Sex and Wine

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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"He's gay!" Cassandra cried down the phone line.

"What? Who is?" Heather replied, a little confused.

"Joseph," The grey wolf sniffed, "he's gay. He went out tonight with some friends and returned home late. I came

downstairs and found him buried up to his nuts in one of his mate's ass." Cassandra began crying loudly and her

friend sighed on the other end of the phone.

"What did you do?" Heather asked.

"I screamed something at him, I don't even know if it made any sense because the three of them just looked at

me. I picked up a lamp and threw at him, then a magazine and then a glass and some pencils..."

"Oh god, I hope you didn't hurt them too bad, I don't want to have to visit you in jail." Heather began to sound a

little worried for her friend.

"No, they might be a little bruised, but I don't think I gave them any major injuries... not from the things I threw at

them anyway." Cassandra's crying subsided as she recounted the events to the half asleep German Shepard.

"What do you mean ‘not from the things I threw at them'?"

"As I threw things at them they all made for the door, he was last out. He stopped and turned to me..."


"I really did love you... I just didn't find you sexually attractive, that's all."


"I ran slammed the door shut on him, I think it might have hit him on the head, there was a thud." Cassandra

closed her eyes and waited for her friend's response.

"Oh Cassy, did you go out and check to see if he was hurt?"


"Why not?"

"Because even if he was hurt or not, I would have just hurt him more."

"Hmm, maybe it was best you didn't go out then. Look, go back to bed, I'll come round tomorrow night and we'll

go out for a drink, ok?"

"OK, see you tomorrow." Cassandra hung up the dismantled phone that lay in assorted pieces near the front door

of her apartment and then returned to bed. Feeling just a little less distraught than before, she lay on her bed and

cried herself to sleep.

The following day passed slowly, the wolf was in no mood to clean the mess she'd made throwing her husband

out. Instead, she sat on the couch and watched talk shows and soap operas until she felt hungry. Heather

knocked on the door in the late afternoon and her friend answered, still wearing her loose pajamas.

"Oh Cassandra, I'm so sorry." The German Shepard said as she hugged her friend. Cassandra just stepped back

into her apartment, her friend still hugging her. Heather finally let her go and closed the door behind her.

"Wow, you did a number on this place. Is there anything you didn't throw at him?" The canine stepped over

various bits and pieces that lay scattered on the floor.

"The kitchen sink." Cassandra said blandly.

"A joke! Look at that, feeling better already. Come on, get dressed and we'll go out for some fun." Heather pulled

on her friends arm, guiding her towards her room.

Time slowly passed as the wolf dug through her closet. Heather chatted to her merrily about almost everything,

except men. Just hearing her friend speak, just having her there was enough to gradually lift Cassandra's spirits

and by the time an outfit had been chosen, two hours, some chinese take away and half a bottle of cola had


The two girls headed out into the early evening twilight. The streetlights were just coming on and the mixture of

fading natural light and strong artificial light glinted off Cassandra's tight, silvery tank top and black slacks. She

also wore a pair of white high heels and in a fit of daring, left her underwear on the floor of her room.

Heather had on a simple, short dress that hugged her figure but wasn't tight. Unlike her heartbroken friend, she

wore a pair of white panties. Her black heels clicked on the pavement in unison with Cassandra's and together

they walked several meters to where the German Shepard had parked her car.

The two friends drove into the city and made the rounds of the many night clubs. Heather managed to encourage

Cassandra to have a dance at one and with the assistance of a couple of light drinks, she was actually enjoying

herself by the third club.

Wolf and dog moved from club to club well into the early hours of the morning. At nearly two, both girl's were

relatively drunk and had left the car at a parking garage, deciding while they were still sensible enough, that they

should not tempt fate by driving in the condition they were inevitably heading for.

Multi colored lights flashed and a thunderous beat rang out over the dance floor of their last night club. Heather

had been leading three young felines around the club for the last half an hour by deliberately lifting her tail so

the back of her dress would lift and expose her white panties. Cassandra entered the scene in a daring display

on the dance floor by grabbing her friend's underwear and pulling them down sharply.

