The Seeker, Chapter 3

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is Yiffy, so be warned.

The Seeker, Chapter 3

By Williams W. Kelso

I woke with a start when I heard my Mistress stirring on top of the bed. I'd finally managed to fall asleep for awhile after all. Considering that in the previous 24 hours I'd been sexually almost tortured to death, been raped by a Demoness who turned me into a demon too, dragged down to hell, almost eaten not once but three times, and had mind blowing sex with another Demoness it's pretty amazing I got any sleep at all. With a groan I crawled from under my Mistress's bed where I'd spent the night and spread my wings and stretched. My Mistress was doing the same, and paid me no mind as she wandered off to the bathroom to prepare for another "day" of catching stupid virgins and running the breeding pits of Hell. It was life as usual for my Mistress, the Demoness Vulva, and Patroness of Carnal Pleasure. I pretty much just followed her around.

I was one of the virgins she'd caught, but I had no choice in the matter as I had been a black mass sacrifice and Vulva had accepted the gift of my body and soul. But she had also healed me as I was almost dead by then from brutal sexual torture and suffering horribly, slowly dying from internal injuries. She had ended my horrible pain and replaced it with a new kind of pain, but also incredible pleasure. She was the first one who ever made love to me, and I had accepted her offer of eternal damnation with all my heart and soul and became what I am now, and I love her for it and am totally devoted to her and have no regrets.

I'm a demon myself now, a changeling, something called a "Seeker", a minor, but powerful fire demon. Each demonkind has a special purpose or function for which we are ideally suited. Mine was to "seek" and fetch damned souls for my masters and mistresses.

Though I am a true demon I am a slave as well, bound to my Mistresses service for eternity, I wear her brand on my flank. I will spend that time at her side with gladness for she is the only "family" I have ever known. She is a harsh, but strangely fair, Mistress. I know she will take care of me and protect me as in her own way she does care for me.

Hell itself was just as horrible as I could imagine, but at the same time totally different from what I had imagined. If you haven't been there I can't really describe it. For all the horror and terror there is also genuine compassion and love amongst its denizens. Ours is a hard and thankless existence and we take comfort where we can find it, and give gratitude and loyalty in return. As for myself I still needed to find out exactly where I fit in and learn the rules and ways of this place for even a place like this cannot function without strict laws and discipline that you violate at your peril, and punishment is swift and harsh. You very seldom get a second chance.

Me? I look like, and am, a small Dragon, a fire demon or drake to be precise. My scales are red and I have black features. My large bat like wings are black, my claws are black, and I have a black crest on my head and a ridge of spines running down my back to a black barb on the end of my long prehensile tail. I can lay my crest and spines down flat if I need to. My body temperature is close to that of molten rock and heat waves rise off my body and my drool bursts into flame and dissolves anything it touches. I can spit a column of super heated air that explodes on contact with anything it touches and incinerates it; I make a flame thrower look like a Bic lighter. Oh, and I piss what looks like molten lead and it melts and dissolves anything it touches. My eyes are the emotionless eyes of a reptile, all demonkind have such eyes, but in mine if you look deep enough you can see the fires of hell because I am part of those fires. But if you get a chance to look that deep you're already damned unless you're another demon. I weigh about five hundred pounds but don't look that big because my body is very dense. I've been told by our standards I'm very handsome, at least the lady drakes seem to think so. Any other questions?

Oh, and since I'm not a sadist I will spare the reader the agony of having to try and figure out exactly what some of those in this story are saying as to date I have tried to put their words down verbatim including speech impediments. Because most of us demonkind do not have normal human mouths the variety of these speech impediments is quite impressive. I myself can't talk at all, my sounds are limited to reptilian hisses and grunts though under proper motivation I can make some other sounds, usually when I'm terrified which is fairly often. With snouts, muzzles, gaping maws, etc. we definitely have speech problems. We can understand one another just fine, but since humans can't I will refrain from trying to include those many varied lisps, drawls, and other defects and give you a straight simple translation. My own Mistresses hissing attempts to talk are among the most minor and common speech impediments amongst reptilian demons. I hope you appreciate this as it's not easy. You just try and translate what a giant worm full of grinding teeth with a mouthful of sand is saying. I dare you. And now back to my rather inept adventurers as the newest demon in Hell.

My Mistress finally came out of the bathroom, she hogs it big time, but I can't use it anyway. If I whizzed in the toilet it would melt and flood the place, and any towels or TP I touch burst into flames. In fact I'm still not sure where I'm supposed to go as fire demons require special facilities due to the rather volatile nature of our waste products. At least I don't have to go fairly often, I'd probably blow up the place if I did. I followed her from her quarters and noticed the potted plant was back in its pot, the damn thing goes for walks at night! I gave it a wide berth and growled at it, it tried to eat my yesterday.

