Innocent Turquoise - The First Time

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#3 of Innocent Turquoise

"Mum! Dennis keeps spraying me with the hose!" Turquoise ran towards the house as her brother rained water

over her. He enjoyed teasing his sister and usually followed her closely, waiting for any chance he got that

would make her yell at him.

The young twins had no objection with each other and often got along well; some even thought a little two well for

siblings, though no one ever said it. At eleven years old, the two children were beginning to develop sexually and

though Turquoise hadn't noticed her brother that way yet, Dennis had already begun finding his sister just that

little bit more interesting to be around. At the time however, the young panther didn't consciously noticed this

attraction let alone understood what it was.

Turquoise disappeared into the house with her brother following close behind and ran to her room. Her brother

almost ended up with a crushed nose as he halted his pursuit suddenly, his sister slamming her bedroom door

in his face.

"Why do you keep teasing me!?" The young girl shouted through her door. Dennis just stood there and grinned

to himself, not really knowing the answer to his sister's question.

"Dennis, stop teasing your sister." Their mother's voice floated out of the kitchen like a gentle breeze. The black

feline left his sister to drip in her room alone. After a few minutes, she emerged, naked.

Dennis had managed to give his sister a thorough soaking before she got away from him. In her room, she had

stripped out of her wet clothes and waited patiently for her brother to leave. With a damp patch on her floor,

Turquoise snuck out of her room and made her way to the bathroom in order to dry off.

Water dripped from her long tail as she tiptoed down the hallway. As she neared the bathroom, she found herself

stopped. Dennis had hid just inside his own room to wait for his sister, he knew where she was likely to be

heading and lay in wait to ambush her. As she passed by his door, he quickly rushed out and grabbed his sister

by the tail.

"Dennis! Let go." In the kitchen, their mother smiled to herself at the common sound of Dennis playfully teasing

his twin sister.

The panther released it's prey and she turned and stamped into the bathroom with her brother close behind once


"Are you going to follow me everywhere?" Turquoise asked her sibling.

"Yep." Dennis replied, grinning at his sister. In her huff, Turquoise forgot about closing the bathroom door and

allowed her brother to stand in the doorway, watching his attractive, naked sister dry herself.

Even though she was only eleven, Turquoise already had a nice set of A-cup breasts and the rest of her body

was beginning to curve nicely. Between her legs, a small amount of turquoise colored hair grew around the plump

lips of her virgin pussy. Dennis stared at his twin's body, not really caring that it was his sister he was admiring,

but finding something captivating about her figure, something he never consciously noticed before.

"What?" Turquoise looked at her brother with accusing eyes. Finished drying herself, she turned to face him and

placed her hands on her hips and waited for a response.

"Nothing." Dennis turned around and went back to his room. His sister returned to her own room and dressed. In

his room, the panther stood as if suddenly struck dumb, his mind recalling the vision of his sister's naked body.

He shook the image from his head and then went searching for his twin to see if he could further annoy her.

Outside, Turquoise was ready for her brother and kept a watchful eye on his activities. Like a spy, he moved from

object to object, attempting to hide from her view.

"I know you're there." The young girl's large wolf ears twitched in the direction of her brother. Frowning, Dennis

came out of hiding and walked over to his sister.

"Sorry for soaking you." He smiled, he knew she wasn't angry and she knew he didn't mean any harm. It was

their thing, he teased her and she got annoyed, it had been that way since birth. Her brother always knew when

she was getting really annoyed and always stopped at that point; Turquoise's responses were more an act for

her brother's benefit now a days, she enjoyed their little game as much as he did.

Dennis' sister turned away from her brother and headed for the large tree growing in the corner of the backyard.

"Treasure, Dennis! I'm going to pick up your father, his car has broken down again. Behave, I won't be long." The

twins listened to their mother's words and when she'd finished speaking, they replied in unison.

"Bye mum."

Dennis reached out and grabbed his sister's tail once again. Turquoise sighed and began to pull forward. Her

brother held on, not hard enough to hurt her, but hard enough that she needed to push her feet into the ground in

order to move forward, pulling her brother along behind her.

"Will you let go of my tail!?"

"No." Dennis smiled again. Like a rope, he pulled on her tail, hand over hand, edging closer to his sister as she

slowly walked forward.

As the twins entered the shadow of the large tree, Dennis reached the base of his sister's tail. She turned around

to face her brother once again and bumped into him when he refused to let her tail loose. She stood against her

brother's body and the two found themselves staring into each other's eyes; images of Turquoise's naked body

once again returned to Dennis' mind.

With the visions in his mind and his sister pressed against him, the panther began to grow hard. His senses

were heightened by this sensitive situation, Turquoise's breath felt warm and he could feel her nipples growing

harder under her shirt. Her mind raced with a mix of new emotions, she'd never been this close to any boy before.