Both girl's laughed as the grey wolf flung the white piece of clothing towards the three young males that

scrambled for it like seagulls after bread crusts. Heather bent over and gave all that looked a perfect display of

her pussy and an uproar of howls, whistles and screams erupted, drowning out the music. The noise only

increased when Cassandra licked her friend's folds on an impulse.

"Ladies, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the premises now." A short black bear said as he broke through

the thick crowd. The bouncer didn't have to yell over the noise, his voice was strong and clear enough to be

heard without problem.

The two women stood up and followed the stocky bouncer to the door without objection, leaving behind them a

collection of boos and hisses; nobody was pleased the show was over.

"Before we go," Heather said to the bouncer, "can we purchase a bottle of red wine and two wine glasses?" She

waved a couple of bills in the face of the bouncer and he took them from her.

"I'll see what I can do, wait here." Though he was kicking them out of the club, he himself was sorry to see them

go; the place had a respectable reputation and it was his job to ensure it stayed that way.

"Here you are girls, enjoy the rest of you night." The bear handed over the requested items when her return and

received a kiss on the check from each female, making him blush under his black fur.

The city was not very large, it was just a CBD for the surrounding town and at that hour the streets were mostly

deserted. Heather and Cassandra stumbled mostly, along the sidewalk to the taxi rank several blocks away. The

German Shepard held the bottle of wine in her right hand (between the two of them) and a wine glass in her left

while the wolf held the other wine glass in her left hand.

As they casually staggered about, drinking the wine while they walked, they conversed about the most serious of


"And that, hic... is why when you mail a letter, you, hic... put it in the mailbox with the, hic... front facing

downwards." Cassandra instructed.

"That, hic... makes no sense AT ALL!" Heather exclaimed, waving the half empty bottle around. A sadness

crossed the wolf's face next, and for the first time in hours, her mind returned to her husband.

"Four years... How could I not notice after four years?"

"He fooled you, he fooled us all." Heather said as she poured more wine into their glasses.

"A year we've been married, and almost three years of dating him before that. I renounce men." Cassandra said

to her friend.

"What are you going to do? Go lesbian?"

"Nah, I think I'll find myself a nice hermaphrodite." At that, both girls broke out in hysterical laughter and nearly

fell to the pavement. By then, they had reached the taxi rank so they climbed into the back seat of the only one

stationed there.

"Where to ladies?" The driver said, admiring the wasted females in his rear view mirror.

"Where to Heather?" Cassandra looked at her friend as she grabbed for the wine bottle.

"I'm sorry ladies, I can't let you drink that in here."

Heather frowned before stepping out of the taxi, Cassandra joined her and reached over the roof of the vehicle,

holding out her wine glass. The canine poured half the remaining wine in her glass, then the rest in her friend's

before stumbling to a near by bin to dispose of the bottle. They sculled their beverages before falling against the

taxi, then falling into it.

The driver couldn't help but smile as they both struggled to pull their legs inside the vehicle so they could close

it's doors. After five minutes, they managed to get in and sit upright, though they were leaning against each other.

A destination was given, Heather's place, and they were off.

The German Shepard was an accountant for a large law firm with a considerable salary and a large house on the

edge of town. Before arriving, both girls had fallen asleep in the back of the cab; the driver decided to stop the

meter and let them sleep for a few more minutes while he had a cigarette.

"Hey, wake up." The young human male shook one of his passengers gently to rouse her. On the other side of

the seat, Cassandra woke and looked at him through blurry eyes.

"You're going to need to shake her harder than that. Move." Cassandra adjusted her position so her feet were

holding up her friend on the back seat of the taxi. The driver stood back from the door a little surprised and

leaning against the door on her side, the wolf pushed her friend right out of the vehicle and onto the grassy


"Did I fall asleep?" Heather opened her eyes and stood up with the assistance of the driver.

"See?" Cassandra said as she slid out of the open door she'd just pushed her friend out of.