While Vulva went in the office supplies closet (I won't got near it, there are dead things in there) I took the opportunity to sneak out in the hall and take a quick piss as I really needed to go by then. I left a smoking crater in the floor. I made it back just in time to avoid getting busted, literally.

Vulva sat down at her desk, clicked the hidden switch, and the computer rose out of the desk. Humans have the internet, we have the Hellnet. She booted up and got online and immediately started bitching about all the spam, hey this IS Hell, you mortals think you got it bad? I wandered around a little bit, but having already explored her office and quarters once didn't really stray very far as it was dangerous even for something like me. Like carnivorous potted plants for one thing, I mean WHO keeps a giant man (or demon)-eating plant in their office? Plus the living photos creeped me out, the one of Hitler was really annoying, it kept making speeches. I was slowly, but surely, learning that the safest place was holding onto my Mistresses leg. So thinking about her legs I went over to her desk and crawled underneath, the thing was carved from a huge block of solid obsidian and there was plenty of room underneath it in the middle for even something as big as I was. I lay at her hooves and gently licked her furry legs and I guess she liked it because she didn't smack me or anything.

After awhile she suddenly opened her legs and cautiously I thrust my snout between them. I'd tried to do it before, but been rebuffed, but always when she'd had company. I guess even Demoness's can be modest in public. However this time she didn't rebuff me and I was soon happily licking her sex and pleasuring her with my tongue as she gave occasional grunts of pleasure. It seemed to help her concentrate on what she was doing on the computer. Being what we are, and especially what she is, we are horny all the time. The only drawback was I was soon rock hard myself, and being as well hung as I am there was almost as much pain as pleasure. Finally she reached under the desk and scratched my crest and said "Come here, my pet." and pulled away from the desk. I obediently came out from under the desk, and when she saw my obvious arousal she smiled and said "After last night I'm surprised, but am also pleased, at your resilience. Vulkna said she was most pleased by your services. Now I think it is time for you to pleasure your Mistress just as well slave. You will mount me and not stop servicing me until I tell you too. Hissss" My Mistress ordered.

She leaned against the desk and raised her tail for me. I couldn't believe this, this was the first time since she had raped me, taken part of my soul, and transformed me that she'd wanted me sexually. With a happy hiss I reared up and taking my aching penis I pressed the head against her lips until it was seated, then bracing myself I mounted her and began to thrust powerfully, my front legs/arms holding her shoulders. I had to lunge forward a couple steps as she took every inch of my twenty inch phallus, and she was hot and slick and tight and I threw my head back and hissed at the unbelievable feeling as I achieved full penetration. She had me service her for over two hours and I had no problem giving her what she wanted. It was different then when I'd mated with my Fire Dragon lover the night before, not nearly as intense, but just as pleasurable and there were more frequent orgasms. It was more animal sex then anything, agonizing ecstasy, but that didn't keep me from enjoying it immensely because I WAS as animal now. To me pleasuring my Mistress was the ultimate reward. I hissed and grunted, throwing my head back whenever one of several massive orgasms wracked my body. The whole time she kept banging away on the keyboard, pausing only to give a grunting hiss of pleasure whenever she reached orgasm herself, which I'm proud to say was fairly often as I take my duties very seriously.

Finally she told me "Enough!" So after our final orgasms I obediently, but very reluctantly, dismounted from my Mistress. But my fun wasn't over yet. "Clean me!" she said, so with great gusto I licked away our sexual juices until she was slick and clean. "Good boy. It seems having you around will be more useful than I thought. You have pleasured your Mistress most adequately." She threw me a brimstone cookie which I snatched out of the air with delight and crunched happily. Then she sat back down at the PC and kept working. I crawled back under the desk, and perfectly happy and content I smacked my lips enjoying the taste of our mutual pleasure, and went to sleep.

One of the more common non-fire demonkind would have died from my sexual attentions due to my body temperature and molten seed, but my Mistress was a very powerful Demoness and Patroness of Carnal Pleasure, she could mate with ANYthing. Believe you me I know, the lady is insatiable. And if the prolific and frequent sex offends you then remember where I am and what I am. Here casual sex is the equivalent of saying "Hi" to a friend or even a stranger. It is one of the few pleasures we are allowed and we make the most of it. It is in our nature as we are aroused very easily, and some of us are permanently aroused. However even things such as I have standards, I will never force myself on an unwilling sexual partner as I have experienced that kind of pain and my Mistress understands and accepts that. She never orders me to rape or otherwise sexually torture anyone or anything, though I would have no choice but to do so if she did. In her own right she never inflicts physical pain for the sake of pain alone unless sexual pleasure is also involved. She is a SEX demoness, and just cannot understand inflicting sexual pain without giving agonizing pleasure as well. Like I've said, Hell is a very weird, horrible, but at times strangely wonderful place. Of course those that aren't on the "staff" probably see it from a different point of view.

