Spring '09 Vore Project: The Making of Meat

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#5 of Spring '09 Vore Project

The Making of Meat

"Well, there's no time like the present to get this process started, so I'll need you to look over the consent forms here first and we'll soon be on our way to get this party started," commented one of the four heads of a hydra. Striking a strange contrast with his plain slacks and simple business shirt, modified to fit his four necks as well as four arms, and a name-tag declaring simply 'Hal'. Adding more amusement to the multi-headed reptile were the ties he had for each of his four necks, bright and garish to contrast his simpler clothes. Although besides him was an equally curious looking chimera. His three heads were vaguely canine, going from dark brown 'wolf', to a mixed color collie, and then a bright orange fox. Dark fur covered most of him, aside from his draconic wings and light fur of his chest and limbs. While his tail was another head, a long, green and black banded snake. Cerberus the chimera was quite pleased to see TLG Meats could get a fellow representative to have an 'equal meeting of minds' for him. Or at least number of limbs and heads.

Hal continued along, "It sounds like you'd want to become a burger special. Hopefully you wouldn't mind being listed as mechanically separated. The quality wouldn't drop, but FDA regulations ya know." Each of the hydra's heads took turns talking, as he crossed both sets of arms. "This will let you get turned into meat without being snuffed and butchered first, and for ground meat I think it's the best option."

Cerberus nodded along, checking and signing the many papers to begin the process of becoming meat. He did his best to add a flourish and sign things as 'gay' as his bright rainbow shirt had suggested. "Man this is a pile of paperwork, couldn't I just hop into the grinder? I've been dreaming of this for a long while now."

Hal chuckled as he patted the chimera's wings. "Just think how much more satisfying escaping all this drudgery will be once you finish. Then you can leave all this bureaucracy behind for the rest of us. And some juicy burgers too." He winked as his hands reached down to pet Cerberus's long snake tail. The snake soon hissing contently into the petting, while the hydra looked on "Almost done, and just think that not too long ago everyone was just butchering animals without their consent. Quite a barbaric age before consensual meat options became available."

Cerberus nodded along as he continued to sign the papers "yeah, and only a few types of meat to choose from. How boring is that." Of course, being a few types of meat all on his own probably skewed things there.

Hal grinned along, "Yup, and I'm pretty certain Chimera was never on the menu before too. Y'know, I might have to pick up a pound of you to try. Not often we get any other multi-headed critters in here."

"Say there, isn't it unprofessional to be hitting on your customers now?" Cerberus winked back, letting his snake head tail curl and tease back along Hal's hips, nestling in closer to the fellow male. His eyes closed as he licks his lips on two heads, "Man, I can't wait to be yours, well, meat that is."

Hal let that professionalism slide some more, as his hands slid down to grope Cerberus's lap. "Oh, only if they aren't walking meat. You my friend, will probably be in my freezer tonight." He gave the chimera's arousal a good squeeze, "alas, this part will probably fetch much more than I could afford."

Cerberus groaned as he was felt up by the hydra, letting his three canine heads and snake head tail nuzzle the four behind him. Wings hugging softly as he tried to keep writing straight, while his arousal pressed aching stiff against his tights. "mmmm, I think this is the last of the paper work, so now when do I get to hop in."

"Well now, some one's eager to be chow." Hal chuckled as he nipped along the chimera's several necks, listening to the nice moans that brought him. Squeezing and feeling up Cerberus's lap firmly for a moment "well then, if you're ready, we can move along to the grinding machine."

Hal guided the eager chimera along with his long tail, teasing over Cerberus's arousal with a purr. His own slacks tented blatantly as they walked along the 'work' halls. Through the many windows both could see the various execution rooms for willing prey. A fox boy wriggling on the end of his noose. A pair of roosters kneeling before a large guillotine. A frog being strapped into an electric chairs. An eclectic mix of methods and meat on display. Every room designed to please a prey's final moments, now matter how morbid their wishes may be.

Hal's tail continued his fondles and gropes of the chimera's arousal, watching him peek into windows here and there. "If you want, still a chance to get yourself snuffed out and butchered. Could still become ground meat too. I hear we have an expert on throat slitting here today. Wouldn't feel a thing."

Cerberus moaned softly at the thought, but shook his three heads. "No no, I had already made up my mind long ago. It's been my one fantasy for years now, to watch myself disappear into a pile of meat" Already a glob of pre stained his tights, especially against that fondling tail. "I want to see myself turn into sausage right before my eyes"

The hallway turned along as Hal nodded. "You'll have your wish pretty soon now. I'm sure it'll be quite a show." The two soon reaching the processing rooms. Various chopping blocks, slicers and grinders of all shapes and sizes. Many at work, rending prey into cuts of meat to be sold, of all shapes and sizes. They nearly reached the end of the hall before entering one of the larger rooms. "And here we go, last stop for you I'm afraid. Although I don't think you're afraid at all." the hydra noted as they entered.

The two looked inside. A massive steel machine glittered harshly in the spotlights. 4 long convey er belts stretched out from it, each marked with what it will carry off. Fur and scales, bones, organs and meat. A nearby tank ready to store all the blood that will be spilled. Stairs lead up to a simple harness to lower the cuts of meat, or whole prey, into the many glittering blades and grinders that await them. To separate and rend them efficiently and swiftly. or slowly if one desired.

"It's a simple process," explained Hal as he showed off the deadly apparatus, "You stand here and get harnessed around your shoulders. Then you're lowered into these whirling blades of death. And you get separated from meat, bones and flesh. Once it gets to your chest, it'll all be over. Then we take the meat and organs and pack them up to be auctioned off. Don't worry too much about the pain, it will only last a few minutes. Then you're nothing but meat."

