Introductions and Cheating?

Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#1 of Two Families

The family of Jack visits the farm and finally Perdita meets the friends of her husband and her son. The dalmatian female finds them interesting and in a kinky and unexpected way, she learns much more about Jack.

This is Story made for the birthday of my friend Littledipper.

The calm and clear day is enjoyed by a lot of pups in the farm, they have fun in various ways. Some play hide and seek and other ones swim to be refreshed.

For Lucky his ideal moment is passing it with his parents, mainly with his dad. The pup is close to his parents in the living room of the house while they observe television.

Lucky on his father leaning his forepaws and his on the head of his father to see over him. Pongo enjoys the moment while he sees the television with his son.

Perdita smiles smoothly when she sees the two, she had noticed that her son's and Pongo's bonds had narrowed a lot lately. The female also puts her attention in television.

The three see as a big pack of wolves chases caribous through a forest of the tundra.

They manage to separate one of them before surrounding it and killing it in a coordinate attack.

"Dad...Can the dogs be as lethal as wolves?" Lucky asks looking his father from above.

Pongo laughs softly by the question of Lucky.

"Well Lucky, wolves are dangerous because they attack and hunt in large numbers. Dogs can also come together to emulate packs of wolfs and in that way being strong like the wolves." Pongo says looking up to see Lucky.

"It is due that we have sharp and strong teeth?" Lucky asks with interest.

"Of course that not, they attack side by side supporting to each other like a family." Pongo says while he looks at his pup and sees to Perdita. She smiles softly while she sees to her mate.

The moment is interrupted when the telephone rings and Roger responds the call that rapidly catches the attention of the three dogs.

"Well... yeah... I do not see some problem, if you leave them with us." Roger says while he sees that Anita gets close to him.

"Then we expect you tomorrow." Roger says before saying good bye and hanging up the horn.

"Who was in the phone?" Anita asks.

"A friend that I knew in the camp of dogs, he has an important thing to do and he does not know with whom to let his dogs." Roger says while he looks at Anita, she looks at him with a little bit of surprise.

"Will there be any problems with our dogs?" Anita asks feeling a genuine worry of Pongo's possible fight or Perdita against strange dogs.

"There is no problem, Pongo and Lucky got along well with them and they became friends." Roger says while he looks at his pets. Pongo moves the tail with enthusiasm just like Lucky.

He cannot wait to see Blaze again, his sojourn in his house had been one of the best experiences of in his life, the sex that he had with his friend and family was incredible.

Pongo and Perdita also feel content, she remains ignorant to the true facts that hide the friendship of her husband and her son with that family of dogs.

"I must tell it to Cadpig and Rolly." Lucky says jumping forward and running to the kitchen to leave the house using the dog's door.

"Do not run." Perdita shouts feeling content to see happy at her pup. Pongo smiles looking to his wife, she smiles at him softly, and they know that the next days would be interesting.

The news of the visit rapidly gets to the ears of every animal in the farm, a lot of pups feel excited to know new friends. For the next day, the emotion can be felt in the air.

They wait that the owner and the family of Blaze show up at midafternoon. When the times comes, the dogs in addition to Roger and Anita are waiting in front of the house, Pongo sees Lucky walks in front of him repeatedly.

"You should calm down." Pongo says bending over to whisper in the ear of his son.

"But dad I..." Lucky says while he moves his front paws without being able to contain emotion.

"I know, but we should be cautious with the subject... a lot of eyes seeing." Pongo says looking at Perdita. Lucky swallows hard while he sees his mother, she is seeing the entrance of the farm.

Lucky swallows hard again feeling fear about that his mother finds out about truth, he and his father had talked of this before and Pongo assured him that the best is keeping it in secret until Lucky became adult.

After waiting around ten minutes they all see as a black automobile comes closer by the road. It is a not so extravagant automobile as Lucky waited although it is big because he is throwing an ample and bigger trailer than the one of Thunderbolt.

The automobile and the trailer enter in the farm and they stop in front of the house, Lucky sees as the master of Blaze is sitting on the backseat. The pup's heart beats with force.

The driver gets down from the automobile and helps down Blaze's master.

"Thanks Harold." The man says while he looks at the driver, he nods respectfully.

