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#3 of A new chance

Otto and his nephew and nieces finally arrive to Eryn's house. The female wolf and her sons receive to the newcomers. For the night Otto and Eryn give free rein to their lust and desire for each other without noticing that there are a pair of eyes seeing.

The journey lasts many days due the amount of things that carry the chuck wagon, Otto tries to make good use of each opportunity in the trajectory to try encouraging at the four young ones.

The journey is like a new adventure, mainly for Fleur and Nolan, they apparently never crossed the limits of their city of their birth. They find the trip very interesting.

Lorene and Celestine for their part feel a lot of interest in the bride of their uncle in addition to the boys. Otto tries to answer to the questions of his nieces with enthusiasm in order that there are not a lot of problems in the future.

Finally comes the day that the chuck wagon gets close to Nottingham, after midafternoon Celestine and her sister get excited when they see the town. They move their tails with emotion just like their stepbrothers.

Otto becomes happy for that reason and continues driving, the wagon enters in the town and it moves on the streets, Otto nods lightly as greeting every time that a friend greets him.

Lorene and Celestine look at everything with a lot of attention, everything amazes them because it is a new place. Fleur also looks thrilled, she sees the different houses and many interesting places.

She points with her finger to some establishments attracting the attention of her brother that nods while he sees the surroundings.

"Guys... this is my establishment." Otto says pointing with his hand at the blacksmith's place. Boys get excited for this reason and rapidly they ask to Otto if he could stop.

"We can return later, I do not have the key with me now." Otto says looking at the boys.

They grunt with disappointment and they are felt somewhat sad, the chuck wagon continues moving and gets out of the town.

Otto gets excited seeing Eryn's house. He yearns to see her again, the wagon finally stops in front of the front door.

"Finally we are here." Otto says looking at the four young ones. They rapidly feel somewhat anxious, Lorene and her sister come down of the wagon without a lot of difficulty just like Nolan and Fleur.

Otto knocks at the door a couple of times while his nieces and niece wait behind him.

It pass some minutes and Otto again knocks at the door, he does not obtain answer.

"Wait here." Otto says while he looks at the boys and opens the door, he gets in and closes the door behind him. Everything in the living room is in order, Otto begins to move in the house until his ears get in alert when he listens to noises and moans.

His nose gets a delicious aroma on the air, the aroma takes Otto to Eryn's bedroom and the bloodhound does not get surprised seeing that she is in bed being double penetrated by Wilton and Arlen.

Arlen sucks his mother's tits with pleasure while his brother is pounding his mother's ass.

Eryn moans and pants while she holds the headboard.

Otto clears his throat and the motion in the bead stops suddenly.

Definitely it was the best that I get in first." Otto says smiling softly and looking at Eryn and boys. They laugh while they begin to separate, Wilton withdraws his penis of the ass of his mother. She gets up and the juices drip on the bed.

"Get dressed quickly, they are waiting outside." Otto says while he makes a grimace to the trio. Eryn and her children get surprised and rapidly run in the bedroom looking for their clothes to get dressed the best that they can.

Boys jump in their pants while Otto laughs smoothly, he sees that soon the nudity of Eryn is covered Eryn with a green soft and worn-out dress.

When the four are ready they go to the living room and Otto gets close to the front door to open it.

"Come in." Otto says looking at his nephews. Eryn sees as Otto moves aside to let the boys pass close to him. She gets surprised seeing to Fleur and Nolan, the she-wolf did not know what it was happening because Otto just told her about two nieces.

"These are my nieces Celestine and Lorene." Otto says placing his hands place on the shoulders of his two nieces. They say hello respectfully as their mother had taught them.

"These are Fleur and Nolan, my brother and his wife adopted them before death." Otto says while he looks at the brothers and next to Eryn. She opens her eyes and nods while she smiles at the two bordier collies.

They seem content. Now it is moment to introduce Eryn's family.

"She is Eryn, my fiancée." Otto says presenting to the she-wolf while he kisses her on her cheek smoothly. The she-wolf smiles at the newcomers kindly and affectionately.

"They are Wilton and Arlen." Otto says placing a hand on each shoulder of the brothers and giving them a friendly squeeze. It does not pass unnoticed that Arlen and his brother immediately have their gaze in the older nieces of Otto.

Their gazes go over their bodies, both girls are gorgeous. But both boys are also scrutinized by Celestine and her sister, they notice that both are good-looking boys.

