A problematic date

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#4 of A new chance

Wilton and Arlen finally get a date with the hottest girls in the town, but this causes them a lot of problems, but Celestine and her sister helps the boys.

Nolan feels that someone touches his shoulder. He opens his eyes and sees that Arlen looks at him.

"Time to wake up." Arlen says while he shakes off his shoulder lightly.

Nolan sits and rubs his eyes while he sees that Wilton finishes getting dressed, an ample yawn escapes of mouth of Nolan.

"Come on or we will miss breakfast." Arlen says gracefully before taking the bedspreads and blankets to pull them out of the body of Nolan. The boy's eyes open completely when he sees a tent in his pants.

It is a morning erection that never before he had, Nolan rapidly takes the bedspreads away from Arlen to cover himself while he feels a big shame and looks down.

Nolan looks at the bed without knowing how to look up until Arlen and Wilton catch him and they raise him to seat him at the edge of the bed, both wolves sit to each side of the boy.

"There is no problem, it is not something that it has not happened us before." Wilton says giving a friendly slap on the back to Nolan. He opens his eyes with a little bit of surprise.

"Really?" Nolan asks looking at Wilton. He nods and smiles in a friendly way.

"Yes, it is nothing new, Arlen and I have the same problem sometimes." Wilton says while he looks at Nolan. He looks at Arlen waiting for a confirmation from Wilton.

Arlen nods and makes a grimace.

"I guess that you do not need an explanation of what you should make now to solve this." Arlen says looking at Nolan. He nods content of knowing that there were no problems.

"Well...we leave you alone in order that you are comfortable." Arlen says doing a face to his brother. Wilton nods and he stands up at the same time as Arlen.

"Won't you tell Otto, don't you? Nolan asks looking at the two wolves.

"Of course that no, but do not worry about him." Arlen smiling in a friendly way at the boy.

"Otto is a good guy and understands these matters perfectly, I assure it to you." Wilton says before going out next to his brother and closing the door behind them.

Arlen and Wilton look at each other and they shrug their shoulders while they laugh softly.

Lorene and Celestine pass in front of them catching the attention of both boys.

They notice it and they laugh impishly smoothly while they go to the kitchen. Wilton and Arlen follows them and enter in the kitchen some moments later. Otto and Eryn in addition to Fleur and her sister are there.

Eryn is serving tea and milk to the presents there, Wilton and his brother decide to take a milk cup.

"Where is Nolan?" Eryn asks looking at her children.

"He will come in some moments." Wilton says looking at his brother. He nods while he starts to drink the milk. At that moment Nolan appears and he sits at the table.

Eryn asks him what he wants and the boy responds that also he take a cup of milk, he looks at Otto. The bloodhound smiles at him and Nolan looks down shamefacedly and avoids looking at the dog.

Otto notices it and says absolutely nothing. He thinks that it is that Nolan still is nervous to be in a new home with new people. Eryn comes closer and she serves the milk in the cup of Nolan.

The gaze of the pup rest on the breasts of Eryn, even being covered by her clothes the tits wakes the boy's penis. Nolan moves his look toward his cup while he feels ashamed.

"Well boys. What do you plan to make today?" Otto asks looking at Wilton and Arlen.

They are content and smile.

"We have a date with Giselle and Haze." Wilton says while he looks at Otto. He opens his eyes with surprise and smiles content.

"That is a surprise, I suppose that Gregory reconsidered it." Otto says looking at Eryn.

She smiles smoothly thinking that both would finally go out with a girl. Eryn notices that this is followed with interest by Fleur and Celestine.

"While that date comes, I need your help in the workshop." Otto says looking at the two wolves. They nod without show annoying to help Otto, for them it seems interesting to them to learn what the bloodhound can teach them.

"Do you want to come?" Otto asks looking at Nolan. He nods with enthusiasm to see Otto's workshop.

"Well... I will take the girls to the town in order that they know it and they can go to the market." Eryn says looking at the three females. No one looks in conflict neither.

After the breakfast Otto leads to the boys to the blacksmith's where he starts work with some delayed works. Wilton and Arlen help Otto with the anvil while Nolan helps passing them some tools and necessary materials.

Nolan looks with admiration as the bloodhound works shaping metal, heat at the place is very high while the blow of the hammer on the anvil is heard.

Arlen finds interesting Otto's ability to shape metal, it is necessary having a strong hand to do it, besides able to know where and how to hit.

Otto makes good use of the occasion to teach the basic to the three young males, when he finish the main works, he takes a piece of metal to warm it up in the fire.

"Wilton, Arlen I will give you a proof of how it is working at the blacksmith's." Otto says taking out the red-hot metal piece and placing it on the anvil. Otto passes the hammer to Wilton first.

He feels the weight of the hammer in his hand, it is heavy. Otto indicates to him that he should hit the center of the piece, Wilton raises his hand and moves it down rapidly to hit the metal piece.

The blow is heard when the hammer hits the piece of metal, close to the assigned point in a side of it. Wilton passes the hammer to his brother, his body bends lightly when the weight of the tool pulls his hand.

Arlen hits the metal piece and also fails, hitting one point near the one of her brother.

"How can you make it?" Arlen says while he passes the hammer to Otto. He smiles smoothly.

"It is practice, when your hand gets used to the weight, you can move it without difficulty." Otto says putting the hammer on the anvil and taking again the piece inside the fire.

"Can I try it?" Nolan asks with enthusiasm.

"Of course. Why not?" Otto asks smiling in the meantime again he lays the piece on the anvil and he passes the hammer to Nolan. He needs to use his two hands to raise it.

Otto positions himself behind the boy and helps him, when Nolan is in position, he lows the hammer that hits tightly in the middle of the piece where Otto indicated before.

"Mmm I see potential in this." Otto says placing his hand on the right shoulder of Nolan and giving him a friendly squeeze. He feels pleased and happy while Wilton and Arlen do him some friendly faces.

Meanwhile Eryn walks with to the girls in the town. Lorene, Celestine and Fleur walk on the streets of Nottingham with interest seeing everything. Eryn greets some friends that pass near.

Celestine and her sister look with attention to some boys and men that look at them with interest. Many of them take off the hat to greet them, Eryn and girls enter the bakery to buy bread.

Eryn talks with Gregory, he is a Rottweiler that uses an apron covered with meal, in another extreme of the store there are two girls that certainly are his daughters, and they are cheetah females.

They are beautiful with thin bodies and breasts of a good size for her age, Celestine sees as the two girls smile and they look at two adult tigers that smile seductively.