Roger immediately introduces Anita. Blaze's master kisses Anita's hand respectfully.

Lucky comes closer to the trailer's door in the meantime he wags his tail

"Do you want to take a cup of tea? Anita asks looking at the man.

"Thank you, I would love it." Blaze's owner responds while he takes off the hat and looks at the driver. He nods and opens the trailer door, Lucky suddenly falls on the ground when Blaze leaps on him.

"Hi Lucky!" Blaze says while he moves his tail and sees his friend.

"Blaze!" Lucky shouts at the moment that he sees his friend. Blaze smiles and moves to let that his friend gets up. Lucky and his brothers surround Blaze and his brothers beginning to introduce to each other.

Pongo gets close to the parents of the friends of his son and he greets them.

"Perdy, they are Jack and Lucy." Pongo says presenting Perdita to his friends.

She with interest looks to Jack, the German shepherd is a very handsome male with shining fur and he is in good physical condition. Her gaze moves over the male's body until it rest on the crotch of the dog.

His balls are big and his sheath certainly hides a delicious cock, Perdita gets surprised when realizes of what she thinks, she shakes her head realizing that he is dog with a very good pedigree, but with a mate.

Perdita puts her attention in the wife of Jack, Lucy is an also beautiful female, but her light blue eyes attracts Perdita's attention completely.

The Dalmatian female dog had never seen so beautiful eyes that irradiate intelligence and also kindles. The looks of the females cross and Lucy smiles a moment before stretching her paw to greet Perdita.

She reciprocates the greeting while pups begin to play around.

"The pups were very excited of coming." Lucy says looking at Perdita and Pongo. They laugh smoothly.

"Here was the same thing, having new friends of games is something that pups love." Pongo says looking at his two friends. Jack laughs just like his mate and the two Dalmatians.

They see that Roger and Anita enter in the house with to the owner of Jack.

"We will have a really good time." Blaze says while he sees to his friend, Lucky nods and feels content just like the other pups that jump with emotion.

"That will happen after passing the time with our master." Jack says while he looks at his pups that whine with bother and of having to wait for beginning to play.

"You had listened to your father, after that you will be able to play all that you want." Lucy says while she looks at her family. They reluctantly enter in the house by the door of the dog.

Lucky also feels bother, but he goes away with his brothers, they all expect to be able to begin to play soon.

"Well, they does not seen nothing content." Perdita says while he sits in front of the other couple.

"I know it, but is the best like a goodbye." Jack says while he sighs with sadness and complete discouragement in his voice. Lucy nuzzles him and tries to comfort him.

"What do you mean?" Pongo asks without understanding his friend's words, but he sees that Jack is very sad.

"This will be last time that we will see our master live." Jack says while he sees Lucy.

She nods with sadness, Pongo and Perdita open their eyes with surprise listening to Jack's words.

"My master needs a much risked heart's surgery, much more at his age... he will not make it." Jack says while he looks at Pongo and Perdita.

"You need not to be pessimistic. I am sure that the things will come out all right." Pongo says while he looks at his friend. His heart becomes sad when seeing that the dog is completely sure of death of his master.

"No, I know that it is a sure thing, I have seen it." Jack says looking at his friends that looks at him with surprise. Jack notices the look of confusion of the other couple and he beings to tell them about his life.

When Jack and Lucy finish saying their story, they excuse before entering in the house to be close to their family. Pongo and Perdita go away in direction of the barn to be able to get some rest.

"Well I suppose that pups will have a really good time, Lucy's and Jack's pups are playful." Perdita says laughing smoothly while he walks next to Pongo.

"I know." Pongo says while he laughs smoothly and remind time that he spend near Lucky and the family of Blaze. But also comes to his mind the moments of group sex.

The eyes of the Dalmatian open completely.

"Perdy, I will come back in a moment, I must do something important." Pongo says looking at his mate. Perdita raises an eyebrow a moment and nods before keeping on walking.

Pongo rapidly return to the house and he enters in it using the door of the dog. He sees that Jack's pups are fooling around while the couple of German shepherds looks at them attentively with a smile.

Roger and Anita chat in a friendly way with the master of Jack. The three seem to get along very well.

