Moonlight Blue

Story by Silvador on SoFurry

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Moonlight shone down from the twin moons that slowly trekked across the star filled, cloudless sky. The small

blue moon followed it's large white companion like a child following their mother.

Below, a river flowed down a lush mountainside. A small waterfall from a natural spring within the mountain filled

the river's basin at the mountain's base. Beneath the water lay a thick layer of smooth, flat, white stones that

tiled the floor of the basin, preventing the smallest piece of dirt from contaminating the purity of the river.

Hooves stepped along the small animal path that led through the surrounding tree laden landscape to the

isolated river basin. Leaves from small bushes along the path's edge brushed against the lower joint of the dual

jointed legs on the river's visitor. The 6'6" Draenei emerged from the tree-line only a few meters from the water's


As she held a small white towel against her ample bust, she walked across the grassy ground towards the clear

water. The towel hid little as it draped down her front, not long enough to cover her lap thus leaving her thick folds

exposed. Snow had light blue skin and short white hair, her horns grew out to the side from above her ears and

then turned straight up.

She left her towel on the grassy ground as she stepped into the cool water. The night was warm and Snow

entered the river slowly, allowing her body to adjust as she moved closer to it's center. As the water level rose

from hoof, to reverse joint, to knee and up Snow's thick thighs, her light blue skin began to break out in goose

bumps from the contrasting temperatures her body was dealing with.

The full figured beauty stopped suddenly and gasped as the cool water lapped at her sensitive, bare pussy. She

clamped her legs together tightly in an attempt to reduce exposure and pushed forward. Nearing the deepest part

of the river basin, Snow held out her arms to her sides and let the tips of her fingers trail across the surface of

the water. By now, her body had adjusted sufficiently to the mixture of warm air and cool water, allowing the light

blue vision of beauty to move a little faster and begin bathing.

Still moving with relatively slow, but graceful motions, Snow began to scoop up water and pour it over her

shoulders, letting it run down her arm and back into the water around her hips and legs. Though her body had

adjusted, the cool water on her warm skin was still a stimulating experience that sent shivers of electricity

through her body like ice cracking from being placed in a glass of water.

Her short, thin tail curled into the groove of her round butt and in between her legs from behind. The tip of her tail

found the thick lips of her pussy and Snow blushed just a little as she pushed her tail inside her depths. As the

light blue Draenei grew more aroused, she cradled her full bodied breasts and squeezed them tightly against her

chest, breathing deeply as her mind lifted in pleasure.

Trying to maintain her composure, Snow occasionally poured water over her upper body before continuing to

caress herself. Delicately, she moved her hands over her smooth skin, making sure to touch and feel every part

of her body.

After several minutes ‘cleaning' her breasts, she turned her attention back to actually bathing. She looked down

at her reflection and tipped her head to the side. Gently, she washed the two tentacles that grew from behind

each ear and draped over her shoulders. She encompassed each one in her hand and ran her fingers along it's

length before repeating the process.

The water gently lapped at her hips as she continued washing, the feeling of the water on her body and the

sensation of her hands roaming over her body made Snow quickly became ignorant of her surroundings and lose

herself in the moment.

Behind the light blue beauty, two more voluptuous Draenei emerged from the tree-line to enjoy the serene setting.

A royal blue with long blue hair that hung over her right eye and horns that grew straight backwards plus a light

purple with silver-white hair and horns the same as Snow's.

Desire, the light purple, wore a black bikini and her hair in pony tails that draped over her shoulders. Her bikini

was a size too small and didn't hide much, though she didn't mind showing her body, she preferred to hide just a

little to tease those that would look in her direction.

Sapphire, the royal blue, was younger and more free spirited than her two friends; wearing nothing at all, she sat

on the grassy bank and looked out over the water at the bathing Snow whom wasn't aware of their presence.

Both newcomers watched Snow as she bathed, oblivious of her audience, continuing to roam her hands over her

upper body with her tail poking in between her legs, teasing her pussy underwater.

