The sleepover

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#4 of Dad's girl

Samantha learns about the naughty secrets that hides the sleep overs in her friend's house

While Alan's automobile goes away, Samantha is greeted by her three friends: Susan, Tabatha and Amy.

Susan is a tigress of average stature and an athletic body with medium-sized breasts.

She is the best friend Samantha since they did meet, the female is good in sports and play the violin, and she has a great talent in it.

Tabatha is a gazelle with black eyes that demonstrate intelligence that is very well used in a lot of courses mainly mathematics. The girl is happy and nice.

Amy is another one of the friends of Samantha, she is of a thin constitution and stains that look good in her body. Her brown eyes are beautiful and she always has a smile in the face.

Sometimes she can be a swell-headed person, but she is a good friend. The four girls hug each other and they laugh mischievously until somebody clears her throat.

Girls turn over seeing that Rosalyn is close to them, she is Susan's mother an attractive tigress with ample breasts, a milf for a lot of boys of the school.

She looks smiling at the four girls, Samantha greets her friend's mother, the tigress smiles in the meantime she embraces the she-wolf.

"Well girls, please do not make a lot of noise." Rosalyn says while she does a gesture to the girls.

"Mom...tomorrow it is weekend." Susan says while she gets angry lightly. Her mother laughs again and shrugging her shoulders she turns over heading to the kitchen.

The four girls rapidly move upstairs heading for Susan's bedroom, when they enter in there they close the door laughing while Susan turns on the television to tune in the canal of music.

"Finally." Susan says while she looks at her friends at the same time that she jumps of emotion on her bed before sitting.

They begin to talk with joy about the school and their lives.

"In vacation my family and I will go to Hawaii!" Amy says with excitation while she looks at her friends. They get excited listening to their friend. Samantha gets excited too.

"You are going to find a lot of good-looking boys." Susan says looking at her friend and growling with emotion. Into that place it is known that there are attractive men.

"That it is true, but also we can find attractive boys here, I would give myself to Stan the football team's captain." Tabatha says while she looks at her friends.

Susan nods while she remembers the boy, he is a young and very good-looking lion.

"Yes, but I stay with the father of Samantha, he is a handsome man." Amy says doing a gesture to her friends. Susan and Tabatha laugh impishly while Samantha looks at her friend with surprise.

"Amy!" Samantha says with distaste in voice. She thinks that her friends make fun of her father.

"Take it easy, it is just a joke." Amy says seeing that her friend growls with distaste and bother.

"In part it is, you should have seen like each girl in school did put her attention in him." Tabatha says looking at Samantha. She gets surprised listening to that, she cannot believe Tabatha's words.

Samantha never thought about her father like an attractive man, she always saw him with the idea that he is just her dad and nothing more. But many of her friends think that he is an attractive mature man.

Samantha's mind wanders off the point when somebody knocks at the door and it opens some moments after. She and her friends see that a tall brown bear smiles at them.

"Hi dad." Susan says with joy to see her father. He smiles on her while the rest of girls greet the man.

"Hi girls, I am happy to see you here." The bear says looking at the girls.

His name is Stuart, he is well known coach that dedicates himself to train juvenile teams of the city. His main class is in the school of Samantha and the girls.

"The pizza is here." Stuart says while he looks at the girls with a smile before getting out of the bedroom.

"Come on, let's eat." Susan says while she looks at her friends. Girls nod and get out of the bedroom and go down to the dining room, they sit at the table with the parents of Samantha.

Pizza's portions begin to be distributed and be eaten by the girls and the two adults in the place.

"How does all of you go in school?" Rosalyn asks while she looks at the girls.

"Amy. I heard that you are doing fine in the athletics team." Susan's mother says while she looks at Amy.

"Well... yes, I broke all my records of last year in the last competition that we had." The female cheetah says while she feels proud of herself.

"That is not a surprise, a thin and attractive girl with great velocity can make it without difficulty." Stuart says looking at Amy. She blushes smoothly and she simpers.

"What about you Tabatha? I guess that you keep on being number one in mathematics." Rosalyn asks looking at the gazelle before biting the portion of pizza. Tabatha swallows a portion of pizza before responding.

"Definitely I did it fine in the last exam." The girl says while she looks at her friend's mother.

"Fine?! You answered each question correctly." Susan says while she looks at her friend.

The gazelle becomes uncomfortable by the comment, she does not want that everyone think that he is a little smart-ass.

"That is great, an intelligent and handsome girl." Stuart says looking at the girl.

Tabatha gets surprised and embarrasses lightly while the bear looks at her with a soft and friendly smile.

"Come on dad, stop seducing my friends." Susan says with mocking tone. They all laugh inclusively Samantha. She sees that her friend's father does not take away his gaze from her two friends.

They all continue eating the pizza and a half-hour later the girls return the bedroom of Susan.

When they enter they turn the TV on tuning in the favorite canal of music again.

They enjoy the bands and singers until they hear that somebody knocks at the door and it gets open.

"Susan, your father and I will go to buy some things, we will back soon." Rosalyn says looking at her daughter. She nods before her mother closes the door again when she goes out.

Girls hear that the motor of the automobile of the parents of Susan begins to work.

Samantha though the window sees that the two adults depart from the house leaving them alone.

"Look... the last video clip of Shadow fang." Amy says aiming with her forefinger at television. The four girls get excited and see as a band of black wolves is singing in a stage installed between some ancient ruins.

They have the faces painted with blue painting, it forms crosses in their faces as ancient warriors while they wear loincloths that makes that all of them look as they were true warriors.

Girls sigh seeing the partially naked bodies of the boys, Amy begins to sing the song in a low voice and promptly girls follow her leadership.

When the song finishes, they sigh in the meantime they see that the main vocalist of the band looks at the camera of sensual way before the screen became dark and another video clip of a musical band is show.

"Travis is very handsome." Susan says in relation to the main singer of the band.

"Of Course, but I want to see that he has under that loincloth." Tabatha says while she closes her eyes some moments.

"Dirty girl." Samantha says hitting her friend in the arm playfully. Susan and Amy laugh form some moments.