"Mmm, home." Heather said. "Hic... Be a dear and help us to the front door." Her question was directed to the

taxi driver, but in her drunk state of mind, she looked at a nearby shrub when she spoke.

After helping the two wasted women to the front door and getting paid, the taxi driver returned to his vehicle and

left. Both ladies managed to make it upstairs to Heather's bedroom without hurting themselves and finally

collapsed on her bed before passing out completely.

It was shortly after five AM when Cassandra woke up. She opened her eyes and noticed the vaguely familiar

bed covers. ‘This is not my bed, I know this bed...' still groggy, the grey wolf sat up and glanced about the room.

‘Oh, I'm at Heather's. That's right heh heh, we went out drinking didn't we.'

Slowly, she stood up and made her way to the bathroom. In the meantime, Heather woke and sat up. The German

Shepard sat on the end of her bed and let her mind clear before even making an attempt to stand. Several

minutes later, her friend rejoined her and they both sat quietly as the room began to fill with pre-dawn light.

"Thank you for the night out Heather, I really needed that."

"You're more than welcome Cassy. I'm really glad we got to spend this time together, seems we don't get to see

each other as often as we used to."

Both women sat on the end of the bed for a few more minutes in total silence. As the sun began to rise outside,

Cassandra stood up and turned so her back was facing the window, the light was going to be torture on her eyes.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" The wolf asked her friend.

"Patches, I remember you renounced men."

"Mmm, and something about a hermaphrodite." The two friends laughed.

"I know it shouldn't mean anything coming from a gay, but..." Cassandra paused to think out her wording,

"Heather, do you think I'm attractive?"

"Oh Cassy." Heather stood up and facing her friend, put her hands on her shoulders, "There's something I think

you should know. I've always been attracted to you, you're smart and very sexy, any guy that doesn't find you

attractive, gay or not, should be shot in my honest opinion." The canine turned to leave the room but was

stopped when her hand was grabbed.

"You... you think I'm sexy?" Cassandra's eyes were beginning to fill with tears.

"Yes." Heather said turning around. "You know I'm straight, but for some reason I find you very attractive, I

always have." Before her nerve receded, Heather kissed Cassandra passionately and then stepped back. Her

friend didn't seem to respond in anyway so she turned around to leave the room once again. Cassy still held her

friend's hand and stopped her once more, this time, Heather didn't turn around; her mind was clearing and she

was suddenly embarrassed by what she had just done.

The grey wolf took a step forward and inserted her friend's hand beneath the waist band of her pants and pushed

it down between her legs. Amazed by her friend's bold advances, Heather wheeled around and looked the wolf in

the eyes. Cassandra took another step forward, threw her arms around her friend and kissed her.

‘What is this? Is this a dream? Am I dreaming? Could this really be happening?' The questions stormed through

Heather's mind as Cassandra stepped back and sat on the bed. She did so slowly and gracefully, then beckoned

Heather to come forward and do with her as she pleased.

The German Shepard stepped forward and stood before her friend, she leaned in close and as she did, Cassy

leaned back on the bed, lifting her arms up in a submissive position, giving herself fully to her friend. The canine,

now standing between the wolf's spread legs and leaning over her, kissed her. At the same time, Heather ran her

hand up under her friend's shirt and fumbled her breasts.

Cassandra smiled warmly and ran her own hands up the thighs of Heather, over her hips and under her dress,

lifting it up to reveal her body fully. Both females were very attractive, with subtle curves and nice round C's that

now pressed together between the friends, fur mixing with fur and nipples pressing against nipples. Cassy lifted

the dress off her friend and Heather slid Cassy's top off as well; both girls threw the garments to the side before

kissing once more and exploring the upper body of each other more thoroughly.

They moved slowly, taking their time, making the most of this moment that both knew would not come again any

time soon. For Heather, it was a dream come true and Cassandra found it a comfort to be wanted, even if it was

only physically.

