The Seeker, Chapter 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 2

By William W. Kelso

I closed my eyes and felt a moment of vertigo as my Mistress and I disappeared from the pentagram and left the two loonie toon sisters happily playing with their new toys. I was glad to see the last of them; they had horribly tormented and tortured me sexually until my Mistress had rescued me from their sadistic clutches. That they had summoned my Mistress the Demoness Vulva and used me as a virgin sacrifice to her made no difference to the thing I became, I felt only gratitude and love for my Mistress as she had ended that pain, and had replaced it with a newer but more pleasurable pain. No one else had ever cared for me before, and whatever her reasons I didn't care. She was MY Mistress and I was utterly loyal. I would do anything she asked without question and consider it a privilege, and would fight to the end of my existence to protect her as something like me can never really die, only be destroyed.

The transformation from human to demonic is hard and agonizing, and I was still reeling from that transition. I had become something my Mistress seemed to be quite pleased about, something called a "Seeker", but as of yet I had no idea what that was. I looked something like a small red Dragon with black wings and other features, but I wasn't as large as a real Dragon. And believe you me Dragons DO exist, at least in Hell. Despite my size I am considered one of their small cousins and they treat me with the respect due another Dragon. As it was I had enough of a problem believing that I even existed. I'd guess I weigh maybe around 500 pounds or more now, but I look smaller because I'm very dense and compact. I look much bigger when I spread my bat like wings though as they have to be large to carry something like me through the air. I had never been very religious so it was also a shock to find out that Hell really existed, and it was everything, and nothing, like what I had heard and been taught. And we were there now and I was scared shitless.

When we appeared in the ancient pentagram in Hell I was still holding onto my Mistresses leg, and I continued to do so until she finally smacked me in annoyed exasperation. "Get OFF!" She hissed. She told me to behave myself and that I didn't have anything to fear as I was a powerful demon in my own right, and was bound to her service as well. Anything that messed with me messed with her, and few would be foolish to try that more than once. That made me feel a little better, but I certainly didn't feel "powerful" yet, just scared to death. But I stuck close to her side and rubbed against her as often as I could and she seemed to like having a "pet" following her like a dog. I stayed close not only because she was my Mistress but also because this place scared the, well, Hell out of me.

At first it looked some sort of blasted desert. There was a hot wind blowing, which felt cool to me because of my high body temperature, I give off heat waves like a mirage and my drool bursts into flame when it hits the ground or anything else. That's because I am a fire demon. There was a lot of sand blowing too and my nictitating inner eyelids snapped into place to shield my eyes, it was like wearing goggles. There was no real sky that I could see, or sun, just hot blazing sky. I followed as she led me down a well worn ancient stone path through some low sand dunes; the only movement little eddies of sand being blown by the hot wind. I knew we weren't alone though as I could smell something, but not see it. When a huge worm like thing suddenly came rearing out of the sand I gave a hiss (yelp) and hid behind my Mistress, sticking my head around her leg and hissing angrily at the thing. Then I felt ashamed of myself, and as it came closer I moved out from behind my Mistress and hissed at it in warning as I assumed a defensive posture in front of her, if it came closer I would attack it to defend my Mistress. It looked a little like one of those worm things from the movie Dune, only smaller.

It slithered closer and I felt a sudden urge to spit at it and I threw my head back then darted it forward, opened my mouth, and unleashed Hell. A blast of super heated air blasted against the things scales and burst into incandescent flame, dancing over it as I raked it with my heat plume. I don't know who was more shocked, me or the worm. I had NO idea I could do that! With a high pitched squeal the worm thing plunged back into the sand and disappeared in seconds. With a surprised snap I shut my mouth and bit my tongue and it really hurt so I started doing a little dance, yowling and hissing and holding my muzzle while Vulva watched in total shock at my antics.

Finally she had enough and with a brutal smack of her tail knocked me flying and I landed and slid across the sand. Almost instantly the sand churned and the worn thing grabbed me in its mouth as it lifted higher into the air. To say I wasn't scared as, well, Hell would be a major understatement. As the thing chewed on me I squealed and shrieked even though it really didn't hurt that much but I certainly didn't enjoy it, and I really thought it was going to EAT me. "HHHIIIIIISSSSSS!!" I squealed.

Then it slithered over to Vulva and spit me out at her feet. Covered in thick drool that started to steam from my body heat I huddled at her feet whimpering and cowering. Then the worm thing spoke!

"Vulva, what the heck was that all about? You know none of your pets can harm one such as me, we are equals. This attack was unprovoked and I shall file a Section 4 complaint with our Great Lord!"

"OH, mellow out Grissshnik! He thought he was protecting me, I think it wass ssweet of him. I just got him a few hourss ago, he's new and doessn't know all the ruless yet. Sso give me a break already! Issn't he ssomthing, a SSeeker no less! If you forget our little missunderstanding I will give you one free usse of hiss sservicess."

The worm thing, which had a rather nice baritone voice but talked like it had a mouth full of sand, leaned down and looked at me closer. I looked at the its churning maw of row after row of razor sharp teeth and thought, I survived being in THAT mouth, I'm tougher then I thought!

"Yes, he IS a Seeker. I did not notice at first, I thought he was a small fire drake at first. And I see he has your brand and is bound to your service, no mean feat. His kind is quite hard to tame to say the least. Yes, I will accept your offer; it is quite generous considering the minor offense. I had sought you out to let you know myself and some others are having a party in the south vent, and you are invited. The Great Lord Ba'al with be hosting. There will be games and prizes. May I say you accept?"

"Why Grisshnik, how thoughtful of you, of coursse I will be glad to accept! It'ss been a hard week, I need to unwind. Collecting damned ssoulss and raping virginss, while fun, can be very tiring. I will be there; may I bring my new pet so I can ssshow him off?"

"Of course, the worm replied, I'm sure everyone will be interested in seeing your newest slave. You will most likely have many offers of employment for him. Is he permanently bound to you?"

My Mistress reached down and I looked up at her and she started scratching me under my lower jaw and one of my legs stared thumping against the ground as I hissed in pleasure. Oh yeah, that's it, right there! "mmHiiisss!"

"Of coursse he isss mine forever. He wass a virgin, but becausse of the torment he endured at the handss of thosse two idiot sistersss he actually thought I was resscuing him, and in a way I guesss I wass. They were quite brutal with him, the poor dear, all that blood and pain for NO reasson. He wass dying they had been done sso much damage. He welcomed my releassing him from that pain and accepted my offer with no doubtss or sstruggless which iss why I think he turned out ssso nicely becausse he wanted what I offered. To him it was releasse, not pain. Iss he not magnificent? Yess you are, my little jelly bean." And I squealed in delight as she kept scratching me.

"The Beautre sisters?, asked the worm, are those whacko ward rejects still running around lose? I thought Vulkrebs got them last year."

"No ssuch luck, hissed Vulva, they are ssly things. For all their drawbackss they do play by the ruless and keep their bargainss. Hissss, but I will have them one day, and I will sssend my new pet to fetch them. Would you like that?" she asked me. I gave a deep hiss of utter hatred, oh yes I would like that very much indeed! She hissed in amusement, "I thought ssso my pretty. I will let you play with them for a long time."

"Well, the worm thing said, get in line. I've got dibs on Bernice. We'll have to pass them around when they get here, should be fun. But not for them! Those two are long overdue for their "just" rewards." Then the worm demon plunged back into the sand with a final "See you at 10:00!"

