A Trainer's Bond (Final Draft)

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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A Trainer's Bond

Jim sighed and stretched out, annoyed how the summer heat was draining his energy. He Felt hot and sticky in his shirt while he tried to work on his Pokemon league work. He had just got his trainer's license and was eager to start practicing to get his first badge. But first it seemed like his dad was going to make him learn everything about training. He didn't know there was so much work, not just the romanticized 'walk around the country collecting 'mons' style the TV shows usually had. It felt like school again.

Well, except at school he didn't have the fun of hanging out with his friend Niner, four hundred pounds of Arcanine his dad had trained while he was growing up. While pretty much 'retired' from the shows and dueling he used to do, he was well used to being in Jim's presence and accepting his commands. Despite the usual rule of powerful 'mons not trusting a trainer without badges the books had you believe, things were usually a bit more loose. Though Niner was the relaxed type too, and didn't seem to mind an 'untested' trainer like some others would. Although having had been half Jim's pet as he grew up probably helped too.

For now Niner was sprawled on his back, panting lazily and trying to urge the studying human to rub his belly instead. Jim did his best to ignore his little whines for attention. But when a giant dog who is six feet tall wants attention he usually gets it. Soon he was nosing the tablet computer aside to roll over on his back again for scritches in front of his trainer.

"Oh you silly Niner, I bet you're loving this heat. Me, I think I'm gonna melt soon at this rate," The human giving in and rubbing the big Arcanine's tummy, enjoying the feel of that long, soft fur. Scritching quick and firm as he felt the fire-type's heat wash against his hands. "Hmmph, I think this heat is all your doing. You haven't been practicing sunny day now lately have you," teased Jim, as his hands rubbed up towards the massive dog's chest. Although he found his gaze drifting downwards towards his lap, biting his lip shyly as he eyed that big, fat furry sheath and heavily dangling ballsac.

While Niner's always been Jim's best friend, the human teen was starting to have some other thoughts of things to do with his friend. And it didn't help he had a rather interesting dream involving Niner starting a more intimate relation with the young boy a few months ago. The courageously horny streaks of adolescence were starting to flare up, and the summer heat just made them worse. Though he was a bit embarrassed at having masturbated to the thought of having sex with his friend, the thought of it now was always lurking in the back of his head whenever he was around the big Arcanine.

And with that big Arcanine rather blatantly showing himself off, even inadvertently, was Jim blush brightly. He bit his lip and looked away, eying the clock on his tablet, and seeing dad would be away for a few hours. A naughty little thought had taken hold and was trying to draw up courage to see if Niner might return the more intimate affection he wanted. Though when your lover is four times your weight and over a foot taller, let alone several more longer, it wasn't something he wanted to be too aggressive about.

Not that he thought the powerful Arcanine would intentionally hurt him. Though letting him, ahem, make love as in his dream would be a guarantee of breaking poor Jim. Though that didn't stop him from fantasizing about it on several nights, dreaming of those big legs planted around him. The heat pouring onto his back as all that lush fur rubs back and forth. And of course that incredibly beautiful arousal buried in him, as a lover and friend. Niner's big tail flagging proudly as he howled his climax, just like when he watched Niner breed a pretty Ninetails. His dad thought he was just being bashful about learning about Pokemon breeding, not knowing about the dreams and affection he had for the Pokemon. But having grown up together, it just seemed so natural and normal.

Though he didn't think Dad or Mom would appreciate knowing he was a Pokephile. While loving your Pokemon was seen as a touch awkward, if nothing too weird, making love to them was another thing altogether. It wasn't quite as bad as someone who preferred normal animals, given the obvious intelligence Pokemon show. It was still, well, love outside your species. But hey, if breeding can go out of species, why not with humans as well. But maybe things are just more simple and clear-cut when you are 13 and those hormones are burning away full throttle. Although Niner being male didn't bug Jim any. He was just more comfy with other boys. It seemed kind of, more fun, in a devilish naughty sort of way.