The hierarchy of Hell is hard to explain, even if you're seen the organizational and chain-of-command charts. Of course Big L is the head boss, but you don't want to even speak THAT name if you can help it. Then there are the Great Lords to which all other demonkind swear allegiance of some kind, there are no "free lancers" in Hell. Think of corporations with a monopoly. Next come the regular Lords, then the more minor ones such as my Mistress, she's a kind of Demi-Demoness, but she is still very powerful. Then there are the more "common" demons, most of which are bound to service to a Demi, Lord, or Great Lord. You can be bound directly to a Great Lord, and even if you're bound to a Demi-Demoness like myself I'm still also bound to her Great Lord. See what I mean about it getting confusing? My Mistress's control of the breeding pits gives her a lot of clout because all the beasts, imps, and high imps that are the lower grade "civil servants" that do the grunt work are bred in her pits. I'm a demon too, but a slave, so I don't really count. Can't vote or anything. But even though I'm a slave I still get a lot of respect because of my main function which is not pretty. When you make a deal with a demonkind and payment comes due they don't send the repo man, they send something like me, and you can't hide and you can't stop me. Well I just bored the crude out myself, but hope you understand how things work a little better down here. Gotta go.

About that time the Mailimp arrived and I heard it say "Who the Hell pissed in the hallway! Do you all live in a barn?" Then it came in and delivered the mail and Vulva had to sigh for a special delivery parcel. "Some slob pissed in the hallway Mistress, big crater right in the middle, almost tripped over it!" the Imp said as Vulva signed for the parcel.

"Hmmmm, now I wonder who that could have been?" Vulva mused. She handed the receipt back to the Mailimp who left, still in a huff. "Ohhh pet, come here please." Vulva said in a soft voice.

Uh-oh, I thought. My replitian muzzle doesn't allow much in the way of facial expression, but I tried to look as innocent as possible when I came slinking out from under the desk. The plant did it; it must have been the plant! I thought, and I pointed at the plant.

"Now tell me truthfully my pet, and I will know if you lie to me, did you relieve yourself in the hallway, hmmm? Hisss."

I hung my head and shook it, Uh-huh. Smack! She laid me out with a hard thwack from her tail.

"Really, my pet, I am most disappointed. This is Hell, NOT a pigsty! What were you thinking?"

I actually got kind of mad at this point. I was thinking I needed to go, but didn't know where to! I thought. I mean, what do you expect? I looked at her and spread my front legs/arms in a big questioning gesture and shrugged my shoulders. Like I said, I can't talk but we do manage to understand each other very well. She knew what I meant.

"Ah, Yesss, I see the problem. I have not yet shown you were to go, have I my pet?"

NO, I thought, and sulked. At least I didn't do it in here and that ought to count for something.

"Perhaps I was a little, um, hasty this time, my pet."

Yes you were, I thought, and turned my back and sulked some more.

"Forgive me?" she asked.

That was all I wanted to hear, so with a happy hiss I ran over to her and rubbed my head against her soft fur. She took me down the hall and showed me the special restroom for fire demons, it was just an empty room with thick sand on the floor as it would just melt and not burst into flame. It hadn't been used much as don't see a lot of fire demons in this part of Hell. Things tend to catch on fire when we're around. In fact I would keep the local version of a fire brigade fairly busy.

That taken care of we returned to the office and she sat back down at the desk and opened the parcel she'd received. She let out a happy hiss, and said.

"Come here, my pet!"

What now! I thought. I'd just gotten comfortable again. I didn't do ANYthing, honest!

"My special order harness for you is here, that was excellent service for a change, don't you think?"

Harness? I thought, what harness? She'd tried to put collars on me before but they just caught on fire or melted, much to my satisfaction. I didn't WANT to wear a collar. But this was FAR worse; it was a horrible torment worthy of the meanest most vile and despicable demon, or demoness. It was something worthy of Big L himself.

It was a full body harness, and there wasn't anything I could do about it. She called me over and put the thing on me. She had to smack me to get me to settle down as I was fidgeting so much. "Behave!" she said. It was made from some sort of silver colored metal clothe that was, of course, fire and heat proof. It had a wide collar, a strap that went down my back with cut outs for my spines to go through and had a loop for my tail. There was a wide breast strap and straps that went under my front legs and in the center of my chest straps was a martingale plate, it was gold and engraved with my Mistress's personal Rune, same as the one branded on my butt. And the damn thing even had a matching leash! I felt ridiculous. This is so gay! I thought. She said a word of power and I felt the thing tighten around me till it was snug, but not too tight, and the buckles fused. She stepped back and looked at me.

"You look lovely, my precious!" She said in obvious pleasure. "That was a very expensive harness, it's magic and only I can ever take it off."