Jack notices Pongo's presence and makes him a face, Pongo nods and he comes closer.

"I am sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to request to you that you talk with your pups in order that they be careful with mine in the sexual stuff, only Lucky knows about this. Perdita does not know about us too." Pongo says while he looks at Lucy and Jack.

"Ok, we will see that they understand to control themselves, we refuse to cause problems neither your family. Jack says looking at his friend and smiling in a friendly way just like his mate.

"Thanks." Pongo says while he smiles and winks one to the couple. Lucy again puts her attention in her pups. Pongo looks at Jack and he makes a grimace.

"At midnight close to the food tower." Pongo says whispering.

Jack opens his eyes and nods with enthusiasm. Pongo leaves the house while he feels calmer knowing that he has more time to think about a way of dealing with the subject of Lucky and Blaze.

After one hour, Blaze's master should go away, he says good-bye to Roger and Anita shaking hands with them. The man also says good-bye to his pets, Jack is who shows him more affection and he refuses to separate from his owner.

"Good boy, girl take care of the children." Jack's master says looking at his German shepherds. Jack and Lucy bark and move their tails, their master smiling goes away to sit on the back seat of the automobile.

Jack sighs when he sees as the automobile gets out of the farm and it goes away by the way, Lucy gives him a slow and affectionate lick to encourage him. Their pups finally are free to explore the farm.

Pups rapidly meet with the other pups and begin to play, Lucky are felt restless while he waits for his friend. He gets excited when he sees that Blaze and Kaleb come on running toward him.

Both leap on Lucky when they are near him, the three pups roll some moments before stopping and laughing noisily.

"I will show the best places of the whole farm." Lucky says while he runs among his friends. The three pups walk on every side, Lucky sees as the sisters of Blaze have male pups to their around that they follow them and Patch and the other brothers of Lucky try to catch their attention.

Kaleb puts his attention in the sisters of Lucky, he sees that as Kaleb looks at the girls time after time while his eyes reflect his desire of fucking them. He as each member of his family had in mind the new friends of sex that they would find in the farm.

"Remember what said dad, nothing of problems." Blaze says looking at his brother.

Kaleb looks at him and nods in silence while he tries to separate his mind of the desires that he feels.

"What did your father tell you?" Lucky asks looking at his two friends. He had noticed Kaleb's desire for his sisters.

"Nothing about having sex with his family, dad said us that not all of you know about our fun." Blaze says looking at his friend and next to his brother. Lucky looks at Kaleb expecting a confirmation that he obtains.

"Dad said that we should control ourselves until we get in the trailer, there we could perhaps have fun." Kaleb says with a growl of bother.

"At night we can perhaps make it. I mean nobody would see us." Lucky says looking at Blaze and Kaleb. Lucky wants to fuck with his friend.

"That is a good idea." Blaze says looking at Lucky. He nods and looks at Kaleb, he nods too while he moves his tail with enthusiasm.

Just at that moment Pongo walks on the farm and sees as his pups and the pups of Jack begin get along very well. For the Dalmatian it is something completely natural that they become friends rapidly.

Perdita also finds content with the opportunity to have a friend, she and Lucy walk together by the farm. She takes her friend to a close hill that is near to the farm.

"The sight is beautiful." Lucy says sighing while she looks at the valley that stands below.

It is full place of vegetation and a little river that flows slowly while some fishes moves in it.

"I see that you are worried." Perdita says looking at Lucy. She nods in silence.

"Jack never makes a mistake, we are thinking about the possibilities and the best is looking for good homes for the pups. I guess that we can live in the street." Lucy says looking at Perdita and closing the eyes with sadness.

"Did you live in the street?" Perdita asks with surprise while she sees at the German shepherd female dog. She nods again quietly.

"I had a good home, but things began to change rapidly until I was compelled to leave, to live in the street it is something very hard and difficult." Lucy says while Perdita listens attentively.

"So I fell in prostitution, it was the only way of getting food; well I do not know, if giving oral sex counts as such. I never had a sexual experience so it was something hard." Lucy says while she sighs with sadness to remember those difficult days.

"One of my first clients raped me anally and next he took me to me his boss, a Great Dane. Later I learned that my virginity was sold to his boss and his friends." Lucy says while she looks at Perdita.

