The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 1

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended I am truly sorry, but please remember I did not force you to read it. My stories are also copyrighted, so no Takee!

The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 1

By William W. Kelso

There is no way I deserved what happened to me, no one deserves something so horrible. I'll admit what I did was stupid, but I've always been pretty much a loner. You know, the overweight nerdy kid who could never get a date. So what else was I supposed to do? I mean I do have normal sexual needs, believe it or not, so it was masturbation or nothing. I certainly wasn't a bad or evil person, just lonely and wanting to experience love like any other man. At first I just jacked off the normal way, but after awhile I began to experiment with ways of making it more exciting or erotic. You know, fantasies and stuff like that.

I should have realized that going to an occult shop and buying a "spell" that was supposed to summon a "Demoness of Carnal Pleasure" was probably not the brightest idea. When they were handing out brains I'm afraid I got stuck in the dumbass line twice. But anyway, I bought the "spell" and a set of "black mass candles" for a few bucks. After I got back home I went down into the old cellar because it had a large bare concrete floor and drew a pentagram like the spell instructed. If I'd drawn it on one of the upstairs floors there would have been hell to pay. The next thing was lighting the candles. After all that was done I took off all my clothes, sat down and got comfortable and started to masturbate. I said the weird sounding words to the spell, and honestly it was pretty arousing. They sounded like Latin or something. Somehow I managed not to come until I reached the end of the invocation which was pretty long, and when I did come I let some of my cum drip on one of the candles (like the spells instructions said) right at the same moment I came, and spoke the last word to the spell.

What happened next was totally unexpected. There was the sudden feeling of the air being sucked into a void and a large reddish cloud appeared in the middle of the pentagram! I was too shocked to do anything but stare, and never once thought to run. That was my first big mistake.

As I gaped with my mouth hanging open the smoke dissipated, and my mouth hung open even more when the creature inside the cloud was revealed. It was a real Demoness! There could be no doubt about that because nothing natural had ever looked like she did, and it was definitely a SHE. She was bestial and yet beautiful at the same time in a very exotic way. She had been crouched over and at first I thought she was wrapped in a cloak, but then she stood up and spread her bat like wings with a hiss of pleasure. She snapped her wings out to full extension and stretched, bending her back and thrusting out her magnificent breasts, and gave a low rumbling hiss that was very erotic, her forked tongue licking over her fanged muzzle. She was part goat and part human, with some reptile mixed in. From the waist down she was goat like with hairy legs and cloven hooves. Her hips were wide and her torso was human with full firm breasts. Her breast and belly were covered in fine reddish scales and she had shaggy fur on her back and legs. Her head was goat like too, with large fox like ears and horns like a goat, but she had fangs like a carnivore, and as she licked her teeth I saw she had a long forked tongue just like a snake.

I had never seen anything so horrible, and yet so very erotically beautiful at the same time. I felt my penis which had begun to go limp stiffen to an aching erection in record time and I moaned in lust. As she turned around to survey the place to which she had been summoned I could clearly see her long reptilian prehensile tail with a barbed spear point at the end. Like I said, she was hideous and yet also incredibly beautiful at the same time. I realized I had never wanted a female more then I wanted her, despite the fact she was more animal then human, and thought I would come again just from looking at her. And her scent, OMG.

The Demoness finally noticed me, and stepping closer to the edge of the pentagram to get a better look at me she said in a deep throaty voice,

"I am Vulva! Patron Demoness of Carnal Pleasssure, who has dared to ssssummon me?" Then she crouched down to take an even closer look at me.

She was just a few inches away now and I could clearly see she had eyes like a snake, beautiful but expressionless. Her upper torso and those beautiful breasts were covered with tiny reddish & tan colored scales that looked smooth and soft. She ran her forked tongue over her lips slowly before sucking it into her mouth with a wet slurp. She was so beautiful all I could do was stare.

She waited awhile, letting her forked tongue loll over her fangs, and the whole time I just stared like a moron. Finally she let out a impatient hiss, and again said,

"I am VULVA! Patron Demoness of Carnal Pleassure, who the HELL hass dared to ssummon me?" Then she asked, "YOU?!?" with a loud hiss.

That snapped me out of my trance, but all I could manage to say was "Der, uh huh!"

"Oh, thisss isss jusst great! She said, "Firsst time I get ssummoned in yearss and it'ss by an idiot! OK, if you DID ssummon me, then WHAT do you want? My time is very valuable!!"

What DID I want?? I was still in a state of shocked disbelief, and also very aware I was still naked and aroused in front of a beautiful female (even if not human). For me it was horribly embarrassing. It took me awhile to remember what I DID want!

"Oh, I'm, uh, sorry, please wait a minute!" I said, and picked up the spell page and read it again. "Um, OK, according to this spell if I summon you, um, you have to grant me three wishes in exchange for my virgin seed (boy did that sound stupid)! The first is larger loins, two is the ability to have sex as often as I want, and three is the ability to have sex with any female I desire. Um, and in exchange I will, Um, have sex with you and give you my virgin seed since I'm a virgin (still sounded stupid!). And you will swear that you will not harm me while I'm in the pentagram and um, coupling with you. That's um, what I want. Um, OK? Please?"

