Spring '09 Vore Project: The End of Slavery

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#6 of Spring '09 Vore Project

The End of Slavery

Annette shivered as she watched Death waiting for her to come down for company. Calm and patient, it called to her in the sweetly sibilant hiss that she had grown used to in her year of service to the grand Naga. She spent her year helping the massive serpent be groomed, pleasing her mistress in every desire, and of course, helping keep her fed. And now she would attend to that in the most personal manner she could. One year after becoming her slave, her terms will soon be ending in the large, scaled stomach that waited now with eager but patient hunger for her flesh.

The large serpent lady just watched with those brilliant yellow eyes, with her four powerful arms held at her sides as she lounged among a large nest of pillows. Her frame was sleek and feminine, wide hips and delicately curved belly. Though there were no breasts to break the curve of her chest, and that massively thick and long tail. The pillows the massive Naga rested in smelled of freshly laundered fabrics, but they were tinged with the indelible scent of death from the many other girls and boys she'd constricted upon them. It would be the nest she would be suffocated within, the nest her heart will stop beating in. The Gazelle girl's long legs shivered as her belly teats stiffened, long and sensitive now on her small udder. Her chest rose and fell with her panting breaths, flat and sleekly muscled. The lean girl slowly moved closer to the much older and larger Naga, the thrill of finally being prey maade it hard to hold still as she knelt amid the center of those many pillows. Signalling to the Naga she was finally her prey.

One pair of hands caressed Annette's cheeks, smooth and soft as the cooly scaled fingers traced the heat of her fur. One finger soon rested on her neck, the sensation making the young Gazelle quiver softly, knowing her racing pulse was being tested. Her scent stank of fear, but she knew this was quite acceptance. She was food. This was her place. Her bed would soon be in the eternal comfort of the Naga's belly, to join her lover's great strength and power intimately, for the Naga's much longer life. The Gazelle's lap was already heated with that strange, tingly lust she got when she watched her master feed. And the knowledge of what she was going to eat made it worse. A quiet whine escaped Annete as she felt a third hand slip down to squeeze her plump nipples, caress and weigh the small udder above her lap before slipping a finger, smooth and sleek into the Gazelle's wet, aching folds.

The petting continued, one hand was brushing her hair while another took her pulse with a stern firmness. The other paws toyed with her thick teats of her small lap breasts, reaching down to glide a finger in and out of the damp heat of her arousal. The Naga knew well where to press to make Annette moan, and the Gazelle was on a hair trigger by this hour. Her bleats echoed in the empty chamber. No audience was present for this slave's ending. The Naga gave the slave girl her last wishes, one last time alone with her lover and master before her life ended. And now the snakewoman's big, heavy tail drew the panting, shaking Gazelle girl close to her powerful chest. To cuddle and stroke her hair and feel the heat burning between her thighs. Teasing and rubbing to drive her ever further in lust for the fatal dance that would come quite soon. Perhaps minutes away before the Naga embraces her Gazelle slave and pet in a deadly dance of powerful coils.

"Relax my love, and enjoy yourself. This is one dance you only get to savor once..." The Naga hissed in Annette's ear between soft licks and kisses, enjoying the sight of her long ears flicking shyly. Annette looks down, staring at the pillow beneath her chest. Wondering if soon she'll soon be clutching it in dying spasms as that tail steals her life out from her. The finger on her racing pulse moved to unclasp her leather collar, slipping it off so the girl is fully nude. Presented to her master as food as she is guided by whispers and strong hands to settle her on hands and knees. To best to expose her flat chest for the constrictor's deadly grasp. But first the Naga has one last gift to give to the girl before she kills her.

The Naga's large hips sprawled over to present the broad slit of the her lap, pressing it out with obvious intentions for the Gazelle to follow through. Her mistress laying back to be pleasured as she had many times before, only now it will be the Gazelle's last taste in her mouth when she leaves this life. Annette stares down that slick slit, her fingers reached up to brush the outer curves and delicate scales. Admiring how they pouted subtly, not the bold flowering of her own cunny. A sensual pink hue was on those scales as she leaned in to give her first quiet kisses upon that smooth slit. Her tongue was hot on cool scales as she wrapped her arms about the broad hips of the large constrictor, to begin the firm kisses and licks needed to please her master as she had done many times before.