Cerberus shivered at the explanation, his arousal twitched against his lap blatantly while he licked his lips. "Well then, I'm ready, so shall we begin?"

"well then, let's get you stripping down handsome." Hal reached over to help lift the chimera's shirt free, while Cerberus began to wriggle out of his pants. The hydra whistling with two of his heads at the arousal the chimera sported, the other two licking their lips in approval. "Very handsome, got some Grade AAA meat here." He cupped the chimera's ballsac softly to squeeze. "Someone will be very lucky to get these."

"Heh, I did figure most would want that bit of prime cut there." replied Cerberus back with a wink. Freeing his arousal fully from his tights to kick aside. Soon nude and strutting his body with a grin, looking over the blades he'll find himself exploring quite intimately.

Hal replied back, "Yup, I'm going to be envious on whoever gets these in the end.", giving the chimera's sheath a good groping. "It's always a pleasure to meet the meat of course, but this here," He gives his sheath a firm squeeze, "has a date with the grinder soon, along with the rest of your handsome body. So I believe it's time to get going."

The hydra guided Cerberus up the dozen steps to the top, leading the harness for his shoulders carefully. Clasping the several leather straps securely around his collar, while four reptilian heads nuzzled three canine heads quietly. Hal breaking the quiet moment, "I'm assuming you want to go slow and steady now, hon?"

Cerberus was oozing precum as he was settled into the harness. Secured into the deadly device, able to struggle but no longer escape now. Ready and lusting to be fed into the steely maw and become burgers as he shuddered, "mmhmm, nice and slow now."

The chimera crooned softly as the support tugged him over the open blades. Eager to be ground up into meat. The blades turning on with a low, deep hum, turning with a casual indifference towards the tender flesh soon to be lowered into them. The chimera's heart raced as his snake head shifted and squirmed. Looking down with a gulp from each head, "looks like this is it, hopefully I make you a very fine barbecue tonight."

Hal nodded as well, adjusting the controls to begin the meat grinding process. Setup to take a good five minutes or so, just long enough Cerberus should make it through just to the end. Inch by inch the squirming body of Cerberus dipped towards the whirling blades. Toes curled as they neared the sharp teeth of the device, while he hissed his arousal and fear in tense anticipation.

A sharp, deep whine cuts up from the machine as the blades finally sink into the chimera's feet. Blood soon flowing into the catch basin as Cerberus lewdly moaned in reply, eyes clenching shut. The first bits of flesh, meat and bones ending in their individual belts as he was neatly separated. Cerberus writhed in the harness as his calves were steadily removed to be turned into ground meat on the platform below. Eyes wide at the sight as he shuddered in pain and enjoyment.

Cerberus's tail head shook in pain as the blades thoughtlessly ripped up to his thighs. His arousal was oozing pre, twitching and pulsing as he shuddered in the grasp of the machine. Visibly growing closer to climax as he slowly sank towards his death. His ballsac grew taut to his lap while he gripped the harness white knuckled. Eyes wide as all four heads watching with rapt interest as he was pulled by the machine's voracious blades, ripped apart into ground meat for him to watch. A series of yips and yelps in time to the machine's loud whining as he crooned.

After a moment more his snake head could take no more. The other three heads clenching eyes shut as the snake head lifted high. And with a grinding crunch it buried itself into the machine. The chimera jerked in the harness, eyes clamped shut as he began to cum. Howling out in harmony as his climax made his whole body shake. His seed splashed and anointed the blades as his arousal dipped closer yet to them. The chimera soon spent physically as he slumped, watching relaxed and with a pleased grin as his lap was soon to settle on the whirling grinder.

Those three heads sagged, panting heavily in enjoyment as they moaned and crooned individually. Watching his body lazily disappear within that loud, harsh grinding. Amused as a thin, metal rod poked from the machine to lift his sheath and ballsac up, pulling it outwards some. Then with a sudden, wet slice, a blade snipped his maleness cleanly off. The hydra winced in sympathy as he was cleanly cut and castrated. To carefully be set aside in the 'organs' belt. Soon the sharp blades lifted up to his belly, as a new set of them rose up from below. Rending his pelvis apart and soon pulling his insides out with a cheerfully smooth pace. The chimera a quiet groan, the pain and fading pleasure weakening him as he bled out swiftly for the machine, the slick blood keeping things smoothly moving. Watching in rapture as his meat, organs, bones and fur/scales piled up before him, neatly organized.

With a deep crack his chest was soon pulled open. He barely responded now, eyes glassy as his body steadily died from blood loss. His arms fell into the blade's harsh grasp and were sharply tugged as he winced. With a sudden jerk his eyes opened, the chimera feeling his heart and lungs be smoothly removed with a rending tug. Both hydra and chimera watching intruiged as it beat feebly on the belt below. Though only the chimera gave a smile of enjoyment before his eyes faded. Body limp in the straps as he just shook from the force of the blades and grinders. Only a big pile of meat to disappear now, to come out pre-separated for sale.

The harnesses released, and after a minute more nothing was left but the gory remains of the chimera. Meat to be packaged and sold, along with his organs. Each one to be bid upon and sold for meals for those lucky enough to get such a unique meal. Hal himself begins to clean up, removing the clothes to be given away. And ensuring he gets a bid in for a pound of chimera burgers himself. Making sure he got some of that cute rump he teased only moments ago. Thinking perhaps the chimera was right that he shouldn't be so forward with clients who will be his dinner so soon.

But in the end, the meat was just as exquisite as he hoped, and that was all that mattered.

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