The Demoness leaned back and squatted on her hind legs for awhile, and seemed to be thinking about it. The whole time I was mesmerized by her tail as it swished slowly back and forth, my eyes irresistibly following it. After a short time she suddenly smiled a truly evil smile, and said,

"NO, I think NOT mortal!'

That wasn't the answer I had expected. If this even this creature rejected me then what chance would I ever have with a real woman? It really hurt my feelings. "But, but, why not? I managed to blurt out, I, I really am a virgin! I promise!" I had never been this aroused before, and God help me I WANTED her so bad! I was so desperate it was pitiful and of course she knew that. She smiled again, and said,

"Oh yesss, she said, I know that already as otherwisse the spell would not have worked Einsstein, Hiissss, but why sshould I make a deal with a fool like you when I already own you? Body and SSSoul!"

Suddenly her tail whipped out of the pentagram and wrapped around my ankle like a striking snake. It was so quick I had no time to even try to react before she had dragged me into the pentagram! It was so sudden I was too shocked to scream, or even try and resist.

"No!" I said, "NO! You're not supposed to be able to breach the pentagram unless I give you permission! You have to let me go!" She just smiled and stepped forward and straddled me, and said,

"SSorry my pet, that only workss if you use real black masss candless, otherwisse I can breach the border for sshort periodsss, more than long enough to ssnare a sstupid mortal like you! Now, as to your virgin sseed, I DO want it and I WILL have it, NOW!" she said with an evil hiss as she ran her forked tongue over her fangs in anticipation of what was to come.

I had been looking at her face, but as she crouched and lowered herself over me her legs spread further apart and my eyes shifted downward and I could clearly see her vagina. It was a dark blood red color, and as I watched it puckered like a mouth with its lips pursing and closing! I was suddenly aware of a strong musky scent of burnt cinnamon and felt myself responding to it, and if it was possible I became even harder.

"NO, please don't!" I cried out as she hunkered down even lower, "Please I've never done this before, Please I really don't want to! Please don't, I'm a virgin!" (I could not believe I said that last part.) But I kept staring at those beckoning lips and the pleasure they promised, my penis rock hard and throbbing in anticipation.

"Of coursse you are and that iss what will make thiss sso enjoyable, my pet, at leasst for me! What YOU want isss of no conssequence, my pet.", she said as her tail whipped around and gently looped around the base of my rigid penis and stood it upright. "You ssay one thing, your cock ssays another!"

I whimpered as I felt her tail wrap around my penis, and looked up at the wet folds of her vagina in terror and longing, and as I watched a drop of liquid dripped from those beckoning lips. Ohhhhh, my God!

With another smile and drooling lick of her fangs she leaned forward and pinned my shoulders with her powerful clawed hands, and crouching down further she used her tail to guide the tip of my penis until I could feel it pressing against her nether lips. I could feel their slick wetness and heat and felt fluid from them dripping onto, and running down my shaft. OMG! She looked at me with a truly evil grin on her muzzle. "Do you want me? Do you want me to give you more pain and pleasure then you could ever possibly imagine?" she hissed softly, licking her fangs, that evil smile still on her face.

"Noo, please don't do this, please don't!!" I begged. But I lied, I wanted her more then I'd ever wanted anything else in my life and she KNEW it. She growled and said,

"The time for talking isss OVER!". Suddenly threw her head back and gave another deep guttural growl and lowered herself onto me until her rump was grinding against my thighs.

I let out an unwanted moan of pleasure as I felt myself penetrate her and her vagina swallowed my aching cock. She began to rock back & forth, grinding herself against me in a regular motion that took me in to the hilt with each downward thrust as she snarled and hissed in pleasure.

I heard someone else moaning in pleasure and realized it was me. "Oh, Ohh!" May God forgive me, but it felt so GOOD! I began to thrust up as she ground down and the pleasure increased. She gave a pleased grunt as I thrust up into her and hissed,

"Oh yesss, my pet, that'sss it! You virginss are sso sssweet and pure! Thrusst harder, HARDER, my sslave, and pleassure your Mistress!!"

She gave another powerful downward thrust and pinned me, taking me into her to the hilt. I felt something soft, hot, and wet envelope my testicles! I realized with sudden disbelief that her vagina had swallowed my balls, that she'd completely taken my loins inside herself!! She let out a deep guttural groan of pleasure and began grinding down onto me again.

"Uhuh, Ugghh!" I moaned. I thought I would explode any second, but she was an expert and knew what she was doing. I writhed and bucked helplessly, my hands clawing at the concrete floor until they bled, and she brought me to the brink of coming again, and again, and again! I screamed begged her,

"Please, Oh please let me come, pleaaasse!! I sobbed, my head whipping back and forth. She just smiled and let out a long hiss, and said,

"Oh no, my pet, we're just getting sstarted, jusst getting acquainted, you and I! This is only a tassste of what iss to come!"

"Please, pleaaassee! It huuurrttss!" I moaned".

She brutally raped me until I was screaming from my need and begging for release, but no matter how bad I needed to come, or how hard I tried to, she wouldn't let me. I can't began to describe what it was like to have my penis AND testicles inside of her, completely at her control, and unable even to come. Her vaginal muscles stroked every inch of my penis and kneaded and fondled my testicles constantly. She ground down on me endlessly, making bestial grunts and snarls of pleasure as she watched me moan and writhe helplessly, thrusting up to meet her as I desperately tried to come. I reached up to try and push her off, but instead all I ended up doing was kneading her large firm breasts, and under my hands I felt her nipples grow and become rigid. She held my hands there and I had no choice but to do as she wanted, and stroked and fondled her breasts & thumb size nipples.

