The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 2

Story by Hinny Mule on SoFurry

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Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended I am truly sorry, but please do remember I did not force you to read it. My stories are also copyrighted so no Takee!

The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 2

By William W. Kelso

I woke up with a start, dazed and confused, then let out a short sobbing scream when I remembered where I was. "OH No, no, noooo!" But it was true, not some sick and twisted dream. I was in Hell! I realized what had woken me was the sound of the food cart coming down the hall, and a short time later the cart & rat woman arrived. I looked in horror at the rat woman, she was a beast, half human and half rat with the both the beasts of a woman and the teats of a rodent. As I had been told to do by my handler I gave her the empty bucket and plate from the night before. She took them with a grunt and handed me the same meal as before. At least it was plentiful and I was ravenous, so I devoured the food without even thinking about it, and drank all of the water. About the time I finished I looked up to find my handler looking at me with a smile on her face.

"Good, she said. You'll need the energy". Now come here slave!"

She took the leash off her belt and crouched down to loop it around my balls. "Come, she said, they are waiting for you". She started to walk away, but I balked causing her to give a hard yank on the leash. Even then I didn't move right away.

"Please", I begged. "Don't make me do this, it's obscene and unnatural. I'm not an animal. Please, you seem nice. Don't take me to that, that horrible place."

But even as I spoke I realized my penis was lengthening and thickening on its own accord. Nooo I thought, stop stop! I tried to think of anything but sex, but soon my cock was rock hard and throbbing, and as I watched a large bead of pre formed on the tip and slowly ran down the shaft. I could feel my now taught and swollen testicles pulsating with their need.

"Ohhhhh, noooo, please!" I said looking at her. "Please don't, I'll do anything!" I begged, with tears running down my face. You look like a nice lady, please help me!" She didn't say anything, just shut her eyes and gave a sad little sigh.

"I'm sorry, but neither of us have any choice. It's what we are and we must do as our Mistress commands." She said. Then she yanked on the leash again and this time I obediently followed her. I had no choice.

As I followed her down the tunnel I couldn't help but look at her sex, because it was high up on her rump and nothing was hidden. I gave a soft moan of despair as I realized I wanted her despite the fact she was an inhuman beast, and as I watched her hips swaying I got harder and harder. I gave a soft moan of lust, flaring my nostrils as I smelled her sex, and she looked at me over her shoulder. I turned my head, ashamed of my desire for her. She watched me for a few seconds, and then turned into a room. In some confusion I saw it wasn't the "breeding pit" but a stall identical to one she had just brought me from and it was unoccupied.

She pulled me in and turned to face me, then one of her legs lashed out and hooked behind mine and she tripped me, and with a loud surprised grunt I fell to the ground. She immediately got down on her knees and straddled me, and taking her hand she guided my aching erection into her vagina before I could do anything I was so shocked. "OHHHHHHH, GAAAA!" I squealed as I felt her slick warm lips swallow me, she was raping me! "What, what, are you doing! Stop! Nooo!"

"You wanted me did you not, slave?" she grunted as she ground down on me. "I saw you eyeing and smelling my sex and drooling, and could smell your lust. Be careful what you ask for here, you may get it!"

"Pleeaassee stop!" I sobbed as she raped me, but she just grunted and squealed in pleasure as she ground down on me, her large breasts bobbing as she rode me and took her pleasure.

Finally, unable to stop myself, I gave a guttural moan and reached up and started to fondle her large firm breasts and felt her nipples harden. This just made her more frenzied and I thrust up into her as hard as I could, desperate to reach the release I needed so badly. "UH UH UH!" I sobbed.

Finally I came, an incredible gut-wrenching orgasm that caused me to scream in agonized ecstasy. My partner gave a deep grunt and shuddered, then lifted herself off of me with a final gasp of pleasure. And as I slid free of her it was like it hadn't even happened, no release, no sense of satisfaction, no slacking of my lust which was now worse them ever. "Noooo!" I moaned and lay there. I looked up at her and reached for her. "Please, I sobbed, please don't leave me like this!"

She just snorted and said, "Come, we have wasted enough time!" and gave a hard yank on the leash which was still looped around my now cum drenched balls. With a grunt of pain I stood up. She smiled at me and reaching down pushed on the tip of my penis, then let go so it bobbed up and down. "Ohhhhh" I moaned.

"That was very enjoyable, she said, I think I will "prime" you every morning from now on to get you eager for the pit. What do you think slave?" I just kept sobbing as she led me to face another day of degrading bestiality, which I now wanted and needed so badly.

