The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 3

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended I am truly sorry, but please do remember I did not force you to read it. My stories are also copyrighted so no Takee!

The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 3

By William W. Kelso

I was so foolish to think my torment would end there, that the screaming mindless thing I had become would be shown any mercy or compassion. The fact that I was a creature of Hell myself, a demon, a particularly wretched one, made no difference. I had long ago reached and exceeded the required quota for a Hell stud of servicing a minimum of thirty females per hour after many mindless years of unending agonizing sexual slavery, what little was left of my human mind insane and totally unresponsive, the beast totally in control. That was the only way I could survive. One day my handler, who brought me line after line of females for servicing now with the help of several other handlers to keep the lines moving fast enough, gave me a pat on the rump and told me,

"Your average is now one female serviced every 80 seconds, an excellent record!! Over 950 females in a day, sometimes it only takes you one minute or less now to mount and service a female. One day last week you managed an even 1000 in a day! At one time I would have thought that was impossible, even for a Hell stud, but you've proved me wrong! Our Mistress will be most pleased!"

"Urrrk, grunt, Grwl! Uh uh uh!" was my only response as I slammed into a females hind quarters. I didn't say anything as even if I could have spoken intelligently there was no longer a mind capable of forming words in my narrow skull. While she was talking I had served another female and had moved on to the next, grunting with lust as I mounted her. She continued to talk to me and it annoyed me as it took part of my concentration away from my mates, and I snarled at her. My females were the only thing that mattered to me, and any distractions was unwanted and not to be tolerated. She just gave my flank another pat and continued as if I could understand her.

"I've told Mistress Vulva and she plans on paying a visit to see for herself sometime in the next few months". I only grunted as I pulled my huge cock out of the donkey's vagina, and immediately rammed it into the next donkey's swollen sex. I did it so fast my cock was still spewing sperm from my most recent orgasm. I rammed in my cock and thrust for little over a minute and instantly had another massive orgasm, then with a happy grunt I dismounted and moved to the next female waiting for my services. And it will never end, I can never stop. My Mistress changed me from a stupid innocent virgin into a stud for the breeding pits of Hell which are her domain. She made me into the THING I am now in order to breed the beasts and animals of hell. I have never had, and never will, have sex with a human woman. The horrible irony is I am still a virgin. My cock is huge now, a good sixteen inches long or more. My loins are now the size of softballs, obscenely huge and pulsating with a steady throb as they produce the massive amounts of sperm and other fluids I require, but they are never anywhere near drained or satiated. I pump pints of sperm in just a few minutes but they refill instantly. No soreness, no satiation, no stopping, only mindless agonizing sexual ecstasy and pain with no release from my lust. I'm no longer aware of anything except my partners and my desperate need to keep my cock buried to the hilt in one. I'm drenched in my partners, and my own, sexual fluids but I don't even notice and no attempt is made to clean me anymore as I would not stand for it. As I have changed I have grown much larger and heavier and am a true physical threat to any being that dares to interfere with what I need most. My fangs are more than capable of ripping through the toughest hide or scales as more than one Imp that ventured too close has found out personally. I need no rest, no water, feel no fatigue, and have no need to eat, taking all the nourishment I need from the vaginas of the females I service, absorbing their sexual juices to fuel myself and replace the fluids I pour into them. No one could ever mistake me for anything human, and I certainly have no memory of ever having been one. That is the only mercy I am allowed, this place is all I remember and it has become my home.

Sometime later, I had no idea how long and did not care; Vulva finally came by again to visit. She talked to the handler for awhile, her facial expressions reflecting between being impressed and delighted, often at the same time. After awhile she came over and watched me as in just over one minute I mounted a female and serviced her, then immediately, grunting and slobbering, rammed my nuzzle into the next ones vagina for a quick lick and then mounted her. "Urrrraaaaa!" I screamed at the unbearable pleasure. "Urrkk, Uh, uh, uh!" I bellowed as I lunged and thrust.

"My, my, she said in awe, over 950 femaless in a day on average, that'ss a record even for a Hell sstud, my pet! Hiiisss. Your Misstress is mosst pleassed, yessss"

"Uh, uh, uh, grunt!" I said, totally ignoring her as I dismounted from one female and quickly mounted the next, my entire concentration on my next mate. I threw back my head slobbering mindlessly as almost instantly another massive orgasm rocked me and my balls started pumping again. "EEEuuuuurrrrrrr!" I squealed.

She waited for an opportunity, then grabbed me by the shoulder and turned me to face her. With a growl I tried to pull away, already eyeing the next female and flaring my nostrils at her sweet scent. "Nuuuueeeewwww!" I whimpered. I growled again and snapped at her and Vulva smashed her tail across my snout "BEHAVE BEAST!" she said, and I cowered as the beast recognized his Mistress. She crouched down and began to gently stroke one of my massive testicles, it felt good but I let out a guttural moan of impatience and still tried to pull away, but she wouldn't let me. "Ohhheeeur! I moaned as she gently caressed my loins, the pleasure finally sinking in and I just stood there moaning, one of my hands holding up my massive penis and trying to jack off with my other hand I needed release so bad, but it was a wasted effort as my paws just weren't suitable. I reached my head around and nuzzled her, licking her head.

"Urrrggghhh uh eh eh, Owoooo!" I moaned, my whole body throbbing and aching with lust and need as I desperately eyed the next female. I whined and looked at my Mistress with pleading eyes, my tongue lolling out of the corner of my mouth. "Eck, eck, urrrrrk?" I moaned. I didn't understand why she had stopped me. Had I been bad? Did she want me to service her? I flared my nostrils and her scent was sweet and if she wanted me I would be happy to mount and service her as many times as she desired. I waited hopefully and obediently as the thing I had become recognized its Mistress and owner and it loved her. She was the only one who could control me now, and hopefully she might want my services. That would be so nice I thought as I continued to take in her scent. I leaned over and eagerly sniffed at the base of her tail, but she didn't raise it for or let go of my aching loins. She looked me over, and said to herself for she knew I no longer understood her,

"MY, you truly are magnificent! Mosst of the stud'ss peak out at around fourteen inchess in length with basseball sized ballss, and one female sserviced every two minutess at the most. You are averaging 40 femaless an hour, and our loinss are the largesst of your fellow Hell Studss. I've never sseen one as good at, or that enjoyed itss damnation, asss much asss you. You have truly embraced your reasson for exissting. I am mosst plesased and impressed, my sslave!"

I gave a happy gurgle as even though I couldn't understand her I knew I was being praised. That she was pleased with me was all I wanted more than anything else, except females. "Uuuurrrkkk! Eck!" I grunted happily and nuzzled her head again.

"You're sso big now you can't even mount half the sspeciess of femaless anymore without hurting them. You're even too large for ssome of the larger animalss!" As she talked she kept fondling the beasts huge testicles and she could feel them literally pulsing. The creature just stood with its eyes half closed drooling and making a soft begging squealing sound. With a soft squeal it reached down and nuzzled her head in affection. She almost, but not quite, felt a little sorry for it. "However my pet, you are lucky asss I've got jusst the spot for you, a sspot I've been looking for the right sstud to fill for centuriess! You are the one, no doubt about it, my pet. You have far outdone all the other sstudss and it'ss time you were rewarded again! You will ssoon began a new sstage in your life, and it will be gloriousss!"