This happens while their father is busy picking up bread and pass it to his customers while he talks with Eryn. Lorene sees that one of the girls laughs impishly and shamelessly they indicate the crotches of the tigers.

Both men smile and barefacedly they rub their crotches. The two girls lick their lips and they turn over when their father asks them for some things.

Celestine and her sister look at each other and make grimaces, they cannot believe that Wilton and his brother be going to have a date with this femaless. Both are clearly bitches.

After buying bread, the group leaves and they go the market. Girls help Eryn to go shopping, the she-wolf gets surprised and feels content noticing that girls know how to buy good products, certainly their mother taught them.

After buying the necessary, Eryn takes them in a tour by town and the surroundings to show them the place, but the she-wolf avoids going by the brothel and avoid that her friends there do not see her and the girls.

Eryn does not want girls to find out about she worked and works occasionally into that place.

For the midafternoon they all are in the house, Arlen and Wilton feel worried and excited because their date will be in a one hour.

They with effort had gotten that date, the girl's father did not want that the date be in night because he distrusts the young lads. In their bedroom Arlen and Wilton get ready combing their hair and fixing their clothing the best that they can.

When the time comes, they leave the house while her mother and girls laugh mischievously.

They arrive at the place after several minutes of long walk.

The house of the girls is at the edge of the town, both feel a little nervous because this is their first date.

Both laugh before getting close to the front door of the house.

"Well don't mess it up." Arlen says looking at his brother.

"To behave properly." Wilton says with not much emotion in his voice. Both laugh smoothly and knock the door, it opens and appear the father of the girls.

Wilton notices that he does not seem friendly.

"For your own good, it is better to try nothing." Gregory says while he growls and crosses his arms while he looks at Wilton and Arlen. They notice the dog's threatening look.

"Come on dad, it will not happen nothing." Giselle says while she goes out behind her father by the left side, she smiles smoothly at her father.

"Don't get worry." Haze says while she goes out of behind her father by her right side.

Gregory smiles at his daughters and next looks at the two wolves growling to them before re-entering in the house.

"Well I think that better we move." Haze says smiling timidly at the boys. Both nod and girls get close to them, Giselle takes Arlen's hand in the meantime, her sister takes the hand of Wilton.

The two boys look at each other and start to walk while the two girls cling to their arms.

Arlen feels the soft fur of the hand of Giselle, her stains and live colors look very good.

Wilton looks at to the girl that walks with him, she looks at with her beautiful brown eyes.

The two couples walk together for some minutes and chat animatedly.

"We can go to a good place." Giselle says looking at her sister that nods.

"Ok." Wilton says looking at his brother. Both permit that the the two girls lead them. The four walk on a close road, the two girls pull them to a path. The four walk on the path that has a lot of shrubs and trees to the sides, girls suddenly pull Wilton and Arlen on one side between the shrubs.

Arlen and Wilton are in one open space surrounded and covered by the trees. In the middle there is a large and flat rock that sticks up from the land.

Giselle and Haze pull the two boys in order that four sit together in the rock. Arlen and Wilton look at each other a moment without knowing what to do at that moment, having sex it is what they do well and they do not have experience with girls.

"Well finally we are alone." Giselle says looking at Arlen and smiling smoothly to encourage the boy. Her sister takes upon herself to press Wilton's hands.

Wilton with care embraces his partner. He presses the girl against his body. Arlen imitates his brother to embrace to Giselle, Otto had clearly warned them that they do try nothing stupid with the daughters of his friend.

The minutes pass and the boys try to make laugh to the girls, but they seem bored.

"Come on boys, this is somewhat boring." Haze says laughing smoothly and looking at Wilton. She caresses the chest of the boy that gets surprised, Giselle is licking Arlen's neck on the other side.

Arlen is completely surprised by what happens, he feels that the female's hand gets in his pants and it heads toward his crotch. The young wolf pants when Giselle takes his balls to squeeze them smoothly.

"Oh, this seems interesting. How does it goes over there? Giselle says looking at her sister that also has her hand in the pants of Wilton.

"Uhnmm here I have the same thing." Haze says while she caresses Wilton's balls. He feels as the hand of the girl caresses his balls slowly, the forefinger caresses the halfback line of hiss testicles.

"Do not be afraid, we have made many times." Haze says looking at Wilton. He opens his eyes with surprise while he feels that the hand begins to massage his sheath.

"Of course... with Winfred and Devon, we gave them good blowjobs in the fair of the previous month, just after the next day of the eclipse while dad looked for us. Luckily we finished on time and the boys managed to escape." Giselle says smiling impishly.

"But dad noticed the cum on our snouts and we told him that it was thick milk." Haze says while she licks her mouth and she laughs with her sister.

"And that guy, you know the fat man Irving, he visited us to sell flour, he spilled the tea in the expensive Persian carpet that we inherited of grandpa. That guy fucked us rapidly and gave us a lot of money." Giselle says while she begins to take down the pants to Arlen.

"Yes, while he was pounding you, I had to entertain to dad telling him that I found the money hidden in a tree. Semen also stained the carpet, and dad got more upset." Haze says while she finishes taken down the pants to Wilton.

She kneels down between the legs of the boy, her sister also makes it between the legs of Arlen.

"Don't even mention the time that the bread burnt because we sucked two delicious cock behind the store. Bryan and Coby, dad became mad when he saw them closing pants and thinking that they were about to pee there." Haze says taking Arlen's sheath and beginning to stroke it.

Her sister laughs and begins to lick Wilton's balls, he and his brother look at each other and hit palm when they understand that their desires will come true.

Wilton feels that Haze's hand moves on his sheath, his member's tip slides outside and the fingertip caresses it. The young wolf shakes with pleasure and moans smoothly looking at the girl.

Haze licks the balls that move up with each licked while her sister gives licks to the sheath of Wilton. Each lick covers the fur with saliva and the tip gets in the hole.

She pushes her tongue and touches the tip of the member of Wilton, he moans when he feels as the tip moves on the tip of his shaft that begins to emerge, and the female cheetah closes her mouth around the sheath and stimulates the balls.

Giselle feels that Arlen's meat begins to fill her mouth slowly, she perceives the taste that she loves. Both brothers are good-looking and both had put their attention in the two boys.

Arlen moans with pleasure while he sees as Haze moves her head and sucks his penis, the wolf feels that the girl's hand moves on his knot pressing it with calm and pleasure.

The sound of sucking is heard into that place, Haze feels the taste of the precum falls on her tongue. She likes very much the taste while she sees as her sister licks Arlen's cock.

The boy moans and sees as the tongue moves on his member with slowness, Giselle looks at Arlen. Both look at each other before she puts the shaft into her mouth and suck it with pleasure.

