Bolt - Punished Pets.

Story by krypto451 on SoFurry

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by Cyber27 and I. based on an older story I co-wrote with a user named tenko. characters belong to Disney.

It had been some time since Bolt went from Action star to family pet. Currently he was Trying to stop Mittens from going after Rhino and making a mess in the process.

"Come on, Bolt, I'm not gonna eat him." Mittens said. "Sure you're not, Mitts. You know Penny cares about him as much as us." Bolt responded.

"Why not join us? I know you like to misbehave now and then too." Mittens said. Bolt Tried to resist the goading, sensing Penny might take drastic action like she did when they were separated.

"You know you want to." Mittens said. Bolt growled at the taunt. Even Rhino got in on the act.

"You like to chew the pillows, right?" Rhino asked. "No comment." Bolt replied.

Mittens backed up and waved her tail in Bolt's face. "Normal dogs chase cats for fun and don't care what they may break." she said. Bolt swatted at her with a growl. He hadn't been normal since his puppyhood.

"Just this once? it'll be fun." Rhino said. Bolt tried to resist.

Mittens put a sofa cushion in front of Bolt. 'Must Resist!' Bolt thought.

Mittens then went to the kitchen and came back with a bag of dog food which she then ripped open. Bolt growled then lept at her. It was the kibble brand that he ate since his showbiz days.

Mittens shoved some of it in Bolt's mouth. Bolt Almost choked.

But he swallowed it and then started eating the whole bag.He couldn't help it.

Bolt made a huge mess and then started to chew the cushion. This time, Not caring.

"See, you can be a normal, not-always-rule-fallowing dog." Mittens said. Bolt froze.

"Come on, worst thing that'll happen is we'll get yelled at and then, it'll be forgotten right after." Mittens said. Bolt had his doubts and disagreed with her.

"Well, you already ate all the dog food and tore the pillow." Mittens pointed out. "And this is How many times?" Bolt reminded.

"You'll still be in trouble too." Mittens said. "No thanks to you two!" Bolt said.

Mittens just started chasing Rhino again. Bolt wandered off, grumbling.

Soon, Penny and her mother got home. Bolt wasn't around. But he soon heard Penny angrily calling for him, Mittens and Rhino. He sighed. "I warned them." He muttered, revealing himself.

"I'm sorry, Penny." Bolt said. His ears and tail were down.

Penny grabbed Bolt and put him under her right arm, put Mittens under her left and grabbed Rhino in his ball with her hand. then, she started up the stairs to her bedroom. Bolt glared at Mittens.

"See, she is going to spank us." Bolt said. He knew that it was bound to happened.

"How do you know? I wouldn't think Penny would ever spank you." Mittens said. Bolt sighed...... Cats are So dense!

"She has spanked me before. I think it was just acting but still." Bolt said. It had been when he was a puppy.

Penny got to her room and closed the door. Bolt glared at the others.

Penny sat down on her bed. "Bolt, over my lap." she said,.

"Why am I first?" Bolt asked. He glared at Mittens.

"Now." Penny said. Bolt did as he was told, thinking Mittens had planned the whole thing.

Penny reached over to a night stand and grabbed her hairbrush. Bolt gulped.

Penny smacked the brush against Bolt's butt. Bolt tried to hold back a yelp.

"I see, you're still trying to act tough." Penny said. Bolt was trying to keep his dignity.

Mittens and Rhino looked away. 'Soon it'll be their turns.' Bolt thought.

Bolt's rear end started to turn pink. He shut his eyes tightly.

A few tears rolled down his face. A sob managed to escape.

Penny was still pounding Bolt's tush with the brush. More came. Bolt doubted that Penny wanted an explanation.

Bolt's rear now was red. He went limp.

When Penny moved to Bolt's thighs, Bolt howled in pain. He couldn't help it.

But Penny was still going. "I'm sorry Bolt but what you did was really bad and you need a really harsh spanking for it." "PLEASE PENNY I'M SORRY!!!!!" Bolt cried.

Penny gave ten more, hard swats and then put Bolt down. "Now, why did you make a mess with the other two?" she asked Bolt. Bolt explained what happened.

"Well, maybe I will start getting you bland tasting dog food so this won't happen again." Penny said. Bolt glared at Mittens.

"It was Mitten's fault, you should put her in her cage after spanking her." Bolt said.

"For that, you'll be going in your cage after we've finished here." Penny said. Bolt sighed.

