The Seeker, Chapter 4

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Fellow Furries, this is another story related to the actions of our Demoness friend who loves to get a hold of stupid mortals and transform them into her "pets", her specialty being virgins. It's a related spinoff to the "Reluctant Incubus" and "Unlucky Virgin" stories. As usual it's pretty Yiffy as she IS a patron of Carnal Pleasure and loves to play with her new pets. My stuff if copyrighted, so no Takee!

The Seeker, Chapter 4

By William W. Kelso

I was lying on my back under my Mistress's desk while she rubbed my tummy with her hooves; as usual she was busy on the Hellnet trying to keep up with all the tedious stuff a Demoness of her power has to put up with. "Fricken Spam, HISS!" I heard her growl more than once. One good thing about being a slave is you're not expected to handle stuff like that, but don't give her any ideas! I couldn't believe I'd only been here a week, that my own rather painful transformation from human to demon had only been a few days ago, but it seemed like centuries to me, time in Hell is strange. Hell, the whole place is very strange. I started licking my Mistress's legs in the hope that would put her in the mood to have me service her sexually for a couple of hours like usual, but she was really busy today and ignored my "suggestion". Bummer. So I just chewed on the GAY harness she makes me wear, but of course the damn thing is chew proof, plus it can only be removed with a special spell only she knows. She thinks of everything. She also thinks I look cute, so I'm stuck with the thing. It's so embarrassing.

My Mistress is the Demoness Vulva, one of the Patroness's of Carnal Pleasure of which there are more than a few, and she also runs the breeding pits of hell. But she is extra powerful in that her specialty is the seduction and/or rape of virgins, both the really stupid ones that actually manage to summon her themselves, or the sacrificial ones like me. When she is through raping us and we give her our virgin seed freely (she can't take it against our will) we all become creatures of hell, demons, ourselves. Each one is unique though, and has its own special "function" to perform in the eternal service of our Mistress. We're kind of unique as very few demons are created; most are born like they are. Because we are innocents when she takes our virgin seed she also takes part of our soul and replaces it with part of her own soul. Once this is done we have no choice but to change, to become a demon ourselves and we are bound to her as a kind of extended part of herself. Some of the forms we take are truly horrible, even to something like me and believe me I have a whole new perspective when it comes to what's horrible or not. How'd you like to end up as a giant man-eating potted plant or a mindless breeding stud in the breeding pits of hell, spending eternity servicing animals and beasts, 24/7? At least those poor sexual monsters go insane from the agonizing ecstasy at some point. The rest of us ain't so lucky, but frankly I think I got off pretty "light" all things considered. I'm my Mistress's familiar now, a pretty "good" job, or at least as "good" as it gets down here. I get to follow her around all the time and run errands, which are a good thing as otherwise I'd have gotten eaten by now. She has to stop that from happening about three times a day on average.

Me? I was a virgin sacrifice. Two rubber room graduates, the Beautre sisters, sacrificed me to my Mistress. The catch was they'd "played" with me first by sexually torturing me to the point I was almost dead. Boy did that piss Vulva off, she did NOT like being offered "damaged goods". First Vulva healed my horrible wounds and the internal injuries that I was close to dying from, and took away the pain. Then when she raped my body and soul I accepted her offer of sexual release in exchange for my soul. But it was really more like genuine lovemaking as I was a totally cooperative partner and I truly wanted what she offered, and it surprised her as much as it did me that we gave one another so much agonizing pleasure. Previously my so-called sex life had been a joke, so my only perceptions of sex were that it hurt and was painful, but she changed that. She literally saved my live, and damned me as her slave in Hell for eternity, and I love her for it. She is the only family I have ever known, the only one who has ever truly cared for me, and has given me a "home". I will die to protect her.

Oh right, what am I? I'm a rather small fire demon, a Dragon or Drake to be more precise. I'm what they call a "Seeker" down here, a very powerful little demon in my own right even though I'm only a slave. I am the demonic version of a repo man, but I repossess souls. When your contract is up and payment is due I'm one of the ones they send to collect your soul. At first the idea revolted me, but the souls I claim are not nice people, nice people don't make deals with demons. I now look at it as more of a public service, kind of like a garbage collector. The major power of my type of demonkind is we can leave Hell without being summoned since we're on "official" business, and there are very few of us so our services are in great command.

What do I look like? Boy, you have a lot of questions don't you? Why don't you come out from under the bed? I won't eat you, I promise. No? Well, it was worth a try I guess. OK, I look like a small Dragon, dark red scales, black wings, spines, and claws. No horns though, except for my spines and crest I'm pretty sleek. I'm a fire demon, like I said, and as a result have special needs such as stuff tends to burst into flames when I'm around as my body heat approaches that of molten lava. I also drool saliva that bursts into the flame when it hits anything, and I pee molten lead (or something that looks like it). Because of that we have our own special bathrooms so we don't blow the place up every time we need to go. We're not very popular with the Imps and beasts that have to clean up after us. I'm nude of course, no one in Hell wears clothes unless they're lawyers or weirdoes, but you can't tell my sex unless I'm aroused as I carry all my gear inside. Fire demons are almost all reptilian, both the male and female vents look pretty much the same; WE can tell the difference though. I'm pretty popular with the lady fire demons and my Mistress makes a bundle renting me out to them for my sexual services, which is fine with me and I'm always eager to please. By our standards I'm a hunk, and despite my rather small size (for a fire demon) I'm hung like a Donkey, probably thanks to my Mistress when she transformed me since she IS a sex demoness after all, so it "rubbed off" on me as it does all her creations. We're all sex crazed to some extent, we have to be as it really helps to make this place a lot more endurable.

She also rents me out for my major function as well, to collect souls for other demons or demoness's. I haven't been doing it long, but already have a rep for being very good at it despite occasional, um, glitches. Like I said she makes a bundle off of me; all I get is a brimstone cookie if I do a good job. But that's fine with me; her approval is all I want.

I'm also her familiar which is pretty rare and an honor of sorts. She can literally connect to my brain anytime she wants and hear, see, and feel what I'm doing. If she desires I can connect to hers as well, but only if she lets me. I can "call" her anytime though to ask for instructions or just to talk as it's the only way I can as I have no vocal chords capable of human speech. I can deliver messages for her and she can speak through me despite the fact I can't talk myself, which really creeps out the messages recipients. This is very useful as radios and cell phones don't work in Hell, all electronic communications are done through the Hellnet via cable and DSL. If my Mistress desires we can actually change bodies so she can take over mine on special or very dangerous missions. That way if my body gets squished she's OK. It also makes for some very interesting sexual escapades. Sometimes when she's coupling, either with me or one of her other numerous daily partners, she'll let me "become" her and feel what it's like to have sex as a female demoness. It's even better when she lets me feel what it's like as both her and me while I'm servicing her, to experience sex as both male and female at the same time. It's indescribable. Anyway, enough already with the boring background details, on with the story. Sure you won't come out from under the bed? Aw man.

I was dozing off again when the computer suddenly chimed to let her know a high priority message had arrived. She immediately accepted it and opened it as in Hell you don't ignore important messages as you do NOT want to get your boss mad at you; it's a bad career move. She read it, gave a loud Hiss of annoyance and said,

"Not now, I'm busy! Of all the damn times to send someone to check my books! Damn Infernal Revenue Service! What, in FIVE minutes! HIIIIIIISSSSSSSS!!"

That last shriek woke me up and I hit my head on the underside of the desk, BAM! &%$@# HISS! And about that time I heard, and smelled, someone or something walk into the office. P-U, I thought, what died? I stuck my head out from under the desk and holy crap it was the Crypt Keeper! "Don't worry Mistress, I'll save you!" I yelled, and with a snarl I attacked.