"That reminds me, guess what girls." Amy says while she takes out her cellular phone to share a file with her friends that take their cellular phones and in a few minutes later the four are looking at the screens of their cell phones while moans and heavy breathing of pleasure are heard in the bedroom.

Samantha looks a video of Travis, he is fucking female leopard in what seem to be a dressing room. The video clearly was made secretly and like many others rapidly distributed in internet.

"As I was thinking, he has it big." Tabatha says looking at her friends that even watch the screens.

"Of course, from so good-looking male, it cannot be expect less." Amy says looking at her friends that nod. Samantha agrees because she likes what sees, the wolf is desirable in every aspect.

"I almost forgot, this will fascinate to all of you and it will get much interesting the night." Amy says laughing impishly while she looks at her friends and takes her backpack to open it and to take something out.

She expects some moments creating expectation in her friends, Amy suddenly takes out what she is hiding from her friends.

The eyes every one of her friends open up seeing that she has in her hand a dildo of purple color, it is large and a little thick.

"How did you get something like this?!" Susan says taking the dildo from the hand of her friend to examine it, Samantha and Tabatha come closer to see with attention. Susan passes the toy to Tabatha.

"My sister did buy it, she told me that she preferred that I use this before I got in the bed with some boy." Amy says while she makes a grimace. She stretches her hand and touches a button in the base of the dildo.

Amy laughs when Tabatha releases the dildo that begins to vibrate and to emit a buzz while it is on the floor. Susan catches the dildo and examines it by touch feeling the vibration in her hand.

"Does it feel great using this?" Susan asks looking at her friend. Amy nods.

"I brought it in order that everyone enjoy it... and as your parents are not here for the moment..." Amy says while she looks at Susan with complicity. The tigress gets surprised and says absolutely nothing for some moments.

"Well, if you begin it." Susan says doing a comic facial expression to her friend like a challenge to her.

Samantha gets surprised when her friend begins to get undressed in front of them without no modesty. In a few moments she is naked, Samantha sees her friend's body.

Her breasts are not big, but her ass is well shaped. Her speckled fur coats her back and legs in the meantime her chest and stomach and the crotch are covered with a brown hair of very soft tone.

Amy takes the toy and gets on her friend's bed, she leans backwards and opens her legs largely while her friends come closer to see better.

They see their friend's pink vulva, Amy takes the toy and turns on it. The dildo begins to vibrate in her hand, Amy puts the toy tip on her right nipple and she moans.

The vibration makes that her nipple gets hard and it sent sensations of pleasure to her brain.

Samantha looks with surprise and attention as her friend stimulates her breasts with the toy.

Amy moans and looks at her friends before stretching her hand and placing the toy on her vulva. Susan and her friends get surprised when Amy shakes with pleasure and moans with force.

The girl pants while she puts the dildo tip on her clitoris that trembles and gives her an incredible pleasure, her vagina begins to secrete juices that are sniffed by the other girls.

Amy moans and pants before pushing the dildo in her pussy. Samantha looks as the toy disappears in the inside of her friend. She shakes while the dildo moves inside and out of her pink passage.

The vibration stimulates her vaginal walls and she moans with more pleasure, her hand moves back and forward. Samantha sees that her friend's vulva is soaked in juices that increase, her sense of smell saturates with the aroma of juices.

Samantha shakes her head a moment while she sees as her friend's body is shaking with more pleasure, Amy pants and growls when her body arches at the moment of her orgasm fills her with pleasure.

Tabatha sees that juice squirts are shoot out with force from the vagina of her friend and they get wet the bedspread forming a juices puddle.

Awesome, but this will be difficult to explain." Susan says with distaste seeing the puddle of juices of her friend.

"Well now no one can say something to not participate." Amy says while she pants rapidly and sees her friends at the same time that she withdraws the dildo of her vagina of slow way.

Samantha sees that the dildo is completely covered with juices that drip in the bed.

"I want to see you using this." Amy says while she looks at Tabatha. She gets surprised and she blushes.

"Do not tell me that you cannot." Amy tells with a little bit of mockery to her friend. Tabatha does her a grimace before beginning to get undressed in front of the girls.

The gazelle takes off the bodice and her underwear. Samantha opens her eyes with surprise seeing her friend's nudity. She has a very good body, her breasts have an attractive size, and they are rounded and desirable for any male.

Amy feels a little jealous by the aspect of her friend, the white fur covers the breasts of the gazelle, and the girl gets on the bed and shamefacedly takes the place of her friend.

She takes the dildo and opens her legs shamefacedly while she aims the toy to her vulva. The gazelle leans the tip on her slit and she pushes down the button, the female moans and gasps with surprise when the vibration stimulates her clitoris.

Tabatha moans of pleasure while she moves the tip pressing her clitoris, her juices begin to drip from her opening adding to Amy's juices.

Girls see that their friend takes aim further down, the vaginal lips surround the tip before pushing the dildo that slips in her vagina without difficulty. Tabatha moans and pants with intense pleasure.

That sensation in her inside is incredible, her vaginal walls shake while she moves the toy rapidly. Her right hand squeezes her tits while she moans and her body shakes.

Girls look at her with surprise, Amy makes out a facial expression of approval seeing that her friend does not control herself. Tabatha is moaning while she has her closed eyes and she suddenly remains taut and moans with force when she has an incredible orgasm.

Her body falls on the bed while she has the dildo in a hand, the sound of vibration still is heard until Tabatha turns the toy off. She pants heavily in the meantime she sees the roof.

"Aren't you virgin?" Amy asks with interest and looking at her friend. Samantha and Susan gets surprised while they realize that her friend did not bleed when she supposed broke her hymen.

"A boy in the camp of mathematics..." Tabatha says getting up and sitting in bed while she gets ashamed lightly.

"Holy shit you are a horny bitch when nobody is seeing..." Amy says applauding her friend. She apparently made a mistake with some suppositions about her friend. She is not so innocent or one owlish as she shows off.

"Well... next in the line." Amy says looking at Samantha and Susan. The she-wolf becomes uneasy at the thought of being the next one, this is not the way that she wants to lose her virginity.

Susan stands up and she gets undressed in front of her friends. Samantha looks closely at her, to see her friend without clothes is not new thing for her. The body of the tigress is good, her hips are thin and with a firm ass.