With that she let my balls ago, and shaking my head I gave an impatient squeal as I brutally mounted the next female in line, ramming almost the whole length of my aching throbbing rock hard cock into the satyr's vagina, and my moans and grunts merged with the satyrs squeals of pain and pleasure, and less than a minute later I came, then dismounted and mounted the next female. "Urrrgghhh, Urkkk, I moaned and grunted as I returned to my mindless tormented existence. I had already forgotten my Mistress.

A couple days later Vulva came to collect me, and for the first time in years I had no females with which to copulate. She took a leash and looped a large loop around my testicles as I serviced a female, then tried to lead me from the pit with powerful brutal pulls on the leash. But I resisted, squealing as I desperately tried to mount the next female. I knew she was my Mistress, but my need drove me into frenzy. It was like the worst withdrawal you could imagine increased a hundred fold and it started the minute I was denied access to females. "Nuuuurrr! UHHHH!" I squealed as I bucked against the leash, kicking and flailing. Even with the help of two handlers she couldn't control me. I managed to break loose twice and mounted females, and once I mounted one of the handlers who screamed as I brutally serviced her, slobbering and moaning. I kept her pinned as I lunged into her and finally came with a scream before they could pull me off, leaving her torn and unconscious from my attentions. I bucked and squealed, my mindless lust driving me crazy.

In exasperation Vulva finally cast some sort of spell on me that calmed me down and numbed my aching throbbing loins enough to lead me without any more struggles. If I thought the nonstop orgasms were hell, it was nothing compared to being deprived of them, even with the calming spell. I followed her moaning and sobbing from the agony of being deprived of what I needed so badly, my tongue lolling over my lower jaw as I drooled and slobbered. I mewled and whimpered, not understanding why I was being punished. I couldn't even plead for mercy, to be allowed to return to the torment I ached for. Pity the beast.

The spell had another unexpected effect; I'm sure unintentional. By calming some of my unendurable lust a part of my brain that had been totally submerged by the beast began to slowly wake up again after years of dormancy, roused by the sudden cessation of sexual agony. I think it was the shock to the system of the beast, by suddenly being denied the agonizing sex to which it had been accustomed for who knew how many years the beast was stunned into submission so the human part took over like an auto-pilot. The fact it was even still there, that a small part of me had survived at all, was a miracle. With a start I came to realize I was following Vulva down a corridor, and I let out a sobbing moan as I remembered, and knew, and saw what I had become. And I needed sex, needed it so bad!! I gave a squeal of lust and remembered what I had been doing for so long. Tears began to run down my muzzle for the first time in years. Still stunned I obediently followed her and as we walked I looked down my muzzle at the huge sixteen inch erection jutting from between my legs, a constant stream of pre dripped from its head. I could feel my massive balls rubbing against the furry insides of my thighs. It felt good. I looked down at my fur covered arms which ended in long fingered hand/paws with thick claws designed to grasp a female during mating. They were immensely strong and could keep a female upright and pinned at the same time. I was also taller now and my legs longer and wider so I could climb onto the backs of larger females in order to achieve a more complete penetration, and the heavy claws on my toes clicked as we walked. My feet looked like those of a bird or lizard, and parts of my body were covered in fine scales where I could see them through the coarse fur covering most of my body. My head felt strange and reaching up I found curved horns and a crest of what felt like bony ridges running from the center of my head down my neck and I could feel my long forked tongue rubbing against the fangs in my jaws as it lolled from my mouth and I drooled and slobbered. If I could have seen my eyes I would have seen the blank expressionless eyes of a reptile. In horror at what I had become I stared out of now color blind eyes at the back of my Mistress. And I needed sex soo baaad! I turned my head almost 180 degrees on my much longer lithe neck and looked at my broad fur covered back and the long scaly prehensile tail balancing me, the tip whipping back and forth. Nothing remotely human could be seen. "NEeeurrrrr! I gasped as another way of incredibly intense lust washed over me. In horror I knew the next time I was presented with females to service the beast would take over again and my last trace of humanity would be subdued again, this time for all eternity. I had never been so terrified before, and I could feel my temporary sanity beginning to fade again as I tried to cope with the horror of what I had become. I could not accept even the thought returning to such a mindless insane existence, so with a scream I pulled the leash out of Vulva's hand and blindly began to smash my head against the side of the tunnel, trying to bash my brains out and hopefully end the horror. Death was better than this, anything was better than this! "Neeeuuuurrrr!" I screamed as I threw myself against the wall again, and again, and again.

Surprised, Vulva yelled at me in anger, ordering me to stop and behave and lashed me with her tail leaving bloody welts on my flank. But still screaming I kept smashing my head against the rock wall over and over until I felt my skull crack and could fill blood dripping over my eyes and down the sides of my head, then again and again until I finally passed out from the pain hoping for the final release of death, giving a final deep wailing squeal as I collapsed at her hooves.

Vulva was furious! What had caused her pet to behave in such a way, to try and kill itself? Had it been so frenzied from lust it hadn't realized what it was doing? She looked down at the beast that lay at her feet with blood pouring from its crushed head and ears. The stupid thing had almost completely crushed the top of its skull, she could see the pinkish matter of its brain showing through its shattered skull, how had it managed to stay conscious long enough to inflict such damage to itself? In her long existence she had never seen anything like it, the sheer desperation of the beast had shocked even her. She did not fear for its life as being a creature of Hell such as herself it could not die, but it would take even a creature such as it a long time to recover from such an injury. This was most annoying! As she watched its penis went limp for the first time in years and withdrew into its sheath. It gave a guttural moan and kicked weakly, sobbing as its insatiable lust also faded. And freed of that horrible lust more of the remaining human mind woke and reasserted some control.

Vulva shrieked for some of her servants to come and drag the stupid wretched thing someplace to recover so it wouldn't be in the way. NO, this was definitely MOST annoying! She hissed in anger and kicked the unconscious beast and it gave a pitiful whimper. She stopped herself, and crouching down she stroked its neck in genuine concern which was a feeling she was not used to. She said softly, "My pet, what have you done to yoursself? Your Mistress is most disspleassed." It gave a moan of pain, and blood was dripping from its nostrils now. "Eeeeeeeuuurrr" it moaned weakly. "Foolissh, ssilly beasst." She said as she kept stroking its neck, "My ssilly little pet." She had grown to be fond of this one.

I woke with a sob of pain, mewling as my head throbbed and ached. I tried to open my eyes but they were glued shut with dried blood. I was suddenly aware that something had entered the room so I made no movement of any kind. I caught the scent of my visitor and knew it was a rat imp, two thirds human and one third rodent. Unable to help myself I moaned at the pain. The rat said,

"Eek, Tsk, Tsk, eek. Stupid thing to do big one, cannot die here, only hurt. Mistress most upset, very worried. She say me stay and watch you until you good again. You be good, behave, and I be nice. OK? Eeek".

The rat started to fairly gently wipe a wet cloth over my face and head to remove the blood. It hurt and I moaned again, but the cool water felt, oh so good. She kept it up for some time until I was finally able to pry my eyes open and look around. The first thing I saw was the rat's whiskered snout, black wet nose, and beady eyes. It smiled and squeaked in approval and said.

"Good, good, you be OK soon. Want water?" I did, but knew I couldn't even drink it so just shook my head "no". "Oh, said the rat. No food no water for you? Me stupid. You big stud, me forget. Me sorry. But I help, yes?"

The rat kept gently wiping me with the now bloody rag and it hurt some, but the cool water felt so good. After awhile I fell asleep for the first time in who knows how many years for there is no time in this place.

