Decisions and revelations

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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The final chapter.

Kip and Ahsley must decide the way to train and raise to their family. When their sons run away both parents must to cooperate to save them, and Kip realizes that his previus ideas about omegas are wrong.

Ashley walks limping next to Winston and Eve, her pups walk at her side, and the way is long because she is hurt. When they finally arrive to the cave Ashley leans on her chest on the floor to rest and to recover.

"Would you like something to eat?" Eve asks looking at the pups. She notices that pups are worried. Drew nods while some tears begin to form on his eyes.

The little pup feels completely guilty for what happens, Eve gets out of the cave next to Winston. Madyson and Russel also feel that their eyes get wet, for them this was the first great fight of their parents.

"Everything is OK." Ashley says catching her three pups and licking their faces to calm them. She licks slowly to calm the pups while she tries not to moan with pain by her injuries.

After some moments she sees that Humphrey enters in the cave next to Kate and her grandparents, Humphrey charges in his mouth a fish while Kate charges in her mouth a plastic bowl.

She had found many in the park of Jasper, the durability of these things was the best and very useful for Kate and other wolves.

Winston and Eve give pieces of meat to the pups, the two old alpha see to Kate a moment.

The three exchange looks, Winston nods and with his mate he gets out of the cave.

"Your mother needs to get some rest. Why you don't go to eat at your chamber?" Kate asks looking at the three pups. They watch her a moment and nod lightly while they take their pieces of meat.

Drew leads to his brothers that enter in the next chamber.

Kate puts her right forepaw into the bowl and takes out a greenish and sticky substance.

She begins to apply it on the injuries of her daughter, Ashley moans with pain when her injuries burn at the moment that they get covered by that liquid.

The she-wolf knows that it is something that helps her recover faster and avoiding infections in her injuries.

"Mom... Did I make a mistake taking Kip as my mate?" Ashley asks while she closes her eyes and sighs with pain. The pain in her injuries is not durable and difficult to bear as the pain in her hearth.

"No... I do not believe that you made a mistake, the love that both feel is clearly visible." Kate says while he applies more of the substance on the injuries of her daughter. She growls smoothly.

"He is confused." Humphrey says looking at Ashley, she looks at him.

"Kip is an alpha and he was raised as such, his main duty is taking care of the pack, which implies the training of the alpha futures, including your pups." Humphrey says looking at the Ashley.

"Is this due to Drew and Russel?" Ashley asks looking at her mother. She nods quietly.

"Mainly Drew, Kip only sees Drew's potential as alpha. That is somewhat clearly visible, but he does not understand his attitudes. For Kip, Drew is an alpha and he should train hard to become leader without matter nothing else." Kate says at the moment of finishing to apply the substance to her daughter's injuries.

"But he has not realized that an alpha without the heart to be it is very dangerous for a pack. Drew is an alpha, but does not have the spirit of one; it is something that Kip does not understand." Humphrey says looking at Ashley.

"He has not seen Russel's potential, one omega can become an alpha with effort, if he has courage and strength to make it." Humphrey says while he raises his right front leg and shows his claws.

"I was one omega, but I was compelled to change and I like it as I am. I changed to adapt to the challenges and I no longer can turn back." Humphrey says looking at the girl.

"I loved as you were before." Kate says looking at Humphrey, he smiles on her softly because he knows that it is truth. But things already cannot go back to that point, his body and mind are not omega anymore.

"What must I do?" Ashley asks having trouble getting up and growling lightly by the pain that she feels in her different injuries.

"The division of omegas and alphas became established principally for this reason, two alphas have alpha children and they know how to bring them up, two omegas have pups that also are omegas, but an alpha and one omega can procreate pups with different tendencies and creating conflict." Humphrey says looking at Kate's daughter with attention.

"You and Kip should find the answer that is better to your family." Kate says looking at her daughter with a maternal countenance. Ashley looks down and she knows that her mother is right.

She and Kip should watch over happiness and future of their pups.

Kip walks through the trees while water drips of his wet fur, the rain is intense. It have passed a couple of hours from the incident with Drew, now the alpha wolf cannot avoid feeling the whole weight of the fault on his shoulders.