"Mittens." Penny called. Mittens looked over.

"Over my lap." Penny said. Mittens stayed put. 'Only dogs obey people, Not cats!' She thought.

"If my butt's gonna ache for the rest of the day, so is yours." Bolt said. He went over, got Mittens by the scruff and dragged her over to Penny.

Penny put Mittens over her lap. Mittens hissed.

Penny started spanking Mittens with the hairbrush. Mittens yowled.

Penny soon turned the cat's rump pink. Mittens squirmed.

Mittens kicked her back legs. Her paws would move due to claw reflex.

But Penny was not deterred and kept spanking Mittens. Mittens just yowled.

Penny soon turned Mittens rear red. Mittens wailed.[

Penny soon put Mittens down. Mittens just ran for it.

But the door was locked. Mittens collapsed in tears.

Penny then took Rhino out of his ball. Rhino squirmed. Bolt and Mittens couldn't help wondering how Rhino would be spanked. They both looked to Penny's dolls and other toys.

Penny started spanking Rhino with her hand. Rhino squirmed as he cried.

But Penny held him tight and kept spanking. Rhino continued screech.

Rhino's tiny butt was soon red. He just sobbed.

Penny then put Rhino down. she then got up and opened the door. "Bolt, go to your cage. Mittens and Rhino, stay here and face the wall." All did as told.

Bolt walked down to his cage and locked the door himself. He just curled up.

Bolt spent the whole night in the cage. He was Not going near Anyone come morning.

Penny picked up on this and left him alone. But Bolt knew that she wouldn't let him Forget how she felt.

But within another few hours, Penny offered Bolt a doggy treat. Bolt took it probably a little more tamely then usual.

"We're sorry for getting you in trouble." Mittens said as she and Rhino came up. Bolt was unsure if he should accept their apology but Again Rhino's big eye look made it hard to stay mad.

Penny opened Bolt's cage. Bolt Tried to "limp" away.......but Mittens and Rhino playfully jumped on him. "Oof, What the-?" Bolt started.

Mittens, Rhino and Penny tickled him. Bolt began laughing uncontrollably.

"Forgive us, yet?" Penny asked playfully.Bolt Couldn't stop laughing.

"We won't stop till you answer." Mittens said. Problem was Bolt was Laughing Too much!

They stopped tickling for a moment. Bolt panted away to catch his breath, tail wagging like crazy.

"You liked that, huh?" Mittens asked. Bolt didn't answer.

"Better answer or we'll tickle you again." Mittens said. Bolt tried to wiggle free, wanting to ask something private.

"Well?" Penny asked, tickling his back paws again. "Not the pads, Pen!!!!" Bolt squealed. "Okay, Okay, I forgive you guys." He cried as he wiggled free.

later on, Bolt walked up to Penny. "Pen...... Can i deal with mittens and Rhino?" He asked.

"What do you mean?" Penny asked. Bolt stretch a limb, flexing a paw.

Penny nodded. "I Warned them before they egged me on......" Bolt told her before going off to find the others.

He soon found both of them. He faced them sternly.

"What?" Mittens asked. "Don't play innocent, cat! I warned you two what Penny would do......" Bolt snarled.

"We got spanked too." Mittens said. Bolt quickly managed to get Mittens over his lap, using her tail to hold her.

"Petty jerk." Mittens muttered. "What was that, Kitten?" Bolt asked as his paw landed. SMACK

"Ow! You're being petty." Mittens said. "Well, maybe this'll remind you if I warn you two about something." Bolt as he continued to smack her furry butt, Almost like a father with his daughter.

"We said we were sorry." Mittens said. Bolt landed One final smack then let her up. "I know.... I forgive you...... Rhino, over here, Out of the ball...... You're next, Don't Make me Chase and get You!" He said then called.

Rhino got out of his ball. Bolt was sitting, ready and waiting.

Rhino got over Bolt's lap. Bolt began spanking away at the furry butt that his whole paw covered.

Rhino was soon crying. Bolt landed One final smack before sitting Rhino up, "Now will you listen little buddy?" He asked softly.

Rhino nodded. Bolt looked over at Mittens, knowing she'd needed a little affection.

Bolt went over to Mittens. He knew that he'd surprise her with a hug unless she wrapped around him first.

Bolt hugged Mittens. He held her tightly.

"I think we should get one more extra payback on you as well." Mittens said as she pinned Bolt down and Rhino started tickling his paw pads. Bolt began howling with laughter.

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