Marian's and Robin's liberation

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#2 of Like a King tales

In their second night Robin and Marian can try new things and enjoy. They will learn to enjoy what it is wrong for some people.

On the next day both wake up while their naked bodies are united, Robin feels the pressure of the breasts of his wife on his chest. Marian gets surprised and she blushes a moment before turning over.

Robin feels that the ass and the tail of his wife rub his balls and his sheath.

The fox moves to get out of the bed and to take his clothes to begin to get dressed, he for the corner of the eye sees that his wife with calm gets out of the bed.

Robin sees as the ripped nightgown falls to the floor before Marian positions herself behind a close screen. The fox feels ashamed remembering how he performed the previous night.

His lust controlled him and he behaved like a beast, it is something that cannot be. She is her wife and no an object that he can use in the way that he wants.

Marian for her part she feels a little ashamed because the previous night had been incredible regardless of everything. The animal pleasure that she felt is not something that a correct woman enjoys.

She in her inside expects that her husband behave similar in the following occasions, and she wants that there will be many. Marian gets dressed with calm fixing each part of her dress while Robin takes no time to be dressed.

"Let's have a breakfast." Robin says looking toward the screen and seeing the shade of Marian projected in the screen.

Marian goes out and again appears, she nods. Both go down to the kitchen and Marian prepares breakfast while Robin waits. He looks at his wife in silence thinking that she is beautiful, her body hidden by her clothes is beautiful.

When all this ready, both sit and start to eat while both chat about the plans for that morning because Little John and Skippy would visit them.

Marian thinks about the food that she would prepare, she wishes to receive very well her husband's friend and Skippy.

"Marian, I found a couple of rolls of good-quality cloth in the attic and I thought about giving them as a present to Skippy and his family. Do you consider it appropriate?" Robin asks because that cloth could be useful for Marian.

"Of course, Skippy's family can give it more use than me." Marian says passing a loaf of bread to Robin. He smiles and surprises his wife with a soft kiss in a cheek, Marian laughs impishly a moment and looks at her loved fox.

They look at each other to the eyes in silence some moments before smiling and continuing eating their breakfast. They when finish it, Marian cleans the kitchen and both goes out to expect the arrival of their guests.

When finally Little John and Skippy appear, Marian attends them and they all have an amusing morning. Marian dedicates herself to prepare food for lunch, she moves in the kitchen while she sees by the window.

The woman laughs smoothly seeing as her husband and her friend have fun with Skippy.

The lunchtime comes, she and Robin serve it in the tables of the exterior of the house.

The heat of the day makes that Marian feels uncomfortable, her clothing slowly adheres to her body by the sweat. She eats while talks with Robin and Skippy, she has fun completely.

When every one of the guest finishes eaten, Robin and Little John are going to the forest for a walk with Skippy. Marian decides to make good use of the moment to take a bath.

She waits until three be out of sight, Marian looks for towels and with calm and care she gets out of the house. She moves in the road looking for a place for where she can get to the river that pass near.

Robin had indicated her that she would find a path, Marian finally finds it. She walks on the path while she listens as some dry sheets creak under her feet.

She gets upset when some sprigs catch her skirt, the vixen moves with calm until the ending of the path comes. She sees content as a water runs slowly in the river.

A large rock is in the middle of the river, Marian with care and shame begins to get undressed, she feels uncomfortable to be naked in an open place.

The vixen looks around before get in water and heading for the center of the river. She crouches and begins to pick up water to take a bath slow and carefully.

She thinks about enjoying her bath as usually she does.

Marian looks as water runs around her legs, she feels like the semen that drains of her two holes. She cannot believe that Little John raped her of that so savage and intense way.

The vixen feels the taste of semen on her tongue, a very different taste that she savored in her life. She looks down and notices that her breasts also are covered with cum.

With her fingers she picks up the sticky substance and analyzes it, she moves her fingers with calm and with care she moves her fingers to her mouth to suck them. Marian feels sick at the thought of what she makes.

She stands up and opens her legs before washing her vulva, she. The vixen surprisingly moans when she feels that her clitoris is touched.