A few licks and slobbery hot kisses on his cheek broke Jim's day dreaming with a bright blush. Those big golden eyes cheerfully gazing back, making the boy wonder how much Niner might know about his interest in him. Of course, the stiff boner in his shorts didn't help a thing. And with that realization his naughty idea dug in a little more, sparking another few more ideas as a plan formed from the courage of adolescent horniness.

"Say, it's too hot to study. I bet it's too hot for you too. How about a quick shower to cool off, it's been a while." He had bathed with the Arcanine many times before when he was younger. Though when he got older it had started to feel a little awkward, though he wasn't certain why. Of course, now he knew what all that private intimacy stuff was, but his interest had turned back towards it once more, although with more lewd intentions. He hoped the big Arcanine wouldn't dislike him for it. Having Niner stop obeying his commands would probably give away more than he'd like about why he angered the big Pokemon.

But the big canine didn't show any displeasure in following Jim to the bathroom. Nails clicked on the tiles as the human nervously closed the door. His heart pounded in his chest in anticipation and worry at his next moves. His arousal was doing it's best to push those worries aside, and was mostly succeeding as he shyly stripped his shirt off. His shorts slid down next, a little flush of awkwardness as he watched his erection spring forth from lowered underwear. Niner giving it a curious glance, though he made no reaction otherwise.

Soon nude as he looked himself over in a mirror. Lanky thin still, light skin, freckles, and thin red hair giving him a pretty stereotypical 'nerdy' look. Though his dad managed to look refined and intellectual, Jim felt he was the type to be looking for errant dice and CCG cards. Not there was anything wrong with that, but he hoped his looks could be refined to something more appealing. Though for now all he wanted to appeal to was the large Arcanine who was dwarfing him right now. Intimately as well, as he looked over his stiff, slender penis dangling between his legs. The uncut length showing a thin layer of hair newly grown along his lap. He knew he was adult enough to do what he wanted to do, but just needed to know how to ask Niner.

Jim looked over at the big dog, feeling an inquisitive gaze in those big golden eyes. He decided no time was like the present, and if he was slow, gentle and loving, Niner would show him his feelings about the matter. He carefully leaned in and knelt down, hugging the massive Arcanine closer. "Uh, heh, Hiya Niner... so uh, I had a dream with you..." he started, as his hands began to rub his lower sides and belly. He worked his hands in wandering circles towards a lap, trying to put as much confidence to his motions as he could get his shaking hands to show. "You uh, well, made love to me... " his cheeks were burning now, even if he was admitting this to a Pokemon who wasn't even officially his yet. But he leaned in closer, pressing his nose to the Arcanine's, whispering slowly, "It was, well, beautiful I think. And I'd, er, love to, well, love you sometime. Well, I love you, but I want to, uh, make love... if you, um, get my drift..."

He was very thankful dad was going to be gone for a few hours. If he caught him whispering sweet nothings to his Pokemon it would probably be the end of his career right then and there. But Niner just gave a loving nuzzle back, a wet lick in return as Jim giggled. His confidence boosted greatly by that kind touch, he bit his lip and looked down the big canine's body to his haunches. His hands slipped down to settle on each side of that grand sheath. Slowly he moved them forward, and cupped his lover's cream furred sheath, watching carefully to see the dog's reaction. A quiet huff of breath, and then deep red flesh of his tapered penis peeked free. Steadily it slid out, inch after inch of slick, crimson flesh revealed while Jim's heart pounded in his ears, knowing Niner had accepted his offer. "I, I love you..." he whispered, "And just want to make you feel good."

His hands worked slowly, fingers tracing back and forth to get that thick sheath worked up. The warmth was almost too much for his hands as he embraced his friend intimately. Niner gave him a firm nuzzle against his side, distracting Jim so he could then flop onto his side before the human. The dog's legs were spread in a way that could not be seen in any other way but beckoning one onward. And Jim followed that invitation, kneeling down on the cool tiles to lean his head down. Looking over the massive length that was presented to him, running a finger along the darker veins of the slippery flesh. He leaned his head closer and kissed the slippery, pointy tip of his lover's penis for the first time. A jet of hot, faintly metallic fluid kissed his tongue back. It was like hot saltwater, though better tasting. His body shook as he took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself and keep himself from fainting in lust. He was inches from fulfilling one of those fantasies he had late at night, when those summer nights were too hot to go to sleep without a little fun first.