As Dennis absorbed the situation around him, his penis grew ever harder and began to stick outwards, poking

his twin between the legs. When Turquoise suddenly realized what was pressing against her lower body, she

blushed and stepped away. She had always been a bit on the tomboyish side and usually didn't embarrass

easily, but this was her brother's body, not some boyfriend's and it caught her off guard.

"What's wrong?" Dennis just stood there, his erection making a tent in his trousers.

Turquoise gathered herself and looked her brother up and down, trying not to pay any extra attention to his large

manhood. Even at that age, Dennis was an impressive size and Turquoise couldn't help but picture it

unrestrained by clothing in her mind.

"Why do you have a hard-on?" She asked bluntly, once again putting her hands on her hips.

"Because of you." Dennis made no attempt to hide the fact that it was his sister he was hot for, even as he spoke,

the image of her naked was burning in his mind.

"Me? You have that from looking at me?" Turquoise was flattered. The thought of her body causing such a

reaction, especially in her own brother, let alone any other boy, began to arouse Turquoise.

"You looked hot naked." Dennis' compliment further aroused his sister and she began to find the current situation

interesting. Turquoise flicked her tail as she eyed her brother's pants and took a provocative stance.

"You like the way I look naked huh, want to see some more?" The young female was rapidly growing horny, the

sensation was new to her and she adored every moment of it. As she spoke to her brother, a provocative tone in

her voice, she lowered the strap of her white tank top off her left shoulder.

Dennis just continued to smile and stepped forward with his hand outstretched, something inside him was

screaming at him to touch the body of his sister, he wanted to, he needed to. Turquoise stepped back another

step and ran her hands up under her short, dark blue skirt. Dennis stopped and watched, not really sure what was

happening, as if he was only a spectator in his own body.

With a devilish grin on her face, the panther's twin bent forward and pulled her white panties down and left the on

the grassy ground. Giggling, she then proceeded to turn and disappear into the branches of the large tree behind


The tree was very tall and wide, though there were no branches growing on the lower half of the trunk, those from

the higher part of the tree drooped down to the ground creating a natural hide-away. Inside, the shadow was thick

and cool; the few streams of light that broke through the wall of branches and leaves gave just enough light to


Dennis pushed through and joined his sister in the dull lit shade. Now that nobody could see them, they were free

to fully explore these new feelings. Turquoise waited patiently for her brother, not really sure of what they were

going to get up to but excited and ready to find out.

The panther made his appearance and immediately moved behind his twin, placing his padded hands on her

shoulders. Timid and shaky at first, he ran his hands down her arms as she closed her eyes and gave in to the

magnificent new feelings. Gradually, Dennis grew bolder with his actions, lifting his sister's arms above her head

then lifting her shirt off her body.

Still standing behind her, he looked down over her left shoulder and cradled her supple breasts in his hands as

though he were cradling delicate flowers. Before, he'd admired his sister's body from a small distance, as one

admires a beautiful painting, now, he worshiped his sister's figure as one worships a goddess.

Gently he caressed his twin's body, letting his mind slowly take in the feeling of her soft skin under the rough

pads on his hands. Turquoise leaned her head back on her brother's right shoulder and let out a gentle moan as

her mind slipped into a state of nirvana.

As her brother played with her breasts, Turquoise slowly pushed the waistband of her skirt down off her hips. The

piece of clothing fell to the ground and the panther began exploring the rest of his sister's body without restraint.

"You are so hot." He whispered into her ear before he ran his tongue over her shoulder. Turquoise just moaned

softly in response.

Dennis stood back and undressed himself, then continued feeling up his twin, pressing his chest of black fur

against her back. Three inches of erection pressed between the girl's legs from behind, sending her mind into a

haze of new sensations.

Her brother ran his hands down her front, over her thighs and then up between her legs. Turquoise gasped and

lifted onto her tiptoes as her brother's larger fingers pressed firmly against her sensitive pussy, pushing between

her lips and teasing her clitoris.

"Are you going to fuck me sometime this century? Or are you just going to feel me up?" Turquoise asked her


"Oh come on, I'm enjoying this." Dennis was a little disappointed at the thought of his sister growing impatient.

"So am I, but Mum won't be gone forever." Turquoise returned to her senses and stepped away from her brother,

turning to face him. "Do you want to fuck me or not?"

Dennis frowned; he hadn't actually thought about it until now. He looked at her and thought for a moment. Until

this moment, the panther was letting his body do as it pleased, not even thinking about his actions. Facing this

decision, he quickly realized that he was actually very much, sexually attracted to his sister. Looking at her body

like this made his erection pulse as if telling him to go for it.

"Is it really that hard a decision to make?" Turquoise really was growing impatient now, Dennis had taken more

time to consider this course of action than he'd realized.