Her breasts of half-full size fit very well with her thin figure. Tabatha comes down from the bed while Susan gets on the bed. Girls see that her friend leans on her knees and elbows at the moment that she takes the dildo.

The female turns on the dildo that begins to vibrate in her hand, she looks at her friends and does them a gesture. Girls see that Susan moves the dildo to her vulva, but Samantha opens her eyes with surprise just like her two friends.

Susan moves up the dildo and reclines the tip on her sphincter, she moans and pushes the toy against her hole, the sphincter opens and thanks to the quantity of juices coating it, the dildo slides without trouble.

A groan of pleasure slips from the mouth of the tigress when her anal walls begin to vibrate, she pushes and takes out the toy from hers ass of slow way.

Samantha swallows hard while she sees that her best friend enjoys the toy in her ass.

The she-wolf feels the aroma of the juices of her friend, she sees that the vulva is shining by the juices.

Susan's sphincter moves on the dildo every time that the girl's hand moves it back and pushes it forward. Susan moans and has her eyes closed, she enjoys every moment.

Her legs quiver, the tigress releases the dildo and she begins to masturbate frantically moving the palm of her hand on her vulva and clitoris. Girls see as the dildo moves obscenely in the anus of their friend.

She inserts two fingers in her vagina and moves them, her vaginal walls squeeze her fingers and they get wet with juice. The female growls without paying attention to her friends that look at her without wincing.

Susan's pleasure keeps on growing up and she suddenly growls when she reaches an orgasm, her anal walls press the dildo that comes out unfrocked of her rectum and it falls in bed while it continues vibrating.

The tigress collapses on the bed while she breathes agitatedly.

"Do you like the anal sex, uh?" Amy says while she looks at her friend. Susan smiles weakly while she recovers.

"I hope that you clean it very well, I could not live a day without using it." Amy says in relation to her dildo that still vibrates in bed.

"Of course, give me some moments." Susan says sitting on her bed and taking the dildo to turn it off.

"Besides it is Samantha's turn." Amy says looking at her friend. Samantha gets surprised.

"No I do not think..." Samantha says while she shakes her head and looks at her friends.

"Come on, everyone made it." Tabatha says with bother while her friend still shakes her head.

"Do not tell me that you feel ashamed, besides we know that you are not virgin considering that you permitted that Richard touched your tits." Amy says with distaste and growling smoothly.

"As far as I know, if someone touch your tits does not mean that you got into bed with the boy, and if Samantha does not feel comfortable, we cannot oblige her." Susan says looking at her friends.

"Pretexts of little girls, come on Samantha. Are you one of us or no?" Amy says with exasperation. Samantha notices that Amy and Tabatha look at her with distaste and bother.

The she-wolf considers it a moment, the toy is not a boy in reality, and perhaps it will be fun.

Samantha begins to unbutton her shirt, but she stops suddenly when she sees that light crosses by the window and a motor of automobile that stops in the garage.

"My parents!" Susan says alarmed the moment that she takes her clothes and she begins scrambling into her clothes. Tabatha and Amy get dressed in a hurry, Samantha begins to sprinkle perfume in the bedroom in an attempt of masking the aroma of juices.

Susan opens windows and girls turn on the television and they sit the best that they can, some moments after it is listened to that somebody knocks at the door and from the exterior of the bedroom Susan's mother says to her daughter that they already returned.

Around three hours later, girls prepare to sleep, Samantha would sleep with Susan in her bedroom. Tabatha and Amy would sleep in the bedroom of Audrey, the elder sister of Susan that is in college.

"Thank you for backing me up with the stuff... with the girls." Samantha says while she gets comfortable in her sleeping bag. Susan is looking at her from her bed, she is reclined on her chest while she sees at her friend.

"There is no problem, with what happened to you, it did not seemed the most correct to me." Susan says while her feet are moving while they hang at the edge of the bed.

Samantha smiles in a friendly way and nods. She told the truth to Susan and she is the only one that knew everything in addition to her father.

The two girls chat animatedly a half-hour before that finally they decided that it is bedtime.

They get comfortable better and relax to fall asleep.

Susan falls sleep rapidly, but Samantha cannot fall asleep while she remembers what happened with her friends. The she-wolf remembers the images of her friends enjoying completely the toy.

Samantha thinks that it is certainly an incredible sensation, she now feels undecided about if she should have participated too. The girl looks at the bedroom roof without being able to reconcile the sleep.

Minutes pass until she feels that she needs to take a glass of water, she gets out of her sleeping bag and she stands up. Samantha with care heads for the door and opens it slowly before going out and closing it with calm.

She looks with a little bit of strangeness that the door of the bedroom of Audrey is open, Samantha comes closer and sees the inside of the bedroom. It is totally empty.

Samantha says absolutely nothing and starts to walk to the stairs, but stops to listen to a soft whistle that comes from the bedroom of the parents of Susan.

She gets close to the door with calm and sticks her ear to it.

"I knew it girl, you have a precious body." Stuart says from behind the door.

Samantha opens her eyes and listens Tabatha's soft groan.

"And Amy neither is bad." Rosalyn says while she laughs smoothly. Samantha gets surprised and in her mind an idea rapidly appears. She comes downstairs rapidly and goes out to the backyard of the house.

The night is dark with a crowd of stars in the firmament, everything is calm and some crickets are heard, they break the silence. Samantha sees a tree that grows next to the house, the she-wolf with skill climbs on the tree and making good use of a thick branch she get close to the window of the bedroom of Susan's parents.

Light is on and the drapes closed, but a hole in a good place permits that Samantha sees what happens on the inside of the bedroom. Her eyes open completely just like her mouth to see that her two friends are naked with the parents of Susan.

Stuart squeezes and caresses Tabatha's tits, she has her closed eyes while she feels as the man has fun with her body. Rosalyn is close, she is kissing Amy and rubbing her hand on the crotch of the Cheetah.

Amy moans quietly in the meantime the tigress's mouth calms her moans, Rosalyn's fingers go deep into her vagina caressing her inside.

Rosalyn explores with her fingers the cave the girl, at her side Tabatha moans feeling that her nipples are caressed by the big fingers of the bear.