The valley lights up and a thunder is heard the moment that Kip goes out from among the trees, the wind is blowing and stirs Kip's fur. He puts his attention in a cave.

The wolf climbs the hill while more rays fall in the valley, when Kip gets to entrance of the haunt, he falls to the floor and Garth is on him He is growling and showing his teeth.

Garth takes Kip by the scruff of the neck and whips him against the ground a couple of times without that Kip moves or resist to the assault.

"It is enough Garth." Lily says when she gets out of the inside of her den. Garth releases Kip and growls with distaste to the young wolf. Kip stands up slowly without feeling tempers of getting up.

The first thing that sees is the look of disappointment and angry of his mother. Lily looks at him with those beautiful eyes that also can reflect a fury that can scary to any wolf.

"I never thought that I could wait for this from you." Lily says while she looks Kip right in the eye.

"I know... using that punishment with a pup... I... do not know what to do." Kip says while he looks down shamefacedly. His acts had hurt not just to Ashley, his mate it also had hurt to his pups.

Garth's look becomes soft seeing that the wolf is completely confused and repentant.

"I do not know how the things got to this, I knew that fatherhood would represent a challenge and I have committed several mistakes that had hurt to who I love most." Kip says while he closes his eyes feeling a great pain in his heart.

"Kip... I educated you as an alpha and you never knew to one omega until you saw Ashley, for that reason it is difficult for you to understand her way to be, besides you have a big problem on your paws because you are the next leader of the pack and you must protect it." Lily says looking at her son, he looks up to see her.

"I guess that Drew's and Russell's attitude has you worried and confused, much more because you are their father." Lily says.

Kip nods quietly.

"You should have realized that drew does not have the heart of an alpha." Garth says looking at Kip.

"But he has the ability of one, I have seen it when he plays his games." Kip says looking at his mother and Garth.

"It is true, but his spirit is of one omega, and that is not bad. Russell on the other hand wants to be an alpha." Garth says looking at Kip. He shakes his head, feeling more confused because they all were able to see what he could not see.

"But the pack." Kip says while he looks at his mother and Garth.

"Kip, one omega is so important in a pack like an alpha, you do not know one complete. If you see them with another perspective you would get surprised." Lily says looking at her son that gets surprised for those words.

Kip always thought that his mother did not tolerate omegas easiness, she taught him that only the strong survive and the weak die unavoidably.

"Omegas can be as fierce, hard and competent as an alpha when they are under pressure and with their lives in risk." Garth says looking at Kip attentively and doing a friendly face.

"Besides one omega can change." Garth mentions while he sees Lily. Kip looks at his mother attentively and understands those words well. She had been a weak and inexperienced omega, but now no wolf dares to play with her.

"What must I do? What about the things that I did?" Kip says while his tempers are held in low esteem.

"The First Thing is that you find a way to forgive yourself before Ashley makes it, and about the pups, you two must decide because you are their parents. Parents are not perfect, always make mistakes." Garth says looking at Kip.

He sees that his mother nods.

Kip closes his eyes and sighs before reopening his eyes and trying taking a correct decision.

The next days are difficult for Drew and his siblings, his father did not return and his mother was sleeping alone in her chamber. The trainings for each one were suspended, Ashley could not teach the tactics of alphas to Drew and Madyson besides she did not have the desire to teach Russel.

A week later, Drew walks silently to the north border of the territory, since the incident with his parents the patrols had relaxed a little and that is useful for the pup.

Drew in his heart feels completely guilty of what happened. During dinner he had listened to his mother's conversation with his grandparents.

Everything suggest that it is his fault, he cannot be the wolf that his pack needs, that means that if he stays he just would bring problems and pain on his pack. In spite of his age and his heart of omega, Drew knows how to bring complications on the pack and his family is something that no wolf should make.

So a wolf that is of no use should look for another place, now that his destiny is out of the territory is unknown, his paws steps on a sprig that breaks for pressure.

"Walking in that way only reveals your position." His brother's voice says from behind.

Drew turns over and sees that his brother is standing on a rock. Russel at one bound gets down from the rock and he positions himself next to his brother.

"Let's do it together." Russel says.

"But I am leaving the pack." Drew says while he thinks that it is best for everyone. The pack will be much better without him, the problems that he would cause would be serious if he stays.