"Yes..." He said finally, "yes, I want to fuck you, very badly."

Turquoise was pleased with her brother's choice and almost threw herself at him. Flinging her arms around his

neck, she pressed her body against the soft black fur of her brother and kissed him passionately.

As much as he wanted to take his time, Dennis just didn't have enough of it to take his sister's virginity the way

he wanted to. He leaned down and took hold of Turquoise's thighs; lifting her up, he settled her down on his hard

penis. She winced as her brother forced his way between her folds, shattering the glass rose of virginity she

could never again possess.

Dennis stood for a moment holding his sister impaled on his erection, the two twins realizing just what a huge

move they were making. Still holding herself against him tightly, Turquoise looked into her brother's eyes.

"You're inside me, I can feel your pulsing body inside my own and it feels amazing." The girl's eyes were glazed

over with pleasure.

"This feels so great." Dennis said as he looked down at his sister's breasts pressed against his own chest.

Turquoise lifted herself upwards slowly, then let herself settle down again on her brother's hard limb. Slowly, she

increased her pace as Dennis attempted to keep his balance with his sister grinding against his body.

"H-hold on, I have to put you down..."

"What?" Turquoise stopped and looked at her brother disapprovingly. "You're backing out now are you?"

"No no, I'm just having trouble not falling over." Dennis slowly knelt on the ground and lowered his sister onto

the cool leaf covered floor.

"Oh, well, ok then." Turquoise let herself be lain down and patiently waited for her brother to join her. Dennis

ran his tongue from her belly up between her small breasts, once again distracted by her body.

"Hey, less licking, more fucking." Turquoise gently slapped her brother on the arm.

The panther sighed and positioned himself over her body, stopping for a moment to breath in her scent.

"Will you stop getting distracted." Turquoise was starting to get angry now.

"Oh come on, this is supposed to be a special moment, isn't it?"

"You're my brother, we're not dating, how special do you want it to be?"

Dennis looked at her quite disappointed.

"What were you expecting? Us to fall in love or something? It's just sex, physical entertainment, get over it and

fuck me already." Turquoise slapped her brother again as he frowned at her once more.

The black feline lay on top of his sister and entered her body for the second time. Quickly, he picked up a steady

pace and his twin wrapped her legs around him, holding him close to her. Dennis was just a little angry at his

sister's words, but in no way discouraged.

Turquoise began to let out small moans as her brother growled over her body. The feeling of her own sibling's

body moving inside her was sending her mind into a state of pure bliss. Before too long, her moans turned into

soft cries. Still grinding against his sister, Dennis gently placed his large padded hand over her mouth to muffle

her cries that were starting to get quite loud.

The cool air under the cover of the large tree began to rise in temperature as the twins neared their first ever

climax. Dennis removed his hand from his sister's mouth and propped himself up, a hand on either side of his

her body. She cried out with each thrust, each movement her brother made sending a new wave of ecstasy

coursing through her body.

A sudden surge of euphoria burst it's way through Turquoise, causing her to arch her back and scream with

unbridled pleasure.

" Oh god! This is, OH...!" The panther grinned as he realized he had just given his sister her first orgasm.

Her screams continued as Dennis plowed onward towards his own peak. Amongst the cries of his twin, the feline

shuddered to a halt and felt a flood of heat leave his body and enter his sister.

"Did you just...?" Turquoise found the sensation interesting and pleasing as she looked her brother in the eye.

"Yep." Dennis said simply. He gave a couple more weak thrusts and then lay down next to his twin.

"That was great." Turquoise said as her chest heaved. Her heart was racing and her body felt weakened. They

both lay still for several minutes under the cover of the tree as they let their bodies recover.

"Can I..." Dennis paused but his sister already had an idea of what he was going to ask. "Can we do this again?"

"Not now. Another time." Turquoise was more than happy to continue screwing her brother but sense told her they

couldn't just go around fucking on a regular basis, not unless she wanted to get pregnant.

"We're home, where are you two?" Their mother's voice broke through the wall of branches and leaves. Without

a word and with little thought to what they just did, both Dennis and Turquoise stood up. As they gathered their

clothing, they looked at each other and giggled before proceeding to dress.

Over the next few of months, the twins stole away to the cover of the tree to commit more secret sins several

times. These acts quickly came to an end by Turquoise when she received her first period but that didn't last.

They restrained themselves and timed their sexual interactions in an attempt to prevent any unwanted surprises.

Dennis was however more than welcome to tease his sister in the ways he best liked, as long as there was no


After a couple of rather close scares, Turquoise found assistance in a young Hyena name Tessa who worked at

the local pharmacy. She was more than happy to provide any needed contraception Turquoise wanted with no

questions asked allowing the twins to satisfy their sexual hunger for each other more freely.

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