Forbidden Affairs - Like Father Like Son

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#7 of Forbidden Affairs

Victoria stood up slowly, a mixture of calm and chaos flowing through her blood. Tessica looked at her from

across the hospital bed, the sobs of the abused kitten a pitiful ambiance. The Albino panther turned and walked

towards the door of the private recovery room and paused at the sound of her friend's voice.

"What are you going to do?" Worry filled the voice of the yellow rabbit. Victoria turned her head just a little, but

said nothing, sadness was creeping into her mind.

"Don't do anything you'll regret later on." Tessica called to her friend's back as she walked out of the room.

Victoria had no idea what she was going to do, but she knew something had to be done, and she was the one that

had to do it.

Rage boiled inside the princess, smothered by sadness and fear. What had her brother turned into over these

few years? To go so far as to rape a defenseless child and leave her for dead. A despicable act that could not be

dismissed, could not be shrugged off, could not be warranted by the stress of being a king.

As she walked out of the hospital and turned in the direction of the castle, memories of past days came to mind.

Memories of innocent times, ignorant times, happy times. Her father had desecrated her body time and again,

but he'd never forced her in such a way, he'd coaxed and encouraged, but never forced. Somehow, the memory

of bouncing up and down on her father's lap had become the only memories of happiness she had, the only

times in her life she had ever been truly happy.

Tears welled at Victoria's eyes as she realized this and fortified her resolve to take whatever action was needed

so she could put an end to this corruption that had passed from her father to her brother and grown into such evil.


Alira slammed the door behind her and stood facing the bed she had slept in for the last four years. Her body

trembled with frustration at her king and how he'd changed. Four years ago, she'd made a vow to stay loyal to

Senthius, but now that vow was beginning to strain. He'd made a vow as well, to never force her, and today he

broke that vow.

She could still feel his hand pressed against her chest. He'd pinned her against a wall in one of the many

hallways and forced himself on her. Though she was more than willing to give herself at most anytime, he'd

never forced himself on her like that and she did not like it.

His behavior had grown harsh and cold in a short time, he no longer cared for running the kingdom and

dismissed anyone who sought an audience without even the slightest thought of seeing them first. His desires

were expressed outright and without restraint, taking what he pleased when he pleased. Alira watched as he took

servant after servant, often several at once. They all squealed in excitement as they were royally fucked

anywhere at anytime.

Then he turned to Alira, assuming she was his for the taking. She denied him with a sharp knee to the groin. After

realizing what she had done and the repercussions it was likely to have from this volatile panther, the barely

clothed girl ran, leaving her king crumpled on the stone floor.

She took a deep breath and readied herself for what was to come, she knew Senthius would be behind her and

she knew he was going to be mad.

The door to the king's bedchamber opened calmly. Senthius stood with an almost enlightened composure, but

it was false, the panther had grown unstable. He closed the door behind him and looked at Alira. She faced him

now, her back to the bed.

" Learn you place!" Senthius' anger erupted in a moment and he struck her across the face once again.

Pain stung her in the same location as last time, the blow sent her spinning wildly and she fell on the bed like a

ragdoll. The feeling of terror returned and Alira sat up to face her aggressor. As Senthius approached the bed,

she edged away from him slowly, rage and lust burned in his eyes.

"Do you know what it's like to have the power to take what you want? It's a wonderful feeling." The panther

stopped and watched his prey as she tried to escape. "It's a rush you know," He was beginning to ramble, "to

have such power. I'm beginning to see what my father saw in it. King, the title that gives you the power to take

whatever you have the resolve to take on your own."

Alira slowly stood off the bed and edged around it. In a nearby corner a small table stood with an ornamental

statue on it, a swirling, twisting weave of gold, silver and jade. Her retreat to the room had been a bad decision

and she now wanted out. Her loyalties to Senthius were at an end and she intended to make that clear.

"I wonder if Dorian ever realized the rush of taking what he wanted as he pleased? The chain rattling, the smell

of her blood." Senthius' mind returned to the girl in the cell, his senses recalling the moment as though he were

there once again. The panther grinned as he looked at Alira. He cocked his head to the side and stepped towards

her. "Victoria is quite attractive now that I think about it..."

Alira stood next to the ornament now; quickly she picked the long, heavy decoration up and swung it at Senthius'

head. The piece was too heavy though and slowed her attack, the panther lifted his right arm and blocked before

driving his left fist into the girl's face, crushing her nose.