"She is very good." Arlen says looking at his brother. Wilton nods and pushes his hips against the mouth of the girl. She takes down her head and gobbles up all of the canine member.

Wilton moans with pleasure feeling as the walls of the throat squeezes his penis of pleasant way, he feels the hot respiration on his stomach.

"My sister and I love to suck a delicious cock." Haze says while she looks at the wolf before putting the penis into her mouth and beginning to suck it with pleasure with a smile.

Her head moves down and Wilton also begins to enjoy a deep throat, the girl is as good as an adult female and with a lot of experience.

The two boys moan and pant with pleasure while their hands are resting on the hard stone. The sound of sucking increases just like grunts of both wolves.

Haze squeezes Wilton's balls with calm, she moves her head slowly and her lips caress the sensitive meat. Her sister has a good time of what she does too.

Giselle is the first in receiving the first semen shoot in her mouth, it hits the entrance of her throat directly. The girl savors the wolf-like semen and she delights with it while she sucks with force.

Wilton growls of pleasure when his seed begins to sprout in a torrent in the mouth of Haze. She closes her mouth with force around the penis and sucks swallowing the creamy substance.

She and her sister look at each other content while the two boys continue moaning and ejaculating in their mouths. Arlen pants and opens her eyes when her flow of semen stops.

Giselle withdraws the penis of her mouth slowly and the tip slips of the lips of her mouth.

The girl licks her mouth sensually enjoying the last rests of semen.

Arlen sees his brother, he pants feeling as the tongue of Haze moves for all her palpitating shaft pursuing each white semen trail, the tongue touches the tip.

The two girls look at each other and they laugh mischievously before standing up. They catch the cocks and they caress them.

"Now give the favor back." Haze says looking at Wilton. He looks enthusiastic just like his brother. Arlen stands up and his member wobbles on the air achieving that girls laugh mischievously.

Haze and Giselle raise their skirts and they sit on the rock while they open their legs, Arlen kneels down and introduces his head between the mules of Giselle. The aroma of the slit gets to his nose and he likes it.

The girl moans when the boy's tongue touches her clitoris, the taps of the tongue make the female shake with pleasure. Arlen takes down his snout and begins to lick the slit directly.

He enjoys the taste, it is a sweet and different savor to the one of his mother. His tongue moves between the vaginal lips of the female. At her side Haze whines while she feels the licks in her clitoris, but besides the finger of Wilton enters and gets out of her vagina slowly.

He feels the girl's internal heat, the vaginal walls squeezes his finger with force. Wilton clearly perceives that Haze is not virgin, things would be more interesting.

The skirts of the girls lie on the heads of both young wolves, the two sisters look at each other and they laugh before closing their eyes and having a good time of the oral sex that they receive.

Wilton pushes his tongue in between the vaginal lips and penetrates into the pink tunnel of Giselle. She shakes and moans with pleasure when her vaginal walls are caressed by the tongue wriggly in her inside.

Juices cover Arlen's tongue while he holds Haze's thighs, she enjoys the moment, and her inside is caressed by the tongue of the wolf. The hot respiration touches her clitoris increasing her pleasure.

Haze looks at her sister and she nods. Wilton and Arlen get surprised when the two girls close their legs around their heads catching them and pressing them against their crotches.

The two wolves does not resist it while they continue eating the two slits with pleasure, both brothers hear that the wailing of the girls become noisy at every moment.

Giselle closes her eyes and growls when her orgasm fills all her body abundantly with pleasure, her juices get wet Arlen's snout in addition to his face. The wolf gets surprised a little and sucks to drink the girl's juices.

Wilton listens to Giselle's moans and some moments later his own face gets soaked of juice that squirts hits his forehead. And next it runs down on his face.

Juices cover his tongue and they are savored by the wolf, from their chin they drip and they fall to the ground. Haze and their sister breathe agitatedly, both girls smile content.

They open their legs and free the heads of the boys, they move back and take a breath while girls laugh impishly. Haze seats Arlen in the rock while her sister does the same thing with Wilton.

The two females turn over smiling and raising their skirts before sitting on the thighs of the boys. Arlen maintains his penis in position and moans when her shaft slides in the wet and warm passage of Giselle.

She moans of pleasure just like her sister, Haze feels like her vagina slowly fills with hard meat until her vulva touches Wilton's knot.

The two girls begin to move, Wilton and his brother close their eyes and enjoy each motion. The vaginal walls caress their penises, Arlen stretches his arms to catch Haze's tits and to press over the dress.

She does not resist while she continues moaning just like her sister, but the motion and moans suddenly stop when shrubs open and a furious Gregory's face appears.

"I knew it!! The dog says while he growls in a rage at the same time that his daughters get up and they move aside the moment that his father leaps over the boys.

Wilton and Arlen move to the sides while the two girls excuse themselves with their father and blame the boys. Gregory falls on the rock and barks with pain.

Wilton and his brother pull rapidly up their pants and they escape. They cross over for the shrubs and start running for the forest.

"We are dead!" Arlen says while he finishes closing his pants and he listens that Gregory crosses the shrubs to chase them.

"Shut up and run!" Wilton says while he looks at his brother. Both boys move between the trees while they hear that the man chases them. The two young wolves change of direction repeatedly to lose at the Rottweiler that chases them.

While Wilton runs, he sees the lake, he makes his brother a face and he begins running towards the lakeside followed by his brother. Wilton jumps in water and his brother does the same thing.

Both sink and wait the most they can, Arlen touches her shoulder to his brother and indicates a rock to him, they nod and swim under water for some moments getting away from the side.

They position themselves behind the rock and swim to the surface, both take a breath when their heads break the surface.

"We must stay here until it is safe." Arlen says looking at his brother. Wilton nods while he breathes slowly.

Shortly after the sunset in the house of Eryn, she prepares dinner with the help of the girls while Otto and Nolan turn on the chimney of the house. The fire begins to grow while he adds firewood.

Suddenly they hear that the front door opens, and they get up to see who is. Eryn gets surprised when she sees that her children enter by the door and both are completely all wet and water is dripping of their wet clothes.

"What happened?" Eryn asks with surprise to see her children.

"Just a not planned swim in the lake." Wilton says growling with anger and doing a face to his brother. Arlen nods and with Wilton enter in their bedroom.

Otto looks at Eryn and nods. The bloodhound heads toward the bedroom of the boys before knocking at the door before entering to closing the door behind him. Eryn waits anxiously before continuing the preparation of dinner.

The she-wolf does not know what could have happened. After several minutes the door of the bedroom of the boys opens and closes again. Eryn sees that Otto appears and he comes closer.