Fooey, good riddance! Nasty mean worm thingy, I thought as I stuck my tongue out at it. And what was it with this drool, it stank! Then my Mistress stopped scratching me, took me by my throat, and lifted me off the ground. "AAGGGAKK!" I choked and kicked.

"If you EVER attack one of my friendss without permisssion again I will be mossst dissplesased, do you undersstand, my pet?" Choking, all I could do was stare with my eyes bulging as I kicked and flailed at the air. "Thiss one time I will forgive you asss you are new here and meant well." Then she dropped me.

I rolled to my feet and groveled, mewling in submission. She added, "You mussst understand, my pet, that you are now a creature of this place jusst asss much asss I. You are a Sseeker, a very rare very ssspecial fire demon who'ss sservicess are much dessired. Mosst of your kind are born, you are the firsst to be created that I have heard off. Asss I have ssaid none her will dare harm you and you are indesstructible anyway. Only one of the greater oness could do you any harm. You sseee you are a messsenger, a debt collector of sssortss. You are one of the very few of us who can leave Hell without being ssummoned becausse you will be on legitimate buissness and even the Otherss musst honor that. You are a collector of ssoulss whosse time hass run out or whosse contractss have expired and it iss time they pay their debtss. You will be very bussy my pet, not only working for me but to whomever I ssell your sservicess. You are a mosst welcome addition to my menagerie of damned ssoulss. But you musst learn the ruless asss even in this place we are bound by ruless and lawss. Now come, we have a party to get ready for! Heel! Hiissss!"

I walked obediently by my Mistresses side, after all she had told me to heel and I'm a good doggie. I didn't attack any of the other things, and some were really horrible, that we saw, but I did hiss in warning which always got me a scratch or pet on the head. Part of me was appalled at the way I was acting, but it meant so much to me to have her approval, nothing pleased me more. And as we walked I thought about what she'd told me, what I was now. So I had become a collector of souls? At first I wasn't sure about that, I mean up until now I had never been a violent type. But the souls I would be sent to collect were the worst of the worst, the two dingle-berry sisters were shining examples. Nice people did not make deals with demons. The more I thought about it the more I liked the idea, and I grinned, my black rubbery lips pulling back from my fangs in a grimace that scared more than one imp or beast we passed, drool dripping from my snout and bursting into flame as it hit the ground. Oh yes I was looking forward to starting my new "job". Payback time!

We eventually reached Vulva's domain and up until then I thought I'd seen some really scary and depraved things. Like that forest of giant penis trees, now that HAD freaked me out. When I realized the sticky stuff I was walking in was semen I had almost crawled up her back. Gross! Of course I had known she was a patroness of carnal pleasures, such as raping virgins, her specialty. Case point, I was a direct result of that hobby. But she was also in charge of the breeding pits of hell, and when I saw what some of the other virgins she'd raped and changed had become, mindless living fucking machines, I felt I was very lucky indeed even though it did look like they were having fun. I got hard just watching them grunting and moaning in ecstasy as they serviced female after female, and looking at my Mistress I gave a moan of lust, sitting on my tail so my rather large black penis jutted out from between my legs. I looked at the females waiting to be serviced and whimpered. I had never felt such lust before, it was the need of a beast, there was very little of the human in it. It was somewhat disconcerting to what remained of my human soul.

Vulva hissed in amusement when she saw my "problem", "Hss, hss, hss! I'm ssorry my pet, I know it isss hard to watch my other petsss at work without becoming aroussed. But becausse of what you are you may not couple with jusst any femalesss, you would causse them to bursst into flamess which would be a wasste. We musst find you a special toy, would you like that, my pet?"

I just shook my head "UH-huh" as I sat with my tongue lolling out of my mouth, panting from my lust. Ohhh, I was so damn horny! I moaned as I heard one of the Hell Studs bellow as it came. Ohhhh, so DAMN horny it hurt! All the sounds and smells of sex were tormenting me, which amused my Mistress to no end.

We eventually came to her office and I slowly calmed down, my penis finally sliding back inside of me. I had tried to pleasure myself once as I could reach myself easily, but a quick smack from Vulva's tail ended that little experiment. "NO, she said, only if I give permisssion!"

Once I'd calmed down and quit sulking I looked around at her "office". It was impressive, but again not what I had expected in a place like this. She sat down at a huge very impressive desk made from a solid block of obsidian and carved on the sides were runes of power that seemed to crawl and change shape, and even being what I was I had a hard time just looking at them. She sat in a similar throne like chair also carved from obsidian, but inlaid in silver and precious stones, then she pressed some sort of hidden switch and I didn't know what to think when the top of the desk opened and a very modern computer screen and keyboard came rising out of it. It started to go back down again, but she kicked the side of the desk and that solved that glitch. I was impressed. Kind of makes sense I guess, when you think about it. Humans have the internet, we have the Hellnet. She booted up and went to work on her computer, banging away at the keyboard and cursing at unwanted pop-ups and ads. "Damn ssspam!" I heard her hiss more than once. "No, I don't want a free lifetime sssubsscription to Depraved magazine, I already HAVE one!" she muttered.

Being ignored I decided to explore my new surroundings. I looked at some paintings hanging on the wall, they were well done but I thought they were pretty tasteless, definitely not my style. I was surprised to see an autographed photo of Nancy Pelosi, it said "To Vulva, With Warmest Regards, Nancy. Well that certainly explains a lot, I thought. There was also one of Adolf Hitler, and when I looked at it he saluted me "Heil!" which startled me and made me jump back in surprise. When he started making a speech I got bored and left. When I walked out of sight I heard him say, "Hallo? Please come back little lizard, I am so lonely." Tough, I thought, you should have thought of that before you invaded Poland.

There was a map of Hell that I stared at in fascination. It wasn't all desert I was surprised to see. There was an area of jungle, what looked like a frozen or cold area (go figure), large citys of some kind, forested areas, mountains, and what looked like an ocean or large lake. Humpf, wonder what the beaches are like?

There was a photo of a jungle clearing, pretty boring I thought until I saw movement in the jungle and realized it was more like a film. I watched as a rather pretty naked young woman came running into the clearing, she looked all hot and scared and out of breath. Seconds later a huge snake slithered into the clearing and grabbing the woman it wrapped its coils around her and started swallowing her feet first, taking it's time. I stood shocked into immobility as the woman disappeared screaming down the snake's throat and a large squirming bulge slid down its body to its stomach as it hissed in satisfaction at its meal. Then I blinked as the photo flickered and returned to an empty jungle clearing again. Then a totally different naked woman stumbled into the clearing, the same snake showed up, and swallowed this woman head first. I had a feeling I was watching something that was really happening somewhere. Uggh! I thought and went to find something less, um, disturbing to look at.

There were some honest to Lucifer "Globe-Weirnicke" filing cabinets and lawyer's bookcases, one with a lawyer inside of it. He scratched at the glass and slipped me his card through a crack, but I just growled and kept on poking around. There was a closet full of office supplies and dead things, so I just shut the door again without going inside as I wasn't THAT curious.

Once I found what looked like a potted plant, a great big thing that looked like a weeping willow tree. I almost ignored it, but when I realized its branches were swaying slowly back and forth despite the fact there was no wind I got curious and took a closer look. I'll never learn. It grabbed me with its "branches" and picked me up into the air and held me over it, then the top of the trunk opened into a gaping wet mouth and some tentacles came out of it and wrapped round me! Then some of them started licking me and stroking my vent! "HIIISSSS!" I yelped. About this time Vulva got annoyed at the sounds of squealing and combat and hissed loudly, "Both of you knock it OFF, right now!" at which the plant (if that's what it was) gently put me down from where I had been straddling its gaping mouth with my clawed feet dug into to each side while one of its tentacles tried to give me a blow job (which had gotten me hard again) and the other tentacles tried to drag me in, and I spit out the tentacles I had in my mouth including one I'd bit off. It tasted nasty. After that we left each other alone but I gave it a wide berth and growled every time I walked past it. It just ignored me.