Desire lay on her side, her back facing Sapphire. She curled her legs up just enough to give the royal blue a

perfect view of the plump pussy beneath the bikini. At the thinnest section of the bikini bottom, between her legs,

Desire's folds were left completely exposed, only the groove of her pussy was covered by the bikini's fabric.

Sapphire looked to her right at Desire and admired the curvy figure that she shared with her friends. The light

purple rested her head on her arm that she curled up beneath it on the ground, her left arm rested on her waist

and stroked her stomach.

The royal blue put her hand casually on Desire's wide hip and squeezed gently. Next, she traced a single finger

in random patterns on her friend's hip before running it down her thigh and then back up. She flattened her hand

on the round rear of Desire next, then ran her hand down the back of her thigh and moving back up again as she had

done before with her finger.

The light purple Draenei closed her glowing white eyes and allowed her friend to tease her. Sapphire targeted

Desire's pussy next, gently stroking her exposed folds and occasionally pushing under the fabric to tease the

base of her entrance.

Highly aroused by the royal blue's bold advancements, Desire tugged at the tie on her hip, untying her bikini

bottom. She lifted her hip off the ground and twisted the bikini bottom around her leg before pushing it downwards.

Next, she untied the second tie and removed the bikini bottom completely. Meanwhile, Sapphire untied the tie

around Desire's neck and back. The light purple pulled the final piece of clothing off her body and cast it aside

before beginning to knead her left breast with her left hand. Sapphire sat with her legs parted and bent up, she

assigned her left hand to rubbing her own pussy as she fingered her friend with her right hand from behind.

Desire moaned softly as a finger from the royal blue's right hand slowly slid in and out of her pussy with a

rhythmic pace.

Out in the water, Snow had abandoned her bathing completely and now stood with her legs parted slightly. Her

hooves were dug into position between the rocks, bracing her stance as her right hand fondled her breasts and

her left hand, with her tail, explored the inside of her pussy. As she pleasured herself, her body temperature

rapidly rose, making the water around her feel cold once again. The cold didn't bother her however as her mind

was now too focused on the sexual peak she was chasing. Snow moaned to herself and shifted her footing as her

legs began to buckle from ripples of pleasure passing through them.

The water splashed as Snow swayed back and forth. With her mind preoccupied, she was beginning to find it

difficult to manage her balance and was soon adjusting her stance frequently while she plunged both her hands

between her legs. Her body no longer felt the cold of the water as she neared her climax, the dam of ecstasy

building in her body was beginning to strain and was due to burst at any moment. Snow's cries rolled across the

water's surface and she leaned forward, her hooves dug deep into gaps between the stone on the basin's floor.

Waves of pleasure coursed their way through her body as the light blue Draenei fingered her way through a

powerful orgasm while she swayed in the water.

Back on the grassy bank, Desire and Sapphire watched their friend collapse into the water after she finished

screaming in euphoria. The light purple lay on her back now, teasing her nipples with both her hands as Sapphire

sat next to her, her right hand between her Desire's legs, her left between her own.

Desire arched her back a little and moaned softly as her friend returned her attention to the Draenei next to her.

Lying on her back, the moaning Draenei had her legs bent up and spread apart, allowing Sapphire full access to

her pussy. The royal blue sat in a similar position and occasionally remembered to finger herself while fingering

her friend.

Snow stood up from the water and turned around. Instantly she caught the gaze of Sapphire and stopped dead.

Realizing her two friends had seen her most unladylike display, she blushed and started heading towards the


Avoiding her friends, Snow quickly gathered up her towel and began making her way back to the isolated cabin

where the three Draenei were staying. Much to Desire's disappointment, Sapphire removed her hand from the

light purple's pussy and stood up to face Snow as she quickly walked past.

"Where are you going?" Sapphire said. Snow stopped, but didn't turn around. The royal blue walked over to Snow

as Desire sat up to watch.

