Males' night

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#2 of Two Families

Perdita tells the truth to Pongo. She gets surprised and happy by the reaction of her mate, but she does not know that Pongo soon will have his own moment of pleasure with his male lover.

Besides Lucky has a fun night with Blaze and Caleb.

At night they all are observing the television in the barn, Lucky and Blaze are seated in front of the television while they bark with emotion by their canine favorite hero's actions.

Pongo and Perdita are together watching television, she sees as Jack and Lucy are together watching television too. The German shepherd female dog laughs smoothly and nuzzles Jack.

He laughs and crosses looks with Perdita, the dog winks an eye to Perdita. The female looks down shamefacedly, she bends her head down while she feels ashamed.

Perdita does not know how to look at her mate and her friends now. In her life she never thought that she would cheat Pongo, she fantasized with Thunderbolt often and agreed in going to the camp with Pongo with pleasure because in her inside she wanted to try the sex with other males again.

Before becoming the mate of Pongo, she had a lot of males behind her. She enjoyed taking part in some orgies and gangbangs where she was the center of them, but since wedding she knew that only she should gave herself to Pongo.

They are deep in love and both do not have secrets. For her it was not secret that Pongo desired having sex with other sexual partners just like her, both they were sincere with that, but never had they gone those encounters.

The camp was the opportunity, but she felt herself uncomfortable with the idea of making cheating her mate. Perdita got shocked when Pongo decided to take to Lucky with him, but she became happy when he learned that Lucky found friends of his age to play and to have fun.

While Perdita is lost in her thoughts, Lucky and Blaze watch television and exchange looks.

"We will see at midnight close to the tower of food." Blaze says looking at Lucky. The pup nods with emotion and moves his tail without being able to expect the opportunity to be with his friend.

When Thunderbolt's show finishes, Lucy and her family go to their trailer to rest, Pongo and Perdita put to bed the pups with a little bit of difficulty.

Perdita and Pongo go the house where they receive caresses of their masters, Perdita forgets for some minutes her problem. Her tail moves showing her happiness, after some minutes Roger and Anita leave to their bedroom turning the lights off.

Both Dalmatians lean on the carpet, the light that goes in by the window lighting up to them completely. Pongo begins to bite soft his mate's ear playfully.

Perdita feels the soft bites, she moves her head to take the eyes off Pongo. He continues nibbling for some moments before stopping and releasing his wife's ear.

"What happens?" Pongo asks nuzzling Perdita smoothly, she does not look at him.

"Come on... tell me." Pongo says while he nuzzles his wife's neck. The female dog feels that Pongo's motions that stop after a minute.

"If you do not tell it to me, we will not be able to fix it." Pongo says with an a little serious voice to notice that it seems that it is somewhat very bad. Perdita closes her eyes before turning her head and looking at her mate to the eyes.

"I am sorry Pongo, I cheated you, and Jack fucked me when he discovered me masturbating after pups almost caught us." Perdita says with remorse in her voice.

"I do not see problems with that." Pongo says licking Perdita's cheek. She opens wide her eyes with surprise.

"I pounded Lucy's pussy several times in the camp in addition to other females and you never told me nothing." Pongo says while he smiles with discomfort.

Perdita opens her eyes wide, she knew that Pongo could have that opportunity in the camp.

"I know that you are an intelligent female dog and you know me well, I can be a lustful dog sometimes and you are not a saint either." Pongo says growling and biting the posterior of the neck of Perdita.

She laughs and shoves Pongo away, he smiles and licks Perdita's face.

"There is no problem with it, you never got upset with the fact that I mated with his wife, so if he does not have problems with that, I will not have it too. If you have desires to fuck with him make it, it can be interesting." Pongo says looking at Perdita.

Perdita moves her tail with enthusiasm.

"Deal. Do the same thing and let's see where this goes." Perdita says while he looks at Pongo and kisses him on him mouth softly.

Both get connected in a passionate kiss that lasts for some moments. A couple of hours after Pongo is observing the clock of the wall of the living room, everything silence is while he feels Perdita's weight that this reclined on his body.

Pongo can perceive the aroma of the juices of Perdita in the carpet, they had had a passionate session of sex a couple of hours before, Pongo's heart pumps with anticipation.

