Forbidden Affairs - Of Chains and Temptation

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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#5 of Forbidden Affairs

"I should have seen it before, Garth did." Victoria sat on Tessica's single bed and watched her pack.

"I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better Victoria, I really do." The yellow furred rabbit placed several

folded garments in the suitcase sitting next to the albino panther.

"There's nothing you can say, nothing anyone can say. I passed it off as pressures of his duties. I gave him an

excuse. I said to myself ‘He's a king now, difficult decisions have to be made all the time.' He chose courses of

action he never would have even considered 3 years ago, and all the time I gave him an excuse." Victoria sat

there, as though all point to living had been stripped away from her.

"Garth saw it though," she said "he knew what was happening. I don't even know what I am supposed to think

now. Sen killed our father to stop this sinful behavior and now he's following that very same path."

"I'm sorry I can't be here for you Victoria, you know I want to be here." The rabbit stopped and looked at her

friend with sympathetic eyes.

"I know you want to be here for me Tessica. I should let you finish packing, I hope you get better soon so you

can return."

"It's only the flu or something, I'll be back in a couple of days." Tessica smiled at the white panther. Seeing her

friend smile lifted Victoria's spirits just a little, but it was enough.


Light streamed into the dusty stairwell as the trap door creaked open. Two pandas in gleaming armor started

down the stairs, followed by King Senthius, then another two guards, a lion and an otter. The stairs were steep

and dropped for several meters before meeting a dirt floor. To the right of the entrance was a long hallway

lined with large steel doors.

"There's a lot of cells here, how many people did this guy keep down here." The otter asked softly, speaking to

no one in particular.

"The information says this is a low business time of year. I expect at busier times these cells would all have

occupants, multiple occupants even." Sen answered, speaking clearly. "Check them all."

Dust kicked up off the narrow corridor floor as the five anthropomorphs moved from door to door, sliding open

the small metal slate to look through the viewing hole on each. Occasionally a door was opened and a captive

exited the small stone room to join the group.

Sen approached a door that had been forgotten in the confusion of the growing number of liberated prisoners.

Placing his hand on the latch that kept the metal slate over the hole in the door closed, the panther unlatched it

and looked into the room. He stopped suddenly, catching his breath. His mind focused on the contents of the

room and something inside the king rose from the dark recesses of his mind, something primal, something


"You," Senthius called to one of the pandas "Stand here." The guard obeyed his orders and took up a guarded

position in front of the door after his king entered.

The room was only a couple of square meters big with straw in one corner. Near the ceiling was a small grate

that allowed for ventilation, light shone through it, falling on the occupant of the cell.

A black striped, silver cat stood up as her visitor slowly closed the heavy door behind him. No older than 14

years, the female prisoner was well groomed and completely naked. When she saw who had entered, her

spirits lifted and her voice spoke with excitement.

"King Senthius! You're here to save me aren't you!?" the feline rushed over to the panther and stopped when

the metal collar around her neck strained it's large chain that linked to the stone wall. Senthius said nothing and

approached the happy girl slowly, looming over her with an imposing atmosphere.

She stood boldly, her nakedness the last thing on her mind at the prospect she was being saved. Senthius'

mind had only one thought, and it drove his body with adamant resolution. Slowly the panther placed his hand

on the girl's face as she looked up at him, her face level with his chest. He looked at her with eyes that almost

seemed full with pity, but instead was something much more taboo.

"What are you doing?" the young cat pulled away from her king as his hand ran down her neck and settled on

her round, perky breast. Discourage filled her voice as she took a step back. Sen stepped towards her and the

girl's excitement turned to distress.

King Senthius moved with lightning speed, grabbing the chain and pulling down on it, forcing the girl to her


"What are you doing?" she asked again, her voice shaky and nervous this time. The panther stood before her

and opened his royal robe. Terror filled the girl's eyes as she watched him undo his pants and release his thick


"Don't do this, please don't make me, I don't want to." The cell's occupant pleaded with her visitor but her

sadness went ignored as Sen closed the small distance between them.

