The Seeker, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and "Unlucky Virgin" stories. As usual it's pretty Yiffy as she IS a patron of Carnal Pleasure and loves to play with her new pets. My stuff if copyrighted, so no Takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 1

By William W. Kelso

Why were they doing this to me? I thought, what did I ever do to them? I'd asked and begged them, pleaded with them to stop tormenting me, but all they did was stick a ball gag in my mouth when they got tired of my "bitching". I struggled against my restraints for the hundredth time, but as usual it did me no good. The heavy leather cuffs around my wrists and ankles were so tight they almost cut off my circulation, but not quite, but they were more than tight enough that I couldn't wiggle out of them. I knew my captors were very good at this kind of thing and whimpered through the gag. What did they have planned for me now? I had over heard them talking about some "special" event they had planned for later this evening. I whimpered again as I examined the ancient brick and stonework of the cellar I was in. I was securely bound to some sort of stone table or slab, but until just recently I had been in an identical situation somewhere else in the old mansion for the last few days, also strapped down, but on a large wooden table or other torture devices. At least they had removed the other things from my sore and aching body and I didn't see any of them down here in this place. After what they had already done to me I was certain that whatever they had planned was to be the end to my suffering, one way or another. There was no way they could let me go, no after what they had done to me. I knew I was dying anyway, I could feel myself bleeding internally. I had never known such horrible agony. Oh God, what could be worse then what they'd done so far? I moaned in terror. I could hear Rats squeaking somewhere and I knew that if they found me I would be helpless to defend myself. I raised my head and looked at my nudity, at my torn and savaged aching body, the blood and bruises. Then it occurred to me, maybe that's what those bitches wanted, for the rats to eat me alive! With a moan I started struggling again, screaming through the gag.

Just two days ago, (or was it three now?), I had been on my way to try and find work in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. There would be plenty of short term full time jobs available and the pay would be pretty decent too, not to mention the partying. A friend of mine had said he'd already arranged a job for me helping with the floats and parade preparations. Plus I was hoping to lose my virginity as I felt I'd been a good boy for long enough. My bastard stepdad had abused me for years so I was already sexually stunted anyway. I was frankly scared of it as being abused had made me associate it only with pain, not pleasure. And so far everything that had happened to me in this place had only reinforced that belief. Plus I just didn't have sex appeal or the gift of impressing the ladies. I'd been on my own for so long I'd almost accepted I'd never be able to settle down, plus my "experiences" with members of the opposite sex had bordered on sad comedy. But now that I was older the instinct and desire to get a stable life and settle down had kicked in. I'd had a rather hard life and wanted to end that rather lonely and empty existence. All I wanted was what everyone else seemed to have, someone to love and spend the rest of my life with. Growing old and dying alone was my worst fear.

When my old Duster had broken down (for the umpteenth time) I had ended up standing beside the road in the humid heat for several hours, so had been glad when the two nice looking middle aged ladies had given me a ride, in a neat old Rolls Royce no less. I was, and always have been, way too trusting for my own good. Pity the poor gullible trusting fool. They had driven past me first, then slammed on the brakes and backed up. One lady had rolled down her window and asked if I needed help in a sweet voice. When I'd walked over to talk to her she had held out her hand for me to shake, so that's what I did to be polite. The minute I touched her hand she'd been all smiles and pure Southern hospitality and they had offered to give me a ride to the nearest town. But first, they said, they needed to stop by their house and pick up a few things, if I didn't mind? So I was nice and said no problem and even asked if I could be of any help. As we drove they'd introduced themselves as the sisters Beautre, Margaret and Bernice. I thought they were quaint and sweet even if a little old fashioned. I was very polite and that seemed to please them. "Such a nice boy, he's perfect." I heard one whisper to the other.

They pulled into a long tree lined drive leading to a huge old plantation house and I saw a sign that said "Hill View, est. 1854". Wow, I was impressed. So when they asked me in for a quick cup of tea I was delighted as I'd get to check the place out. It was most certainly impressive to say the least, and the interior was awesome, like something right out of "Gone with the Wind"; I half expected to see Miss Scarlett come promenading down the huge staircase in the entry foyer. The place was like a museum, and kept in pristine condition. It had silk wallpaper, high corniced ceilings, cut crystal and there was fine china everywhere, stern looking paintings of old folks looked down from the walls, antique furniture, etc. Like I said, I was most impressed. I loved old things; they gave me a feeling of continuity and stability in our modern rat race world. The two ladies were delighted I was so knowledgeable about many of the fine antiques the place was stuffed with. So when they brought in a tea service, in sterling silver no less, I was flattered. There were even those little cucumber sandwiches, biscuits, and crumpets. Very old fashioned, very high society and I was having a good time. I acted like a high society gentleman and they loved it. The tea was somewhat bitter, but I had no chance to complain as the drug they'd put in it took effect immediately and I passed out in mid sentence.


The two sisters had been delighted to find what they needed so close to home. It was hard to find a virgin these days, and they had almost driven past the man by the old broken down rusty junk heap. But when Bernice's ring had suddenly tingled and indicated the presence of pure blood they'd known it could only be from one source, so they stopped and backed up. They eyed the man hungrily as he walked up to the car window. Bernice had offered her hand as she hoped he would be polite and would shake it, and when he did her ring had given her a mild shock to let her know, that yes indeed, they had found a pure blood, a virgin. And so fast! They usually had to go all the way to New Orleans or another large town or city for what they needed. To find one right down the road was a first, and it would give them more time to play before the main event. Their patroness would be most pleased with this one's maturity as he was older than most and even better was a male. They usually provided females. And the older virgins were best; they were like a fine wine that had aged well.

They were delighted when the man turned out be very old fashioned and polite, and his knowledgeable comments about the fine things in their house had made their day. It was so nice to have a POLITE young man for a change, but that would not keep them from doing what they must. Instead of drugging him right away they enjoyed his company for awhile and approved of his genuine charm and appreciativeness for their possessions. Finally, anxious to make his acquaintance in a more personal way, they served tea and he still had a smile on his face when he passed out.

Quickly they dragged him to the "play" room, stripped him, and put him on the large heavy oak table and securely strapped him down, eagle spread, naked, and helpless. It would be some time before he awoke, so they spent the time doing other chores and deciding what they would do to him over the next few days. They could hardly wait; it had been quite some time since they'd been able to satisfy their lusts and indulge their fantasies. Oh yes, they were going to have a high fine time, the fact that their "guest" might not enjoy it as much was of no consequence to them. He was merely a gift for their patroness and if they had a little fun with him first, what did it matter?


I woke with a moan, God my head hurt! I tried to move and quickly found I was strapped down on a large table of some kind and was stark naked! Unless you've found yourself in a similar situation, without knowing it was going to happen, there is NO way I can describe my feelings at this point. To say I didn't freak out would be a blatant lie. I yelled and screamed and struggled until my wrists and ankles were raw, all to no avail. It was a total and complete waste of time, and accomplished nothing more than wearing me out.

Finally I stopped and tried my best to calm down and assess my predicament. OK, what did I know? Two nice ladies had drugged me and I was strapped down stark naked in what appeared to be torture chamber of some kind. There were all sorts of weird and painful looking devices hanging on the walls and lying on nearby tables. So I made the most rational decision possible under the circumstances, and freaked out again big time.