He moves with calm and allows that the body of Perdita is leant on the carpet. Pongo gets up with calm and with care he gets out of the living room and enter the kitchen to go out to the exterior of the house using the dog's door.

The sounds of the crickets and night-time insects surround Pongo, some glowworms fly of one side to the other one and some close to the Dalmatian are illuminating his white fur with a yellow soft tone.

Pongo begins to trot while he feels excited and his heart pumps rapidly. He heads toward the hiccup hole rapidly, some minutes after he sees the figure of dog in the shore.

Jack is who observes the water until he feels that Pongo gets close to him. The German shepherd stands up and moves his tail seeing that the other male comes closer.

Pongo wags moves his tail and he surprises to Jack when he leaps over him and both fall to the ground while their mouths are united in a passionate kiss. Their tongues fight for some moments before separating their mouths.

Both look at each other to the eyes and they kiss again for a couple of seconds.

"Well I wanted this since we were seen for the last time." Jack says looking at Pongo. The Dalmatian nods while he licks his lips, Pongo smiles and nuzzles Jack's neck softly taking down his body slowly.

Jack feels as the nose of Pongo moves on his chest and gets to his sheath. Dalmatian dog nuzzles the sheath before beginning to lick her slowly.

Pongo's tongue moves slowly on the fur that hides Jack's penis, the Dalmatian dog puts her tongue's tip into the sheath and caresses the tip of the canine member of the German shepherd.

Jack trembles when he feels that Pongo's tongue touches his penis, Pongo takes out his tongue and he takes down his mouth to lick his lover's big balls. He puts his forepaw on the sheath and begin to caress it slowly.

Jack enjoys the tongue on his balls, his fur gets wet in saliva and his member begins to slide out of his hiding-place. Pongo observes as the red cock slowly appears and its aroma gets to Pongo's nose.

The Dalmatian smiles smoothly and lick balls two times more before moving his snout and beginning to nuzzle the other male's hard meat. The musk fills the nose of the Dalmatian dog.

Pongo uses his tongue on the big sack and his tongue moves to the cock and he begins to lick the tip slowly enjoying the taste of the precum and the canine penis. It is such a delicious taste that he had not felt since the camp of dogs.

Jack pants and moans with pleasure with each lick on his cock, Pongo's tongue moves on the length of the erection to get to the knot. Pongo nuzzles and he bites it smoothly.

The aroma of the genitals of Jack arouse Pongo's desire, he feels like his penis slowly appear and begin to grow below his stomach. Pongo continues using his tongue to pleasure his friend.

The little spurts of precum are fired from the tip of the penis of Jack and fall on the chest of the German shepherd, he pants and moans with pleasure. Pongo opens his mouth and takes the hard cock to suck it.

He enjoys the taste of the precum that fall on his tongue, Jack has his closed eyes while his tongue hangs from his mouth. The mouth of Pongo moves up and down on his shaft covering it with saliva, the lips of the Dalmatian touches Jack's knot repeatedly.

Pongo stops and slowly withdraws the cock of his mouth, the penis tip he slips out of his lips and beat on the German shepherd's stomach. Pongo positions himself on Jack.

The German shepherd smiles at Pongo, he smiles and he turns over. Jack sees Pongo's hard meat hanging over his head, the drops of precum fall in the face of Jack. He opens his mouth and the delicious drops fall on his tongue.

Pongo's hips go down slowly and the Dalmatian moans when his lover's lips wrap his cock with calm. Jack savors the canine member with relish.

Pongo's meat is delicious, his tongue goes by the tip achieving that the Dalmatian moaned with pleasure quietly. Pongo moves his head slowly and the penis tip enters in his throat.

The Dalmatian takes down more his head introducing more of the shaft in its mouth. Jack feels that his shaft is squeezed by the muscles of the throat of Pongo, the saliva drips to the knot of the German shepherd.

Pongo drops his hips and his cock gets in the throat of Jack, he does not feel uncomfortable when Pongo's meat enters in his throat slowly. In a few moments both males feel that knots touch their noses.