Sapphire walked around in front of her friend who looked to the side, avoiding eye contact. The light purple began

to tease herself absently as she watched the confrontation. Snow was blushing intensely and looked down at the

ground. Sapphire couldn't think of anything to say so simply placed her right hand on her friend's left breast.

Snow snapped her head up and looked her friend in the eye. The two Draenei stared into the glowing white eyes

of each other for a couple of minutes before the light blue suddenly planted a kiss on Sapphire's lips.

Desire stared wide eyed in amazement at the sudden action; Sapphire was completely caught off guard. Snow

pulled away just as fast and with her hand on her lips began to run past the royal blue beauty. Sapphire had no

intention of letting her escape and quickly grabbed Snow's hand.

Stopped by her friend's hold, Snow turned to face her and saw a devilish grin on her face. The royal blue led her

friend to Desire who lay back once again on the ground. Pleased that things were about to heat up, the light

purple fondled her round breasts as Sapphire guided Snow to stand over Desire's head.

"Sit." Sapphire said. Obediently, Snow lowered herself into a kneeling position. Desire ran her hands up the

inside of the thighs of the kneeling Draenei and poked a thumb into her pussy causing her to gasp before finally

settling down, her folds just above the mouth of the light purple beneath her.

Desire wasted no time and plunged her tongue into her friend's pussy, making her lift just a fraction before

settling once again, closing her eyes and caressing her breasts. Sapphire kissed Snow on the lips and

whispered into her ear,


Snow nodded gently and moaned as Desire lavished herself in the fluids escaping her friend's pussy into her

mouth. With a smile on her face, Sapphire turned her attention to the pussy of the light purple beauty. She lay on

her stomach between Desire's bent, spread legs and began running her tongue up the dripping wet groove of

Desire, making her writhe in pleasure just a little.

Snow was very sensitive after her solo act in the river basin and it didn't take her long to reach previous heights.

She shifted her weight about and moaned loudly as she quickly rose to a second climax. Desire grabbed her hips

and held her down while plunging her tongue inside as far as it would go. The light blue began to scream as her

friend forced her to endure the orgasm. Bruises rapidly began to develop on the light blue's breasts where she

squeezed them tightly while her depths were looted and pillaged by the tongue of the Draenei under her.

Sapphire finally decided to step things up and pushed her own tongue between the light purple's folds, making

her arch her back. If she had toes, they would have curled for sure, all Sapphire's teasing until now had placed

her friend on the edge of ecstasy and all she needed now was a single good push.

The royal blue gave her that push; she squeezed Desire's clitoris firmly between finger and thumb, making her

throw Snow to the side, scream loudly with pleasure, arch her back sharply, tear out clumps of grass from the

ground beside her and hit Sapphire in the face with a high powered jet of fluids.

Both Desire and Snow lay on the ground, almost completely drained of energy.

"I guess I have to do myself." Sapphire muttered as she sat up.

The royal blue wiped Desire's juices from her face and licked them off her hand before plunging a couple of

fingers into her own pussy. Snow watched silently, as her friend vigorously pleasured herself. Sapphire wasn't

interested in toying with her own body, she only drew pleasure from teasing others that way.

The two exhausted Draenei recovered their strength as Sapphire lay on her back and pushed as many fingers as

she could deep between her legs. Her moans and whimpers grew loud and soon she lifted her hips off the grassy

bank as she screamed in ecstasy. Her neck started to ache from supporting almost all of her body on it's own as

she arched it high into the air, ripples of pleasure streaming through her.

Finally, Sapphire collapsed on the ground, her chest heaving from her breathed heavily. Desire and Snow both

sat up to look at their friend lying on the ground.

"So now I have to bathe again?" Snow said standing up, her shyness drained away.

Desire joined her and both Draenei helped Sapphire to stand. The three visions of beauty walked towards the

water's edge and plunged in.

The sudden cool of the water brought Sapphire back from exhaustion and she broke away from her two friends.