By the time we reached the breeding pit my lust was so great I couldn't stand it, it was like I hadn't had sex in years and years! By this time my penis was slick with a thick coating of pre and my pubic hairs were drenched in it. I didn't notice or care as she led me, I just obediently followed her giving soft grunts of lust. If it had taken us much longer to reach the pit and the waiting animals I have no doubt I would have begged her to rape me again. What WAS I now? The harmless lonely man I had been was long gone, and I was terrified by what had replaced him. I could not believe I was capable of doing the things I did. Less than twenty four hours ago I had been human, but what was I now?

By the time we got to the pit the only thing that mattered to me was the waiting swollen ripe vagina of the first goat. As soon as my handler removed the leash I ran up to first goat in line and without hesitation mounted her. I achieved full penetration with my first thrust and grabbing her in front of her hind legs I humped her as hard and fast as I could, moaning and shuddering and sobbing from my NEED!! As soon as I orgasmed I moved to the next goat, and the next. And copulated and copulated endlessly! For the next ten hours the sounds of my thighs slapping against the rumps of the goats and my grunts and moans and other sounds of sex, both human and bestial, echoed in the room. It seemed to last forever, but was over way too soon. With a final scream of agonized ecstasy I dismounted from the last goat at the end of my "day". I found it impossible to believe that in ten some odd hours I had fucked at least forty animals, but it was undeniable. To my horror I realized I wanted more, and hoped they would bring me more animals to service!

My cock finally went limp, my balls stopped throbbing, and with a long drawn out moan I sank to my knees and cradled myself, sobbing at the horror of what I had just done. But at least I was temporarily satisfied. I waited while my handler put the leash around my balls and led me to the wash room and then on to my stall for a meal and sleep. And so it went on for days, then weeks. My handler would collect me every morning, "prime" me by raping me, but after the first couple of times it was no longer rape as I was an eager willing partner. She would enter my stall and drop to all fours without saying a word and I would mount and service her until she was satisfied with my performance, sometimes requiring me to make her come two or three times which were fine with me, the longer the better. Then she would take me to the pit for my day's labors. Sometimes we would go for days without even speaking. Then about a month later something new happened.

It happened one "morning" when I was almost done servicing one of the lines of goats. I was almost through with goat number three when all of a sudden something snapped painfully against my rump with a loud crack and I instantly orgasmed even though I wasn't finished humping the goat yet. With a surprised yell of pain and pleasure I pulled my cock out and turned to look at my handler in surprise and some anger.

"What the .!" I started to say. Then I saw my handler now had the whip she carried on her belt, and was flipping it back and forth. She had whipped me, but why? I was behaving, I was doing what they wanted! I quickly became aware again of the aching insatiable need in my cock & my loins, and only able to concentrate on that one need I turned and quickly mounted the fourth goat, and again once I'd penetrated her the whip snapped against my butt check and I immediately orgasmed again! This time I angrily turned to my handler, and yelled at her,

"Why are you doing that, that hurt! I'm servicing them as fast as can, just like you want!" I yelled rubbing my butt. My handler replied,

"Yes you are, but it's taking you too long! Your quota is to service four females an hour, but you usually only manage to service three, you have to be faster! This is an orgasm whip, the instant it touches your flesh anywhere you'll come."

To demonstrate she lashed out with whip again and even though my cock wasn't inside a vagina I orgasmed brutally, staring down and grunting in agonized ecstasy as my cum spurted from the tip of my penis and splattered again the wall several feet away. "Ahhhhhhh!" I squealed. "Don't DO that, I promise I'll try harder!"

"I have been lenient with you because you're new to this." she said. "But you should be broken in by now, so from now on I will be using the whip for every female remaining in a line if you haven't already serviced them at the end of every hour. I will not spare the whip for any reason."

By this time the next line had arrived and I was energetically humping the first goat, grunting and moaning more like an animal then a man. I forgot about the whip as I worked my way down the line, ramming my aching throbbing cock into each female trying to come as soon as possible. However, no matter how hard I tried I was only able to service three of the females, so every hour I got one or two licks from the orgasm whip. In a couple of weeks my lower back and rump were criss-crossed with a pattern of whip marks, but they healed fast leaving thin white scars. This went on for over a month, but by that time I was at least meeting my quotas about half the time out of desperation to satisfy my lust and to try and avoid the whip. But still the whip lashed me more often than not. I would mount the remaining females and close my eyes and tense until the whip lashed across my skin. Then I would scream as an instant massive orgasm rocked my body, tears springing from my eyes. It was agonizing ecstasy. I hated and loved it.