They suck and moan with pleasure, Pongo's lips touch Jack's knot repeatedly, and Pongo uses his right forepaw to stimulate and to pull Jack's balls softly.

The dog enjoys the spare pleasure in his balls, he always enjoys the stimulation on his testicles. Jack sucks and the hips of Pongo move, Pongo's penis begins to move in and to get out of his mouth.

Jack takes out the penis of Dalmatian from his mouth and licks the extension of the canine shaft of his friend until the knot. Pongo moans when Jack's teeth dive in his mass of hard meat softly.

The German shepherd's nibbles lasts some moments, Pongo sucks and has his closed eyes while he feels as the tongue of Jack moves up going by his balls and perineum.

The eyes of the Dalmatian open completely when Jack's tongue touches his anus. He sees as the sphincter of the dog contracts involuntarily, Jack smiles and begins to lick the hole slowly.

Jack licks Pongo's anus tenderly getting it wet with viscous warm saliva, the licks make that Pongo quivers with emotion while he does not stop his suction, Jack masturbates his friend with calm while he feels as the penis hardens with every minute that pass.

Pongo takes out the penis of his mouth and moves down his head to get one of the testicles of Jack into his mouth and to suck it, the spurts of precum softy fall on his head when they are fired of the tip of the penis of Jack.

Jack moves his paw up and with his toe he caresses the wrinkled hole of Pongo slowly in circles for some moments. Pongo moans with pain when the toe of the dog enters in his anus.

The toe moves in circles and enters and goes out, Pongo trembles when Jack's toe caresses his prostate. Pongo again put the penis into his mouth and he sucks it with more force, Jack does not stop the motion of his toe in the rectum of Pongo and resumes the oral sex with the other male.

Both moan and pant with pleasure Jack feels that Pongo's precum increases in quantity that makes the German shepherd increase the force of his suction. Jack's toe caresses Pongo's prostate and the Dalmatian shakes with pleasure at the moment of releasing his seed in the mouth of Jack.

The anal walls squeeze Jack's toe, the German shepherd swallows semen with pleasure and he chokes when his own semen is shoot in the mouth of Pongo.

He sucks with force, the two males exchange their seed for some moments.

Pongo takes out Jack's penis of his mouth and licks it in the meantime some semen spurts even are shoot out of the tip. Jack moans and moves his toe while he releases Pongo's cock.

The erection of the Dalmatian wobbles on the air for some moments, the saliva drips from the swollen member. Pongo turns over and looks at Jack, the two dogs smile and Pongo takes the penis of his lover to place it on position.

Pongo sees between his legs, and he aims the red shaft. He feels as the tip touches his sphincter, Jack sees that Pongo takes down his hips. The penis tip presses Pongo's hole.

He takes down more his hips and moans with pleasure when the sphincter opens and the penis slides in his anus, Jack moans when the heat of the entrails of Pongo begins to surround his penis slowly.

Pongo's tongue hangs and enjoy while he takes down his hips, his anal walls conform to the mold to the erection that fills him. The German shepherd's penis disappears in the tight passage of slow way until the knot touches Pongo's tailhole.

He places his forepaws on the chest of Jack and smiles softly at the moment that he begins to move his ass of slow way on the canine cock. The hard shaft enters and gets out of his hole.

Jack moans and pants with pleasure feeling as the anal walls embrace his penis of exquisite way, Pongo moves his ass circularly on the cock of Jack, and the sensation is unique.

The Dalmatian begins to bounce his ass, the sphincter touches the knot time after time.

Pongo moans of pleasure every time that he takes down his anus.

The penis enters and gets out of his anus rapidly while he scatters precum inside of the rectum of the Dalmatian. Pongo moves smiling and panting while he moves his ass circularly.

Jack observes as the member of Pongo bounces and he budges on the air with each motion, the precum shoots out getting chest wet and stomach of the German shepherd.

The wobbly penis makes that Jack lick the mouth before closing his right forepaw on it. The German shepherd begins to move his leg back and forth rapidly feeling Pongo's hard meat.

The pleasure intensifies and Pongo moves his anus with more despair and force, he takes down his ass with force and moans with pain and pleasure when his sphincter suddenly opens and it closes behind the knot of Jack.

