Sagwa the Spanked Chinese Siamese Cat

Story by krypto451 on SoFurry

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by cyber27 and I. characters belong to Amy Tan and PBS.

It was a peaceful day in the home where a family of cats lived but one kitten wasn't Exactly doing as her parents wanted...... Sagwa was Supposed to practice her Scribe writing.

instead, she was playing with her little sister, Sheegwa. The day was too good to be stuck inside doing homework.

"Won't we get in trouble with Mama and Baba?" Sheegwa asked. Sagwa shrugged.

"Sagwa, Sheegwa!" they heard Baba calling... "There's your answer." Sagwa answered her sister.

they went back to their home. They were soon before their father.

"We're Sorry, Baba." both girls said. They obviously felt bad about skipping their lessons to play.

"You will be, this has happened three times before and this is the last straw." Baba said. Both kittens' ears drooped.

"I am going to spank you." Baba said. Fear shone in both kittens' eyes.

"Please, Baba!" Sheegwa said. Sagwa kept quiet.

'Turn around and bend over." Baba instructed. Both did as they were told.

Baba smacked Sagwa's rear with his paw. Sagwa flinched as her eyes began to tear up. A soft "yowch!" came out from her lips

Baba then spanked Sheegwa. Sheegwa copied her older sister's action.

Baba continued to alternate between Sagwa and Sheegwa. It wasn't long before both were bawling.

and their bottoms only began to turn pink. The two knew that their father usually doled long punishments.

Baba started giving them five smacks each before alternating. Each would wail at each turn.

the two kittens' rears started to turn red. They continued to cry.

Baba also started whacking the girls' thighs. Their cries grew.

Sagwa and Sheegwa's rear ends then turned bright red. The two went limp by then.

"Stand back up." Baba said. The pair did so on shaky legs, knees trembling.

Baba resumed spanking his kittens. Their cries resumed.

Baba also continued smacking Sagwa and Sheegwa's thighs. Sheegwa Almost ran.

for that, Baba spanked her extra hard. Sheegwa wailed even more.

Sagwa and Sheegwa's rumps are now crimson. They were having trouble standing.

Baba soon stopped. The two lost their footing and crumpled in a heap.

"I will give you a moment to rest but then, you will do twice as many practice scribes." Baba said.

'But moving our tails will hurt our bottoms more." Sagwa said. Sheegwa sighed.

"I have made up my mind." Baba said. The two scurried to do as told But feeling as If That Was All their parents cared about.

Sagwa and Sheegwa winced as they did their scribing. Neither spoke.

They managed to finish in time for dinner. Even then they wouldn't speak which was unusual for the pair.

"I am sorry for being so harsh on you but your scribing is very important." Baba said. The pair nodded at him with a look that said: That's All You Care About....... Before going back to eating.

Baba saw this and wasn't sure how to address it at first. The pair seemed sullen And Not their usual selves.

"Come, now, I have punished you like this before." Baba said. It was noticeably different because Sagwa and Sheegawa felt unloved.

"I cannot say I will not punish you like this again but I still love you." Baba said. The two looked at him with doubt as they finished their meals, excused themselves then left.

Baba looked at Mama. "Have you forgotten that children Need to be shown that they're loved, Not Just told so, dear?" Mama asked. The pair had gone their own special spots to be alone.

the next morning, Baba went to see his daughters. Each was in her own spot carefully scribing.

"Stop for a moment, I know how to show you I truly do love you." Baba said. The two had separated to different areas of the grounds so Sagwa was found first at one of the ponds.

Sagwa stopped her scribing and was playfully pounced on by Baba. Sagwa was surprised, squealed and Tried to get away.

"This always made you feel better when you were younger." Baba said as he started tickling her sides. Sagawa just giggled and squirmed.

Baba tickled harder. Soon full-blown laughter erupted from Sagawa.

Baba started tickling her paws. "No, Baba...... Not There!!!!" Sagawa squealed.

But Baba tickled her paw pads. Feeling the tips of her paw pads made Sagwa laugh all the harder.

Baba stopped and pulled Sagwa into a hug. Sagwa nuzzled into her father.

a few moments later, the two found Sheegwa and her laughter from being tickled was heard by Mama on the other side of the home. She smiled at the sounds.

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