As I slowly recovered and my crushed skull repaired itself as best it could, it would always be a little misshapen from now on, I began to realize several major drastic developments. The beast was still there, but it seemed crippled and cowed. I can only assume it took the brunt of the damage I did to my own brains when I had literally bashed them out. And with the beast went most of the mindless lust. I was still aware of what I was and I knew what I needed, but it was no longer a mindless need. For now I was able to subdue the lust as my body mended itself. What was left of my human mind was in control, but it was no longer complete having been damaged by the horror it had endured. I knew I had once been human, but had no memories of who I had been or any other memories of that life. I very dimly remembered a happy place free from pain and sexual agony, and I longed for it. I somehow knew I didn't deserve this, but that made no difference. And I cried when I saw what I had become and the little rat imp, bless her gentle little soul, tried to comfort me squeaking in concern at my obvious pain.

During my convalescence, if lying on a cold stone floor can be called that, my only company was the rat imp who had been assigned to watch me. For an imp she was very talkative and seemed glad of a "captive" audience and her rambling didn't bother me at all. I found it rather soothing. Just like many human females she was a real gossip and I soon learned more about this place in a few days then I had learned in all the years I had spent as a mindless sexual monster. I also came to realize I had been here for over fifty years and found it hard to believe I had spent the last fifty years as an insane sexual monster.

But a desperate need was building in me. It had been days since I had last mounted a female, and the thing I was needed to feed on its partners as it impregnated them. The only nourishment this body could accept came from their sexual fluids. I was slowly starving, and as that need increased I began to get erections again, sometimes lasting for hours. I was terrified it would become permanent again. I can't begin to describe what it was like to have a permanent erection for twenty four hours a day, it was excruciating even for something like me, especially with no females with which to mate..

Finally one "day" I could no longer stand it. I was still weak and it was hard for me to stand as my head would spin and my balance was off. The rat came by as usual to check on me and reaching out with my powerful arms I grabbed her and pulled her on top of me. She let out a startled squeak and fought me. But as my intention became apparent she surprisingly calmed down. She looked with wide eyes at my enormous erection.

"Eeek!", she chattered, "You so big, so nice! But Mistress not be pleased, not say OK do this! Big trouble! But so nice, so big!"

But she didn't struggle anymore as I maneuvered her over my aching erection and she threw back her head with a squeal of pain and pleasure as I pulled her onto me. I gave a growl of lust as I watched inch after inch of my penis slide in to her, grunting in pleasure, and she also watched for as long as she could before throwing her head back and squealing in pleasure. She took in almost twelve inches of me and I could tell I would hurt her seriously if I forced myself in any further. The beast would have disemboweled her, but the human part was in charge now. She squatted over me with her long hind feet resting on my thighs as I held her around the waist. I could feel her tail slapping against my own as we coupled. I would let several inches of me slide out of her, then pull her down onto me again. She was limp with her head thrown back and arms dangling at her sides while she made incoherent grunts and squeals of pain and pleasure. I moaned as well at the incredible pleasure I could actually enjoy! Not only as the beast whose body I wore, but as a man! It only took a few minutes as I am what I am, but I kept servicing her for almost an hour. I lost count of how many orgasms we had. And as I fucked her I also fed, my penis eagerly soaking up the fluids I needed. Finally she slipped off of me with a final squeal of pleasure and passed out. I held her until she woke up a short time later. I hoped I hadn't hurt her as she had been good to me.

"Ohhhh, eeeek." She mumbled. "It never like that before. Ohh, me thank you for so much. Me not be able be with male very much, never like this too. But must not let Mistress know, she be mad if does. Big no-no, Eeek!"

Don't worry, I thought, I couldn't tell her, even if I wanted too. And every day she came to check on me again we did a repeat performance much to her delight. She proved to be a very energetic little lover, and I thought in amazement that it really was love, not mindless animal rutting. I can't began to tell you what that meant to me. And it was even better after I was able to stand up again as I was able to penetrate her deeper due to the angle when I mounted her from behind. And most importantly, at least for me, I was able to stay in control of the beast and it was closer to true sex from desire and affection rather than brutal mindless animal coupling. It was the first true pleasure I had found in this place. I also think maybe it was the first time the rat imp had been made love to instead of just being bred by being serviced by a stud. Maybe even I'd serviced her in the past, and maybe she was even one of my own "children". There was no way to tell in this place.

Finally the day came that we both had dreaded. I had dismounted from my rat lover and she was stretching and rolling, squealing in delight. When she finished her post coupling ritual she was suddenly strangely subdued. She sat on her hind legs and looked at me sadly.

"Big stud, me miss you I will. Eeek. You nice to me, big gentle male. Mistress come get you soon, say you OK by now. I try say no, but she not listen. You make me feel so good so much, me miss my big friend." With a sad little squeak she turned and scampered out of the room before I could do anything. I followed her into the hall as I wanted to hug her and let her know she had a friend in this place, but she had disappeared into one of the tunnels. I would never see her again, that poor sweet little thing that didn't belong here, who had showed compassion for a damned soul even in place like this. I knew I did belong here as I could not exist anyplace else, not with my needs, but I hoped that somehow she found her way to freedom as she deserved so much better. I took some satisfaction and solace from the fact we had collectively given the rigid digit to our loving Mistress.

When Mistress Vulva came for me a few hours later I was crouching in the corner of the room sadly staring at the floor, still missing my little friend. I wasn't going to let her know my new mental state so played the stupid beast as she entered. I just looked up and growled and stared at her, my tongue running over my fangs. I caught her enticing scent of burnt cinnamon and instantly knew what I was going to do whether she liked it or not. I was going to do what I had been created for, what my humanity had been taken from me for, but I was going to do it to HER. I licked my lips in anticipation careful not to stare at her.

She stood and looked at me for a minute and I could tell she was not pleased at all and in spite of myself I cringed subserviently and whimpered. I had no idea what else she could do to me and did NOT want to find out. Evidently it was the right thing to do as she visibly relaxed a little.

"Come here, sslave." She said. Obediently I walked over to her and sat down with my head bowed. Without warning she whipped her tail across my face and the barb left a nasty gash. I squealed and fell over, cowering with my hands over my muzzle. "I was most disspleassed by your sstupid anticss the other day. What were you thinking? You have cosst many valuable dayss in the breeding pit, and there are many femaless waiting for your sservicess! Now, come here sslave!"

Again I complied, but kept my head down and cringed with my eyes shut in expectation of another blow, but instead she put her clawed hand under my muzzle and looked into my face. She turned my head from side to side, and rather gently felt the top of my skull.

"You ssilly beasst, she said, Why did you worry your Mistress so?" And she licked the bleeding gash her tail had left. "Hiiisss, You musst not dissplease your Mistress anymore, I wass mosst upsset!"

Compassion, concern? I thought, from her? I was surprised to realize that part of me still loved her, and with a soft moan I rubbed my head against her stomach.

She took my head in her hand again and turned it from side to side. "Hmm, she said, I ssee no permanent damage, hiss, but you do have a nassty bump. Ass long ass it doess not interfere with your dutiess it is not important. I also ssee you have losst your sstate of permanent aroussal which I attribute to you having sscrambled your own sstupid brainss. But we will fix that soon enough, my pet." She let go of my muzzle and gave me a hard brutal back handed slap that made my still sore head ring. "Urrrrrrkkkk!" I squealed. "Now, she said, will you behave?" All I could do was nod my head. She reached between my legs and looped the leash over the top of my balls, and giving a hard jerk that made me grunt in pain she led me from the room. "Come!" she said, "You have wassted enough of my valuable time!"