The woman stops and places her hand on her vulva to stimulate her more directly, she rubs her clitoris and her body quivers. His eyes close and she masturbates slowly, her mind again fills up with the mental picture and sensations that the member of Little John provoked in her body.

Marian moans and shakes her head while she cannot stop, she reclines her hand to the rock and moves her hand slowly, she feels confused while two of their fingers sink in her vagina.

She moves them, moans and pants escape of the mouth of the vixen, she pushes and moves out her fingers from her body, Marian releases the rock and she squeezes her breasts, she twists her nipples while her ass moves to try to increase the pleasurable sensation.

She moans and takes out her fingers of her vagina, Marian pants and sees them completely wet with her juices dripping of them. Her hand moves and it positions itself below her tail.

Marian moves her fingers in her crack and soon finds her posterior orifice, she tries to stop, but two of her fingers enter in her anus. Intrusion is not painful, her anus is still relaxed after being fucked by that thick and large member of Little John.

"Noo... no... no..." Marian whines when her fingers begin to move forward and back.

Her fingers caress her rectum with each motion, she grunts and enjoys the sensation.

Marian feels the remains of the semen of Little John in her posterior passage, it helps her to move her fingers with more facility.

Her juices drip from her pink slit and fall water, the current drags the trails of the pleasure of Marian. The vixen closes her eyes without being able to believe what she is doing.

Her body becomes taut rapidly and she growls with fierceness when her vaginal walls untie more juices at the moment of coming to a powerful orgasm.

Marian leans back against her rock, her breasts press the hard material and disappear.

The female pants and breathes agitatedly, she looks at the sky while she does not know that it happens to her. The vixen slowly recovers her composure and feels as her thighs are wet with her juice.

Marian slowly withdraws her fingers of her anus, she feels as her sphincter closes again.

Marian looks at the fingers that were in her anus before beginning to wash herself again.

She takes a bath rapidly before getting out of the river and drying the body before putting on her clothing. Marian walks on the path slowly while she cannot forget what happened.

She had been raped by her husband's best friend. Contrarily to she should feel it, this opens the doors with new desires.

The anal sex is something than she never considered before, neither she knew that it could be possible, she never imagined that her hole between her buttocks could provide her a great pleasure.

In her mind there are the other things that Little John made to her, sucking his penis, its aroma and the taste of semen were unique besides a tongue in her vagina was something incredible.

Marian had enjoyed it and he wants to repeat it, but she desires that her husband makes it with her in that way.

If Little John enjoys it completely, she is sure that Robin can make it. She does not know how to propose it because she does not want that her husband thinks that she is a bad woman.

Marian gets out of the path and she heads toward the house, when she gets there, the female sees that Skippy and Robin are shooting arrows to a bull's eye. Marian laughs softly seeing that Robin tries to explain to Skippy useful things to help him to get better with the arch.

Marian and Robin look at each other and smile, the vixen enters in the house and begins to put things in order in the kitchen slowly in the meantime in her mind she tries to find a good way to speak with Robin.

Her opportunity comes when Robin enters in the kitchen to take a glass of water.

"That boy has a great potential." Robin says while he drinks the cold water with pleasure.

"He will be certainly like you when he grows up." Marian says looking at her husband and smiling smoothly. Robin smiles and nods content while he sees by the window as Skippy continues practicing.

"Robin... there is something that I want to speak with you." Marian says while she feels a big discomfort in her inside.

"What's it about?" Robin asks looking at Marian, he notices that she looks worried and uncomfortable.

"I would like to try the anal sex." Marian says rapidly while she looks at her husband and her cheeks turn red. Robin's eyes open completely listening that.

"I heard about it from a couple of women in London... and I thought that It would interesting to try it." Marian says lying and expecting that Robin believes her. The fox looks at her in silence and nods lightly.

"Well... of course we can try it." Robin says with discomfort and swallowing hard. This is not something that he expected, but he sees that Marian nods and she seems a little excited.

Robin sees that Marian turns over and continues doing the cleaning, the fox sees the ass of his wife before getting out of the house. Robin feels restless and knows that the anal sex can be painful.