The two girls look at each other exchanging opinions with the gazes, Eryn smiles in a friendly way at Nolan and his sister. They move their content tails, everything would be apparently well.

"Welcome, here we will take care of you, you will not have to get worried." Eryn says smiling in a friendly way. Celestine nods with gratitude just like her sister and stepbrothers.

"Well... I suppose that the first thing is unloading things and accommodate them, Nolan you will have to share room with Wilton and Arlen. Fleur, you will be with your sisters." Otto says looking at the boys and girls.

No one shows disagreement in those arrangements, Otto with Wilton and Arlen unload things and begin to place them on the bedrooms. The girls help too.

Eryn, Fleur and Nolan accommodate each thing that is unloaded. After one hour everything is in its place, Nolan sits at the edge of his bed in his new bedroom.

His bed and the other two are separate, each has the head leant against a different wall in order that all there have space. The three beds imaginarily form a T with the beds of Wilton and Arlen close to each other.

Nolan sees that the two boys push the last furniture to place them on their place. When everything is done, the two brothers get close to Nolan to sit to each one of his side.

"Well little fella, we are roommates now, here exist one rule." Wilton says looking at Nolan.

The boy gets surprised and he becomes tense a little, this perhaps is no good.

"Do not be afraid to ask or saying something. If you have a doubt, just ask it and you will have an honest answer; it is as my father used to say." Arlen says doing a friendly face to Nolan.

He gets surprised and nods content.

In the bedroom of the girls they finish placing their clothes in closets in addition to accommodate their beds at the same time that Eryn enters in the room.

"How are you doing?" Eryn asks looking at the three girls. Lorene and Celestine show her that all their clothing is in its place and perfectly ordered.

"Very good." Eryn says while she places her hand places on the head of Fleur and she caresses it. She feels content.

"Here you will be fine although a little tight." Eryn says laughing because she knows that three in a bedroom can be somewhat uncomfortable.

"Thank you for receiving us." Lorene tells with gratitude to Eryn. She does a friendly face to the girls.

"It is moment of preparing dinner." Eryn says looking at the girls that volunteer to help. They and Eryn prepare food while Otto and boys chat about what happened while the bloodhound was not in the town.

They also collect firewood for the chimney and for the stoves of the kitchen too.

When the dinner is ready, they all sit down to eat at the table. The table proves to be small and it is a little uncomfortable, but that does not impede that they all feel happy and eat with pleasure.

The sound of crickets are heard around the house while some glowworms pass by the exterior of the window of the kitchen. Otto feels pleased seeing that they all are getting along well.

Arlen and Wilton have their attention in Lorene and Celestine, they look at the girls with care. The two girl notice it and internally they laugh while they pretend not to notice the gazes of both boys.

After the dinner all of them spend time in the living room before preparing to sleep.

When the young ones are in their beds Eryn dedicates herself to clean the kitchen while Otto repairs the leg of a chair, one hour after they also prepare to rest.

Both enter in the bedroom and begin getting undressed with calm while they place their clothing on their place. In some minutes later Otto and Eryn are in their bed under the blankets

"I am sorry, I had to bring them without warning you, and I did not know that my brother had adopted Nolan and Fleur." Otto says while he looks at Eryn. She smiles smoothly without showing bother.

"It is Ok, if they are a part of your family, they will be part of ours. A couple of girls around will not be create problems... well uncounted with Wilton and Arlen." Eryn says looking at Otto.

He laughs just like Eryn. Both know that the two boys are horny and in their minds they already have some ideas for the two girls. Eryn had warned her children that they must not cause problems with the girls.

"And talking about that. Did they fulfill completely my instructions?" Otto asks while he moves his hand to squeeze Eryn's naked breast.

"Of course, but things can be always better." The she-wolf says placing her hand on the crotch of Otto and caresses the balls softly. Otto smiles and feels the urge of fucking Eryn.

These days his desire for her had increased, Otto places his mouth on the mouth Eryn to kiss her. The female closes her eyes and responds the kiss with pleasure, her tongue touches the tongue of Otto.

Both are kissing passionately while Otto takes the bedspreads off their bodies. He feels as the hand of Eryn moves on his sheath back and forward, the female feels as the penis begins to harden.

Otto breaks off the kiss and looks at Eryn some moments, both look at each other to the eyes and smile, Eryn caresses Otto's face slowly until he takes down his head and begins to lick his fiancée's right nipple.