He gasps when he feels that all of his masculinity is trapped in the entrails of Pongo.

The motions of the hips of Pongo and Jack's forepaw become faster, Jack moves his right forepaw on the complete hard erection of his friend his other forepaw catches Pongo's balls and squeezes them with calm.

Pongo feels that the pleasure in his body grows rapidly, he moves his hips two times as much before stopping and shooting his semen at the same time that he growls with force

Jack sees as the body of Pongo quivers and the anal walls of the Dalmatian suddenly squeeze his cock penis with force, the German shepherd clenches his teeth and he releases his seed flooding Pongo's rectum.

The spurts of white seed cover the anal walls of the Dalmatian, Pongo's pleasure is more sublime when he feels the semen in his rectum. Jack moans and sees as the last little spurt is shoot of the penis of Pongo before he collapses on him.

Both pant rapidly while Pongo feels that his chest and stomach get wet with his own semen that is smeared in the chest of Jack.

"That was amazing." Pongo says panting and looking up to see at his lover. Jack smiles at him and he licks his mouth rapidly.

"It has not finished yet." Jack says at the moment of surprising Pongo. The german shepherd dog turns over Pongo to place him backwards on the ground while he is over the father of the famous 101.

The ass of Pongo hangs on the air until Jack begins to move his hips to fuck Pongo with force and speed. Pongo's eyes open completely and he howls with pleasure when the tip of the penis of Jack touches the bottom of his rectum.

Jack pumps rapidly steamrollering his penis in the hot and tight passage of the Dalmatian. Pongo pants and moans with pleasure, his back is scrubbed against the ground.

His hard penis again releases little spurts of precum that get wet his chest and face, Pongo opens his mouth and enjoys the taste of the white precum. Jack pumps with force, his knot presses and caresses Pongo's prostate.

The member hardens and more hits Pongo's stomach repeatedly. Jack moans while his hips move, his balls rock on the air with each push that he does.

Jack feels as his seed moves inside the rectum of Pongo on his cock, Pongo has his forepaws closed around the neck of the good-looking German shepherd.

The penis in his anus moves back forward inclusively the knot that distends the anal walls.

"Pongo...!" Jack says moaning while a new orgasm grows rapidly in his body.

"Do not stop... I am...!" Pongo barks with despair in the meantime he also is about to arrive to the climax. Jack takes down his ass two times more before exploding in the inside of Pongo.

The German shepherd pants and grunts with pleasure when the anal walls squeeze his penis with more force the moment that Pongo's body becomes taut. He has a new and powerful climax.

Pongo closes his eyes and howls with joy when his face is covered in his own sticky and hot seed. He licks his lips while he releases Jack's neck letting himself fall on the grass.

"You are still hard after this." Jack says while he caresses with his forepaw Pongo's penis.

He moans and pants when he feels as small pads caress his sensitive meat.

Jack pants and turns over beginning to pull his penis out, Pongo digs the claws of his forepaws into the ground and moans with pain when Jack begins to pull his penis out to separate from the Dalmatian.

Moans of pain escape of their mouths, Pongo has his eyes closed while he feels that his sphincter slowly opens around the knot of Jack. The German shepherd continues and forces to Pongo to raise his ass on the air.

When the knot is half out, Jack does a last pull and his member slips outside, the ass of Pongo falls to the ground while he feels as the semen of Jack oozes from his hole.

The German shepherd pants while his member hangs below his stomach, semen drops drip of the tip. He sees behind and smiles observing a white puddle close to the hole of the Dalmatian.

Pongo looks up to see his lover, Jack leans forward and raises his tail completely. Pongo's eyes open seeing the big balls of the dog, but more importantly the hole below the tail totally exposed.

The Dalmatian stands up with a rapid motion and he positions himself behind Jack. He blurts a groan of pleasure when Pongo begins to eat his tailhole.

Pongo licks with longing the sphincter getting it wet with saliva, he has his closed eyes enjoying each lick. His nose moves in the orifice breathing with force, Pongo's right forepaw catches Jack's hairy orbs and he massages them with calm and care.