"What happened?" Eryn asks looking at Otto.

"We will speak about it later." Otto says with some bother while he takes a deep breathing.

Eryn nods before beginning to cook again, she hopes that it be nothing bad.

When the dinner is ready, everyone sit at the table and eat in silence. Eryn notices that her children are upset, so she does not ask neither makes no comment about it.

Nobody also fortunately comments what happened with the boys. When the bedtime comes they all say good night and they are heading for their respective rooms.

Eryn and Otto head toward their bedroom and prepare to sleep. Both get undressed and they get into bed. Eryn feels the balls of the dog touching her buttocks when she turns over blows out a candle that is on a bedside table.

"Well... what happened?" Eryn asks looking at Otto.

"Apparently Gregory discovered Arlen and Wilton having sex with the girls." Otto says while he sighs and sees Eryn. She gets surprised.

"They knew that they should have been careful." Eryn grunts thinking with bother and anger that her children did not follow what Otto had indicated to them.

"They made it, but girls began to touch them in a sexual way and the girls began with a blowjob and they boys gave back the favor. After that Gregory discovered them in complete action." Otto says while he sees the bedroom's roof.

"I believe that boys tell the truth, I did not perceive a lie from them, and besides it seems credible to me that girls behaved that way... they are horny females." Otto says while he looks at Eryn. The she-wolf gets surprised.

"In an occasion they tried to seduce me." Otto says while Eryn gets much more surprised than before.

"Did they make it?" Eryn asks without being able to believe Otto. He nods before continuing.

"It was not easy to dissimulate the tent in my pants, with difficulty I refused because at the end they were my friend's daughters and they are young." Otto says looking at Eryn.

"This can bring you problems with Gregory." Eryn says with deep breathing of discomfort because she knows that her children almost are recovering a good reputation in the town.

"That does not matter, if Gregory has problems, I will stand up for the boys." Otto says while he looks at Eryn and smiles. She gets surprised and she feels that Otto's hand squeezes her hand.

"You are my fiancée and boys will be my stepsons; both are good wolfs and I do not have problems with taking care of them." Otto says looking at Eryn. She feels pleased listening to Otto.

"I think that I should have given the boys a good blowjob before they went out." Eryn says while she looks at Otto. He laughs and catching the hand of Eryn he places it on his crotch.

"You can give me that blowjob." Otto says looking at the female. Eryn licks her mouth and she gets inside under the bedspreads to begin with her work.

One hour after in the boys' bedroom Arlen is awake while his hand moves up and down on his erect penis. He tries not to moan to wake up nobody.

The boy clenches his teeth while pleasure is intense, but he gets startled when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Arlen sees that his brother is standing next to his bed.

"If you keep on that way, you will wake up to everyone." Wilton says whispering and looking to Nolan. Wilton looks at Nolan with attention and it seems that he still is asleep.

"Certainly you are thinking about that pair of bitches." Wilton grunts smoothly in the meantime he looks at his brother. Arlen nods while he growls with distaste, the two female dogs had left him horny.

Wilton indicates his crotch and Arlen notices that there is a tent in the pants of the pajamas of his brother. Both look at each other and Wilton makes a face, Arlen nods and with care she gets out of bed.

Both boys walk with care and the floor creaks, they pass close to Nolan, they open the door slowly and both get out of the bedroom before closing the door slowly.

"Let's move." Arlen says while he looks at his brother. They slowly walk in the house having care of stepping on too much strong and waking up the other ones.

Both get to the kitchen and with calm go out to the exterior, when their feet touch the ground both feel much calmer. Wilton and Arlen walk with care looking for an appropriate place and they find it in middle a group of trees a little away of the house.

"Here we will have space." Arlen says looking at the place while the sound of glowworms and crickets is heard. The moon illuminates everything with a soft and white light that also bathes the place where the two boys are.

Wilton and Arlen take off their pajamas and both close his hand around the shaft of the other one to begin to masturbate mutually. Arlen moans feeling as the hand of his brother moves on his shaft.

It is more exciting than to masturbate alone. Wilton also enjoys it, his brother's hand caresses his penis tip, and this makes the wolf moan.

The precum gets Arlen's hand wet and sprinkles the ground, Wilton's precum drips between the feet of his brother. Both moan while they have their closed eyes, but after some minutes Wilton stops and releases his brother's penis.

"We can make it at the same time." Wilton says looking at Arlen. He nods making a face he looks for a good place. He crouches and begins to clean the ground off a couple of small rocks.

When it is done, Arlen leans backwards and opens his legs largely. Wilton positions himself on his brother and takes down his hips in order that both are in position of 69.

Wilton takes Arlen's penis and he begins to masturbate him slowly, his hand moves up and down slowly on the hard erection, his hand touches the knot in each motion.

The wolf moans when he feels that his brother's tongue touches his member's tip. Arlen licks the tip picking up the precum before beginning to move his tongue on the whole extension of the member of his brother.

Arlen perceives the taste of the masculine meat, a taste that she did not feel since girls and Nolan moved. Before that they fucked regularly with their mother and Otto and now rhythm had diminished.

A groan escapes of the mouth of Arlen when Wilton begins to give him oral sex, he slowly licks the swollen knot in the base of the penis of his brother. His tongue moves on the hard meat perceiving its taste.

Wilton takes down his snout and he closes his mouth around the right testicle of his brother, the wolf sucks the ball with calm making sure that his sharp teeth do not hurt the ball.

Arlen takes her brother's penis in her mouth and begins to suck it with pleasure and slowness. His tongue goes over the hard meat and the tongue touches the tip picking up precum.

Wilton begins to move his hips while he sucks his brother's member, his knot hits Arlen's lips repeatedly. Arlen's teeth rub on his brother's sensitive meat.

The sound of sucking is heard while both give themselves mutual oral sex, Wilton takes out the penis from his mouth and licks it from the tip to the knot repeatedly even the balls.

Wilton puts his brother's right testicle into his mouth and sucks it slowly and with care.

Arlen enjoys the sucking, he sees as the balls of his brother rock on the air violently every time that he moves his hips.

Arlen raises her hands to seize the buttocks of his brother, he squeezes them while he continues sucking the cock, Arlen's hands spread the cheeks and he sees the hole below the tail of his brother.

When Wilton raises his hips again, Arlen lets that the shaft get out of his mouth and Arlen raises his head the most he can.

Wilton moans with pleasure when his brother's tongue touches his anus with a long and slow lick. Arlen licks the sphincter the best that he can while he uses a hand to stimulate Wilton's genitals.