By now I was in a really bad mood. I look like a sissy! I am NOT going out in public wearing this, and if that stupid plant doesn't stop giggling I'm going to blast it! I even turned up my snout when she offered me a brimstone cookie. "Hmpff!" I hissed in righteous indignation at my humiliation.

"Very well, be that way then." My Mistress hissed. "You WILL wear it whether you want to or not, my pet. I think it's cute." And she went back to working on her computer and that was the end of the matter as far as she was concerned.

Cute! THAT'S the problem! I crawled back under the desk to hide my shame from the world. I hate this place, I thought. I chewed on the harness for awhile but of course it was fang proof too.

Despite the harness from Hell I was having a happy dream in which I was pleasuring my Mistress again when she suddenly let out a loud Hiss and yelled,

"YES, thank you Great Lord Ba'al! I shall comply immediately with your wishes!"

With a startled hiss I rose up and banged my head on the underside of the desk, OW! Hiiiiissssss! %$#@! Was Lord Ba'al here? I hoped not, he was our sworn Lord and Master and was a really scary boogie-man, I was terrified of him. Any time I saw him in person I always froze and had to be dragged away. The worst thing was he LIKED me, thought I was being respectful, and believe me I DID respect him a lot, but I preferred to do it from as far away as possible. It was horribly embarrassing, but if you ever saw him you would be petrified too. I was nowhere NEAR his class of demon.

"Come HERE my pet!" Mistress Vulva called. "I have some very good news."

Uh-oh, I thought. Good news in Hell usually meant somebody was going to get the short end of the cattle prod, usually me. So I somewhat reluctantly crawled out from under the desk in my GAY harness. The last time I left my sanctuary I got this lousy stinking harness put on me.

But I needn't have worried in this case. My Mistress was beaming at me with a huge happy smile. Seeing as she had a muzzle that is part goat, part lizard, and is full of fangs when she smiles it's pretty spectacular. If you were some poor damned soul she'd gotten her claws into it would have scared you to death, but to me it was a lovely sight because it meant I wasn't going to get smacked. If the Mistress is happy everybody is happy, or better be if they know what's good for them.

"My Pet, while I was at the partly last night I asked a boon of our Lord Ba'al and he said he would consider. My request plus another amazing development have caused him to decide in my favor and grant my request, which with him is a very rare thing indeed. But as it will greatly benefit him as well he has seen fit to be merciful."

Yeah, I bet, I thought. I didn't know what the Hell she was talking about so tried to look as happy and enthusiastic as possible. Yay, whoop-de-do, who cares.

"And all because of you my pet, I had NO idea of just how special you are, but I should have guessed and am angered at myself that I did not. After all it is my area of responsibility. My Boon was that I be granted permission to have a familiar, a big step for even a Demoness such as me. It can only be done with permission of a sworn Lord as it requires a spell on his part, and it is the first time in my existence that I have been allowed to do so though I have requested it in the past. And YOU are to be that familiar my pet!"

What the Hell is a familiar? I thought. By Ba'al's balls (all six of them, I counted them) I thought I already was pretty familiar with her, I mean I'd been fucking her just a short while ago and we each had part of one another's souls. How much more familiar could you get? Well, I was about to find out.

"Come here, my pet!" she commanded.

I instantly obeyed and crouched at her feet in obedience to my Mistress. She reached under my leg with her tail and flipped me over on my side. I went over with no struggle as I knew better and just looked up at her in confusion. Had I been bad? I tried to remember, but I hadn't set another one of her pillows on fire so couldn't think of anything I might have done. Of course for that matter she didn't need a reason to punish me. I was a slave with NO rights; I didn't even have a name and never would again. My lot was to serve, and if my Mistress wished to beat the crap out of me for no reason then so be it. But that was not the case this time, and in fact she hardly ever did punish me unless I did something stupid or misbehaved, or embarrassed her, which unfortunately was too often. I never have learned to keep my big snout to myself.

She leaned down and brought her tail around, and the barb at the tip was white hot and glowing. She used that tip to burn another brand into my flank under the original one with which she had bound me as a slave in her service. I had not even felt the first brand, but I sure felt this one! "Eeeeeeaahiiiiiiiiisss" I hissed in agony as it burned into my body and my soul. I wailed and thrashed, but she pinned me securely as she kept burning me. For a fire demon to feel pain from heat is very rare, but this was a heat that burned not only the body but the soul. Then she finished and I passed out from the pain and relief of its absence.

When I woke up I was devastated, she had HURT me, I mean really HURT me and it broke my heart, if I still have one. She punished me when I deserved it, but had never HURT me before. I curled up in a ball and squealed and cried.

She gently stroked my head and said, "I'm sorry my pet, a brand from our Lord is always a painful thing. Now come here and hold me, it is my turn."

What? I thought. I got up and moved over to her, still sniffing.

"Hold me steady." She said. Then she spoke to the computer screen, "I am ready my Lord and Master." She closed her eyes and braced herself.