"Well two are better than one neither I have a lot of future here." Russel says looking at his brother. Drew gets surprised and nods, he does not want to be alone, and his brother does not want to cause more problems either.

Drew and Russel look at each other while both smile before beginning a new adventure, their paws cross the frontiers of the clan.

While Kip is near the central waterfall, he furtively looks over a thicket that is in the right side of the waterfall, Ashley is drinking water.

Kip does not know how to come closer, what he had done is unpardonable. His heart of alpha feels fear, something that never he felt in his life with such intensity.

"When you spy on me, you do not keep your own rules of alpha, you are too evident." Ashley says while she sees the thicket that hides Kip. He opens his eyes with surprise and goes out of behind the thicket.

Ashley looks as her mate comes closer, her ears are glue to his head with the low look and the tail also shows his state of mind. The she-wolf raises an eyebrow seeing for the first time to Kip in such a submissive position.

Kip stops tightly in front of Ashley looking directly to the ground.

"I..." Kip says while he looks at Ashley with eyes that reflect fault and repentance.

Both look at each other some moments without saying a word in the meantime a softly breeze that he crosses by the valley stirs their fur.

"What I made does not have forgives, if you want you can... making what you consider fair." Kip says while he looks at a branch that is near. He is willing to make what is necessary to repay his mate.

"No Kip... I will not make that." Ashley says looking at her mate.

"I know that you are confused and that is something that is comprehensible under the circumstances, I also would be it, but we should solve this for the sake of our pups." Ashley says looking at Kip.

"I know... it is the moment of deciding." Kip says taking a deep breathing and looking at Ashley. She nods, this conversation would define a lot of things in their family.

Drew walks next to his brother evading the trees, his senses get alert when he is in open field. Both expect to be able to get to some human road or a transportation that they can use.

In the stories of their grandparents they had listened from Humphrey and Kate how they had been taken to another park, so that one could be a good place to start.

Russel suddenly stops when his ears notices something, he gets alert and his brother notices it. Drew also puts on in alert. Russel takes his brother's paw and pulls him to try hiding behind a rock.

They hide behind the rock and with calm see over it, they see a wolf of black fur that comes closer sniffing the ground. He had clearly perceived their aroma.

"Well... little appetizers now you are mine." The wolf says while he licks his mouth.

The black wolf smiles maliciously before leaping over the rock and trying catching the two pups with his forepaws, but both escape with a jump toward back.

Russel looks back and sees a short tree pine, it has the height of an adult wolf. Drew notices that his brother makes a grimace, he understands and he gets ready for the next movement.

The wolf growls and passes over the rock with calm before jumps forward to catch the two pups Russel rapidly gives a scratch of a claw in the eyes of the wolf while Drew jumps and seizes the tip of the pine to bend it and using the effect of whip.

The pine rapidly moves to recover his form and beats the wolf that still has eyes covered by the attack on his eyes. Drew sees that the wolf falls ashore dazed by the strong blow.

"Run." Russel says while he looks at his brother. The two pups start running and looking for the way of fleeing or finding a place where hiding. They know that the other enemies soon will be chasing them.

"Well... that is what we will make." Ashley says while she looks at Kip. They had had a serious discussion about what would happen to their family. Each one put his arguments and counterarguments.

"You do not seem happy." Ashley says looking at Kip. She can notice that he does not seem animate by the decisions that they had taken.

"I agree with what we done, it is just that heart he says that it is OK, but my head says something else." Kip says while he avoids his mate's look. In his inside he knows that it is the correct thing, but all his teachings had being shaken by the last events.

"I know that this is hard to figure out for you, I was not used to understand the alpha fully, but at your side I managed to understand them better. You always think and look for the best for the pack, but sacrifice a lot to achieve it." Ashley says while she looks at Kip.

Kip looks at Ashley and nods lightly. The leadership of alpha is always a big weight for the good of every wolf.

"Like alpha of our family also you look for the best for us, but to achieve that we should make it side by side." Ashley says while he licks Kip's face slowly.

She smiles smoothly, Kip gets surprised a little and nods with more decision that their decisions would be the correct for his family.

Kip sees that Ashley looks behind him, Kip turns over and sees that Garth comes rapidly on running.