I was well behaved as she led me down the tunnel, but that was about to end. As we walked I found my gaze irresistibly drawn to her softly swaying hips and slowly lashing tail. I flared my nostrils and sucked in her heady scent, and because of what she was she was always in heat. I felt my penis slide out of its sheath and soon I was hard and rampant. I could feel the lust rising but I was still in control, not the beast. With my tongue lolling out of my mouth I reached down and taking a good glop of the pre dripping from my cock I ran my paw up and down my shaft to lubricate it. I knew what I was going to do might not work and/or have serious consequences, but I was quickly losing any reservations I still had. Even the part of me that loved her was looking forward to this, after all what better way to show that love? In this matter the beast and human were in perfect agreement!

With a guttural snarl I leaped forward and landed on Vulva's back knocking her to the floor. Before she could catch her breath and recover I crouched over her and lifted up her hindquarters with my powerful arms. Holding her with one arm I moved her tail out of the way with the other. Grunting, I mounted her and thrust hard and powerfully to achieve full penetration. I gave a snarl of lust as she took every inch of me, nice and tight! As soon as I had filled her I released her tail and grabbed her around the waist with both arms, and pinning her I began to fuck her as hard and fast as I could. Ohhh, it felt so good! I had forgotten what her vagina was like with its powerful muscles and multiple lips, and as I fucked her those muscles stroked every inch of me greedily trying to swallow my whole length every time I partially withdrew for another stroke. I don't know what she was feeling, but her cunt was evidently very glad to see me. He tail whipped back and forth but could only drum uselessly against the side of my leg, but finally it found my own tail and wrapped around it in a tight embrace and my own tail wrapped around hers in response locking us together. I think it was involuntary on her part, at least at first. She turned her head and snarled at me so I leaned forward and bit her on the back of the neck to keep her pinned, my strong jaws keeping her face down against the floor. I lunged into her slobbering and grunting at the pleasure and pain through my jaws. Slowly her muffled cries of rage and anger became quieter and less frequent, and then were replaced by her own grunts and moans of pleasure. And still I rode her feeling my aching erection slide in and out of her with powerful rapid strokes. Amazingly she had no trouble in taking in every inch of my 18 inches. Normally a female of her size and body weight would have been suffering internal injuries by now.

I was amazed at how long it took me to reach orgasm, it must have been at least ten minutes or longer. When I finally came I let go of her neck and screamed in agonizing ecstasy and was answered by a bellow of her own. She clawed at the floor as she came and sparks flew from her talons. But I wasn't through, oh no, not by a long shot! I could never pay her back for what she had done to me, but I could try. So I kept servicing her and being what I was I was insatiable. I rode her for what must have been hours, bringing her and myself to massive orgasm after orgasm. She reached around behind herself trying to reach me with her claws as she screamed and bucked under my thrusts. I just ignored her struggles and kept grinding in to her, my head thrown back and my tongue hanging from the side of my mouth as I roared in ecstasy. Finally even I reached a point where I had to stop, and with a final grunt of pleasure I pulled myself from the tight embrace of her vagina, and it seemed reluctant to let me go, still stroking and caressing me as I slid from her. I sat back on my tail and haunches and looked as copious amounts of my seed flowed from her and dripped in a small puddle on the floor and I felt great satisfaction. She lay there for a few minutes as if waiting to see if I was really through, then with a moan slowly got to her feet. I just sat and waited for whatever punishment she decided to inflict. Whatever it might be it would be worth it.

She turned around and looked at me. "Beasst, she said. What made you think you could take ssuch liberties with your Mistress?" I just looked at her and blinked. She suddenly stretched and said, with a smile on her face! "Fortunately for you I enjoy a good rape asss much asss any female. It was even nicer ssince it was totally unexpected; you really caught me by sssurprise, my pet. I am impresssed. And I must ssay you are very good at it. You made me come at leasst twenty times." She stretched again then reached around behind herself. Her hand came away covered in our sexual juices, and as I watched she licked her fingers clean. "Mmmm, she said, nice and ssalty. You are lucky you did pleassure me so well, if you had raped me and left me wanting it would have been much worsse for you. I should punissh you, but you have left me feeling sso well ussed I think I sshall be merciful. I have not been so thoroughly fucked in a long time. Hiiiisssss."

I couldn't believe it, she had enjoyed the brutal rape! I thought I had been punishing her but she'd enjoyed the whole thing. For some reason I actually felt pleased she had been so well pleasured by my "attentions".

"But firsst, she said, come here and clean me." She dropped onto to all fours again and lifted her tail exposing her wet and dripping sex to me. I had no qualms about what she wanted me to do, and in fact looked forward to it. Obediently I crouched behind her and licked her crotch clean of our mutual sexual fluids, and she gave little grunts of pleasure as my tongue slid over her lips. Her grunts became louder as my tongue slid into her and I cleaned her insides as well. My tongue was very long and think and I ran it as deeply into her as I could and her sex "kissed" me back holding and caressing my tongue and it was marvelous. As I smelled and tasted her lovely sex, and my own fluids, I felt myself become aroused again, or I should say more aroused as I was in a state of constant arousal all the time anyway again. It just varied in its degree. What the Hell, I thought, when in Hell! and with a guttural squeal I mounted her again. She gave a surprised grunt,

"What! Again my pet!?! Very well! If you can do half as good asss you did last time I will be pleassed!"

But I did much better than that and "raped" her for an even longer period, taking my time now and enjoying it even more, drawing out the intervals between orgasms as long as I could. Soon she was sobbing and gasping, giving deep guttural moans of pleasure as our juices drenched one another's crotches and ran down our legs.

"Uh Uh, enough! Get off!" she said several times in between squeals and bellows of agonizing pleasure, but I just ignored her and kept lunging into her for as long as I could. Finally she just made mindless gasping squeals of agonizing ecstasy, totally limp and at my mercy and I showed none. Finally I had to stop, and with a moan of disappointment I dismounted. This time I didn't wait for her to ask me and crouching behind her still raised hind quarters I began to lick and clean her again starting with the outside and working my way in. She gave little grunts and moans as I tongued her. I gave a grin as I felt myself recovering, my sense of satiation rapidly fading as my lust returned. Being a Hell stud does have advantages after all I realized. With a guttural roar I mounted her yet again and she let out a long scream of agonized ecstasy. "HIIIIISSSS, NOOOOO!" she squealed, "NOT YET!!"

She screamed as I penetrated her again, "NAAAAA, UGGHHH, Nooooo! SSStop, pleassse stop! Oh pleassse! Hiisss! Oh, I can't, not again, pleasssse ssstopp!" But her tail wrapped around mine again locking us together.

You wanted me to rape you! I thought, and I do as I am told Mistress! She bucked and writhed under my assault, giving mindless screams and bellows of sexual agony as I kept brutally raping her, just like she wanted. I bellowed and roared as I lunged into her as hard and fast as I could, never stopping and never slowing down, servicing her as I would any other female as a rutting beast. This time it didn't last as long, but the orgasms were more intense and came closer together. I finished and dismounted, and again I used my tongue to clean her, inside and out, eagerly lapping up her and my own fluids, the fluids I needed to survive. Then I walked around in front of her, and lifting her head by one of her horns I thrust my still rigid penis, covered in a thick coating of our fluids, into her mouth which was open and gasping for breath. Her eyes flew open in surprise, but then she began to suck and tongue my cock, her eyes half closed in pleasure. She reached up and fondled my huge testicles and gave small grunts and slobbered as she cleaned me. I had cleaned her, so thought it only fair that she clean me. And she did, even using her tongue to lick my balls clean while I moaned and quivered in pleasure, holding onto her horns. When I slid free of her my penis was shiny and clean and she smacked her lips in satisfaction.