Next there was a large fancy aquarium and like an idiot I just had to stick my claw in it and say hello to the fishes and something bit it and I pulled it out of the water and shook my hand trying to get it off, and finally, still snapping its teeth, it came off and flew over to the plant which grabbed it and popped it into its mouth with a happy smack. Oooops.

Next I found her bedroom and had fun jumping up and down on the bed until one of the fancy pillows burst into flames. Hissing I ran around with it trying to find some way to put it out and finally threw it at the plant which caught it and threw it back at me. I swear the stupid thing was giggling. By then there wasn't much left so I just stomped on it and hid what was left under the bed. Then I nonchalantly rejoined my Mistress and lay down next to the desk and went to sleep. The rug I was lying on must have been made from asbestos because even though it smoked a little it didn't burst into flames. It became my favorite and I dragged in into my Mistresses bed room and put it at the foot of her bed, and she was not displeased when she saw what I had done.

I was awakened rather rudely by a kick to the butt. "Come my pet, it iss time we got cleaned up for the party!" I followed her down some more tunnels and saw some more pretty disturbing stuff. I'll never feel the same way about clowns again. I found that if I closed my eyes for a few seconds and thought "That's normal for this place, remember where you are and WHAT you are" that it helped a little bit. But you have to remember my soul was still part human, and that part was pretty upset a lot of the time. I mean I'd only been here a few hours. In time I learned to just ignore a lot of what I saw, and did, if I could. I would eventually become used to, and desensitized to the horrible sights I saw every day as they were a part of my new life. That doesn't mean I ever grew to like them, but by then what was left of my human soul would have been completely absorbed by the beast I had become for I did not realize the even now I still changing. The physical change was fast, the mental one took much longer.

Eventually we entered a kind of, I don't know any other way to describe it, bathhouse. It looked kind of like a Roman, or Turkish bath. We entered a kind of waiting area, but being who she was my Mistress got instant fawning attention from the Imps who ran the place. They booted out a very irate demi-Demon who had been there first and gave us its private room. The room looked like a cave and had pools of various kinds of boiling fluids. One was full of steaming water, one full of bubbling mud, and one of boiling sulphur. I'm sure the place smelled like, well, Hell, but to me it the smell was nice and sweet. With a grunt of pleasure Vulva eased herself into the pool of boiling sulphur. "Yesss, that's nice, temperature is just right." she hissed. "Come join me my pet."

At this point I still didn't realize what my capabilities, and limits, were. So I just sat down stubbornly and shook my head "NO", no way am I going in boiling sulphur, thank you very much! Of course I'd forgotten about her long prehensile tail and it snaked out of the pool and grabbed me by the leg and pulled me, kicking and screaming, into the bubbling pool. I'm gonna die! I thought in panic. I went in with a loud sloppy "sploshing" noise and went all the way under. And it felt soooo good, it was like swimming in molten peanut butter. I felt it soak into my muscles which were still very sore from my transformation and hissed in pleasure, had it really only been a few hours since I was human? Vulva had submerged until only her snout was about the surface, so I did the same. And it felt soooo good. It also tasted good, so I started lapping some up. Vulva saw what I was doing and said,

"My pet, I wouldn't do that if I wasss you, no telling what'ss been in here."

About that time I stepped on something round, so curious I fished around until I found it, it was a human skull. "Accck, gag, cough, hak, hak!" I gasped as I tried to puke up the sulphur I'd swallowed; Vulva came over and pounded me on my back to help. "I told you ssso!" She hissed in amusement. "Acccccck, raaaalph!" was all I said.

The next pool was the bubbling mud pit. It was nice, but I liked the sulfphur pool more, it smelled nicer. We soaked for awhile with me making mud pies and throwing them at the attendants who enthusiastically returned the barrage. Vulva put up with it until a particularly large mud pie hit her in muzzle." Knock it OFF!" she hissed. So I reluctantly sank into the mud until just my nose and eyes were visible, and blew bubbles. Then we cleaned off in the boiling water pool. I noticed Vulva eating what looked like urinal cakes to me, and when she saw me watching she threw me one.

"Cookie, my pet?" She hissed.

I caught it and looked at it and it still looked like a urinal cake to me, it was blue and smelled like ammonia, which to me actually smelled pretty good. She ate another with relish, so I popped it in my mouth and chewed with delight, it was delicious! She watched with approval,

"I'm glad you like them, my pet. They're Tidy Bowl brand and quite hard to get, we have to import them."

Accckk, Gag, Hiss! baaarf, I'm gonna die! Eventually I did develop a taste for urinal cakes, but it took awhile. Believe me, it's an acquired taste. Finally, with me still gagging and totally grossed out, it was time to go to the party.

We made one quick stop at Vulva's quarters and she tried to fit me with a new collar. Finally after even one made of silver melted and dripped off of me she gave up with an irritated hiss. "Just behave!" she said.

"Come my pet, we must fly to get to the South Vent ssso asss not be late. The great Lord Ba'al doess not appreciate tardinesss. Hiss." Fly? I thought. Then I remembered that I DID have wings, I looked over my shoulder and flexed them. I hadn't really thought of them much in all the trauma and excitement (more like utter terror) of what had happened to me.

We exited from the tunnel system into that burning blasted desert with the incredibly bright and hot sky, and I was surprised to see it actually had gotten a little dimmer. So there is night in Hell, who'd a thought? The hot wind felt good on my scales. Vulva leapt into the sky and took off with powerful flaps of her wings. OK, I thought, here goes nothing. I spread my wings, flapped a few time, leapt into the air, did an aerial summersault, and landed on my back. "Ooof!" Vulva, having noticed I wasn't with her, returned and touched down light as a feather next to where I was forlornly sitting and whimpering with my wings still half unfurled.

Showoff, I thought.

"Ssooo, she said, I had forgotten you have not yet flown, my bad my pet. It isss not sso hard, you have the insstinctss and natural ability becausse of what you are now. But it doess take a little practice. But we do not have time for that, ssso!" With another leap she flapped into the air, grabbed me under the arms, and lifted me into the air with her. The lady is strong!

She's going to carry me I thought, so I settled down to enjoy the ride. Boy was I mistaken, I'll never learn. When she reached an altitude of several thousand feet she suddenly let me drop. "Hiiiiiieeeeeeeaaaasssss" I hissed as I fell. She dived and kept pace with me effortlessly as I plummeted kicking and squealing towards the ground far below.

"Flap your wingsss, my pet, spread them and glide!" she hissed over the rushing wind.

Still hissing in terror (I HATE heights) I managed to unfurl my wings and spread them, and instantly did a big loop as my wings bit into the air. I came out of the loop and started spiraling slowly, still petrified. "Eeeeeep!"

"Good my pet, good! Now flap and try to gain altitude!" she yelled at me.

I looked down and saw the blasted burned desert was much closer, and remembering Grishnik the worm demon I frantically started flapping my wings, and went up! Yes! I thought.

"Not sssso hard, my pet! Ssslow down and try to find an updraft!" Vulva hissed.