Arlen's saliva covers the hole and shines by the light, Wilton moves his head while he moans softly, the little spurts of precum sprinkle his palate and the inside of his he inside of his mouth.

The two wolves moan and pant with pleasure without worrying about nothing, Arlen feels that his member begins to throb and he at one pull takes it out from his brother's mouth.

Arlen and Wilton pant heavily for some moments, Wilton turns over and aligns his hole with the tip of the shaft of his brother. Arlen holds his penis in position and the tip touches the sphincter.

Wilton takes down his ass and feels the pressure of the tip in his hole, he closes his eyes to relax and the cock suddenly opens his brown small crease and enters in his body.

The wolf gasps when the hard meat begins to slide in his anus, Arlen moans with pleasure feeling that his brother's warm inside begins to surround his cock.

His penis is caressed until his brother's buttocks touch his knot. The young wolf places his hands on the chest of his brother and he begins to ride him.

Arlen moans and growls of pleasure each time that the ass of Wilton moves up and down rapidly, his anal walls caress his penis that shoots precum in the tight ass.

His knot touches the sphincter repeatedly while his brother's precum splashes his chest and stomach. Arlen does not care about it while he has his eyes closed.

Wilton moves his ass, the hard shaft stimulates his inside, and he raises his ass until just the tip is in his anus before he takes down his ass.

Wilton shake with pleasure every time that the tip caresses his prostate, his gland is pressed lightly and this enlarges the precum that is shoot out from his penis that wobbles on the air.

Arlen opens her eyes and sees that balls and his brother's member dances on the air.

Wilton gasps when his brother begins to caress his penis, his right hand caresses the hard meat while his left hand takes stimulates the covered black testicles.

Wilton does not stop while he moans of pleasure, he pants while he feels that his brother's penis takes a little more thickness in his rectum. Wilton moves down his ass and presses it with force.

Arlen feels that the sphincter begins to open and wrapping his knot. Wilton takes a breath when he pushes with more force and the knot suddenly slides in his anus.

Wilton growls with pain, but is something to he already are accustomed. He begins to move his ass again. Arlen moans and pants with pleasure, now each part of her meat is stimulated by the rectum of Wilton.

Arlen also moves lightly to increase pleasure, Wilton enjoys the spare contact, and the tip gets in his cracks caressing them. Arlen's hand begins to move with more speed on the member of his brother, Wilton moans with more pleasure until his brother suddenly releases his penis.

He growls and pushes his hips when his penis shoots cum in the posterior passage of his brother, the sticky substance covers his anal walls.

Arlen moans and has closed eyes when he feels that a sticky and warm liquid gets wet his stomach and chest. The wolf opens his eyes and sees as the white powerful spurts are shoot out of the tip of the penis of his brother.

Wilton growls and shakes with pleasure enjoying the climax that fills his body, his semen continues gushing out of his member until it becomes exhausted and it is a thin white thread hanging from the tip of his cock.

Both moan and pant rapidly.

"I suppose that girls should have anuses more tightly." Arlen says breathing rapidly.

"No... surely they are well used by any man in the town." Wilton says doing a face to his brother. Both laugh for some moments.

One quarter of an hour later Wilton begins to have trouble getting up, he growls just like his brother. The knot decreased of size of Arlen begins to stretch his hole to open it.

Wilton raises his ass a little more and he clenches his teeth when his sphincter opens and the knot begins to go out. He breathes with calm and he tries to calm down until his brother's whole member finally leaves his rectum.

Arlen feels that his penis is covered in cum and it hits his stomach, Wilton stands up feeling that semen is dripping from its open anus. Some moments later Arlen stands up.

He says absolutely nothing when he kneels in front of his brother and introduces the penis in his mouth begin to suck it slowly. Wilton shakes panting with pleasure when his sensitive meat is sucked.

His brother moves his head slowly, Arlen's lips touches his knot repeatedly. Wilton's member retakes his previous hardness in the wet and hot mouth of his brother.

Arlen takes out the penis from his mouth, he licks the tip slowly, his brother shakes with each lick, and Wilton feels as the tongue goes over his shaft repeatedly covering it with saliva.

Arlen's mouth moves further down and he licks the balls with slowness, his tongue raises balls repeatedly. The precum is dripping from the tip of the palpitating member, Arlen stops when the whole cock is shining with his saliva.

Arlen stands up and making a face he gets close to a tree and he leans lightly forward to reclining his hand on the tree and to show his ass moving aside his tail exposing his hole at his brother.

Wilton licks his mouth and he gets close to position himself behind Arlen, he kneels down behind his brother and uses his hands to spread the cheeks. The wolf licks his mouth seeing the hole in middle of the cheeks.

Arlen moans and gasps when his brother's tongue touches his sphincter, the tongue moves up and down.

Wilton moves the tip in a circular way on the wrinkled and closed hole. The saliva covers it rapidly, Wilton's hand gets between the legs of Arlen, and he opens his legs feeling this.

The right hand of his brother takes his balls, Wilton caresses the two testicles for some moments before raising his hand and closing it around the sheath of Arlen.

He moans and closes his eyes feeling the pleasure between his buttock and the stimulation of his sheath. Wilton feels that the penis begins to harden and begin to go out.

The tongue tip presses the sphincter and Arlen shakes and moans with force when his rectum is pierced, the wolf shakes feeling that the tongue moves in his anus caressing his rectal walls.

The viscous saliva covers his rectum and the tongue gets in some cracks before going out. Wilton feels that his brother's penis is again erect, the wolf takes out his tongue from the anus of Arlen.

Wilton stands up and spits saliva in his hand, he begins to scatter it through his shaft to cover it. The precum accumulates on his tip while Wilton points his cock.

Arlen feels that the tip touches his sphincter, he gets ready while his brother holds his hips. Wilton pushes his hips and his cock tip presses the hole with force.

A groan of pain of Arlen mixes with a groan of pleasure of his brother when the tip opens the hole and it enters in the posterior passage of Arlen.

Wilton pushes slowly enjoying the warmth of the anus of his brother, Arlen pants feeling that his anal walls stretch around the member of his brother, the knot touches his buttocks some moments later.

Wilton's hips begin to move with slow way, he closes his eyes growling with each thrust.

His penis enters and gets out of the tight and hot anus of Arlen.

He moans with each motion of his brother, the hard meat caresses his rectum stimulating nerve cells into that place. The spurts of precum sprinkle his inside.

Wilton's knot hits his brother's buttocks, Arlen's cheeks shake with each push. Arlen feels as her penis wobbles on the air, his balls also bounce.

Wilton pumps rapidly, Arlen's sphincter moves on his cock and he likes that. The two brother moan and growl with pleasure, Wilton holds with more force Arlen's hips.