It was a few days later, about halfway through my quota, and I was so busy fucking my animal "mates" that I didn't even realize Mistress Vulva had entered the room until I heard her talking to my handler and smelled her burnt cinnamon musk. Even then I couldn't stop ramming my aching cock in and out of the goat's vagina, the slap/slap/slap of my thighs against the goat's rump echoing in the room. It was the only sound except for my moans and the bleats & squeals of the other goats impatiently awaiting their own turn with the Hell stud.

Another gut wrenching orgasm wracked my body, and when I was through shuddering I dismounted and quickly mounted the next goat. Vulva talked with my handler while I serviced the goat, then came over and squatted down next to me. She gave me a pat on my rump as I thrust into the goat and said,

"Your handler tellss me you aren't meeting your quotass on a regular bassiss, and I must say I'm disssappointed in you. What do you have to saay for yoursself, my pet? Don't you want to pleasse your Mistress?"

But I couldn't say anything, only groan and moan as yet another massive orgasm rocked my body. Vulva had to wait for my answer until I had dismounted, moved on to the next goat in line, and mounted her with a deep grunt of lust. She waited until I got down to steady powerful thrusts as I coupled with the goat, then reaching between my legs she began to gently fondle my aching swollen testicles.

"Ooooh, Uh! Uh! Oooooh!" I moaned, slobbering from the pleasure.

"Yesss, she said with a chuckle, feelss good doessn't it, my pet? Now sslow down and ansswer my question. You can't come while I'm fondling you!"

And she was right, no matter how hard or fast I rammed my aching penis in and out of the goat's slick tight vagina I couldn't come!! I sobbed "Ohhhh, Please Mistress, please oh please let me come, Ohhh Gaaa!, PLEASE! Oh Oh! I do try so hard! I really do, I want to please you more than anything Mistress!" I said as I kept desperately humping the goat. My whole body shuddering I looked at her with tears in my eyes. "Please, ohhhh please let me come, Mistress!! It hurts, it hurts so gooood!!"

"No, she said. Not until you tell me why you're not meeting your quotass! I am most disspleased ssslave!"

"Ohh, please Mistress, I DO try so hard!! Pleeeeease! I sobbed.

"Oh very well", she said and released my balls. "I tire of your pitiful begging."

"Ohhhh, Thank you Mistress!" I screamed as I instantly exploded with a gut-wrenching orgasm of agonizing ecstasy. As soon as my orgasm was over I immediately mounted the next goat, my need even worse than ever. I grunted as I slammed myself into the goat, grinding as hard as I could in mindless sexual pleasure. "Uh uh uh!"

"Hmmm." said Vulva, as she watched my heaving thrusts and listened to my bestial grunts as I serviced the goat. "You certainly are energetic enough, and you don't appear to be trying to hold back. I think it may be my fault. Each new sstud reactss differently, and I may have expected too much from you to sstart with. But still you need to sstart meeting your quotass, so here'ss what I'm going to do my pet." She reached between my legs and began to gently fondle my loins again, but his time it was different as there was a pleasurably warm heat coming from her hand, and I could feel my testicles start to grow. ."Uhhh Uhhhh, What! Nooooo! What, what are you doing!!" I sobbed as I felt my balls swell and get heavier. As they grew they began to throb with even more lust than ever. "Nooooo, stoppp!" I moaned. "I, I uh, pleasssee, uhhhhhhh!"

"There! She said, with a smile, thiss will help! Your loinss will sslowly grow anyway, but in this casse I'm speeding it up to help you meet your quotass. Yess, a definite improvement if I sssay so mysself. Very nice!"

As she released my aching balls another massive orgasm racked me and I came and came and came. "Ohhhhhhhh, Guuhhhhhaaww!" I screamed. My body was helplessly shuddering and writhing in agonizing ecstasy and I could do nothing about it. This is impossible I thought, it can't get any worse! Finally it was over and I was able to dismount from the goat. I stood and looked down past my throbbing cock at my loins which were now the size of billiard balls. I could SEE them slowly pulsating and throbbing with their need to be drained. With a forlorn moan of despair I quickly mounted the next goat in line. As I humped the goat, ramming my rock hard penis in and out of its vagina I realized that my lust was even more insatiable than ever. With a smile Vulva gave me another pat on the rump and with an evil laugh she turned away and left the room. I stared after her trying to beg for mercy but all I could do was grunt and moan as my sexual torment continued. She had promised me pain and pleasure beyond imagining, and I had accepted, and she had kept her word. I had only myself to blame for this unending horror.