"Kip, Ashley" Garth says while he takes a breath the moment that he stops in front of the two wolves.

"Drew and Russel are not in the valley, they had run away by the north part." Garth says while he looks at Kip and Ashley. Both open their eyes with surprise and fear.

The last thing that they know about the enemy is that they are by those sides although it is difficult to know it with certainty because they moved around the territory in an attempt of distracting to the clan.

"Gather to Alfa's four teams, the second and third party will gather each wolf in the center of the valley and get ready to defend our territory." Kip instructs rapidly.

"They are ready, we wait for you." Garth says while he looks at Kip. He rapidly begins to run next to Garth. Kip gets surprised when he feels that Ashley runs at his side.

"I will go too." Ashley says while she looks at Kip. He is about to open his mouth and closes it when he sees Ashley's eyes show him that she would accept other thing. Kip and Garth rapidly meet with the raiding party.

Both groups are led by Humphrey and Lily in addition to Kate.

"It is the moment, let's move." Lily instructs and the group rapidly crosses the frontier to go into the enemy territory at high speed.

Ashley runs while she feels anxious and worried, she had never been in a combat mission besides the life of her sons are in danger. Her senses are in alert and each cell of her body prepares to fight.

The she-wolf takes a deep breath to distinguish the aromas of the forest, they are many and the aroma of her pups suddenly gets to her nose.

"They are there." Ashley says while she indicates with snout a hill that is in the front. At her side Kip moves with force, he gets surprised and takes a deep breathe achieving to verify that his mate is correct.

That surprises the wolf, but he gets in alert when his sense of smell informs him that several enemy wolves in a group run toward to them. This would become a battle.

"Split maneuver." Lily barks over her shoulder looking at the other wolves.

Ashley sees that wolves nod and they open to form a v with Humphrey and Lily in the tip.

Kip catches Ashley to keep her in the center of the formation.

"This will be very dangerous." Kip says looking at Ashley. She nods and swallows hard while she gets ready. In a few moments after she sees that a great enemy group appears in front of them.

Humphrey and Lily with fierceness are the first ones in entering in battle, Ashley looks as the two rows split to the sides separating the enemy group in two and creating a corridor in order that she and Kip continue their way.

Ashley and Kip keep on running while they listen to growling and wailing with pain of the combat that happens behind her. Both feel as the aroma of their pups becomes stronger, this intermingled with the aroma of enemy wolves.

Ashley fears the worst and expedites her step just like Kip. In his mind he is not willing to lose any of his two sons, Ashley sees that there is a ravine that runs next to the hill. At the bottom there is a river that runs slowly.

Kip growls when he sees five wolves ahead of them, he speeds up the step to confront them. Wolves form a line to cut the pass, Ashley sees that to some meters behind that wolves are three wolves close to the border of the cliff. Two wolves are using forepaws legs to take move a pile of rocks.

Kip stops in front of the enemies and he gets ready for the combat, wolves and Kip get surprised for what Ashley makes. She leaps over Kip and uses him like a trampoline to leap over the wolves.

They look at with surprise as Ashley continues running, but this moment is used by Kip to attack them. In the hole under the pile of rocks Drew and Russel quivers in the meantime the see as rocks are removed and two faces of the enemy wolves appear.

The two pups in their escape had taken shelter under that pile of rocks, in a big hole enough for both. Drew looks as a gray wolf looks at them with a diabolical smile and introduces his snout to catch them.

But the wolf suddenly disappears when something knocks him down, Ashley and the wolf roll and she is lean backwards on the ground. She makes good use of the moment and uses her hind legs to throw the wolf into the ravine.

Ashley stands up rapidly and extends her claws to combat while her pups get out of the hole and they hide behind a rock that is behind Ashley.

She looks at the two remaining wolves, one is a silver-plated wolf and of mid-size while the other one is a large-sized gray wolf, certainly the pack's leader. Ashley growls while she does not move to hold her ground.

Ashley knows that if she moves, enemy can attack the pups. She should gain time even at the expense of her life, she must fight with each trick that she has.

The enemy wolf smiles with despite and jumps forward while he opens his mouth to bite.

Ashley, rapidly crouches and the enemy passes over her, the she-wolf rapidly gives a hard blow on the testicles of the wolf.