I had him by the leg and was dragging him around the room while he hit me over the head with a big heavy briefcase. Vulva was screaming at me and the stupid potted plant was giggling again.

"STOP it my pet, he's the IRS agent, let him go NOW!" She yelled and said in my mind at the same time.

I froze. Oooops, I'd done it again, why do I always jump to the wrong conclusion? I don't know, it's a gift I guess. So I spit him out, (yuck) and tried so slink back to the bedroom to hide. No such luck.

"Ohhh Pet." My Mistress said softly,

"Yes Mistress?" I cringed.

"Come here, NOW!" was her answer.

Oh crap. So I slunk over to her with my belly on the ground and started kissing her hooves. "I'm sorry I tried to eat the stinky guy Mistress, pleeaasee don't give me to Equa to play with!"

SMACK! She whacked me across the snout with her barbed tail. SMACK! "What is it with you any way? She hissed. Why do you attack everything you see! It's embarrassing! Do I have to keep you on a leash all the time? Hiiiisssss!"

I wailed, "I'm sorry Mistress, he was creepy looking!"

SMACK! "EVERYTHING in Hell is creepy looking, that's no excuse!" she replied. "He's not even scary, just rotten!" SMACK!

He looked plenty scary to me! "Mistress, I'm sorry, I thought he was going to hurt you, you were all upset!" That seemed to calm her down.

"Really?" she said in a slightly softer roar. "Well, DON'T do it again unless I give you permission, just hiss threateningly next time, OK?" She gave my bruised snout an affectionate pat.

She can never stay mad at me long despite my lack of common sense as she knows I mean well. So I just hissed in delight and rubbed my head against her leg, forgiven, joy! My Mistress's approval means more to me than anything. "Hiiiiiss" I crooned as I rubbed her leg and licked it.

Meanwhile the IRS agent had gotten up, stuck his leg back on, and was watching our interaction with distaste. At least I think it was distaste, kind of hard to tell when half his face was gone. He did look like the Crypt Keeper too; I guess he was a zombie or one of the undead of some kind. He wore a rotten suit that was about a hundred years out of date, and pieces of his body were always falling off. I'M not cleaning that stuff up! I thought.

"Mistress Vulva, I presume", he said as he gave her his card, keeping a close eye on me. I just smiled at him and he backed up a couple of paces and got his briefcase read again.

"You know it's me Reggie, she replied. Has it already been a hundred years? How time flies when you're having fun, now to what honor do I owe this visit, as if I have to ask?"

"Astute as always Madam, it is so nice to deal with someone who does not officiate or otherwise seek to delay the inevitable." He said in a gargly kind of voice; guess his vocal cords are rotten too.

With a plop one of his ears fell off and I eyed it in distaste. I picked it up and held it up to him, he said "Thank you" and stuck it back on. Gross.

"A charmer as ever, flattery will get you nowhere though. Now, do you want to see the real books or the cooked ones? I can arrange the usual bribe." Vulva hissed.

The IRS zombie gave a really gross chuckle; either that or he was dying again. "Straight to the point, Madam Vulva, I can appreciate that. Much as your bribes are always fair and generous, I'm afraid that this time I must see the real books. The Great Lord Ba'al is on an anti-corruption streak again I'm afraid. He's actually serious about it this time as some demi-demons and one Gorgon have found out, the, um, hard way. Let me put it this way, he has several new living skin rugs around his throne."

Vulva gave a nervous gulp, and said, "Well, fortunately you've come at a good time as things have been going rather well the last hundred years. Hisssss. Got in a new Hell stud a few decades ago and production is really up. I'll send my, um, assistant to get the books.

"Ohhh, pet?"

Crap, I thought. "Yes O'Supreme and most beautiful Mistress? You called your humble and dutiful slave, I hear and obey! You have but to ask o'lovely one!"

"Don't be funny; I'm not in the mood for it!" she said in my head. "Go to the office supply closet and get me the RED books, NOT the green ones. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mistress!" And I started to do as she ordered, then stopped. Wait a second, the office supply closet, anything but that! I was scared to death of that place!

"Is there a problem?" she asked with that tone of voice which, either aloud or in my head, I had learned to dread as it usually preceded a whack up the side of my head or butt.

"Mistress, I whined, it's dark and creepy and there are dead things in there!"

"THEY'RE DEAD! For Ba'al's sake you're a DEMON, act like one! Now GO Slave!" she hissed in that "or else" voice that was far scarier than any possible dead things.

YIPE! I hissed and scurried out of the room as fast as I could. So what if they're dead, I thought, that doesn't mean anything down here! As I passed the photo of Hitler he tried to get me to stay and visit for awhile, but I just snarled like I usually do. As usual the giant snake in the other photo was busy swallowing a screaming naked woman. I guess it's an indication of my mental state as I didn't pay any attention.

I snuck up to the plain door marked "OFFICE SUPPLIES" on a brass plaque, and underneath was scratched "And Dead Things". I thought maybe if I just attacked and grabbed the books I might make it out again. So I yanked the door open and jumped into the middle of the closet and roared, and the door shut and the lights went out.

"MIISSTTRREESSSSS!" I screamed in her mind as I felt things start to touch me in the dark as I flailed around. "They've got me, HEEEELLLPPPPP!"

Vulva grimaced at the sudden pain in her head. "Excuse me please Reggie, she smiled, little matter I have to clean up. Be right back."

I was engaged in mortal combat with unseen foes by now, and they were winnging "Miiissstreessss!" I squealed again. "I'm gonna die!" About that time the door opened and the light came on again and I found I was locked in a death match with a mop, two brooms, and a large garbage bag full of styrofoam peanuts that were melting from my body heat. Vulva took the red books off the shelf and gave me an "I'll take care of you later" look, said "Really pitiful." And shut the door and left, and the lights went out again.

"Miiisssstttreessss!" I squealed again as new unseen horrors started ganging up on me, I was outnumbered! I finally calmed down a little as I realized most of my attackers were just more office and cleaning supplies, and made my way over to the door. There was no handle, or light switch. With a hissing moan I sat down next to the wall and finally remembered to use my night vision, and looked up just as something large and blacked launched itself off the top shelf and landed on me. "MIIISSSSTTTTRREEESSSS!" I howled as I tore the garbage bag to shreds.

Finally, after what seemed like years but probably wasn't more than several hours the door opened again and the light came on. By then I was huddled in a corner with my wings over my head and thinking "They're not alive, it's all in your head, they're not alive!" A few things had melted from my body heat and I was covered in partially melted garbage bags and peanuts, they were smoldering so the room was full of smoke. When Vulva stepped in the closet I ran over and grabbed her leg. "Oh, thank you Mistress, thank you, thank you, for saving me! It was horrible!!"

She shook me off her leg and gave me a hard smack across my muzzle. "Look at this mess, she hissed, you wrecked the joint! You have any idea how hard it is to get office supplies around here! Hiiisssss! And look what you did to my shrunken heads collection, you burned the hair off Chief Mugabe you crazy little cretin!" SMACK! WHACK!

"Hiss! Hiss!" I said as I ran around the office squealing with my Mistress in hot pursuit, whacking her tail across my rump whenever she got the chance. Finally I dove under the desk which offered some protection. She reached under and tried to grab me a couple of times. When that didn't work she tried another angle.

"Ohh pet, come here please, dear." She softly hissed.

"Nu-uh, I replied, you'll hit me again". No chance."

"If you make me come under there after you, you won't like it my little jelly bean." She hissed in a more serious tone of hiss.

"You won't give me to Equa?" I asked.

"No, she actually laughed a little; I promise I won't give you to the nice horse demoness lady."