After that I didn't have any more problems reaching my quotas. After just a few days my handler no longer had to use the orgasm whip on me, though I think she missed using it. She was not cruel, but did take her job as a stud handler seriously as it was a position of great responsibility, plus she enjoyed the "side" benefits of having an insatiable male animal under her control. She greatly enjoyed watching the beast labor, it made her wet. She also enjoyed my new capabilities as I was now able to service her every evening as well as morning as I no longer went flaccid at the end of a "day" in the pits, and sometimes she kept me up quite late much to my despair and delight. She was a very demanding partner, but I never failed to satisfy her. I loved what she could do with her mouth, her fangs gently biting my aching erection even as she tongued and sucked it, it was indescribable. She forced me to pleasure her with my tongue, but soon I loved doing that too, loved the smell and taste of her sex as my senses grew sharper and more sensitive. Now I can smell the females in estrus all the way from my stall, and when she comes to fetch me I am already rampant, eager to begin my duties.

So I met my quotas with no problem over the endless hours and days. My routine was the same without any change. It was ten hours a "day" in the breeding pits, twice or more servicing my handler, a few hours to eat & sleep, then back to the pits. The one thing that did change was after awhile my "partner's" began to vary. One morning as I entered the breeding pit, my cock rock hard and rampant and my loins full & taught & pulsing & overflowing with sperm I was surprised to find that instead of goats there was a line of baboons waiting for me. These were large hairy creatures, each easily weighing at least two hundred pounds. They watched as I entered the room, and then started to make guttural grunts of anticipation. The first one in line turned away from me and squatted down offering me her rump which was red and swollen, and the large swollen lips of her vagina were dripping with fluids. I was caught a little off guard, but I still didn't hesitate to mount her and start fucking and humping her with powerful thrusts. She grunted and squealed in pleasure as I serviced her. The other baboons watched and added their own grunts and sequels of excitement and arousal to the noise, each eagerly waiting her turn. It was different then with the goats, more energetic on the part of the females, but it was still just base beastial sex with no love or desire involved. I serviced them because I had no choice. It no longer mattered to me what my partners were as long as they were female. My handler seemed to be delighted I was being mated with her animal cousins, maybe even her mother.

Finally I came to accept what I was one day, that I service them not only because I had to and needed to, but most of all because I WANTED to. Now I live for the sex, needing it just as badly as I need air. I was horribly addicted and knew it, but it was an addiction far more horrible than any other. I still had no problems meeting my quotas and I actually felt a perverse pride that I had finally pleased my Mistress. It now mattered to me to keep her satisfied with my performance. My innocent naivety was long gone, and I realized that something was happening to me mentally, as well as physically. My once flabby body had become hard and muscular and my legs had become strong and muscular and I had developed a permanent crouch.

My handler now varies my partner's species on a regular basis. In addition to goats and the baboons my partners now included pigs (hug shaggy creatures the size of goats), giant rats, a kind of large lizard that walked upright, dog and cat like creatures, and things I had no name for. Most are just animals, but some are horrible unnatural things. Eventually I lost track of how many different kinds of females I was paired with. It only mattered that they had ready waiting vagina's, it didn't matter what color or shape they were, or where they were located. Most of the females I serviced from behind in the way of the animal I had become, but some had their vaginas in the front like human females. They would lay on low tables with their legs spread as I serviced them, often with their arms and legs strapped down to prevent them from struggling as I was not gentle as I brutally fucked and humped them. Whether they enjoyed it was of no concern of mine. I just did my job and serviced them, meeting my quota every time with growing pride. I lived to please my Mistress, her praise now meant more to me than anything else. But every night once I was alone I still cried myself to sleep with great wracking sobs as I relived the day's horrors and hated what I was becoming.

I no longer question why I am here, no longer complain about unfairness, because the only thing that I think about now, the only thing I live for is the constant unending sex. It is the only thing left for me. Now every morning when my handler arrives at my stall I'm already rampant, my cock rock hard and my swollen aching loins throbbing with lust. I service her and sometimes some of the friends she often brings with her now, then when that pleasant chore has been taken care of all I care about is getting to the pit to start my torment as soon as possible. I no longer beg for mercy, and do not need to be forcefully led to the pit anymore. Forced? Hah! I WANT the sex! I NEED it more and more every day! I now lead my handler down the tunnel to the pit, and wait impatiently while she removes the leash, moaning at the sight and scent of the waiting females, eager to mount the first female of the day. Sometime I mount the first female before my handler can even get the leash off, pulling away from her eager to start my duties, and she just leaves it until I'm back in my stall for the night.