Leaning over she crushed her muzzle against my face and her long forked tongue forced itself deep into my mouth, and I kissed her back as hard as I could while she stared into my soul with those beautiful reptilian eyes. We "kissed" for a long time as she continued to grind down on me and I thrust upward helplessly. Finally she pulled back a few inches, and said in a deep guttural voice,

"Ohhhhh yeeessss! She hissed, it hass been SSO long ssince I had a virgin! I had forgotten the pleaSsure of taking and corrupting ssuch innocence. You pleassure me well my sslave! Your Mistress is pleeasssed! Oh yessssss!!" And lowering her head she kissed me again, and it lasted much longer this time, our tongues sliding in to and exploring each other's mouths. It was agonizing ecstasy, and I screamed even as I kept greedily kissing her. After a few minutes she reared back up, her head thrown back, and bucked and rocked back and forth faster than ever and all I could do was gasp and try to breath as I clawed at the floor leaving streaks of blood as my fingernails were long gone.

And it went on and on, with her bringing me to the brink again and again. Just when I thought the agonizing ecstasy would never stop, she suddenly leaned forward again and pinned my shoulders and came to a complete halt with my aching rampant erection still buried in her to the hilt. I could feel her vagina gently caressing my testicles. "Ohhhhhhhh" I sobbed, and reached up to fondle her breasts again. Her eyes were half closed and her forked tongue was lolling out of the corner of her mouth as she stared at me. She leaned closer and gently and lovingly ran her tongue across my face and gave me a short deep kiss, and asked,

"Tell me, my pet, do you want me? Do you wisssh to come and fill me with your virgin sseed? Do you dessire to ssslack your lusst in my loinsss? Hisss?"

I looked up at her gasping and tried to say something and finally managed to gasp out, "Oh yes Mistress, please don't leave me like this, please!" as tears ran down my cheeks. "Oh Pleeaaasssse!" She gently licked the tears from my face, and asked.

"Do you dessire me more than anything? Do you dessire the pain and pleasure I can give you that will make you sscream in ecsstasy? Do you dessire me to rape your body and your ssoul, to bind you to me for an eternity of ssexual ssslavery? Do you dessire to give me your virgin sseed of your own free will moral? If that is your desssire then give me what I want, NOW!" Hiiisssss!

I heard what she was saying, what she was offering me, but you need to understand she had been raping me for hours on end. I was so far gone in my sexual need that I was helpless to refuse to give her what she wanted, no matter what she told me.

"Yesss! Mistress, I screamed, Take what you want!"

With a grunt I grabbed her around the waist and began to thrust up into her on my own while she remained motionless and I freely gave her what she wanted, and it would damn me for eternity. It was not right or fair, but it was my own fault and I blame no one else, not even her because she had warned me what my "reward" would be. She looked down at me with a grin as I labored and gave a hiss of approval.

"Yeesss! My pet, my ssslave! That'sss it! Give it to me! Give me your virgin ssseed! Give your Mistress your innocence and sssoul, and I will give you pain and pleasssure beyond imaginig, now and forever! And now it is TIME!" She grunted with a deep guttural bellow as she ground down on me one final time.

I rose to meet her and she let me COME!! "Thank you Mistress!" I sobbed. It was indescribable. I exploded and as I orgasmed her vagina squeezed my testicles and stroked my shaft, and it went on and on and on! I could only scream and buck helplessly as I felt my seed pour into her as I ejaculated again and again. It was agonizing ecstasy. She threw her head back and roared her own ecstasy.

"Yesss! She hissed in a guttural voice, that'sss it, my pet, every lasssst DROP!"

After what seemed like forever she let out a final pleased grunt and let me go. I gave a moan as my now limp and numb cock and balls slid out of her vagina with a wet slurping sound, and I swear her vagina actually smacked its lips in satisfaction.

With a sob I held myself and rolled over on my side. I felt like I had been beaten black and blue and then been kicked in the groin by a horse. Then I threw up and passed out. I don't know how long I was out, but when I woke up I held myself and softly moaned from the pain and soreness. I looked up and saw Vulva still standing over me. She was running her claws through her fur and preening herself, licking her fingers to wet them to help slick down her fur. She looked very happy with herself. When she saw I was awake she stopped and looked at me.

"You are awake, my pet! Tell me, wass it asss good for you asss it was for me?" She asked with an evil chuckle. "A virgin's sseed is ssuch a ssspecial treat for me. There is nothing more pleassurable then raping and draining a virgin for the firssst time! Your loins were overflowing with your sseed and you must have sspurted fifteen timess, it was deliciouss, so ssweet and pure! You pleassured me well. I am pleassed." She smiled again, and then gave a sigh as she stretched with her head thrown back and arms spread. "Mmmm, hiissss." She hissed.

