Tides Ch. 2.5: Happy Family-To-Be

Story by Evertide on SoFurry

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#3 of As Certain as the Tides

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name.

Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex.

Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is only encouraged when it has to do with spelling and grammar, and grammar outside of dialogue since those errors there are probably my fault anyway. In other words, we like how it is written whether it's the best it can be or not.

Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau.

Rain and Kera (c) me, Si "Evertide" M.

Speedo (c) someone other than us.

Pokémon (c) Nintendo, Game Freak, etc.

Rain was still leaning back on the couch, her shorts off so Kera could conduct the examination she had just performed. Her eyes were wide open in shock from what Kera had told her a few minutes ago. "But...what am I...we going to do?" she asked Kera.

"We should tell Hobie as soon as we can so he has time to come to terms with it, Rain." Kera held her hands in her own and looked at her with sympathy.

Hobie stepped in through the doorway just then, dripping wet and Speedo-clad, his surfboard laid up against the home. His toned body was showing just a bit more noticeably than two weeks prior, his navel tilted from the growing bulge at his waist. "Come to terms? With what?" he asked, closing the door behind him.

Rain yelped in surprise at realizing that Hobie had heard some of what Kera had said. She froze, averting her gaze. "Uh...well, um..." she looked at Kera, who nodded, "it's about..." She patted her tummy.

He whimpered quietly, and walked over to the couch quickly, starting to sit down before realizing he was soaked. "Is everything okay?" he asked, reaching down to hold Rain's hand.

Rain took a quick glance at Hobie's soaked body and spoke timidly. "First, dry off so that you can sit, you're going to need to."

He grumbled, then grabbed a towel off the wall peg which he kept there for after he'd been surfing. He dried off with it, and when he got to his belly, rubbed the bulge tenderly, before caressing it with his fingers. "Man, I'm getting big..." he said with a blush.

Kera smiled at him, as did Rain despite her jumbled state of mind. Rain patted next to her on the couch and waited for Hobie to sit down. "Hobie, even though it's neither your fault nor mine, there's something you need to know."

Hobie laid the towel on the couch and sat, holding her hand in his, looking into her eyes with concern. "Love, what is it? Please tell me the pup will be okay." He started to become more frightened as he turned to look at Kera. "I don't care how much it costs and I don't care if we have to go back to the mainland to get surgery or whatever, just-"

"Hobie!" Rain interrupted in a more commanding voice than any of them were accustomed to her using. Hobie stopped his panicky speech and looked at her in surprise, as did Kera. Rain continued in a calm but still commanding tone, "Hobie, calm down. Everything is okay. Something's just happened that we didn't expect."

Hobie took a deep breath and nodded, smiling. "Wow, Rain...you're already practicing being a parent. That's definitely a voice a parent would use," he said, hugging her.

Rain smiled at the compliment, then pulled back and looked at Kera again. Kera took the microphone she had used to measure the pups' heartbeats two weeks ago and pressed a button. The sound of a heartbeat filled the room. "Now, I made this recording of Rain's uterus not five minutes ago. Listen for a little bit."

He nodded, perking his ears, growing concerned again. "It's normal...isn't it?" he asked, putting a hand on Rain's normal-looking belly; only when she leaned back did she show at all, and even then just barely.

"Oh yes. And now I'm going to adjust this a little bit so it sounds different. Try to listen for a rhythm." Kera very delicately adjusted a knob and the sound changed: the overall noise was quieter but the thumping was more easily heard.

Hobie leaned against Rain, listening intently. "I...I see. Or hear...what's the problem?"

This time Rain spoke up. "There's really no problem, Hobie, except that...one pup can't make this noise..." she trailed off and braced herself.

He cocked his head, listening closely, his hand stroking her belly. "Uhhm...not one... then..." His eyes grew wide. "You mean..." His eyes widened even further as his jaw nearly hit the floor. "Oh my god...Rain, you're having twins?" She nodded. His face grew into an enormous smile, his mouth agape, as he wrapped his arms around her. "That's AWESOME!"

Rain disintegrated with relief, and more than a little surprise, into Hobie's hug as she hugged him back as hard as she could. "Yes, Hobie, you're going to be a daddy to two bundles of joy." Kera stood by, smiling, and moved back to give them some room.

"And a mommy of one!" He giggled, kissing her all over and nuzzling down her shirt, to crouch on the floor and kiss her belly, his nose pressing gently against her womb. "You two better be nice to your mommy...or I'm coming in there!" He grinned, waving his tail happily as he sat up; having his nose so close to her crotch, he couldn't help but become a bit aroused. "I can't believe it, three pups...the only thing that would have been more surprising is finding out we're both having twins." He shot Kera a glance. "We're not, are we?"