His anus had been inaugurated by his friend, he feels worried to hurt his wife, but also Robin feels excited, in his life he had not tried the anal sex.

Little John enjoyed it and it is certainly somewhat amazing, but he does not know what to do.

Robin and Skippy spend the time and Marian joins up later. She and Skippy begin to play a chess game. Robin takes an arch and begins to practice a little to try calming down a little.

Pass some time before he sees as the carriage gets close to the house, Robin raises his hand and greets his friend when an idea comes to his mind.

While he sees the bear, Robin realizes that his friend can help him in that moment, he has more experience on these matters. When Marian and Skippy enter in the house he has his chance.

Marian from the kitchen she sees as Robin and Little John chat at the table. She sees as Little John does some strange movements with his hand and she suddenly realizes of what it happens.

For the woman it is obvious that her husband is asking for advice to his friend. Marian realizes that she also needs to upgrade her behavior in bed to make Robin happy and by doing it, she wants to feel the same pleasure that she felt in the river again.

Marian swallows saliva at the thought of asking for advice to Little John too, but needs a time alone with him. He already had raped her before and is evident that her body is desirable for the bear.

So Marian has a good idea when she notices that many of the cupboards will be empty and remember that Robin told her that he would be going to buy things to the town the day of tomorrow.

"Skippy we need more supplies. Would you like go to the town with Robin?" Marian asks looking at the boy. She smiles seeing that Skippy looks enthusiastic and both get out of the kitchen.

Marian closes her dress closes completely while she gets out of the forest to meet again with her husband and the other ones. She waits with Skippy next to the carriage.

The female asks herself why they take long so much in returning, Marian feels anxious because when she and Robin are alone, they would do it again. Robin and Little John finally return charging the rolls of cloth that both charge on the carriage.

While Marian says good-bye she feels the squeeze of the hands of Little John on her buttocks. She feels herself a little uncomfortable for that reason, Robin and her wife see as the bear and the boy depart leaving them alone.

When both are alone, Robin and his wife enter in the kitchen to prepare dinner. Robin feels restless as in the previous night, his friend had helped him with good advices, but now each thing that he would make would be for his own account.

Marian prepares food feeling nervous too, but the private lessons of Little John will help a lot. Robin and Marian eat their dinner and next they share their mutual company in front of the chimney for an hour.

They enjoy heat while each one in their mind feels anxious until Robin thinks that it is moment of going to bed. Robin put out the fire of the chimney and both walk together to the bedroom.

Marian enters first followed by Robin. The vixen surprises Robin when she begins to undress in front him without no modesty. Robin's eyes follow each Marian's motion.

She takes off her kerchief and drops it to the ground before opening her dress and permitting that it slides down. Robin watches his wife's nudity and his penis slowly hardens and gets out of his sheath.

The vixen looks as her husband's member slowly forms a tent under his clothing, Robin notices it and he feels like a fool. He takes off his cap and next the rest of his clothes.

Both look at each other in silence and Marian takes Robin's hand. She smiles on him softly and affectionately. Robin smiles and side by side they walk to the bed where they enter some moments after.

"Make... yourself comfortable." Marian says with discomfort and nervousness. Robin reclines his head in the pillow while he sees his wife nervously. This is somewhat unexpected.

Marian sits on her thighs and stretches her hand, Robin shakes when Marian's hand closes around his shaft. She feels hardness and texture of the penis of her husband again.

Her hand moves up and down slowly to perceive it with care, her hand gets to the knot, she looks at it with surprise and begins to examine it. Robin closes his eyes feeling his wife's caresses, this is exciting because she had refused to touch his penis the first time.

Marian measures the size of the knot with the one of her hand, it is a considerable size, and the woman takes down her hand and takes Robin's white testicles. She feels the heat of the fur that surrounds them.

Robin does not move while his wife explores his genitals, his balls are pulled with care repeatedly. Marian notices that a drop of precum forms on the tip of the member.

The fox looks with surprise as Marian picks up the precum with her finger and it moves her hand to put it in front of her eyes and to examine it. She notices that it is sticky, Robin's eyes open with surprise when she puts the finger in her mouth and she sucks it.