Stuart enjoys the young and firm tits of the girl, he moves down his right hand and introduces his forefinger between the vaginal lips of Tabatha, the gazelle quivers feeling as the fingertip moves on her slit back and forth.

The girl moans of pleasure, Tabatha feels that her juices begin to flow in her inside and getting wet the finger of the father of her friend, she shakes when the fingertip enters in her vagina.

Samantha looks with complete surprise as her friends moan and they pant, the she-wolf looks attentively as the parents of Susan caress the bodies of her friends.

The she-wolf feels that her slit gets wet slowly while she sees what happens inside of the room. She sees that Stuart takes his fingers out from the vagina of Tabatha and he takes his finger to his mouth.

"You are a delicious girl." Stuart says licking his fingers and enjoying the taste of the young female, he closes his mouth around the left nipple and begins to suck it.

Tabatha moans and pants with pleasure, she feels as her nipple is bit and pulled smoothly, her other breast is massaged with calm. She moans and sees that Amy is panting while Rosalyn sucks her tits smoothly.

The tigress has a good time while she nibbles the nipple, she perceives the aroma of the younger female, and her aroma excites her completely. Rosalyn slowly kneels down and uses her hands to spread the legs of the Cheetah.

The tigress licks her mouth when she sees the slit and the sticking rosy point, Amy takes a breath and moans when she feels that the adult's tongue enters in her vagina.

The girl moans of pleasure feeling as her vaginal walls are caressed and stimulated.

Rosalyn's nose frees hot air on the rosy point of the feline female that shakes and moans with pleasure. She moves back and loses balance when her legs touch the bed, she falls back on the mattress.

Rosalyn smiles and she kneels down between the legs of the girl to continue with her work. Stuart moans and pant while he feels as the hand of Tabatha moves on his erection of slow way.

The gazelle watches with surprise the male's erection, it is very large and thick as only she had seen in porn videos. His friend's father is very well gifted, Stuart loves the look of surprise of the girls that he fucks.

He and his wife enjoy each sleep over of their daughter, always there is an interesting girl for both. From the window Samantha also has her attention focused in the penis.

The image catches her attention completely, she notices that her friend with difficulty closes her hand around the palpitating and hard shaft. A drop of precum shines on the head of the penis.

Tabatha looks at the cock and feels that Stuart's big hands lean on her shoulders, and he pushes her down obliging her to kneel down. The bear takes his penis and shakes it in front of the face of the girl.

The gazelle looks at the immense cock a moment and she opens her mouth, Stuart pushes her hips placing on his penis head the wet mouth. He moans when the girl begins to suck his penis.

Rosalyn moves her tongue inside Amy, the savor of the sweet and soft juice fills her mouth. She maintains the legs of the girl separated while she continues giving oral sex to the girl.

Amy moans and pants with pleasure, her head moves from one side to other one. She always enjoys a good oral sex, but her friend's mother is more experienced in this than the boys of her class.

The cheetah moans when the tongue of the tigress hits her pink point repeatedly, the tip whirls in that hard and sensitive place.

Amy moans when two fingers enter in her vagina, Rosalyn begins to using her fingers that move rapidly in and out. The growling of the cheetah mix with the growling of Stuart.

He moans feeling as the lips of the gazelle move back and forward on his hard and sensitive meat. Tabatha has problems with the thickness of the member that stretches to the utmost her mouth.

The spurts of thick precum fall on her tongue and splashes her palate, she feels the taste of the masculine and meat liquid.

"My balls, girl." Stuart instructs looking at the young female. Tabatha looks at him while she continues sucking. She with her left hand takes the balls of the bear.

They are big and heavy, the girl massages them the best that she can feeling the heat of the fur that cover both testicles. Stuart moans and enjoys the moment, he places his right hand of the head of Tabatha and pushes it forward.

Samantha gasps and sees as the large and thick member disappears in the mouth of her friend that gets surprised and she fights in order that the bear releases her. She moans with pain when the thick shaft slides in her throat.

"Breathe by the nose." Rosalyn says laughing seeing that the other female has problems. Tabatha's mouth is attached to the bear's groin, Stuart keeps the female's head in place for some moments before he releases it.

Tabatha takes out the penis from her mouth.

When that happens she swallows and coughs with difficulty while the man laughs seeing that. Samantha looks at this with incredulity what happens, her friend had took all of it in her mouth.

The gazelle takes the penis and she puts it in her mouth to suck it again, her friend trembles in bed while he squeezes her breasts with force, she shakes with each slow lick in her slit.

Rosalyn's tongue tip divides the girl's vaginal lips, the tigress has fun while she hears that her lover's respiration accelerates rapidly.

Amy clenches her teeth and whimpers with pleasure when her orgasm finally comes to her body, her sweet juices get wet the mouth and chin of Rosalyn, she maintains the girl's thighs spread while she drinks the juices.

Stuart moans and growls with more pleasure while the gazelle moves her head slowly.

Lips move on his shaft back and forth, while Tabatha's hand takes care of his balls.

"Here it comes babe, drink dad's bear cream." Stuart says growling and releasing his seed in the mouth of the young female. Samantha's eyes open completely seeing that her friend's cheeks swell up.

The she-wolf understands that her friend's father is a big guy that can shoot a quantity of cum.

Tabatha swallows fast while she drowns with quantity of semen that floods her mouth, it is thick and spicy semen. Stuart and Rosalyn laugh seeing that Tabatha has problems.

The bear takes his penis out with a pull and Tabatha spits semen of her mouth while she coughs, she takes air readily while the seed drips of her chin and mouth.

When the gazelle recovers, Rosalyn climbs on top of bed to crawl and lay her crotch on the head of the cheetah female. Amy's eyes open completely seeing the shining slit of the mother of her friend.

"Do not tell me that you did not make this with your friends." Rosalyn says while she looks at the girl. Amy shakes her head while her nose perceives the aroma of the vulva of the tigress.

"It will be better that you learn fast." Rosalyn says laughing smoothly and scrubbing her vulva on the mouth of Amy. She takes out her tongue and begins to lick the adult female's pink slit.

Rosalyn growls and shakes with pleasure when the tongue moves for all her slit and goes up to her clitoris. Amy licks it knowing that that one is an important place to each woman.