I didn't answer, but got up on my hands and knees and started crawling for the edge of the pentagram. Now that it was over I was in no mood to keep my part of our "bargain". Vulva watched me out of the corner of her eye until I'd almost reached the edge, then let out a deep guttural laugh, and said,

"And jusst where do you think you're going my new sslave?" One of her hoofs lashed out and knocked me flat on face, and her tail dragged me back into the center of the pentagram as I struggled uselessly. She put her hoof in the center of back pinning me to the floor. "Like I sssaid my pet, you are mine now, body and ssoul!! You belong to me now, and you could not leave the pentagram anyway, you are now bound by it asss much asss I, you are a creature of hell yoursself now"

I wondered what she meant by that, but then I could only writhe helplessly and scream as Vulva began carving something in one of my butt cheeks, her powerful hoofed foot in my back kept me pinned helplessly despite my struggles. She used the barbed tip of her tail which was glowing red hot to carve the markings into my flesh, and I could smell my flesh burn as the heat seared it. My screams seemed to please her. Finally she was satisfied with her work, and removed her hoof. I turned my head and tried to look at what she had done to me, sobbing from the pain. With a smile she laughed and said,

"Don't worry my pet, I jusst branded you to make ssure that everyone and everything knowss you belong to Vulva. It will be your only protection in thiss place where you are very valuable property indeed. There are thosse would take you from your Mistress if they could, and they would be far lesss, um, gentle then I, my pet."

I finally managed to get a closer look at the brand on my rump, it was in the shape of a circle with a pentagram inside and some letters or characters that hurt my eyes just to look at. It hurt, but the wounds had been seared by the heat and there was no blood. In a few minutes the angry red burns faded and the brand looked like it had been there forever. Ohhh Guu, Guuu, I thought, I've been branded like an animal! And I realized I could no longer say, or even think, the "G" word! I could no longer even beg for mercy.

"Now come, she said, it iss time for uss to take you to your new home and put you to work. All my petsss must earn their living by working hard for their Mistress."

For the first time I suddenly realized we were no longer in the basement of my house, but instead in the middle of a large ancient pentagram carved in stone in the middle of a hot dry desert like place of blowing sand and red cloudless searing skies. "Where ARE we I moaned?"

Vulva let out a hiss of amusement, and said "Where do you THINK you ssstupid beasst, welcome to your new home, welcome to Hell!"

"Nnnnoooo! I screamed. "It can't be! I'm not dead, I don't deserve this! It's not fair!" She laughed again,

"Ssince when iss anything fair my pet?? But don't you worry my lovely new sslave, asss long as you wear my brand none will dare harm you. Now come with me, we are wassting time! Don't worry, we don't have far to go! Already my minionss are preparing a sspecial place just for you. Yesss, we will take very good care of you."

Before I could react her long prehensile tail whipped between my legs and quickly wrapped itself around the top of my scrotum in a firm grip so there was no way my balls could slip loose. I let out a grunt of pain and surprise, and when she started to walk I had no choice but to follow her obediently. Any man would have, being led by your balls is a hell of an incentive! I gripped her tail to try and take some of the strain off my still sore and numb genitals and made sure I kept up with her. Her tail was surprisingly soft despite the scales, and I found myself gently stroking it with one hand. She looked over her shoulder at me in pleased surprise.

"Normally I would use a leassh" she said, "but my tail will do nicely for now, don't you think sslave? And don't ssstop, that feelss nice."

Giving my balls another yank she led me away from the pentagram and down a barely visible trail in the hot sand. I just moaned and followed because I had no choice. I kept stroking her tail as she had ordered and I found it helped soothe me a little and took the edge off my terror, and she clenched and unclenched its grip and the barb on the tip was now velvety smooth and it gently caressed and fondled my testicles, causing me to give small gasps of involuntary pleasure.

She was right, we didn't have far to go. After only a few hundred yards we came to a kind of warren or caves in the sides of a cliff, and there were tunnels leading underground at the base. The entrance was barred, and was guarded by two horrible looking creatures. Both were part human, but one was also part goat and the other part baboon. They were nude, but had spears. Then to my horror I found myself starting to get an erection. After what had been done to me that should have have been impossible, but I could only watch helplessly as my penis slowly lengthened and thickened. I had NO desire for these hideous creatures, but in spite of myself I soon had an aching throbbing rock hard erection. I also noticed with a mixture of surprise, and a more than a little confusion, that my penis and my testicles were definitely LARGER then they had been before Vulva had raped me. My cock was a good two or three inches longer, and my balls had at least doubled in size. It felt good, and the feel of Vulva's warm soft tail wrapped around my scrotum made me give a soft moan of lust. Ohh, ohh, what was happening! Vulva noticed it with a satisfied smile, and said,

"Don't worry, my pet. We'll take care of that magnificent new erection of yourss sssoon. It would be a sshame to let it go to wasste, so just be patient."

She led me into a tunnel which gradually sloped downwards, and after awhile we came to a corridor with small rooms or cells along the sides. After the cells ended we came to some larger rooms, some with bars across the doors and some without. The whole time the aching throbbing need in my cock and balls had been growing, and I could even feel by loins gently pulsating, and the whole time she had been fondling me with her tail. I had never been so aroused and horny in my life. It was like her raping me for hours had never even happened. "Ohhhhh." I moaned as another wave of lust made me shudder. What was WRONG with me! I found myself staring at her swaying backside in desire, and oh how I wanted her!