Alira screamed in pain as she dropped the ornament and was roughly thrown on the bed. She held her hands to

her face as tears fell from her eyes and blood flowed from her broken nose. Her hands trembled just millimeters

from her face, too scared to touch it lest she cause herself more pain. Blood filled her mouth and she spat it out

on the bed, her eyes became blurred and her cries filled the chamber.

Senthius stripped off his clothing before crawling onto the bed. He tore off what little clothing Alira wore and rolled

her on her back. His body prickled with heat as his arousal grew. Amongst the cries of pain, Senthius began

breathing heavily as he pushed his tongue over Alira's naked body.

She clamped her legs together tightly, but her efforts were in vain. Senthius grabbed her thighs and spread her

legs apart with ease, his claws digging into her skin. He pushed his tongue between her folds and made Alira's

body arch with unwanted pleasure. He licked her again, pushing his tongue into her depths as far as it would go,

making her gasp and cough.

After licking Alira's pussy several times, the king decided it was time for something else to go in there. Her cries

had subsided now, reduced to whimpers and sobs of both pleasure and distress. Senthius lay between her legs

and forced his way deep inside her, grinning as he looked down at her bloodied face.

He pushed himself inside her hard, then withdrew and plunged himself in yet again. Alira's body trembled both in

fear and pleasure and it only served to increase Senthius' excitement. It didn't take long for the bed covers to

become stained with tears, blood and juices that flowed from between the girl's legs.

The battered girl felt as though she had been torn from her body, she felt the pleasure coursing through it, but it

was like watching water fill a bucket, she felt no enjoyment from the pleasure but her body could not deny it. As

Senthius jammed himself inside her, she felt herself grow closer to an orgasm. The panther sensed she was

close and only increased his rough thrusting.

The orgasm wasn't particularly powerful, but it wasn't the only one. As Alira arched her back, Senthius continued

to pump vigorously, pushing her through one orgasm and into another before he himself reached his own peak.

Shame and sadness took over Alira's mind as she felt her king's entirety flood into her body and escape onto the

bed after he removed himself from her.

Splinters showered over the two as the door of Senthius' chamber erupted. The dust cleared and Victoria stood in

the doorway. Her brother stared at her as he began to climb off the bed.

"You bastard." Was all the albino panther could say. She lifted both her hands from her sides and lightning arced

from the tips of her fingers, striking Senthius in the chest. He flew through the air and crashed through the

window before plummeting to the ground several stories down. Victoria looked at Alira, then looked around the


Senthius hit the dirt covered ground of the courtyard in a hail of glass. He yelled in agony as he tried to get up.

For several minutes he sprawled about on the ground in an attempt to get his mind around what just happened.

People started gathering and their king could only laugh at them, barely aware of the pain he was enduring.

A single figure pushed through the crowd and approached the broken, charred and twisted body of the young

leader. The white feline walked with determination and resolve in her step, focused on her task, a long steel

katana in her right hand.

Victoria looked down at her sibling and spoke as he looked around, his mind just as broken as his body.

"How could you. First Garth and then... You raped that poor child and left her to rot in that dungeon." Her

voice rose in anger and sadness before she paused. Calming herself, she continued, "Our father was wise to

limit my knowledge. Had I known what he was doing to me I would have killed him long before you did. But you...

you just couldn't bare to have me live on not knowing why you did it. Your pity for me has proven to be your

undoing." She spoke now with scorn in her voice, the figure lying on the ground before her was no longer her


"King Senthius Kenedine, you killed your father to put an end to his sins, yet you have become corrupted with

your own. Now I, Victoria Kenedine, judge you, my kin, to be unfit to lead the people of this kingdom. I'm putting

an end to both you and the Kenedine family line before this corruption grows beyond control."

Senthius looked up at her and laughed before breaking into a fit of coughing.

"Do it." He said with a smile. " DO IT!" Senthius yelled at his sister.

Victoria stood over her brother and lifted the blade above his head. Fear struck the king as he suddenly realized

what was happening. Not a single person in the gathered crowd spoke a word as their king's head lay on the

ground, severed from his body.

Calm and at ease, Victoria dropped the blade and returned to her brother's bed chamber. Alira looked up at her as

she entered the room and took her hand when it was offered. Both females left the castle to it's own devices

without any intention of ever returning.

"Victoria, I... I doubt you want to hear this, but I feel you should know. I'm pregnant."

"Tessica, that's wonderful!"

"... It's your brother's"

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