Then to my surprise she took my muzzle in her hands and pressed hers to mine, and we kissed long and intimately, wrapping out tongues around each other's and sliding deep into one another's throats, both moaning in delight. I was so disappointed when she broke our connection, and I gave a final sad moan as she pulled her tongue back into her own mouth. Then I pressed my head against her while she petted and stroked me and I gave soft squeals of pleasure.

Vulva looked down at the beast as she stroked its head and neck and it made soft sounds of genuine pleasure. She was surprised to realize she actually felt true affection for the thing. She did not regret what she had done to the poor mortal it used to be. His horror and agony as he changed over the years had been delightful. She had stood for hours and watched as he performed and screamed in sexual agony until he became the mindless brutal thing he was now. But still she was strangely attached to the thing he had become. Somehow she knew the love and affection it had for her was real, and despite what she was it was nice to have something genuinely care for her. She scratched one of the things ears and it keened in delight, and pushed its head against her even harder, using it's clumsy front arm/legs to grasp her leg.

"Mmmmm, she said, your sseed is sstill ssweet and pure! Three fantastic multiple rapess in a row! You truly ARE a monster! I'm glad you didn't sstop when I begged you, I have sseldom been brought to ssuch levelss of delightful agony. I had almost forgotten what it isss like to be entirely at the mercy of an inssatiable male, and to be used by him for hisss pleasure. Sseldom hass a male made me sscream for mercy. And it is nice to find a male who knows how to kisss. I thought I would choke on your tongue, it isss even longer than mine, I think. Yes, I am very pleassed with your performance! Now, come my randy sslave, playtime is over and it's back to work. Oh, and next time you rape me I hope you do as good a job asss thiss time!"

I followed her down the tunnel again, but this time I was obedient and docile. I knew I'd better not try her patience again, at least for awhile as I thoroughly planned a repeat performance at the earliest opportunity. I wanted her again! Finally we arrived at our destination. It was new to me, we had passed the breeding pit that had been my "home" for over fifty years on the way here, and it seemed strange to see the place no longer full of females waiting to be serviced. I was curious to where we were going as anything new in this place was a welcome change. She looked at me with a smile, and said,

"Don't worry, my inssatiable sslave. I have something very sspecial for you, your final reward, my pet." The room she led me into seemed pretty much the same as the other breeding pit except it was larger and there were a line of some sort of wooden frames or something, all in a row and all alike. As we stood there I became aware of a loud commotion in the other entrance to the pit and I smelled females in heat. As I watched a pig imp entered, and she was leading a horse! The mare was full sized, shaggy with long matted hair. The mare's eyes were wild and crazed from her own heat and I could smell the mare's heat from where I was it was so powerful. I looked at my Mistress and let out a low moan of hope as my cock started to throb with need. The horse saw me, smelled my own lust, and gave a loud neigh of impatience. The mare wanted my services as soon as possible. At my moan Vulva turned and smiled, and said,

"Oh yess, my pet, sshe is for you! You were not sso eager the first time I pressented a female for your servicess, were you? For centuriess I've needed a Hell sstud that was capable of sservicing larger animalss ssuch as horssess, cowss, muless, and other larger femaless. They and their offspring, such as Centaurss, Minotaurss, and other larger beastss. Until now the other hell studss have not been, um, endowed enough to sservice such large femaless very easily and we've had to use artificial meanss. But now with you we will no longer have to do that! You are more than adequately endowed to perform asss a sstallion."

By this time many more horses had been led into the room, and each was positioned before one of the frames, secured with their rear legs in cuffs so they couldn't try to refuse my services. I let out a deep guttural moan as my head bobbed up and down and I flared my nostrils at the scent of so many females needing my services. Vulva smiled at me, and bending down she removed the leash from around my balls. With that act I was free. Squealing and bellowing in lust I approached the first mare. As I stood there staring at the horses huge hindquarters even I felt a brief moment of hesitation. But when the horse turned its head and looked at me, then lifted its tail exposing its huge swollen dripping vagina I lost all control. I thrust my muzzle at the base of her tail and took a good long lick and tasted and scented her musk. Then with a deep guttural moan I grabbed my huge rock hard aching cock and guided it into the horses eagerly waiting sex. As I thrust I felt the horses powerful vaginal muscles grab my cock and actually help suck it in. I covered her and with several great powerful thrusts I achieved full penetration, all 16 inches of my penis buried to the hilt. "Urrrk, I moaned and gasped, UH uh heh heh uggghh!" With my whole body shuddering in incredible sexual ecstasy I began to hump the mare with powerful steady thrusts, looking down as ten inches of my cock slide in and out of my mates lovely sex. It was so much better than any of the other females, but the best part was that even though the beast was awake I was still in charge and for once enjoyed what I was doing because I was aware of what I was doing, not just mindlessly performing a function.

It seemed to take forever, though with each thrust I felt like I was going to explode. Finally with one last powerful thrust I DID explode and it was the most violently agonizing orgasm I had ever experienced. My previous couplings paled next to it. Even for a thing like me it was so much better than before. My scream of agonized pleasure echoed throughout the room, along with a loud neigh of pleasure and satisfaction from my "lover". I realized with a start that at least five minutes or longer had gone by, it was the first time it had taken me that long to service a female in years. That was why the orgasm was so incredible. I must have pumped at least a pint of sperm into the horse's vagina, and some of it had leaked out and squirted on to me. After that I realized I could never go back to the lesser females again, which was fine with me. With a loud eager squeal I dismounted from the mare and ran as fast as I could to the next mare who was ready and waiting for me, her tailed raised and fluids dripping from her swollen vagina. The sight and scent of me servicing the first mare had brought her to a peak. I didn't need any further enticement, and there was no hesitation this time as I mounted the mare and again I achieved full penetration and it felt so wonderful to feel every inch of me inside a hot slick vagina. I threw my head back and gave a long agonized moan at the incredible feeling. I humped and fucked the mare with strong steady powerful thrusts, and our mutual squealss of pleasure announced our mutual orgasms. With a joyful bellow I quickly dismounted from her and eagerly moved onto the next mare. This I could enjoy, the mindless pain was gone!

I think because of the longer copulating periods and actual release and satisfaction it made me capable of keeping the beast under control. So I enjoyed the incredible pleasure as both a beast and a man as my human awareness of what I had become had come back to me for good as a result of my self-inflicted concussion. I had been a mindless fucking automaton for so long, no more aware of my surroundings then a rock. I had existed only to try and satisfy my insatiable lust for so long that it had completely subdued and burned out most of my humanity. But now that I am partially aware again I can really enjoy and relish and take true pleasure in the couplings. It would seem that my horrible life would be at least a little more bearable now. I don't know if my Mistress had realized the change in my mental state, but I hope not. I have no doubt she would find away to "correct" the situation if she found out. The fact that I actually enjoyed my sexual slavery now would remain my little secret.