This is the first time that she makes this, the girl feels the taste of the juices of a female, and they are unlike hers. Her tongue moves back and forth and the tip moves between the vaginal lips.

Stuart surprises Tabatha lifting her from the floor and charging her without problems to the bed. He leans girl next to her friend and opens her legs, the bear marvels with the slit of the girl.

Tabatha gasps and moans when she feels the first lick of the bear on her vulva that gets wet with saliva. Stuart enjoys the savor of the young juice that comes from the vagina of the gazelle.

Its savor is softer than the one of a carnivorous female, Tabatha shakes and moans with pleasure, the male eats up her slit with slowness and whim. The tip opens the vaginal lips, and it finds the entrance.

Stuart pushes with force and penetrates into the pink tunnel of Tabatha, she moans with force and shakes when her vaginal walls are caressed by the bear's long and powerful tongue.

Rosalyn moans while she scrubs her crotch against the mouth of the young female, Amy sees as the other woman squeezes her tits and twists her nipples to increase her pleasure.

The tail of the tigress budges on the air while she whines of pleasure, she looks at Amy and with a facial expression she tells her that she must push her tongue. The girl makes it and promptly feels as the vaginal walls of Rosalyn squeezes her tongue.

Amy moves her tongue the best that he can in that tunnel, she listens that her friend moans of pleasure at her side. Tabatha pants heavily while her head moves from one side to other side by the great pleasure that she feels.

Stuart feels pleased by the squeeze of the vaginal walls, he knows that the girl is very tight and he cannot wait for fucking her. Tabatha trembles and uttering a strong groan she holds the male's head at the moment of that a marvelous orgasm fulfills her completely.

Her body becomes taut while her juices flow freely and they stain the lips of the bear.

Stuart closes his mouth around the slit to savor each trail of the juices of the female.

Her wife also moans of pleasure while she moves her hips with more speed. The female moans and pants rapidly, her pleasure intensifies rapidly and her body gets ready.

Amy gets surprised and closes her eyes when juice squirts begin to sprinkle her face, the hot liquid bathes her face while she continues licking the slit and savoring the older female's juice.

Rosalyn moans while she has her eyes closed, her orgasm dissipates slowly and she pants while she sees the roof. The tigress looks down and looks content the soaked face of Amy.

"Let's continue." Stuart says while he sees that Tabatha breathes agitatedly.

The gazelle sees that the bear gets on the bed and he positions himself between her legs, he holds his erection in his hand. Stuart with emotion lays the tip of his swollen shaft against the vulva of the female.

Tabatha looks at the member with fear, the bear begins pushing his hips and trying to penetrate into the friend of her daughter. Tabatha moans with pain feeling that her pink opening is forced.

"I do not believe that it will enter!" Tabatha says whining of pain and looking at the bear.

Stuart does not stop and he holds the legs of the girl to spread them more wide at the same time that he pushes with more force.

Tabatha's eyes open completely and she utters a lament of pain when the penis' head enters in her vagina, Stuart stops and enjoys the moment.

The bear feels the strong squeeze of the vagina of the girl, Tabatha looks at the roof while she moans with pain that slowly disappears, she moans when the bear begins to penetrate her.

Her vaginal walls stretch at maximum to receive the swollen cock, Stuart moans and growls with relish. The vaginal soft walls surround his shaft as this keeps on entering.

Tabatha's eyes open when she feels that the penis head touches her vagina bottom and pressing the opening of her cervix. Nobody had penetrated her so deeply.

"Tight as I expected." Stuart says while he looks at the gazelle content. The bear raises his ass to move it down and to begin to fuck the young female. Tabatha gasps when the penis begins to enter and getting out of her vagina.

Amy sees with surprise as the big bear fucks her friend, she sees as the penis enters and gets out of the vagina of her friend completely, the girl gets startled when a hand touches her right tit.

She places her look in Rosalyn, the eyes of the cheetah female open seeing that the female has on a strapon of red plastic shaped as of a feline penis.

It is big and the barbs stand out, Rosalyn clearly gets comfortable between the legs of the girl, the tigress with her hand aims the toy and the tip gets between the vaginal lips of the other feline female.

Rosalyn pushes her hips and begins to penetrate to the girl slowly, Amy moans when she feels that the toy slides in her vagina, barbs move caressing her vaginal walls.

The toy is disappearing in the cheetah until the ample and firm breasts of the tigress press Amy's young tits. Rosalyn kisses Amy at the moment that she begins to move.

The cheetah moans softly while the woman kisses her, Rosalyn moves her ass and she fucks Amy rapidly. She knows how to move well, she does not lose step while she pumps the toy in the body of Amy.

She moans and pants feeling as barbs caresses her vaginal walls in a way that only a feline penis can do. The whole toy enters and gets out of the cave of the love of Amy while the bed creaks by the motions of husband and wife.

Stuart pumps while he growls, the girl's vagina is very tight, she certainly not is very active sexually and the bear likes that. The spurts of precum spatter the vaginal walls of the girl and they blend in with the juices.

"It is huge...!" Tabatha says while she moans with pleasure, the member in her tunnel of the love fills her with pleasure, each part of her vagina is touched and stimulated.

The penis head hits the entrance of her cervix repeatedly, she closes her eyes while she is fucked with force by a predator. Amy for her part moans with pleasure, her tits are caressed by the tits of Rosalyn.

She moans also, her clitoris is stimulated by a little well-located bulge in the toy, she stretches herself a little and introduces her left nipple between the lips of Amy, and she begins to suckle the woman's breast.

Her lips pull and play with the erect nipple, Amy feels that her juices abundantly drip from her pink slit. Rosalyn pumps with force without stopping neither paying attention to her husband.

The tigress and her lover moan with more pleasure until Rosalyn gives the final thrust and Amy reaches the orgasm, her body becomes taut and she moans shaking her head without control.

Her juices shoot out of her slit getting her thighs and the stomach of the tigress wet, Rosalyn moves her hips circularly. She stops when the stimulation of her clitoris takes her to the orgasm.

Her husband does not pay attention to her, Stuart pumps with more speed inside the gazelle, and he feels that his balls are ready to release his seed. Tabatha clings to the bear's neck with force.