Rain couldn't contain her joy and started crying openly at feeling Hobie smother her with love and affection. At hearing his question, she turned her head to look at Kera, who smiled and shook her head. "Nope. It's a buy two, get one free deal this time."

"That's probably a good thing...I think we can handle three. Four would be...it'd be something." He hopped up on the couch and held Rain close, kissing and licking her lovingly, stroking her tummy under her shirt. "At least this explains...why my love has been having so much trouble...doesn't it?"

Rain slowly writhed on the couch and rolled her head back and forth from the overflow of mutual love, murring almost loud enough to deafen the other two furs nearby. She pushed her very slightly rounded belly out so it was brushing against his.

"In addition to the expected problems of a teenage pregnancy, yes, more than one passenger means that she'll have to be a careful driver, mind the metaphor," Kera explained.

"I'll do everything I can to help her though this." He moaned softly as she pressed against him, and his claws lightly tore at her shirt in front, opening it up over her belly to let their mutual bulges press together, his sheath swelling in his Speedo. "Mmm, looks like someone's excited, lover..."

Kera raised an eyebrow and quickly rose to her feet. "I think I will leave you alone to celebrate," she said knowingly as she left to go for a walk, not wanting to overhear them.

Rain pulled away from Hobie long enough to shout, "Thank you so much, Kera!" before she returned her attention to her lover. "*murr* Yess, rub my belly, there's going to be so much life in it."

Hobie smiled back at Kera as she stepped outside, leaning his lover on her back on the couch and carefully lying down on top of her, his crotch swelling against her as he gently tugged on her shirt, ripping it a little bit with each tug. "Mmmmm, and you're getting even more sexy by the day, love...you're finally starting to show."

"And there's only going to be more of me for a while, and I plan on enjoying every second I can." She licked his muzzle with fervor she hadn't shown in months. He groaned, tearing her shirt up to the neck and exposing her chest, his hands groping her breasts as his belly gently rubbed against hers. Then she stopped and calmly rested her forehead against his. "Honey, you sounded really scared that I thought I could be having twins when I told you I was pregnant...what brought this on?"

He looked up as she stopped, nuzzling her and chirping. "I didn't really think about it much after that. But since then...I've been listening to our pups' heartbeats every night and..." he shook his head, starting to tear up, "I just can't describe the joy I feel of becoming a parent...the more pups, the more wonderful." He giggled and rubbed his tummy against hers again. "I just wish I were bearing our twins so you could have less of a burden."

She couldn't help but cry again, "You...you really think that? You want our first pup to...I can't believe I'm saying this, have siblings almost right from the start?" She rubbed his tummy back with her own.

"I always wish I had siblings when I was young, and now our pups will grow up together..." He wiggled and murred, rubbing his swollen crotch and tummy against hers as his chest rubbed her breasts, kissing her neck and holding her arms gently. "I'm so hot for you, Rain."

Rain was smitten with love both for her lover and for their pups, picturing all of them happily playing together. "Not as playmates, as siblings. Now come here, dad...or would you like me to call you mom?" She laughed and leaned forward, rubbing her very slightly enlarged chest against his.

He grunted as she pushed her chest to his, licking her forehead and ears lovingly, his cock tenting his Speedo against her belly. "Call me whatever you want. I'm gonna be both." He winked, growling as he nibbled her neck. "You know, the times you've licked and nuzzled my belly, the little bulge of our first pup...turns me on like nothing else."

She giggled and rubbed her front against him as much as she could, growling from the pleasurable friction. "Just imagine it, then, when both of us have big ol' bellies and rub them against each other. At that rate we'll never get out of bed!" She reached down between her thighs and past his shaft to rub his sex through his Speedo, a bit of a new destination for them.

Hobie yelped and spread his legs, arching his back and holding onto her shoulders as she rubbed him through the Speedo, whimpermoaning and closing his eyes, nearly collapsing onto her. "Oooh, Rain, naughty girl..."

Rain raised her eyebrows in pleasant surprise. "Wow, you must be super sensitive to have that kind of reaction...sooner or later I'm going to have to show you what it's like to be pleasured as a girl, and cum as one too," she said with a growl.

"You would be the one to know that," he said with a pant and a grin, rolling over on the couch and thumping down on the floor on his back while he pulled her atop him. He smirked and pulled her ruined shirt away so they both had only their privates covered. "Mmmmf, don't stop, lover; that felt so good..."

She wagged her index finger at him, resting most of her body weight on her palms in a kind of push-up position so as not to exert pressure on his middle. "No no no, I have to practice on myself first *giggle*. I know it won't be the first time you cum as a girl, but I'm going to make sure you never forget it." She sat up on her folded legs, dug her claws into the tightening waistband of his Speedo, and started to pull it down.