In some of the rooms we passed women were being brutally raped; or "serviced" as Vulva said, by animals. I watched in horror as one woman, down on all fours, was being brutally fucked by a huge shaggy boar, its squeals of pleasure and her moans of despair mixing together. In another room a ram was grunting in pleasure as it serviced another woman who had been strapped into some sort of mounting brace. It bleated in pleasure but she made no sound, just stared with blank eyes. In the next room a woman was wrapped in the embrace of a huge snake, its twin penises penetrating her as it held her firmly in its coils. As it hissed in pleasure she kept saying in a soft child like voice, "Oh please, please don't, please make it stop", over and over again. I had to lean against the wall and vomit, and Vulva waited patiently until I was through. And so on and so on, one sexual perversion and horror after another. And every second I was horrified to find my own lust growing and growing until it was unbearable, the terrible things I had seen only made some part of me desire sex even more. With a moan I grabbed my cock and begin to masturbate desperately, but it didn't do any good even though I was slick with pre. Despite my aching need I just couldn't come, and the jacking off only made my lust even worse! "Uh Uh Ugggghh!" I moaned as I staggered after my Mistress. I eyed her rump in growing desperation, oh how I wanted her!

Finally Vulva came to a halt in front of one of the larger rooms and led me inside. "Well, here we are my pet, your new home!" Her tail let my balls go and I stood there moaning and stroking and cupping myself and looked around, my whole body shuddering from my lust. What was wrooong with me! It was a pretty large room with more than one entrance, bars across the doors, a dirt floor, and nothing else. It smelled like a zoo.

"Pleeeasse!" I begged, "Oh please, don't leave me like this!" I grunted as I kept stroking myself, but it didn't do any good. I had never felt anything like this need before, never felt such pure lust.

"Patience, my ssslave!" She said, "I'm not a sssadist. You won't have to wait to try and sslack your lussst for much longer!"

Just a few seconds later I heard the sounds of someone or something approaching down the dark hall, and from the sound it was more than one. The shuffling and clopping (?) sounds gradually got louder. I watched as another one of the part human/part baboon creatures entered the room and she was leading a string of large goats, four all total. These were not cute petting zoo goats, but large shaggy Nanny goats with glaring yellow eyes and large pendulous udders. The hideous baboon woman led them in and turned them toward the wall so that their hindquarters were facing me and my cock began to throb even harder and suddenly I had a sickening feeling in my soul. I looked at Vulva in horror, "No!" I said, Oh please, NO!"

Vulva stepped forward and put her hand on my back and very gently pushed me towards the first goat in the line. As we got closer I could clearly see its rump, its dark pink vagina gleaming wetly at the base of its tail. I moaned as I felt another wave of lust wash over me and I could SMELL the goats need. Vulva noticed my horrified stare and said with glee,

"Oh yesss my pet! SShe and all these other fine ladiess are all for you, all aching for your ssservicess! Did I not promise I would soon let you try and slack your lussst!"

I looked at her in horror, "No, please!" I said in a pleading voice. "It's not right, it's not natural. They're animals! I don't want to do this, don't make me do this, oh please Mistress!" With a smile she said,

"What'sss not natural? You're male and arousssed, they're female and aroussed, you're both animalss, and you're compatible! I know that no matter what you ssay, you want them, need them, asss much as they need you! They are ripe and aching for your sservicess and you musstn't disssappoint them, or yoursself."

"No, Please!" I moaned, "Let me make love to you instead, please Mistress! I will do my best to pleasure you."

"Oh no, my pet!" She answered, "Asss much as I'd enjoy that your sseed is much too valuable to use jusst for pleasssure!"

By then she had guided me right behind the first goat, only inches away from its swollen sex. "Here, she said, let me help you.", and taking my aching pre covered cock she slowly & gently pressed the head of it against the lips of the goats vagina.

I had my eyes shut, but couldn't help myself and let out a guttural moan of lust and despair as I felt the head of my cock press against the warm wet lips of the goat's swollen vagina. Suddenly, with no warning, Vulva gave my rump a powerful shove and unable to help myself I felt my penis penetrate the goat's vagina as I involuntarily mounted her. For a few seconds I stood motionless, my whole body trembling, my eyes squeezed shut. "Ohhhhhhh Noooo." I moaned. There is no way I can even began to describe what it felt like. I tried not to look but irresistibly my eyes were drawn to the sight of my pubic hair mingling with the hair at the base of the goat's tail. I couldn't see my cock as I had fully penetrated the goat and she grasped me with the hot slick muscles of her vagina. The goat was trembling too, and making soft guttural pleading bleating sounds, Aaa! Baaaa! BAAaaaaa! It turned its head and looked at me with its tongue handing out of the side of its open mouth. "Aaaa, BAAAA!"

Vulva whispered in my ear, "Feelsss good doessn't it, to have your cock buried to the hilt in a nice ripe tight juicy cunt? Don't you want to fuck her more than anything else you've ever wanted? It'sss not polite to keep a lady waiting, my pet!"