He feels that the knot presses his sphincter with force, the wolf gets ready and clenches his teeth when his posterior opening stretches painfully and Wilton's penis gets stuck in his ass.

Arlen shakes feeling the pressure of the knot on his prostate. Wilton begins to fuck his brother with more speed without stopping, he feels that his pleasure grows at every moment.

Arlen's penis hardens and gets a little more thick, his precum drips from the tip, Arlen growls and she refrains not to howl when his climax comes. The spurts of seed are shoot out from the opening of his penis and get wet the wood of the tree in several parts because the member wobbles with force on the air.

Wilton stops and pushes with when the anal walls squeezes his penis with more force.

His penis begins to do eruption inside the rectal passage, Arlen feels that his rectum is covered with his brother's seed.

Both pant and moans of pleasure while pleasure fades away slowly and only they wait the necessary time to separate.

The next morning Arlen and Wilton wake up when they hear that someone knocks at the door. Both wolves growl just like Nolan, but all of them wake up hearing that their mother tells them that it is time to get up.

Wilton yawning gets out of the bed and he begins to get dressed, soon Arlen and Nolan do the same thing. Wilton notices that Nolan looks at him and Arlen with a strange look as if he avoided looking at them directly.

The boy turns over turning his back on them and to be able to change clothes without being seen. Wilton says absolutely nothing while he finishes gotten dressed. Arlen is ready very soon and Wilton does him a face to aim with his nose at Nolan.

Arlen nods realizing of what it happens, but he does not pay attention to this, it is perhaps a morning erection that embarrasses the boy.

The two brothers get out of the bedroom first and get to the kitchen where girls and their mother are sitting at the table next to Otto. Arlen and Wilton say hello yawning and the other ones return them a greeting.

Both wolves sit at the table at the same time that Nolan enters in the kitchen and also he sits at the table.

"Boys, I need that you accompany me to buy some materials for my work." Otto says looking at Arlen and Wilton.

"Of course, there is no problem." Arlen says while her mother serves a cup of tea to him and shortly afterwards she serves another cup for Wilton. Nolan prefers to have a drink of milk, Eryn smiles and serves some milk to him.

"If there is not problem, Lorene and Celestine will go with you, I need some things for the kitchen." Eryn says looking at Otto.

He nods while he takes a sip of milk, the dog thinks about the things that he needs to buy for his establishment. When breakfast finishes Arlen and Wilton along with the girls climb in the chuck wagon.

Boys go in the posterior part while Celestine and her sister sit on the seat next to Otto.

The chuck wagon begins to move by the road slowly, some potholes makes that the boys and girls bounce.

Otto drives the chuck wagon with calm, the bloodhound greets some friends that crosses with them on the way. When Otto gets to the town he is heading for the market that is full at that moment.

People walk in each part looking for products that they need. Otto stops the chuck wagon and they all spread, the two sisters are going to buy what they need.

Arlen and Wilton stay with Otto. He and boys go to the separate zone where they buy iron ore in sacks. Otto with calm selects the stones that he needs and he keeps on filling little sacks.

The two brothers pay attention while Otto indicates them as choosing the correct stones with a good concentration of mineral that next would be molten and converted in whatever is necessary.

When they buy all that is necessary, Otto and boys charge the sacks to pile them up in the chuck wagon to accommodate them as good as possible.

Celestine and Lorene return charging the bags with supplies. Arlen and Wilton are charging the two last sacks in the chuck wagon, two hands place on their shoulders and they turn over to both boys with force.

Both boys become terrified seeing that Gregory looks at them with an intense fury.

"Finally I find you two!" The Rottweiler dog says growling and pressing the shoulders of the boys with force hurting them.

"Hey take it easy." Otto says pushing his friend that releases the boys. Otto stops in front of his friend. The bloodhound growls looking at Rottweiler.

"Otto, move aside, I have an unfinished business with these two!" Gregory says growling while he looks at his friend.

"I am sorry, but this is my problem too." Otto says looking at his friend with a lot of anger.

His friend can be a tough guy, but to Otto does not feel intimidated by him. Some people begin to meet around to see what happens.

"These two raped my daughters!" Gregory says growling and looking at Wilton and Arlen.

The dog's two daughters are at his side while both remain in silence.

"Really?" Otto asks with mocking tone and crossing arms while he looks at Gregory. The Rottweiler dog gets surprised before growling.

"Don't you believe my daughters?!" Gregory asks looking at Otto.

"Well, I have my reasons to not make it." Otto says while he sees the two girls with discredit and next looks at his friend.

"They began everything." Arlen says while he looks at Gregory. The dog growls and he wants to get close to the boys, but Otto again impedes it.

Gregory and Otto growl to each other until they listen to their names.

Both look to the right from where comes the voice, they see the multitude separates. Otto and Gregory see that Little John is to a couple of meters. The bear with his hand indicates both of them that they come closer.

"Little John." Wilton says swallowing hard while he sees as Otto and Gregory get close to the bear.

"Who is he?" Lorene asks looking at Arlen that also swallows hard. She notices that he is someone important.

"She is the lord of these lands." Arlen responds while he feels worry. He and his brother do not want to fall in the dungeons again.

"What happens here?" Little John asks looking at Otto and Gregory.

"Those boys raped my daughters!" Gregory growling and point with his finger to Wilton and Arlen.

"As far as I know that is not truth!" Otto says with distaste.

"I saw it!" Gregory says while he growls in a rage.

"Otto... what do you know about what happened?" Little John asks looking at Otto.

"The boys told me that when they were with the girls, Giselle y Haze began to touch them and after using their mouths mutually the girls began to ride the boys until Gregory discovered them." Otto says with care because he does not want to get in detail in such public place.

"Is that truth?" Little John asks looking at Gregory.

"Well... yes... I found them that way, but I know that it is fault of the boys that obliged to my daughters." Gregory says growling.

"Look Gregory... from here I do not see that they were raped, to me it is something of some horny young boys and girls, nothing more." Little John says looking at the Rottweiler.

"Do you back them up?" Gregory says with distaste looking at Little John.

"They made mistakes, but after a hard lesson they have changed; I can assure it." Little John says looking to Gregory. The dog growls in a rage, but Little John's hard look discourages from continuing arguing.

"Well, with this solved, take better care of your daughters." Little John says while he looks at Gregory. He with distaste growls and nods, Otto gets close to the boys while Gregory meets with his daughters.

"Take much care of these girls, with these boys at their side I do not know what could pass." Gregory says looking at Otto. He growls with anger listening that.

