Dumbo's Spanking

Story by krypto451 on SoFurry

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by Kager and I. characters belong to Disney.

"Did you see it mom? Did you see how extremly good I was?' Dumbo asked.

"it was great, Jumbo Jr." Mrs. Jumbo said.[/quote]

"Just great? I was awesome!"

"Now, let's not get a swelled head over this." Mrs. Jumbo said.

Dumbo looked in the mirror." There is nothing wrong with my head."[/quote][/quote]

"I mean, don't get a big ego over your fame." Mrs. Jumbo said.

"But I did great, can't I be proud about it?"

"Well, yes but..." Mrs. Jumbo said before Dumbo left.

Full of himself Jumbo walked over the circusterrain.

Mrs. Jumbo and Timothy looked worried.[/quote]

"Should I keep a eye on him?" Timothy asked.


Timothy ran after Dumbo and hopped onto his hat.

"Go away, Timothy." Dumbo said.[/quote]

"Go away? Since when did we stop to be friends?" Timothy asked.

"I don't need your help." Dumbo said.[/quote]

"Then i won't, I just spend some time with my best friend." The mouse said.

Dumbo then jumped off the train and spread his ears.[/quote]

"Are you sure this is smart? What if you can't find the train again?" Timmy asked.

Dumbo ignored him.[/quote]

"Dumbo. I am talking to you. Don't try to make me believe you can't hear me with ears like yours."

Dumbo turned around and flew straight towards the train.[/quote]

"I'm glad you understand." Timmy said with a smile.

But Dumbo was actually playing chicken with the train.[/quote]

"Em....maybe you should pull up?" Timmy asked nervous.

Dumbo tried to pull up at the last second but he was hit on his leg and was sent flying off to the side of the train.[/quote]

Timmy held onto Dombo's hat for dear life.

they crash but are not seriously hurt.[/quote]

"You live up to your name." Timmy growled. "What where you thinking?"

Before Dumbo could answer, they noticed the train was leaving them behind.[/quote]

"Let's talk about it later, we have a train to catch." The mouse said.

Dumbo ran after the train.[/quote]

"Dumbo, do you have large ears you can fly with." Timmy asked with a groan.

Dumbo took flight.[/quote]

"I hope we can catch the train."

They eventually made it back to the train.[/quote]

"We need to have a good talk." Timmy said grim.

Dumbo huffed as he returned to his and Mrs. Jumbo's car.[/quote]

Timmy followed him. "Don't walk away if I am talking to you!" He yelled.

But Mrs. Jumbo was just as angry.[/quote]

"Dumbo!" She yelled.

"Yes, Mother?" Dumbo asked.[/quote]

"Don't play dumb with me young man! Turn around, you are getting the spanking you've been begging for all day!"

"But.." Dumbo started.[/quote]

"I don't wanna hear it." His mother said stern.

Dumbo turned around and bent over.[/quote]

"What do you think Timothy? 15 swats?" Mrs. Jumbo asked.

"from both of us." Timothy said.[/quote]

"A mouse spanking a elephant? No offense but I don't think he would even feel it if you spanked him." Mrs. Jumbo said.

"Trust me." Timothy said.

Mrs. Jumbo shrugged and raised her trunk.[/quote]

"Shall I warm him up for you do you wanna go first?" She asked.

"Ladies first." Timothy said.[/quote]

"This is going to do you a lot of good young man." Mr. Jumbo said before giving him hard swat with her trunk.

"Owie!" Jumbo yelped.[/quote]

WHACK! SLAP! WHAP! Her trunk went.

Dumbo waddled in place.[/quote]

The trunk landed eleven more times evenly hard.

Dumbo's legs shook as he began to cry.[/quote]

"I hope this teaches you a lesson Dombo, I love you very much but you have to learn that you can't do whatever you like just because you can fly." She said stern but her voice full of love.

Timmy picked up a long stick lying on the floor.[/quote]

"I see what you meant." Mrs. Jumbo nodded.

Timothy cracked the stick against Dumbo's rear.[/quote]

Dumbo trumpetted in pain.

Timothy whipped him again and again.[/quote]

Dumbo's tears started to flow again as he sobbed.

and his rear end was now bright red.[/quote]

"I'm sorry! He bawled.

"That won't stop me." Timothy said.[/quote]

"I'll be good." Dombo tried.

Timothy whipped him a few more times, then stopped.[/quote]

Dumbo was crying his eyes out by now.

Mrs. Jumbo and Timothy comforted him.[/quote]

"I'm sorry." He cried. "I let my succes go to my head, didn't I?"

Timothy nodded.

"From now on I will listen when you warn me." He sniffled, looking for comfort by his mother.

"Good. Now, let's put this behind us." Mrs. Jumbo said.[/quote]

"But it still hurts." Dumbo whined.

"It won't for long." Mrs. Jumbo said. "But let that be a reminder to behave."[/quote]

"Yes mommy. Timmy? Sorry for being so reckless I could have gotten both of us hurt, now I am the only one in pain." He said with a faint smile.

"it's okay." Timmy said. "let's get some rest."

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