Although she never had the weight of her imminent death upon her back as well, that tail lazily sprawled over to pull her closer in to let Annette feel the weight and power. The taste is just as lovingly exotic as she recalled on her first frightful day of slavery. Hot, sharp and so much stronger than she first expects. As if to mirror the power and grace of the Naga herself. A soft moan from the Naga hissed from content lips, and soon all four hands are rubbing at her ears, back, shoulders and sides. A rolling series of brushes and pets to encourage and guide lips where best to kiss and lick into her big, thick slit. Helping the Gazelle dig in nice and deep into the supple coolness of the serpent's sex.

Annette closed her eyes and let her mind drift for these last moments. Just savoring the slick muskiness on her lips and the cool, sensual wetness of her intimate and final kisses with her master. Exploring the feel of her folds pressed to her lips with each steady kiss, working to pleasure her master a final time. Holding that weight upon her back as heavy, slithering coils worked to get settled around her body, draped upon her hips as those many fingers and hands brush and stroke at her hair. Annette could feel her master's pleasure build up in response to her working tongue and lips. She knew the subtle cues the Naga gave her to work her kisses further and faster, to use her hands to rub along the edges and spread the sensitive, scaled slit gently. The ways to work her serpent lover's pleasure into the final heat of climax as her breath pants upon that big, wet cunt. Knowing once she does so, her life will be forfeit and soon ended.

The Naga's moans grew more urgent, begging the Gazelle to end her life with those noisy little kisses and slurps she gave the Naga's folds. Annette shivered, but followed the Naga's guiding attention to work her muzzle firmly against that plush slit. Tongue pushed in with quick, wet slurps, noisy kisses and slick nuzzles to draw out that pleasure that will be fatal to herself. The slit beneath her lips twitched, getting very close to climax as four four hands clutched at the Gazelle's hair and sides. Holding her tight as Annette's breath was pressed out in a tight grasp of a tail. A promise and hint of what she'll soon fully experience as she grunted and clenched her eyes shuts to double her efforts.

The reward was soon given with a sharp cry from the Naga as her pleasure finally spilled out. Musky droplets collecting and scenting the young Gazelle's lips as she licked and groomed every drop she can. Sharp and tart in the serpent's climactic tastes, she knows this will be the last thing she will get to taste. Taking her time this time to try to catch every drop and quiver beneath her, before it's too late. Her heart pounded in her chest as the Naga's pleasure rolls on and on, and a small part of the Gazelle wishes it will never end.

But soon those desperate little caresses end, and the Naga's heavy tail shifted. Coiling it's smooth, cool bulk about the Gazelle's midsection. Signaling her death to come as Annette gasped, shaking softly despite her normal stoic restraint. Her body was pushed about, encouraged to get on all fours, chest lifted high. The big belly scales were rough, and a quiet gurgling grows loud around the bound Gazelle. The Naga's belly rumbling in hunger even as the coils it is within get wrapped leisurely about her chest. Annette's udder teats are as stiff as they can be, the two long pink nipples aching in lust. Her folds are dripping as the big tail finished the three lazy loops that will embrace all her mid section. Scales casually looped around knees before the tailtip snagged her wrists behind her. Hold her as the Naga squirmed and gets settled to watch her prize pet be suffocated in her strangling grasp. Ready to start in just a few more moments as she whispered, "Hush darling, just relax, and feel free to fight it, it's only natural... but escape will come soon..."

Annette can only nod shyly, bound with those coils, so heavy atop her. She relaxes her arms, resting on the powerful scales and muscles that will end her life. It's as relaxing as it is scary. But she knows her worries will be ended in a few minutes. Fingers trace her ears, then the Naga settles, "when you're ready love, just tell me goodnight. Then it's off to heaven with you..."

Annette breathes, slow and deep. Finding the air strongly scented with her lust as well as her master's orgasm she just brought her to. Hot and sweet as she shakes for a moment, before taking one more long deep breath. Then the Gazelle exhales and inhales, counting up to three in her head. On one, her tail flitted wildly as she prepares to signal her master to kill her. Two, realizing how oddly wet that thought made her, but accepting that. Three, "goodnight my love" she whispers.