"She's NOT nice; she eats things with her pussy!" I replied, but came slinking out from under the desk. Equa was a vore demoness that looked like a giant horse/lizard thing; her specialty was eating living things with her vagina. I'd run into her during a party and ever since she'd had this thing for me. It was kind of a running joke (at least I hoped it was) that Vulva would threaten me with being turned over to the amorous Equa if I didn't behave.

I crawled over to my Mistresses hooves and crouched obediently, my eyes shut waiting for the expected smacks from her hand or tail. I'd been bad and knew I deserved it. To my surprise she put a claw (a SHARP claw) under my chin and lifted up my head, so cautiously I opened one eye and looked at her. He reached down with her other hand and I flinched, but instead started to scratch my crest which I loved, and I hissed in pleasure.

"Why can't I stay mad at you, my pet?" She asked herself in a puzzled voice as she kept scratching and I hissed in adoration. "Maybe it's because you make me laugh so much, which is nice. Or maybe it's because I LIKE you, the very idea!" Hiiissss! She gave me a finger snap on my nose and said, "Please try to behave though, one day you'll really get in trouble if you're not careful and I don't want anything to happen to my sweet babboo."

Your sweet WHAT? I thought. Guess I'm the comic relief. "I promise Mistress, I'll try to be good. Mistress?"

"What?" she asked.

"I love you." I hissed as I rubbed my head against her leg.

"I have no idea why." She replied, but I knew she did.

"And now back to business!" she said with a sigh, and standing up she went back to her desk and sat down.

Everything being right in the world again I crawled back under the table and lay with my head on her hooves. "Mistress?" I asked.

"What!" she said in annoyance.

"How'd it go with Mr. Gruesome?" I said.

"You mean Reggie, he's not so bad. For a change he was actually happy with my books, actually been turning a profit lately. You've been a big help by the way, just the advances on your, um, services for the next few years have nicely padded the profit margin. (I hissed in pleasure at that news). He was glad he'd have some good news for our Great Lord. Poor guy never gets much of that. Of course makes us look good. Our Great Lord likes you, you know."

Ugh, I shuddered. Having someone like the Great Lord Ba'al like you is worse than having him not even know you exist, which is much more preferable. He's a big scary boogie-man. Being my Mistress's Lord and Master (she's his slave just like I'm hers) makes me Ba'al's property too. We both work for him. At least he's not MAD at us (shudder).

"Well lookie here my pet, we have an email from your admirer Vulkna!" She opened it and after a minute gave a very pleased hiss, and said "Oh my, this is most welcome news, oh my yes! Hiss Hiss Hiss!"

At the name of my fellow fire demon, and lover, the fire Dragon Vulkna I gave a happy sigh as I remembered our monumental mating in the South Vent volcano. It had been as close to heaven as I would ever get in this place, not that I'd ever go there anyway. Wasn't part of the retirement package as demons never retire, we just cease to exist. But on the up side we live forever unless something nasty happens to us, and we are really hard to destroy. Vulkna had been my first mate since my transformation, and had been as gentle with me as could be expected seeing as what we are. She and my Mistress had taught me that sex didn't have to be all pain and agony, and I loved her as much as my Mistress. My Mistress had arranged to let me "visit" her once a month barring any scheduling conflicts, and I was eagerly looking forward to those magical trysts with my huge lover.

"What does she have to say, Mistress?" I asked politely. "Does she miss me?" I asked hopefully.

Vulva started snorting in pleased laughter. "Oh yes, she does most definitely miss her little "stud muffin", and cracked up. "Hiss! Hisss! Hisssss!"

Oh great, I thought, how embarrassing! And put my paws over my head.

When Vulva finally calmed down, which took awhile, she said, "But that's not the only good news. You're going to be a daddy! Vulkna is gravid with eggs! Hiss, hiss hiiissss!"

WHAT! I thought, and lifting my head promptly banged it on the underside of the desk again. BAM! OW! $^%! "What do you mean Mistress? I asked, I thought I was sterile! You said I was!"

"And so I thought my pet, but I should have realized just how special you are since I'm pregnant too, my virile little lizard!" She hissed softly.

WHAT! BAM! ^$%@!! "I, who, me, WHAT?" I slithered out from under the desk and stared at her in total amazement. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean too!"

She looked at me in surprise of her own, "Sorry, my pet? Oh no, I am greatly pleased!" She said as she gently rubbed her stomach. "It is rare that one such as I am allowed to bear young, it is only once every one or two hundred years that I rape a virgin who's seed is powerful enough to quicken in my womb, and it has been almost 250 years since the last time. I was starting to think I was too old, but I'm only 3000, give or take a few hundred. What is even more amazing is you are evidently still virile, usually those of my slaves who do not become Hell studs lose their virility because of the trauma of their changes." She looked at me with her tongue licking over her fangs in delight. The sight would make most people pass out from shock but to me it was lovely.

Well, this was an interesting development to say the least. This was another fine mess I'd gotten myself into. Me, a father, with HER and a Dragon, goodness knows what the kids look like! I tried to visualize it and scared myself. "But how will I, I mean, I'm just a slave. How can I support them, I don't even get paid! I wouldn't be a good father!" I hissed in consternation.

Vulva threw her head back, making her large firm breast jut out and I drooled at the sight, and gave another long series of amused hisses. "You are so sweet, my randy little slave. OH, my pet, you make me laugh more in day then I used to in a hundred years. The males have nothing to do with raising the young: that is the duty of the mothers! Most males never even see their young, and don't care about them anyway. You do not have to worry about that, my pet. Hiss Hiss Hiss!"

"That's sad." I said with a mournful little hiss.

"What is sad, my pet?" Vulva asked in curiosity.

"That they never get to see their children." I replied. "Mistress, can I see my children sometime, please?" I looked at her hopefully.

"Why yes, I don't see why not. I'm sure the females you sire children on would not have a problem with that request, though it is unusual. Come to think about it, for a demon you're pretty unusual yourself. But no, I don't think your mates would mind that. I think some of them would be pleased you showed such interest in post mating developments."

"Mates? I asked, but only you and Vulkna are pregnant, I haven't mated with any other fire demoness's yet."

"Not yet! Vulva said with glee, not yet! But I've already gotten offers from fifteen other females wanting your services for the purpose of breeding. Virile male fire demons are quite rare, and you are going to be a busy little lizard, my pet. AND make me a lot of income to boot! Winners all around. Hiss Hiss Hissss!"

Me, a father, in this place? Who'd a thought? Actually the idea sounded kind of nice. I gave a loud pleased hiss, and it got louder as I thought of all the females I'd get to service. Happy times are here again, Doo-dah, Doo-dah! "Hiiiiissssssssssss!"

My Mistress looked at me and I think she knew exactly what I was thinking. "Come here my pet and pleasure your Mistress, I think it's time for a little celebration! Hissss!"

My Hiss got louder, Oh Boy! My favorite pastime in the whole of Hell!

She got out of her chair and pushed it to one side and leaned across the desk and raised her tail for me. I moaned in lust at the sight of her swollen sex, being what she is she's always in a state of mild estrus, and it doesn't take much to put her into full bloom, which I eagerly proceeded to do with my tongue. I hissed softly as I licked her mound with slow wet licks, then slowly worked my tongue inside of her and she leaned over a little more and gave a grunt of pleasure, her tail caressing my shoulders and neck as I ate her, forcing my tongue deeper and deeper as the amazing muscles of her sex kissed me back . Finally she gave a deep guttural moan and I knew she was ready for me. I was about to mount her and had the head of my penis pressed against her lips when I had a sudden thought and hesitated.

"Uggggh, Hissssss!" she moaned, "What are you waiting for slave, my loins ache for you; do not tease your Mistress! Hissss!"

