each other. And I'd say they already have that, so we'll let everything else fall into place. As for your body," she licked his nose, "I think it's beautiful."

"Sure...you think it's beautiful now. Females were made to be beautiful when they're pregnant." He groped himself idly at the thought, licking his lips and leaning back. "I'm going to be a fat, swollen otterboy with breasts." Hobie trailed off again as he said that, fingering one of his nipples and wincing at its sensitivity. "Oh god, I'm gonna have breasts...."

She gently licked his face. "Then you're lucky that you get to experience that beauty for yourself. And I'm going to make sure you know that you're only becoming more beautiful. As for the pups...we could say that both of them are mine if it will help."

He shrugged a bit, and nuzzled her lovingly, stroking her back and sliding his other hand up her shirt to scritch her tummy. "Heh, that might work...but I need to get my figure back before I start modeling again. That might take a while."

Rain started to scratch his tummy, not hard enough to feel his expanding uterus but enough to let him know that she wanted to make him feel as good as he made her feel. "Then we'll enjoy our break from society, won't we?"

Hobie nodded. "As long as we have each other. We could go hide on this island I know about, just holing up in my cabin...." He grinned as he scritched up and down her back, his claws catching on her bra strap and slowly tearing it before it came apart and slipped down under her shirt. "I hope you have more of those...."

She growled in anticipation. "Yep. And you're free to borrow them if you need them, my sexy fellow mom-to-be. Mm, I know you're nervous about it, but I know I'm going to enjoy it." She let her hands trail down to the waistband of his briefs.

He bit his lip again and giggled softly, his hands reaching around her body to caress the undersides of her B-cup breasts, shivering at her touch and sitting up a bit more, spreading his legs as the scent of his female and male sides mingled in their noses. "I'm about five weeks ahead of you so you'll know what to expect...mmmf, that feels good."

She pressed the front of her torso against his, letting their chests connect. She flinched. "Whoa...heh. I guess we're going to share sensitive nips, huh?" She shuddered. "Though, I have to tell you, now that I can enjoy them, this sensitivity's going to be fun. How about we take this somewhere more suitable?"

"Mmmmf...." He looked down at his pre-soaked briefs and over at the crashing surf on the beach, his arousal getting the better side of his judgment as he picked up his love and grinned. "Yes...let's!" he said excitedly as he carried her across the beach, his strength belied by his moderate build and his pregnancy. Rain enjoyed being in Hobie's arms, knowing that he wouldn't be able to do this for long. She playfully kicked off her shoes as she hugged him and looked eagerly at the ocean. The otterboy waddled down to where the sand grew damp, giggling and letting Rain stand as their toes mingled in the wet sand, stroking his hands down her body and kissing her firmly as his front pressed against hers. "I've always wanted to make love on the beach, sweetheart."

She relished the feeling of his warm body on her own as she returned the kiss and wrapped her arms behind his back. They had kissed and cuddled whenever they could before making love three weeks ago, and she always felt that his love as well as his body was shielding her from everything and everyone that could hurt her. "Well, I'm all yours. Let's make love, and not as crushes or lovers, but as future parents."

He churred and grinned, pulling her down as he kneeled on the sand, gripping her shirt at the collar and tearing it quickly downward, exposing her chest and belly, and gently groping her breasts, his cock dripping pre through his briefs as he took in her body. "Oooh, love...I've missed you so much...."

She basked in knowing that he was admiring her body, especially now that he knew that they were going to become parents and he wanted to stay with her. She felt her heart ache with longing, a kind of longing she had only felt once before, three weeks ago. "Then come and show me. Show me how much you missed me. For now, forget about what the world will think about us and listen to what you want." She started to take her shorts off.

Hobie grinned and nuzzled between her breasts, licking her fur and burrowing his muzzle between them, gripping her sides as she pulled off her shorts. Without waiting for her to take off her underwear, he pushed her into the wet sand, soaking her back and the seat of her panties as he pressed his crotch against hers and straddled her body. "You're so beautiful, Rain...."

