
Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#1 of Dad's girl

Alan and Samantha live alone. He loves his daughter a lot. But a terrible experience in the past of both can throw everything for the floor.


In a warm day the noise and the horns of the streets are heard, a noise that is not taken into consideration in the conference room of Globe Technology Enterprise in middle of central part of the city.

"I just say that it is a mistake, Barret... we should be cautious producing and putting to sale this new model. There is still distrust on our programs after the hacked of the previous model, besides there are projections that evidence a deceleration on the market and we are close to an economic recession." Alan Arrington says looking at another wolf that is sitting on the other side of the table.

Alan is a black wolf of brown eyes with a shining fur, to his thirty five years and his thin constitution distinguishes it a lot almost of the other big-bellied members of the board.

He is very serious about his work like the head of the Unit of finance, the numbers always reflect truth and they never lie. With effort, he had made it to this stall, something of what he is proud due the problematical origin of his family.

"Come on Alan, the improvements in this model are substantial, I mean in a recent opinion poll it shows up that a lot of users seek to have something like what we will make an offer." Barret Fuller says looking at Alan while his blue eyes show some exasperation.

Barret and Alan knew to each other since both are cubs and both are good friends, but in issues of job and business, the friendship remains on one side to show professionalism in each aspect.

He understands Alan, but his position like the head of marketing unit at times obliges him to disagree with his friend.

"Besides the television commercial will disperse those fears. As far I know the problems already were eradicated with the new software." Barret says while he looks at Alan that shakes his head lightly.

"As head of finance Unit I how much it was spent in the development of the new model, but it is my duty point out that in spite of what they show up in the opinion polls we can lose a lot." Alan says looking at Barret while the other ones listen.

Alan takes his small suitcase and opens it to take out a pile of written papers.

"Yesterday I received these opinion polls done to high school students that show that the theft of information of their cell phones is one of their important worries and that do not know if they can give their confidence to a software that already was hacked." Alan says while he passes the papers to the other assistants of the meeting in addition to Barret.

Murmurings and comments of the other members are heard while they read the papers.

"I suppose that boys do not want their parents to learn that they have porn in their phones." Barret says taking off his look of one of the papers and looking at Alan.

The conference room fills with laughs of every member, Alan even laughs thinking that that one is one good point, something funny, but true. Laughs finish when the CEO of the company, a St Bernard raises a hand.

"Both are right, the new model can be key of this year, but also it is true that our credibility has gotten weak." The St Bernard says while he leans on his chair and breaths deep.

"Barret, Alan, I want both to work side by side to decide the number of phones that we will put for sale, in addition to define a strategy for the selling success of the new model." The St Bernard says hitting the table with his finger repeatedly.

Alan and Barret nod to show their conformity.

"Well unless we have something else than to discuss, the meeting is over." St Bernard says looking to each one of the assistants, they all nod and begin to pick up his papers while they comment the particulars of the meeting.

Alan puts his papers in his suitcase and with Barret they get out of the conference room and they get close to a large window of the building. From there they see as automobiles move for the streets in addition to the noise of the great city.

The sound of a couple of helicopters is heard to the distance.

"Bah, I did not expected that last opinion poll in school." Barret says while he loosens his tie that squeezes his neck.

"As far I remember you always says that someone has to have card of triumph under the sleeve." Alan says while he sighs with relief of loosening his tie and taking out two cigarettes of a packet.

He offers one to his friend that accepts it with pleasure.

"I suppose that Samantha is your card of the triumph, you used her class like a weak sampling, but efficacious." Barret says while Alan lends him the lighter.

"Of course someone should use each resource that he has." Alan says exhaling an air puff.

"That is true, it never crossed my mind, and I guess that I will take it into account the next time." Barret says doing a grimace to his friend. Alan smiles softly.

"What do you think, if we begin tomorrow? I will do a preliminary calculation today." Alan says looking at Barret.