Finally Jim gathered enough nerve, and he leaned himself over against Niner's soft belly and chest fur. Feeling that wonderful heat against his chest as he opened his lips wide and carefully. And he guided the red, throbbing penis of his lover into his mouth to suck upon daintily. He couldn't believe how big the Arcanine was really, it must have been over a foot of stiff, straight flesh. A deep red color tinged to dark purple along the base as his hands guided the sheath back to expose it fully. It was almost burning hot, but soothingly so on his tongue and lips. He bobbed his head slowly, just like he saw a girl do in a movie on a friend's computer. Feeling the flesh between his lips pulse with life and pleasure, spilling more hot fluid against his lips. He knew males dribbled precum when aroused, but he wasn't expecting it to squirt in little jets like Niner was. It was nice feeling though, knowing it was his lover's enjoyment of the moment. His hands soon pushed that sheath back fully so his knot would be free to bloom, finger tips reaching out and stroking those heavy balls that dangled lewdly before his nose. He was finally doing it, giving his lover pleasure for the first time. He wished greatly he could be mounted by Niner, but seeing his size he finally he knew he'd never be able to take it safely. But he could give him his love in the next best way, as he got comfortable to begin really working to suck off his new mate.

His head rolled a little quicker when he heard Niner whine in enjoyment, hearing the loud cheerful panting of a dog in bliss. Time just melted away for him as he closed his eyes to savor every inch of flesh he could take. Loving the fact he could only engulf a little over half of that thick penis, envious of his love's proud endowment. Exploring the subtle curves of the straight penis, and tracing that pointy tip with a finger. Envious of how much more exotic and alluring it was to his slim, slightly curved and so much more plain maleness. Jim definitely thought dogs were quite blessed in the sexy shape of their maleness, so much nicer than a human one. A thicker spurt of pre made his eyes open to watch the canine's knot begin to swell. A shiver running up his spine as he eyed the tensing ballsac before him. Knowing that massive arousal was getting close to cumming now, soon to fill his mouth with his pleasure.

Jim panted through his nose as he watched that knot blossom with playful curiosity. He knew roughly how canines mated from his breeding classes. The way that knot would bulge and lock with a lover during mating, to let every drop fill their mate in climax. His fingers stroked the pulsing flesh of that swelling knot, feeling it bulge out against fingertips. He counted to three in his head, while the panting and whining moans behind him grew louder. Then he squeezed down in a loving firm on that knot with both hands. Feeling his mate's pulse race with each throbbing twitch of pleasure against his hands. He closed his eyes tight as he felt the spurts of precum grow more intense as the wonderful Arcanine tensed in such a wonderful manner. He knew any moment know, he'd taste his friend's climax for the first time.

Niner's hips arched, and then a flood of hot, thick dog cum filled his mouth. A loud series of barks and howls announced climax from his friend's attentions, though even that was not as strong as the sheer amount of semen he sprayed into Jim's mouth. The taste was strong and bitter, hints of metallic tang in the thick semen. The hot slimy stuff dribbled down his chin as he swallowed, unable to breathe as he concentrated on drinking all he could. Glad the heat of it wasn't too much to burn him, but it was close to his limit for hot drinks. But the rush of lustful enjoyment made those little cares fade into the back of his mind, just wanting to savor the Arcanine's first time with him. Lovng the messy squelch of cum when it dripped from his lips as he gulped again and again, holding that knot to feel it jerk and pulse with power each time he came. And he came so much, an incredible amount to his own little gushes when he stroked himself off.

But finally Niner's climax ended with a cheerful woof and loud panting. The cum thinning as he squirted less. And soon it was a gentle, steady rhythm of thin precum to swallow. Letting Jim catch his breath while it lazily filled his mouth between his swallows. He knew canines would keep squirting away as long as their knot was hold. And he was very content to just hold that knot with both hands, even if he was barely able to wrap both hands around that grand knot. He winced a little at the thought of that thing buried in him. But hoped one day, maybe he would be ready to take it. For now though, he was in bliss. Eyes closing again to savor the thin, slimy gushes of post-cum that the big dog offered him plenty of. The big dog just panted with sated pleasure, flicking and wagging his tail and pawing the air contently.