She opens her eyes with complete surprise at the thought of so terrible experience, it is the worst that could pass to a female, being used without her will.

"Before it became a gangbang I managed to escape and jump to Thames River. It dragged me until I could get to a park in middle of a terrible storm." Lucy says while he looks at Perdita.

The Dalmatian female dog breathes with a little more relief knowing that Lucy had escaped of those dogs.

"I looked for cover and I came across Jack. He was waiting for me." Lucy says while he looks at her friend. Perdita nods and smiles in a friendly way.

"My mate found me too, Pongo saw me from a window while I went to the park with my owner, and he deceived Roger to take him at the park for a walk where we were acquainted." Perdita says looking at Lucy.

"I was sitting when Pongo and Roger passed in front of us, he did catch my attention and Anita also noticed them. Both crossed the look and I did not know what to do, Pongo began to fidget with the hat of Roger. Anita and Roger crossed looks during that moment before she decided to go away." Perdita says looking at her friend.

"But Pongo would not surrender until he meet us, before knowing it he used managed to tie Roger and Anita side by side. They fell into water and dragged us to water too, since that moment everything for me and Pongo was great." Perdita says looking at Lucy.

The German shepherd female dog smiles softly just like Perdita. The two females feel content with their respective husbands. After chatting and knowing a little more to her new friend Perdita walks in the farm while she watches his pups.

She walks slowly and she stops when she feels something that alerts her senses. Perdita raises her snout and sniffs air, a sound of a branch hitting a stone catches her attention.

Perdita gets startled when she feels a fast lick on her vulva, she turns over and sees that Pongo is behind her.

"¡¡Pongo!!" Perdita says with angry in the meantime she sees to her mate. Pongo smiles and kiss his wife pushing his tongue in her mouth. Perdita rapidly forgets her bother and responds the kiss.

Pongo breaks off the kiss and caress his mate's body with his nose. She feels as the hot respiration of Pongo stirs her fur.

"Pongo... we cannot make this here." Perdita says and moans with pleasure when Pongo does a slow and complete lick to her slit. She quivers with pleasure when the wrinkled tongue moves on her clitoris.

Pongo does not stop while he gives affectionate licks to that special region of his wife, he feels as the slit begins to liberate to juices. The Dalmatian enjoys them.

He pushes his tongue, Perdita growls and lifts her tail up, she feels as her body reacts and her pleasure grows. Her mate's tongue moves in her vagina caressing her inside.

Perdita pants and moans while Pongo eats up her pussy, she enjoys the oral sex of her husband, he is talented with his tongue.

Juices drip from the mouth of Pongo and fall on the dry floor between the hind legs of Perdita. She moans while Pongo continues giving her pleasure, Perdita's eyes suddenly open with surprise when he listens to voices of pups that are near.

"Dad is close, come on." The voice of a pup says. Perdita rapidly draws away from Pongo and runs towards the shrubs to flee from there.

She does not want that any one of her pups see them making this, just when she jumps behind a shrub the female listens the laughter of her sons that knock down Pongo.

Perdita walks rapidly to get away from place, she whines with each step, her swollen vulva is stimulated with each step, her clitoris rubs the intern part of her thighs and this makes that she quivers with pleasure.

The Dalmatian female dog stops when she thinks that she is to a safe distance, she leans forward and rests her chest on the grass at the same time that she opens her legs wide.

The female puts her paw on her vulva and she begins to masturbate rapidly with despair.

She moans and pants while the small pads of her paw caress her clitoris and they get wet in juices.

Her toes get in her slit and they move up and down, she moans of pleasure and the tongue hangs from her mouth, her eyes suddenly open when she feels a new lick on her slit.

She sees between her legs and only sees the legs of a German shepherd. Two forepaws catch her ass and the licks resume.

"This is wrong." Perdita says when she sees over her shoulder and sees that Jack is who gives her oral sex. Jack licks the female's slit perceiving the juices slowly.

It is delicious and it has your particular different taste to the one of other females, this Dalmatian female dog is beautiful and sensual. Jack holds the female's hips while he licks with calm.