"It seems fine to me, I have duties to make at home." Barret says while he sighs with a little bit of fatigue at the same time that he holds the cigarette. Two smoke threads rise of the tips of both cigarettes and they fade away on the air.

Both chat some minutes before saying good-bye, Alan goes down to the parking lot to take his automobile and to go back to his house.

By chance that day traffic is not a problem, Alan drives his car while he feels pleased that at last he could rest for that day. The meeting had been intense and long.

His automobile gets to the suburbs, a quiet residential area, people walk along the street while they chat and they laugh. A school bus pass near.

Alan laughs softly seeing grimaces and funny faces that does some boys of the school bus. The wolf remembers his days of youth and the problems that he got into for each mischief that he did.

He finally gets to his house, he is a simple sky-blue house and two floors that has a balcony in each window that faces the street. Alan puts the automobile into the garage and the automatic door closes behind it.

The wolf sighs with weariness a moment before opening the door and going out, Alan stretches his body some moments before to bend over in the automobile and taking his suitcase out.

Alan sighs before going to his room, when arriving he takes off his clothes and leaves them on the bed. Alan breathes with relief while he is naked.

He sees his reflection in the mirror and he feels pleased for what sees. His chest reflects the clear-cut pectoral muscles and the six-pack in his stomach. The muscles of their arms are defined, but are not those of a bodybuilder.

After some moments Alan moves to look for his clothing. He gets dressed with a bermuda short and a T-shirt before going down to the living room and begin to watch the television.

Alan reclines his feet to the tea table and he relaxes while he sees news. His body relaxes after a tense meeting, his ears raise in alert when he hears that somebody puts the key into the lock of the door and it turns to open it.

"Hi dad." A white female German shepherd says while she enters for the door and closes it. She is wearing a white blouse and a black skirt, in one of her shoulders hangs up a little leathern backpack.

"Hi honey." Alan says coming closer to his girl and embracing her. Samantha embraces him with force.

She is Alan's daughter, at her sixteen years she is an attractive young female from the tip of his snout to her long and silky tail's tip. She has shining beautiful blue eyes that demonstrate her intelligence.

Alan loves her a lot, his eyes open when he feels pressure of the breasts of his daughter against his chest. She has bigger breasts for a girl of your age, one of her mother's particular inheritances.

Samantha's mother had developed prematurely for surprise of her parents, but also her certainty and maturity also made it because she was an intelligent female dog.

He immediately breaks off the hug with some discomfort.

"Do you want to watch Tv with me?" Alan asks looking at his daughter.

Samantha laughs smoothly and nods while she places her backpack on the sofa before sitting on the sofa.

Alan sits beside her, Samantha reclines her head on the right shoulder of her father while he changes canals looking for a show that both enjoy.

"How was the meeting?" Samantha asks while he embraces her father and watches television. She feels the aroma of the fur of her father, the aroma is unique and it has not changed since she felt it when she was a cub.

"Everything was great thanks to you." Alan says laughing smoothly and kissing in her in front of Samantha. She laughs impishly knowing that her effort had helped to her father.

"How did it go to you in school?" Alan asks looking at his girl.

"Just fine, but math...." Samantha says with a soft growl of bother. Alan laughs below one's breath and places his hand on the head of his daughter to caress it softly.

Alan stops the search when he notices that his daughter puts her attention in a canal of music. The wolf sees that his daughter looks to a rock singer that moves through a stage while a great multitude cheers him in a great concert.

Alan makes a grimace thinking that the modern-day music is not good, although all depends the ears that listen it. Both watch television for an hour before that Alan leaves to their study and Samantha locks herself up in her bedroom to do her homework.

In the study Allan dedicates himself to check the financial numbers and other data that to have idea of the plan to delineate for the sale of the new phones.

He concentrates totally in his work for the following two hours, after that time the wolf leans on his chair and stretches his body while he sees his portable computer.

Everything finally is done, now only is still pending to begin to exchange the information with Barret to create the plan. In his mind begin to think about some previous ideas that fade away when he hears that they knock at the door.