Jack moans and feels that his member hardens, Pongo's paw moves to take the cock and masturbate slowly. Pongo kisses Jack's anus with pleasure and he pushes his tongue with force, the brown ring opens and close around the tongue.

Jack's growling increase when he feels that his rectal walls are stimulated by the tongue of Pongo. The tip gets inside the cracks and his rectum gets covered with saliva.

Pongo has his mouth joined to Jack's sphincter while his member throbs with force, precum is dripping abundantly from the tip. Pongo's paw caresses the tip of the member of Jack and he perceives the spurts hitting his pads.

The Dalmatian feels that it is the right moment and he takes out his tongue rapidly.

Pongo cannot expect more and he mounts the other male, Jack feels as the penis of his friend moves between his legs.

Pongo moves his hips and looks for Jack's entrance with despair. After some moments the tip touches the sphincter, Pongo does not expect more and pushes his penis with force.

The groan of delight of Pongo mixes with the groan of pain of Jack when his rectum is invaded by the hard erection of his lover. The hips of the Dalmatian begin to move rapidly.

Jack begins to moan with pleasure forgetting about the initial pain and enjoying how his anal walls are caressed by the hard shaft of Pongo. The spurts of precum splashes his inside.

Pongo pants while he moves on the male, his balls hit Jack's balls. The dog does not hides that he loves to be fuck force.

The hard meat caresses his prostate lightly with each push, Jack's body trembles with pleasure by this additional pleasure.

His ass is hit repeatedly and the knot touches his sphincter. His penis wobbles uncontrollably scattering precum, Pongo's forepaws hold with more force Jack's hips.

The German shepherd feels as the mass of meat in the base of the penis of Pongo presses his sphincter, Jack relaxes to help and the knot suddenly slides in him.

Jack clenches his teeth and Pongo moans with pleasure, the warm entrails surround his erection, and Pongo resumes his thrusts while he pants of pleasure. Jack digs his claws in the ground while his body rocks lightly when Pongo pushes his penis.

The two males moan and pant with pleasure, the night fills with moans of animal pleasure.

Jack moans with force at the moment that Pongo expedites his pushes to make them more savages and rapids.

The Dalmatian growls and moans while his balls move more rapidly hitting Jack's testicles. Pongo clenches his teeth growling when his sperm begins to flow by his cock.

Jack shakes when the shoots of semen begin to spatter the inside of his body, Pongo's knot presses his prostate. The spurts of canine seed are fired from the tip of the penis of the German shepherd.

Her entrails squeeze with more force the palpitating axis in their anus extracting more seed. The two males both growl throughout their orgasm, when disappearing they pant rapidly.

Jack turns over his head and kisses Pongo. He gets surprised with pleasure and responds the kiss while their mouths are united.

"That was interesting." Blaze says while he takes his forepaws off the shrubs and the hole that he made to spy closes. Lucky nods just like Caleb, both had seen the mating of their parents.

It was a good spectacle, but the three pups are eager to begin their own fun. Lucky in special wants to feel Blaze in him, his feelings for the other pup are strong.

Blaze sits on the lawn and opens his legs largely for his friend, Lucky rapidly introduces his head between the legs of his friend and begins to nuzzle his balls.

The Dalmatian pup perceives the aroma of the fur of Blaze, that aroma that it wished to feel again. Lucky licks the sheath and balls slowly, Blaze looks at his brother and makes a grimace that it is sit at his side.

Caleb nods and he sits alongside of his brother and opens his legs largely. Lucky licks the testicles of the other pup softly, his tongue raises them without difficulty, his saliva gets wet the fur that covers the orbs of his friend.

The Dalmatian pup sees that Blaze's tip emerges of its hiding-place as soon as he rapidly does a lick on the achieving that his friend moaned of pleasure. Lucky can finally enjoy the hard meat of Blaze.

The taste is delicious and the aroma arouses all his senses completely, Blaze's erection grows rapidly with each lick of Lucky. Blaze closes his eyes and moans of pleasure.

Lucky's tongue hits his penis tip repeatedly picking the precum while his tongue moves up and down on the canine erection, for the corner of the eye Lucky sees that Caleb is masturbating while he sees what happens.