The wolf howls with pain and falls ashore catching his balls, but Ashley catches him by the scruff of the neck and throws him into the ravine. She now has only the most difficult task.

Kip even fights with three wolves, his fear grows seeing as the wolf the leader gets close to Ashley smiling. Ashley moves back slowly because she knows that she is in disadvantage.

She looks back rapidly, her decision becomes stronger seeing that her children look at everything with fear. She stops when she feels some small stones touching her hind paws.

The she-wolf rapidly does a quick glance the place behind her. Ashley takes down the tail to place it in submissive position between her hind legs. This makes the enemy laughs with despite before leaping over the she-wolf.

Drew and Russel get surprised when they see as their mother raises the small stones with her tail as if they were cranberries. Ashley with a fast motion of her tail throws the stones against the face of the enemy.

He closes his eyes and moves his face when he feels the blow of the stones on his face, Ashley moves and the wolf falls on ground and his head hits the stone.

Ashley turns over the wolf and she closes her mouth around the throat and bites with force, the wolf howls with pain and he tries to take off the top she-wolf, but Ashley hits him in the balls with force.

Ashley knows that she does not have a better opportunity and using all her force she bites and a blood spurt hits her face staining it.

The eyes of the pups open with surprise in the meantime come like the wolf even tries to get free and hits to Ashley, but she does not release him and bites with more force.

The she-wolf growls with pain when some claws dive in her skin and produces injuries that bleed, Ashley bites with more force the bleeding throat staining Ashley's face completely.

The wolf strikes a blow at Ashley's stomach, she moans of pain and closes one eye before releasing the wolf's neck and biting directly under his jaw at the same time that she uses every one of her paws to try immobilizing the paws of the enemy.

Ashley has her closed eyes while she bites with force, after some moments she feels some touches on her left shoulder. The she-wolf opens her eyes and sees that Kip is at her left side.

"It is over." Kip says while he looks at his mate. Ashley looks below her and sees as the enemy does not move with the open eyes, he is dead.

Ashley moves and feels the taste of the blood in her mouth, her face also this stained and blood is dripping. The female feels pain in parts of her body where the nails of wolf had hurt her.

Kip looks at his mate for some moments amazed, she is stronger of what he thought and the words of Garth were true, one corned omega fights with fierceness and using some omega tricks that can be very useful.

The two pups go out of behind the rock and they come closer to their parents.

"What the fuck you two were thinking?!" Ashley shouts at the two pups. They shrink back in fear and some tears decrease from their eyes.

"Just... we thought that it was best for the pack." Drew says while he cleans a couple of tears.

"We refused to create more problems an alpha or omega that is not useful is a burden and we did not want more fights." Russel says while he looks down and some tears drip from his eyes.

Ashley and Kip look at each other for some moments in silence and both nod.

"Let's go to Home." Kip says looking at his pups. He starts to walk and promptly Ashley follows him, the two pups look at them without moving until Ashley stops and she looks at them for over her shoulder.

She smiles at the two pups, they clean their faces and begin to follow to their parents in silence. The group walks slowly, Russel looks at the bodies of the wolves that his father had killed.

The two adult wolves guide the pups through the forest until they come across with Humphrey and the other people. Drew and his brother gasps seeing the great quantity of dead wolves in the ground.

They never saw something like that, this was somewhat big.

"At least they are OK." Lily tells to see that her son and family return. She sees as a wounded wolf tries to crawl out of danger, but she positions herself on him and finish him without hesitating.

Drew swallows hard seeing this, he sees that Humphrey with pleasure makes out a count of the bodies of dead enemies. He seems to feel satisfied while he licks his mouth.

Kate and Garth rush to come close to Ashley seeing that she has blood in her fur. Both examine their daughter for some moments and Kate licks Ashley's injuries.

After a half-hour the group finally begins to walk to return its home. Wolves move in silence in the meantime Kip and the main alphas guide them.

Ashley notices that Drew stays at the end of the group walking slowly and without saying one word. The female stops slowly to permit that her son gets close to her.

"What's the matter?" Ashley asks bending one's head down to lick her pup's cheek while they walk slowly at a distance of the group.

"I just... thought that dad is upset. I guess that being an alpha is important to him and with the subject of the trunk I have disappointed him." Drew says while he looks at his mother with sadness.

