Wild Ch. 2: Wish Granted

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#2 of Love in the Wild

Love in the Wild

Chapter 2: Wish Granted

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before.

Enough of my "critique discouraged" stuff. Go for it...just please be nice, my ego is fragile ^_^

Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

It had been one month since Nivalis and Stormtalon went from brothers to mates. Niv held true to his word about praying that his brother could be impregnated. In fact, at that moment he was in what he liked to call his grove, a small enclosure of variety of flowers and other forms of natural beauty encircled by trees. His eyes were closed in peace as he concentrated on a mental image of his brother pregnant.

A rustling in the brush signaled the return of the large silver, blue, and white griffon, dragging a carcass behind him with blood staining his clothes. He walked into the clearing, leaving the deerlike animal near the periphery and was about to wave to Niv before gripping his belly and turning to vomit into the bushes. "Ohh, not again..." he moaned

Niv's eyes opened with the sound of his brother's upset stomach. He ran to Storm's side and rubbed his back. "Love, you've been throwing up for a while now and my changes to your diet don't seem to be working. Maybe I should try something a little stronger, you're starting to make me worry."

Storm panted, and unbuttoned the top of his shirt slightly as he stood up, looking to his brother with a look of discomfort and anxiety, flicking his tail behind him. "Niv, I don't think it's my diet that's causing this." He eyed the deer carcass as he said that. Niv cocked his head and furrowed his brow in curiosity. "My monthly blood should have been around a month ago. I think your prayers have been answered, bro."

His heart leapt into his throat, his breath caught, and he looked as if he were staring death in the face. "Wh-...are...are you serious?"

"Well, missing my blood alone would make me think that, but being sick on top of it, your prayers, and our mating like animals in heat..." He smiled softly and embraced Niv in his arms and wings. "You're gonna be a daddy."

He was still a bit thunderstruck, but his fear was soon overwhelmed by his joy as he embraced his love back, crying with happiness. "*sniff* Storm, I have to admit, I'm so happy, but...at the same time, I'm scared...scared that I won't be strong enough to care for you and the grifflet."

"Shhh, it'll be fine honey..." He gently kissed Niv's head, lovingly preening his eartufts and stroking down his back, holding the smaller male to his body. "We'll care for the baby together, and I shouldn't need too much attention until...eh, the later months." He started to really think about what was going to happen. "Mmf, I'm going to be huge..."

Niv pulled back so he could look Storm in the eye, still crying and smiling. He shook his head. "I know we'll do this together. And don't fear the changes in your body: they're a sign that the baby is healthy. I'll be there with you and I'll do my best."

Storm slowly sat down on the grass, holding Niv against him and shivering a bit, his sheath hardening at the thought of what was going to happen to his body. He undid his shirt completely and looking at his firm chest and six-pack belly. "How am I going to hunt for us?"

"I can hunt. I know you're the better hunter, but I've learned a lot from watching you. And I can entreat some of the forest to yield more nutritious fruit. You're going to need it." Niv looked lovingly at Storm's abdomen, now for a different reason than lust. He looked over near the middle of the grove, the sun shining in and bathing it in warm light. He stood up and motioned with his head for Storm to follow.

He smiled as Niv eyed his own belly, becoming radiant at the thought of watching himself change, and rose to follow his brother into the middle of the grove. "What do you have here, hon?" he asked curiously, leaving his shirt open.

Niv gently moved Storm so Storm was lying on his back. Then he laid the side of his head on Storm's belly and nuzzled it lovingly.

"Mmmm, love..." he said breathily at the nuzzle, smiling to Niv and gently stroking his head, breathing softly. "That feels so good, honey."

He continued his nuzzle, adding a few licks here and there. "Well, don't worry, there's all you could possibly want, on demand." The pregnant griffon gasped and panted at the nuzzling and licking, feeling his tummy fur become damp and his sheath growing rock-hard in his pants as he squirmed. This went on for a few minutes before Nivalis stopped to look at Storm's face again.

Storm looked down at his brother and smiled. "I wonder when my body will start to change."

Niv returned the loving gaze. "I don't know, but I very much look forward to it. Pregnant animals are beautiful things, and now you'll get to experience that beauty." He moved up to nuzzle his mate's cheek, resting one hand on Storm's abdomen.