Perdita pants and moans with more force as her pleasure grows, one of the teeth of Jack rubs hers clitoris and Perdita knows that this is wrong, but pleasure is incredible. Her sensitive slit is caressed and bathed with viscous saliva. The female sees below her body and her eyes open when they see that the tip of the penis of Jack is visible.

She sees as that hard shaft grows and the sheath contracts slowly until the knot appears, the dog's penis is a little bigger than Pongo's cock.

The member's aroma gets to Perdita's nose, she breathes in and her body trembles perceiving that aroma. Jack licks and pushes his tongue in the Dalmatian female dog, he feels as his tongue is surrounded by warm and delicious juice.

The Dalmatian female dog begins to tremble with pleasure when her orgasm is triggered in her body.

Jack moves his tongue and juice little squirts fall on his face. The German shepherd continues licking while he feels as the spurts of precum are fired from his penis.

Perdita shakes lightly and her body falls with her ass on air. She pants while Jack licks his mouth some moments, he surrounds Perdita that does not move. She looks as Jack moves his hips and his penis rocks in front of her face.

The female feels the masculine aroma of the genitals of the dog, she opens her mouth and takes the hard cock. The taste pleases Perdita, this meat shoots precum covering her palate.

The precum falls on her tongue, it has an unique and different taste. Perdita moves her head slowly and the cock enters and goes out of her throat. Lips touch the knot repeatedly.

Jack moans with pleasure while he feels as his penis is sucked by the wife of Pongo, Perdita takes out the penis from her mouth and uses her tongue's tip to hit the penis tip.

She picks up the precum while he sees as the dog moans, Perdita catches Jack's balls and massages them. The female dog squeezes his testicles softly, they are big and hot.

She caresses the halfback line that divides two balls, her tongue moves and gets to the knot. It is big and delicious as the rest of the canine member, Perdita's tongue covers that mass of meat with saliva.

The female begins to lick the balls of the German shepherd getting them wet in saliva before sucking the balls with calm.

Jack watches pleasure as the female licks and sucks his cock with pleasure.

Pongo had told him that his mate was a lustful female dog when desire takes control of her body, he knows that his friend said truth all this time. Jack's moans increase and he pulls out his penis from the hot mouth of the female.

The saliva drips from his member, he takes Perdita's paw and he helps her to get up.

Perdita looks as the German shepherd positions himself behind her and he mounts her.

Perdita feels the weight of the male on her body, she should resist but her wet and boiling sex needs the hard penis. Jack moves his hips and his penis tip touches Perdita's vulva.

She opens her eyes and growls with pleasure when the German shepherd sinks his cock in her needy and wet sex. Jack pants and moans with pleasure when warm vaginal walls surround his shaft.

Jack begins moving, he moans and Perdita growls of pleasure while he fucks the wife of his friend, she moans with pleasure with each thrust of Jack.

"You are big." Perdita says while she feels as the large and thick penis moves inside and out of her vagina. It is a pleasure that she enjoys a lot, Jack moves with a similar speed to the one of Pongo.

"Thanks." Jack says growling while he continues pumping his penis. The spurts of precum covers Perdita's vaginal walls, the knot of the German shepherd hits her vulva and the sound of splashing is heard.

Jack licks and bites the female's neck with care, Perdita closes her eyes while her body rocks and enjoys the bites of the dog. Juices drip abundantly of the slit of the Dalmatian female.

Perdita pants and opens her eyes when Jack's knot begins to press her vulva, she moans and pants while he listens as the dog growls and he pushes with force to knot this female.

Perdita moans when her pink opening opens and the knot of Jack enters in her vagina.

She trembles feeling that the canine shaft is stuck in her tunnel of love, Jack moves with more force and increases the velocity of his thrusts.

Both drool and moan in the meantime they continue mating, the quantity of juices and precum increases rapidly just like the moans of both. Jack stops suddenly and growling he releases his seed in Perdita.

"No... no... no..." are the words that resound in the mind of the female dog that knows that he had cheated to her husband. But moans and the moderate quivers of her orgasm calm her denial.

The shoots of cum splashes her vaginal walls and they mix with her juices.

Jack feels as his penis is squeezed to extract more semen, he enjoys that sensation until his penis shots the last semen spurts. Perdita and Jack breathe agitatedly while they are united.