"Well that is not true, the subject of the trunk is not how you think." Ashley says looking at her son. He looks at her with attention and surprise.

"Your dad was concerned, that's why he did not allow you getting on a trunk, drive one it is dangerous for a pup because you can lose control and fatal accidents can happen, it is something difficult even for an adult wolf that by chance can tolerate a blow with bigger facility than a pup." Ashley says looking at the pup that walks at her side.

Drew opens his eyes with a little bit of surprise and looks at his father that walks in front of the group. The pup understands that his mistake could be expensive much more than a simple punishment, but also a great pain for his father.

The group gets to the unified clan's territory and it heads toward the center of the valley to verify that everything is ok When they get there Madyson meets again with her parents and brothers.

Apparently the fears of a surprise attack were unfounded because the enemy pack is dead and the unified clan had used their bodies to send a very clear warning to other enemy clans.

Ashley and Kip take their pups to their den in order that they rest, they leave the pups alone to look for food. One hour after both enter in the den charging a leg of caribou that becomes the dinner for the pups.

At the night all of them get comfortable side by side to fall asleep, pups are in the middle of the adult wolves. On the following day Kip wakes up first and he stands up to stretch his body.

Ashley and pups wake up feeling the movement, the she-wolf yawns and smiles when she sees as her pups are yawning and getting comfortable to keep on sleeping.

She looks at Kip, he smiles and begins to shake the bodies of the pups to wake them up.

"It is time to practice." Kip says while he looks at the three pups. They protest while they yawn, their parents again laugh. Drew and Russel refuse to get into the boring trainings.

"Russel, Madyson... today I will teach you tracking animals close to the river." Kip says looking at the two pups. They get surprised completely just like Drew.

"Drew, stay with your mother, certainly she can teach you something interesting, I guess that a good way to use the cranberries." Kip says looking at Drew and next to Ashley. She laughs softly just like her mate.

"That sounds good, but today let's make something different that all of us enjoy completely." Ashley says standing up and doing a grimace to Kip

He nods and the family gets out of the den, they walk to the hill that is near of the central waterfall. When pups get to the top they see that their mother looks the surroundings.

"This will be perfect." Ashley says indicating an empty trunk that is near. Pups gets surprised and Kip shrugs his shoulders, he and Ashley take the trunk to drag it while pups get excited while they follow their parents.

They get to the ideal place and they get surprised when they see that Humphrey, Garth, Lily and Kate are preparing their own trunks with their pups inside them.

"Humphrey and I decide to do a competition Do they want to participate?" Garth asks looking at Kip and his family. Kip looks at his mate, she smiles at him and makes a grimace.

Kip smiles and nods while he looks at Garth. The three families rapidly place themselves in position in their trunks. Kip is in the head, in the middle his pups and behind them is Ashley.

"The finishing line is that space between those trees." Lily says indicating a space that is between a couple of trees that it is to about twenty meters beyond the foothill.

Kip nods and he gets ready with his family. The race begins and the three trunks slide down the hill. Kip clings to the trunk while his pups do the same thing and they howl with emotion.

Ashley is in charge to drive the trunk, a great cloud of dust blows behind the trunks. Madyson and her brothers howl with emotion with each jump of the trunk when it goes over a stone.

Kip sees as the other two trunks slide in tandem to his, he looks over the top of his shoulder and does a grimce to Ashley. She understands and moves the trunk to take it for a road more cleared and to take advantage.

Kip's and Ashley's trunk takes the lead for some meters, Ashley feels content seeing that Kip this thrilled also, all his family enjoys it completely.

The trunk finishes descending the hill and it gets close to the finishing line when the trunk hits a half-buried rock that is behind a thicket. When the trunk hits the rock it stops suddenly and occupants fly off to fall a meter in front of the finishing line.

Kip sees that Drew is tightly is infront of him, Garth's and Humphrey's trunks comes closer.

Kip pushes his pup using his snout, he rolls and crosses the finishing line just before the other two trunks.

Drew gets up and begins to howl with emotion for victory, his family soon joins up in a chorus of howls. Madyson and their brothers jump with emotion while their parents watch them content.