You will never know difficult it was for me to stop at that point as my own lust was fully aroused, and I'm just an animal, literally, when it comes to sex. "Uggggghhh I gasped in her and my own heads, Misstress, what about the baby! I don't want to, ohhhhh, give it a black eye or something! Uggggh, Hissssssss!!"

"Foolish beast, she squealed, it's only been a week, besides I carry my young for many years before I give birth! Stupid slave shut up and FUCK ME!"

"Yesss, My Mistress" I hissed and mounted her with a powerful lunge, grabbing her shoulders in my front paws. I thrust several times to force all twenty inches of myself into her slick wet embrace. Then grunting and hissing in beastial lust I humped and fucked her as I had been ordered, bringing us both to massive orgasm after orgasm, our hisses and screams of agonized ecstasy echoing down the tunnels. Any demon or Imp that showed up with business had enough sense to wait until their Mistress was through rutting as that was one activity where Vulva would not accept any excuse if she was interrupted. Some of them, aroused by the powerful sexual musk's coming from the office, grabbed partners of their own, willing or unwilling, and soon a small orgy was going on in the hallway, which for around here was not that unusual at all. Sometimes these things end up lasting for days.

Of course it was too good to last, and after only an hour of grunting frenzied animal sex the computer chimed with a High Priority message. My Mistress gave an annoyed grunt even as we both climaxed again, and answered the message. "Great Lord! She said, an unexpected honor!"

"Of course it is", said the deep cultured voice of Great Lord Ba'al from the computer screen. "And I see you are hard at work as usual my randy little bitch! Who is that fucking you? Why, it's your new pet, isn't it? The nice respectful one and I must say he is certainly enjoying himself. Tell me, how does his cock feel inside of you my insatiable slave?"

"Great Lord, ugggghhhh! He is, um, very large and very good, at, ugggggggh! what he is doing. HIIIIIISSSSSSS, UH UH OHH UH!"

Ba'al chuckled, "Why Vulva dear I do believe he just made you come! And from the sounds he did too! How delightful, it is so hard to get them to coordinate like that! Do not stop, I am enjoying the show. I do enjoy quality voyeurism, and you are always so, um, enthusiastic with your hobby. In fact I may have the two of you over to perform during dinner some evening for some light entertainment, and make you available for the guests as well, maybe a nice gang bang. Would you like that?"

Vulva lowered her head and gave a deep grunt as her pet thrust into her again, "Thank you Great Lord, it would be a great honor, we have only just, ugggggghhh, gotten started, ohhhhh! Hisssss!"

I was totally oblivious to what was going on, my head as thrown back and my tongue was hanging from the side of my mouth as I squealed and grunted in agonized pleasure as I mated with my Mistress, my claws digging brutally into her shoulders and I thrust and lunged, roaring every time another orgasm rocked us.

As we copulated my Mistress kept up her conversation, despite numerous pauses to gasp or grunt in pleasure from my attentions, which just delighted the Great Lord even more. He gave her instructions for another, very important, "mission" for me to undertake. Of course I didn't hear any of it as I was distracted.

Finally I felt myself reaching my limit after almost two hours of nonstop fucking and who knows how many orgasms, I never keep count. As I felt myself reaching one final massive orgasm I lowered my head and bit my Mistress on the back of her neck hard (like she liked) and found myself staring into Ba'al's eyes even as I was coming. He smiled at me and winked his eye, and then the screen went blank. With a final bellow as I pumped into her I slid off of my Mistress and collapsed on the floor, my penis still spewing my molten seed which burned small craters in the stone floor. I don't if I passed out from the ecstasy or the shock of finding myself staring into Ba'al's face while I was fucking my Mistress. It was probably a combination of both. Like I said, he's a scary boogie-man and I'm terrified of him.

I recovered quickly, still in a pleasant daze, and as usual cleaned my Mistress using my tongue to clean off our sexual juices, both outside and inside of her, taking my time and enjoying myself immensely while she gave small grunts of approval, and I hoped she'd order me to mount her again, but no such luck. Eating my Mistress before, and after, mating was a treat for something like me. Forget about your own inhibitions, you have NO idea what it was like. While I cleaned her and pleasured her she told me the Great Lord Ba'al himself had a mission for me. She told me the details and it seemed pretty straight forward. It was the usual snatch and grab of a soul long overdue for collection. Should be a routine operation, but as usual I never learn. If you except ANYthing to be routine in the service of Hell you will get your butt handed to you on a platter every time.

Having finished my duties My Mistress took us to the bath cave. We checked in, the attentive attendants ushered us into our private grotto, and we both jumped into the boiling sulphur tub with squeals of delight. I didn't eat any of it this time as last time I'd found a human skull in the tub (yeeeech, I'd almost choked to death), but I did completely submerge until only my nose was showing and enjoyed the heat soaking into my tired muscles (servicing my Mistress is very strenuous). Finally she pushed my nose under and I almost choked again. Then it was on to the boiling mud bath where I promptly got in another mud pie battle with the attendants and despite being outnumbered gave as good as I got, while Vulva watched in amusement as the mud flew. They finally overwhelmed me with a full frontal assault and I had to surrender. Even demons can have fun sometimes. Then it was the nice cool boiling water bath to clean off the remnants of the sulphur and mud, and then it was time for me to "go to work".

I'd only been on a few "missions" so far, but after my first one where I'd materialized (thanks to a rotten imp operator I was still looking for) in the middle of a busy highway and been bounced off a car, two trucks, a telephone pole, and ended up in a culvert full of ice water and slush, my other missions had been easy so far. So I had no reason to think this one would be any different. Oh, the best laid plans of mice and demons!

She led me to the pentagram room, but kept me on the leash this time so I wouldn't attack the operator if it made any snide remarks about my GAY harness. It didn't so I climbed up on the raised platform, sat down and folded my wings around me, and a second later was somewhere else.

I felt the familiar sensation of falling and disorientation, familiar yes, but you never get used to it. When it ended as abruptly as it began I cautiously unfolded my wings and took a look around. I appeared to be in a large abandoned warehouse of some kind. So far so good, at least I hadn't popped up in the middle of I-20 during rush hour. I carefully surveyed my surroundings as the pentagram faded, using all my senses. I didn't see, hear, smell, or sense anything.

"Mistress, I reported, I've arrived and it looks quiet, moving out now." I felt like a commando.

"Keep me informed, my pet." She responded.

I climbed the wall of the building and exited through a smashed out window and started climbing the rest of the way up to the roof on the side of the building. Being a reptile I can climb almost anywhere like a lizard, at least most of the time, but this wasn't one of those times. I lost my grip on a slick spot and fell; squealing the whole way, four stories into a dumpster full of trash which promptly caught on fire from my body heat, and the lid slammed shut after me and locked itself. In a panic I bellowed and roared while I struggled to get free, and the whole dumpster was bouncing up and down. What the two bums sleeping next to it thought I have no idea as they were long gone by the time I dragged myself out, covered in stinking smoldering garbage. Some commando I am, I thought. I didn't bother to tell my Mistress what had happened, I don't like being laughed at. Well, if at first you don't succeed, give up, but not having that option I climbed back up, avoiding slick looking spots, and made it to the roof this time without any further horribly embarrassing incidents. As soon as I reached the roof I looked for the beacon that would indicate the location of my target while I picked the few remaining, now well done, pieces of garbage off my body. Showing up to claim a soul looking like you lived in a dumpster would not make a good impression, I mean even demons have some pride about their appearance. And there it was, shining like a big red spotlight during opening night at a theatre, but only I could see it. It's Showtime! I thought, with a smile that would have, and does, curdle milk. I leaped from the multi-story building and flapping my wings I headed towards the beacon in the distance. If anyone, or anything, saw my passage they had the good sense to keep their mouths shut.