"Shit! It's cold!" The royal blue cried as she stumbled further into the body of water. Snow laughed and Desire

stepped closer to Sapphire who leaned down to scoop up a handful of water.

It didn't take long for the cool water to begin flying through the air, splashing against the well proportioned bodies

of the three Draenei. As they moved about trying to dodge their friend's attacks, the cold of the water was soon


Dripping wet, all three Draenei left the river after almost ten minutes of ‘bathing' and lay on the ground in the

warm air. Sapphire made the first move, running her tongue up and over the ample bust of her light blue friend.

Desire joined the second round of fun also, laying her body against the side of Snow's, full breasts pressing

against full breasts.

Sapphire took a similar position on Snow's other side, effectively pinning the light blue Draenei on the ground.

Fingers from both the royal blue and the light purple were inserted into the light blue's pussy, her legs were

spread wide and held apart, one leg between the legs of the two Draenei on top.

Snow began moaning as Sapphire and Desire ran their fingers up and down the inside of her thighs and inside

her pussy. Her arms were pinned beneath the voluptuous bodies of her two friend, her hands streaking up and

down their backs in an attempt to find something to grip and squeeze.

The light blue was not the only one being pleasured; while Sapphire teased Snow's clit, rubbing and squeezing it,

and Desire plunged her fingers as far into Snow's depths as they would go, pressing against her walls, both

Draenei were rubbing their own folds against their friend's thick thighs.

With the warm air and high temperature from their bodies, all three Draenei quickly dried of the water from the

river, however, that water was replaced by a large amount of bodily fluids flowing from the themselves.

Sapphire and Desire grinned as Snow reached her third orgasm for the night, her screams of ecstasy rolling up

the mountain side. Her two friends began to have a difficult time keeping her pinned to the ground as she started

wriggling and screaming, the intense physical pleasure was hitting a point where Snow just couldn't stand it any


"AH! NO, STOP IT! I CA-AHHH!" Tears rolled down the cheeks of the light blue as her two friends continued to

torture her, orgasm after orgasm sending her mind into a haze of euphoria. A flood of juices completely covered

Sapphire's and Desire's hand as Snow juiced heavily on the grassy ground.

Finally, both Draenei released Snow, sitting up, but still pinning each of her legs between theirs. Sapphire and

Desire licked the sweet tasting juices from their hands as they watched their friend lying on the ground, no longer


"One down." Desire said as she looked at Sapphire.

"Who's on top?" Sapphire asked.

"I was already on the bottom once tonight."

"Fine by me." Sapphire stood up and then lay on the ground, ready for more fun.

Desire took her stance over the royal blue and lowered herself into a kneeling position. Sapphire grabbed her

friend's thighs and pushed her tongue between the light purple folds without restraint.

"Nnuhh! What, no teasing this time?" There was no answer to Desire's question, just pleasure.

The light purple leaned forward and buried her face between Sapphire's legs to return the favor. Both females

gorged themselves on the pussy of the other, sending waves of pleasure through their bodies.

A single cloud crossed the sky as both Sapphire and Desire reached their peaks. First was Sapphire, she cried

out with a muffled scream, tensing her entire body before relaxing. More than satisfied, she lay back and let

herself go, nearly catching Desire in the face with a long stream of piss.

"You bitch, you could've warned me you were gunna have a piss, you almost hit me." Sapphire just smiled at

Desire's statement then continued to feast on her pussy. The light purple lifted her head, sitting up and arching

her back. Already near her climax, it didn't take long for Sapphire to coax a second jet of bodily juices from

Desire's pussy and swallowed it willingly.

The light purple lay forward, her legs stretch out on either side of her friend's head.

"How long do you think till she wakes up?" Desire said as she looked at the sleeping Snow.

"We did a number on her, she'll probably sleep till sunrise." Sapphire said.

"Well, I'm not carrying her back to the cabin."

"So we'll stay here. It's not like it's not nice."

"That's true."

Desire got off her friend and lay next to her. It wasn't long before they too drifted from the land of the conscious.

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