Her sensitive vaginal walls are stimulated every time that the big erection enters and it goes out. The pleasure in her pink tunnel increases rapidly.

Stuart accelerates a little and he stops when his penis begins to release spurts of thick seed against the vaginal walls. The bear growls ferociously while he ejaculates in the girl.

Tabatha opens her eyes when the sperm activate the orgasm in her body, she convulses under the body of the bear. Stuart feels that the vaginal walls squeezes his penis with more force, almost painfully.

The activity in the room stops for some minutes and next the couple moves back. Stuart takes out his penis from the vagina of the girl, he smiles seeing like that pink opening is dilated.

Rosalyn looks content that the girl this breathing heavily, her toy is shining by the juices.

"Let's swap." Rosalyn says looking at her husband. Stuart nods and does a gesture to his wife. She smiles smoothly.

Amy does not move and only looks at the roof until her friend's father rolls her over to place her face down, the cheetah female does not resist. Stuart, place his hands on the speckled feline cheeks of her and he spreads them.

The eyes of the bear smiles when they see the closed posterior hole of Amy, he does a face to his wife and she takes a lubricant bottle of the bedside table.

Amy gets surprised when he feels that a cold liquid is spilled in her crack of the ass.

"Mister...I am virgin there!" Amy tells with surprise understanding what the bear wants from her.

"That is much better." Stuart says with more emotion while he spills the liquid through his penis before passing his wife the bottle. She also pours the lubricant in the crack of Tabatha.

The gazelle has her open eyes and feels that her Rosalyn's fingers scatters the lubricant on her brown hole, the tigress spills some the slippery liquid in the palm of her hand.

She begins to cover the toy that shines by the liquid that drips from it. Rosalyn positions herself on Tabatha while she aims with her hand the toy, the gazelle feels that the tip moves between her buttocks until it touches her sphincter.

"I hope that you are virgin there, like your friend." The female says in the ear of Tabatha and smiling at the same time that she pushes her hips. The eyes of the gazelle open with surprise and she moans with pain when the tip penetrates into her anus.

Rosalyn takes down her hips and slowly penetrates to the young female, Tabatha moans with bother because barbs keep on getting inside between her rectal cracks, the tigress's crotch touches her buttocks moments after.

The ass of Rosalyn rises and again goes down at the moment that Tabatha moans and she is fuck anally by the mother of her friend.

Stuart pushes and moves a finger in the rectum of Amy, she moans feeling as fingers stretch her sphincter preparing it slowly, the bear opens his forefingers and move them in circles a couple of times before taking them out.

The cheetah female is on her hands and knees in front of the bear that covers his member, it shines with lubricant. Stuart places in position reclining his cock tip to the posterior hole of the girl.

His wife touches him on the shoulder and makes a grimace passing him a red ribbon, Stuart smiles and nods. Amy gets surprised when the bear muzzles her with the red ribbon.

When it is done, he holds the girl's hips and he begins to push again, Amy feels the pressure in her hole, she whines with bother and pain feeling that her hole is forced to open.

Stuart pushes with more force and Amy's eyes suddenly open completely and she shakes her body while she cries with pain and tears escape from her eyes.

The bear holds the girl that gets agitated of pain, his wife had done well in giving him the ribbon to muzzle Amy. Her crying are strong just like the burning pain in her ass.

Just the penis head had penetrated in her, but even that is extremely painful, neither in her first time she felt a similar pain. The male closes his eyes enjoying the squeeze of the entrails of the feline.

Stuart's hands hold Amy's ass and both big hands spread the cheeks at the moment that he pushes his cock in the anal passage of the girl. The female cheetah moans and pants feeling that the walls of her rectum stretch around the hard shaft that invades her.

The female never felt nothing similar in her life, the girl's eyes open with surprise when the head of the penis of the father of her friend touches the bottom of her rectum.

"She is tight...!"Stuart says at the moment that he begins to pump his cock in the ass of Amy. She closes her eyes and she concentrates on what she feels to try to enjoy the sensation.

Tabatha moans with pleasure, the toy barbs get in the cracks of their anal walls puncturing them and caressing them of incredible way in each push.

Rosalyn's breasts press her back, the tigress does not stop while she pumps the toy in the anus of the young female, she moans smoothly moving her hips in circles achieving that her clitoris is stimulated.

She moves her hips up and down while the bed creaks with each push. Amy embraces a pillow and bites it, her juices drip from her opening and get the bed wet.

She feels as the penis caresses her anal walls every time that it enters and goes out, the bear's crotch hits her buttocks that shake lightly. Her moans join up to the ones of her friend at her side.

Stuart pumps with pleasure in tight passage, he introduces his right hand between the legs of Amy and he feels pleased noticing the wetness in the vulva of the Cheetah, she moans at the moment that her clitoris is caressed by the fingers that twist it.

With a hand the bear unties the ribbon that it had the girl's mouth closed, Amy's moans become stronger. Tabatha grunts with more force feeling that her pleasure is coming to its peak.

The plastic penis in her ass moves with more speed also because Rosalyn increases the force of her thrust, her pant of pleasure fills the gazelle's right ear.

Rosalyn takes the tits of the young female and presses them to increase her pleasure, Tabatha moans feeling that her nipples are twisted by the fingers of the mother of her friend.

The gazelle moans with more force until she shakes and her vaginal juice squirts get the bedspread wet below her, Rosalyn moves her hips while she moans looking for her own pleasure.

She presses her hips against the ass of the female at the same time that she growls and roars with pleasure when her juices get wet her slit and the buttocks of Tabatha that does not move. Her juice and the one of Rosalyn mixes in the bedspread.

Stuart pumps with more speed and force, he spanks the Cheetah, Amy moans with pain before continuing moaning. The squirts of precum sprinkle her inside, the female feels that two fingers enter in her vagina and they move.

Amy cannot resist more she becomes tense while she growls savagely of pleasure when her body comes to the orgasm, her juices get wet the hand the bear. He growls and pushes with force at the moment of releasing his thick seed in the rectum of the girl.

The anal walls are covered and cracks fill up with semen, Amy and her masculine lover do not move. The bear's groin presses the firm buttocks of the Cheetah.