Eryn moans and closes her eyes when Otto's mouth closes around her nipple, he sucks and bites the tit smoothly. Otto's other hand takes and knead the other breast.

Otto sucks smoothly while he moves his hand further down and introduces it between the thighs of Eryn. She gasps when Otto's fingers begin to play with her clitoris.

Her clitoris is twisted and pulled smoothly by the forefingers and Otto's thumb, he releases the nipple that sucks before putting his attention in the other one. His tongue hits the nipple with calm.

Meanwhile in the bedroom of the boys, Nolan wakes up in feeling a pressure in his bladder. He needs to pee and he takes off the bedspreads before getting out of the bed and walking toward the door.

He walks toward the door with care to wake up nobody, he opens the door and looks back to see that Wilton and Arlen even are asleep. Nolan goes out to the corridor and rapidly runs towards the patio and looks for a good place.

After some moments he positions himself behind a tree and he takes down his pants before releasing his urine. The boy breathes with relief while his bladder gets empty completely.

When the last spurt of urine gets out of the tip of his penis, he raises his pants and returns to the house in the meantime he listens to the sounds of insects to his around.

Nolan goes to the kitchen to take a glass of water before returning to the bedroom, when he is walking he stops to listen to some strange sounds that get out of the bedroom of Eryn and Otto.

They are wailing that attract Nolan's attention, he comes closer with care and sees that the door is half-open so he decides to see what is happening inside. The boy with calm places himself in position and peeks inside.

His eyes open completely seeing that Otto naked over Eryn. The dog moves further down slowly until his head is between the legs of the she-wolf.

Otto begins to lick Eryn's pink slit with calm and pleasure, juices drip in his tongue. Eryn moans and growls feeling the licks on her clitoris that it is erect.

Nolan cannot see perfectly what happens, but feels that makes that his body fills with a strange energy, an intense aroma gets to his nose and it makes that his penis harden.

The boy opens his eyes when he feels that his penis tip leaves his sheath, he puts his hand into his pants and shakes when his fingers touch the exposed and sensitive tip.

His attention again focuses on what happens in the room, he sees that Otto stops and caresses Eryn's slit some moments more while he sees that the female shakes and she moans.

"Uhhmmm now is my turn." Eryn says licking his mouth. Otto leans back in bed reclining his head on the pillow. Nolan opens his eyes with surprise when he sees Eryn's breasts when she moves.

It is something that he never saw in his life, they are big and they make his penis rapidly grow up and get out of his sheath completely.

Eryn crawls and she bends on the body of Otto to begin to lick his penis, she with a hand caresses the erection while she licks the knot. Nolan gasps seeing the big erection of the dog.

He takes down a little his pants to see his erect penis, it not even has the half length of Otto's penis, without say the knot in the base of the penis of Otto. It is immense for Nolan.

The boy looks inside of the bedroom and sees as Eryn licks the extension of the cock from the base to the tip.

Eryn enjoys the taste of the hard meat, she opens her mouth and closes it around the tip to begin to suck Otto's hard meat.

"I love when you suck my cock." Otto says growling of pleasure, he only can see Eryn's back, but he does not need see what happens. The dog feels as the mouth of Eryn moves up and down on the shaft.

Eryn shakes her head slowly while she uses her hand to squeeze and to massage the balls of the bloodhound. He moans and growls of pleasure without knowing about the audience that looks at everything.

Nolan shakes with surprise when he sees as the head of Eryn moves down and she begins to devour the immense erection, the boy looks with incredulity as the lips of Eryn touch Otto's knot.

"Very well you are incredible." Otto says beginning to move his hips and to fuck Eryn's mouth. She internally smiles while she continues sucking, the hard cock moves in and out of her throat.

Outside of the room Nolan catches his penis and he begins to masturbate slowly of instinctive way, he sees as Eryn stops and slowly withdraws the penis of her mouth.

The boy admires as the member bathed in saliva leaves the female's mouth, he swallows hard when Eryn moves to place herself in the crotch of the dog seeing the door, and Nolan's eyes follow the action.

He sees Eryn's half hidden slit, it is somewhat new for the boy. Eryn moves her hips caressing with her swollen vulva the canine shaft. The she-wolf stops and catches the penis to aim it. The tip gets inside her vaginal lips.

