A weighty promise (Rough)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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"So er, weren't we supposed to do this months ago?" whispered the tusked grin of a water deer herm to the plump badger taur besides hir.

"well, yeah, but shush you, for us it's only been a few hours." Was the reply, the bigger herm giving the smaller, lithe cervine a little grope for hir questions.

A gasp and pawing was the response to those fondles, the nude herm giggling and arching. "So uh, it was um, my turn now..." Shi gulped as shi looked up, looking over the limp form of a fennec demoness. The smaller herm strung up by a sleek rope around her neck, wings and arms bound. Hir erection still stiff and petite in death, cum having dribbled down hir striped thighs. The sight of the poor, dead herm making the water deer shiver and blush in growing arousal. Especially since shi promised it would be hir turn to be snuffed when the snuff request project was finished.

The badger kissed the deer girl, letting hir stare at hir fate as hir bigger hands roamed over the curves of a cervine's perky bust. "mmm, though I did have a nice little idea for you, instead of another hanging..."

The water deer nodded softly, still looking over the dead herm before them. Shi knows tonight shi'll join the naughty succubi in hell, but they do have the best parties. Hir heart racing as shi bites hir lip, peering back at the badgertaur who the naughty little fennec was hung from. "And how was that?"

The fat badgertaur leaned in to kiss the deer's neck. "I was thinking you might look really cute beneath me, and I'll show you how heavy I really am."

"Eep, smothering?" The deer giggle-blushed, looking over the badger's large, plush haunches. Lots of fluff.. and big, fat cunny lips. And shi was so wide and round too. Hir lungs already feeling short of breath just thinking of being buried in that soft fur and hot flesh. Heavily pressing on her chest and finding nothing but fur to wrap lips around...

A pinch on nipples makes the herm deer squeek and gasp, looking down with a blush as hir erection throbbed to the air. The badger gazing upon it before reaching a finger down, twirling it against the pointy tip. "I see you're approving of the idea" The deer squirming and nestling closer against the larger taur with a blush in hir ears.

"Well then, would a pretty little doebuck like to lay back, and let a naughty old badger do hir in?" Her hands continued to fondle as shi whispered in the deer's ear, reaching down to nudge a finger into folds and cup her dangling ballsac. The doebuck moaning as she presses tighter, flushed and squirming, biting a lip as she looks up to the dead fennec. She did make a promise...

"Hrr, I suppose I am yours darling, to use and abuse as your wishes desire." The deer whispered back, eyes closing as she savors the wandering paws of the badger exploring hir body. Smelling the badger's arousal growing as those fingers tease and fondle hir body, that soon will be as limp as still as the vulpine before them.

"Time to lay back and join a fennec then, just relax darling, it'll only be a few heavy minutes..." Shi bites the cervine's neck softly, then steps back, awaiting hir partner to lay down. The deer fidgets and squirms, biting hir lip with a whine. Looking between the dead fennec and the patient badger before blushing and kneeling down. Then laying back. Staring up at the clouds for the last time.

Hir vision eclipsed soon by the badger's fat, broad rump and haunches. Hir slimy black prick dangling before hir lips as shi rumbles happily. Dark folds puffy and so wet as the deer blushes. Knowing soon shi'll have nothing but badger cunny and butt to breathe. Those big, broad hips lean in, smearing badger arousal and ballsac across her tusked lips. Then that rump shifts to settle just above her head. Nose nearly pressed into those fat, wet folds. Stinking of sex as the deer moans in fright. The badger rumbling from above, "Take a deep breath love..."

The deer follows that command, cool, sweet air strongly scented by the badger's musky hips. Then that weight settles atop her. Rump nestling around her face as the badger's lower belly settles on her. Forelegs settling on hir own legs as the weight presses down. The poor doebuck gasps into all that thick fur as the weight presses her chest down. ANd those poor, emptied lungs find themselves fighting to rise against that weight. But even worse, she finds nothing but fur and flesh to breath in. nose pressed firmly against cunny lips as her own lips press in subtly.

"Try not to bite darling, I know those tusks are more than just for show. Just relax, let yourself go..." the badger gasps as the deer begins to instinctively struggle. Paws grabbing at fur, tugging, pulling and trying to push off the fat badger. But shi outweighs the smaller herm at least three to one, so it's a futile fight. Shi can feel those tusks shift around, but they're held too firmly by her bulk to do any damage anymore. The doebuck finding her muzzle trapped under a tail or against a fat, dribbling cunt. No air in either spot to breath, but the suckling gasps making strong, sensual tickles and caresses on the badger's folds and pucker. Panting and purring as shi just savors the struggles of the dying herm.

The doebuck's struggles grow more intense as her lungs burn and throb. The fact the badger is toying with hir arousal that's nestled between hir forelegs makes things worse. Again and again shi tries to pull in air. Hir chest straining uselessly to rise. ANd only fat badger cunt to breath in. Gagging on the dripping badger juices as shi smacks and slaps the badger's big fat ass. Shi hopes shi'll at least leave some soreness before shi dies. Hir arms aching as hir body shakes with the need for air, watching stars fill hir blinded vision, nothing but fur and flesh to see.

The steady pounding of fists on badger rump grow more frantic and weak. Clutching at the thick fur as faint, quiet whimpers ripple fromt he dying herm. Hir arousal oozing pre messily to the badger's amusement, as shi stiffly fingers and paws the deer girl's arousals. Enjoying the poor, dying struggles of the herm as her weight smothers the life from hir once lithe body. Those hands suddenly clutching, squeezing desperately.. then the herm cums. Messily gushing hir pleasure all over the badger's fingers and lap. Her long legs jerk, spasm and kick at the ground. Quick and frantically. Then in steadily weakening motions. The hands slipping from hir rump to try to rise, flopping against the ground.

The deerbuck doesn't get much more in. Hir whole body twists and writhes as shi clings to life... then unconscious as asphyxiation steals away hir will to fight. The badger can feel hir heart, fluttering so soft and delicate against hir own powerful taur heart. The herm's legs cramp and spasm fitfully for a few moments. The last of hir cum trickles from twitching folds and throbbing flesh. Hir seed oozing down hir lap as hir body shudders. But finally the lack of air is too much. Hir chest falls one last, delicate time. and never raises again. The poor herm succumbing to the badger's weight. Just a big, limp toy now.

The badger will wait a few more minutes, to let the doebuck's warmth settle into hir thick badger fur. A deep rumbling purr as shi finally gets up with a blush, to look over the poor deer. Hir lips blue, ears purple. Eyes rolled back as shi lays so still. Shi'll soon gently tug the doebuck over to the tree the fennec dangles from, to leave hir beneath their first victim. Musing to hirself, "Well then, I suppose I'll have to do myself in next. If that naughty muse REMEMBERS this time, and gets hir many tails in gear to finish the vore project. You'll see me snuff myself soon enough. Until then, sweet dreams of not so sweet things my darlings."

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