She gets little else out, except a strained, whistling bleat as scales clamp down and twist upon her hide. Her last words spoken in this world. Her flat chest pressed with the snake's predatory power, pushing her lungs down and making her final sounds a gasp and whistled moan as the air is pushed out of her chest. Her muscles tremble to rise, but fail against the constrictor's powerful hold. Her mouth opened and closed, a fish out of water as Annette's eyes widened. The pain is sharp, but steady and soothing in it's power, reminding her the knowledge she will soon be dead and it will all end. She does little but just mouth helpless, shaking subtly from time to time. She's never been so helpless to this powerful serpent, having only been teased before of what the fate of constriction held.

Her muscles ached and lungs were burning for release as the adrenaline rolls in. The instinctual struggles began. Annette tried to flex her splayed legs, but found them held firmly by the taut scales and muscles of her master, just squirming them futilely. Her arms fought to rise, but were held down by the sheer weight upon her back as much as the sleek loop of scaled muscles around them. The yellow eyes of the Naga watched, catching every detail as the Gazelle's body flexed, muscles rippling with life under her hide. The Serpent tightened muscles and slipped her grasp around to expertly suffocate Annete, as the pet had seen her do many times before. But now she will know fully what power the snake holds over her.

Annette's legs cramped painfully under the weight, while her chest burned with the protests of her empty lungs. The Gazelle could feel a sharp tingle of pleasure in her loins despite these pains. Finding herself staring at the jaws before her fitfully jerking body. Imagining how they'll open, revealing the slimy throat her dead lips will pass in one final kiss. Small sparkles in her vision herald the arrival of her death by asphyxiation as she shakes in fear. Her struggles grew more desperate, feral, as she tossed her head about, wishing she could shake off the darkness stealing her vision. Desiring nothing more but to cry out how much it hurts, how much she loves it, how she Will soon be nothing a ball of meat bulging her master's broad coils in a lewd display of gluttony. The world spun before her as she quaked under the pain of her life leaving her, her whole body fighting to hold on as the pain burns on so brightly, letting her know her life is steadily ending in the Serpent's hold.

Darkness filled more of her vision as her struggles turn to weak spasms. Her head slumped as her body gave in to asphyxiation, the room faded as a strange, hot pleasure started to replace the burning pain. Annette felt a tremor in her loins as a quiet little orgasm shuddered in her half dead form. And then the hot, lazy trickle of piss as her muscles begin to give in. The dirty fluid dribbling down her thighs with a wet, pungent heat as she tried to stop it. But her body no longer listened to her, the Gazelle too far gone as she stared at the pillow she picked out just that morning to die upon. The fear of death faded fully with her vision as she gave up. Awaiting the velvety coolness that will soon take all the pain away. She just needed to be patient, like the constrictor who stole her life away. Her last sensation the pleasurable warmth of afterglow that replaced the burning pain in her dying body. And the odd, erotic humiliation of knowing she just spilled her bladder all over her master's nest. She's such a dirty little thing, and deserves this punishment now. A bad little Gazelle like her deserved to be fed to a snake. Just like she was teased when she was a little girl. The strange last thought made her smile one last time, as she finally slipped under, to await death to swallow her like a giant snake.

The Naga held Annette's limp form, watching the way her little body quaked in defiance to death even in unconsciousness. The Gazelle's heart raced to keep beating, but found itself slowing, struggling unconsciously like a good prey animal should. And with a final, last tremble her life ended in that airless embrace. A small puddle of her sharp scented urine was left between her thighs and all over the pillows when she lost control. A small puddle of drool trickled from her half open jaws. Tongue dangling and eyes still wide, staring blankly at the floor. Her master giving her a last, long kiss on her lips, having an amused thought that she seemed to be smiling to death. Then she slowly pulled the dead girl into her maw. Swallowing in the lazy, patient manner serpents love to enjoy. Wanting to savor every taste of her meal, from the salty sweat upon her lap breasts to the sharp hint of her climax hidden amid the piss on the petals of her sex, and even the bitter urine that stained her once pristine thighs. All passed down her master's lips and tongue before the girl's dainty hooves would disappear in a last swallow. She rubbed the bulge that settled down her slim scaly chest and broad hips to her tail below. A satisfying, filling bulge from her most fulfilling slave. She hopes the next one will prove just as lovely in both entertainment and food.

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