Over the next several days I've been paired with zebras, cows, deer, mules, and other large quadrupeds. One day I was even mated with some rhinos. After them came the Minotaurs, Centaurs, and other large beasts. And every coupling was agonizing ecstasy, unbelievable pleasure as I forced my huge rock hard penis in and out of them, as I felt my huge loins pumping up to a pint of sperm per coupling. The orgasms lasted several times longer than they ever had before. I was still insatiable, and unable to completely satisfy my aching lust and need, but least I could take the edge off of it now, enough to stay in control. And with no need to rest, or eat, or even relieve myself, I existed solely one purpose, to copulate with any female brought to me for my services. And I do it with no hesitation, and take great pride in pleasing my Mistress. I no longer remember any other real life, and am contented with my lot now. I know I was human once, but just don't care anymore. Now I look forward to an eternity of unending lust and agonizing sexual ecstasy because I am at least aware enough to enjoy it. And I bellowed in pain and pleasure as another massive orgasm rocked me.

Vulva was very pleased with her pet's new performance. It took him longer to service these females, which was understandable, but as there were not as many of them needing to be bred that was not a problem. He would never lack for partners of course, and would never stop what he was doing, and was so good at, for other then short periods. He couldn't stop; to keep him from females was the real torture for a beast such as him. She had also been very pleasantly surprised when he took the initiative and raped her so thoroughly and deliciously. He had actually seemed to enjoy it, and had not been kind as he used her. Not once, but three times. Delightful! At one point she had actually panicked and thought he would never stop! She wondered what it would be like to be fucked nonstop for years on end? Ah well, she was too busy to try that fun sounding experiment, but maybe one day? She watched him a little while longer then had a sudden deliciously evil thought. And the more she thought about it the bigger her smile grew until her tongue was smacking her lips in anticipation. It is about time I shared my new pet with my sisters she thought, and gave an evil hiss of anticipation. She approached the beast and gave him a gentle pat on the rump, and told him what she had in mind. He looked at her even as he serviced a cow and gave a guttural hiss and she could swear he understood her and was looking forward to it. Yes, she thought, he IS special! Of all the Hell studs in her stables, and there were many, he was by far the most, um, versatile.

Vulva smiled as she chatted with her sister Demoness Clitoria, she had always been the closest thing to a friend she had. They were both sex demonkind, their purpose to inflict sexual agony on those in their "care". Her friend was rather large and much more goat like then Vulva. She had no reptilian features at all. From the waist down she had the body of a shaggy goat, but from the waist up was a voluptuous human female except for her goats head and horns. She had full firm conical breasts with large dark red nipples and aureoles. She loved to have those breasts licked and bit as Vulva knew from personal experience as they had been lovers for many centuries and knew one another intimately. She reached down at the base of her friend's short tufted tail and gave her mound a hard squeeze. Her friend gave a bleat of surprise and said,

"Baaa! Vulvaaa, caan't you waait until we're somewhere a litttle more privaaate? She leaned over and pressed her muzzle against Vulva's and gave a quick kiss, her long black tongue licking over Vulva's muzzle.

Vulva returned the quick kiss and didn't bother to answer. She smiled as they walked along, she could hardly wait for the "surprise" she had planned for her friend. Clitoria had always been prone to preferring females as sexual partners, so Vulva knew it would be a double shock when she "introduced" her friend to her special pet. They were getting close now; she could her pet bellowing and squealing as he performed his labors. She knew he would welcome the diversion. When they walked into the breeding pit she almost laughed at her friend's surprise. With a snort Clitoria said,

"Vulvaa dear, whaat aare we doiiing here? Whaaat is this speciaaal surpriiise you saaid you haaad for meee? Baaaa?"

"I jusst thought I would show you my newessst pet first, Clirtoria dear. It'ss right on the way and you haven't sseen him yet. Isn't he magnificent?" Her friend watched as the stud dismounted from a mare and she gave a little bleat at the sight of his huge erection.

"Weell, he ceertaaainly is weell eendowed. You aalwaays could piiick the winnersss Sisster. Hee certaainly turned out niiice."

Vulva grinned and said "Yess he did, didn't he. Now come SSister and we will find a nice quiet place to pleassure one another." As Clitoria turned to follow her out of the room Vulva gave a brief loud hiss, and watched as the beasts head snapped up and it looked at her. She indicated her friend with a slight tilt of the head. The thing gave a grunt and dismounted from the mare it had just finished servicing, and crouching down it quietly snuck up behind her friend.

Clitoria never realized what was about to happen until she felt a sudden powerful blow to her back that caused her to drop forward onto all fours and felt a heavy weight settle onto her back. "Whaaaa?, Baaaaa!" was all she managed to say.

I never even heard them as my Mistress and another Demoness came into the pit, but when she called me I lifted up my head instantly. I had just finished with the mare I had been servicing, and her timing was perfect. As she had said she would she indicated the other Demoness, and I knew what she wanted. I dismounted from the mare, and with a soft hiss of anticipation I quietly approached my next partner. As I got closer I flared my nostrils at the scent of her sex, my eyes locked on the dark pink lips showing at the base of her tufted tail. I ran my tongue over my lips and drooled. With a large bound I slammed into her back and knocked her over on to all fours. Quickly I thrust my muzzle against her vagina and took a deep snuffle, and ran my tongue as far into her as I could, then with a loud squeal I started to mount her.

Clitoria gave a gasp as she felt what could only be a tongue lick and then penetrate her vagina. "Uhhhaaaa!" she grunted. Whaaat? Then she gave an even louder bleat of surprise as she felt a penis penetrating her and felt a heavy weight settle on, and then began to move forward on her back as the penis slid further into her. "Naaaaaaaa!" she squealed. She felt powerful arms grab her around the waist and clawed hands clutch her belly. She gasped as the unseen male lunged into her with guttural grunts and powerful thrusts. She managed to look over her shoulder and saw it was the Hell stud she had seen servicing the mares. She remembered how well hung he was and gave a loud bleat of distress. She wasn't petite, but he was huge! By Big L, she thought, he'll split me in two! He lunged into her again, penetrating even farther. "NNNAaaaaa!! BAAAAA!" she bleated loudly.

Smacking my lips at her taste I reared up and mounted her. I found and thrust my aching erection into her, but unlike the mares she was tight and fairly dry. I grasped her around the waist and began to lung into her, a few more inches sliding into her tight embrace. Her bleats and struggles only aroused me even more. I now had a good ten inches in her and was eagerly working on the rest. With a guttural bellow I changed my angle a little and lunged into her again. Ah! At least thirteen inches that time, she was starting to get slick and stretch for me.

Clitoris squealed and bleated as the beast lunged into her again and again, and every time she could feel more of his hardness slide into her. She paused in her cries and struggles, panting for breath as the pain began to turn to pleasure. "Uhhhhhhh", she gasped. She looked up and saw Vulva watching with a smile. She gave another gasp as the beast lunged again, and said,

"Vulvaaa! Heeelpp meee! Uh, ohhhhh, BAAAAA!!" She squealed as the males weight slid further up on her back and she could feel more of him slide inside of her. He moved his arms further forward until he was grasping her breasts. He didn't fondle them, just crushed then in his powerful grip. She moaned as she felt her nipples began to harden. "Vulvaaaa, pleeaassee!! BAAAAAA!!!"

Vulva just crouched down and looked at her friends face in amusement. "Clitoria dear he'ss just doing what he does, he sservices all femaless brought to him. Now don't you like the surprisse I promissed you?" She stood up and walked around to the side and looked as the beast lunged into her friend again with another powerful thrust. It looked at her and slobbered in pleasure. "Good newss dear, he'ss got about thirteen inchess of himsself in you so far, only five inchess to go!"