I heard Ba'al's deep cultured voice speak words of power from the screen and Vulva suddenly arched her back and screamed. Startled I held her as best I could but she was strong! Suddenly I smelled burning flesh and looking in horror I saw the fur and skin on her lovely hindquarters was smoking in one place, and she screamed again when it burst into flame! And I gave a moan of pain as my own new brand began to burn again as well, but not as bad as before. The Great Lord's voice went on and my Mistress kept screaming.

Stop it! I screamed in my mind, you're hurting her! Finally that beautiful horrible voice stopped and said "It is done" and the computer screen went blank. With a horrible moan my Mistress collapsed across the desk and would have slid to the floor if I hadn't caught her. I took her to the bedroom and put her on the bed as I didn't know what else to do and I was terrified. If something happened to her I would be all alone in this place and that thought terrified me as nothing else ever had. She was the rock on which what remained of my shattered sanity was anchored. I cried and whimpered and licked the horrible burn on her rump. Missttrresss! I keened. "Hiiiisss!" What's wrong? Missttrreesss! Even that stupid plant came to the door and looked in obvious concern. I don't know if my licking helped or not, but in a few minutes the horrible raw inflamed new brand started to fade and lost its raw look and soon looked like it had been there forever and for the first time I noticed another brand, much older, next to is. My Mistress is a slave too I realized in amazement.

Finally after what seemed like an eternity to me my Mistress finally started to come around. I held her leg and cried the whole time I was so horribly worried.

"It is OK, my pet. Your concern for your Mistress is touching." She said.

I sat up in shock and hissed. I had heard her voice, but she hadn't spoken! I looked at her with my mouth open in confusion.

"Yes, my dear pet. I spoke in your mind, just as you can now speak in mine. We are now joined forever by our Lord's spell. You are now my familiar, and that means if I so chose I can speak in your mind and/or see and hear what you do. However, you may only access my mind if I give permission, but you may call me and I will answer anytime you call me. I can also channel my power through you if need be. This is a great gift and will make both our lives, and toils, much easier. We will also be less lonely."

I was still in a state of shock, and didn't really know what to make of this new "gift", but my Mistress was OK and that was all that really mattered to me anyway. I kept holding her leg, I had been so horribly worried, while she gently stroked and petted my head.

This really did add a whole new dimension to our "relationship". She had been my Mistress already, but now she became my guardian and confidant and anytime she wished she could access my mind by "tuning in" and see and hear everything I did. If I had a question or concern of some kind I could "ask her" and she would tell me what to do or what she thought. It made it harder for me to get in trouble, which was good, but I still managed to anyway on a regular basis as I have a gift. She could also speak through me, I just opened my mouth and her voice came out of it. It was spooky and even scared the Hell out of other demonkind. She could use me as a kind of messenger and deliver the message in person!

Radios and cell phones don't work in Hell, (don't ask ME I'm not a technician), the only reason the computers work is they are cable or DSL. So it was very useful for her to be able to be in two places at once. I could go places she couldn't and it made me a very effective scout/spy. As I was to find later there were many other benefits from our mutual binding. For one thing she could let me feel what she did during sex, and vice versa. That made things VERY interesting. We could go along for the ride, or could, literally, change places and switch bodies, like I said, VERY interesting. I could feel what it was like to be female or male & female at the same time. It added a whole new realm of pleasure to our couplings, even when we were doing it with other demons.

Of course there were drawbacks, one was we could feel one another's pain as I would come to find out. Another was that if I was destroyed (we can't die, we have to be totally destroyed) she would suffer horribly, if she was destroyed I would basically cease to exist. But on the bright side I wouldn't have wanted to keep on living without her anyway.

One good thing was that we couldn't read each other's minds, we could see what the other saw or felt and ask and answer questions, but didn't actually know what the other was thinking. For that I was thankful as frankly I really didn't want to know what she was thinking much of the time, I mean she IS a demoness. And we made one Hell of a team.

Later that afternoon after things had settled back down to "normal" I was finally able to ask a lot of questions. My mouth still couldn't speak, but at least I had a voice in her head when she let me. I found out that the "potted plant" was actually a demon too, he was another one of her unfortunate virgins. He may look like a plant, but isn't really one. He only stayed in the pot when he wasn't "going for a walk". He was called a "Devourer". He roamed the tunnels at night catching vermin like lizards and rats, and other things including the occasional unfortunate beast or Imp if he was really hungry. He was the one that made that horrible howl I had heard the first night I was here (last night actually). He had another function I would see later, a really horrible one as he WAS a demon after all. I got to be friends with him later as we were both slaves of our Mistress and had similar stories. I would bring him "treats" when I could and he appreciated it.