Slowly and surely my penis has been growing, both lengthening and thickening, and is a good ten inches long now. My testicles have also continued to grow, and are now the size of tennis balls, my scrotum taught and stretched by their size. It no longer bothers or worries me. I relish and look forward to the steady growth as it makes the copulating that much easier and enjoyable. The bigger my cock gets the tighter the vaginas of my "lovers". As I grow the pleasure and the orgasms get more intense and like any other addict I need to increase that pleasure on a regular basis, need more "fixes".

Today Vulva visited again, but I hardly noticed as I worked my way down a line of grunting squealing hogs, mounting and humping each one enthusiastically, enjoying every penetration and stroke, my thighs slapping against their rumps in steady powerful thrusts. Vulva talked with my handler for awhile, and then came over just as I was mounting another sow. Giving me a soft pat on the rump she said,

"I'm very pleassed with your progress, my pet. Your handler sayss you've been meeting your quotas, no matter the sspeciess, with no problem now for several monthss, and often have time for another line or two of femaless before your ten hours is up. Your average is now forty five femaless day. You've made your Mistress very pleassed." In spite of concentrating on humping the sow I felt perverse pride that I had pleased my Mistress. I tried to say something but could only grunt. She kept talking and at first I didn't pay much attention as I was quickly nearing my next orgasm, but then she said,

"In fact, she said, I'm so pleassed, and your performance has been sso good, that I'm going to reward you. Asss of now I'm increassing your hourly quotass to six femaless and increassing your daily hourss in the pit to twelve. I think your loinss are big enough and contain enough sseed to handle thiss with no problem. What do you think, my pet?" She said with a guttural laugh.

It took a few seconds for what she had said to sink in, and when it finally did I was shuddering through another orgasm. For some reason during that orgasm, while the lust was temporarily satisfied for split second, I realized and understood what she had said, and what it meant. Reality returned for a few seconds as I realized it was going to get even worse, that this was only the beginning of my torment.

"Noooo, Please, Please, Oh NOOOOO!" I sobbed and screamed even as I was mounting the next sow in the line. "PLEASE, I sobbed, isn't this enough? I've met my quotas. I've done what you wanted Mistress! Please, No more!! Don't punish me. I just can't take any more, Please Mistress, I'll go insane!" Vulva just gave a guttural laugh, and said,

"No need to thank me, my pet. I'm sure you'll have no problem "risssing" to the occasssion!" Then with another laugh she gave me another friendly pat on my rump as I humped the sow, and then turned and left. The sow was number four in this line, and as I climaxed again I noticed two more grunting pigs being led into the room and added to the line. "Ohhhh Noooo, I sobbed, Please, please, please, oh Noooo! But as soon as I dismounted from the fourth pig I didn't hesitate to mount the fifth. For the first couple of days my handler used the orgasm whip on me, but by the third day I was meeting new quota of six females served per hour for twelve hours a day with no more problems. All my doubts and whining had ended, and I soon felt new pride as I met my new quota. It hurt, it hurt soo goood! The very thing I had been enslaved for was the very thing I wanted, and needed now more than anything else.

My new hourly quotas and hours a day in the pit were the only thing that changed now; otherwise my "routine" was the same. After twelve hours in the pit I was bathed & fed, serviced my handler, slept, woke up, serviced my handler and her friends, and was fed again. Then rampant and aching was eagerly led to the pit for another "day". One thing did change though, sometimes my partners were beasts now, half human and half animal. But I hardly noticed as it was still mindless animal sex with no desire or tenderness. I had no interest in anything but their ready waiting hot wet tight vaginas, no love or desire, no foreplay or tenderness, just brutal bestial copulating. All that mattered to me was reaching orgasm as quickly and often as possible, because only during that degrading act was my lust temporarily satisfied for just a split second, and only during those split seconds was I partly human again. But as soon as my body finished shuddering, as soon as my cock stopped pulsating as it spewed my cum, as soon as my balls stopped pumping, the lust was back just as bad and insatiable as ever. That is the true horror, to be able to remember what had been done to me for short periods of time, but insane with lust the rest. I had no doubt this was intentional on the part of my loving Mistress so some small part of me would always be aware of what I had become, would remember I had once been human.