I did as she said, and suddenly I felt a hot column of air and spreading my wings to the maximum I stopped flapping and let the hot air push me upward at an amazing rate. So this is what it's like to fly! I like it!

"Yessss, good, that'sss it my pet! Now follow me, we have wassted too much time already!"

She took off with powerful flaps and I did my best to keep up. At least there wasn't anything this high up for me to run into, and traffic was pretty thin even though we did see a few other flying, um, things. I was surprised at how fast I learned, like my Mistress said I had a natural feel for it, and soon I was showing off by doing loops and barrel roles. It was a fantastic feeling. She finally tucked her wings and went into a steep dive and I followed.

She landed at the base of a rather large volcano, there are lots of those in Hell, and I followed at too fast a speed and ended up flipping over and rolling several times. Still got a lot to learn I realized as I stood up and, embarrassed, shook myself off and hissed angrily. She had disappeared into a tunnel and I quickly followed her as I still didn't want to be left alone in this place.

We went downward on a steady slope, went down some stairs and ramps, and eventually exited into what I can only describe as a huge grotto with a big open area and warrens of smaller tunnels and rooms. The whole place looked like it had been carved out of the living stone. It felt like home. The first thing I heard was the sound of very loud music, it was Elvis singing "You Ain't Nothing but a Hound Dog". I thought, HE can't be here, and was relieved when it turned out to be a recording. Elvis in Hell, the very thought was sacrilege! As it turns out he's popular everywhere. What looked like a scaly version of Gollum from "Lord of the Rings" announced our arrival.

"Vulva, Patroness Demoness of Carnal Pleasure, and, um, pet." He said and banged a large ugly walking stick on the ground which made a loud boom actually made the floor tremble.

Vulva approached a large throne at the center of a huge table; all made from granite, and bowed low before the horrific beast sitting on it. I did even better and fell flat on my stomach and hid under my wings. The huge beast looked like a cross between a Dragon, a goat, and several other things. He looked down at us and smiled which REALLY scared me, so I ducked my head back under my wings again.

"Greetings Vulva my dear, it said in an amazingly sophisticated and cultured voice. It has been way too long! And what is that you have with you, I'm afraid I can't see much as it's hiding under its wings. How polite of it, it knows its place!"

Vulva gave me a kick and hissed under her breath, "Get UP! The Great Lord wishesss to see you ssslave!"

Yeah, but I don't want to see HIM, and he'll probably eat me too, I thought. But I obediently folded my wings and stood with my head down, shivering in complete terror at the sheer force of evil this thing broadcast like radio waves. He made Vulva seem like Mary Poppins.

"Hmmm, it said, a Seeker, how nice! And tell me, my lovely slut, where did you acquire him? Hmm?"

Vulva, head still down, preened a little at the compliment. "Great Lord, if it pleasess you he wass a virgin ssacrifice. I raped and changed him less than six hoursss ago. Isss he not magnificent?"

"Hmmm, said Ba'al, he's a bit on the skinny side, but having another Seeker in our service will be nice. I approve of your catch. Also, your last report from the breeding pits was excellent. Your new Hell Stud has made quite a difference. Over forty females serviced an hour, most impressive. I shall have to allocate more resources to your department. Now leave us."

"Yess, Great Lord, you are mosst generous!" Vulva hissed as IT waved us away from its presence with shooing motions. I was still petrified, so she had to drag me by my tail, much to the amusement of Ba'al.

"Yes, It said, your new toy knows its place! How delightful to see such genuine respect, it is so rare these days!"

More like genuine terror, I thought. But the Great Lord Ba'al certainly did demand a LOT of respect. Vulva was pleased with the interview and response to her new pet.

"You made a good impressssion, my pet. I am most pleassed." I just pushed my head against her lovely soft fur and hissed in pleasure, and she scratched my head. "Hiiiisssss" I moaned in delight. "Now come, let us mingle!"

The party was surreal, a cross between Planet Hollywood, Dante's Inferno, and a disco. The larger rooms off the main grotto had various events going on inside. One was a bar where all sorts of weird drinks were being served, from Guiness to a Bloody Mary with a bloody woman named Mary in it, to all sorts of chemicals and liquid minerals. Vulva got me a "Flaming Luggie" which was pretty good, some sort of sulphur based drink. It made me burp though. They even had a karaoke bar, and a large lizard like thing was doing a pretty good impression of Eddie Grant's "Electric Avenue". In another some older looking demons were playing cards while an old jukebox played "Run and Coca-cola" by the Andrews Sisters. In yet another a bunch of lizards dressed in Leder-hosen were playing German beer drinking songs and singing "Lili Marlene" while others in Nazi uniforms drank from huge beer steins. I just shook my head and snorted. In the next one a bunch of goat demons were jamming to Judas Priest's "Living After Midnight" and my Mistress and I joined them for a quick dance or two, but my main concern was keeping from getting stepped on as most of them were a lot bigger then I was. I darted around between their legs hissing like crazy. This was one weird place.

It was like a Halloween costume party at an insane asylum, but no one was wearing costumes and the inmates were throwing the party. There was a large dance floor in one were all sorts of things were getting down and boogieing, one had a disco, and in another they were slow dancing to some sort of waltz. I followed my Mistress in a daze, trying to take it all in and analyze what I was seeing and having a pretty hard time of it. There were people too, or at least what looked like people. Some were incredibly beautiful men and women that I got a boner just looking at, even the dudes, turns out they were Succubae and Incubi. Others were powerful warlocks or Sorceresses, and had to be to survive in a place like this. The rest were mostly slaves or on the menu. Evidently any Demon or Demoness that got hungry could just grab one of the slaves and scarf them down. It was easy since like most everyone else they were all nude. I saw it happen more than once, sometimes it was pretty gruesome, other times it was quick and, I hope for the poor slave, painless. I felt no such hunger for raw meat, and in fact wondered what I DID eat, if I ate at all. My stomach growled a little, but nothing I saw was the least bit appetizing (mostly because most of it was gross and/or alive). I just can't eat something while it's looking at me.

My Mistress has lots of fun showing me off and there were all sorts of compliments and insults though it was hard to tell them apart most of the time. I relished the attention and pranced along at her side with my head up and got lots of lovely head and chin scratches from all sorts of appendages. Claws, tentacles, fingers, tails, feelers, etc. and loved every minute of it. Some of the things she stopped to show me off to actually seemed to be quite nice. One big green ugly monkey thing gave me a belly rub that made me squeal in delight nad kick my legs while everyone laughed (at least I think it was laughter).

A little while later for the first time since I'd changed I felt the need to go to the bathroom, and it got more and more urgent until I reached that "Go or else" stage. One of the demons, a nice goat lady, that Vulva was showing me too said,

"Vulvaaa deaaar, I thiiink something's wroong with your neeew ssslaave. Hee haaas the heebie-jeebies." the goat demon bleated, and pointed at me.

I was doing a little dance by then, scrunching one leg then the other up against my belly. I looked at Vulva pleadingly, I gotta go, I gotta go NOW! I thought.

"What? Oh, OH. The bathroomsss are over there sssomewhere, my pet." she told me. "But come back sssoon, and don't get lossst!"