I know now I should have kept my big mouth shut because all it did was let them know I was awake now. Shortly after my second round of bellowing for help started I head a door open nearby and presently the "nice" ladies came into view. They had smiles on their faces that scared the crap out of me, almost literally. They walked up to the table, one on each side, and they looked down at me with those horrible smiles. They were wearing robes of some kind and they both let them drop to the floor and they were nude underneath. Their bodies were much younger looking then their faces, and both had nice firm breasts with no sag or drooping. I felt no arousal at all considering the circumstances. I started to open my mouth, when one of them said,

"Why sister, I don't believe he finds us attractive, now isn't that a shame?" she giggled.I think it was the one named Margaret.

"Not that it makes any difference now, does it sister?" said the other one. "Do fetch the tonic, would you sister dear?"

"But of course Bernice dear." Sister Margaret replied. She walked over to one of the tables and came back with a bottle full of some murky looking fluid and a long thin funnel.

She walked back to the table and told me to "Open wide for your tunic dear boy, you'll like it." And tried to pour some of the stuff in my mouth. I did the reasonable thing and turned my head to one side and shut my mouth. "Mmmf." NO way! I thought. And it didn't help any that Bernice had started to fondle me! She was cupping and pulling rather hard on my privates! I did NOT like it and felt no desire for these nut jobs! I yelled, "Get away from me you sicko!"

"Oh my, said Margaret, it looks like he doesn't want to cooperate, how rude! Sister, please hold his head for me." Bernice grabbed the sides of my head and forced me to look straight up. Margaret bent over me and forced the funnel through my lips and teeth and down my throat despite my resistance, then started to pour the fluid in the bottle through the funnel. I gagged and tried to heave, God the stuff was foul! ‘Uuurrrgggle, Mmmmmffff!" I choked out.

"Good boy, said Bernice, you took all of your tonic. Now we can start to have some fun!"

God, I thought, what was that stuff! Tasted like a cross between horse piss and rancid lard. "Uggggggh, I spit, what the hell is wrong with you people! What was that crap! I think I'm going to be sick!"

Margaret gave me a pat on the stomach and said, "No you won't, the tonic won't let you. But soon you'll be ready for the fun and games." Bernice clapped her hands in apparent delight and giggled.

The stuff hit my stomach like a gallon of scotch and I felt a sudden warm bloom inside of me and to my horror started to get an erection, and soon I was hard and rampant. But it felt strangely numb, and I had NO sexual desire for these crazy ladies. They certainly did for me though, and the "fun" was about to start, "Fun" for them, but not for the object of their desires.

One of them, Bernice I think, took some sort of lubricant and smeared it on my penis, stroking it to get it nice and slick. Then Margaret, who appeared to be the one in charge, jumped up on the table and straddled me, looking down in amusement at the expression on my face. She had a truly beautiful body and I could clearly see the pink lips of her sex peeking out through her pubic hair.

"Like what you see?" She asked. Then she got down on her knees and into position to mount me.

"Look, I said, no offence! But I'm not into this kind of stuff, OK? Please let me go and maybe we work something out, maybe talk this over? You ladies are very pretty, but I really, really don't want to do this!" She didn't reply, just laughed as she guided my penis into her vagina. I felt my head push against her lips and penetrate her. She gave a grunt of pleasure and began to rock back and forth.

"Goddamnit! I yelled, get off of me you sick pervert! Stop it! Please!" I did not believe this was happening to me, my first time with a woman and I would lose my virginity by being raped! And God help me it felt good, she was tight and knew what she was doing as she rode me, the slick wet lips of her sex holding me tightly in their gentle embrace. I stared up at her breasts as they bobbed up in down in rhythm with her thrusts. God help me but I should have been responding by now, no matter what the circumstances. But my penis still felt strangely numb, there was pleasure, but I felt no sense of nearing release or approaching orgasm, it stayed the constant same. "Uggggghhh!' I moaned helplessly, it did feel so good.

Finally she gave a deep grunt and shuddered, then slipped off of me and got down from the table. And instantly her sister took her place and it was a repeat of the first rape. She used me for her pleasure too, grunting in pleasure as she rocked back and forth on me. I stayed rock hard, but I couldn't come! At first they pleasured themselves quickly, but then slowed down and took their time. My penis began to feel raw and sore as the pleasure faded, and the horror was just starting.

No matter how many times they raped me and used me for their pleasure I wasn't allowed any release. They forced me to pleasure them orally, both of them using me at the same time. While one rode me the other would literally sit on my face and it was pleasure her with my lips and tongue or suffocate. If I stopped they would just sit on my face and clasp it between their thighs with my face buried in their crotch and I couldn't breathe until I started to "eat" them again. God it was foul and degrading and I cried at the ongoing humiliation, but my tears pleased them.

They attached things to my body that shocked me and sent other electronic stimulation to all parts of my body, but mainly my genitals. They attached things to me that crushed my testicles and stretched them and my penis to the point I was in agony. They inserted things in my rectum and urethra that hurt like hell. I pleaded and begged for them to stop, I told them I would do anything they wanted, I begged them to let me come, I promised I would be their sex slave if they would only stop for awhile, but my pleas just seemed to excite them even more. But when I started screaming nonstop they lost their patience for my "silly whining and bitching" and stuffed a ball gag into to my mouth and secured it with a rubber strap. They raped me and raped me and I stayed hard the whole time but couldn't come. I screamed around the gag, saliva and spittle flying out from around it.

For more than two days it went on. They would tire of their "play" and leave me alone for a few hours, only to return and resume torturing and tormenting me. During my "breaks" my terror would grow even more as I knew they would be back for me, and would do something new and terrible. Twice they had to let me up to clean myself and eat some food, but they always drugged me first so I was complacent and helpless. Then it was back to the table, or chained to a wall, or put on an upright "X" shaped frame, and the torture went on. They hung weights on my testicles until I thought they would be ripped off, they used whips and other devices to "punish" me, attached hooks to my nipples and other body parts and stretched them until sometimes they tore loose. And I screamed and screamed through the gag, pleading with my eyes for them to please, for the love of God please stop, or kill me and get it over with.

Every time the "tonic" would start to wear off they would give me another dose. Any pleasure I might have felt was long gone by now, and only pain remained. I couldn't even beg them to stop anymore. I was in a constant daze of sexual, physical, and mental agony, plus I was suffering from priapism because of the "tonic" which kept me erect up to sixteen hours a day, and this can be very dangerous over such long period of time. When they let me go to the bathroom I was pissing blood. They taught me the true meaning of pain and sexual degradation and humiliation; they broke my spirit and my soul so I was an almost mindless screaming thing whose only world was unending agony. When they finally tired of using me and felt I had had enough I was no longer the same person I had been just a few days earlier. I did NOT deserve what happened to me in any way, and I did NOT deserve what they did to me next. I did NOT.

Finally they stopped, and then surprisingly tenderly considering how they had treated me so far, they cleaned me off and bathed me, treated my wounds, gave me a large healthy meal, and locked me in a small room with a cot to sleep for several hours. I lay there sobbing and crying until I feel asleep, my blood and other fluids staining the clean white sheets despite my recent bath. I made no attempt to explore the room and try to escape, they had broken me and I was theirs now to do with as they wanted.