With a sob I finally gave into the inevitable, and with a deep gasping moan I grasped the goat in front of its hind legs and began to hump and fuck it with desperate powerful thrusts. "Ohhh ugghhh!" I sobbed, oh it felt SO good! The goat was hot and wet, her slick rubbery lips rubbing against my aching penis as I thrust and thrust. I looked up to see Vulva watching and smiling as I copulated with the goat. Then with a moan I turned my attention back to my animal partner. For the next several minutes my own moans and gasps blended in with the bleats and squeals of my "lover". She was hot and slick and tight and squealed as I slid my aching erection in and out of her. I found myself watching in horrified fascination as my penis slid in and out of her vagina and, oh, it did feel sooo gooood. How could so much pleasure come from such a degrading act? Finally I came, a full blown gut wrenching orgasm so strong I almost passed out and it felt like my cock and balls were exploding. It seemed to last forever with my whole body shuddering as I thrashed in agonized ecstasy. "Uggghhheaaahh!" I screamed as I came with my head thrown back and saliva spurting between my clenched teeth. The goat bleated and squealed its own ecstasy as it came at the exact same time I did. Finally it ended, and with a sob of disgust and self loathing I finally dismounted from the goat, trying to cover myself in a vain attempt at modesty in front of Vulva and the baboon woman. "Oh Guu, Oh Guuu!" I tried to say.

"Well done!" Vulva said with a smile. "Now what are you waiting for? There are three more ladiesss waiting for your sservices! Get back to work sslave!"

I raised my head and looked at her in disbelief. "I can't do that again!" I said in a quivering voice, but at the same time I also realized that even though I'd just had brutal sex and a full blown organism it was like it hadn't even happened. I felt no sense of being satisfied, there was no post-sex soreness or fatigue, and my cock was just as hard and aching as it had been before I started. No, even MORE so! My loins and cock both ached and the lust was unbearable. In disbelief I looked down at myself and my cock was actually bobbing up and down, pre dripping from the head even though it glistened from my own and the goats sexual juices, it was like I hadn't had sex at all! I still desperately needed release, I needed MORE! Unable to help myself I looked at the next goat and flared my nostrils to catch the musk of her arousal and my penis began to ache even worse. "NO, NOO, Noooo! I won't, it's not right! It's not normal!" I sobbed. "Please don't make me do this again Mistress, please."

Vulva just smiled and indicated the next goat in line. With another sob I moved to that goat's rump, ohhh, what is wrong with me? I stared at the goat's swollen sex and the pleasure it promised, and with only slight hesitation and completely unable to stop myself (I had never felt such lust!) I mounted the second goat and started fucking and humping her with steady powerful thrusts. "Ohhh! It felt so gooood! The sex was incredibly pleasurable, and again after a few minutes I had another massive gut wrenching orgasm that rocked my whole body.

And as soon as I dismounted, the second my penis slid free of the second goats vagina, it was like I had not had any sex at all. There was NO sense of release or satiation! "Noooo", I moaned. In growing desperation I moved to the third goat and mounted her, burying my aching throbbing insatiable cock to the hilt in the goats tight slick vagina and fucked her as hard and as fast as I could, desperately trying to find release. Pinning her and ramming my aching hardness in and out until I reached another gut wrenching orgasm. But it was useless! There was NO release, NO slackening of my still growing lust and aching need. With a grunt I mounted the fourth goat, gasping and sobbing as I fucked and fucked it. Finally I came again and it was over! But there was still no relief as my penis and loins ached and throbbed even more than before. Noooo, this is impossible! I wanted to tear them from my body to stop that horrible unnatural need. I stood there holding myself and moaning. Noooo, what was WRONG with me? I turned to Vulva in horror but she just who just laughed, and said,

"Not to worry my fine new ssstud, here come some more eager ladiess!", and even as she spoke the first line goats were being led out and at the same time were being replaced by another line of four fresh goats!

I whimpered in terror and pleaded. "Nooo, Oh pleeasse! " I said, "I can't!" But even as I begged her I moved towards the goats in the new line, irresistibly drawn by the scent of their estrus and lust. I had never responded this way to any scent and didn't understand what was wrong with me! "Pleeease Mistress, no more!!" I sobbed. "I can't do this anymore!" But I was unable to stop myself, and quickly, without hesitation, I mounted the first goat. I rammed my rock hard penis into the goat's vagina, bent over and grasped her in front of her hind legs, and started humping her as hard and as fast as I could, lunging and thrusting with both of us grunting in pleasure, but it was pleasure I didn't want, not this way, not in this horrible place, and I cried as I serviced the goat, groaning in pleasure at the same time.

I tried to tell myself I didn't want to do this, that I was being forced to perform these unnatural acts. But it was a lie!! Ohhhh, uhhhh, uggghhh, I moaned. It felt so GOOD, felt so RIGHT! With a sob I looked over at Vulva who was watching my humiliation and degradation with delighted amusement, and managed to say,

"What have you done to me, this is impossible, no man or animal can fuck so many females in a row like this!! Ohhh, gaaaaaaaaw, it hurts so good! Ohhhh, Ohhh, Ugggghhhh" I sobbed as another gut wracking orgasm rocked me, and throwing back my head I spewed saliva as I spasmed. Vulva politely waited until I had finished with the first goat and then mounted the next goat in line, and was in full copulation, my partner and I grunting in pleasure before she spoke. She smiled and said,

"Well, you sssee you're not really a man anymore my pet, you're a Hell Sstud now. When we mated I took part of your ssoul and replaced it with part of mine. You could not remain human after that. You are now a creature of Hell yoursself, you just don't know what you are yet. Each of my ssspecial petss takes on the form in which they can besst sserve their Mistress, and each one is different and unique. Even I do not know how you will eventually turn out, but I musst say you are mosst promisssing. You'll undersstand ssoon enough, my ssslave."