Thank you! I thought, and hopped off in the direction she'd indicated still doing my "I gotta pee!' dance. I found the bathrooms fairly easy, but the signs on the doors meant nothing to me, and there were more than two types. Which one! I thought desperately, hopping up and down. Finally I saw a demon that had a penis walk out of one and thought that must be it! I pushed the door open and ran in and looked around. It had a pretty standard layout, toilets along one wall, urinals along another, and sinks to one side. No paper towels though, and of course the TP was all gone. Built like I was it was hard to stand up and pee, and there was no place I could just lift my leg and go doggie style. So I propped myself over a toilet by leaning with one front leg against the wall and grabbed my long floppy dick with the other so I could aim better. "Ohhhh, aaahhhhh" I hissed as I cut loose. What looked like molten lead came shooting out of me and splattered all over the toilet which started to dissolve and fall apart. Oh crap, I thought as a flood of water washed over my feet. And I went and went for what seemed like several minutes. Where the heck is it all coming from? About this time a high Imp entered carrying some paper towels, and when it saw me it freaked out.

"What it the name of Beelzebub are you doing, are you drunk?" The Imp yelled at me. "The bathroom for the fire demons is next door, get the Heck out of here before you wreck the joint! I'M not going to clean this up! Idiot!"

Sorry, I thought, as I ran out the door, still spewing dribbles of hot lead. Geez what a grump. I felt much better now, and not seeing my Mistress anywhere decided to do some exploring. I really didn't MEAN to get in trouble, but of course I did. I'm really good at it.

I wondered around for awhile taking in the, sometimes very disturbing, sights. Finally I ended up in an area with some chambers that seemed to be reserved for special activities. I could tell from the smell what those activities were; the place reeked of old sex and the pheromones of dozens of different species and things. I was just turning to leave when I heard sounds of obvious pleasure coming from one of the rooms. Being the curious, and stupid, thing that I am I decided to take a quick look see. I really will never learn. What happened next traumatized me for days.

I crept quietly down the short tunnel leading to the room, and poking my head around the corner saw a very strange sight. A huge horse like demon was leaning against the wall and pleasuring herself with a large dildo. She was half horse and half human with a typical long scaly demon tail. She was thrusting in and out of herself and neighing and grunting in equine pleasure. Then she pulled the dildo almost all the way out and I saw it was one of the human slaves! Whoa! With a deep squeal she thrust the struggling slave back into herself, pumped a few times, and then threw her head back and gave a deep bellow as she orgasmed. Then she let the slave go and the slaves kicking legs were quickly pulled into the demons vagina with a loud "Sluuuurpp!" and I swear her pussy smacked its lips. With my snout hanging open I watched as the demons belly suddenly bulged outward and with a pleased moan the demon began to gently rub her bulging squirming belly. "Mmmmm" she said.

That's NOT right, oh No no NO!!" I thought, and gave an unintentional "Hiiiiissssssss!" And damn it, the thing I was had gotten really turned on watching that horror show, and I now had a rock hard erection. I gave another hiss, but one of lust this time. The demoness heard me, and looking at me ran a long black forked tongue over her muzzle and made a "come here" gesture with one hand and spread her legs. YIPE! I wasn't THAT horny!

I came shooting out of the tunnel, spun around in a circle twice as my claws tried to get purchase on the polished granite floor, slammed into the far wall, and took off down the main tunnel as fast as I could. Taking a look behind me I saw the demoness slide into the tunnel and start following me, as I ran I could hear her hooves clopping on the floor as she got closer and closer. Miisstrrress! I yelled in my head even as I hissed like a leaking steam pipe. I ran around, over, and under, other demonkind with the horse demon right behind me most of the way.

"Don't worry, it said, I won't hurt you! I just want to play!"

Yeah, right, NO chance! I thought, get away from me! Leave me alone! Miiiiissssstttttrrreeessss!

Finally I saw my Mistress sitting at a table with some friends, and I ducked under the table and hid, and thankfully the long table cloth almost reached the floor. I thought, Mistress, don't let the big horsies pussy eat me! Please! I watched as the horse demoness's hooves came into sight next to the table, and then turn around like she was looking for me.

"Wheeeere are you, little lizard?" the horse said, "I won't hurt you, I promise!"

I just gave a low growl. Go away! I thought.

About this time Vulva said, "Hello Equa, what're you looking for?"

Mistress! I thought, WHAT are you doing! You don't know what she's like!

The horse demon, Equa, replied, "Little red and black lizard, about this big and hung like a Donkey."

"Oh, said Vulva, I think I know where he isss."

MISTRESS! I thought, and let out a little terrified squeak. "Eeeek!"

Vulva said, "Oh, excuse me, too many burritoss. I think I saw him running off that way, fasst little bugger."

Equa said, "Thanks Vulva, Just had a snack and I'm still horny and hungry!" And she neighed and clopped off out of sound and sight.

OH Thank you! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I thought as I hugged my Mistresses legs and licked her. Oh thank you! Still rock hard I moved my licking higher and tried to stick my muzzle between my Mistresses legs, but she reached down and snapped her finger against the side of my head, OW!, and said "NO, maybe later." Finally having had more than enough "adventures" for awhile I settled down under the table where it was safe and kept an eye out for the horse lady, if she showed up again I was outta here! Uggggghhh! I had nightmares for weeks.

Vulva visited for awhile with her friends. One of them had a tail that kept trying to get intimate with me, but I finally bit it and it gave up. I'd finally gone limp again, thankfully, and just wasn't in the mood for hanky-panky anymore, not after seeing THAT. NOT my thing. Vulva finally said goodbye to her friends and they left.

Then she turned her attention to me, "Come out from under there, my pet, NOW."

Uh-oh, I thought, I'm in for it now. So I did my best to look as pitiful and chastised as possible when I slunk out from under the table with my tail between my legs. She didn't buy it for a second.

She said in a very soft voice, "What did I tell you about missbehaving or getting lossst? And whaaat waas that sscene with Equa all about? She's a powerful Vore demoness, and if you wanted to couple with her I doubt if even you would have survived a romantic tryssst with her. She eatss her loverss, it'ss whaat she does."

I just looked at her and thought, WANTED TO? You have NO idea what I saw, or maybe you do. I just shuddered, and hung my head.

"Yesss, she said, I think I know what you mean. Not my ssstyle either, but we are certainly not oness to judge, are we my pet? To each their own I sssay." Though I musst admit it iss fun to watch." Then she gave me the back of her hand and knocked me over. "That isss for misssbehaving!" she hissed, and lashed me with her tail a few times while I cowered and squealed.

Considering the circumstances, and possible outcome (shudder) I figured I'd gotten off very lightly.

"NOW, enough of thisss, she hissed. I haaave been invited to sit at Ba'al's table for the main banquet, a great honor. You are NOT invited so I musst find some way to keep you out of trouble, your little escapadess, though amussing, are getting quite tedious." She stopped to think for a minute, and then a smile came over her face.

Uh-oh, I thought.

"Ah, I have the perfect ssolution! A good friend of mine was assking about you earlier while you were off missbehaving. I promisssed I'd show you to her before the party endss. Thiss will solve two problemss at the ssame time. Oh don't look ssso sscared, it'ss not the horse demoness. I think you'll like my friend, she iss a lower level demoness but quite nice."

I doubt it, I thought. I followed her back into the main chamber where most of the more senior demonkind were now heading. She kept looking around the crowd, and finally let out a loud hiss.

"Oh Vulkna! Over here dear! I found him, finally. He wass playing hide and sseek with Equa!".

Was NOT, I thought with indignation. As I watched some demons stepped to one side and a red Dragon approached. A FEMALE red Dragoness as my nose told me. She was at least four times my size, or about 2000 pounds, had dark red scales and black features like me, but had a large boney plate with horns that protected her head and neck, and three rows of large spines running down her back. I was in love. "Hiiiisssssss!" I said with my mouth open and tongue hanging out. She probably thought I was retarded.