I also found out it really was Hitler in the photograph, he had to spend eternity in it with no one to talk to or listen to his speeches. Serves him right, I thought. And yes, the giant snake in the jungle photo really was eating beautiful naked women all the time. The snake was a demon too and had sent the photo to Vulva because they were friends. I met him later. I asked so many questions she finally had to tell me to "Shut up a little bit, OK?" and tuned me out. So I resumed my usual post at the foot of her chair under the desk and went to sleep almost immediately as binding me to her as her familiar, and her to me, had exhausted me. She also fell asleep at her desk a short time later, with my head resting on her hooves. Even Hitler shut up and it was strangely peaceful for awhile.

She woke up again a short while later when the computer chimed to let her know a priority H-mail had been received. She read the message, sent an affirmative and acknowledgement, and shortly I was sent on my first "mission" as a Seeker.

She gently kicked me to wake me up, and said, "Wake up sleepy head, I have some work for you. We've heard from Grishnik, our sand demon friend, and he has called in the favor I granted him after you mistakenly tried to fry him. He has a soul for you to seek out and collect, my pet, a really nasty one. You leave in five minutes."

"Five minutes! I thought. What do I need to take, where do I go, how will I know who to grab? Can I have a gun?" I asked her via our mind link.

"You go as you are, you need nothing. You will know where to go and who to "grab" my pet, your instincts will tell you. Now let us go to a pentagram and get you delivered as close to your target as possible."

She snapped a leash on my collar and led me down the tunnel. "Do I HAVE to wear this harness?" I complained.

"Yes you do." she answered. "I paid a lot for it and makes you look distinguished my pet."

"It makes me look GAY!" Was my response.

"Shut up and behave!" She replied.

"Yes Mistress, but it still looks GAY." When she hissed at me I finally shut up.

She took me to a small room that I swear looked like a transporter from Star Trek. There was a raised dais with a fancy silver inlaid pentagram on it, and an operator stood to one side behind a raised podium. Give him a Star Fleet uniform and it could pass easily for a transporter room. The Imp even looked kind of like a Klingon as he was one third Baboon. I almost expected Scotty to walk in.

Vulva unhooked the leash and rolled it up. She told me to wait where I was while she went and got the "coordinates" for my "jump". I looked at the operator and he looked at me, then he said, "Dude, that harness looks gay." When Vulva came back I was still chasing him around the room snarling and she gave me a good smack with her tail.

"Knock it OFF, she hissed at me. I swear I leave you alone for one minute and that's all it takes! Hiiissss! What's your problem?"

"He said I was gay!" I replied.

Vulva closed her eyes, "I really don't need this right now. I swear you act like a five year old sometimes. You're a demon now, act your age! You shouldn't let a mere Imp goad you. It's not dignified."

"But I've only been a demon for two days! I whined, and the harness IS gay! I hate it!"

"TOUGH! She said, I like it, and you'll wear it until I say otherwise. Now get on that pentagram, we've wasted enough time."

So I hopped up on the pentagram and she told the operator to activate it. I did not like the look on his face when he did. I mean just because I'd bitten him a couple of times doesn't mean he should hold a grudge.

There was the familiar sense of being in a rapidly descending elevator and a sense of dislocation and I arrived at my destination. I was kneeling with my wings folded around myself protectively as that's the best way to travel via pentagram as otherwise you might lose your balance, and falling flat on your snout in front of whomever had summoned you does not a good first impression make. Of course I was not summoned, I was sent, and there's a big difference. It was one of my greatest powers to be able to leave Hell without being summoned.

I was aware of two things right away, it was cold as, well, not Hell, and the black surface I was kneeling on looked awfully familiar. I heard a loud noise and turned to face it and spread my wings and looked directly into the headlights of the oncoming car, and the car blew its horn again. "Oh Shissssssss!" I said and then the car hit me head on and I flipped over the hood, I bounced off the roof and landed on the hood of the semi behind the car, face to face with the driver and separated only by the windshield. He was a big fat guy wearing a Yankees ball cap and eating a giant hoagie. He saw me and I saw him and we scared the crap out of each other. "Aaaaaaaaaaa!" "Hisssssssss!" Then the wind caught my wings and I flew off to one side and hit another semi right in the front grill, bounced off it, hit a telephone pole, screaming the whole time and thinking "I'm gonna die", and ended up in a culvert full of ice cold water and slush.

The truck I hit last came to a screeching halt, and the two drivers jumped out and ran over to the culvert and looked at the bubbling steaming water where I had disappeared. About that time I came shrieking out of the COLD water and ran, yowling at the top of my lungs, up the bank with my tail between my legs and vanished in the woods. I heard them say, "Bud, what the hell was that?" The other replied, "We done just run over the Jersey Devil!" "Yeah, said Bud, but what's it doing in Massachusetts?" "Must be lost." "Did you see that gay harness it was wearing?" "Should we report this?" "What do YOU think?" "Naw, you're right. No one would believe us, Hell I don't even believe it!"