"Mmmm, we'll both get to...but it'll be firsthand only for me." He giggled and kissed Niv's beak, licking lovingly and purring, placing his own hand on Niv's.

Niv giggled as well. "You know, you're so cute when you giggle, Storm."

"Oooh, heehee...well you're cute no matter what you do, Niv..." Storm said with a kiss.

He rubbed Storm's belly but soon unintentionally brushed Storm's groin, and he knew quite well what Storm was probably thinking. "I already put a baby in you, Storm, I can't try to do it again," he said before he laughed.

Stormtalon groaned at the rub to his groin, pushing his hips up to press his hard shaft against Niv's hand more firmly. "So what are you suggesting...?"

Niv thought for a few seconds, and then an idea came into his head. "Well...there is one thing we never got around to after all the mating we've been doing..." He stood and slowly took his clothes off, nodding at Storm to do likewise.

He perked his ears, grinning and shrugging off his shirt as he stood up, flexing his abs while he still had them. "Mmm, really...? What's that?"

"It's not the same as what I did to you our first time, but it's the best we can do. I want you to take me...you know...where I'm still a virgin." He pulled down his pants and stood naked before the other future parent, his sheath starting to harden.

"Mmmm... I think I'd enjoy that," he said as he stood up, undoing his pants and letting them fall to the ground, his stiff erection already leaking pre down its length, and caressed his brother's hips. "You really think you can take me, hon? I don't want to hurt you."

Niv's smile remained. "Sometimes, a bit of pain leads to a world of pleasure." He turned around and got on his hands and knees, raising his backside in the air.

Storm nodded softly and got on his knees behind Niv, nudging his thick shaft under Niv's tail between his rump cheeks. He gripped the smaller male's hips with his hands and firmly pressed his slick cocktip against Niv's tailhole. At first it didn't give, but after applying a little more pressure the head eased forward and spread Niv open. "Mmmmf, you are a virgin, no doubt..."

He started breathing harder. It wasn't very painful yet; it just felt as if he were going to the bathroom, though it was at the same time a weird feeling. Then he moved his hips back a little and winced from the muscular ring being opened wider. "AH...rgh...*pant*."

The bigger griffon grunted softly, slowly easing his shaft into Niv, his claws lightly brushing his brother's belly and more firmly grasping his hips as his shaft grew thicker while more of it slid into Niv. "Are you okay, hon?"

He took a few deep breaths as the feeling of being stretched increased. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Just...give me a second." He let out a sigh he didn't know he had been holding in. "...Okay..."

Stormtalon paused, and then slowly pressed forth when his brother said it was okay, easing the last few inches of his shaft inside the smaller griffon. When he was hilted up inside Niv, his larger ballsack brushed against his brother's, and his cunny dripped warm fluid down the back of his sack. "Nnng, how does that feel?"

"Right now it hurts...quite a bit. But not as much as it did when you were just putting it in. *pant* And it feels kind of good to feel your balls against mine." Niv's breaths were calming down and he turned his head to look at his brother as best he could, lowering his wings to get a better view. He smiled despite his discomfort.

He grinned and leaned over Niv's back to lick Niv's beak, gently nuzzling his neckruff before slowly backing his cock out of Niv's ass, easing it slowly to halfway out and then starting to slide it back in again, causing Niv to grunted a bit. "Mmmm, you like my balls against yours, huh? Maybe you'd like my tongue against them too, later," he said with a wink.

It still hurt, but the pain was fading. He laughed a bit at Storm's suggestion. "Maybe, but for now, I'm yours to do with as you please."

"Mmmm...so you like having your big pregnant brother dominating you," he growled, gently taking hold of Niv's neckruff in his beak.

Niv flinched in fear as Storm bit the scruff of his neck, but relaxed upon remembering that Storm would never hurt him...at least, not without pleasuring him. "That's me...the submissive little brother." Storm growled again, pulling out fully and pushing back in again, slowly building up a rhythm of thrusts, hot pre spurting into Niv's ass as their balls swung beneath them. Niv lost the ability to speak as he could fully feel Storm's cock press against his prostate, squawking in sudden pleasure. "AWK! Great...nnngarrrrgh...oh, that's good..."