Rosalyn moves and slowly withdraws the toy of the anus of Tabatha, she moans feeling as barbs get in their anal cracks and they pull them while the toy keeps on going out.

The gazelle shakes when the toy gets out of her anus, Rosalyn stands up and sees like her husband slowly withdraws his shaft of the anus of Amy. The female cheetah gasps when the head of the penis of the bear slips out of her anus and a white semen waterfall drips from her dilated hole.

Stuart spreads the girl's cheeks and he sees content his work, he sees the red interior of the girl's anus. Tabatha still is leant on her chest, she gets surprised when her friend's father lifts her in air.

The bear is sitting in bed, he with calm and facility he lows the body of the gazelle, she feels like the head the bear's penis gets between her buttocks and he touches his sphincter.

Rosalyn helps her husband separating the legs from the girl, the tigress sees that the gazelle's hole disappears under the head of the penis of Stuart. The bear takes down the girl's body.

Tabatha feels that the member's tip presses her entrance, Stuart pushes with more force and Tabatha closes her eyes with pain and she clenches her teeth while her hole begins to open until the penis head passes the ring that closes with force.

The gazelle shrieks with pain when the thick shaft invades her rectum, it is just the tip and even that this is painful. The toy did not help her to get used to anal penetration completely, tears drip from the eyes of the gazelle that moans when the bear takes down her body and impales her with his swollen and hard member.

Stuart enjoys the squeeze of the anal walls that slowly embrace his cock, Tabatha pants feeling that his anal walls stretch to the maximum receiving the erection in her posterior tunnel.

Her buttocks touch the penis base and the girl feels that the penis head touches the bottom of her anus, her rectum is completely full of hard and masculine meat.

Stuart begins to pump his penis slowly, Tabatha moans and his breasts bounce with each thrust of the male. He from behind take her tits and he squeezes them smoothly.

Amy is near to the bed and she sees what happens attentively, she gets surprised when she sees that Rosalyn climbs in the bed. The female cheetah sees that there is a new toy hanging from between the legs the tigress.

It is a strapon with the form of a red and big canine penis. Stuart looks at his wife and he leans backwards in bed pulling Tabatha with him. Rosalyn's hands spread the legs of the gazelle while she places herself in position.

Tabatha gets surprised when the toy tip gets between her vaginal lips, she moans when her friend's mother pushes her hips and penetrates her.

She feels as the dildo slides in her vagina until the knot touches her vulva, the tigress begins to move her hips pumping the toy in the young vagina of the female.

Stuart also moves and with his wife they fuck the friend of their daughter, Tabatha pants and moans feeling a double pleasure, both penises move slow and pleasantly in her tunnels.

Rosalyn looks at her husband, both make gestures while they fuck the girl, the tigress' mouth closes around the right nipple of Tabatha, she moans with more force.

Her erect nipple is sucked and pulled by the mouth of the other female that uses her tongue's tip to stimulate that sensitive place. Stuart pumps his penis and feels as the sphincter of the female moves back and forth on his hard erection.

Her penis tip touches the bottom of the rectum of the girl repeatedly, his precum spatters the anal passage and make easier the motion. Tabatha moans and pants rapidly, her friend's parents move with a lot of coordination.

Rosalyn pushes her hips with force and listens the groan of pain of the gazelle when her vulva opens and the toy knot enters in her vagina. The tigress places her left nipple between the lips of the gazelle, she begins to suck the tit while she moans with pleasure.

Stuart expedites his motions while he growls and moans with pleasure, his pleasure grows rapidly. Tabatha moans enjoying the knot, this is a very incredible sensation.

The toy moves in circles because Rosalyn moves her hips in that way and moans with pleasure. Suddenly in a thrust the knot caress the G-Spot of the girl.

Tabatha shakes and utters a strong groan of pleasure when the orgasmic happiness again takes her. Her anal walls contract with force about the shaft of the bear that stops and growling he shots a load of lukewarm and thick seed in the rectum of the young gazelle.

Rosalyn rolls on one side and falls on the bed with Tabatha on her, Amy sees as a continuous flow of semen goes down from the crack of the anus of her friend to the bedspread.

Stuart gets up and spank playfully to Amy, she gets surprised when the bear takes a robe and he uses it to go out of the bedroom. Rosalyn begins pulling the toy.

Tabatha moans with pain feeling that her vaginal opening again stretches in order that the knot in her inside begins to go out. The gazelle takes a breath and moans with pain the moment that the toy slips out of her body.

Amy sees that her friend is offered in the bed while she pants rapidly, the Cheetah sees that Stuart enters in the bedroom and he takes off the robe.

"Come on girls, this will not get hard by itself." The bear says while he sits at the edge of the bed and opens his legs wide showing his flaccid penis.

Amy with calm kneels down between the legs of the man and begins to lick the balls, her tongue moves as if she spruced herself. Her tongue moves on the hanging penis of the bear until she perceives the taste of the precum that leaks of the opening.

The girl opens her mouth and closes it around the head of the penis and begins to suck it slowly. Tabatha moves and she kneels down next to her friend to help her, Amy moves her head slowly and the cock again gets hard fast.

Stuart moans and pants with pleasure, his wife comes closer and she kisses him on his mouth. The bear responds the kiss while he feels as his penis enters and gets out of the mouth of the female cheetah.

She has her mouth open the most she can to give oral sex to the male, the spurts of precum sprinkle her tongue. It is a delicious and riper taste than the precum of boys of her age.

Stuart stops the works of the girls some minutes later, he takes out his erect cock that rocks on the air lightly. The bear leans backwards again in bed and he smiles at the female cheetah.

Amy gets on the bed and crawls to position herself on the bear, she feels as the swollen member touches her vulva.

The girl takes the penis and she aims it at her slit, when the head touches its vulva, Amy takes down her hips and the penis head divides her vaginal lips and he begins to slide in her body.

Amy gasps feeling that the thick erection enters in her pussy.

The female cheetah takes down her hips slowly, her tunnel of love stretches around the thick member of the man. She never had so big one in her vagina, she takes down her hips slowly and opens her eyes when she feels that the penis head touches the entrance of her cervix.

Stuart enjoys heat and the female's tightness, it is an incredible place for his penis.