Their tongues entwined and their hands roamed, their soft fur being pushed in every direction as their fingers

spread wide and groped the flesh beneath like a mother feline washing her kittens, firm but gentle at the same

time. As Cassandra's hands reached back down to her friend's hips, Heather reached down to push Cassy's

pants down. The German Shepard stepped back for a moment, completely removed her friend's lower clothing

then knelt between her legs and pushed them wide apart.

The wolf moaned as she felt her friend's tongue lick her folds and push into her depths, making her juices run

freely. Cassy took hold of her own bust and squeezed tightly as Heather continued her slow and graceful

motions, her rough tongue sending shivers of pleasure through her friend's body.

"Oh god, that... feels so good." Cassandra lay there squeezing herself, her nipples caught between fingers, and

let her mind trail off as her body heat increased and a veil of lust fell over her. Heather inserted a finger into her

friend's body while still licking it, teasing her clit with her tongue. Cassy arched her back slowly and moaned

loudly as she slowly neared her peak.

The German Shepard added a second finger and moved both about inside her friend, pushing against her walls

and making her start to shift about on the bed as wave after wave of pleasure coursed through her body. Like the

tide coming in from the ocean, each surge of ecstasy reached closer and closer to the imminent orgasmic


"Faster, harder." The wolf begged. Her friend obliged; she stood up and went over to a draw. From there she

withdrew a large rubber dildo, about 6 inches long and 1 ½ inches wide with small nubs all around it from tip to

base. Heather returned to her friend and pushed the fluorescent purple object deep between Cassandra's legs.

"Oh god! AAHHH!" The wolf's entire body contorted in ecstasy as her friend shoved the dildo inside her, the nubs

rubbing against her walls and sending whole new waves of excitement through her. As per her friend's wishes,

Heather pulled it out almost all the way before thrusting it back in, she repeated these motions, increasing them

in speed each time.

Cassandra began to cry out and her back arched sharply as she took a fist full of sheet in each hand. Her orgasm

hit with ferocious force causing her mind to spin and swim. Heather continued to thrust the sex toy in and out of

her friend as she filled the room with screams of euphoria. Cassy's second orgasm made her cry out even

louder as tears began to well in her eyes.

"OH GOD... I... STO... I CA..." Between her cries and gasps for breath, Cassandra couldn't get out more than

partial words, but she didn't need to, Heather knew she was reaching her limit. But the German Shepard wanted

to take her friend further, and so further she took her. A third orgasm saw the silence of Cassandra as her body

arched painfully sharp and every muscle within her body tightened, her hearted pounding in her chest as her

lungs held onto the air inside them. Heather pulled on the dildo but it was held fast inside her friend; not only

was it stuck, but it was being slowly swallowed.

"Hey, give that back!" Heather said, though her words fell on deaf ears. Cassandra was consumed by such a

height of bliss that no words were heard and no pain was felt, which was good as her back was near braking

point and would have been excruciating if not for her mind being overwhelmed with such an onslaught of


Finally, the wolf slumped on the bed, no longer conscious. Heather looked at her just a little disappointed, but

happy to at least have been able to give her friend such an experience. She gently removed her dildo, making

Cassy's body twitch as she slept, and then moved her up onto the bed properly, so she could sleep more


Heather lay next to her friend on the double bed and watched her sleep peacefully. As she admired her friend,

who now lay bathed in the dawn's light, the German Shepard gently pushed a single finger in her own pussy and

slowly pleased her own desires as she gradually joined her friend in dream.

A little before midday, Cassandra woke to find her friend lying next to her, just staring at her the way one stares

at his or her love. Heather said nothing, she didn't expect this enjoyable experience to turn into anything special,

but she didn't really know what to say.

Cassandra got off the bed silently and gathered her clothes. She dressed and headed for the door under the

watchful eye of her friend. She stopped in the doorway and turned to Heather with a warm smile.

"Thanks again for last night Heather, I really enjoyed it. Let's not let it make things awkward between us ok?

You're a great friend and I really don't want us to grow apart over something as silly as uncomfortable moments."

"Ok." Heather smiled back at Cassandra and watched as she left the room to go home.

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