They came for me sometime later and I noticed it was getting dark as they led me down the hall. I had found out that not complaining sometimes made it a little more endurable so I went with them docilely. Even though I was being cooperative they still tied my hands behind my back and put a leather collar around my neck and led me with a leash. We went past the "play room" and I cringed thinking they would start on me again; I whimpered and pulled against the leash. But they dragged me past the room and opening a large heavy door the led me down some stone steps into what I guess was an old wine cellar. The place was huge and had been cleaned out so the only thing in it was a large stone block in the center of the main open area and as they led me up to it I noticed there was something carved in the stone floor and inlaid in silver, but I couldn't tell what it was. I sobbed as they strapped me to the table, but didn't struggle or plead as I knew what would only result in more pain. They put the gag in my mouth again and left me alone in that place with only the unseen rats for company. I lay there trembling waiting for the torment to start again.


The sisters we extremely pleased with the stamina and strength of their new toy, he had held up quite nicely while they played him. They really preferred girls, but he was a nice change. He did pass out more than once, but only briefly. A little water always brought him around right away so they could resume the current torment. He had begged most eloquently, first pleading for release, then promising to give them what they wanted (silly boy, they already had that! Plus a willing slave was no fun.). But when he just started screaming they'd tired of that and shut him up so his whining wouldn't cause them to lose their concentration and enjoy themselves less. Oh yes indeed, they had enjoyed raping him and breaking his spirit very much. He had been nauseatingly grateful when they cleaned him up and got him ready for their patroness. They were through with this one, he could no longer give them what they wanted, that delicious helpless agony as they had tortured him and used him for their pleasure. No, he was ruined for that now. They would still get one more major service out of him though. They prepared for the coming ceremony very carefully; their very souls depended on it.


Finally I heard them coming for me. I looked up as they walked down the stairs into the cellar and moaned through the gag. They were wearing robes again, they always did that before staring another session of torment. "Nuuh!" I moaned around the gag. But this time they just moved to some large old candelabras, carried them to spots around the room, and lit them. I watched and noticed there were five of them, each with a large black candle in them. They didn't give much light, but it definitely enhanced the dungeon motif and I would not have been surprised if hot pokers came next. They were insane sadists and capable of anything. Once the candles were lit the sisters dragged a large old book stand over and centered it in-between two of the candles on one side of the table I was strapped to. I blinked as I watched them and wondered what they were doing, but as long as they weren't "playing" with me I really didn't care. And the rats were gone, for which I was grateful.

They double checked whatever the heck they were doing then walked over and stood next to the pedestal. They put a big old looking leather bound book on it and flipped through it until they found what they wanted. I was starting to have a really bad feeling about this by now. Then it hit me, the five black candles, the table was an altar! OH MY GOD, they're going to sacrifice me! "NUUH, PLEZ!" I tried to scream through the gag, "PLEZ DON DU TIS!" I kept expecting one to pull out a knife and come over and plunge it into my chest.

But they just ignored me, but when I kept squealing through the gag one finally came over and slapped me, hard. "BE quiet!" she said, "We're not going to hurt you silly boy!" So I shut up. Maybe this was just another kinky way of "playing" with me, and I began to wonder if maybe being sacrificed might not be preferable after all. After all the horrible things they had done to me I could not imagine what might be worse. By now I should have know better. I just gave soft moans of pain as I lay there. I was having a hard time staying awake and my I could feel my body failing as it shut down from the horrible abuse it had, and could no longer, endure. Please, I thought, I don't want to die like this, in this horrible place.

They went back to whatever they were doing, concentrating and talking softly, and then finally were ready. First they took their robes off again. Oh no they're going to rape me again! I thought in despair. But I was flaccid and felt dead down there, and they hadn't given me anymore "tonic" for quite some time. So they were going to be disappointed because I had never responded without that damn tonic of theirs. It probably wouldn't have worked anymore anyway. Then they began to read out loud from their book, some sort of mumbo-jumbo in a language I didn't understand. Oh God, this is just great, I thought. They're not only psycho sadist loonies, they're also devil worshippers! I had never believed in that stuff before, but very shortly I would become a true believer.

At first nothing happened, so I just lay there moaning and enjoying the relative absence of pain. I was resigned now, the sooner I die the better, it would be a welcome release. All of a sudden they raised their voices and at the same time the softly burning candles suddenly flared up and got much brighter. What the hell? (Bad choice of words). Their voices got higher and higher, and then all of a sudden they said the only words in English "HEAR US VULVA! HEED OUR CALL AND ATTEND YOUR LOYAL SERVANTS!"

And there was a sudden implosion inside the pentagram as the air was sucked out of it and my eyes bulged from the pressure and my ears popped painfully. My vision was complete obscured by a thick reddish smoke and I suddenly was aware of a powerful animal smell, a musk that was incredibly strong but not unpleasant, kind of like the smell of burnt cinnamon.

I raised my head, eyes still bulging, and tried to see what had happened. As the smoke, or whatever it was, cleared I noticed there seemed to be someone wrapped in a black robe standing to one side of the altar. Then the "robe" opened up into large bat like wings. "OHMGUD!" I screamed through the gag. The thing stood up and I found myself looking at its back which was covered in reddish brown scales and straggly fur, and I could see goat horns on its head. At the base of its spine was a long prehensile reptilian tail. As I stared at the tail, which seemed to have a mind of its own, it found the edge of the table and began to explore it like a snake, and I saw the tail ended in a wicked barb. As it crept closer to me I tried to sidle away. Get away from me! I thought desperately. _______________________________________________________________

The creature stretched, flapped its wings a couple of times, and then folded them across its back. Then it said in a loud impressive voice "I am the Demoness Vulva, Patroness of Carnal Pleasure! Who has dared to summon me?" Then it saw the two crazy ladies and said "Oh great, it'ss you two, what the heck do you want now?"

The two ladies were bowing and groveling to their patroness, who didn't seem very impressed. "Oh Great One, they both said, It is time! It has been ten years tonight, and as promised we have a sacrifice for you!"

"Really? Afraid I don't remember." Vulva said. "How time fliess! Remind me again of our agreement, you pathetic thingss. I will lissten and conssider it". Yawn.

The two loonies were almost groveling on the floor now, "Oh Great One, they repeated, In exchange for a virgin sacrifice every ten years you agreed to extend or youth and powers for another ten years, until the next sacrifice is required. Surely you remember? Oh Great One!" More groveling.

Vulva yawned again, and replied, "A virgin you ssay? Yes, it seems I do remember ssomething about ssuch an agreement." She reached out with her clawed hand and rubbed it against the barrier provided by the pentagram and black candles and it looked like her claws were drawing green and blue electrical sparks from the thin air as she tested it with a sound like fingernails on a blackboard. We all winced at the piercing sound, and even she grimaced. "Well, she said, it certainly seemss you two haven't forgotten how to form a proper pentagram, too bad. I am looking forward to claiming your two worthless souls one day. Oh, the things I have planned for you!" she added in a truly horrible chuckle.

The two ladies cringed and groveled even more, "But Great One, they wailed, what of our sacrifice? Is it not acceptable? We made sure he was virgin and pure!"