I ran deep into the woods and sat under a tree and sucked on my tail and rocked back and forth whimpering. I felt something stuck to my forehead so reached up and peeled it off; it was a large metal "M" from the grill of the Mack truck that had bounced me off the telephone pole. That's going to leave a mark I thought, and threw it as far away as I could. I contacted Mistress Vulva.

"Well, that was fast, how'd it go?" she asked.

I replied, sniveling. "Mistress, I want to come home. This is a horrible place and I'm scared. I got run over three times, scared by an ugly fat man, bounced off a telephone pole, and they threw me in ice water!" And I heard her laughing! "It's NOT funny!" I said in a hurt voice.

She was still sniggering as she told me, "Pull yourself together, this is your first time and I know it's a little scary at first. Now do your job and make me proud of you, my pet! Hisss."

That snapped me out of my still somewhat stunned mood. Make her proud of me, I would like that! I called her one last time. "Mistress, tell that pentagram operator I'm going to have a one on one talk with him when I get home."

"Too late, she said, he's already gone. See you soon my brave little demon."

Rats! I thought, I'll get him for this one way or another. Then it was back to business. I climbed up a convenient tree and launched myself into the air. It was a cold clear night with a lovely moon, but my body heat kept the ice cold air at bay but I still shivered. For me THIS was Hell! As I climbed for altitude I looked around, and in the near distance I saw what looked like a red spotlight shining up into the sky. She had said I would know where to go and I had no doubts now as I saw that beacon. With a hiss I headed for it as fast as my wings could propel me through the air. I felt a growing need to do what I had been sent to do, to fulfill my function, to do what I had been created for.

I soon came to a large mansion with extensive grounds, well lit and guarded with high walls and security cameras. Of course those were no barrier to something that could fly. I picked my entry point, the large atrium on the end of one of the wings. I swooped up, stood on my head, tucked my wings and dived. I burst through the heavy leaded plated glass, spread my wings, and came to a perfect landing in a swimming pool (I still suck at landings). But the pool was nice and warm and had way too much chlorine in it which was fine with me. I eat the stuff. Of course it soon boiling and the room started to fill with steam. As I climbed out of the pool I heard a loud noise and realized alarms were sounding, and about that time a pair of double doors burst open and two security guards with attack dogs entered at a run. At first they didn't see anything until I emerged from the steam cloud which made for a great special effect. They set the dogs loose, but the dogs took one look at me and ran in the opposite direction, smart puppies. The two men were braver though, and even though they were scared to death by now they earned their pay.

"What the hell is that?" One yelled. "Hell if I know, just shoot it!" The other replied, and they both pulled out their 9mm Berettas and opened fire.

You're right about Hell, I thought. I felt the bullets hit me, but they felt like gentle taps against my scales. I looked down and they ran off my scales in molten drops.

The guard's saw this, and one said, "Fuck it, this isn't worth $15.00 an hour!" and turning he ran back through the doors followed by the other guard. I guess they followed the dogs because I didn't see any of them again. I wasn't here for them anyway even though I could admire their bravery.

I pushed through the door and walked down a sumptuous hallway, leaving burn marks on the carpet in the shape of my clawed feet. I followed my nose, I could SMELL my prey. It led me up some stairs and towards another set of double doors, these guarded by two more guards armed with machine guns. They both opened fire and again I felt the gentle taps against my scales, but by now I was getting pissed. I opened my mouth and blasted one guard and the machine gun blew up as the ammo cooked off and he turned into a fine ash and the melted twisted gun dropped to the floor with a loud clunk. The other guard dropped his gun and cowered in a corner with his hands over his head and I ignored him. If he did not try to keep me from my goal he had nothing to fear, I could harm only those who attacked me or impeded my way.

I walked up to the doors and of course they were locked. I pushed and they didn't give any. I scratched with my claws and the wood veneer came off to reveal reinforced stainless steel doors worthy of a bank vault. How annoying. I put my hand against the steel and soon it was glowing white hot and dripping down the side. I pushed my hand into the now liquid metal and pulled the bolts and kicked the doors open and walked in with an angry hiss, flicking the molten metal off of my hand. How dare this wretched creature waste my time! "Hiiiiiisssss!"

A distinguished looking white haired man was sitting behind a large deck and as I approached he made some signs in the air and spoke words of power. I watched as a glowing shield popped into existence between me and my target. I could see it because of what I am; to human eyes it would be invisible. It was an opaque blue glowing curtain of power. I stepped up to it and sniffed. Then I reached out and tore a hole in it with my claws and stepped through. For the first time the man looked scared.

"No! He said, you can't breach the shield, no one can!"

Wrong! I thought. I am on an official mission sanctioned by Hell to fulfill a contract that has come due and nothing can stop me from accomplishing my mission. It was my major power. No spell, no shield, no weapon can stop me when I am performing my duty for what I do is perfectly legal and binding.