Minutes dragged on and on as he rested there, not minding the soreness in his knees from the hard tile. He was with his best friend, and he brought him to climax. He felt more adult then he ever did, even if his jaws ached and his lips were sore and tingling from rubbing dog penis. The knowledge of that making him quite pleased as he finally pulled free. His lips messy with his love's cum down his chin as he leaned over to firmly kiss him on his black canine lips. A giggle at the curious sounding reply he got from that, and enjoying the knowledge Niner's tongue was just as nice, hot and slick as his arousal to press his tongue too. Though he wasn't certain the Arcanine enjoyed the human kiss as much as he did, giggling as he finally got off his knees to sprawl on his back on the cold tiles. He murmured contently to the air, "Wow... oh wow.. that was incredible. Oh Niner, I've loved you so long, I'm so happy to have had this chance. I hope you didn't find it odd or anything."

Jim giggled, talking to Pokemon was always one of those 'geek' things, though many assumed most Pokemon would understand some English after a while. Niner's response caught him more off guard though, as a long, wet lick dragged over his balls. Jim jerked up to watch with fascination as those powerful jaws wrapped delicately against his own stiff flesh. And soon the large Arcanine began to lick and groom the young boy's stiff erection with delicate, slow touches. Drawing his tongue against the foreskin, letting it pull it back when his tongue slid down his length. The feeling was incredible, like burying his lap in hot, wet velvet. "aaah, Niner... I'm... I'm gonna cum soon like that..."

The words sounded so odd. But so erotic as he watched his lover begin to lick in quick, steady motions along the tip of his arousal. Obviously playing with and exploring his foreskin just as he had earlier explored Niner's sheath. Jim just closed his eyes and trembled, listening to the steady crescendo of wet licks against his arousal. His words a promise as a familiar hot tingle burned in his lap. His ballsac was tense and his cock dribbled precum, only to be licked clean with that big, hot tongue. He curled his toes and pressed his hands on Niner's ears, stroking them firm and quick in enjoyment. "oh, Love, I'm... Gonna... Mmmmmph!"

His back arched as he gave in to those steady, milking licks. His first jet of cum splashed into Niner's mouth, as a half dozen more quickly followed. Each one a burning rush of pleasure as he stroked the big dog's cheeks fondly. Jim watched him attend so carefully and delicately, as well the obvious enjoyment Niner showed in bringing his trainer affection. Jim savored every touch as the pleasure melted into the sweet flush of afterglow, though it had never been so intense when he masturbated late at night alone. He sighed and opening his eyes to pet Niner lovingly watching the way the big dog carefully tried to pleasure him, "oh, darling, wow... thank you."

The two nestled close, Jim loving the feel of the big Arcanine's lips pressed carefully around his penis. Feeling that hot breath on his lap as that tongue teased all over his penis and even down to his ballsac Though soon those gentle touches grew too hot. Tingling and ticklish and as they made him squirm. "Eeep, eee, uh, Niner, I'm, hee, too sensitive now, mmmph, ya might want to pull back...." Those big eyes looked up curiously, then he nodded as he pulled his head back from Jim's maleness. Well, after he sneaked one last slurp over his lap, from ballsac to tip, making Jim moan nearly as loud as he did earlier in climax. "eee, heehee, wow, you are wonderful. Though I think we both really need a shower, lemme clean you up nice and good..."

Jim's dad was quite pleased that Jim had suddenly taken such a good interest in grooming Niner that night, and complimented them both at how strong the bond between trainer and Pokemon had gotten, and that soon Niner would be fully his Pokemon to keep. He said the two showed great promise of becoming something special indeed. He never knew that they already had become something special just earlier during that long summer afternoon.

(ROUGH DRAFT) A Trainer's Bond

A Trainer's Bond Jim sighed and stretched out. The summer heat was draining his energy, hot and sticky in his shirt as he tried to work on his pokemon league work. He just got his trainer's license and was eager to start working his training to...

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