"Come on Ashley." Kip says licking and nibbling neck of his mate from behind. She is lean on her chest inside the den, the light that enters for the hole illuminates them.

"Can't you wait?" Ashley asks laughing smoothly while she tries to sleep.

"Of course that not, my cock is hard and needs attention." Kip says rubbing his penis in the back of Ashley. She feels as the spurts of precum fall on her back.

"Well... Ok." Ashley says turning over to see her mate. They look at each other a moment before Kip moves and pushes his shaft in the mouth of Ashley.

She begins to suck the hard cock with slowness and pleasure, the taste of the hard meat is delicious in addition to the spurts of precum. Her forepaws caress Kip's testicles in addition to his knot.

He growls and moans with pleasure, the wet mouth moves on his shaft, the tongue hits his penis tip. Kip has his closed eyes while he enjoys the oral sex of his wife.

Ashley takes the cock out of her mouth and licks it completely from the tip to the base, her tongue moves in each part of the knot. Kip enjoys the licks that soon move to his balls.

Every one of his testicles moves and gets cover with saliva, Ashley opens her mouth and puts Kip's right ball into it. The female begins to suck it with pleasure.

His paw moves on the member of Kip, he moans feeling as the small pads of the paw caress his sensitive meat back and forth. The precum is dripping in the head of Ashley.

She has fun with the crotch of Kip for some moments before that her mate begins to growl with a little more force. Kip moves and permits that Ashley gets up.

The she-wolf licks Kip's face with affection before smiling to him and sensually she turns over to raise her tail.

"Come one, have fun." Ashley says while he sends Kip an invisible kiss. He pants with anticipation and mounts Ashley, Kip moves his hips and finds the vulva some moments later.

"Uhmmm." Ashley moans when the hard meat enters in her vagina to the knot. Kip begins to pump his penis in her, he growls and moans of pleasure enjoying Ashley's warm inside.

She trembles with pleasure, her vaginal walls are caressed and the precum splashes them.

"Uhrgg mom." A feminine voice says attracting the attention of both wolves.

Ashley sees that her children are standing in the entrance of the den, they are young wolves now, in a couple of months more they will be adults.

"Look for another place." Madyson says making out a grimace of a disgust. Kip laughs and dismounts to Ashley to move to one side.

"Come Madyson, this is something natural." Kip says looking at his daughter. The girl's eyes open when she sees her father's erect cock. Drew and Russel get surprised too.

They become uncomfortable a little when he feels the aroma of the slit of their mother that gets to their noses.

"This is something that I should teach you." Kip says while they look at his sons. They get surprised and feel shyness.

"No... no, I will teach them. Nobody better than female to teach a male, your will teach to Madyson." Ashley says looking at Kip and next to the rest of her family.

Kip gets surprised a lot just like his children.

"Mom... that is disgusting." Madyson says closing her eyes and rapidly going toward her chamber while she tries not to see his father neither his cock.

"Come one honey, your father knows how to make feel satisfied to a girl." Ashley says while she sees that her daughter slides in the chamber.

"What do you say, boys?" Ashley asks while she looks at her children. They open their eyes and they cover their crotches while both look at each other before running to their chamber.

Kip and Ashley see as the tips of the penises of their children are visible. Kip smiles and again mounts Ashley to fuck her with force.

"That was a very cruel joke." Kip says growling and pumping up his penis in the pussy of Ashley.

"Who says that it was a joke?" Ashley asks moaning. Kip's eyes open and looks surprised to his mate. Kip smiles seeing Ashley's eyes, they prove that she was kidding.

"One virgin pussy will be great." Kip says following the game.

"I know that would like it." Ashley says while she moves her ass to increase the fiction of the penis in her vagina. Both laugh some moments before continuing the mating.

"What happens, if this leads to new cubs?" Ashley asks whining and looking at Kip.

"They will be what they want to be." Kip responds looking at Ashley. Both would not commit that same error again.

Both join their mouths in a kiss while Kip continues pumping his cock.

Winston, Tony, Eve, Humphrey, Candu, Salty, Hutch, Kate, Paddy, Lily and Garth are © Lionsgate

Ashley, Kip, Drew, Russel, Madyson, Aden, Cindi, Darién, Sonnie are my characters

Written by Janus Oberoth


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