Lucky closes his eyes and his mouth surrounds Blaze's erection, he gasps when the other pup begins to suck his penis with pleasure. Lucky's head budges slowly and his mouth moves on the hard meat.

The little spurts of precum splashes Lucky's palate repeatedly he enjoys the precum that falls on his tongue. Blaze pants and moans while he has closed eyes that lasts for a couple of minutes before laying his forepaw on the head of Lucky and obliging him to stop.

Lucky looks at his friend, Blaze pants and smiles at him before point at his side using his snout. The Dalmatian pup nods and slowly withdraws Blaze's cock of his mouth.

The saliva covers the hard meat that slowly appears until the tip slips of the lips of the pup. Blaze's penis hits his stomach and sprinkles some saliva on him.

Lucky moves to position himself between the legs of Caleb, the erection is visible because the other pup is exciting. Lucky's begins to touch the hard erection with his nose.

Lucky's hot respiration makes Caleb shake with emotion, he sees like the Dalmatian pup slowly moves his nose for his member, respiration touches the knot.

Lucky begins to lick the knot of the brother of Blaze with slowness and whim, the taste is different and pleasant. The tongue goes over the shaft to get to the tip, a big drop of precum is licked.

Caleb quivers when that sensitive part is touched by the tongue of his friend, Lucky closes his mouth.

Lucky takes down his head begin to take more of the cock in his mouth, Caleb moans and pants with pleasure and feels as his penis enters in the throat of Lucky. The Dalmatian pup stops when his nose touches the knot.

Lucky's head begins to shake slowly, his saliva gets wet Caleb's balls. Lucky sucks with pleasure and feels motion behind him, Blaze catches Lucky's tail and he moves it, his interest focuses on the anus of his friend.

Lucky moans softly when Blaze's tongue touches his anus, the tongue moves slowly on the hole getting it wet with viscous and warm saliva. Blaze licks and prepares his friend's anus rapidly.

His cock is ready and shoots little spurts of precum with anticipation, Blaze stops and rapidly mounts Lucky holding his hips. Lucky moves his ass when he feels that Blaze looks for his hole.

The tip of the penis of Blaze finds her objective after a couple of attempts, Blaze without expecting more pushes his member with force. Lucky moans with pain feeling as the length of the member of his friend enters in his rectum until the knot.

Blaze moans and pants when the hot and tight entrails of Lucky surrounds his penis, the German shepherd pup begins to move rapidly and fuck to his friend with velocity and force.

Lucky does not move moaning of pleasure, he feels that Caleb's forepaw rests on his head and he obliges him to continue sucking. Blaze's brother moans when Lucky resumes oral sex.

His friend's mouth moves up and down on his erection, he does not stop in the meantime he is delighted being in the middle. Blaze moans and pumps with force in the ass of Lucky.

Blaze's balls hit Lucky's speckled balls repeatedly, the erection of the Dalmatian puppy rocks on the air with each push. The precum scatters on the ground.

Both brothers enjoy Lucky's actions, he moans with pain when his friend begins to push his knot, Blaze holds with force her Lucky's hips, his knot presses the pup's sphincter.

Blaze feels as the sphincter begins to open and surround his knot slowly, the German shepherd pup cannot expect more and pushes with force achieving that Lucky moaned softly when the mass of meat enters in his body.

Lucky sucks with more speed listening that Caleb's growling increase. Blaze drools on the neck of Lucky while his look gets lost in pleasure.

Caleb growls and pushes his penis at the moment of the climax, his semen spatters the mouth of the Dalmatian pup and begins to fill it, Lucky shakes when Blaze's knot rubs on his prostate and leads him to the orgasm.

The body of the pups shakes and precipitates Blaze's orgasm, Lucky feels that his friend stops and semen spurts begins to cover his anal walls with sticky seed.

Lucky chokes by his pleasure that impedes him swallowing without difficulty, the Dalmatian pup recovers the control and swallows the semen that accumulates in his stomach. Blaze leans upon his friend, the faces of both demonstrate the incredible pleasure that they felt.

Caleb withdraws his cock of the mouth of Lucky, a spurt of seed spatters the forehead with the Dalmatian pup.