She withdrew, trying to avoid the growing erection in front of her face. The panther held his limb in one hand and

placed his other hand on the top of the young cat's head, guiding it forward. A tear rolled down the silver cheek

of the cat as she was forced to swallow the large piece of meat. She placed both her hands on the panther's hips

in an attempt to stop her nose from being smashed as Sen roughly drove his dick into her mouth again and


Enjoyment filled the lower portion of Senthius' body, the rough feline tongue rubbing against the underbelly of his

penis. With his mind focused on the pleasure, the girl's desperation to breath was lost and her gagging grew in

intensity as the large penis was thrust into her throat. The young cat's nose began to bleed as it was rammed

against the panther's lap hard, over and over. After a few minutes he started shifting his hips as well, pushing

ever closer to his orgasm.

Air grew thin for the young feline as she couldn't breath properly with the large penis blocking her maw and blood

filling her nostrils. With a couple of final thrusts, her breathing problem doubled as her throat was filled with a

torrent of heat from the panther's body. Most flowed the only way it could, down her throat; a small amount found

it's way back into her open mouth and drooled down onto her chest.

Senthius pulled himself out of the girl and she quickly turned away to vomit on the dirt floor. The panther gave

her little time to recover as he grabbed her short silver hair and roughly pushed her towards the back wall of the

cell. With her rear end now facing him, the king knelt down and took hold of the girl's hips, lifted them, and

plunged his thick body as far into her young pussy as he could go.

A scream of pain reverberated around the cell as the distraught cat fell to her elbows. Tears now flowed freely

from the fourteen year old girl's eyes as the good king committed the sinful act of forcibly taking her virginity.

Her mind hated every bit of it, but the physical pleasure was undeniable, which only served to increase her

sadness and hatred of the situation.

Senthius again thrust himself into the girl without restraint, hard and fast, plunging deep into her body, at least

she could breath now. She cried heavily as the pleasure of the thick penis moving in and out of her pussy

coursed through her body. She even started moaning between sobs. The chain rattled loudly as the young girl

was pushed back and forth, her breasts beginning to hurt as well as they were roughly hurled about while

hanging from her body.

Pleasure filled the girl's body, it's source was the panther inside her. Two voices now screamed inside her head,

one screamed "Stop, please stop!" the other screamed "More! MORE!" This new sensation was growing too

much for the girl as she neared her first orgasm. Amongst her cries of sadness were now cries of pleasure,

physical and undeniable ecstasy, primal in it's nature.

She soon reached her orgasm and started screaming louder with a high pitched voice. Her mind grew fuzzy and

she felt her energy fleeing from her body. The orgasm continued with growing ferocity as Senthius continued to

pump before finally reaching his second peak.

The leftover's from his first orgasm now rushed into the depths of the young silver cat and the king then

discarded her like a rag doll. He stood and dressed himself before turning towards the door to leave. A jarring

screech filled the underground dungeon as Senthius opened the door.

"Wait!" The young feline crawled forward as far as the chain would let her "Don't leave me here, please."

"This room is empty." King Senthius said coldly to the guard as he closed the door behind him. The panda

nodded and followed his king to join the rest of the group, leaving a frightened, shaking, distraught and crying

young cat to plead to the empty air.



Forbidden Affairs - Kitchen Heat

Three years passed and thanks to Garth's teaching Victoria's mind matured and slowly came to grips with her abused past. At first, it would have been easier teaching a brick wall how to fall down on it's own, but after much persistence and...

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Forbidden Affairs - A Murderer and a Degenerate

Victoria's screams ripped through the great hall while the huge crowd of citizens stared in surprise at the headless figure of their previous king. "SHUT UP, FOOLISH GIRL!" Sen yelled at his sister as the albino panther collapsed to the floor...

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