As usual the beacon was coming from a rather impressive private residence, selling your soul can be quite profitable; it's paying the tab that sucks. I circled the large house looking for the best means of entrance. I preferred skylights or large bay windows, even a chimney can do in a pinch, but no such luck this time. All the windows were small and/or shuttered tight. How irritating, they could slow me down, but never stop me. The Terminator dude's got nothing on me, I'd kick his butt. It always annoyed me when they resisted the inevitable. I finally decided on the front door this time, it would make a nice grand entry. I set down light as a feather (my landing have gotten a LOT better lately, no nosedive his time) and folded my wings. No guards, no alarms, no nothing. If I hadn't been so overconfident and cocky I might have been worried. Usually they put up some kind of a fight. I walked up to the door, my claws clicking on the flagstones, and with a hissing snicker I rang the doorbell, which melted when I touched it. You can imagine my surprise when it was promptly answered. By a butler no less, with a British accent!

He didn't even blink when he saw me, but I did. "Good evening sir, he said very correctly and politely, the Master is expecting you. Please follow me."

OK, I thought, this is getting weird, but I'll go along with it for now. Usually if you find a demon from Hell on your front porch you don't just invite him in for tea and crumpets. I sniffed the man, but he was just an ordinary human. Not even another demon bound to the targets service. He was safe from me unless he tried to impede me from my duty, doing that was a big mistake.

The butler led me up a broad staircase and about halfway up a man came to the top of the stairs dressed in a smoking jacket and holding a snifter of fine brandy. "Oh, there you are, he said jovially. You're late, expected you earlier. Do come up, I've been looking forward to meeting you." And then disappeared again, moving back out of sight. Definitely my target, I could smell him now.

OK, I thought, definitely beyond weird now. Usually they'd be launching cruise missiles at me or at least pleading and begging by now. With a hiss I stopped and looked around straining my senses, this wasn't right, something stank (and for once it wasn't me). The butler stopped and waited politely. Maybe he's just resigned to his fate? I thought. If he doesn't waste my time I'll be as gentle as possible with him, but the end result would be the same. I was shocked when the butler whispered quietly to me, "Be careful sir, he is an evil bastard." If he'd told me he wanted to have my babies I couldn't have been more shocked. I looked at him with narrowed eyes, then proceeded up the stairs. He stayed behind to stamp out the small fires my feet had started on the carpet where I'd stood for too long in one spot. Then he joined me at the top of the stairs and with a brief bow led me down the hall towards a set of double doors.

He started to open the doors, but I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned with a look of surprise and I pointed back down the hall. He gave another small bow, said "Thank you sir." And turned and left. I didn't need his help anymore, and his warning had earned him my good graces. I was here for only one soul, and did not want an innocent to possible get caught in the crossfire. Odd feelings for a demon you think? Believe it or not we are bound by rules and laws of our own, and the killing of innocents while on a mission is highly frowned upon, unless they seek to impede our way. In that case it's open season.

I thought the door would at least be locked, but they swung open on well oiled hinges and I entered a large library. It was most impressive; my target obviously had good taste. That didn't matter now though. He was sitting behind a large desk looking at a very old book, smoking a pipe, and sipping at his brandy. I hissed and walked over to the desk, and made a "come here" motion with my finger. He looked up with a big smile, and said, "Surely you'll let me finish my last cigar and snifter of brandy, won't you?"

No, I thought, I won't. I gave deeper growling hiss and beckoned again. He was keeping me from my Mistress's side and I was growing impatient. Just because I can leave Hell for short periods of time doesn't mean I don't want to get back as soon as possible, it's my home now. His smile was starting to irritate me now, so I started to reach across the table. His smile suddenly faded and he said "I don't think so you filthy beast." And he chanted a short spell of some kind and all of a sudden I was enveloped in a bright blue light and it HURT.

I screamed as I fell to my knees, it felt like I was on fire, but how could that be? I'm a fire demon, I can't burn. This was impossible, nothing can harm me while on an officially sanctioned mission, and no one less than the Great Lord Ba'al himself had sent me! And oh, it hurt and burned, "MIISSTTRREESS!" I screamed in my mind, "He's hurting me!!" I slowly keeled over until my head was resting on the floor and moaned at the agony.

"Yes, he said, that's it. Bow before your new master you pathetic thing. Did you really think a third rate demon like you could collect ME? It's an insult they sent a bungler like you! You see you insignificant little turd, I've changed sides as it were and now work for the "good" guys. It's the light of heaven that binds you and you are helpless. It can destroy you, hurts doesn't it?"

"Miisstreess, I'm sorry. I've failed you, please forgive me!" I was lying on the floor now, totally helpless as the pain continued. I couldn't even lift my head to snarl at the arrogant human.

"I am coming, my pet!" I heard as my Mistress answered.

"Nooo, Mistress I replied, it's a trap!" But my warning was too late.

There was a loud clap of thunder, a cloud of red smoke, and my Mistress appeared and she was not happy. Because of the circumstances she was allowed to do this without being summoned, if a Seeker in her service was incapacitated or unable to fulfill its mission she was allowed to intervene. She saw me, and in rage turned to the man and said in a deep ominous voice. "Release him, Roger, he is mine and you have NO right to bind him so!"

The man gave a smile every bit as evil as any I've ever seen and with a gesture the pain increased and I screamed and frothed at the mouth. "I think not Hell bitch!"

She snarled and started to step forward, but stopped when the man said,

"Hold, or I will call down the full power and he will be totally destroyed, I see he is your familiar, and that would hurt even you."

"Mistress, I moaned. It's a trap, go now and save yourself!"

She hesitated for a second, then facing the man again, she asked, "What do you think you're doing, this stupid waste of time only delays your fate, and the Great Lord will be most displeased. Don't make the mistake of thinking Hell can't be even MORE unpleasant for one such as you. Besides, what makes you think I care about a minor demon who has failed me?"

The man just smiled and gestured again. I gave a wailing shriek as the pain went far beyond anything I'd ever thought possible, and my scales began to flake off and turn to dust. "AAAIIIIIIIEEEEEEEE!" I shrieked as I clawed feebly at the floor. I could feel myself starting to fade away, no afterlife, no soul left, just oblivion.

Vulva cried out, "Wait, stop it! What do you want, you bastard!"

He smiled, "Very well", he said, and gestured.

I gave a great gasping sob as the pain faded to at least bearable levels. I looked at my Mistress with stricken eyes, "I'm sorry I failed you, Mistress. Please forgive me."

"Hush, my pet. She said in my mind, rest now as much as you can. You'll need your strength. Your Mistress will not abandon you." She turned to the man.

"What do you want, I'm listening but my patience is short for such foolery." And she hissed in anger, her tail lashing back and forth.

The man smiled and said, "Loyalty among demonkind, how pathetic. How weak you've grown Vulva. What you will give me, with no argument, is another 500 years of youth and wealth."

Vulva threw back her head and laughed. "You stupid mortal, I could not grant that even if I wanted to. Your bargain was with Great Lord Ba'al himself, I am but a slave myself and do not have that authority. I only came here because I am the back up to this Seeker you have pinned."

"Well then, the man said, it looks like you're of no use to me." He made another gesture and another beam of bright blue light lanced down from the ceiling and pinned my Mistress! My Mistress screamed as she collapsed under the terrible bright light, trying to shield herself with her wings.

"Hisssss!" I shrieked in rage. With a guttural hissing snarl I managed to get to my knees and grip the edge of the table as I tried to get to the man and tear him apart for daring to hurt my Mistress!

The man smiled with amusement, "You are much stronger than I thought, little lizard." He gestured and the pain increased tenfold. With a shriek I collapsed again and the burning feeling became unbearable. I felt myself start to dissipate again, my body falling apart little by little. "Miiisssstttrrreessss!" I wailed as the horrible agony wracked my body and what was left of my soul.