Marian perceives the taste of the precum, it has a different taste to the one of Little John.

Robin's eyes are on his wife, she draws the fingers from her mouth and again masturbates Robin. The female swallows hard and he moves to position herself between the legs of her husband.

She sits on her knees, Robin shakes lightly when he sees that his wife crouches and her nose touches his penis.

The fox shakes lightly when the hot respiration touches his member.

Marian looks at Robin, she notices that he looks at her with surprise and a bit of fear, the vixen opens her mouth and closes her eyes. Robin gasps when Marian's lips close around his shaft.

The female feels the taste of the meat that makes contact with her tongue, Marian's head begins to shake slowly, some spurts of precum fall on the tongue of Marian.

She moves her head slowly and her lips move on the cock of her husband, Robin's moans reach her ears. She feels more pleased knowing that he is enjoying.

Robin pants and moans while he sees as his wife gives him oral sex, it is sensational as marvelous as his night of sex with Little John. The wet mouth moves up and down on his member.

Marian's hand takes the balls and squeezes them smoothly with care, it is a pleasurable sensation. Marian takes out the penis of her mouth, the swollen member hits Robin's belly.

It is covered with saliva, Marian looks at Robin a moment before beginning to lick and biting the knot smoothly, she feels its hardness while all her tongue moves on the big and hard knot.

Marian takes down her snout more and begins to lick Robin's balls, she makes it with calm as she had learned with Little John. Her husband's testicles are not as big as Little John's penis.

Robin feels as his balls are sucked with calm, Marian releases them time after time getting wet the fur that covers them. After some moments she again begins to lick the shaft.

Her tongue moves on each centimeter of the canine member while Robin shakes and he moans of pleasure, Marian's tongue is wrinkled and slippery. The tongue gets to the tip and licks it slowly in circles picking up the precum.

Marian opens her mouth to take the cock and to begin to suck with force, the sound of sucking fills the bedroom, the female's saliva slides on the shaft of the fox.

Marian with her hand caresses her husband's knot slowly to increment his pleasure, something that she achieves. Robin moans and sees his wife, this is something that did not think that she would do.

The precum that sprouts of the tip is more abundant and covers Marian's tongue.

The fox feels that his pleasure is reaching its peak, his heavy breathing become intenser and he growls at the moment of pushing his hips against the face of Marian and exploding in his mouth.

The spurt of semen strikes the palate of the vixen before falling on his tongue, she for the first time enjoys the taste of the seed of her husband. A different and completely delicious, less intense taste than the semen of Little John.

Marian sucks and swallows the semen that slides towards her stomach, she sees that Robin clenches his teeth while he moans of pleasure, the suction on his penis gives him a great pleasure.

Some moments later the semen spurts stop and his penis slides out of the mouth of his wife, Robin pants and looks closely with a bit of surprise like Marian licks her lips slowly.

The vixen stops and looks at her husband, Marian moves and she positions herself on him, her vulva lightly touches the knot of Robin. The female catches the penis and she aims it at her crotch.

Robin looks as the tip of her member gets in the vaginal lips of her wife, she moves the shaft and shakes when the tip touches her clitoris and a drop of precum covers it.

Marian looks at Robin a moment before taking down her hips and moaning with pleasure when the member slides in her vagina and her vulva touches the swollen knot of Robin.

He has his closed eyes feeling the hot hug of the vaginal walls of Marian, she feels the hardness of the meat in her body and precum splashes her vagina.

Robin moans and sees his wife, she looks completely beautiful and sensual, and the vixen opens his eyes before reclining her hands to the chest of Robin. He feels the pressure of the soft hands.

Marian begins to move her ass up and down riding her husband's hard cock. She moans and pants with pleasure each time the penis enters and gets out of her pussy. The female closes her eyes.

She has a good time completely, her tail moves in the air, Robin presses bedspreads moaning of pleasure, he sees as his cock enters and gets out of his wife's warm vagina.

Juices drip on his groin while her ass hits his thighs. Robin looks closely and desires Marian's tits. Both bounce majestically on the air with each motion the vixen.

The vixen whimpers of pleasure and moves her ass circularly, the tip of the penis of Robin caresses her vaginal walls, she shakes with pleasure and she does not stop.