Rain suddenly gasped as he pleasured her chest and held him in a tight embrace. Her entire body tensed up for a short while before it relaxed. Her girlcum soaked the crotch of her underwear and the tip of Hobie's strained briefs. She managed to pant, "Holy shit...I knew I was sensitive but...."

He licked over one of her breasts, panting softly and grinding their crotches together while moaning fervently, taken by his passion. She grunted and groaned as he caressed the most intimate parts of her already increasingly sensitive body. He continued to lick her for several minutes before he sat up, grinning and petting her belly. "You've got a little pup growing inside you, love...."

She leaned her head up to look at him, still a bit dizzy from being kept in such a state of pleasure for so long. She gave him a loving smile, her mouth still open to pant, and rested her hands on top of his. "And not just any pup, honey. Our pup."

"The pup I put inside you...mmm, I wish the one inside me were ours too...." He blushed again and kissed her breasts, reaching down to tug on her panties, ripping them down the front and exposing her crotch, sliding his fingers between her thighs to her dripping cunny, rubbing her folds as pre slicked her belly. "We're going to have a hard time doing this when we're bigger...."

The back of Rain's head hit the sand again as she gritted her teeth and her breathing came in hisses. She tried to respond but found that she could do nothing but mewl in pleasure and roll her head from side to side. She grasped his body so hard she was afraid she might hurt him but she couldn't help it.

Hobie tore off his briefs and tossed them to the surf, leaning his toned and sexy surfer's body down against hers, pressing their bellies together as his cock slid between her slick thighs and bumped against her sex, slowly slipping up inside of her as he moaned loudly, the water splashing both of them gently as she settled in the sand. "Ooooh gods you feel soft, Rain...."

Rain was about to cry out in a voice she didn't know she had before she covered her mouth with her hands, almost biting into them and stifling her scream. She still couldn't find the will to speak, so she let her actions speak for her by pulling Hobie into a deep kiss and groaning down his throat. His belly rubbed against hers as he arched his back; she could feel the little bulge in his tummy pressing up against her invisible womb. His eyes tightly shut as his balls churned beneath his throbbing cock buried in her depths, his hands gripping her shoulders as he grunted with pleasure and curled his tongue around hers.

The feeling of the baby in his tummy excited her even more and she disengaged her hands from Hobie's shoulders to blindly grope his nethers as best she could. She wasn't able to do much more than cop a feel but she was sure she was adding to his pleasure at least a little. She pressed her chest up into his, growling from the overstimulation of her body; if it weren't for the waves periodically dousing her, she would have passed out. Hobie gasped and moaned louder at her hands caressing the base of his cock and his balls, shaking in pleasure before he yelped and his body tensed, a moment before hot ottercum flooded her depths, a generous shower of femcum coating his balls and Rain's hand as he climaxed from both genders, filling her belly while he ground against her firmly, the sensation of the baby within him pressed between them adding to the sensation. Rain felt her pleasure escalate to a point it had never before reached, her mind awash with lust and love. Spots danced in front of her eyes, so she kept them shut as the wave of her orgasm finally crested. Her sex clenched his rod as he pumped his seed at her already full womb, and she withdrew her tongue from his muzzle so she could howl her release into his mouth without being heard.

The otterboy grunted loudly as his climax subsided, panting and glistening with both sweat and seawater, settling himself atop her in exhaustion and moaning as he kissed her neck and face lovingly. "Mmmm, I love you so much, my dear Rain...mother of my child."

She came down from the heavens and lay back in the sand, pulling away from his muzzle, a trail of saliva still linking them. She weakly held him as she licked him back, able to speak again. "I meant what I said, you know. I'm going to make sure you love the changes in your body as much as I do. Mm, and then when you have the pup, you'll still be able to watch me grow."

"For five more weeks." He chuckled and kissed her again, licking around her face and muzzle, looking up the beach at their clothing scattered about. "I'm sorry for ruining your clothes, honey...."