"I've never destroyed a demon before, the man said; this should be interesting to watch. I wonder how long it will take. Tell me, little lizard, what does it feel like to feel yourself ceasing to exist? But then you can't talk can you because you're just a stupid animal. What a shame, I guess your screams will have to do."

I couldn't talk, but I could scream. And my Mistress was screaming too. I looked at her and tried to tell her I was sorry again, but her mind was shut to me from her own agony.

I watched as another column of bright blue light lanced down from the ceiling and when it faded an elegantly dressed man in a perfectly fitting white business suit was standing there. He radiated good will and calmness, and I stared with my mouth open, my pain momentarily forgotten. There was no doubt this was one of the good guys, but why was he doing business with such a depraved and evil old soul like Roger?

"Very well Roger, he said, I have given you powerful defenses against the denizens of hell. Now give me what is mine."

"Aw come on, Rafael old buddy, don't you want to watch the fun first. Thought you'd get a kick out of seeing a couple baddies go bye-bye." And he laughed.

The angel Rafael just grimaced. "I take no pleasure in seeing even such wretched creatures suffer. Now stop being difficult and give me the Holy relic."

I gave a deep moaning cry and got the angels attention, and gave him a "come here" gesture. I looked at my arm as I beckoned and shrieked again in agony as most of my scales were gone and the muscles underneath had started to dissolve and drift away as dust. He came over and looked down at me as I writhed in the light of heaven.

"What do you want, beast?" He asked. Speak and I will understand what you say.

"Please, I said pointing at Vulva. Please help her, I love her." Then I collapsed and gave another shriek.

The angel seemed puzzled and a little surprised. "You ask that I help her, but not yourself?"

"Please, I said, crying. He's hurting her! Take me, but not her. Please."

The angel said in wonder. "Self sacrifice; the greatest of all acts, from a demon?" He turned to the man. "Release them now!" and his voice brooked no argument.

The man cringed a little, but said, "And if I do what guarantee do I have that that they will not resume their efforts to claim my soul?"

Rafael replied, "I will protect you, now cease their torment or I will cancel our bargain!"

The man frowned, but said "As you wish." And gestured.

The two columns of light snapped off and with a moan I dragged myself across the floor and threw myself over my Mistress who was now unconscious, trying to shield her with my now ragged and torn wings before I too passed out.

The angel watched this and then turned to the man. "That little demon has more integrity and honor then you've ever had, you should see him as an example of what you could have been. Now give me the Holy relic, I grow sick of being in your presence."

The man said, "Yeah, whatever your high and mightiest. I'll go and get it, just wait here. You can have the beasties if you want them."

However, unbeknownst to anyone, another figure had quietly appeared in a corner of the room, and now he stepped forward and said, "No one is going anywhere. Hiya Rafael, long time, no hear, you never write anymore."

At the sight of Ba'al the man turned green in terror and sat down in the chair again. "Protect me!" he screamed at the angel.

The angel just looked at him in contempt, and then turned to face the demon lord. "He is under my protection, unfortunately, you may not have him."

Ba'al, who was in as close to a human form as he could wear, adjusted his silk tie and replied, "There is the small matter of a very legal binding contract I have for this creatures soul. It has been extended many times over the years and the final maximum limit of 500 years expired at midnight this night. I am MOST displeased that you have impeded my slave's legal and lawful duties and treated them most harshly. VERY displeased." And his eyes flared and his form started to shift for a moment, but then he regained his composure. He sat down in a chair and continued, "You have no right to intervene on this one's behalf; he is beyond salvation as you well know. His soul is as black as mine."

The angel replied, "Sorry Dougy, he's bought an extension to his miserable life with a Holy relic my boss wants back. As of now you cannot have him."

"Ba'al came out of his chair faster than any eye could see and was face to face with the angel in a heartbeat. "We will see about that, goody two-shoes! If you are making a deal with him then your standards have slipped, old chap! And DON'T use my first name in public!"

The angel stood his ground, "Do you challenge!"

"Bring it ON! Birdie-boy!" hissed Ba'al, his tail whipping back and forth in anger.

"Then let there be, ARBITRATION!" The angel roared.

"AGREED!" hissed Ba'al. "You summon your champion, I will summer mine!"

I had woken up and weakly looked up, what the Hell was going on? Had he called my Lord and Master Dougy? Was he crazy! Then I started tenderly licking my Mistress's horribly burned looking face. She moaned, but didn't wake up. I tried to call her in my mind, but hers was closed to me. "Hissss!" I moaned as I did my best to ease her pain.

As I watched another column of light speared down from the ceiling, and a large puff of reddish smoke appeared. Out of the column of light stepped a large heavy set man in an old fashioned white plantation suit. "Why Rafael old friend, it does this old heart good to see you again. What appears to be the problem heah?" The angel talked to him briefly and the man smiled, "Why ah welcome the chance the flex the old legal muscles again, by George!" He turned to the Great Lord Ba'al and gave a polite bow and handed him one of his cards, "Brewster B. Coletrain, of the Chattanooga Coletrain's, Attorney at Law, at your service suh!"

Ba'al said, "Pleased to make your acquantence, I'm sure. Your reputation precedes you and I find you acceptable in this matter. Now as for my own legal counsel, come here!"

"Yes, my Lord and Master!" replied a cultured, but somewhat growly, voice from the shadows where he had been patiently waiting. As I watched a dapper well dressed Fox demon strode out of the shadows. He was wearing an honest to Big L top hat, a business suit about two hundred years out of date, and carrying a cane with a silver handle. He put the cane down on the table, laid his gray kid leather gloves (that had holes in the fingertips from his claws) and top hat neatly down next to the cane. He was wearing a monocle too. He gave his lapels a tug to remove any wrinkles, reached into a pocket and removed a fancy silver calling card case, and bowing to the angel he presented his card. "Sir, I am Sleaz E. Shyster, Attorney at Law with the firm of Shyster, Conn, and Glixnax. I will be representing my Lord and Master Ba'al in this legal matter as his counsel."

Rafael just nodded, and said, "I know of you, for all of your faults you do know the laws of Hell and Heaven, you are acceptable."

The two Lawyers exchanged polite bows and exchanged cards. Then they moved over to the table and sat down across from one another and legal pads, a bookcase full of law books, and a pitcher of water and one of boiling sulphur appeared. The Fox demon said to Mr. Coletrain. "I have read the agreement you reached in the case of "Brown versus the State of Tennessee with great interest, a most original line of argument if I say so myself." Mr. Coletrain replied, "Why thank you, you are most kind, Ah must admit it was an unusual case." The Fox replied "I would enjoy debating some of the case points with you some day, time permitting."

I had been watching all of this with my mouth hanging open, so had the man, we looked at each other and I just shrugged. About this time the angel and Ba'al both made rather impatient sounding noises, so the two lawyers reluctantly began to debate the arguments in the case, each in their clients favor. I turned back to my Mistress and started licking her blistered face again, nuzzling her and making whimpering sounds. The angel noticed this and came over and squatted down next to us. "Go away!" I snarled at him.

He looked at me, and said, "Why do you care for her so? She damned you and made you what you are now. You should hate her. I do not understand your concern for this evil creature."

I looked at him and hissed quietly. "When I was in pain and torment I pleaded for you or your master to help me, but you never came. She took away my pain and saved my life. Then she gave me a new and better pain and more pleasure then I could have imagined, just as she promised. She did not lie to me or deceive me and I knew what she offered, and accepted her offer whole heartedly. I do not regret my decision. She needs me and I love her, she is the only one who has ever shown me any kindness. Now go away so I can tend to my Mistress."