"Well... I not dedicate to give blowjobs in the fairs like these two made with two boys called Winfred and Devon." Lorene says while she looks at her sister and the daughters of Gregory.

"Yeah, the day after the eclipse, and by chance the semen on their snouts was not notorious because they said that they were thick milk." Celestine says looking at her sister that nods.

Gregory's eyes open with surprise and his daughters also get surprised feeling fearful.

"And that guy Irving that sells flour and he did spilled tea in the carpet inherited of your grandfather, the guy fucked them rapidly for a lot of money that Haze told that she found it hidden in a tree." Lorene says looking at Gregory with defiance and mockery.

"And when bread burnt because they that were sucking some guys, Bryan and Coby that escaped closing pants." Celestine says looking at the dog.

"Haze, Giselle go to the wagon, now!!" Gregory shouts looking at his daughters feeling angry to be humiliated and realizing that his daughters treated him like a fool.

The two girls look at their father with fear and next they look at Lorene and Celestine, the two sisters look at them smiling and content seeing as the two bitches go to the wagon with the low look.

Celestine knows she and her sister had two enemies now, but she neither her sister would permit that two bitches cause problems to his uncle and boys with impunity.

"Don't you owe something to the boys?" Otto asks while he growls and looks at his friend.

"Yeah... yeah... it was an unfounded accusation." Gregory says while walks away to go to his wagon while Otto looks at him with distaste. The people around begin to disperse commenting what happened.

"I never expected that somebody could take down Gregory from his cloud of having some good daughters." Otto says doing a friendly face to his nieces.

"It is easy. If a boy accuses a girl, the father will defend her with more firmness, but if a girl makes it out, the credibility of the other girl he falls down. What would a girl win accusing another one? It must be truth, isn't it?" Lorene says while she looks at her sister laughing smoothly.

Celestine nods and also she laughs impishly. Otto laughs with them while he thinks that his nieces are very intelligent.

Wilton and Arlen look at each other with open eyes, the is just one way that girls obtained that information of Giselle and Haze, it means that they saw everything.


Celestine cleans the little table off the living room and looks as Arlen and Wilton go out by the door of the house. The girl does a facial expression to her sister. She nods.

"Can we go to walk a little?" Lorene asks looking at Eryn that cleans the kitchen with calm and slowness.

"Of course, but take care of yourselves." Eryn says while she passes some dishes to Nolan and Fleur in order that they dried them.

The two girls nod and leave the house rapidly to go after the boys. Both had been interested a lot in the date of Arlen and Wilton with the daughters of the baker.

The two sisters are some bitches, Celestine and are sure that Wilton and his brother would fall without problems in the charms of both girls.

The two girls keep on without problems the trail of the boys, Arlen and Wilton walk without realizing that they are being followed. Girls stop when boys get to the house of Gregory and knock at the door.

"Bitches." Celestine says gossiping seeing that girls play the role of good and tender daughters. When four are alone, Celestine makes her sister sister a grimace and she nods.

The two girls go after the two couples by the forest and see as four get in that occult place.

"Let's look for a place to see." Celestine says under his breath. Her sister nods and with calm they move to find one point where having a better vision of what happens.

Celestine finds a good place between a couples of trees, Lorene uses his hands to create a hole between some shrubs. She and her sister look at what happens.

They are at the right side of the group observing them in profile.

"They are nervous." Lorene says laughing in a low voice seeing that Wilton and Arlen are nervous without knowing what to do. This is certainly their first date with some girls and both do not have idea about what talk with the girls.

Celestine also laughs, boys try to make the best that they can. Lorene and her sister look at what happens, they get surprised when they see that the partners of the boys begin to show what really they want.

"I knew it..." Lorene says growling smoothly while she sees that Giselle and her sister open the pants of the boys. Celestine nods and puts her attention in what happens.

The girl sees with eyes completely opened the erections of the boys, which interests her a lot just like her sister. Girls observes like the two sisters cheetah begin to caress and giving oral sex to the two boys.

Arlen and Wilton moan with pleasure.

"Disgusting..." Celestine says putting a funny face and feigning nausea. Her sister does the same thing, they control themselves not to laugh and to continue seeing what happens.

They see as girls move their heads slowly, the sucking is heard mixing with the moans of the boys. Celestine feels that her crotch begins to get wet.

The aroma gets to her nose and it excites her just like her sister. Lorene looks with attention the penises of both boys, she licks her mouth slowly. In her life she had never given oral sex to a boy, but the idea interests her.

Her sister feels the same way, she sees as boys moan at the moment of ejaculating in the mouths of their partners. Lorene opens her eyes when both boys stand up and she can see the two members perfectly.

She gets surprised when Wilton and Arlen introduce her heads below the skirts of the two sisters and they begin to get oral sex to the sisters. Celestine introduces her hand below her skirt and her underwear to begin to caress her slit.

Her hand moves of back and forward in her slit, her fingers begin to caress her clitoris. At her side Lorene does the same thing, she puts lightly two fingers into her vagina.

She does not push deeply because she feels her hymen, the girl moans and pants quietly while Wilton and Arlen continue their work until Giselle and her sister reach an orgasm.

Lorene pants and she bites her lip when her juices stain her hand and her underwear, she controls herself not to reveal her presence. Celestine is moving her hand, a finger moves on her clitoris until her body becomes taut.

She closes her eyes with force and she controls herself not to fall by the intense pleasure, the two girls pant rapidly without losing sight of what happens.

They see as the two girls prepare to begin to ride the boys.

Lorene gets surprised and her ears put on in alert when they hear that a close branch breaks. She looks at Celestine that also listens it, the two girls rapidly get away from the place the most fast and quietly that they can.

When they are far away, both breathe agitatedly and begin to speak of what happened with the boys.

"With my fingers it feels great, but a tongue." Lorene says while she looks at her sister and makes out a facial expression of choked groan.

Celestine laughs and nods.

"I would also like it, but we do not have the necessary boys for that matter." Celestine says laughing impishly.

"There are Wilton and Arlen, but we can avoid problems." Lorene says while she looks at her sister. She opens her eyes and looks at her while she waits an answer.

Lorene takes out her tongue and moves it some moments before laughing smoothly seeing that her sister watches with a lot of surprise the proposition and the implications.

"Sisters." Celestine says making out of a facial expression of complicity. Lorene nods and also she laughs impishly. Girls rapidly return to the house of Eryn knowing that they should arrive much more fast than the boys.

When they get there, both girls begin to help in the preparation of dinner, Nolan and Otto go out to the forest to look for firewood to turn on the chimney. After the sunset Lorene and Celestine get surprised just like the other ones seeing that Wilton and Arlen enter in the house.