"Oh, hello Vulva, the Dragoness said in a deep female voice. Is this your new pet? He's lovely, such beautiful markings. Did you say he used to be a virgin?"

"Hello Vulkna, glad I found you. Yess, he iss nice issn't he. And yess, technically he iss still a virgin, but then all my petss are. But he'ss been a bad little lizard, I may have to put him in one of the cagess with the other familiarss and Impss. Hissss. Keep him out of trouble."

What! I thought, NO, not now! I held her leg and looked up at my Mistress with pleading eyes. Pleasssse, I thought, let me stay with the nice Dragoness. I'll be a good little lizard, I prooommissse!

"Oh, don't do that, Vulkna hissed. Look at the poor little thing. Leave him with me and I'll keep him out of trouble, I promise. Give me something to do."

"Are you ssure, asked Vulva, he can be a handful. He'ss quite good at getting into trouble."

I was just nodded my head up and down as fast as I could. Pleeeasssee! I'll be good, really! Let me go with the nice lady.

"Oh, very well." Vulva finally said after thinking I'd agonized long enough. She reached down and took my chin under her hand and looked me straight in the eye. "You promisse to behave yoursself and do everything Vulkna tellss you to do, if you don't I'll give you to the nice horsssie to play with. Promisse?"

I almost gave myself whiplash I was shaking my head up and down so hard. "Hiss, hiss, hiss!" I said.

"Very well, Vulkna. He'ss all yourss for now. Be gentle." And she turned and disappeared into the crown and I was left alone with my chaperon.

Vulkna leaned over and scratched my chin. "Hello little guy, she said, let's go somewhere quiet and get acquainted, would you like that? Hmm? Hiss."

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah! I thought, Let's! I started rubbing my head against her front arm/leg? She hissed and gave me my crest a lovely scratching.

I followed her like a lovesick hatchling as she led me into another area of the grottos that contained the same kind of baths I'd seen already. As we passed I could see the sulphur, mud, and boiling water pools, most full of all sorts of strange creatures. But we passed all of those by, and then we reached another tunnel that lead downward. As we neared the bottom I could smell something nice, and when we walked out onto a ledge in a great cavern I saw what I had smelled, hot lava. There were rivers of it, and pools of yellow, red, and white boiling lava. I looked at Vulkna questioningly, and she said,

"This place is only for fire demons such as you and me my little friend, only a few of the other types of demons can even come here. Come, shall we go for a quick dip to warm up our blood?"

I wasn't so sure about that but kept following the object of my adoration and growing lust as she moved down a ramp towards a pool of churning molten rock. I could see things, mostly reptilian like us, diving in and climbing out of the pools of lava. I saw one large wingless lizard thing do a big cannonball, much to the vocal protests of some smaller demons taking it easy on the "shore". "Grik, you butthead!" "You got pumice in my flaming luggie, you big jerkoff!"

We came to the edge of the pools and there was a slick ramp of obsidian that led to a drop off directly above one of the hotter pools that glowed pure white. I watched as a small winged lizard thing kind of like me came sliding by and with a "Wheeee" disappeared into the lava with a small splash. I looked at Vulkna and she said,

"Well, what are you waiting for my little friend? She hissed, Jump in, it'll be lots of fun."

I looked at her, then at the pool of lava, then back at her again. I sat down with a determined hiss. No WAY, no HOW, am I going in there! Sulphur was one thing, but the heart of a volcano? Nope, Vulva's little virgin is not THAT stupid. AIN'T gonna happen. Nope, not a chance!

With a smile Vulkna leaned over, put her foot against my back, and shoved me off the end of the slide.

I managed to turn around and tried to hold on with my claws which left trails of sparks as I slid down the ramp. "Aiiiiiieeeeeeee!" I hissed, I'm gonna die for sure this time! Then I did a big belly flop into the lava, much to the hilarity of a rather large crowd of demonkind, and sank below the surface. It was like quicksand and sucked me down. I squealed and kicked and flailed as I sank deeper and deeper. But when the incredible heat began to soak in I stopped struggling and moaned in delight, the sulphur bath was nothing compared to this! Fire demons add a whole new meaning to the term "warm blooded". I just sank for awhile and realized I didn't even have to breathe. I struggled a little more and got kind of worried because I couldn't seem to stop sinking, but finally I found if I kept my wings closed, put my arms against my sides, and kicked with my legs and whipped my tail back and forth I could glide through the lava like a swimming crocodile. I swam to the surface and stuck my head out, just in time to have Vulkna land on top of me. "Urrruurgle!" I said as I swallowed a big mouthful but it tasted good so I just swallowed it. We untangled ourselves and I swam over to the shore while Vulkna played in the lava. I watched as she would breach like a whale and then disappear with a flip of her tail leaving no trace. I was content just to watch her; she was so very beautiful and graceful. Once she grabbed me and pulled me under, and I got another mouthful of hot molten rock. "Acckk, gag!" And it went down the wrong way this time! Finally I managed to hock it up and it hit another Dragon sitting nearby and he gave me a really dirty look as he scrapped it off his arm. "Sorry", I hissed. Finally she got tired of her frolicking and swimming to the far side of the pool she climbed out and motioned for me to follow her. I plunged in and joined her on the other side. The molten rock just slid off of us like water.

"Come! I know where the best spots are." she said.

Best spots for what? I thought warily. But I needn't have worried. She led me to some small bubbling pools scattered across the floor of another chamber. They were full of some white crusty looking rocks, and she scooped some up and ate them with great relish. "Eeeeeew" I thought. There were other demons also eating the rocks, so I picked up one. I looked at it, licked it, and since it tasted kind of salty I popped it in my mouth and crunched it. "Mmmm. Hiss!" it was good! I grabbed a handful and chomped on them. They were crunchy like sugar crystals, but had a kind of lemony-lime flavor.

"Good brimstone isn't it!" my Dragon lady said around a big mouthful. "It is what we eat, we must have it to maintain our body temperature and supply our fire plume with fuel. Sulphur can do in a pinch, but brimstone is the best and this is pure Grade A!" She happily scraped another big pile into her mouth, chomped a couple of times with her mouth open and shoved the now pulverized stones down her throat with her tongue.

Since our jaws are hinged we can't chew, we crush and pulverize our food as best we can by chomping on it, then swallow. We can swallow very large chunks if we want to without even chomping first.

Hmmm, so this is brimstone huh? I thought. Works for me! And I joined my happily munching friend and we both pigged out. Finally we were both full and I followed Vulkna down a side corridor. There were still small pools of lava giving a soft ruddy light, but we were both more interested in other things by then. We passed rooms with other couples already in them, many in the throes of sexual coitus. The sounds and scents soon had their usual effect on me and my new friend.

She rubbed against me all of a sudden and I noticed her scent had changed, had grown stronger. With a "whuff!" I took a deep breath then jumped as her tail snaked between my legs and rubbed across my crotch very suggestively. With a soft hiss I wrapped my own tail around hers and caressed it. She gave a deep grunt and hurried her pace, with me following and getting harder and harder as her lovely scent swept over me, it was pouring from her. We passed a couple of male demons and they got instant boners and looked at me with jealously and envy.

Soon I was rock hard and rampant. She was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen, and her scent was driving me insane. Wave after wave of pure lust was washing over me and every demonkind within range of my scent knew it. As she led me down the tunnel I heard snide remarks like "Get a cave you two!" "Don't break him Vulkna!" "Have fun!" "He's just a baby!", but I didn't pay any attention.