"What, uhhh, what do you mean, ooohhhh!" I managed to gasp as I rammed my aching cock in and out of the goat's tight slick cunt in powerful steady thrusts. There was no way I could have stopped, even if I'd wanted to. Vulva chuckled and said,

"I may be a Demoness of Carnal Pleasure, but I'm alsso in charge of the Breeding Pitss of Hell. My main job is to breed the beastss, Imps, and all the other creatures that are the sservantss and workerss in Hell. For that I musst have virgin human maless & femaless to breed with my Hell stock. Only by sservicing, or being sserviced by, a virgin human can they breed. But not every virgin I acquire becomess a Hell Sstud, which makes you very sspecial indeed asss I have not added a new sstud to my breeding sstock in a great many yearss and we are way behind in our quotass, you are very welcome indeed! And you are much more valuable than a mere human female, my pet. Why? Becausse in the ssame time it takess to breed a human female and she gives birth YOU can service thoussands of femaless. Though you are a creature of Hell yoursself now your loinss will always contain a virgin's seed. You are a very valuable, very sspecial stud, my pet, and a most welcome addition to my breeding sstock!"

While she was talking I had already finished servicing the goat, ramming my throbbing pulsating cock to the hilt in her and fucking and fucking as hard as I could as I desperately tried to satisfy my lust. I worked my way down the line, mounting each goat one after the next with just a few seconds between each coupling. At some point I realized it no longer mattered to me that my "lover" was an animal, the only thing that mattered was keeping my cock buried to hilt in a nice tight juicy vagina. And I couldn't stop no matter how hard I tried, sobbing as I serviced my "lovers".

"But Mistress, I said managed to gasp out between thrusts, that can't be right! I'm not a virgin! Ohhhh, gaaaa, uhhhh!! And I came and came and came! Ohhhhhh!" Vulva just laughed and said,

"Oh, but yesss you are, my pet! The only way one can losse oness virginity is by having sssex with a human of the opposite sssex. None of the female humanss in my breeding penss have ever had ssex with a human male, and you never have; and never will, have ssex with a human female. Don't you think it'ss a delightful quandary? You'll have more sssexual partners in a day then most men do in a life time, but ssince your partners will all be animalss and beastss you'll remain a virgin for eternity!"

"Noooo!" I screamed as I looked in horror at the hindquarters of the animal I was coupling with and realized that was all I would ever see, the rumps of animal after animal. No love, no desire, only bestial rutting. "It's not fair! You tricked me! Ohhhh, uhhhhh!" I moaned as another massive orgasm rocked my body. "You didn't say it would be like this, I don't want it to be like this!" Dismounting I quickly moved to the next goat, barely noticing she was the first of the third line of four new goats. With a grunt I mounted her and began desperately copulating again, grasping her in front of her hind legs and ramming my aching cock in and out of her in steady powerful thrusts. Vulva watched in delight, and let out a deep guttural laugh,

"Oh yess I did trick you, you sstupid mortal, but the one who sold you the spell and fake black masss candles you ussed to summon me wass in on it too, I pay him handssomely for every virgin he deliverss to me. But you had to willingly ssummon me yoursself, so it iss also your fault. Have I not delivered what the sspell promised? Do you not have larger genitalss, do you not have an endlesss supply of eager willing ssexual partnerss dessperate for your sservicess, and are you not inssatiable? Did I not promisse you an eternity of unending agonizing ssexual pleassure, and do you not the femaless I provide for your sservicess give you that pleassure? I have kept my end of the bargain because I am merciful, not becausse I had any obligation. Now you will keep yourss by providing me with your virgin sseed for eternity by sservicing the femaless I provide for you. But enough talking for now, you have work to do, so I will leave you to your laborss and to enjoy your new "position" in life", she said with a snicker. "Your handler will bring you your hourly quotass until the "day" is over. Then sshe will take you to your sstall to resst until your next trip to the breeding pitss where you will start to fill your quotass again for the next day. Your sstarting quota is four femaless an hour for ten hourss a "day". Enjoy, my lovely new sslave!" And she turned to leave.

"No, please!" I said, "Uhhhhh!" I moaned as I orgasmed again. With an audible wet slucking sound I dismounted from the goat as soon as my orgasm ended and turned to look at Vulva. "Wait" I said. "Please! Don't make me do this anymore. I just can't, it's wrong! It's beastiality, I don't deserve this. Please Mistress."

Vulva looked at my aching throbbing erection and pulsating loins, and said with a smile, "I'm not forcing you do anything my pet, you have NO choice. It'sss what you ARE now. You need the ssex just like a junky needs drugss or a ssadisst needss the pain!"

"NO! Oh Noo, I'm a MAN, not an ANIMAL!! I sobbed." I held myself and looked in horror at my aching penis as more pre dripped from the tip. "Noooo!" I wailed in horror. "Not with animals, please!"

"NO! She said. YOU are no longer a mere man, but an inssatiable breeding sstud! It is NOT beasstiality as you are no longer a man. ANY female you service will become pregnant. Mere ramss and sstallions cannot compare to you. No matter how many femaless you service your loinss will never run dry and you will never be ssatiated!"