I slobbered and squealed in delighted pleasure as I drove my penis deeper into the female's lovely tight vagina. She didn't seem to be enjoying my attentions much, but that was of no concern to me. My Mistress had ordered me to rape her, and I would do so to the best of my ability to please her, and myself. It was a rare treat. I shifted my weight further forward, grasping her around her breasts now, but I didn't bother to fondle them as I had no interest in that. Foreplay is a foreign concept for something like me, a waste of precious mating time, I was incapable of long drawn out tender couplings. Now I was able to grasp her rump between my muscular thighs. With a guttural squeal of pleasure I looked at my Mistress and saw the approval on her face as I lunged yet again. Almost a full penetration, but not quite!

Clitoria gasped as the beast drove deeper and deeper into her, and she bleated as she felt her own sexual juices began to flow, making the beast's final lunges much easier and less painful. I straddled her rump and grasped her with its powerful legs and began to fuck her in steady powerful thrusts. She threw back her head and squealed as its huge eighteen inch erection began to pump in and out of her, "BBAAAAAA!!! Uggggghhhhh! Vulvaaaa, maaake him stooopp! Pleaaase! Uh uh uh, ugggghh!"

"But my dear, said Vulva, he'ss jusst getting sstarted, and ssurely you don't want to misss the besst part? Why he raped me for over ssix hours the other day, and I lost track of the orgasmss he inflicted on me at around thirty five. It wass magnificent! Being what he iss you'll find he'ss quite the, um, inssatiable lover. He'll keep fucking you until I tell him to sstop, and even then he might be, um, reluctant as he'ss obvioussly enjoying your nice tight twat very much, my dear."

With one more powerful thrust I finally achieved full penetration, at last! With no hesitation I began to powerfully thrust into the female, and with each one I slid in and out easier as stretched wider and her own sexual juices mixed with my own to lubricate us. I rammed myself in and out of her, my thighs pounding against her rump. She bucked and writhed as she tried to resist and I redoubled my efforts. A short time later I threw back my head and bellowed as a massive orgasm rocked me and I spewed into her, and she threw back her own head and added her own screaming bleat of release to mine. I paused for a few seconds then began to hump her again. She gave loud sobbing moan of agonized ecstasy.

"Vulvaaaa, pleeassse!" Clitoria gasped. Then she whipped her head back and forth and bleated as a massive orgasm wracked her body. And he didn't stop! He began lunging into her again! "Ohhhhhhhhh!! BAAAAAA!!! Vulvaaaaa heeelpp meee pleeassse! I caaan't, Oh, oh, oh, Naaaaaa! Pleeeaassseee maake him stttoppp!"

Vulva smiled in delight at the pain and pleasure in her friend's voice. "But my dear, you would misss the rest of the sspecial treat I had planned for you? Tell me, my dear, when was the lasst time you were well and thoroughly raped? It'ss quite an experience and he'ss very, very good at it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it, and will treassure the memory for yearss to come." She was delighted at the disbelieving look on her friends face. Oh yes, this was turning out to be the perfect treat, but as to whether she, her friend, or the beast would enjoy it most, that remained to be seen.

I grunted and slobbered as I brought myself and the female to orgasm after orgasm. At one point she began to kick and with an irritated growl I shifted my grip back a little farther and just lifted her hindquarters free of the ground so her legs could only kick aimlessly and helplessly. I was incredibly strong from my labors and held her heavy weight easily. I didn't miss a stroke and her legs flailed again as another mutual orgasm rocked or bodies. Then I shut my eyes and keened in ecstasy as my Mistress reached between my legs and started to knead and caress my throbbing pulsing testicles. "EEE Urrrrr, Urrrkk, Ugggh!" I moaned. With a guttural roar I came again and Vulva squeezed them harder and I felt even more cum then usual blast into the female until it was spurting out of our tight joining, and I kept coming as long as my Mistress wanted me to. And she kept kneading me and I spewed and spewed until my balls were spasming and shuddering and I wailed and shrieked at the unbelievable agonized ecstasy of my unending orgasm. "Mistresss, I screamed in my mind, Mistress pleeaasee!" Finally she let me go and with a sobbing squeal I slid off the female and passed out.

Clitoria screamed and screamed, bleating and squealing as the beast brought her to orgasm after orgasm. She was no stranger to brutal sex but she couldn't remember it ever having quite so intense, or lasting so long before. In desperation she tried to kick and buck but the beast just lifted her legs off the ground and kept up its incredible assault. Finally all she could do was rest her head on the ground and drool, grunting and bleating agonizingly as the beast made her come again and again and again. She managed to look up at her friend one more time, lifting her head out of the puddle of her own drool. "Vulvaaaa, ugggh, groan, pleeaaasee, I begg you! I , uh, uh, BAAA!" And her head flopped down into the puddle again as another massive orgasm almost caused her to pass out. "Vulvaaaa Pleeeassseee I beeegg you! I caaan't, I caaan't taaaake aaanymore!! NAAAAAAAA!"

She barely noticed as Vulva walked around behind the grunting straining beast. She felt it explode in her again as she screamed and it came and came and came until she could feel its hot seed spurting from her and soaking her rump and the back of her legs. The thing screamed and wailed as their orgasms went on and on, then she gasped as its penis slid free of her for the first time in several hours. She heard a loud thud and looked up to see the beast had collapsed on the floor next to her, apparently unconscious. With a sobbing groan she rose slowly to her feet and what felt like gallons of its and her fluids drained out of her stretched and sore vagina and ran down her legs and dripped on the floor. She could hardly stand, and Vulva took her into a gentle embrace and hugged her. The thing on the floor gave a soft moan and kicked its powerful clawed legs, then fell silent again. She hoped it was not injured. She had never known such agonizing ecstasy.

Vulva watched as her friend writhed and screamed in pain and pleasure, the best combination of the two, under her pets attentions. She was very pleased in her pet's performance; he knew exactly what his Mistress expected of him. Finally she could tell her friend was finally reaching her limit, even things such as they had a limit for this kind of delicious torture. After all it had been almost five hours and she long lost track of how many orgasms her pet had inflicted. She looked at her friends face as it lay in a puddle of her own drool and stared blanky at nothing, mewling in ecstasy as orgasm after orgasm rocked her. Finally Vulva knew it was time to end the gift to her friend. She walked behind the beast that was still energetically coupling with her and reached between his legs. My, she thought, they ARE huge! Gently she began to knead and squeeze his massive testicles and he came almost instantly, but she kept rubbing and squeezing and he came and came and came. He writhed and bucked, his eyes turned up in his head as he roared and bellowed. She felt his balls began to twitch and spasm and he screamed and keened in agonizing pleasure as he kept him coming for over two minutes and even as far back as she was she felt his seed splattering on her as it spurted out of her friends abused cunt. Finally she let go and her pet gave a final agonized wail and slid off her friend, its cock still spewing, and passed out on the floor.

I lay gasping on the floor, completely oblivious. For the first time in I don't know how many years it actually felt like my loins had been drained. But already I could feel them pulsing as they refilled. With a confused snort I lifted up my head and gave a soft squeal of inquiry. "Eeeeurrrr?" I actually felt spent, it was an indescribable feeling of true release! I saw my Mistress and the other Demoness hugging. I gave a snort and lay back down and closed my eyes again. I could smell the mares and knew I would have to answer their need soon, but for now I was just too tired. "Urrrrrrk, urrrrr, chrrrr" I moaned.

Clitoria clung to her friend as she knew she would probably fall down if she didn't. The flow of fluids from her abused rump had finally stopped and she lifted her head and stared at Vulva, and said,

"You evil, saaadistic biitch! Why in the name of Ba'als cock did you do that to me! I thought heee would raaaape me to death! I should blassst you for thissss!" But she knew there was no way she could cast a spell right now, not after THAT! She moaned as she felt some more fluid trickle down her rump. "Vulvaaa, you biiitch!"