"He? Vulva said, asss in a male virgin? I thought you had another female for me. Thiss doess change thingss. Let me examine what you offer." And she turned to look at the, (yes!) male figure on the altar. _______________________________________________________________

I had been listening to all of this in growing horror and terror. I had kept an eye on the curious tail, but finally it slid off the altar and didn't come back. I closed my eyes briefly in relief, but not for long. OMG, I realized, I AM being sacrificed, just not in the way I'd originally thought. OMG! They were giving me to this THING! I whimpered through the gag. OMG. What would IT do to me!?!

It sounded like this creature, Demon? Was not very happy it had been summoned by the loony twins. It tried to break the pentagram, and I had scrunched up my face in pain at the noise as it tested the force field or whatever it was that kept it in the pentagram. But when they told it I was male its interest suddenly perked up and I felt really bad about this, or even worse then I already did, which was a LOT. No, no, no, no, I thought, this was NOT happening, this kind of stuff wasn't real!

I had hoped, stupidly and naively, that maybe if I stayed quiet it wouldn't notice me. It was the only thing I could do, so give me a break! I looked up in pure terror as she looked down at me, and she gave a truly evil smile. She had a head that was a cross between a goat and a lizard and her snout was covered with fine reddish scales and downy fur, but when she opened her mouth and black rubbery lips her jaws were lined with the sharp fangs of a predator and a long black forked tongue lolled from her mouth with drool dripping from it. Her eyes were the expressionless eyes of a reptile and showed no emotion, but in a way they were strangely beautiful. With a muffled sob I pulled my eyes away from that horrible visage and found myself staring at a pair of full firm breasts with large aureoles and nipples, they were covered in fine scales with a tuft of downy fur between them. Even like I was I could see how perfect and beautiful they really were. But I felt no stirring in my loins which still felt dead and useless.

She looked down at me and said, "Well hello my new pet! She saw my gaze shift, and with a sibilant laugh she cupped her breasts for me and leaned over so they were close to my face. "Yesss, she said, they aare nice, aaren't they? Tell me, my pet, would you like to touch them, fondle them, lick them, and take my nippless in your mouttth?"

And leaning over even more she rubbed them against my chest. I had thought they would be hard and rough because of the scales, but they felt more like soft suede or crushed velvet. And oh God it was horribly erotic, but I still felt no stirring of real desire in my loins and for some reason was a little disappointed. If I couldn't respond to this what HAD those whacked sisters really done to me? I moaned in pain as her lovely breasts rubbed against my own torn and abused nipples. She seemed a little take back by my lack of response. She looked at me again and gave a soft hiss.

"What iss wrong wiith you? Are you gaaay?" I just stared at her in utter terror and shook my head "No". "Then whaat issss your problem?" she hissed, and reaching up with her clawed hand she grasped my genitals and gave them a soft squeeze and I shut my eyes and gave a muffled scream as tears squeezed out of my eyes. Oh God it hurt. "UUUGGGGGHHH!" I moaned through the gag. Even that gentle touch had hurt like hell, my aching and abused genitals could not even stand that much.

She looked at me closer, a puzzled look on her face. Now she saw the evidence of the torment I had been enduring for what seemed like forever. She ran her clawed hand, amazing gently, across my torn nipples and the large virulent bruises and cuts covering much of my body. With an angry hiss she slid her hand under my back and turned me over as much as she could, and as she touched the still bloody and raw whip marks on my back I screamed through the gag again. "Eeeeeaaaaa! Plez don hurt eeee!". She saw the damage, and her hand was bloody when she let me go. I looked up at her, pleading with my eyes, tears running from them, and through the gag I said "Pls dun hur me, pls."

She gave another hiss and reaching down she pulled the rubber strap off of my head and popped the ball out of my mouth with one of her claws. In distaste she flung it against the pentagram barrier and it disappeared in a puff of smoke. I was actually grateful for that. I stared up at her, and my mouth still sore and numb from the gag I repeated myself, and she had to lean over again to hear my faint and weak voice. "Please don't hurt me, Please." I pleaded. I could feel the darkness approaching and with a sigh closed my eyes to wait for it and welcome it.

She shook her head and said, "Not in thiss way! This iss, iss, barbaric! Hiss! It sservess no purposse!" She hissed in an angry voice.

If she had said she was really the Easter Bunny I couldn't have been more surprised. A Demon that was mad about someone being tortured? Then with a hiss she turned on the whackos,

"What have done to thiss male! He iss injured and damaged! HiiiSSSS! How DARE you offer me damaged goodss! He may even be impotent, and he is usseless like that! What did you DO to him you stupid bitchess! HISSSS!!"

The two sisters were obviously scared to death, and replied, "Great One, we only played with him for a few days! He is still a virgin, we used him for our pleasure but did not let him spill his virgin seed! He is still pure, Great One!"

"You ussed him for YOUR pleaaasure?!? He waas to be for MY pleaasure!! You may have damaaaged him, you mindless slutsss! What if he cannot giive me what I must haaave?? Whaat if he issss usslessss! Your plaaaying maay haave ruined him! If thiss iss sssoo then tonight I will haave your ssouls!! And I will let HIM go inssteaadd of you!"

"Please Great One!" screamed the two fruitcakes as they dropped to the floor in terror. "He is pure, we swear. Surely one such as yourself can have your way with him regardless of his condition. We did not know you would be upset! Normally we bring you females, but we did not think it would anger you if we played with him first since he is male! Please, Great One, we beg your forgiveness!"

"My forgivenessss isss rarely given, especially, hissss, to foolss!" Vulva hissed. "If I cannot rousse him to sservice and pleasssure me thiss night then our compact is finissshed and I will claim that which iss mine!"

Disdainfully turning her back on the cowering sisters she turned her attention back to the miserable male specimen lying on the altar. In her own way she actually felt some compassion for the abused virgin. To be used thus for no apparent gain was not something she readily understood. Sexual torture yes, that was her specialty, but it must also be accompanied by the agonizing pleasure that just made it more excruciating. She greatly enjoyed a good rape, but pain merely for the sake of pain was a waste of time.

I listened as the terrible and beautiful creature snarled and hissed at the two nutjobs in obvious anger bordering on rage. I knew her only concern for me was that I might be too "damaged" for her to enjoy, and that she had no real concern for my own well being. But it was still nice to see those two bitches cowering as someone, something, came to my defense, whatever the reason. When she said she might let me go and take the two sisters instead I actually felt some hope. However I should have known that a creature of Hell would not let someone like me slip through its grasp so easily.

As she turned back to me I almost fainted at the look on her face. It was pure calculating evil. She ran her clawed hand over my chest again until it came to my groin and she fondled me again. I closed my eyes and moaned at the pain. Then she said in a deep sultry voice, "Now my pet, let me sssee if I can pleasssure you so you can pleasssure me."

NO, I thought, please God NO! I didn't deserve this, it was so fucking unfair! I hadn't been a particularly good person, but even I didn't deserve something like this! But God didn't respond or send an angel to save me, so I was left at the mercy of this thing. "Please, I begged in a failing voice, please, I can't anymore, I just can't, please don't hurt me.