"Now I should wait for my turn." Caleb says while he moves his member in the face of Lucky.

"No, if we make it as we did with mom, in that occasion of the two Golden retriever dogs." Blaze says looking at his brother. Caleb nods with emotion while Lucky does not know what happens.

Blaze obliges Lucky to get up, Lucky moves when Blaze makes it, the German Sheppard sits on a rock and reclining backwards obligating to Lucky to recline on his body too. Lucky feels the heat of the fur of the chest of Blaze under his back.

Blaze takes the hind legs of Lucky and opens them largely revealing his hard erection and the last trails of cum.

Caleb smiles and he positions himself between the legs of Lucky. The Dalmatian pup sees that his friend covers in saliva his penis with slowness and calm from the tip to the knot. Caleb places himself on Lucky, he gets surprised when the tip of the penis of Caleb touches his anus.

Blaze's brother begins to push his penis against the anus of Lucky, he feels as the tip of the penis slips repeatedly on the cock of Blaze, the Dalmatian pup spreads the legs of his friend.

Caleb growls with bother and holds his penis while he pushes, Lucky knows what his friend wants, but he doubts that it will work. The tip suddenly gets inside Lucky.

Caleb rapidly pushes his penis stretching more the posterior hole of Lucky in a way that he never felt before. The Dalmatian pup moans with pain when the member's entire length penetrates into his rectum.

Blaze feels as the erection of his brother presses his penis, Caleb moans with pleasure feeling the entrails around his cock, he begins to move inside the anus of his friend.

His brother also begins to move the best that he can, his penis and the one of his brother rub each other mutually. Lucky pants and moans of pleasure, the pressure on his prostate increases, and the spurts of precum of both penises cover the anal walls.

The tongue hangs from the mouth of Lucky, he closes his forepaw around his penis and begins to move it. His pleasure increases and spurts of precum sprinkles his chest and stomach.

Blaze and Caleb pump their penises and look at each other while they moan and pant with pleasure. The three pups grunts, Caleb digs his claws in the ground and pushes his knot.

"No... I don't think... that..." Lucky says moaning with pain while he tries to move, but Blaze holds him A shriek of pain slips from the mouth of Lucky when his sphincter is forced to open and receiving the other knot.

Lucky pants and has his eyes opened of surprise when he feels as both penises throb in his inside. His father's cock never had stretched his anal walls to this limit.

Acute pain decreases slowly when the pleasure replaces it, the two German shepherd pups fuck him with coordinated movements. Blaze holds his friend while he moves his hips.

Caleb feels as precum of Lucky sprinkles his fur, Lucky's paw moves more rapidly, and he drools until his penis begins to erupt releasing spurt after spurt of semen that smear his white fur.

The anal spasms are most intense and the penises of the two brothers are intense stimulate leading them to the orgasm. Blaze begins to shoot his cum in the rectum of Lucky and few seconds after his brother makes it.

The pup's rectum becomes flooded completely while he pants and moves his forepaw slower and the last spurts of seed are dripping. Caleb and Blaze growl and moan until their balls do not release more cum.

Lucky pants in the middle of both brothers, the minutes pass, Caleb's and Blaze's knots slowly lose their size. Caleb is the first to separate from the trio, Lucky and he growl with pain while the pup pulls his penis out.

Lucky feels as his hole again stretches and the knot of his friend begins to get out. Blaze holds Lucky while his brother keep pulling, suddenly the Dalmatian pup's sphincter opens and the first penis slips out.

Caleb feels as his penis hangs under his stomach and the precum is dripping of the tip of his member. Lucky stands up with difficulty and Blaze's penis gets out of his body easily by his gaping hole.

The pup opens his eyes when he feels that a semen waterfall falls from his anus and gets his balls wet. Blaze looks at with surprise the gaping anus of his friend, Lucky does not move and sees over his shoulder.

His look crosses with the look of Blaze, the two pups smile and they do some faces.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two-Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb are my characters.

Introductions and Cheating?

The calm and clear day is enjoyed by a lot of pups in the farm, they have fun in various ways. Some play hide and seek and other ones swim to be refreshed. For Lucky his ideal moment is passing it with his parents, mainly with his dad. The pup is...

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