Forbidden Affairs - Kitchen Heat

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#4 of Forbidden Affairs

Three years passed and thanks to Garth's teaching Victoria's mind matured and slowly came to grips with her

abused past. At first, it would have been easier teaching a brick wall how to fall down on it's own, but after much

persistence and patience, things began to stick in the young panther's head.

While the lion taught Sen's sister, the new king took over the kingdom and found it a less easy than he'd

expected. Things were not as settled as the heir had first thought and he soon found it more than exhausting to

keep the kingdom from collapsing in on itself. Though the problems he faced were surprisingly tough, his old

mentor was always on hand to offer advice and wisdom; but nothing could have prepared the young king for the

corruption stress left his mind open to.

Alira soon grew to find her position far from exclusive as King Senthius, though he favored the dark skinned

beauty, was not disinclined to find sexual relief in the attractive, young maids that worked at the castle. The

human girl even found herself accepting that she was little more than a favored option instead of a special part

of the panther's life and watched as he openly engaged in frequent sexual acts with other females of the staff.


Tessica stood at the end of a long, wide table that resided in the center of the castle's large kitchen. A cheetah

and a skunk bustled about at the opposite end, cleaning assorted plates and pots. The rabbit quietly chopped

some vegetables for the nightly meal while humming to herself, almost in her own world.

Sen walked into the large room with Alira close behind and stood beside Tessica for a moment, watching her


"So what are we eating tonight?" Senthius asked suddenly.

" Gods!" The steel knife clattered on the table top as Tessica dropped it in fright. "Where did you come


Senthius just smiled as he watched the ample bust of the rabbit heave under her clothing as she attempted to

catch her breath. The yellow bunny picked up the knife and continued chopping.

"Lamb stew."

Senthius moved behind Tessica and leaned close, putting his muzzle next to the base of her long ear.

"I was kind of looking forward to..." Sen paused for dramatic effect, "rabbit!" at the moment he spoke the final

word of his sentence, the panther lustfully grasped Tessica's round rump making her drop the knife a second

time. She offered no resistance or objection and simply placed her hands on the table's edge, bracing her stance

in preparation for the imminent enjoyment.

Alira stood off to the side and watched as her king groped the rear end of the rabbit. His fingers spread wide and

squeezed firmly, lifting the rabbit slightly. He growled softly in her ear as he pressed against her back and

moved his hands around to her front. Tessica closed her eyes as she felt the panther's hands move over her

hips and slip under the front of her shirt.

The bunny's fur filtered through Sen's fingers as he moved them over her belly, slowly making his way to her

ample bust. Alira watched the sight from the sideline, growing aroused by the display and running her hands

over her own body almost unconsciously. The two maids at the other end of the kitchen watched out of the corner

of their eyes, but continued about their business, pretending not to notice.

The mistress-servant wore a new ‘uniform', one that covered even less than her previous. A ring of gold lace sat

low on her hips with a long, pale cream piece of fabric draping down her front, barely three inches wide and

reaching no lower than her knees. Behind her was a similar piece, four inches wide and hanging down to just

bellow her butt. This was the only clothing Alira now wore, and she'd gown quite fond of the exposed feeling it

gave her.

The human female's hands strayed to her breasts and she cupped them delicately as she let her mind take in

the sight before her. Desire began to spread through her body as the lustful show made her skin reach a

heightened state of sensitiveness. This made running her hands over her skin feel almost intoxicating and

soon Alira found herself rubbing her hands all over her bust without any restraint.

As the dark skinned beauty pleasured herself, Sen teased the nipples of the rabbit. She leaned over the table

with the panther's erection pressing between her legs through pants and dress. Her yellow fur was soft on the

feline's pads, his hands moving swiftly through it under her shirt. Senthius gave Tessica's nipples a firm

squeeze making her leg's buckle.

The bunny collapsed onto the table top, her arms sprawling out and pushing vegetables and the knife off the

side. The panther removed his hands from the clothing of the now heavily breathing maid and took a step

backwards. He lifted the back of Tessica's shirt and pulled down the waistband of her dress just far enough to

expose her pussy that would have cried for the panther's dick if it could.

Alira leaned against a bench and put both her hands beneath what little clothing she wore and began rubbing her

own pussy. Her fingers grew wet fast as juices dripped onto the floor from between her folds as she massaged

herself. The two maids no longer hid their voyeurism, but rather, stood in awe at the public display of the King,

his servant and another maid.

Sen put his left hand on Tessica's hip and ran his right, middle finger up and down her wet, exposed pussy

making her want grow to almost unbearable proportions. She moaned softly as she began moving her hips

about, her tail sticking straight up.

"S-stop torturing me." The rabbit pleaded. A grin covered the panther's face as he heard the maid's distress.

"You want it? You want me to fuck you?" Senthius leaned over and whispered into the bunny's ear.

"YES!" Tessica was almost in tears "FUCK ME NOW!"

