Innocent Turquoise - Brother's Room

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#2 of Innocent Turquoise

Turquoise smiled and watched as her twin brother licked her nipples delicately. The tip of his rough tongue

flicked back and forth over the small nubs of skin. As if her brother were merely sitting next to her rather than

engaging in a normally intimate act, Turquoise lay back on her bed. Dennis followed, climbing up onto the edge

of the bed like a dog following a bone on a string and balanced on his knees, his lower legs hanging off the edge

of the mattress, and continued to run his feline tongue over the breasts of his twin sister.

"Mmm, that feels nice." The girl said as she closed her eyes and put her right hand to work, gently patting the

panther's head. Her left hand found it's way between her legs where Turquoise toyed with the long, soft,

turquoise colored hair on her pussy and simply enjoyed the current situation.

"Dennis, are you up there?" A female voice wafted into the girl's room.

"Shit, it's mum." Turquoise whispered harshly as she sat up. Dennis almost fell off the bed; he picked up his

pants and glanced around for a place to hide.

"There." Turquoise pointed, directing her brother to the only place where he could conceal himself. The end of the

bed faced the door with a clear view of both sides and there was no room underneath for anything larger than a

board game box. A cupboard stood against the wall behind Dennis, it stuck out just enough for him to squash into

the corner. Hoping his mother would not fully enter the room, the panther flattened himself against the wall behind

to the large piece of furniture and held his breath.

An attractive female panther appeared in the doorway of Turquoise's room and stopped.

"Oh Treasure, how many times have I told you to wear something while your father is home." The twins' mother

spoke softly, not a trace of scolding in her voice. "Have you seen Dennis around?"

"I think he's outside." Turquoise replied, clamping her legs together tightly.

"Alright." The mid-thirties panther turned to walk away then paused "Please put something on, I know you like

being naked, so do I, but if your father saw you..." Turquoise's mother left and Dennis breathed a heavy sigh of


"That was close." He said.

"You should go see what she wants, we can always finish later." His sister smiled slyly at her brother.

Reluctantly, Dennis pulled on his pants and left.

Downstairs, a short badger waited for the panther.

"Terrence, I thought you weren't due back until Tuesday." Dennis greeted his friend with surprise and waited for

his response.

"Yeah, Dad's boss called, something about an urgent meeting, some V I C." the badger joined Dennis at the foot

of the stairs and followed him up.

"V I C?"

"Very Important Client." Terrence lowered his voice "You're mum is so hot."

"So you keep saying, every time you visit. Seriously, I think you just come round here to check her out. So how

was your trip?" Dennis turned right at the top of the stairs and then left at the first door, his room.

"Eh, it was pleasant. Mostly just sat around really, but it wasn't boring you know." Terrence sat on his friend's

bed as he closed the door.

"Yeah, funny how visiting family you don't see a lot can make just sitting there seem not boring." The panther

pulled out a swivel chair from the desk that resided next to the door and sat on it. Half an hour passed as the two

friends chatted about almost nothing. Dennis' room had dark purple walls and a low watt bulb in the overhead

light socket. Though there was enough light to see clearly, the general setup gave the room a ‘secret back-room'

feel which Dennis loved.

A knock came from the other side of the door and an instant later it opened. The panther wasn't at all surprised

by the sight, but his badger friend was dumbfounded and could only stare with an open mouth.

"Mum and Dad went out for a few hours," Turquoise frolicked into the room, naked and horny. "we can finish what

we started now. Hi Terrence."

The badger looked at his friend's sister and managed to muster a weak "Hi." in response. He watched as the

very attractive girl moved directly for her brother and sat on his lap, her breasts pressing against his chest.

"Uh... should I leave or something?" Terrence asked nervously.

"No, you can stay." Turquoise said. "I'll give you a titty fuck after if you want." As she spoke, the sexy female

adjusted her position and removed her brother's penis from his pants. With wide eyes staring at his friend and

his friend's sister, the badger just sat there not really sure what he should do. While his mind attempted to make

sense of what was happening, an erection quickly grew in his pants.

Dennis was a little caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, but was in no way about to object. He didn't

mind the fact that his friend was there and began running his hands up and down the back of his twin sister. As

though it was a regular activity for the twins, Turquoise settled down on her brother's dick and began to slowly

bounce her way to bliss.

Her full breasts bounced up and down, her nipples rubbing against the soft fur of her brother. It didn't take long

for her to find a steady rhythm and soon she began to make small moans as the pleasure snaked it's way

through her body.

Dennis firmly grasped the round rump of his sister as she bounced away on his lap. Turquoise looked around

the room absently while her brother looked down to admire the supple breasts pressed against his chest.

Terrence's eyes started roaming, from the rather large, pointy, wolf like ears on Turquoise's head down her

curvy body to her round thighs. She wasn't exactly thin, but she wasn't fat either; the girl was at a point

somewhere in the middle where a nice balance was achieved giving her curves that would turn all but the

densest of heads.

The badger watched as the girl's long tail flicked up and down in perfect sync with her motions, a tail that was

unlike any panther's, a tail that had long thick fur like that of a wolf's. At that point, the oddest question came to

Terrence's mind.

"You two are twins right?" the badger's arousal seemed to vanish as his mind turned to this new object of


"Yeah." Dennis said.

"Your mother is a panther and your father is a human but Turquoise... your ears and tail are..."

"Yeah I know." Turquoise smiled at Terrence. "Mum said Dad went nuts when we were born, he thought mum had

been cheating on him." The girl giggled a little then gasped as a sudden surge of pleasure passed through her


"See, my great, great, great, great grandfather was an Arctic Wolf. Our family thought the genes were completely

gone by now as no wolf signs were apparent over the last seven generations. Mum had to pull out records of the

family tree before Dad was convinced that I was his." Turquoise gasped again and started moaning loudly as

she neared her peak.

She whispered something in her brother's ear then got off his lap. Dennis turned the chair a little so the badger

no longer had a side view, but instead a full on frontal view. With a mischievous grin, Turquoise mounted her

brother once again, this time facing her audience. Terrence stared in amazement at their boldness.

The panther gripped his sister's full breasts as she resumed her bouncing, her legs spread wide to give the

badger a clear view of her pussy. He watched lustfully, eyeing his friend's penis thrusting in and out of the long,

thick mass of turquoise hair covering the girl's pussy.

Her hands roamed all over her body as she climaxed, her bouncing increasing in intensity and her cries

breaking loose into the otherwise empty house. Terrence's erection strained against his pants and his hand

found it's way down to his lap. With his eyes and mind fixed on the orgasming twins, his hand fumbled with his

own penis through the fabric of his clothes.

Having finished with her brother, Turquoise sat for a few minutes before rising and turned her attention to the


"You're turn." She said with a smile as she approached her brother's friend. Terrence just sat there and watched

as if he was a prisoner in his own body, unable to interact with the world around him. Unsure of what he should

do, the only thing he found himself doing was letting this gorgeous female pull down his pants and begin playing

with his hard penis.

The badger wasn't quite as large as his friend, but that in no way discouraged Turquoise. She knelt in front of

him and encompassed his erection with her breasts then proceeded her massaging. Her brother watched as she

rubbed the badger's body with her own. The excitement was too much for Terrence and he covered the top of

Turquoise's breasts within half a minute.

"Oh Terrence, a girl gives you a titty fuck and you can't even hold out for a couple of minutes?" Dennis shook his

head in shame at his friend. His sister stood up, a little surprised, and walked to the door.

"I'm gunna go clean up." She said then left, closing the door behind her.

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