She returned the kiss. "It's okay. I think that it won't be too long before we don't really even need clothes. It'll be a long, pregnant vacation." She took a deep breath. "But right now, I think we should go inside. Can't have anyone just coming by and seeing, you know."

He nodded, seeing that the sun was getting low on the horizon. He slowly stood up, pulling his softened cock from her slit, dripping with honey and cum. "Do you want to go to the island for a while...or stay around here for the next nine months?" he asked as he offered her a hand.

She whined at the feeling of his cock leaving her before she took his hand and rose to her knees and then her feet. "I think we're both going to deserve a vacation." She put his arm around her shoulders and leaned her head against his chest as they tiredly walked back across the beach.

Hobie took her inside, smiling and holding the door open for her. "I think maybe we could take a shower...and then curl up in bed together...I'm rather exhausted after that."

Rain nodded. "Yeah...it seems that we are two of the fortunate furs to be super turned on during pregnancy. *murr* One nice thing about getting bigger, if it still scares you at all, is that there will be even more of each other to cuddle, and I think you know that I can be quite the cuddle bug."

"But when we're both round and swollen...mmf. How are we going to...?" He stepped into the bathroom to turn on the shower, smiling back at her. "Ladies first."

She reached in to check the water temperature, and finding it to her liking, stepped in, pulling him with her. "We'll find a way. I know I'll be fawning over you, so you can certainly look forward to that."

He grinned widely, stepping in with her and getting soaked, smiling and swinging his big tail as he closed the shower door behind him and pulling her close, pressing tummy to tummy. "How long will you want to stay on the island, love?"

She rested her head under his chin and held him in her arms as the warm water soothed her strained body, groaning in appreciation. "Long enough to have the pups, at least. I don't want either of us to be worried about anything but each other. After that, well, we shall see."

Hobie reached behind Rain and pulled back the liquid soap, drenching it over her back and lathering her up from her neck down to her rump. "We'll have to pack plenty of clothing...and umm...well...we're going to grow out of everything." He chuckled. "Kinda roughing it?"

Rain almost felt herself nodding off from his gentle ministrations. "Sure. It'll be nice...we can take care of each other and not have to worry about anyone telling us what we should do."

He kneaded her back and shoulders lovingly and murred happily, nuzzling her chest and neck as he worked the soap into her fur, rinsing her off under the cascade of water. "I should probably get in touch with an obstetrician who's willing to make out-of-the-way house calls. You know, just to be safe."

She melted under his affections and started to drift off. "Mmm...that's so nice, Hobie...we should either sleep in here or go to bed now, or I'll just collapse."

"Let's sleep in bed dear, the shower will make us soggy." Hobie smiled and turned off the water, toweling his lover dry and then himself before taking her to the bedroom, turning down the sheets of his luxurious bed and helping her lay down. "I will miss the comforts of home though...."

She opened her arms welcomingly and smiled at him. "Well, you'll have me. I'll be your comforter anytime you want. And I'll never break or have to be replaced, that's a promise. Right now, though, I just want us to hold each other as we did when our second child was conceived."

He giggled and nodded, snuggling up against her as their bellies pressed together, the pups nestled within them as close as they could get in utero. "So you want to call my pup your own as well, Rain?"

Rain licked his face and nodded. "Of course. It's the child of my love, and it will know parents who love it and love each other, so I don't see why it can't be both of ours."

"That means everything to me dear..." he murred and closed his eyes, snuggled up in his mate's arms, and sighed softly. "Goodnight, my dear Rain."

"Anytime, Hobie. See you in the morning." She drifted off to sleep, maternal thoughts mingling in her dreams.

Tides Ch. 2: A Lover In Need

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is...

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Well...okay, more for egg lovers than for the other lovers :P This is the result of an RP between me and Rain. It was also the first one of its kind I ever did. Thank you, Rain, for such a good time and for wanting to RP more with me. This...

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