The angel didn't leave though. "I'm sorry we didn't come to your aid, it just doesn't work that way. You still have much good in your soul. Because of your selfless love for your Mistress and your willingness to sacrifice yourself for her I can offer you salvation. It is a rare offer, will you take my hand?"

I looked at his face, then his hand. I looked down at Vulva's beastial face, her part reptilian and part goat head with horns, her long black forked tongue moving around in her mouth over her fangs like a snake as she moaned. The mother of the children I had sired with her. A demoness of Hell. I tenderly ran a claw down the side of her muzzle. I looked back up at the angel, "And betray my love? I asked. How would that be my salvation? Go away and leave us be."

The angel didn't say anything else, just turned and walked over to the table and watched the proceedings. He did not repeat his offer.

About this time the butler stuck his head in the door. If he saw anything amiss he showed no sign of it. A proper English butler does not question his masters activities. "Gentlemen, and um, others, my Lord. Might I be of service? Perhaps refreshments, or?"

"A capital idea, said Mr. Coletrain. Some of the others agreed also, so the butler looked at his employer and raised his eyebrow.

"Oh very well Jeeves, said Roger, bring them whatever they want, if we have it."

The butler soon left with his orders. One Mint Julep for Mr. Coletrain, a glass of pickle juice for Mr. Shyster, a Napoleon brandy for Ba'al (hey, like I said he's cultured), a bottle of whiskey for Roger, and a glass of ice water for Rafael, no lemon. Nothing for us thanks, my Mistress was still unconscious and I can't eat or drink anything they might have available.

The two lawyers kept on arguing in soft intense voices; every now and then one would throw up their hands and concede a point. Ba'al and Rafael just sat and exchanged veiled barbs and small talk. I just kept doing the best I could to take care of my Mistress, but I was really worried as she hadn't woken up yet. I licked her face and whimpered in concern.

The butler returned with the various condiments, and correctly and properly, starting with the guests first, dispensed the various refreshments. He had also brought a tray of small sandwiches and cookies which they all quickly devoured. To my great surprise he came over to me with a large bottle on the tray and said, "Here you go sir, this may help." It was a bottle of chlorine bleach, and he softly added "There is a little present in the bottom of the bottle." I grabbed the bottle with an eager hiss, and screwing off the lid I began to pour it down Vulva's throat. For us chlorine is like a tonic or energy drink, we can't get enough of the stuff. She choked a little bit, but kept it down and her color started to improve. I gave her all of it, I took none for myself. As I poured I strained it through my fingers and felt a heavy lump of something fall out of the bottle. What? I thought. It was a large gold ring with a seal on it, it hurt my eyes to look at it and I turned my head away, it also was starting to "burn" my hand/paw. Suddenly I knew what it was!

I got to my feet and staggered over to Lord Ba'al. He looked down at me with those terrible eyes and said softly in my mind, "What do you want little one?"

"I have this, Great Lord." I replied and showed him the ring. He blinked and his eyebrows shot up.

"Where did you get that?" he asked incredulously.

"The butler, my Lord." I said.

"Indeed?" Ba'al said with a quizzical look on his face. "You have done well little one, give it here."

It was the hardest thing I'd ever done, but I clasped the burning ring to my chest and said, "NO, my Lord."

His eyebrows shot up even further which was pretty impressive, "You DARE to refuse your Master, slave! Do you have any idea what I can do to you?"

"Yes, Master. I replied, but you can't have the ring until you help my Mistress." And I looked at him determinedly.

"By Big L, he said, I do believe you mean it! Well done little one, you have the makings of a good arbitrator yourself, and I mean that as a compliment. Very well, you have my word I will aid your Mistress in exchange for what you offer, I so swear on my honor."

That was more than good enough for me, for despite what he was I knew the Great Lord was bound by his word. With a tired hiss I handed him the ring and collapsed against his leg. He hooked his arm under my armpit and dragged me back over to Vulva and let me down fairly gently. Then he touched Vulva and all the horrible sores and blisters disappeared and she let out a gasp and fell into a real sleep. He looked at me and said, "The agreement did not include you." And I shook my head in acknowledgement. I wasn't mad, he'd kept his word. I was kind of proud of him too in a hellish kind of way, he was a bad ass all right, but he was MY bad ass Lord. I felt horribly weak as I think handling that ring was the last straw in what I could endure, and I could feel myself starting to dissipate again. With a soft moan I rested my head in Vulva's lap. She was going to be OK and that was all that mattered and I was happy.

Ba'al walked over to the angel tossing something up and down in his hand. "Hey Raf old buddy, you looking for this?"

The angel looked up in surprise and stood up. "The Apostle Paul's ring, where the Hell did YOU get it?"

" A little lizard gave it to me." Ba'al replied. "Now, how badly do you want this little trinket? Enough to give me Rogers twisted soul?"

The two lawyers, Roger, and the butler had all stopped what they were doing and were watching the two powerful beings. Roger said, "Hey, wait a minute!"

"Done!" the angel said, and Ba'al tossed him the ring.

"HEY! Roger yelled. You can't do that! We had an agreement! This is isn't fair!"

The angel and the demon both looked at the Lawyer's and said, "Well?"

Mr. Coletrain stood up and said, "As they say possession is nine tenths of the law, so I yield to my esteemed colleague in this matter." The Fox demon stood up with a feral grin on his muzzle, "I accept my learned opponent's decision in this matter, Case closed. My Lord and Master, you may claim your property."

"Noooooo!" Roger wailed as Ba'al slowly approached him. "Rafael, you have to help me!"

Rafael just replied, "For once in your life do something right and accept your just rewards like a man."

I watched as Ba'al licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come.

"Jeeves, pleaded Roger, help me old friend!"

Jeeves replied "Sir, I have never been, and will never be, your friend. As of this second I offer my resignation from your service. Oh, and sir, FUCK YOU!"

"Noooooo!" Roger screamed as Ba'al ripped his soul out of his body.

Then Ba'al tilted back his head, unhinged his jaw, and swallowed Rogers squirming screaming soul head first. "Mmmm, I have been looking forward to that for a long time." He

said as he daintily dabbed at his lips with a silk handkerchief.

"Ugggggh." I thought, gross!

Jeeves had sat down in a chair, and when he looked up it was obvious he was rapidly aging. Ba'al looked down at him and asked, "You knew you would die when Roger did, why did you aid me?"

Jeeves said in a weak failing voice, "When he offered me life in his service I was dying, and it seemed like a good deal at the time. That was over two hundred years ago and I have had to watch that foul evil man destroy everything he touched and corrupt all those he came in contact with. I most certainly did not want to live another 500 years in his service!" His head fell over and he died as his body slowly shriveled into a mummy like corpse.

"Uggggh" I thought, gross!

As I watched Jeeves soul stood up from his body and looked around with a resigned expression on his face. "I guess I'm next." He said to Ba'al.

Ba'al replied, "Not necessarily, you did me a great service and I always repay such debts.

Raf, can you use a good butler?"

Rafael replied, "Always" and held out his hand to Jeeves.

"Truly?" Jeeves asked in wonder.

Ba'al just said, "You have redeemed yourself, now go before I change my mind. You owe me one Raf." Jeeves gave Ba'al a deep bow, which Ba'al returned with a slight nod of his head.

"That I do." replied Raf as he and Jeeves stepped into a column of bright blue light and disappeared.

The two lawyers stood up and shook hands, and Mr. Coletrain said, "Call me sometime, we'll do lunch." "Oh, most definitely", replied the Fox demon as he put on his gloves and top hat, then they both bowed to Ba'al and puffed out of sight.