She bent over me and looked at my wounds and damage again, and gave an angry hiss. "Such ssstupidity!" She leaned closer and her tongue came slithering out of her mouth and she gently licked one my torn and infected nipples. It burned at first, and I sobbed again "Pleeeasssse don't hurt me!" But even as I said it I realized the pain was fading, and then it was gone. ALL the pain. In disbelief I looked up and my nipple was whole again, it looked a little pink and tender, but the hook marks and tears were gone! I looked up at the Demoness in confusion. She smiled at me, and said,

"Surprissed that one ssuch asss I can heal?" she lisped.

"You're, you're not going to hurt me?" I asked hopefully.

She leaned closer to me, and said with a chuckle, "On no, my pet, I will give you more pain and pleasssure then you could ever envisssage, but NOT sstupid pointlesss purposelesss torment such as thossse two idiotss inflicted. They will pay for thiss mindlessss brutality; I will add it to their already long lissst of ssins. They are long overdue for their visssit to hell!"

I just looked at her and said nothing, frozen by her eyes like a deer in bright headlights, or a bird by a snake. She leaned down again and began to lick my other wounds and not much later they were gone, even the bruises. She undid one of my wrist straps and holding me rather painfully by the arm she turned me over as much as possible and applied her tongue to the horrible wounds on my back. I screamed at that touch as it hurt horribly, but again she was very gentle and after the initial pain it faded and was gone. I could hear her smacking and slobbering as she licked my back, and as the pain faded all I could feel was gratitude. The relief from the agony I had grown used to and had almost come to accept as my lot in life, almost caused me to pass out. It's possible to endure incredible amounts of pain if you become used to it. I gave a soft sobbing moan and said "Thank you, oh thank you."

The Demoness just smiled again and ran her tongue over her lips. "Do not thank me yet, my pet. You have no idea what I have in sstore for you." Hisss.

"I don't care why you did it, thank you." I replied. "The pain is gone, thank you so much."

With a somewhat irritated snort she leaned down once again and began to lick and caress my dead and numb loins with her tongue, and even the aching pain there began to fade. "Ohhhhh, I moaned, thank you!" I could feel the life flowing back into me as my horrible internal injuries healed. But even after the pain was gone she kept gently tonguing me and began to fondle my testicles.


She turned back to the sacrifice and almost grimaced. Stupid pair of fools she thought, to damage such a pure body and soul! Did they not know how rare one such as he was? Leaning over she began to lick one of the man's horrible mangled nipples. He moaned under the caress of her tongue and actually thanked her! She told him not to be so grateful just yet, but he still thanked her as she healed his horrible, and stupid, wounds. Amazing! When she was through she thought for a moment he was going to fall asleep.

She had saved his battered and mistreated loins for last. She did not know if even she could arouse a male who had been so badly used, even if she healed him physically his mind may be damaged as well, and even she could not repair such damage. If that was the case though, then she would take great delight and ripping the vile souls from those two deranged "followers" of hers. Why did she always get the retards?


And very slowly, but surely, I began to respond. Noo, I thought, but heaven help me it felt sooo good! After what the two sisters had done to me what this creature was doing felt amazingly good, she was the first one who had ever touched my like this without inflicting pain. "Ohhhhh" I moaned. And she kept up her attentions as I slowly rose to full rampant hardness. "Ohhh, uggh!" I gasped. I felt a tear run down my face, I wasn't impotent after all! When she pulled her head away I was almost sorry. I looked up to find myself rock hard, and as I looked a drop of pre formed on my head. Her tongue licked out and caressed the head of my penis, and she smacked her lips at the taste. "Ohhhhh, uuuggggggh!" I gasped at the feel.

The Demoness said "Now, my pet, that it iss more like it! I had thought maybe you damaged beyond ussse, but it would appear my fearsss were for naught. Now, sshall we began? Hiissss!"

I didn't say anything, just stared as she gave one flap of her wings and vaulted on to the table. She straddled me and looked down and I saw she had the hips of a voluptuous woman, but the legs and hooves of a goat and from the waist down she was covered in coarse curly dark reddish brown hair like that of a goat. And I could see the dark red lips of her sex, moist and eager looking. To my shame I knew I wanted her more then I'd ever wanted any woman. Of all the women I'd known, most of all the depraved sisters, she was the only female who had ever offered me what I wanted more than anything. I gasped as her tail came snaking between her legs and grasped the base of my penis, then stood it up for her. With a smile and guttural hiss she lowered herself onto my aching erection and I had never felt anything as incredibly pleasurable as she swallowed every inch of me until she was sitting on my thighs. As I felt the head of my penis penetrate and slip into her I suddenly realized that she had more than one pair of lips, and every pair was gripping and stroking me at the same time. I arched under her and thrust up with a deep "Uhhhhhhhh!"

She smiled at me and began to ride me, rocking back and forth, sometimes lifting herself up before grinding down on me again. Gasping and sobbing I thrust as well as I could, then she suddenly ground down on me and pinned me again and I felt something warm and wet envelope my testicles and realized with a start that she had taken my balls into her vagina as well! Then with a guttural hiss of pleasure she began to rock again. I writhed and moaned at the incredible pleasure; I had never dreamed it could be like this! "Ohhh, thank you, thank you!" I moaned out loud.

"Yessss, she said, that's it, my pet! I am mossst pleassed by your enthussiasm in your own raaape! You pleaassuree your Missstress very nicely, yessss!"

No, I thought, giving out another sob of agonized pleasure, NO, this isn't rape, not after what I endured! You have no idea what they did to me. This isn't even close!

She continued to grind down on me for quite a bit longer, and God help me I loved every second of it. She lowered her breasts so I could suck and lick her swollen nipples, then she lowered her gaping jaws to my face and I took in her tongue and we kissed for the longest time as I stared into those incredibly strange and beautiful eyes. When she pulled away I actually tried to keep her tongue in my mouth and gave a soft moan of disappointment as it slid free. She reared back and looked at me even as she kept riding me. I thought I was going to explode any second. She suddenly slowed down and stopped, and my first thought was, NO, not you too! "Pleeaaasee!" I moaned as I looked up at her, "Don't leave me like this like they did, not you too, please let me come!"


Under her skilled and expert attentions the man finally began to respond and she was pleased. It had taken her longer to arouse him than any other male she could remember, which made it even more gratifying. She hadn't lost her touch. She watched as a large drop of semen oozed from the tip of his penis and with a flick of her tongue she licked him and smacked her lips. Yes, pure and very strong! At the taste of him she felt her own arousal increase. Yes, there was nothing better than a helpless male virgin waiting for her attentions.

With a grunt she got up on the altar and straddled him, then slowly lowered herself onto his waiting manhood. And to her surprise he did not beg or plead with her, but instead instantly began to thrust into her as soon as she had mounted him. Well, she thought, this is nice! She continued to grind down, and when she paused and took the rest of his genitals into her he gasped and moaned in genuine pleasure.

She leaned forward and ground her mouth against his, and he opened his own mouth to let her tongue slide down his throat and kissed her back just as hard and enthusiastically as she. Yes, she thought, very nice indeed. She had seldom had such a cooperative partner when she raped a body and soul! He was very strong and gave almost as good as he got, and in spite of herself she was impressed. It was a nice break.