He looks over his shoulder to see that the door opens and his daughter enters in the study.

"Dad...Would you help me with my homework? That subject of amortizations is something that I do not understand." Samantha says while she growls smoothly. Alan laughs smoothly and he stands up.

"While more you hate the numbers it will be much worse." Alan says while he gets close to his daughter. She does not show up in agreement while her father laughs smoothly.

Alan follows to his daughter to her bedroom, it is a girl's typical bedroom. There are some felt dolls in bed in addition to paintings and lipstick in the little table of makeup.

They are almost unused because Alan did not like to see his daughter using makeup, and besides neither she likes her because it brings her problems with her white skin that tends to get stained without difficulty.

Her cupboard is open and some of his dresses and clothes that hang from the hangers. For the window he can see the backyard and the tree that grows up in between the patio.

In the tree a swing is that to be without use long time ago. Alan catches a chair and brings it closer to the desk of his daughter that sits on another chair. Alan begins explaining the formulas and procedures.

It is nothing new that Samantha dislikes completely mathematics, in spite of that his grades are good. Samantha listens attentively as her father explains what she should make step by step.

She looks at her father and she feels pleased of her life with him, her mother had perished before she could have a memory of her. Ever since then they have been alone.

Alan takes his time to help his daughter, he explains everything in order that she does not doubt that could obstruct her grades. After around two hours Samantha finalizes all her school homework.

"Can we eat pizza?" Samantha asks looking at her father. Alan smiles and nods.

"Go and order it." Alan says while he looks at his daughter. She gets content and gets out of her bedroom. Alan stands up and stretches his body while the last sunbeam enters by the window.

The night had come and Alan begins to turn on house's lights, he turns on the light of the porch and enters while he heads toward the kitchen and he pours himself a glass of soda.

He drinks it and sees that Samantha hangs up the phone after making the order of pizza.

After around thirty minutes the pizza arrives and both begin to eat in the living room, using tea table.

Samantha eats the pizza with pleasure, she likes it. The one of ham and cheese is her favorite just like her father. Alan makes a grimace seeing as the mouth of his daughter is stained with molten cheese.

He with his finger touches his mouth and looks at his daughter. Samantha understands and she licks her mouth completely to clean the cheese, she smiles while her father watches her content.

When both finish eaten the pizza, Alan takes the empty cardboard to the trash. In the kitchen he serves two soda glasses for him and his daughter. The wolf sits on the sofa next to his daughter.

Samantha chooses a canal that shows a romantic movie, it is a movie about a university professor and his female student. Samantha clings to her father and she makes herself comfortable.

Alan says absolutely nothing and he shrugs his shoulders, the romantic tapes is not his own, only they serve to have a good moment with a female, also the ones of terror are good for having a girl to his side.

He and Samantha see the movie in silence, both see as both principal characters in the beginning they try to refuse the mutual attraction that feel one for the other one, but they finally accept it and are together in spite of all the prejudices.

For the ending of the movie Allan feels Samantha's hot respiration on his chest, he looks down and smiles softly seeing that his daughter had fallen asleep.

Alan takes some moments contemplating her, he loved her a lot and is the most important in his life. The wolf places his hand behind the back of his daughter and uses his forefinger to go over by her thorn from the bottom to her head.

Samantha's eyes open suddenly and give a small jump feeling that sensation in her back.

"Dad!" Samantha says hitting her father's chest with distaste and playfully. Alan laughs while he receives his daughter's blows for some moments, they are not strong blows and it is not problem.

"It is bedtime." Alan says smiling and looking at his daughter. She just yawns largely at that moment and she rubs her eyes.

"Ok dad." Samantha says looking at her father while she refrains not to yawn again. Alan and her daughter go to the kitchen to take a cup of milk before going to bed.

Alan enters in his bedroom and puts his pajamas on the bed before going to his daughter's contiguous bedroom. He knocks at the door before entering, when he opens the door he sees that his daughter already is in bed.