The man was a fighter, I'll give him that. He pulled out a huge pistol and fired six shots directly into my chest and I actually felt them a little bit, it felt like a small bird pecking at my chest, but these large armor piercing rounds also melted the second they hit my scales. Next he tried to summon a small demon to defend him but it took one look at me, bowed, and disappeared again. By now he was pleading with me, promising me all sorts of wealth, anything I wanted, etc. What do such offers meant to something like me? I thought in derision. You are keeping me from my Mistress you silly mortal, I want to go HOME!

I reached across his desk and grabbed him, pulling his soul out of his body and his body collapsed across the desk. I knew it would look like he'd died of a heart attack and that his heart had exploded, because it had from terror. That was what killed him, not me. He had looked like a middle aged man, but his soul was a vile twisted shriveled thing. It kicked and struggled as I dragged it back down the hallway. The guard was gone and I saw no one else. I returned to the atrium, took the soul in the powerful grip of my clawed feet, and took flight back through the same hole I'd entered through.

I climbed for altitude, looking down just as police cruisers started arriving. If anyone saw me I doubt they believed it. The soul squealed and begged but I just ignored it. I knew what this creature had done with its life; it had sold its soul for money and power and had used that power to make the lives of thousands of his fellow humans miserable. He had lied and cheated, used legal theft to destroy other people's dreams, bought prosperous companies and closed them because he could make more that way. He had cared nothing for those he put out of work and whose lives he had destroyed. I was doing the world a favor by collecting this foul soul.

"Mistress, I called, I have him."

"Excellent, my pet, I watched the whole thing, most impressive. Grishnik is eagerly awaiting his delivery. You will see where to go."

"Yes Mistress." I replied. I watched as another red spotlight suddenly shot up into the sky and saw the pentagram as it opened in a forest clearing below. The soul did too and wailed in despair. I paid it no heed. Again I swooped up, stood on my head, and folding my wings dove straight for the glowing pentagram and home. I kept my wings folded even when it looked like I would hit solid ground and plunged into the pentagram and it slammed shut behind me with a loud clap like a roll of thunder.

I emerged in midair over the great desert of Hell. I flapped my wings and looked for the demon Grishnik. I saw him rear out of the sand that was his domain and open his maw. The soul saw too and as I swooped towards that maw it gave a loud piteous wail of abject terror and for once I felt pity for it, but it had decided this fate for itself long ago, I was merely the bill collector. I released the soul and it fell into the maw of its master, which snapped shut. I hovered and waited, and it opened again about a minute later and I could see pieces of something stuck to the constantly churning rows of razor sharp teeth. Uggh! I thought. Grishnik spoke and said "Tell your Mistress I am most pleased with your service and our debt is settled." Then he dove into the sand and disappeared.

"Mistress?" I asked in my mind.

"I heard and am most pleased. Now come home, your Mistress has missed her pet."

With a happy hiss I turned and flapped towards home, enjoying the hot winds and stinging sands against my chilled scales. The world above was way too cold for one such as me. A giant flying wrym thing passed me and bellowed a greeting to which I politely replied. It no longer scared or revolted me, it was a brother demon and I had nothing to fear from it.

As I flew what I had done began to weigh on me. By the time I reached the entrance to my Mistress's domain and landed I was sick and in despair and she was waiting for me.

My Mistress held me while I cried and hissed in anguish, gently scratching my head and crest, and said softly, "You will get used to it my pet, the first time is always the hardest. You perform a very important function and have nothing to be ashamed of. You did very well and I am proud of you. Now come, it is late and we need our rest, my pet, you and I."

She led me to her quarters and while she got ready for bed I laid down on my fireproof rug. I was cried out by then, and I think it left me harder as I would never be affected this way again. Finally she climbed into bed and clapped for the lights to go out. I settled down and stared into the dark with my glowing eyes the flames deep inside flickering.

She asked in my mind, "Pet?"

I lifted my head, "Yes Mistress?" I replied.

"Do your truly love me? Even after what I have done to you? What I have made you?"

"Yes Mistress" I said.

"Why?" and I could sense the true puzzlement in her mind.

"Because you took away the pain and gave me the first love I've ever known, my Mistress. I will always love you for that."

"But I don't love you." She replied.

"Yes, you do." I replied. And I knew she did because I have been inside her mind and am a part of her now as only a familiar can be.

"Pet?" she said.

"Yes Mistress?" I replied.

"Go to sleep." She said softly in my mind.

"Yes Mistress" I replied, and did as she ordered.



The Seeker, Chapter 4

Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and...

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The Seeker, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso I closed my eyes and felt a moment of vertigo as my Mistress and I disappeared from the pentagram and left the two loonie toon sisters happily playing with...

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The Seeker, Chapter 1

Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and...

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