She regretted when she had to stop as make him the offer as even she couldn't make him come without him freely giving her his virgin seed. He was very strong indeed, and might very well refuse her "offer". But she had to tell him what it was in plain language; those were the rules for one as pure as he could not be corrupted without their own consent. You might call it entrapment as very few could refuse as this point, but that was a technicality as they WERE offered the chance to refuse. Had he done so she would have had no more power over him and would have had to let him go free with no harm.

She came to a stop, and leaning over she softly whispered in his ear and told him her offer. She found herself hoping that this one would accept because she truly wanted him too, much to her surprise, and not just because she wanted a new slave. He was different then most of the other virgins she had captured herself, maybe because he was a helpless sacrifice.


She leaned down again and ran her tongue over my face and I tried to catch it with my own. She whispered in my ear, "My pet, I want you to come too, more then you can imagine for only then can I reach my own release. To one such as myself there is nothing more pure, more desirable, then to feel the seed of a virgin spill in my belly. But as much as I want it I cannot take it, that is not permitted, it must be freely given. I must also tell you that if you give me your seed in return I can only offer sexual pain and pleasure beyond imagining for eternity. The beast that is in you, that is in every mortal, will be released and you will spend eternity in my service. This is the one thing about which I cannot lie. It is up to you my pet, but you are very special and I hope you will accept my offer."

I lay there, my whole body helplessly shuddering from its need. I heard what she said, but I doubt any man, no matter how strong, could have refused that offer. I heard and understood what her offer was, an eternity of slavery in exchange for my virgin seed, and in return she would give me the release I so desperately needed. She was offering me in exchange the one thing I had wanted for so long. I looked up her and she no longer seemed ugly to me, she was the only one who had ever given me pleasure instead of only pain and I couldn't refuse her offer. I began to tug at my wrist restraints. She saw what I was doing and reached down and set me loose and I reached up and grabbed her around the waist and began to thrust into her as hard as I could, grunting and moaning in pleasure. She gave a big delighted grin, tongue lolling from the side of her mouth, and began to grind down and meet my thrusts. I changed my grip from her waist to her breasts, roughly kneading them and stroking her hard rubbery nipples. She gave a sudden deep grunt and leaning down she kissed me again, and I kissed her back just as hard and eagerly. I reached up and grabbed her shoulders and the back of her head, trying to pull her closer to me as we ground our mouths together; I wanted to feel her whole body against mine.

Finally I came in a massive gut-wrenching explosion, and I screamed through our locked mouths and she gave a deep hiss of her own, her eyes staring into mine. I felt something more than just my seed pass into her body, and felt her give me something in return, then she shut her eyes and pulled away as we were both still coming. I bucked and sobbed, my head whipping back and forth as she threw her head back and roared "YESS!! That iss IT, my pet! Every LASST drop!" And I eagerly gave her what she asked for, freely and without expectation of any other reward then what she had promised. For the gift she gave me in return I would have willingly given her anything.


When he began to thrust into her in strong powerful strokes she was more delighted then she had been in a long time. Yes! She thought. She saw he was desperate to have his hands free and reached down and undid the straps. He grabbed her around the waist, both of them giving guttural animal sounds of pleasure as he thrust and she ground down, then his grip switched to her tender breasts and he began to roughly knead and fondle them and it felt wonderful! She grunted and leaned down and he eagerly met her mouth with his own and they kissed brutally, grinding their mouths together as they stared into one another's eyes. He has green eyes, she realized, the same color as my own. Isn't that interesting! He reached up and grasped her behind her head and shoulders and tried to pull her closer, his kiss growing even more demanding. She was shocked as she realized this was NOT a rape; that he was as eager and as willing a partner as she was, this was the closest thing she had known to true lovemaking for longer then she could remember. She redoubled her own efforts wanting to give this male as much pleasure as she could as he willingly surrendered his body and soul to her.

When he finally exploded inside of her she had her own orgasm and it was an exceptionally strong and pleasurable one and she reared back and roared in ecstasy even as he kept pumping and pumping into her! She had not taken such a strong seed in many hundreds of years, it was sweet and pure and the feeling of it pouring into her was indescribable. As always she took part of his soul and replaced it with part of hers, but this time she was aware she had given him much more, and he had in return given much more to her than usual.

She also realized, and it was very rare and had only happened to her a few times before in all the time she had existed, but somehow she knew she was also pregnant now. It took a very strong seed indeed to accomplish that, and she was delighted! Her, their, offspring would be a very powerful Demonkind indeed, perhaps as powerful as her. The strongest came from the merging of damned and innocent halves as that was the only way her kind could reproduce. Even the animals and beasts of hell could only reproduce with human virgins, which was why their sacrifices to her kind were so very important and necessary. The only true way a human could lose their virginity was by mating with another human of the opposite sex. But once a virgin was hers that would never happen.

Finally it was over and she was truly disappointed. It had been a glorious coupling and seldom had she had such an eager and willing virgin partner in his own damnation. But the bargain was made and done, and he belonged to her now. She almost regretted what was to follow even though she would enjoy it immensely. _______________________________________________________________

Finally it ended, and with a gasping sob I almost passed out from the sheer agonizing unendurable pleasure. It was all I had ever wanted, all I asked for, and she had given it to me. Even as it ended I knew I was no longer human anymore, I could feel it, but didn't care. She had healed my pain and soothed my horrible agony, then had given me new pain and pleasure that was more than I had ever imagined it could be, and I wanted more! Of all the others this terrible and beautiful creature had been the only one who had made love to me and that's what it had been. If this was rape, as she claimed, then I wanted more, much more!

With a moan of pleasure I opened my eyes and she was leaning back with her head thrown back, her tongue lolling out of the corner of her mouth. She seemed almost dazed, and actually had a smile on her face when she leaned back forward. As I watched she looked down and gently rubbed her stomach, her tongue darting over her fangs. She looked at me then, and almost looked sad. Then with a grunt she ground down on me again, and again, rocking back and forth. I gasped as it did hurt some, but then I reached up and grabbed her by the waist and started to thrust into her again. And it hurt, but it hurt sooo good! She looked at me with delight, and leaning down she kissed me again, and I welcomed her with my own eager kiss and fondled her magnificent breasts as she we quickly began to reach another orgasm. We ground against each other, grunting and moaning in lust and I was just as much an animal as she.

As the first of many more orgasms rocked us I screamed into her mouth, it was incredible agonizing ecstasy with more pain then pleasure this time, but it was still so much better then what the sisters had inflicted on my helpless writhing body. At least in this I was an eager willing partner and I kept thrusting into her as hard as I could even as I screamed and sobbed.

At some point I was aware something was happening to me. I could feel myself changing, my body and soul. It was horrible and wonderful at the same time and I was terrified, but I didn't stop pleasuring my lover. I felt my face began to bulge outward and horrible cramps and pain began to wrack and flow through my body. I pulled my face away for hers and wailed and screamed, but she pulled me back into her embrace and that seemed to help. I felt a tail push out from between my spasming contorting legs and ripples ran up my spine and I screamed into her mouth and she looked in my eyes with her own strange and beautiful ones and that soothed me as well. She hissed in pleasure and licked my changing face. I began to give soft sobbing grunts that changed to hisses of my own as the agony, but now it was bearable, continued. I felt my hands and feet twisting into new shapes and I felt my now long and prehensile tail find hers and they wrapped together binding us even more together as we thrashed and grunted, desperately bringing ourselves to orgasm after orgasm. It was glorious agony, pain and pleasure taken to a level I would have never thought possible, and I loved every second. Now I gave a deep hissing snarl of pleasure as I felt my penis lengthening and thickening inside of her, and my thrusts began to penetrate deeper and deeper, and from her own sounds she was enjoying that as well, very much so. We heaved and bucked, our sounds the beastial grunts and hisses of animals now as there was nothing human left of me.