"Noooo! I screamed, I CAN'T do this, please make it stop, pleeasse!" I fell to my knees in front of her, and holding her leg I sobbed and cried.

"A word of advice, my pet", she said as she ran her claws through my hair. "Give in to your need, your inssatiable lust. Embrace it, relissh it, LOVE it! Let it rule your every waking moment asss you try to ssatissfy your inssatiable lusst. Become your cock, live only to try and ssatissfy it. Thiss way you will keep from going inssane and you'll enjoy yoursself much more. Think of the unending pleassure! You are a truly a magnificent inssatiable male beasst now who'ss only function is to copulate with any female, whether animal or beasst, that is presented to you for your sservicess. You have no choice in the matter, but that doessn't mean you can't enjoy your sslavery!"

By this time I had staggered back to my feet and had already mounted the next female goat in line, and sobbing, was desperately humping her trying to reach release as soon as possible, no matter how fleeting that relief would be! "Ohhhhh, Uhhhh, oh Gaaa! Uh! Uh!" It hurts so goooood!! But I did remember what she had said.

And so it went on and on, hour after hour, line after line of goats presented for my sexual services, and without hesitation I fucked every one of them. There was no desire, no tenderness, no foreplay, and no love. It was pure sex in its most bestial form. It wasn't even making love. I was merely an aroused male animal servicing female animals in heat, no matter what species they were. The worst was that it felt so incredibly good and I couldn't stop because I wanted that pleasure so desperately.

After ten hours it finally stopped and my aching cock finally went limp again. I fell to my knees cradling my numb dead feeling loins as the last line of goats was led away. My penis felt dead, and my loins were flaccid and drained. My "handler" came over and said,

"Not bad for the first day, but you'll need to speed up some, it's taking you about an hour to service just three, you need to do four". Otherwise the Mistress will be displeased. Now come with me slave, it's time to eat and rest until your next trip to the breeding pit."

I looked up her and took a close look for the first time. She was humanoid, part human and part baboon. I'd guess about two thirds or more human and the rest baboon. I would come to find that she was an "imp". Any creatures that were half human only were beasts, two thirds human were imps, and three fourths were "high imps". That was as high as it went because "high imps" are sterile except under rare circumstances. She was about five feet tall and on the stocky side, she had a pair of full firm breasts with large nipples covered in short downy fur, her head was animal shaped and had impressive fangs, and the rest of her body seemed to be covered in varying thicknesses of fur. At first I thought she was nude, but on closer inspection I saw a belt around her waist that was held up by an "X" of straps that crossed between; and helped separate, her breasts. She carried only two things on the belt, a leash and a whip. Now she took the leash and looped one end around the top of my balls, tightened it, and began to lead me that way. When she turned away I saw that her rump and vulva were bare, but not big and swollen like a full blood baboon. Even though I was staring as her rump & vagina while she led me by my balls I felt no arousal, my loins were numb and dead feeling. I was in shock from the horrors I had been forced to perform and couldn't believe this was real .

She led me to a room that contained some tubs, kind of like a hot tub, of warm water. She had me sit down in one, and then another "handler" who was a pig woman came over and handed me some coarse towels & hand rags and grunted out "clean yourself". I did as I was told and I managed to remove the thick scum of semen & other fluids that had caked over my loins and thighs, but the animal smell remained no matter how hard I scrubbed with tears rolling down my face. I still felt filthy.

After that my handler took me to one of the smaller cells; or what they really are-stalls, and settled me in. There was a pile of some sort of hay like stuff on the floor for bedding, a hole in one corner for relieving yourself, and that was it. She waited until a cart being pushed by a rat imp came by, and took off a bucket of water and a plate of some sort of stew and loaf of bread.

"This is your dinner, she said, finish it all and in the morning give the bucket and plate to the feeder and she'll replace it with a new meal. This is the last time I'll do it for you. You're on your own now, I you miss the feed cart you go hungry. You will be waiting for me when I come for you after you have eaten breakfast. If you aren't I will punish you. Oh, she added, as she turned to leave, do not leave the stall."

Even though there were no doors I had no intention of doing so. Not in this horrible place!

With a final, "I'll be back for you in the morning" she disappeared down the hall and I was finally alone.

I took a large drink of the warm tepid water, and it was like fine wine I was so thirsty. I was starving too, so even though the food was rather unappetizing looking I ate all of it. The stew was bland and seemed to have some sort of meat & veggies in it, but the loaf of bread wasn't that bad, kind of nutty tasting. I think the food must have had some sort of drug in it, or maybe I was just exhausted after my horrible ordeal, because I fell asleep, sobbing to myself, almost instantly and don't think I even dreamed.

END, Chapter 1


The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 2

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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The Seeker, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is Yiffy, so be warned. The Seeker, Chapter 3 By Williams W. Kelso I woke with a start when I heard my Mistress stirring on top of the bed. I'd finally managed to fall asleep for awhile...

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The Seeker, Chapter 2

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! The Seeker, Chapter 2 By William W. Kelso I closed my eyes and felt a moment of vertigo as my Mistress and I disappeared from the pentagram and left the two loonie toon sisters happily playing with...

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