I now know what she meant now when she said I was no longer human; I can feel the creature of Hell I am now becoming stronger every day as my humanity slips slowly away. Soon the only thing human left will be the seed I carry in my obscene loins, my only purpose to spew that seed into as many females in as short a time as possible, to mate endlessly with animals and beasts, to be a sire to beasts and monsters. I have no doubt in time I'll even be servicing my own "daughters".

It so it went on for months, for years, never varying, never changing, except that my penis and loins continued to grow slowly. Ten inches, twelve, thirteen, my throbbing aching balls growing to the size of baseballs, and my lust & need and capability for sex increased accordingly. There were other physical changes as well. My legs became heavily muscled and powerful to support me during my endless mindless rutting, my toenails lengthening and growing harder to help me get better purchase as I serviced my "mates". My stance became more forward to better accommodate the angle in which I mounted my partners. My penis grew a sheath to help support its weight, growing and attaching itself to my belly. And worse of all was my face pushed forward into a muzzle, fangs growing from my jaws as my tongue lengthened and thickened. I now had a sensitive black rubbery nose so I could better smell the readiness of my partners to mate. Sometimes I am unable to stop myself from using my now long and prehensile tongue to lick the sex of my partners to taste their readiness, slowly running it over their swollen wet lips and running it inside of them, grunting in pleasure. I am insane now, and have no memory of ever having been anything else except for rare brief flashes of fading memories that just annoy and confuse me now. And still I keep changing and when the human part of me surfaces for a few moments on rare occasion it screams in utter terror when it sees what I'm becoming.

My Mistress Vulva would increase my hourly quotas on an irregular basis, and sometimes the length of hours in the breeding pit. I no longer complain because to me every additional female is another chance to try and reach the relief I need and crave so badly, but can never achieve. The thing I am now sees these increases as rewards for my loyal services. I don't know how long I've been here, but it seems like eternity though I know my servitude is only just starting. What is a few years compared to eternity? My quota is now ten females an hour, for sixteen hours a day. My penis has grown to fourteen inches in length, and is almost too thick to put your thumb and forefinger around, and my loins have grown to the size of base balls, their weight dragging my scrotum down almost to my knees. When I'm humping the females I can feel them swinging back and forth and enjoy the feeling. Sometimes my handler, or my Mistress on her rare visits, will gently fondle them as I mate with a female and then squeeze them as I come and I howl in agonized delight. I have no problem at all servicing my quota of 160 females per visit to the pit, and I take pride in it. It is what I am, what I do to please my Mistress which is all I care about. She takes care of me and provides me what I so desperately need now and the thing I am loves her for it. When she comes to visit and rewards me I slobber in mindless delight at the thought of still more females! And so it goes on, only the number of females per hour change, and the more I have to service, the better! When I sleep though I often dream of another life and cry and sob as I slumber waiting for my next day in Hell.

My other physical changes have increased as well. My muzzle is now fully developed and I can no longer talk, only grunt and squeal like my mates. I am as much an animal as they are, no one would ever mistake me for having ever been human now. I am growing a tail to counter-balance my weight when I mount a female, a thick heavy tail that is growing longer and longer. My fingers have lengthened and my nails have thickened and become claws so I can grasp and pin a female more easily, my toenails have also become long sharp claws and I know have thick pads on the bottom of my feet. The only way I can tell time has passed is when my Mistress increases my quotas. Eleven females to service an hour, twelve an hour, seventeen hours in the pit, then eighteen, and so on. Every time my quota is increased after the first few hours I have no problem meeting the new quota required of me. My handler just uses the orgasm whip for her amusement now, sometimes she will whip me through five or ten females in a row and the thing I am LOVES it, screeching at the unbelievable sexual agony, reveling in the gut wrenching orgasms. Screaming and grunting in agony as the whip licks across my flanks which are horribly scarred, bellowing for MORE as it enjoys the pain as much as the pleasure.

Finally the day comes when my quota is increased by my pleased Mistress to twenty females an hour, for twenty hours a day, for a total of 400 females serviced in one "day". I have no problem meeting these new quotas, I relish the increased challenge. I LIVE for the sex and want, and need, MORE and MORE and MORE! I am an eager and willing participant in my own horrible degradation and change from man to sex crazed monster. Impossible, you say? You forget where I am, what I am now. I am as much a Demon, a creature of Hell, as my Mistress. There is nothing natural about me in any way, my humanity is long gone and what remains has, and feels, no mercy or love for anything but its Mistress. I am the perfect slave, a slave that does not even know it is a slave but instead believes its horrible steadily increasing torment is a reward. Please pity me as I cannot even pity myself.