Hobie shivered as she grasped his Speedo, arching his back to push up against her hand and leaking copious amounts of pre into his swimsuit, his cunny leaking between his thighs as he rubbed her sides. He gently picked at the threads of her panties, looking over her body and licking his lips. "Oooh, please ride me, love."

Rain was always eager to comply with that request. "Okay, but," she gently rested her hands on his tummy and moved so her rear was in his face, "I can't seem to stop rubbing your sexy tummy, dear. Do you think you could make good use of that mouth of yours? I know it's kissable but you should practice giving it another use."

"Mmmmmm!" he panted, licking her pussy through the wet fabric of her panties, eagerly slurping while holding her legs with his hands before gently gripping the garment in his teeth, making sure he had a grip on the fabric and not on her sex. He shook his head from side to side, tearing them apart and off of her hips, giggling and planting his nose inside her pussy before licking deeply.

She cried out in the sudden burst of pleasure. She didn't understand how she hadn't foreseen such lust, but she didn't, and the sensations caused her to lose her balance and fall back on her bottom, landing with a "thud." "Whoops...you're not the only sensitive one," she said before laughing.

He giggled and sat up, his Speedos almost painfully tight over his cock, crawling over his naked lover and tugging his swimsuit down, ripping it in half from lust and leaving the remains on the floor. His rigid shaft slid against her pussy and smeared pre onto her firm tummy as he sandwiched it between their bodies, pressing against her and licking between her breasts, his muzzle soaked in her honey. "Every day I feel like I've never been so horny for you."

Rain loved it when he pressed his shaft on her tummy, knowing that it would soon become nearly impossible to cover it in his cum, but she knew he'd try his damnedest anyway. "I thought I was going to be the one to ride you?"

Hobie panted and rolled off onto his back next to her, giggling and fondling himself eagerly, a stream of pre landing on his tummy while he moaned and panted. "Ohh yeah...well come on here, sexy, ride the otterboy...rub his belly while you fuck him."

"Oh no, I seem to have forgotten my cowboy hat and lasso; guess I'll have to make due without them." She quickly moved so that her hands rested on the floor above his shoulders and her legs spread as wide as she could spread them, straddling him on her knees as she loomed over him, grinning seductively and letting her breasts hang below his face.

He lapped hungrily at her firm breasts, suckling on a nipple once he caught it with his tongue, reaching down to grasp her hips and gently guide her to his shaft, moaning loudly as her heat began to envelope his cock. "MMmmmmmf!"

"Grrrr...I bet you can't wait for the day I begin lactating, can you?" she growled as she pushed her hips down to bring the rest of his meat into her sex, causing her to go rigid for a second but not break her posture. "...And neither can I..."

"That makes two of us...remember, you're gonna have a milky otterboy before you do it yourself!" he groaned as he gripped her rump, fully sheathing himself inside of her and gasping, her hot juices running down his shaft and coating his balls and groin in her liquid heat.

"Oh, don't be too sure about that, I'll have to feed double and I hate to be outdone when I should have the advantage anyway." Rain lay on him, causing her breast to leave his mouth before she cupped her hand under her other breast to move it closer to his face. She grunted from the sensation before she moved her hips down, taking him in.

Hobie grasped her other breast and craned his neck to take it into his mouth while fucking her relentlessly, squeezing her rump as he humped her, hot pre spurting into her womb as he worked his rigid cock in and out of her pussy. "Mmmmf, we'll see about that won't we love? You have been a little bustier lately...maybe I do speak too soon."

It took a little while but they managed to work out a good rhythm; they'd had a lot of practice, plus the thought of them nursing from each other turned her on as few other things could. She eventually decided that she wanted to take advantage of gravity so she pulled back and rode Hobie's cock while sitting upright and on her knees, her hands reaching to her occupied crotch and spreading their combined juices over their tummies.

He panted louder as he felt her slick warm fingers sliding across his belly, leaving her juices over his bulge and his fur. The combined sensation of her cunny around his shaft and her hands on his belly was enough to push him over the edge, his cock pulsing and shooting his hot seed deep inside her, while his hands squeezed her hips as he came. "OOOOooooh Rain!"

Rain wanted to time her orgasm with his so she used both of her index fingers to apply pressure directly to her clit. That shot her right over the edge and she couldn't even vocalize her release, looking almost straight upward and straining her neck muscles, unable to say anything except a mixture of hissing and clicking as her vagina grabbed Hobie's shaft in its powerful grip.

