Animaniacs Spanking

Story by krypto451 on SoFurry

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by tenko and I. characters belong to Warner Bros.

It was an average day at Warner Bros. studio... Well as average as it could get with the Warner kids running amok their antics causing many problems for everyone there.

Damaging sets and equipment, flirting with the hottest actors and actresses and causing everyone a lot of grief.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Thaddeus Plotz Bellowed as he gazed out of his office window down at the Warners as they road a golf buggy wildly around causing people to dive out of the way.

"At this rate we won't have studio to work with! We'll be ruined I tell you RUINED!" he let out a frustrated sigh and slumped back into his chair and turning to face the three people he had called to help him deal with the problem.

There was Dr. Otto Scratchansniff who on many occasions tried to make the Warners act like real children and failed.

Hello Nurse who was the main victim of Yakko and Wakko's affection.

And Ralph the dim-witted security guard who was the one who usually had to catch the Warners.

"The only thing we haven't tried on the Warner siblings is a good old fashioned spanking." Plotz shouts.

"Yes indeed that might just work!" Said the Dr. "They may not be normal but they are still children! So spanking should work."

"Alright then." Plotz says. "Ralph, once you catch them, you take care of Wakko and pass Yakko off to Scratchansniff and Dot to Nurse."

"Okay boss!" Ralph said grabbing his net and fishing rod which is what he usually used to catch the Warners.

after a long chase Ralph was able to catch the hyper trio and brought them back to the tower where Hello Nurse and the Doctor where waiting.

Ralph gives them Dot and Yakko respectively and all three put a Warner on their lap.

Hey, what's going on here?!" Yakko asked squirming slightly.

"This doesn't seem right!" Wakko piped trying to reach for his bag of tricks but was to high up to reach it.

"You kids are getting a spanking!" Scratchansniff said

"A what?" Asked Dot looking up in confusion.

"Its something used to make children behave" Hello Nurse said and before anything could be said 3 simultaneous SWATS rang through the air.

all three Warners cry out in pain as the spanking continues. Scratchansniff stops for a moment and then pulls down Yakko's pants, reveling his bare furry butt.

"Hey leave him alone!" Dot yelled.

"Quiet, young lady!" Hello nurse scolded lifting Dots skirt and pulling down her panties and continued.

"YAAAAHHHHH!!" Dot cries wile Scratchansniff resumes spanking Yakko. Wakko starts to kick.

It wasn't long before the three started crying and bawling!

"S-stop!" Yakko cried kicking so hard his pants flew off!

"We're sorry!" Cried Wakko

"We'll behave from now on!" Cried Dot.

"you'd better!" the three spankers said as they gave a few more slaps to the Warners before finally stopping.

"If you kids ever do this again this will be repeated" Scratchansniff warned helping Yakko up and helped him find his clothing all the while whispering comforting words into his ear.

Ralph had been able to calm Wakko down easily and was now playfully balancing him on his shoulders.

And Hello Nurse sat Dot on her lap and started to cradle the sobbing girl till she fell asleep.

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