It's been several more months now and I know I'm servicing sometimes even more then 20 an hour, and my Mistress will be pleased. I used to think I knew what lust was, what sexual need was, but I was sadly mistaken. My cock is so large, so thick and long now that I can force it only about half way into the vaginas of most of the females I'm servicing, but that doesn't matter to me, as long as I can get enough of it in to hump and fuck them is all that matters. My balls are larger than softballs now, throbbing and pulsating with a still growing insatiable need to be drained. My scrotum has grown thicker and stronger, tough and leathery, to support their weight and they have been drawn back up to rest between my legs again and my hips have widened so my legs are now farther apart to give them room and to allow me to climb up further on the backs of my bigger mates when I cover them. They hang inline now instead of side by side and are so heavy they barely swing even when I'm in full copulation. I have started growing a coat of coarse fur like hair and my tail has grown longer and the tip now whips from side to side as I service the females. I no longer care if I hurt them as I brutally hump and fuck the now super tight vaginas of a helpless squealing animal or beast. When I'm not in the pit I like to fondle and caress my loins until my next "day" begins, and I welcome and enjoy the demands of my handler and her now numerous friends. I like nothing better then to return to my stall to find several more females eager for my services and slobber and gurgle with delight. As I couple with one I will eagerly tongue fuck the next one, stretching her and getting her wet and slippery for her coming turn at my services. My tongue is over a foot long now, very thick and incredibly strong and prehensile. I seldom need to sleep anymore, at the most maybe an hour of dazed dozing. My handler often feeds me while I'm coupling, but I do not seem to need much food anymore though I blindly swallow whatever is put in my mouth without tasting it.

And still my cock and loins grow, slowly but surely. It takes me less and less time to mount and service each female, reach a full blown gut wrenching orgasm, then move eagerly on to mount the next female. New animals have been added to my partners, including larger creatures as I am now large enough to service them. I prefer them as I can achieve a much fuller penetration instead of only a partial one, and it's more enjoyable that way. There is nothing I like better then the swollen juicy vagina of a donkey in heat! My own bestial sounds blend in nicely with their brays of pleasure as I cover them and I take even less time than would a stallion, and I have just as much as any stallion they've ever been serviced by. I no longer feel any fatigue or need to rest anymore, even when I am fed. I hardly touch my food as I have hunger for only one thing. The two hours that I spend in my stall are agony now as I spend almost all the time with a raging rock hard erection, squatting on my tail and fondling my huge swollen balls, impatiently waiting for my next trip to the pit, that is unless there are female handlers demanding my attentions but lately there have been fewer as I am just too big now. Sometimes in growing desperation I take my own cock in my mouth as it is easy to reach now and try to get some relief that way, but it never works. I have not slept in weeks. While I am kept in the stall I often howl for my handler to come and fetch me. I do not understand I am not being punished by being kept from the females, I think I am being punished and howl for my Mistress to forgive me. I need it so bad, so very badly, need the pain and pleasure as I've never needed anything. Yet sometimes I feel large tears sliding down my muzzle and don't even know why anymore and I'll throw back my head and wail and even the other creatures of Hell sometimes cringe when they hear the horrible anguish in that lonely cry.

It's been several years now, the longest period that has passed without my Mistress Vulva coming by to increase my quotas or hours, but I hardly notice it as all I can do is concentrate of copulating with the females as quickly and as often as possible. I take pride in being efficient and spending as little time as possible with each female I service. One day she finally came in to talk with my handler, but I paid her no attention as I moved from one female to the next. My partners right now are satyrs, and I can only penetrate them with about halfway I enjoy looking down at my shaft sliding in and out of their super tight vagina's as I hump and fuck them in steady powerful thrusts causing them to squeal in pleasure and pain as I'm just too big for them now. After a few minutes and several females later Mistress Vulva came over and squatted down beside me and gave me the usual tender pat on my rump. I just snorted and kept on doing what I was doing as I could not stop now even for my Mistress, but I enjoyed her touch and lovely cinnamon musk.

"Well well she said, your handler sssays you've been exceeding your quota on an hourly bassiss for many yearss now. I'm very pleasssed, do you anything to say for yoursself you magnificent animal?"

