Lady and the Tramp - One Last "Bad Dog" Night

Story by krypto451 on SoFurry

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by Kager and I. characters belong to Disney.

After their puppies were born, Tramp had convinced Lady to "live on the wild side" one last time despite her better judgement.[/quote]

"I don't know how you did it but I have to admit this IS fun." Lady said as she chewed on Darlings new hat. "But this is the last time, we have to give our pups a good example."

"Sure thing, but enjoy it for now, Pidge." Tramp said.

Just as she ripped a piece of the hat Darling entered.

The two dogs froze.

"LADY! TRAMP!" She shouted. "My new hat!"

the two dogs tried to leave the room.[/quote]

"What's with all the shouting?" Jim Dear asked as he came in and blocked the door opening.

he then saw what happened.[/quote]

"My shoes, your hat!" He said. He gave the two dogs a stern look. 'What do you have to say for yourselves?"

Tramp gave a sheepish "Arf."[/quote]

"Don't you 'arf' me Tramp. I think you KNEW what you did was wrong, and what about you Lady?" He asked, waving his finger at them.

Lady whimpered and gave puppy dog eyes.

"Don't even try, you are both in big trouble. What do you think we should do with them Darling?" He asked his wife.

"Exactly what we do with their pups." Darling said.

"Are you sure? I mean you don't punish adults like you punish children." Jim Dear said.

"Masters treat all dogs like children to some extent." Darling said.[/quote]

"Okay..."Jim Dear said with a little hesitation. "Hand or magazine?"

"Hand." Darling said.[/quote]

"You take Lady?" He asked.

Darling nodded.[/quote]

"Tramp, you are coming with me." Jim Dear said stern.

Tramp shook his head.[/quote]

"You know you had to obey the rules when you where offered to live here." He said firm.

Tramp walked towards Jim Dear.

"That's better, let's take care of this in my study.

Lady in the meantime was making puppydog eyes to Darling.

Darling was unmoved.

Jim Dear closed the door after he and Tramp entered th study. "Tramp, I am dissapointed in your behavior, you KNOW what you did was wrong ,right?"

Lady began to make soft sounds.

Tramp nodded.[/quote]

"Then you understand what is going to happen?" He asked.

Tramp nodded again.

Jim dear sat down and patted his lap.

Tramp got over his lap.[/quote]

Meanwhile, in the living room. "There is no need trying to give me those puppy dog eyes Lady." Darling said firm. "I love you very much but you earned yourself a good spanking! Get over my lap!"

Lady got over Darling's lap.[/quote]

Jim Dear was gathering courage to spank Tramp, he knew he had to do it but he didn't like it at all.

Darling on the other hand, had no problem giving Lady a good spanking, Jim Dear's shoes where pretty old but her hat was brand new, she bought it yesterday.[/quote]

Lady still tried the puppy dog eyes.[/quote]

After a few moments Jim Dear raised his hand and brough it down below Tramp's tail.

"I told you that isn't going to work Lady." Darling said as she helped the Cocker Spaniel across her lap.

Darling then started spanking Lady.[/quote]

Poor Lady barked and squirmed under the punishing hand of her owner.

Lady's rear soon turned pink.[/quote]

Tramp's behind wasn't in much better shape.

Despite his tough guy image he liked to keep up, Tramp was soon bawling like a puppy.[/quote]

"It is clear you haven't been spanked much in your life." Jim Dear said. "Are you learning your lesson?"

"I hate to do this Lady." Darling said softly as she spanked her firmly. "But you have been a VERY bad girl, the hat you chewed on was brand new!" She scolded.

Tramp nodded.[/quote]

"Then I will give you five more smacks and hope I never will have to spank you again." Jim Dear decided.

Lady was also soon given the last of her spanking.[/quote]

"You go stand in a corner and think about what you have done." Darling told her.

Soon, after that, Lady and Tramp met back up.[/quote]

"I shouldn't have listened to you." Lady said.

then she saw Tramp's rump was only pink. "And you Got spanked less then me?!" Lady then bent Tramp over.[/quote]

"It is not my fault Darling is sterner." He protested.

But Lady still started spanking Tramp.[/quote]

"OW! Pidge, please don't. OUCH!" He yelped.

But Lady continued to spank Tramp silly.[/quote]

Thanks to his already sore rear he was bawling in not time, begging his love to stop.

Lady soon stopped and let him up.[/quote]

He sniffled.

Lady than licked his cheek.[/quote]

"Why did you do that Pidge?"

"I forgive you now." Lady said.[/quote]

"That's nice but why did you have to spank me before you forgave me?"

"Because you got me into this and you got less then me." Lady said.[/quote]

"That I got less isn't my fault, but it was fun, wasn't it?"

"i suppose. let's just go to bed." Lady said.[/quote]

"A nap sounds good." Tramp agreed.[/quote]

"Tomorrow I will start being good." Was the last thing he said before he closed his eyes.

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