Meanwhile I had passed out and didn't notice any of this. Vulva had woken up and saw the last few minutes of the whole crazy affair. She looked down at her pet and hissed in horror. His wings were entirely gone except for the bony frames and he was listless and hardly breathing. His few remaining scales were still crumbling to dust and he had horrible pock marks and blisters over much of his body. She recognized the signs of advanced dissipation. "Pet? She hissed, and shook him hard, PET?" Hissssss! She became aware someone was standing watching her, and looked up at Great Lord Ba'al who looked back her, sipping on a glass snifter of Napoleon Brandy.

"Great Lord, she said, and bowed her head. What has happened my Lord, I do not remember much."

"I'm not surprised, Ba'al replied. You two blew it, but I do admit none could have anticipated the resistance you would encounter. We had to call in the big guns to arbitrate the case as it was a legal nightmare. It was very interesting, but we won the case in the end, thanks to your little pet here. He saved you from dissipation by the way, but I'm afraid he didn't include himself in the deal. Too bad really, he actually blackmailed ME, most impressive." His stomach gurgled and he patted it affectionately. "Oh yes, he was quite tasty."

Vulva looked up as her pet gave a horrible rattling moan and coughed up a spray of the molten liquid that pumped in his veins in the place of blood. She knew his internal organs were breaking down. Her pet gave a weak shriek as another cough shook his shrunken frame. "Please, my master. Help him!"

Ba'al replied, "I cannot, he is beyond even my reach now. The only thing that might work is if you get him to the central volcano in time. Its heart may be able to reverse the damage. But you must hurry."

"Can you send us there, Great Lord?" Vulva asked with hope in her voice.

"Yes, I will grant this boon in reward from your many centuries of more or less loyal service, at least your books balance most of the time. Besides I also like the little fellow, he has potential. Now GO!" he gestured and the two beasts disappeared in a puff of dense red smoke. Then he sat down and finished the excellent brandy and gave his stomach time to settle as it finished digesting the soul struggling inside of it.

Vulva almost dropped her pet as they materialized in mid air over the entrance to Hell's central, and greatest, volcano. She looked at her pet and he was much worse now, he was blind as his eyes were now hollow sockets and his lips were gone and she could see his skull through what little powdery scales still remained. A steady flow of liquid was drooling from his mouth and his far apart and shallow breaths were agonized and labored. She gave a great bellow and dived directly into the mouth of the volcano.

As she plummeted towards the inferno far below she realized that even she might not survive such an immersion in the very heart of Hell, but she had to try. She owed a debt she could never repay, her very existence, to this small strange little demon. Great fire drakes and other guardians tried to stop her, but she darted between their outreaching hands and other appendages. Some took flight, both above and below her, and she shrieked in despair knowing she couldn't evade them all.

Ba'al, who had been watching, spoke in the heads of the guardians. "Let her pass".

Vulva watched as the great guardians returned to their perches and stopped trying to impede her way. She did not know why, and did not care. She looked down at the poor thing in her arms and the fluids had stopped dribbling from his mouth and he was no longer breathing. "NOOO!" she shrieked and putting her mouth to his she tried to breathe life back into him as they plunged in to the churning caldron without leaving a ripple.

Vulva had no idea how long they drifted in the white hot incandescent lava. She clutched the little demon to her chest and hugged him tight. She was a powerful Demoness and because of that she could survive almost anything, but she was not a fire demon. She felt her fur and hair slowly boil away and could feel the incredible heat starting to affect her. But she stayed with her pet, she would stay as long as was needed, and if it didn't work she would stay with him until she too ceased to exist. She had never felt this was way about anyone, or anything, for as long as she could remember. This strange funny beast who made her laugh and mad at the same time, that truly loved her despite all her faults, and had given up his very existence to save hers. She had never loved before, oh she was genuinely fond of all her pets, but had never felt the true love she felt for this one. She kept holding him close to her until the heat overwhelmed her and she passed out.

I woke with a start and wondered where I was. I could feel myself floating and drifting and realized I must be in a lava pool, but it had never felt so good, so intense before. I eagerly soaked up the healing heat, and opening my mouth drank a great draught to soothe my agonized insides. I felt something bump against me and reaching out I felt someone next to me and realized it as my Mistress. But she didn't move, and I suddenly realized she couldn't take this kind of heat! Grabbing her I held her with my arms and swam for the surface with great powerful kicks and strokes of my tail and soon we suddenly burst free of the lava and flapping my wings I fought for altitude with my heavy burden.

The great guardians looked down at the boiling cauldron as for over an hour nothing happened and they began to lose interest. Many went into the cauldron, few came out again. Then one of them bellowed and they all looked as a fire Dragon carried the limp form of the female demoness who had plunged into the cauldron earlier. He struggled for altitude and slowly rose towards the sky above, and they called encouragement to him.

Desperately I flapped for altitude, and then found a helpful hot updraft and it was easier after that. All sorts of horrible creatures lined the inside of the volcano's shaft, but I felt no fear of them as they were like me. I held my Mistress as close as possible as I cleared the edge of the great shaft and flapped towards home. I also realized there was something different about me know. For one thing I was larger or I doubt I could have carried her very far as she had outweighed me by at least two hundred pounds or more, but now I was bigger than she was and my wingspan was huge and I had grasping claws on the main leading joints now. I looked at her in concern, her hair and fur was all gone and she looked, well, burned. Her head lolled with her mouth open, but someone how I knew she would be alright even though she was in horrible pain.

I landed at the entrance to her domain, and running down the tunnels I passed startled demons and imps I crashed into her office and going directly to the bedroom I gently laid her on the bed. I threw the covers off as I knew she didn't want to have anything touching her skin for now, plus I didn't want to have them burst into flames from my body heat. The stupid potted man-eating plant came shuffling into the room and stood in a corner keening in concern. I gently licked her horrible burns and whimpered and cried in concern, totally distraught. Two demons came in and I almost chased them away until I saw they had medicine, or as close to it as there was in this place. I thanked them, and realize with a start I could talk now! I had a deep rich baritone voice, kind of gravely but perfectly understandable. I took the sulphur based salve they had brought and smeared it all over her body, everywhere, and cringed at the sight of the horrible burns she had endured to save my life. It seemed to help and she finally seemed to be resting fairly comfortably. I crawled onto the bed and held her as she slept, finally falling asleep myself.

For six days I cared for her 24/7, never resting until I would fall asleep from sheer exhaustion. I didn't eat or leave her side, and kept administering the salves that the plant would go and get more of as soon as we ran low. Slowly the angry red burns faded and the damaged skin healed or sloughed off to reveal new healthy skin. And still I licked and applied the salves, never stopping, never quitting until she finally woke up. She was confused and disorientated at first, and looked at me with a funny look on her muzzle. "Pet? She said weakly, is that you?"

I didn't blame her, in addition to being slightly larger then her now I now also had a heavy bone shield around the back of my head with four large black horns, the two inner ones slightly smaller than the outer pair. Plus my head was broader and heavier, and my snout was now mostly bone instead of being scaly, and last but not least I was a darker red color now. The best thing of all was I could talk again! The cauldron had both healed and changed me. She reached up and gently stroked the side of my head, and I rubbed against her hand and closed my eyes and cried. I had been so worried.

"You've put on weight, my pet, but I like the horns." She whispered, and fell back asleep. I pulled her to me and fell asleep too, happier then I had ever been in my life, either of them.



The Seeker, Chapter 5

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 5 By William W. Kelso It's been about five years I guess, it's hard to tell time down here, since my Mistress and I had our rather unfortunate run-in with a rather nasty human...

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The Karn Dominion, The Surrogate

My stuff is copyrighted, so NO takee! The Karn Dominion, Prologue This prologue is to give the reader a basic background to my "The Karn Dominion" series. It gives a basic description of the concept that the series is based on, and saves a...

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The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 3

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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