Vulva just smiled as her friend ranted at her. Finally she said, "Don't be ssilly my dear, you know we can only die if the Master letss uss. And asss for Ba'als cock I think our pets is even bigger then that dark lordss." She took her friends muzzle in her hand and lifted her head until she could look her in the eye and kissed her long and hard, then asked, "Now tell me truthfully, when wass the lasst time you were sso very thoroughly and brutally raped my dear? Don't tell me you didn't enjoy every minute, every thrusst, every orgassm?"

Clitoria looked at her with her own lovely expressionless reptilian eyes, but Vulva knew what she was thinking. "I thought sso!" she said with another evil smile. The thing lying on the ground gave a soft squeal and kicked its legs again. Vulva looked down in growing concern, her pet should have already been back servicing the now long overdue females and filling his quotas. The handlers were also obviously concerned about the prize stud. But he was obviously still in distress and again Vulva felt concern, maybe she had pushed even something like him too far. He squealed again and looked at her briefly, then flopped down again, his chest heaving as if he was having trouble breathing. Vulva let her friend go, and crouched down next to the beast. She reached down and stroked its neck and it mewled but otherwise paid her no attention. Clitoria slowly and sorely crouched down next to her and watched worriedly, then started to stroke the beasts flank. Damn it to lower heck, what was wrong with it, Vulva thought.

I felt my Mistress squat down next to me and start stroking my neck. I made a pleased sound but was just too tired to do anything else. I could feel my testicles straining to refill themselves and that was taking all of my energy. I was pleased my Mistress did not seem to be mad at me, and her touch was welcome and gentle. I mewled again softly. I sensed the female I had just serviced so long and well sit down next to Vulva and felt her start to stroke my flank and that felt good too. I lay there enjoying the unusually tender attentions of the two Demonesses. Finally felt my straining aching testicles suddenly start to throb again and I was ready to resume my duties. With a soft grunt I lifted up my head, and with both of them helping me as I staggered to my feet, grunting and shaking my still reeling head. That had been fantastic, I thought. I could smell the females still waiting patiently for my services, and looked in their direction, flared my nostrils and grunted. If my Mistress was through with me I was looking forward to getting back to work.

Vulva had looked at Clitoria in concern as they both stroked the beast and comforted the obviously distressed creature. She had never forced one of her pets to come and orgasm for so long and she was worried she had damaged his capabilities. She was mad at herself for being so reckless. But the thing eventually gave a grunt and started trying to get up, so with the help of her friend they helped it to stand. It was still dazed, but seemed to be otherwise all right. The beast stood for a couple of minutes and shook his head. The he flared his nostrils and gave an impatient grunt as he looked at the mares still waiting for him. Vulva gave a soft grunt of relief, then lashing her tail across his flank she hissed "Get back to work you lazy brute!" With a squeal of pain and lust he ran to the nearest mare and quickly mounted her, grunting in pleasure as he serviced her. Good, Vulva thought, he was just stunned, but in the future I will shall have to be more careful. It would not do to damage such a fine stud for the mere purpose of pleasure only. Next she turned and slowly led her still wobbly friend towards the baths. A nice dip in a hot pool of boiling sulphur followed by a dip in a pool of boiling water would clean them both up nicely and hopefully lead to other things. She reached down and gave Clitoria's sticky mound a hard squeeze causing her friend to bleat in pain and pleasure. And already she was planning a similar surprise for her friend Devia, the cow Demoness would probably love every minute.

I returned to my duties, my rump stinging from the fresh bleeding lash across it. It had been more of a lash of approval from my Mistress then one of disapproval. It did not bother me; my back and flank are crisscrossed with old and newer scars. She showed her approval and displeasure in the same way most of the time. I did not mind. I was an obedient beast and I received far less punishment then most. I grunted and squealed as I serviced the mare, and looking up I saw the long line of others waiting their turns, their tails lifted and ready. Oh yes, I thought, this is not so bad after all. I didn't know it but the last human part of me was gone now, it had merged with the beast and become one with it. I was fully aware, but it was the awareness of the Hell thing I had finally completely become. I bellowed in ecstasy as another fantastic orgasm rippled through my body. With a snort I dismounted and eagerly moved towards the next female, grunting in pleasure as I smelled her readiness.

I had thought my transformation long over, but as usual I was mistaken, I will never learn. My arms lengthened into legs and I grew even larger, it was if my body took on the best shape possible to allow me service the females to the best of my ability. My head and neck have grown, my back became wider and my legs are even farther apart now. My penis has grown to almost thirty inches and the shape has changed to something more equine and my sheath has moved further up my belly. My testicles have swollen to the size of grapefruits. My fangs have thickened and become flat and square so that I may grip the backs of my mates without tearing their flesh, my fingers and toes have grown together and my claws have grown into hooves, and the sounds I make have grown deeper and more guttural. I now look like some sort of lizard horse.

Vulva watched the beast and listened to his snorts and bellows of lust for awhile with a satisfied smile on her face. Oh yes she thought, he turned out very well. It was a shame he had changed to the point where even she could no longer use him for her personal pleasure, or "introduce" him anymore of her friends to him. He was just too big now, both size wise and sexually. I will now leave him to his eternal labors. She turned to the young woman around whose neck her tail was wrapped.

"Magnificent isn't he, she asked? He started out as a scared little virgin and now he is the most powerful stud in Hell. He is one of my best slaves and I am very fond of him. Just look at how much he enjoys himself, he knows what he is and is loving every minute!"

The young woman, her face red & puffy from crying looked at the thing as it mounted a Mare and its huge swollen erection penetrated and disappeared into the horse's vagina. With a grunting guttural snort the thing started humping the horse with great powerful thrusts, its head thrown back with a long forked tongue lolling out of its mouth. It looked at her with expressionless reptilian eyes like its Mistress's and moaned like a lost soul.

"He's hideous she cried, it's horrible! How could you do that to someone?" Vulva let out a chuckle and said,

"Don't worry my pet, he'ss not for you. He'd sssplit you in half! His matess are now limited to equine and bovine. No, for you I've got a special lover, a black panther that'ss eager to make your acquaintance! It will be the firsst time he has bred a human female"

With that she dragged the sobbing girl back down the tunnel to one of the smaller breeding pins. Several minutes later she watched in satisfaction and delight as the snarling black panther mounted the young woman, burying it's large rigid erection to the hilt in the girls vagina. It clasped her firmly with its front legs and began to hump her with steady thrusts, its snarls of pleasure and lust mixing with the girl's screams and sobs of disbelief.

"No No! She screamed, this can't be happening!. Make it stop oh pleaase, oh Gaaa, make it stop! It hurts, it hurts!"

But Vulva just watched in amused pleasure, and thought, I just love my job! She knew the next time she saw the girl she would be pregnant and swollen, but up until the last couple of weeks before she gave birth to her litter she would spend all her time in the pleasure pits pleasuring numerous different animals and beasts. She would be kept pregnant and bear many beasts and imps. She also knew the young woman would in time come to enjoy and relish the unending couplings and giving birth, that she, like the Hell stud, would lose her humanity and become another willing member of Vulva's livestock in the breeding pits of Hell.

END, Chapter 3


The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 2

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 1

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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The Seeker, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is Yiffy, so be warned. The Seeker, Chapter 3 By Williams W. Kelso I woke with a start when I heard my Mistress stirring on top of the bed. I'd finally managed to fall asleep for awhile...

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