The otterboy whimpered as their bodies shook together, his cum filling her belly and dripping back down onto his balls, his breathing reduced to pants until the intensity subsided. He closed his eyes and let his body go limp while he moaned in pleasure. "Ooooh man, the pups have gotta wonder what we're doing...heh..."

She caught her breath and slowly rolled to lean next to him on her side, whimpering a bit as his shaft left her, allowing their cocktail of sex to start dripping out of her. She panted on his cheek as she thought of a response. "Give them time, they'll figure out that mom and dad like to share each other's bodies too." She rested a tired arm over his chest.

Hobie scooted up against her and held her close against his body, sweaty and tired, but blissfully enjoying all the smells and feelings of making love, even as it messed up his fur. He closed his eyes and panted, petting her lovingly as he rested.

Rain idly moved an open palm to his chest, having since noted that it was softening up and becoming a good deal more sensitive. She couldn't speak louder than a whisper, "Hmm...maybe you'll cross the finish line before I do after all," finishing with a lick to his ear.

He blushed and whimpered cutely, shivering at the rubs to his chest. "Mmmf...I'm barely softening at all...and you already have those sexy breasts..."

She leaned her head up to look more clearly at what she was doing. "*murr* You're a titty pup? Well then that's another reason to look forward to my breasts having to work overtime." She leaned forward and managed to give a nipple a flick of her tongue.

Hobie yelped happily, leaning back and squirming in pleasure. "Ooooh that feels good, love...mmmmf, your tongue on my body always feels good..."

She looked lovingly into his eyes, her passion having cooled back down into love, and leaned into his shoulder again before licking his face. "And there's going to be even more of you to love, just as you said there'd be of me...*giggle* it's going to be a bit awkward having sex when we're all big, but I think I can find a solution for that, just give me time."

He panted a little, grinning and licking back, rubbing her back and winking. "That'll be the fun part, figuring out positions with our big bellies...mmmm. Maybe Kera can suggest something...I wonder if she's ever worked with parents who were both pregnant."

Rain giggled again. "I have no doubt she can, we aren't the first couple to both have girl parts, you know."

"I'd love to meet another who did," he giggled, "so I could ask the guy what he did about his figure." He winked, and held Rain close to him.

She leaned back and hugged him as close to her as she could. "Mmm, this is so nice..."

Hobie murred in agreement. "Oh, love...did Kera bring that wetsuit for me?"

She nodded. "Yeah, she left it in our bedroom." She whimpered cutely. "Not leaving so soon, are you Hobie? I wanna snuggle more."

"Of course not. I just wanted to make sure...I've been naughty lately and not stuffing a pillow down my wetsuit." He sat up a bit and looked down at his bulge, rubbing it. "I'm getting a little big to do that now."

Rain shook her head. "Tsk tsk tsk. I won't get mad because you were good enough to tell me this time and also because I know how much you want to feel free, but not again, understand?" she gently reprimanded as she patted his tummy.

He whined again. "I'm sorry, love. I had to go out...I felt embarrassed putting a pillow down my suit. And I like wearing as little as I can."

"I know you're sorry, sweetie, but you have to remember that your safety is not just your own anymore. I know the pup isn't made out of glass but let's give it a smooth ride, okay?" She scritched his tummy with her claws to let him know that she forgave him.

"I feel stupid about it. I wasn't gonna tell you...or just say I was out swimming." He sighed dejectedly, his eyes still on his bulge. "Maybe I'll just stop surfing now." He licked her cheek lovingly. "What do you think?"

Rain shook her head again. "I really hope it doesn't come to that until you just can't balance anymore, Hobie. I know how much surfing means to you so I want you to go for it as long as you can; just keep in mind that for now, you have to be careful."

He nodded, and cuddled up with her again. "Okay, sweetheart. I will...for our pup."

She rested her hand on his belly as she felt the slight pressure caused by her own. "I know you will."

He murred happily at the touch, nuzzling in and kissing her neck.

She stretched out and relaxed again, preparing to sleep. "Could you put your hand on my tummy too? I love it when you do that," she said as she rolled onto her back.

"Of course, love." He laid his hand over her tummy, where their pups were, and gently petted her before closing his eyes again.

Tides Ch. 3: Let Me Show You

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Hobie (c) him, Nauta Sinneau. Rain and Kera (c)...

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Tides Ch. 2: A Lover In Need

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Disclaimer regarding "shi" and "hir" as before, along with the fact that this contains sex. Comments are welcome and encouraged. Critique is...

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Tides Ch. 1: First Wave

This is the result of an RP between me and Nauta Sinneau. No, I will not give you his screen name. Contains...\*looks about and whispers\* sex! \*giggles\* Yes, we are fully aware that the correct pronouns used to refer to a herm are "shi"...

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