The last part of the change came as I felt large lumps began to grow on my back and I pulled back from her and wailed again at the incredible pain as I felt all the bones in my back and chest start to change and reform as the bulges grew larger, I was lying on them and oh, how it hurt! I wailed in agony again, and snapped and hissed, my eyes shut, clawing at her. She seemed to know what was wrong and with a deep powerful grunt she flipped us, the straps still binding my legs snapping like wet paper, so I was now on top. With a painful sickening pop the bulges split open and I threw my head back and screamed at the agony, it was like having two large infected boils burst, but the relief was incredible. With a sob I looked over my shoulder on a neck that was now much longer and flexible and saw two big partially formed bat like wings trailing on the floor. I tried to flap them or fold them and they twitched but did nothing else and I realized the change wasn't quite over yet.

Then I turned my attention back to my lover, for despite the ongoing pain I did not consider her anything but that. I had kept coupling with her as multiple orgasms had rocked us despite pauses while the worst of the change washed over me, but now I began thrusting powerfully grunting in pleasure for the pain was long gone now and only intense pleasure remained. She bucked under me, her own hisses mixing with mine and she leaned up and gently bit me on my neck, squealing. As I serviced her I felt my wings thicken and grow and finally I was able to fold them, tucking them close to my body. I dug my claws into the stone floor for better purchase and thrust and lunged into her as hard as I could and she bellowed in pleasure. Towards the very last I felt my body temperature began to increase until I thought I would burst into flames, but it didn't hurt and felt perfectly natural to what I had become. One last time my lover and I screamed and hissed as massive orgasms rocked us, and not wanting to, but knowing it was time, I dismounted from my Mistress and awaited her pleasure. She would do with me what she would, and I would accept it without complaint as I was hers now, body and soul. I was terrified, but as long as I was with her that was all that mattered to me, now or forever.


She ground down onto him again and she saw the surprised look on his face as he gasped in pain, but then to her own surprise he suddenly started to meet her own thrusts and soon as doing his best to match her, and doing a very nice and commendable job of it. Oh yes! She thought. He is VERY special! She grasped him to her and kissed him again, and he seemed to enjoy it just as much as she did. As she looked into his eyes they began to change, his round pupils narrowing and his whites turning dark green with small gold specks and soon a pair of emotionless reptilian eyes like hers stared back at her. Beautiful green eyes very much like her own, and as she watched she saw the fires of Hell ignite deep inside of them. A fire demon! She thought, how very nice.

He was changing very rapidly she realized, much faster than usual, and several times he pulled away for her in pain, his screams and wails bothering her for some reason and she did her best to hold and comfort him during the change. Because it was so fast it would hurt more than usual. The whole time he kept trying to mate with her to the best of his ability under the circumstances, and when his loins began to change and he grew larger the pleasure increased and grew almost unbearable. She felt him swelling and lengthening as he plunged in deeper with almost every stroke and she thought with delight, he's huge now and that was VERY nice! She held him close and watched as his body contorted and changed shape, as red and black scales spread over his growing snout and those parts of him she could see. She felt his hands change and could feel claws raking her own scales as he grasped and clawed at her desperately in his growing agonized sexual ecstasy. When the pain began to become too much for him again she would lock her eyes with his and that seemed to help him and make it more bearable. She could tell that he was becoming something very special and powerful, but she wasn't exactly sure yet. She thought first maybe a minor fire demon, but that didn't feel right even as she felt his body temperature increasing.

He suddenly pulled away and began to buck and scream in horrible pain again and tried to claw at his own back, and she suddenly realized why. He's growing wings! With a guttural grunt she grabbed him again and rolled them both over, the straps still binding his legs snapped easily and suddenly he was on top. He looked around in confusion, and then looked over his shoulder and she could see his still wet partially formed wings dragging on the floor. But then he turned his attention back to her and ran his own now forked tongue over his own new fangs and with a snarling grunt of lust began to lunge into her. She spread her legs as wide as she could and grunted herself. Yeeeessss! Soon they both came in a final massive orgasm, both of them screaming and hissing at the ecstasy, and then it was over. With regret she felt him dismount from her, and he gave a grunt of regret of his own. He moved to one side and squatted submissively, waiting for her. She could see heat waves rising off his scales, and as he drooled the saliva popped and burst into flames when it hit the floor, scorching and pocking the hard granite. He was inspecting himself in curiosity, and when he opened his wings one hit the edge of the pentagram and brushed against the force field with the usual result, and yelping he ran around in circles blowing on the tip of his smoking wing. Stupid beast, she thought, but in fond amusement. He had pleasured her very well

Somewhat shakily she got to her hooves. She had not been so well and truly fucked in a very long time she thought with satisfaction. Both as man and as beast this one had pleasured her very well indeed. And now she knew how special he had been, it was seldom that one accepted her offer without at least some struggle. He had accepted it readily and without question, even gratefully and that had been a first. And he had done his best to please his new Mistress from the start, and she was absolutely thrilled as she looked at her new slave. A Seeker! He had become a Seeker! The rarest of the rare, she had never had one bound to her service before, had never heard of one being created instead of being born as one. He was lesser demonkind then her of course, but not by much.

When he became aware she was looking at him he ran over and he rubbed his head against her in and hissed softly. Reaching down she took one his heavily muscled rear legs and flipped and pinned him on his side. He just looked at her in confusion, not sure why she had done that, but not scared. When she brought the red hot tip of her tail around and began to carve her brand in the scales on his flank he just blinked, and it didn't seem to hurt him at all. When she was through he sniffed the brand and licked it, then got to his feet and moved to her side and squatted down again, happy just to be close to her. She reached down and scratched his head and ears and he gave a soft keen of delight, and then hugged her leg in affection and she enjoyed the intense heat his body radiated. Had she been wearing clothes (the very thought!) they would have burst into flames, but to her it just felt pleasant.

Yes, she thought, oh yes this one is very special. And she gave thanks to her own patron, the great Ba'al, for this gift to her whether he had had anything to do with it or not, better safe than sorry! Besides, by Hells standards he was not an overly demanding master. So long as the lesser demonkind and minions bound to his service did their "jobs" he pretty much left them alone. She looked forward to telling him of this new addition to her stables though, and thus to his as well! Oh yes indeed! He would be suitably impressed.