"Is it big, isn't it? Rosalyn ask to the Cheetah. The woman pushes forward the young female achieving that she raises her ass. Amy feels that her breasts are pressed against the chest of the bear.

The eyes of the cheetah open when she feels that Rosalyn spills lubricant between her buttocks. The tigress also scatters lubricant on the toy that is tied to her body.

When it is all set, the tigress places herself in position and tip the toy touches the female's sphincter. Amy moans with pain feeling that her posterior hole is forced to open again. Rosalyn pushes hard.

Amy bites the lips of pain when her sphincter opens and the shaft enters in her anus until the knot. The tigress and her husband look at each other before beginning to move.

Stuart moves fast, the vaginal walls caress his cock, Amy moans of pleasure, while the keeps her in place.

Rosalyn pumps rapidly, her groin hits the buttocks of the young female, Amy moans and enjoys the double penetration, and the canine penis tip touches the bottom of her ass.

The spurts of precum sprinkle her vaginal walls, she feels that Stuart squeezes the cheeks of her ass with pleasure while he continues fucking her rapidly.

Rosalyn moans with each thrust, the toy in her vagina moves too, she enjoys it because it is almost so good like a penis of flesh. The tigress pumps and the knot gets in the crack of the anus of the girl.

Amy opens her eyes when the knot begins to press her sphincter.

"No... no it will not fit!" Amy says while she moans with pain, but Rosalyn does not stop and Stuart with her hand closes Amy's mouth at the moment that she shouts and her sphincter opens in order that the knot enters in her rectum.

The Cheetah faints for surprise and worry of her friend's. Tabatha comes closer and sees as her friend is offered on the bear in the meantime her ass is still raised in air.

"She will be all right." Rosalyn says at the moment of raising her hand on the air and giving two strong spanks to Amy's cheeks. She wakes up moaning of pain by the strong spanks and a burning pain in her anus.

"You are a sadist, honey." Stuart says looking at her wife. She makes a grimace and resumes her thrust in the ass of the girl. The bear imitates her and Amy again begins to moan with pleasure.

His grunts join up to the one of the couple, Stuart pumps and his penis head hits the entrance of the cervix of Amy repeatedly. Some minutes later the bear gives his last push before ejaculating in the girl.

His semen gushes out and hit Amy's sensitive walls, she shakes when her orgasm rockets in her body and her pussy squeezes with more force the bear's penis.

He moans while he releases spurt after spurt of semen deluging the vagina completely, the seed of the bear oozes to the exterior of the pink grotto. Rosalyn moves her hips in circles until she attains her own orgasm.

Amy is trapped between both bodies while she pants heavily, after some minutes Rosalyn with slowness takes out the toy from the anus of the girl.

The cheetah moans with pain while she clenches her teeth and her sphincter opens slowly around the knot. The young female moans and catches her breath when the toy slips outside, she feels that her hole is open.

Rosalyn is who in this occasion delights in the image of the gaping hole of the girl, she with her forefinger follows the form of the open sphincter.

Amy has trouble getting up feeling an acute pain in her recently deflowered anus.

"Well girls, this was one good night and I hope that it will repeat many times." Rosalyn says while he looks at the two girls and growls with desire. Tabatha and Amy take their clothes and they laugh impishly before getting out of the bedroom.

Samantha pants and moans completely, she feels as her juices drip of her opening and they get wet the tree branch. The she-wolf feels that her thighs are wet just like her vulva.

She looks by the window again and sees that Rosalyn is on her knees in front of her husband giving him oral sex slowly.

"This was incredible, I love Susan's sleepovers." Rosalyn says while she masturbates her man. Her hand moves slowly up and down on the cock.

"I love them too, but I wanted to fuck that girl Samantha, her tits seems to be firm so the tits of our daughter." Stuart says while he looks at the female between his legs.

Samantha gets surprised listening her friend's father. She never thought that a man as him desired her, but it does not surprise her either that there are mature men having lustful thoughts for girls of her age.

"And a round ass, but the best is not get involved with her. Not after what it happened in school." Rosalyn says while she licks the extension of her husband's hard member.

"What happened?" Stuart asks while he leans his hands in bed and permits that his wife continue.

"She attacked her boyfriend when he touched sexually her, he put the hands on the breasts while she kissed her. Samantha kicked him repeatedly." Rosalyn says while she licks the precum that gets out of the opening of the penis.

"For touch those young breasts, I would accept a couple of kicks." Stuart says while he looks at his wife. Both laugh while Samantha moves slowly to come down from the tree.

She pants feeling that her clitoris is rubbed by the the cloth, the girl comes down from the tree and rapidly enters in the house again. She rapidly gets to her friend's bedroom.

Samantha opens the door slowly and enters with calm not to wake up her friend, the girl gets in her sleeping bag and places her hand between her legs under the pajamas.

The she-wolf begins to caress her slit, she moans and pants with pleasure. Her juices that still cover her crotch get her fingers wet. The girl closes her eyes and thinks about what he saw.

Her fingers rub on and twist her clitoris lightly, she pants and moans putting two fingers into her vagina to move them in an out. Samantha gets startled listening to the voice of her friend that calls her.

"Are you thinking about anyone in particular to make such noise?" Susan asks yawning while she growls smoothly.

"In Travis." Samantha answers shamefacedly knowing that her friend had caught her masturbating.

"Ok I would also think about him when I do it too..." Susan says while she rolls embracing her pillow and again falling asleep.

Samantha resumes her session of self-pleasure trying not to moan very loud not to wake up her friend again. She moves her fingers in her vagina until her body arches at the moment of the orgasm.

The young she-wolf whines smoothly while she has her fingers in her vagina, she feels that her crotch is soak. Samantha is breathing fast, she looks at the roof of the bedroom thinking about her two friends.

Alan, Barret, Franny, Richard, Tristan Elwyn, Franklin Wiley, Susan, Samantha, Katherine, Diane, Start, Rosalyn, Tabatha, Amy, Travis, Stan are my characters.

Written by Janus Oberoth

A old friend

On the next day Allan wakes up listening his alarm clock, he has his face sunken in the pillow. Alan growls with bother while he feels the heat of some sunbeams on his nape of the neck. He growls because he wishes to sleep, only had managed to close...

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