Eryn takes down her hips and closes her eyes feeling as the penis begins to slide in her vagina. Otto moans when his female's warm inside embraces his member slowly.

Nolan moans and moves his hand on his penis while he sees as the penis of Otto disappears in Eryn. Nolan's precum slides through the hand of the boy that moans quietly.

Eryn's vulva touches Otto's knot, she reclines her hands to the thighs of Otto and begins to ride him rapidly. She growls every time that the hard cock enters and gets out of her vagina.

The sound of splashing is heard every time that the wet slit hits Otto's knot. He moans and reclines his hands on the buttocks of Eryn to squeeze them while she moves her tail with pleasure.

Nolan pants and moans seeing fascinated as the breasts of Eryn bounce with each motion. She grunts with pleasure, the shots of precum splashes her vaginal walls.

Juices lubricate Otto's penis, the bloodhound feels that her pleasure grows rapidly. He suddenly stops Eryn, Otto gets up and embraces Eryn from behind kissing her neck and taking the tits.

Eryn moans and pants with pleasure feeling the stimulation of her breasts, her nipples are twisted smoothly a couple of minutes. Otto turns over Eryn to lean her on her chest in the meantime the penis still is in her vagina.

Otto takes pillows and places them below the stomach of Eryn to raise the ass of the female. The dog caresses Eryn's buttocks, she enjoys the caresses.

The dog places himself in position and uses his hands to spread Eryn's cheeks.

Nolan swallows hard and looks with amazement as the tip of the penis of Otto touches Eryn's sphincter. She moans when the dog begins to push his penis with force.

The female moans when her hole opens and the penis begins to slide in her rectum. Otto moans and enjoys the internal warmth of Eryn, she has a tight passage.

From the corridor Nolan looks with incredulity as the shaft enters in the anal passage, the light is enough to see as the knot of Otto touches the buttocks of the she-wolf.

Otto begins to pump his penis with slowness while he places his hands on the firm cheeks and squeezes them. Eryn moans and pants with pleasure feeling that her buttocks tremble with each thrust of Otto.

The hard meat caresses her anal walls feeling that the tip touches the bottom of her anus repeatedly in the meantime it shots little spurts of precum. Otto moans and growls, he feels as the sphincter moves on his cock.

His member enters and gets out of the tight passage without stopping. Hips move up and down while Nolan observes everything in silence, he moves his hand more rapidly feeling that his pleasure increases.

The boy pants and moans quietly before pressing his teeth and smearing his clothing inside with a semen spurt. Nolan pants while he holds his penis and sees as Otto continues pumping his penis in Eryn.

The bloodhound raises his ass and let it down, Nolan's eyes open when he sees as the knot enters in the rectum of the she-wolf. Eryn moans with pain when she is knotted anally.

Otto pumps with more speed while he drools. The saliva falls on the neck and Eryn's head, she whines with more forces feeling as all of the member moves in her ass.

Her juices drip and get wet the bedspreads. The bed creaks while the dog fucks her with force, the female's pleasure is intense and she growls when her orgasm fills her body of pleasure.

The female's anal walls squeeze with more force Otto's penis, he growls and presses his groin against the buttocks of Eryn the moment that he begins to ejaculate in his fiancée.

The shots of seed deluge the posterior passage of the female, Otto leans upon her and kisses her affectionately the back and neck. Nolan has still his hand around his penis.

Nolan takes out his hand and cleans it in his clothes before returning to the bedroom entering there rapidly, he sees that Wilton and Arlen still are asleep. The boy gets in his bed and he makes himself comfortable while he cannot forget what he saw.

His mind grinds away at the images of naked body of Eryn and Otto's big penis. His cock again leaves his sheath and grows up, he catches his penis and begins to masturbate while he listens the snoring in the room.

Nolan tries not to do any noise that wakes up the other people, his hand moves up and descends on his hard and sensitive meat. He sinks his face in the pillow while he moans quietly.

His pleasure increases rapidly by the mental pictures, his penis suddenly makes eruption getting his hand wet inside of his pajamas.

Nolan clenches his teeth while his body becomes taut at the moment of the intense climax. His groin fur smears with cum, the boy pants while he looks at the roof.

His chest rises and rushes down, he finally manages to close his eyes and to fall asleep while he huddles up in his bed.

Otto © Disney

Eryn, Wilton, Arlen, Fleur, Nolan Lorene, Celestine Wilder and Jake are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth

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