"Good night." Alan says getting close to the bed and bending over to kiss his loved daughter's forehead affectionately.

"Oh dad." Samantha says trying separating her father because she thinks that this is a childishness, she no longer is a pup. But her father sees it in a different way, for him she will be always his little girl.

Alan says good nights before getting out of the bedroom and closing the door. Alan comes downstairs and dedicates himself to lock each door and window before going back to his bedroom.

The wolf closes the door and takes down Persian blinds, he begins to get undressed with calm and in a few minutes he hangs his clothes on the cupboard. Alan feels free and he decides to vent his feelings a little.

He looks for the hidden key under his clothes and opens a drawer in the cupboard. When the wolf opens the double doors he sees a small quantity of black cases of DVD movies.

Alan examines cases a moment and chooses one that is his favorite in particular, the wolf turns on the TV on and the video player before turning down the volume almost minimally.

The wolf opens the case and takes out the DVD to place it on the player. Alan turns the lights off and he sits on the border of the bed, he begins to caress his balls and sheath of slow way.

The movie begins and Alan sees like a lioness is sitting on the living room until the bell sounds and she goes to the door. The female opens the door and she meets with a collie male dog.

The lioness invites the dog to enter and takes him to the kitchen while she moves her ass suggestively. The dog looks at the lioness and his erection promptly highlights in his pants.

Alan looks at the scene quietly while he feels that his penis hardens and the tip appears, his respiration accelerates and the rest of his member slides outside.

His knot grows on the base of his penis, Alan looks at his cock a moment and thinks about the many times that his deceased wife told him that his penis was huge.

Alan makes a grimace thinking that being a wolf means have a big cock after all a wolf is the biggest animal among the canine species. Alan spits saliva on his hand and closes it around his penis and he begins to masturbate slowly while he sees the movie.

He sees as the lioness is knelt in front of the guy and she is giving him oral sex. The dog moans and pants with pleasure while the mouth moves on his cock.

Alan pants while his hand moves up and down, it touches his knot time after time. The wolf leans backwards in bed and closes his eyes to concentrate on his pleasure, his precum drips on his stomach getting his black fur wet.

Alan listens to the moans that come from television, growling and heavy breathing helps to the masturbation of the wolf. In his mind Alan remembers the incredible sessions of sex with his wife.

He liked particularly when she rode him, he loved to see as those turgescent breasts bounced. His hands were always kneading and squeeze them while she was moaning and grunting of pleasure.

Alan with a hand catches his balls and stimulates them with calm, he plays with them while the light of television illuminates his body and the inside of the bedroom.

Alan releases his penis and caresses it from the tip to his knot using his forefinger, he picks up his precum and he takes it to the mouth for to savor it a moment.

The wolf raises the head and watches television, the lioness is riding the dog rapidly. The respiration of the wolf accelerates while he pants and his placer grows rapidly in his penis.

Alan closes his eyes and growls with force trying restraining himself, the spurts of cum are shoot out of the tip of his penis. Semen flies through the air and fall on the chest and stomach of the wolf.

He feels as his seed smears in his black fur, Alan pants rapidly while he sees the roof.

With his fingers he picks up a little of semen and he takes it to his mouth.

The taste salty taste of his seed is not strange for him, he makes this since he is a young lad. Alan does not move while he does not know what happens on the contiguous bedroom.

Samantha moans and pants while he rubs her clitoris rapidly, her pleasure grows with each moment.

Thanks to her developed sense of hearing in spite of the fact that volume was softly, she could listen to the wailing in the television of her father.

The girl moans and shakes when her body becomes taut feeling an orgasm, a strong one, her juices get wet her hand and underwear. When pleasure decreases and it disappears, some tears appear on her eyes.

Samantha turns over and closes her eyes while some tears roll to the pillow, she enjoys the pleasure but it combines with a feeling of pain, a pain that has accompanied her for a long time, from that terrible incident with her friend Jaynie.

Alan, Barret, Samantha are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

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