I followed her walking a little awkwardly because of my condition, and my huge penis bobbed up and down as we walked, smoking pre dripping from the tip. As we walked I rubbed against her as often as I could and hissed in lust. In response she sped up her pace and after awhile, it seemed like an eternity, we came to a nice quite chamber. Once inside she rolled a huge rock plug into the door and turned to face me. I just stood there staring in complete infatuated adoration, panting in lust.

"Well, she said, it's nice to see that not ALL of you is small.", and ran her long pink forked tongue across her fangs. She came over to me and slowly circled me, rubbing against me hissing softly.

My whole body shuddered, OHHH, that was sooo erotic! She bent over and ran her tongue across my snout. I moaned and hissed. Oh how I wanted her but I was so scared. I was frozen, my only memories of sex so far where ones of pain and degradation, of agony and torment. The only time I had ever been loved was by my Mistress when she had taken my virgin seed, but I had not really been lucid during that and just remembered the unbearable agonizing ecstasy. I wanted it to be like that one memorable coupling, but what if it wasn't? What if the Dragon lady hurt me? "Eeeeeeeeee!" I mewled. I didn't know what to do! I could only stand there with my eyes closed, my whole body shuddering.

Finally after circling and licking me a few more times, with no response, Vulkna stopped and reaching under my snout she lifted my head and looked into my reptilian eyes with her own. Hers were a lovely black with silver irises and I could see the fires of Hell flickering in their depths. It was beautiful to one such as I.

"What's wrong, little one? She asked in gentle concern. Do you not find me desirable? Your scent says you do, but I will not force you. Is it our sizes? I assure you that you are more than well enough endowed to satisfy me." But if are not interested." then sadly she started to turn away.

I grabbed her arm, and she turned back to me. I wanted to talk to her, tell her so bad. Damn it for not being able to talk! I reached up and stroked her snout and pleaded with my eyes. I'm scared, I thought, you won't hurt me?

She looked into my eyes again. "Why, you're scared, aren't you? You really are a virgin, aren't you? Except for that time with your Mistress." she said in wonder. "Is this your first time since the change?" and while she talked she gently stroked my body with her tail. I almost fell over, the sensation made me feel weak kneed. "Ohhhhhhh" I hissed.

Embarrassed, I just shook my head "yes", and hung my head. She won't want me now, I thought. I can't give her what she wants. I gave a sad little hiss.

I felt her clawed hand reach under my snout again and raised my head to find her looking expressionlessly at me. Then she pressed her snout to mine and her tongue slid into my mouth, and opening my own snout further I slid my own tongue into her mouth and we kissed, a long sloppy drooling affair that was more wonderful then I can describe, our drool popping and bursting into flame as soon as it hit the floor. I knew what to do now, and was no longer scared. This beautiful creature DID want me and that was all that mattered.

We kissed for a while longer, sometimes stopping to rub against the side of one another's snouts. We didn't do much with our front legs; just let the hang against our sides. She smelled so lovely, and her tongue was rough and gentle at the same time as it licked my face and explored my mouth and throat. Finally she stuck her snout between my legs and I rolled over with a hiss of anticipation, and was rewarded when she gently took my aching penis in her mouth and began to gently lick and caress it with her tongue, her fangs just barely rubbing against it as she sucked with soft slurping sounds. It was so incredible I thought I was going to die from the pleasure, my legs kicking uncontrollably as I moaned and hissed, snapping my jaws together as I gasped.

Finally she pulled away from me and lay down on her side and lifted her leg high, and it was my turn to get to know my lover better. She propped herself up on her elbows and watched as I began to nuzzle and explore that magic junction between her legs. I gently licked and nuzzled her vent, patiently and persistently as I knew what I wanted, and even more importantly I knew what SHE wanted.

With fire demons it is the females who control access to their sex; the males have to work for the privilege. But it was lovely and wonderful work, and I was totally dedicated to it. Finally her vent bloomed like a dark red rose and a puff of steam escaped. With a lustful hiss I pressed my muzzle against her swollen lips and took a deep breath of her scent; closing my eyes at the lovely smells and taste of her sex. I ran my long black forked tongue gently around her nether lips, and then slowly worked my way deeper and deeper inside of her and was delighted to find she had more than one set of lips, and her sex kissed me back, sucking on my tongue and caressing it with those wonderful lips. She gave a deep guttural moan and reaching down with one arm she gently pressed against the back of my head and pushed my muzzle deeper into her as her lips spread to allow me to penetrate deeper with my eager questing tongue. At this point if she had shoved me all the way inside of her I would have gone willingly. I never did find the end of that slick lovely tunnel of pleasure, but not for lack of trying.

Finally she gave a deep moaning gasp and let my head go. She flattened her spines and rolled all the way over on her back and said in a deep sensuous voice, "NOW my love. My loins ache for you! Do not leave me wanting!" And I certainly had no intention of leaving her, or me, wanting. I had never known such lust, or felt such need.

I looked at her waiting sex, her lips quivering in anticipation of my entry. I was physically smaller then she was in all but one area. I was very well endowed sexually, I think thanks to my Mistress and how I had been created. My solid black glistening ebony penis was a good twenty inches long, the shape was basically human but the glacis was more pointed and had a much wider and larger flange around it, plus there were several slightly raised ridges in rings around it every two inches or so, and as I watched the tip opened and what looked like a tentacle, no, it's a nether tongue, I realized as I licked the head of my penis with it helping spread my steaming pre. I grunted from the incredible feeling as I licked myself. That was totally unexpected and weird but in an incredibly sensuous and pleasurable way. I could now see my swollen testicles as my body pumped fluid into them to ready me for what was to come, their outlines were visible pressing against the scales under my own vent and I was surprised at their size. Normally when I am not aroused it is impossible to tell my sex except by scent.

"My love, she hissed. Do not torment me! Pleeaaasssseee, I need you inside of me, hisssss!"

Taking my massive erection I pressed it against her lips, then straddling her as best I could in relation to our sizes I pushed against, and slowly penetrated her and her lips grabbed me and helped draw me inside of her lovely embrace. Almost insane from the pleasure I threw my head back and my roar of agonized ecstasy mingled with her bellow. Grunting and slobbering with lust I began to thrust in and out of her with powerful lunges. As I copulated with her I could feel my nether tongue probing as deep into her as it could go and her lips caressed every inch of my thrusting shaft. She caught and held my nether tongue so I couldn't stop even if I wanted to. There was nothing tender left to our mating now; we had become two almost mindless rutting beasts of Hell and it was almost something elemental. She shrieked and clasped me to her with her powerful hind legs and had I not been what I am I would not have survived. She raked me claws, or grasped at the floor causing great cascades of sparks to fly from her razor sharp claws as they scrapped across the granite. I roared and snarled as I bit at her belly and clawed her in return, and still we kept humping and fucking, our bodies locked together and totally oblivious to anything but the one whom was giving us such pain and pleasure, and the agonizing ecstasy grew and grew. She would tighten her lips making it harder for me to penetrate, then suddenly loosen up so I could thrust in and out of her faster, then she would repeat it again. And we howled and roared and screeched like the beasts we were, only the lust remained and the need to satisfy it at any cost. The rest of the world no longer was of any consequence, it no longer existed to us. Had any tried to intervene we would have torn them apart and then resumed our mating without even realizing what we had done, not that we would have cared.