While boys change clothes and they talk with Otto. Celestine and her sister of cautious way exchange views trying to find out what happened, for them everything was going well for the boys.

When they all go to bed, girls prepare to sleep, they change clothes and put their nightgowns that are a pink and sky-blue color. The two girls get in their beds just like Fleur.

Lorene blows out the candle that illuminates the place, when light becomes extinguished girls give themselves the good nights, a dim light that enters by the windows and a skylight illuminates the room.

Celestine and their sister remain they wake up while they rest back, both wait while minutes pass too slow for their pleasure.

Both wait until Fleur is sleep and that way not having problems to be able to continue with their plan. Lorene finally gets tired and looks at her right side to see the bed of her sister. Celestine looks at her and does her a facial expression to indicate that it is the moment.

Celestine is the first in getting out of the bed with calm, she clenches her teeth when a creak of the floor is listened. After some moments Lorene gets out of the bed, and with calm she heads for the door with her sister.

Lorene opens the door with calm and looks in the corridor, without Moors in the coast she does a face to her sister. She nods and both get out of the bedroom, with calm and care.

Both step on with calm while they walk toward the posterior part of the house, the two girls head toward an open shed where Otto's wagon is stored.

"Who will be the first?" Celestine says looking at her sister. Lorene does him a face expression and points with her snout to the posterior part wagon that faces the entrance of the shed.

Both get on space behind the seat of the wagon and Celestine leans backwards and she pulls up the nightgown to her neck exposing her body to his sister.

Lorene sees her sister without surprise, both were know perfectly the body of the other one.

Celestine sees as her sister positions herself on her, the girl moans when his sister begins hitting her right nipple. Lorene closes her mouth around the nipple and sucks it smoothly.

Her other hand positions itself on the breast of her sister and she squeezes it, it is firm like hers. Celestine moans and pants with pleasure while she feels as the warm saliva of her sister covers it.

Lorene pulls her nipple some moments and releases it, she uses her thumbs and indexes to twisting the nipples. Celestine moans and pants with pleasure while they do not render attention to nothing more.

Lorene releases her nipples and begins to take down her body and she leans upon her chest between the opened legs of her sister.

She sees the pink vulva surrounded by golden soft fur, Celestine shakes and moans when she feels a lick on her slit of slow way. The tongue moves between her vaginal lips and gets to her clitoris.

Lorene perceives her sister's taste, it is not a disagreeable, and the girl does not stop and licks with calm and care. Her sister begins to moan with pleasure and pant.

Celestine shakes with pleasure, his sister touches with her tongue the pink point, Celestine places her hands on his breasts and begins to stimulate them with pleasure.

Her fingers twist her nipples in addition to pull them, her nipples are hard. Lorene closes her mouth around the slit of her sister and begins to push her in the pink slit.

She feels the squeeze of the vaginal walls of Celestine, the girl moves her tongue with pleasure for the juice that surrounds it. Her sister shakes and moans with pleasure, the tip touches her hymen repeatedly.

Lorene moves her tail content to see that her sister moans of pleasure, the aroma of the juices fills her nose completely. Celestine moans and has her closed eyes while she massages her tits.

Her pleasure increases with every minute that pass, she suddenly becomes tense and she tries to control herself to not howl with force at the moment that her orgasm activates in her body.

Lorene opens her eyes with surprise when the little juice spurts of her sister fall on her tongue and they get her mouth wet. The girl sucks and moves her tongue while she sees as her sister shakes without stopping.

Celestine's eyes are closed whining of pleasure, she separates her sister from her. Lorene licks her mouth and sees as her sister pants rapidly while she remains reclining in the wagon.

Lorene takes off her nightgown and crawls to place her crotch over the face of her sister.

Celestine opens her eyes when she feels the aroma of the vulva of her sister.

The girl sees that the vulva is shining with juices, Celestine takes out her tongue and passes it over the pink slit. Lorene moans and takes gasps feeling as her sister's rough tongue touches her clitoris.

Lorene's juice is pleasing to her sister, is similar to hers. Celestine begins to swirl her tongue's tip on the clitoris of her sister because she knows that place is important to receive pleasure.

Lorene moans and pants with pleasure, her inflamed clitoris pleasures her. Her body shakes with pleasure while she moans, her sister's hot respiration stirs the fur of her stomach.

Celestine enjoys the juice that falls on her tongue, she begins to move her tongue between her vaginal lips touching her sister's inside superficially.

The girl shakes when her sister pushes her tongue, her vaginal walls and juices surround the tongue. Celestine moves her tongue with calm caressing the vaginal walls.

Her sister's affectionate and wet inside is surrounding her tongue, her lips touch her vulva and they get wet with juice that slips on the neck of the girl. Celestine stretches her arms and takes her sister's breasts.

Her hands take Lorene's two soft mountains to caresses them, she moans and rubs her vulva in the vulva of her sister circularly. Her pleasure grows while her vaginal walls are stimulated.

Moans fill the shed, Lorene has her eyes closed while her sister continues giving her oral sex. This is more incredible than to masturbate in loner.

Celestine continues moving her tongue and sees that her sister begins to moan with more force. Lorene rubs her vulva against the mouth when she loses the control of her body at the moment of a great orgasm.

"I am...!!" Lorene says biting her lip not to howl and waking up to everyone. Celestine feels that her mouth gets wet with abundant juices of her sister.

Lorene reclines her hands to the seat while she pants and shakes with pleasure, the girl sees her sister that still has her head between her legs. Lorene moves and her sister smiles at her while she licks her mouth.

"We need to repeat it again." Celestine comments content. Lorene nods and catches her nightgown to put on her again. The two sisters clean their faces the best that they can before return to their room.

Both arrive there some moments later and they get into bed checking that Fleur even is sleeping. Celestine and Lorene look at each other and do some funny faces before looking for a comfortable position and falling asleep.

Otto © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake, Giselle, Haze, Gregory are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

A old friend

On the next day Allan wakes up listening his alarm clock, he has his face sunken in the pillow. Alan growls with bother while he feels the heat of some sunbeams on his nape of the neck. He growls because he wishes to sleep, only had managed to close...

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Marian's and Robin's liberation

On the next day both wake up while their naked bodies are united, Robin feels the pressure of the breasts of his wife on his chest. Marian gets surprised and she blushes a moment before turning over. Robin feels that the ass and the tail of his wife...

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The journey lasts many days due the amount of things that carry the chuck wagon, Otto tries to make good use of each opportunity in the trajectory to try encouraging at the four young ones. The journey is like a new adventure, mainly for Fleur and...

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