As I waited for my Mistress to get up and finish stretching and recover from our frenzied mating I looked at my new body curiously in a combination of despair and delight. I held my hands in front of my muzzle/snout (?) and looked at them. I had three thicker fingers and one thumb each now, the digits were longer and had more joints and each ended in a nasty obsidian black claw and my "palms" had thick black rough leathery pads. My legs were much the same, but much thicker and instead of a thumb I had three "toes" and one other "toe" on the back of each one in addition to a nasty looking extra curved claw on top of my foot. My stance was now permanently crouched as my hind legs could not be straightened and my long and muscular tail would have gotten in the way It would seem going on all fours was my new way of walking though my front feet still made perfectly functional hands. I could still walk upright if needed, but going on all fours felt more natural now. I heard a popping sizzling sound and realized I was drooling (yuck!) and that the drool was exploding on, and dissolving the rock as it dripped on it, like an acid or napalm of some kind. But when it dripped on my own body it did nothing, just puffed into steam. Weird, but kind of neat! I spit a big loogie of drool and gave a hiss of delight as it exploded like a small atom bomb, complete with small mushroom cloud, and left a small but noticeable crater in the rock. Cool, atomic loogies! I spit another one at the two sisters who had been watching our fantastic lovemaking with huge staring eyes, but it just burst against the force field and made then blink.

I felt a stirring between my legs and looked down just as my now flaccid, huge, penis withdrew into my body, disappearing through a slit like opening, the head was now more pointed but had a very wide rimmed glacis, and as it slid inside of me the rim folded over the head like a foreskin and I gave a grunt of pleasure at the feeling, then the slit closed and you could hardly even see it. I could also feel my testicles which were inside of me now. From the exterior there was no way you could tell my sex.

My body was completely covered with dark ruby red scales of varying sizes and thickness, except for a few exceptions. My wings were black with thick rubbery looking membranes, as was a crest on my head and a row of spines running from the base of my head down my back and almost to the tip of my barbed tail and the barb was black as well. My new peripheral vision was extraordinary, I could see at least 340 and had virtually no blind spots, and I also was aware I had extra nictitating eyelids that would snap down over my eyes to lubricate and protect them in addition to my regular eyelids. Like most reptiles I realized, because that's what I was now, some sort of big lizard or small Dragon like thing. I ran my long forked tongue over my razor sharp fangs and realized I could only open and close my jaws; there was no sideways movement at all. I couldn't chew. Just like reptiles. Why was my body so hot though? I could see heat rising off my body like a heat mirage, but it felt good so I didn't worry about it much. There was a piece of one of the leather straps lying on the ground next to me and I picked it up, and when I did it burst into flames and turned to ash. Wow. Guess I wouldn't be doing much reading anytime soon.

I flexed my wings and looked at them, then reared up and with a snap opened them to full length and one hit the side of the pentagram force field. There was a loud explosion and a big arc of sparks and smoke and with a shriek I pulled my wing in and ran around the pentagram squealing as I blew on the tip trying to put it out. "Yip, yip, Owww!" That hurt! I squealed again when I saw the tip of my wing was gone, but even as I watched it regrew and the pain disappeared. Well, I thought, that's handy. Then I noticed my Mistress was standing now and watching me, a pleased smile on her face. I hoped she hadn't noticed my incident with the pentagram force field. How embarrassing!

She was pleased though, and that was the important thing. I scuttled over to her and rubbed my head against her stomach hissing in pleasure. When she reached down and flipped me over I didn't protest, but I was confused. She brought her tail around and carved a brand into the scales of my flank, her tail was red hot and it looked like it should hurt but it didn't, just tingled a little. When she was done I sniffed at the brand and licked it. It looked like it had been there forever and it felt right. Losing interest I got to my feet again and crouched next to her and she scratched my head and I felt my crest rise from the lovely touch. She moved to one the holes that were my ear openings and scratched the small raised edge and I keened in pleasure at the feeling. With a happy hiss I hugged her leg and didn't ever want to let go.


As her new pet crouched at her side and she scratched his head she looked at the two rubber room candidates in distaste. The two sisters were watching her fearfully from behind their podium. Now that she had seen how her new pet had turned out she felt even more anger towards them even though she realized they were probably partially responsible for the grateful way in which he had accepted her as his Mistress. She had seldom had so willing a new slave. It still angered her that they had abused him though, but they had kept their part of the bargain, so she was required by law to keep hers. And he WAS a real dear she thought as he licked her hand. When he saw the sisters he gave a deep hiss of utter hatred. Don't worry my pet, she thought, they cannot harm you anymore and one day they will be yours, this I promise.

"I accept your sssacrifice, and in return grant you an additional ten yearss of youth and the powerss of incantation. But if you EVER offer such a damaged sssacrifice again next time I will NOT be meerciful. Do you undersstand your transsgresssion?"

"Oh yes, Great One, on yes! Thank you! We will never touch a sacrifice again before delivering one to you! And, uh, Great One? Could you um, you know, provide for our needs like last time?"

What needs? Vulva thought. Oh, yes, now she remembered. Pervs. "Very well, she said, jussst thiss once." She gestured and watched as two pleasure beasts materialized in the pentagram. They were both extremely well endowed satyrs, and as soon as they saw the sisters they began to stamp their hoofs and bleat in impatience, their penises rising to full erections, huge and rampant and demanding. They knew what they were there for. The two sisters squealed in delight at the sight of the beasts.

Vulva said "I do put these two beasstss in your charge for a period of 30 dayss, they mussst be returned to the pentagram at the next full moon or they will die and I would be mosst dissspleassed. Now GO she told the grunting sex starved creatures, and with happy bleats they crossed through the force field to their new temporary mistresses. Both Vulva and her pet watched as within seconds both sisters were down on all fours and screaming in pleasure as the beasts brutally mounted them and took them like animals. Pervs, Vulva thought again. She made another gesture and both she and her newest pet disappeared from the pentagram in a puff of reddish smoke.


As I rubbed my head against my Mistresses lovely soft fur I heard her talking to someone. I had forgotten about the fruitcake sisters during the agony and pleasure of my transformation, but now I remembered them. Remembered the pain and degradation, the horrible torment, and I gave a low guttural hiss of hatred. I wanted to rend them with my claws and feel my fangs in their necks as I tore them apart. I had never felt such hatred before. Had I not already found out the hard way about the power of the pentagrams force field I would have sprung at them. I hissed again and tucked my head back against my Mistress because I knew she would protect me from the pain givers. I knew I was far beyond their reach now, but some small part of me was still terrified of them. They would haunt my nightmares, and being what I am now I have some real doozies, but the ones about them would always be the worst.

My Mistress talked to them for awhile, and then I watched in fascination as she summoned two beastial creatures and gave them to the sisters. As they began to brutally couple with the screaming sisters I suddenly wished I was one of them, but I would give the females only pain, not pleasure. Bitches! Vulva made a brief gesture and I felt a momentary disorientation and vertigo and clutched her leg even harder, then suddenly we were-someplace else!



The Seeker, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso I closed my eyes and felt a moment of vertigo as my Mistress and I disappeared from the pentagram and left the two loonie toon sisters happily playing with...

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The Seed

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seed By William W. Kelso For untold eons the seed had drifted through the cosmos, blown at random by unseem cosmic winds and eddies. It was not large or impressive, being about the size of a...

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Biohazard, A Gator's Tale

Well fans, (oh how I love that word!) I hope you will enjoy this story. Not very Yiffy I'm afraid, but I think it turned our fairly well. Started out as a short story and kind of took off on me. Will be some more in the series. My stories are...

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