Like me her body temperature was close to that of molten lava and waves of heat shimmered over our bodies and the floor beneath us began to melt into a shallow pool of glowing molten rock. If you look deep into our eyes as only a fool would do you can see the burning fires of hell for we are a living part of those fires. Only those of our kind can mate with one another, any other foolish enough to try would die horribly, burned to a crisp in an instant. Only a few other demonkind, my Mistress included, can couple with fire demon and survive. Our lust is hot as a roaring furnace, and only we can satisfy that incredible need and temper that flame. It added whole new meaning to the term ecstasy for it went far beyond mere sex; it was more of an elemental joining as we became a single being.

And it went on and on, our roars and screeches growing louder and more desperate as our frenzied coupling reach its peak and we CAME. My orgasm was more like a volcano erupting as I poured my molten seed into her willing sex. I came and came for several minutes, both of us writhing and moaning from the incredible release until with a final arching buck I finished, and slid from her with a gasping moan. She took everything I had to offer and eagerly sucked for more, and only reluctantly let me go. She sucked me dry and I had never felt so satisfied, felt so MALE in my life. I lay across her stomach hissing and drooling and totally exhausted. She gently flipped me over and licked and caressed my now flaccid penis as my nether tongue withdrew into the tip and it slowly slid back inside my vent which closed after it. When she was through I licked and cleaned her crotch until it was clean and shiny, very disappointed her own vent had already shut in order to keep all of my seed inside of her. Then she pulled me to her chest and held me, and we kissed and nuzzled for awhile until I fell asleep with my head draped across her neck and she tenderly held me until she fell asleep too. It was a wonderful thing, and it was even stranger considering where it had happened. Even creatures of Hell can love.

I woke up with a snort, and ohh was I sore all over. I felt like I'd been stuck in a sack and used as a polo ball by giants. But I knew how I'd gotten that way and with a happy hiss I nuzzled my large lover who was also waking up. She returned the nuzzle and we kissed, but it wasn't a kiss of lust but one of mutual happy content.

"Come my little one, it is very late and your Mistress must be worried about her pet." Vulkna hissed and nibbled my crest. She let me down carefully and went over and removed the stone plug from the door. I watched as her lithe beautiful body strained and moved the heavy rock. I am definitely in love I realized, and it felt wonderful. No more pain, only pleasure and love. My fear and inhibitions were gone for good. I would never feel the same way about another female; the beautiful Dragoness Vulkna would always be my first and greatest love next to my Mistress.

I hated to leave that place were had mated, the large puddle of slag in the center of the floor would let anyone know two fire demonkind had coupled there, it was a dead giveaway. Most of all I hated to leave her, but we soon found my Mistress who it turns out had been waiting impatiently for some time, but to my surprise she was not mad. Vulkna reluctantly handed me back over to my Mistress.

Vulva asked her, "Well, how wass it? Wass he a good boy?"

Vulkna replied, "Oh yes, he was most um, enthusiastic. It was incandescent; he filled me so full I thought I would overflow. For such a small fire demon he did quite well and I have no complaints. Would you um, consider selling him by chance?"

Vulva threw back her head and hissed in amusement, "No, I am ssorry Ssister but he iss not for sale for any price, now or ever. You forget, he iss mine body and ssoul, and I never part with one who carriess part of my ssoul in them." Seeing her friends crestfallen look Vulva relented and added, "But I ssee no reasson why I cannot, um, loan him to you on occasssion? Hmmm, hisss?"

I had been watching the exchange, my feelings mixed and confused. On one hand I loved my new mate, but could not bear the thought of being parted from my Mistress. I looked back and forth from one to the other in consternation as they worked out the details. I was relieved, and overjoyed, at the final arrangements they made concerning my "sexual" duties.

Once a month, time permitting, I would be "rented" to Vulkna for a weekend to provide my "services" in whatever way she desired. Those weekends were very special times for me, and she taught me a great deal about what my powers where and what it meant to be a fire demon. We're a little more, um, complicated, then the more "common" demons. What she had to pay Vulva I didn't know and didn't care.

I was quite happy when we left the party which was over as most guests had already gone home and the slaves were cleaning up. So was Vulva, she had won first prize in the "Go Fish" card game, a large solid gold diamond inlaid trophy. When we got back to her office and quarters she threw it in a closet with a big pile of similar trophies. We made a quick trip to the baths, and then both of us, totally exhausted, went to bed. She mumbled irately when she couldn't find her favorite pillow, and I waited for my chance and carefully pushed the burnt remains farther under the bed. Then I laid down on my "asbestos" rug and went to sleep, or tried to.

As I tried to sleep I couldn't help but think of all that had happened to me in the last twenty hours or so, and moaned at the remembered pain and terror. In that time I had been almost dead from being horribly sexually tortured by the insane Beautre sisters, been raped by a Demoness (no, that's not fair, it may have started as rape, but by the end I was a willing partner), been transformed into the thing I was now which had been horribly painful to both my body and soul, had part of my soul taken from me and been damned forever and dragged down to hell, had almost been eaten several times, and had been repeatedly and horribly traumatized both mentally and physically. I should have been totally insane by now, but I felt pretty good overall considering. I think the genuine concern and affection, and maybe even just a little love, my Mistress had shown for me when she saved my life and ended my pain at the hands of the psycho barbies has made the difference and kept me sane. Yes, my Mistress had done it for her own reasons and made me the thing I am now, but I do not regret it even though I am appalled at what I have become. I now have someone who cares for, and will always take care of me, and for that she will always have my love and total devotion. I gave a sigh of happiness when I also thought of my rather large lover who had taught me that sex didn't always have to be only pain, but that pain and pleasure could be the same. Finally, coming at least partially to grips at what I had endured, I started to doze off.

A short time later I heard a strange shuffling dragging sound coming from down the hall and as usual just had to go and investigate. I stuck my head in the room and the potted plant had pulled itself out of the pot and was shuffling out the door on large fleshy looking roots. Yipe! I ran back to the bedroom and dragged my sleepy protesting Mistress down the hall. Then I pointed at the plant and hopped up and down "Lookit lookit!" I thought. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, looked where I was pointing, and then smacked me across the snout with her tail. "Ssilly beassst, you woke me for that? I thought it wass ssomething important! Hisss! He'ss jusst going for a walk! Now come back to bed and DON'T bother me anymore. Hisss!" She went back off down the hall and left me sitting there rubbing my snout and looking at the plant which was giggling again. Heck, I thought that WAS important. I'd certainly never seen a potted plant go for a walk before! I had to remember where I was. After the plant left I finally snuck back into bedroom again and tried to go to sleep.

About half an hour later just as I was drifting off a loud moaning shriek echoed down the tunnels and I sat up with my eyes wide open. What the heck had that been? I quietly snuck over to the door and looked down the hall but didn't see anything. I moved down the hall to her office and looked inside, but still didn't see anything. Gingerly I moved into the office, but other than noticing the eyes of some of the paintings glowed in the dark just like my own I didn't see anything amiss. I started to turn and the cry came again, louder than ever and right outside the door. With a loud hiss I ran back to the bedroom, dived under the bed, and didn't some out until morning no matter what I heard.



The Seeker, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is Yiffy, so be warned. The Seeker, Chapter 3 By Williams W. Kelso I woke with a start when I heard my Mistress stirring on top of the bed. I'd finally managed to fall asleep for awhile...

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The Seeker, Chapter 1

Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and...

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The Seed

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seed By William W. Kelso For untold eons the seed had drifted through the cosmos, blown at random by unseem cosmic winds and eddies. It was not large or impressive, being about the size of a...

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