Robin does not move and permits that Marian takes control of the situation, she opens her eyes and looks at her beloved fox. In their first night he had had the control, but now she has the control.

Marian moves her ass slowly while he takes Robin's hands, she places them on her tits.

Robin gets surprised and begins to squeeze and to stimulate the breasts.

His wife's tits are marvelous and soft, Marian moans while she jams into place Robin's hands. She looks Robin in the eye while she moans, Robin looks at him without losing attention until the ass of Marian moves down and the knot stretches the vixen's pink opening.

Both moan when the member enters completely in the body of Marian, she moves more rapidly. The bed creaks and the balls of Robin also bounce.

He moans and still squeezes Marian's tits, he twists the hard and sensitive nipples achieving that his wife moaned with more force. His knot and each part of his penis are caressed.

Robin grunts with pleasure when a sudden peak of pleasure unleashes his climax, a growl escape of the mouth of the fox when he begins to sprinkle the inside of his wife with his sperm.

Marian howls with pleasure for surprise of Robin. She shakes and her juices are freed abundantly and fill her vagina covering Robin's penis.

Her vaginal walls squeezes her husband's penis with force and the seed mixes in the inside of the vixen. Marian pants in the meantime she still she has her hands leant on the chest of Robin.

Both pant rapidly without moving, Robin and Marian look at each other attentively. Robin again places his hands on the belly of Marian and starts to caress his wife's body.

He plays and presses his wife's breasts with calm before moving his hands for the arms and next the vixen's back. Hands get to Marian's buttocks, she looks at her husband in silence.

Robin gives some soft squeezes to the two cheeks and swallows hard knowing that one this is the next step. Marian moves her tail and smiles at her husband, Robin smiles smoothly.

Marian leans upon Robin and kisses him with calm. Robin pushes his tongue in the mouth of his wife while he feels the pressure of the tits on his chest.

"I hope that what follows will be the best." Marian says whispering in Robin's ear and growling smoothly. Robin nods with discomfort because he knows that it will be his turn.

She is eager to continue, the female and Robin do not move for several minutes. Marian caresses softly Robin's chest, he does the same thing while her wife laughs smoothly noticing that the caresses of her husband are focused on her breasts.

Robin's knot loses size slowly until it no longer creates problems in order that Marian gets up. Robin's penis slips out of her female, Marian notices that his husband's penis is contracting in its sheath.

Robin gets surprised when Marian turns him over to recline him on his chest on the bed, the fox does not know what happens. He opens his eyes when his tail is moved away and the hands of Marian rest on his buttocks and spread them wide.

Marian moves Robin's tail a little and the fox's posterior orifice is visible. Marian looks at her husband's brown hole and without feeling it, she licks her mouth.

Robin opens his eyes and gasps when Marian's snout gets inside between his buttocks and he feels a complete lick on his sphincter. The fox shakes when Marian's tongue touches his hole.

She begins to lick the hole of slow way, she likes very much the taste of that place. Marian catches Robin's hips and raises the ass of her husband, he leans on his hands and knees.

Marian spreads his buttocks and begins to lick with more easiness, Robin's moans come to her ears and she feels content. Robin moans and pants with pleasure, his eyes are closed.

Marian's tongue caresses his hole getting it wet in saliva, it is an incredible feeling and his penis hardens in his sheath. Marian sees as the tail of Robin moves with enthusiasm.

Robin shakes with pleasure, the tip moves circularly on his sphincter with slowness.

Marian's lips closes around the hole, she pushes her tongue with force.

Robin's eyes open and moans with pleasure when the tongue penetrates into his rectum, the warm saliva begins to get his anal walls wet. Robin's hands squeeze bedspreads while his wife's tongue zigzags in his anus.

Marian perceives the taste while she moves her tongue and she eats her husband's anus, she introduces her hand between the legs of Robin to examine the crotch.

The vixen gets surprised feeling hard and swollen cock of her husband, she moves her hand on the meat of Robin. He moans and growls of pleasure feeling that she masturbates him slowly.