Alira's legs could no longer hold her up as her body quivered from her explorations. Pretty soon, the human girl

slumped on the floor with her eyes closed and five of her eight fingers stuffed deep between her legs.

Senthius released Tessica and stepped over to Alira. The rabbit turned around in anger, thinking she was being

abandoned at the peak of her torture. Her anger subsided quickly when she saw her king pull his

mistress-servant to her feet, abruptly interrupting her fun.

Standing aside, the bunny watched as Sen lifted Alira to sit on the edge of the large table. He spread her legs

wide and untied the lace knot on her left hip, dropped the garment on the floor and stood back.

Tessica knew what to do and wasted no time. She placed her hands on the thighs of Alira and buried her muzzle

in the human's pussy, leaning over and pushing out her rear for Sen. Taking a wide stance in her dress that sat

half way down her thighs, Tessica licked Alira's pussy viciously and waited for Senthius to insert himself into the


Pleasure coursed it's way through the body of the dark skinned female as she twitched. Tessica's tongue

roamed all around the smooth skin of Alira's pussy and deep inside. The rabbit took a moment to gasp when her

king drove his penis deep inside her body from behind. Already near her limit, it didn't take Tessica long to

writhe as an orgasm tore through her body.

She lavished herself in the human girl's pussy as her orgasm continued. Senthius was just getting started and

the rabbit's body was going to have to endure a long and powerful experience before the end.

Alira threw her head back and lifted her legs in pleasure, her own orgasm was close and things were only half

finished. Tessica found it hard to focus on pleasuring the dark skinned beauty and nearly bit her tongue several

times as her body squirmed every which way in an attempt to survive the immense pleasure.

The king pumped himself deep into the maid causing another orgasm to follow immediately after the first. The

audience had now grown as another maid entered the kitchen and stopped to watch the show. The panther didn't

care about who saw him, he enjoyed being watched. He pushed his thick dick deep into the rabbit again and

again as he quickly looked about to see who else was watching.

Alira was forced to finish what she'd originally started as Tessica could barely breathe now, let alone lick the

vagina of another person. Breathing heavily, the bunny watched as the human inserted a couple of fingers and

started rubbing hard. Alira leaned back on one hand and soon came to her peak in a hot, wet explosion that

covered the rabbit's face.

Whimpers began coming from Tessica as the panther behind her drove her into a third and final orgasm while

he quickly raced towards his own peak. With a few final and very powerful thrusts, King Senthius filled the maid

with his seed and let her collapse on the floor barely strong enough to stay awake.

The panther returned his penis to his pants and walked out of the kitchen as Alira got off the table and beckoned

for assistance from the maids. The four females lifted Tessica and carried her to her room before returning to

their previous duties leaving the rabbit to recover.


Victoria walked down the small hallway towards the door at the side of the throne-hall. A heated conversation

caught her attention when she reached the entrance and she stopped to listen for a moment, not wanting to

interrupt anything important. The albino panther carefully turned the knob and pushed the door open slightly,

her view was restricted to the main entrance and Garth standings a few meters in front of it.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand." The lion spoke to his king who sat on his throne.

"What is there to understand? You have been given your orders, carry them out." Senthius sat with Alira

standing to his right, between the two stone thrones.

"They were hungry. Why should they die for wanting to live?" Garth was growing frustrated with his king.

"They may have been hungry, but if I allow them to get away with it this time, it will only encourage others to

think they can use hunger as an excuse to get away with it again." Alira moaned softly; as he spoke to Garth,

Senthius had his right hand between his mistress-servant's legs and was teasing her pussy from behind.

"This is wrong, punish those that deserve to be punished, not those that are forced into desperate acts of

survival by hunger."

"If this is dealt with now, it will discourage future offenders. Do as you are told, kill them all." Senthius turned

Alira around and began teasing her from the front, firmly squeezing her clit, making her legs almost buckle.

"If that is your wish my liege." Garth turned towards the large double doors of the hall and stopped for a moment.

Turning his head to one side, he spoke sourly as an afterthought "You're becoming more like your father every


Victoria's ears twitched at these words and watched silently from the side door. Garth walked away from his

king and just before reaching the exit stopped suddenly.

Pain shot through the lion's chest, each breath bringing more pain. His breathing grew short and rasped as he

looked down at the katana that now protruded from the right side of his chest. A low growl filled the lion's ear as

he turned his head to look into the eyes of the enraged panther.

Senthius pulled out the blade and let his old mentor fall to the floor without a word. Victoria stepped back from

the door and retreated to her room to contemplate what she had just witnessed. Alira just looked away as her

king returned to his seat, leaning the blood stained katana against his throne as he sat down.

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Forbidden Affairs - A Murderer and a Degenerate

Victoria's screams ripped through the great hall while the huge crowd of citizens stared in surprise at the headless figure of their previous king. "SHUT UP, FOOLISH GIRL!" Sen yelled at his sister as the albino panther collapsed to the floor...

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