Storm's wings fanned out as he really got into it, humping his brother and rocking his shaft in and out of Niv's ex-virgin hole, claws pricking lightly through his fur as his firm belly rubbed against Niv's rump, pre coming in quicker spurts. "Mmmmf, I'd knock you up if you were a herm."

His hands grasped the ground as the pleasure built in a way he had never experienced, and his beak hung open as he panted and moaned as his eyes squinched shut. He didn't expect to be so stimulated by this, but he most certainly was, as shown by his cock dripping pre onto his knees. "Too late...I already did that to you...mom...I *grunt* don't know about...you, but I can't wait for you to *whimper* get all big with our baby."

Stormtalon shuddered at Niv's words, imagining his toned and muscular belly swelling out with their child. It was enough to push him over that final edge, lifting his head and screeching in pleasure as he came hard, flooding Niv's belly with hot griffoncum while his cunny spurted with honey down his thighs and balls.

The feeling of cum flowing into his gut was a very weird one, as if he had swallowed something hot and sticky that he was about to defecate, but knowing what it was greatly changed Niv's opinion of the sensation. "Rrrgh, love, I'm so close...just press into me as hard as you can!"

He happily obliged, grinding his crotch against Niv's rear while the rest of his cream pumped into his brother, his hand reaching around to grip Niv's smaller cock while he nuzzled up his back, gently licking Niv's neckruff. "MMmmm, good boy..."

"Ahh-...GYAAAAAHHH!" He came, and came hard, surprising himself with his strength as he suddenly sat upright, his back pressed to Storm's front, and called out his release to the sky, unloading his seed all over his brother's hand.

Stormtalon giggled as his brother climaxed, feeling his cock pulsing and shooting cum across his own hand and the grass, holding Niv to his front and wrapping an arm around his body, jerking his hips to milk the last of his cum from his own spent balls. "Ooooh, there we go...heh..."

He groaned loudly as his seed jetted out of him and onto his thighs, keeping his eyes shut as he blindly licked his mate's face. "So...good..."

He grinned and leaned back, stroking Niv's chest and tummy gently while he breathed deeply, coming down from his climax. "Mmm, it was, indeed..."

He let his brother move them so he was lying on his brother's front. He shot a last jet of semen as his cock pointed directly upward, so it came back down and reslicked him as well as Storm's hand. "Storm...that was incredible..." Then he started to move so he was lying on his side, causing Storm's cock to slide out of his tailhole. The cum started to slowly leak out as his tailhole returned to its normal shape. He tiredly wriggled so that he was snuggling Storm.

"Heehee, yes it was, bro," he said as he pulled Niv against his body, putting his arms around his brother and kissing his neck and chest, purring softly while they cuddled belly to belly. "I hope it wasn't too painful for you?"

Nivalis returned the purring in kind, rubbing his belly against Storm's. "At first, yeah, it did hurt a lot...I guess I have an idea of how you felt, though the tailhole is supposed to be an exit, not an entrance. In the end, though...it was nice. But...were you just, what did dad call it, talking dirty to me with the dominating thing? Because even though I liked it, you know I'll always submit to you and I'll do anything you ask of me without you having to dominate me."

He chuckled softly and purred louder, pressing his tummy to Niv's and stroking Niv's rump. "Heh, yeah, I got kind of into it I guess, sorry...I just figured you'd like the thought of your pregnant griffon taking you hard and fast." He closed his eyes tiredly, letting his wings droop.

"*purr* My pregnant griffon...that's so incredible..." He nuzzled Storm's throat. "I know this child is unexpected, but it's still a blessing...our blessing." He felt fatigue catch up with him as well. "And I'll be with you every step of the way."

Storm nodded gently, scritching the bases of Niv's wings and purring happily at the nuzzling, rolling onto his back slowly and laying a hand across his tummy. "Your pregnant griffon, dear."

Niv placed his hand over Storm's own and licked the side of his face as he started to fade into the afterglow. "I love you, mom."

He giggled again, nuzzling and chirping in love. "I love you too, dad."

After-story disclaimer: The bit about pain and pleasure was from Kitsuchan of Pregfur. Thanks dude!

Wild Ch. 3: Mutual Prices

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding incest and pronouns as before. Stormtalon (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Nivalis (c) me, Si "Evertide" M. Stormtalon...

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Wild Ch. 1: Confession and Prayer

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Tides Ch. 2.5: Happy Family-To-Be

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