She knows I can't talk and it hurt my feelings. All I could manage was a deep guttural grunt as another gut wrenching orgasm racked my body. As soon as it was over I dismounted; and immediately mounted the next satyr and started humping her with no hesitation. Vulva gave a satisfied smile, and said,

"Good, you ARE ready for the final step. As of now I'm increasssing your quota to thirty an hour, for twenty four hourss a day! Congratulationss, your change is finally complete. You are now a full blown Hell SStud, a real pit beasst! No more need to resst, eat, or relive yoursself. I'm so proud of you, my pet!"

"Urrrrk, Urrggggh!" Was all I could say as I came, and quickly moved on to mount the next female. I knew my Mistress was pleased with me, so I was too. "Urrrrk!"

I grunted as I went to work.

"Yesss! She said, that'ss it my pet!" She looked in delight at the happy thing laboring before her. The Hell stud now more resembled a furry raptor lizard or Kangaroo more than a man. There was nothing human left physically and not much mentally. Its powerful hind quarters were designed for one thing, to give it the strength and power to mount female after female. It's now permanently erect penis would never become sore or flaccid again. She watched as it finished with one female and moved to the next. It thrust its muzzle against the satyr's rump and ran its tongue over its vagina snuffling and taking a good taste of its next partner's state of readiness as it flared its nostrils. With a guttural bellow it mounted the satyr and began to energetically service its screaming bleating partner, snorting and digging its claws into the ground for purchase as it thrust. It was the perfect living fucking machine. She gave the moaning grunting beast another affectionate pat on its heaving flank, and even though she knew the beast could no longer understand her said,

"Let nothing sstand in the way of your insssatiable needss! You now finally realize what you truly are, what you have become, and have accepted your role for eternity. From now on you will get all the nourisshment you need from the ssexual fluidss of your "lovers", you no longer need to relieve yoursself or rest. You will spend every minute of every day sservicing your matess and you will sire millionss of offsspring. Even though you may not have realized it you've already reached, and exceeded, your quota monthsss ago. Your handler ssayss you are averaging thirty three or more copulationss an hour, lesss than two minutess per female, mosst impresssive my pet. You are a magnificent inssatiable sstud, my ssslave, and even though it is no longer necesssary to increasse your quotass the amount of femaless you sservice in an hour will continue to go up. Jusst think that ssoon enough you will reach 35 or more an hour. Jusst think of it my pet, almost 900 females sserviced in one day! Ssome of my sstuds have reached 35 or more femaless an hour, so that givess you a goal to work towardss. I'll leave you to your laborss now, you may never see my again, but I'm very proud of you, my pet! Good bye!"

"Uh Uh, grunt, Urrrrk, Ugrrrrhh!" I moaned as I rammed my huge insatiable cock into the squealing satyr's stretched swollen sex. My huge throbbing testicles suddenly clenched and forced several ounces of sperm and cum through my pulsating cock into the satyr's vagina. There was so much some squirted out to splash onto my already drenched pubic hair and fur. With a shriek I actually managed to turn away from the next female and reach out to Vulva as she disappeared down the tunnel. For a few seconds a flash of memory returned and I remembered. I looked after her and pleaded with my eyes as tears ran down my muzzle, then I moaned as she disappeared from sight. And the beast returned stronger than ever as I turned to the next female and mounted her, forcing as much of my cock into her as I could, fucking and humping her desperately trying to satisfy my insatiable lust, to drain my swollen aching balls, a lust which could never be satisfied for eternity. There was no longer even a split second of release or satisfaction during one of the body wracking orgasms that rocked my body every few minute now. It only takes me two minutes or less to service a female, just a few thrusts to achieve full orgasm, and then move on to the next waiting female. After a few more months I seem to have finally reached the peak of my abilities and now average forty females serviced per hour for over 950 every twenty-four hours. It is a mercy that the screaming mindless thing I have become is totally insane.



The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 3

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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The Unlucky Virgin, Chapter 1

Fellow Furries, This story is very adult oriented and is NOT for youngsters or the squeamish. It touches the darker side of sexual pleasure and pain and is about the damnation of an innocent through his own stupidity. If you do read it and are offended...

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The Seeker, Chapter 3

My stories are copyrighted, so NO takee! This one is Yiffy, so be warned. The Seeker, Chapter 3 By Williams W. Kelso I woke with a start when I heard my Mistress stirring on top of the bed. I'd finally managed to fall asleep for awhile...

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