Marian takes out her tongue from the inside of Robin and licks the crack between the cheeks of her husband, she puts her forefinger on the hole and pushes it. Robin moans when his rectum is pierced by the finger.

The finger looks for the special point and she finds it. Robin becomes tense when the fingertip touches his prostate. Marian notices it and she dedicates herself to caress that place slowly, her husband moans and growls with force.

Marian's hand catches Robin's penis, she gets surprised feeling that it hardens more and the spurts of precum are longer and constant.

"Marian!" Robin says growling when his pleasure is coming to its limit.

Marian takes out the finger of the anus of Robin, he pants and looks over the top of his shoulder to her wife. She smiles on him softly, the female is happy because what she learned was not in vain.

Robin turns over and catches Marian to push her and to lean her in bed. Marian opens her legs and with her fingers divide her vaginal lips.

"Eat me Robin!" She says looking in the eyes of Robin. Robin gets surprised and looks at his wife's brilliant slit, he positions himself between the legs of Marian bringing closer his snout to the vixen's crotch.

The aroma of the juices gets to Robin's nose, it is an incredible aroma that makes the fox tremble lightly. Robin looks at his wife waiting for permission, she makes a grimace and places her hand on the nape of the neck of Robin.

She pushes the head of the fox toward her crotch, Robin understands that like what she wants and he begins to lick the vulva of his wife. Juices touch his tongue and they are savored with pleasure.

Marian moans and pants with pleasure, she drops her head in the pillow feeling each lick on her slit. The tongue moves between her vaginal lips, the tip touches her clitoris.

The vixen trembles with pleasure and Robin becomes aware of this, he begins to lick the female's little pink point. Marian moans with pleasure with each movement of the tongue of her husband.

Robin with calm places his finger on the pink opening, he pushes his finger penetrating into the vagina of Marian. He examines by touch his wife's wet inside, Robin moves his finger inside and outside while he continues licking.

Marian moans with pleasure and looks at Robin, she sees as the head of the fox is between her thighs while he has his closed eyes. Robin takes out his finger deciding to replace it with his tongue.

His wife gasps when she feels that the tongue invades her body, Robin pushes his tongue deeply. He feels that heat and the juices of Marian, his tongue perceives the taste of the remains of his semen.

It is the first time that he savors the juice, the taste of his semen mixed with the juices of Marian, it is a unique and delicious combination. Robin moves his tongue inside the tunnel of the love of Marian.

Marian catches her breasts and stimulates them paying attention to her nipples, she pulls and twists them.

She moans and pants while her eyes are closed, the juice drips of the chin of Robin to get the bed wet. Heavy breathing and Marian's moans of pleasure become stronger and fast.

Her juices increase, Robin continues moving his tongue inside the vixen until she growls and has a strong orgasm that surprises Robin. He closes his eyes when juice squirts splashes his face directly.

Robin opens his mouth and the juices of Marian fall on his tongue. The fox drinks the delicious juices, Robin closes his mouth around the vulva and sips until the nectar runs out.

Robin separates his mouth from the slit and he licks the snout seeing Marian. She pants heavily. Both look at each other and Marian rapidly turns over to be on her elbows and knees.

"Fuck my ass... fuck it!!" Marian implores looking at Robin and moving ass and tail.

Robin sees his wife's ass, he places his hands on the cheeks of the vixen. His hands squeezes the buttocks with pleasure before spreading them and seeing the pink hole.

The fox sees with interest the sphincter, he remembers what his friend said and that puts in mouth a finger to suck it and to get it wet in saliva. Marian sees that her husband draws the finger from his mouth.

Robin leans the fingertip against the sphincter of Marian and he pushes it, Marian moans when his hole opens and the finger slides in her anus. The anal walls squeeze the finger that enters to the last knuckle.

Heat surrounds the finger, the vixen feels that the finger in her posterior passage. Robin moves his finger circularly of slow way, the sphincter moves around the finger.

Robin begins to move his finger inside and out, Marian moans feeling the soft pleasure, Robin puts another finger and he opens them to stretch his wife's posterior hole just as Little John had taught him.

Marian feels this and permits that her beloved fox continue, Robin stops after some minutes and looks at the hole. His wife did the same thing and he would not refuse.