The female's eyes open when Jack's straight forepaw begins to caress her clitoris, she moans and her legs move without control. Jack uses the small pads of his paw to caress the sensible point.

He begins to move his hips slowly, Perdita's vagina releases more juices. Perdita moans and pants, her body again responds to the dog's subtle caresses.

Jack smiles content while he sees that Pongo's wife moans, the German shepherd begins taking out his penis without stopping the stimulation of the clitoris of Perdita, she moans of pain and pleasure when her vaginal opening opens again.

The dog's penis goes out slowly until the tip slips out of the vagina of Perdita. Semen and juices drip from the opening and Jack's penis.

Jack moves his hips and his penis tip touches Perdita's anus, she pants and looks over her shoulder to see at Jack. He surprises her with a kiss on the mouth the moment that he pushes his penis.

Perdita moans and reciprocates the kiss when the tip presses her sphincter, semen and juices get her posterior hole wet. The groan of pain of Perdita is calmed when the member opens her sphincter and it slides inside her.

Jack breaks off the kiss and begins to pump his penis in the female's tight anus. Perdita moans and permits that her body be used by the good-looking German shepherd.

The heavy balls hit the female's slit, she moans with pleasure, her anal walls are stimulated with each thrust.

"Oh Jack, you are here." A feminine voice says. Perdita gets alarmed and looks behind her, the female sees that Lucy gets close to them.

"Pups are swimming and they want you to see you jumping down from one of the branches, they want to see your famous cannonball." Lucy tells aim to her mate. Perdita looks ahead, they had been caught and without no possibility of lying.

"Well... I cannot now." Jack says at the moment of resuming his thrusts in the ass of Perdita. She moans and lowers her eyes shamefacedly, she cannot believe Jack's shameless.

Her eyes open with surprise when a tongue goes over the length of her vulva.

"Well as I see that you are busy, I do not bother you." Lucy says while she gives some steps forward and looks at Perdita. She continues looking at the ground with absolute shame, Lucy turns over and she goes away to pass between the shrubs.

When his mate is not plainly visible, Jack increases the velocity of his motions, Perdita begins to moan feeling ashamed enjoying this besides she was caught.

She feels as the penis enters and gets out of her posterior hole, her juices drip from her opening and fall on the green grass. She moves her tail content while Jack fucks her with force.

Perdita clenches her teeth and when the knot begins to press her sphincter, her hole slowly opens to wrap the knot of the dog. Jack pants and growls while he pushes.

He does a strong thrust and Perdita barks with pain when her rectum is invaded by all of the canine member. Jack does not lose time to continue fucking her.

Both moan and bark with pleasure, the hot walls surround the cock that moves. Jack does not stop while his ass moves rapidly, he likes very much the tight anus.

Perdita begins to pant and to moan with more force, her pleasure intensifies and with two pushes more she reaches an orgasm. Her juice squirts of her vagina and get wet the region under the legs of Jack.

She quivers losing the control of her body in that moment of intense pleasure, Perdita's anal spasms increase the pleasure of Jack that stops and that barks at the same time that his balls release his seed.

Semen splashes the anal walls and fills the cracks in the rectum of Perdita, she feels that pleasant and unique sensation. The pleasure of the lovers dies off until it disappears.

Both say absolutely nothing, Perdita breathes agitatedly while she knows that he had cheated Pongo. Jack for his part is completely satisfied, after a half-hour both separate and Jack cleans Perdita completely while she does not say absolutely nothing.

When Jack finishes with the cleanliness he stands up and look at Perdita, the dog winks the eye before going away and disappearing behind the shrubs. Perdita sits and tries to understand what had happened.

Pongo, Perdita, Lucky, Blaze, Pepper, Two-Tone, Cadpig, Rolly, Patch, Tripod, Anita, Roger, Penny, Jewel © Disney

Jack, Lucy, Amanda, Cindy and Kaleb are my characters.

A old friend

On the next day Allan wakes up listening his alarm clock, he has his face sunken in the pillow. Alan growls with bother while he feels the heat of some sunbeams on his nape of the neck. He growls because he wishes to sleep, only had managed to close...

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