A smile appears in the face of Marian when she feels a soft kiss in every one of her buttocks, Robin kisses cheeks with love. The female takes a deep breathing when the tongue touches his anus.

Robin perceives the taste of the hole, he likes very much its taste. He licks the crack repeatedly time after time before closing his mouth around the sphincter and kissing it softly.

The tips budges in the posterior hole for some moments before beginning to press sphincter. Marian relaxes and moans when the tongue penetrates into his anus.

She moves her ass, the tip gets in the anal cracks caressing them. Robin does not stop while he feels that his wife's tail falls on head, in middle of his ears.

His wife moans and pants with pleasure, she masturbates moving her fingers in her vulva, juices get her hand wet. Robin introduces and takes out his tongue and hears that Marian whines of pleasure.

"Make it Robin... please!" Marian implores pushing her ass on the face of Robin. She catches pillows and embraces them reclining forward and leaning her arms and head on them.

He takes out his tongue and he kneels down behind the female, Robin spits saliva on his hand and scatters it on all his cock. He rests the penis tip on his sphincter and pushes.

Marian feels the pressure in her hole, the member's tip suddenly enters in her posterior passage. Robin moans with pleasure to feel the heat around the tip.

He pushes his penis that slides until the knot in the sphincter of his wife, Marian moans and feels that his rectum fills up with masculine meat one more time. The anal walls squeeze Robin's cock.

Robin enjoys it, he is a pleasant and amazing sensation, and he holds the female's hips and begins to pump his penis. Marian moans of pleasure, Robin's member feels so good in her anus.

The spurts of precum sprinkle her anal walls, the shaft enters and goes out without stopping. Robin moans and his hips hit Marian's firm cheeks, buttocks tremble with each push.

The knot gets in the crack lightly and touches the sphincter that moves on the hard meat of the fox.

Marian's fingers moves to increase his pleasure, she rubs them on her clitoris, Robin divides his wife's buttocks to see as the pink ring moves on his cock.

Vision amazes him and increases his desire. Robin caresses his wife's back and takes her breasts to squeeze them while he continues fucking her with force and without stopping.

The two lovers pant and grunt of pleasure, Robin's member is squeezed with force.

"Knot me Robin!" Marian says looking down on Robin.

"It will hurt!" Robin says panting without stopping. He doubts that his knot enter in the little hole.

"I don't care, just to it!" Marian says growling with bother. Robin does not say more and holds with more force the hips of Marian and pushes his knot. Marian moans with pain when her sphincter is pressed with force, Robin does not stop and with more determination he pushes his cock.

A scream of pain gets out from the mouth of Marian when the big knot opens his sphincter and it slides in her anus. The pain is big and she squeezes the bedspreads and some tears escape from her eyes.

Robin moans feeling that all his member now is surrounded by the anal walls, Marian moves her ass and her husband begins to fuck her again.

The whole penis moves inside the anus of the vixen, she moans of pleasure just like Robin. She feels filled in her posterior passage, each push makes the tip touch the bottom of the rectum of the female.

Marian puts two fingers into her vagina and she masturbates rapidly, her juices drip from her hand, Robin's balls also get wet in juices.

Robin growls when his balls release cum and he begins to ejaculate in the entrails of Marian. She feels as the powerful spurts of seed splashes her anal walls.

She trembles and grunts when her orgasm fills in her body. The female's anal walls squeeze Robin's penis with force. He enjoys the extra squeeze.

Robin releases Marian's hips and he leans upon Marian. She moans smoothly while she feels that the member pulsate in her posterior passage. Robin and Marian feel happy and exhausted.

They get comfortable to fall asleep knotted, both cover up and Robin embraces Marian from behind. She holds her husband's arm and closes her eyes just like Robin.

Robin, Little John, Marian and Lady Chuck are © Disney

Written by Janus Oberoth



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Decisions and revelations

Ashley walks limping next to Winston and Eve, her pups walk at her side, and the way is long because she is hurt. When they finally arrive to the cave Ashley leans on her chest on the floor to rest and to recover. "Would you like something to eat?"...

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