Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences
(see the beginning of part 1 for the pronunciation guide) Hirsune Pt. 21 - Truth and Consequences by argouru Ky awoke to sunlight trying to murder his eyes through impalement. He groaned in agony, trying to move his head, and finding he couldn't...
Furry Diaries
Okie dokey Here it is my first ever story It's something I whipped up radomly while being horribly bored one day. Prologue I don't know how my life played out like this. Throught my years of living on this world I had to deal...
Tauren Tale, Chapter 8
Kazbo ran after the Tauren, down, down into a depression in the desert floor. At the bottom, he found the pair in deep scrub brush. Sanja was climbing a scrawny tree - the only one without thorns that they had seen since entering Desolace - and Jorga...
Kitchen Debauchery
A small bell tinkled as Sah and Gary opened the glass door to a small local diner Gary occasionally visited. Light brown hardwood stretched out beneath them and warm lighting hung overhead, illuminating the dozen or two tables unused at such a...
76- At Last
"Hey Kajex?" The gray wolf perked up at the voice behind him. Movement behind him drew his attention, looking past his reflection in the mirror as his twin's strong arms slid around his midsection. The corners of his muzzle raised as he stood upright...
Lustbug (RP logs)
Khaesho Scorpent: The station was a popular stop, a crossroads for multiple trade routes that had all started with a bar and service depot. It had been a place to refuel and relax for a little while, but its perfect location and excellent prices soon...
Flora: Rhyme and Shine
As the morning came, orange lights began to filter into a single window in a room. That small bit of sunshine was enough to brighten the room a bit but not enough to disturb most of the people gathered on the bed. One of the figures in the bed began to...
Gluttons for Punishment: Chapter 1
Disclaimer: This story contains Tentacles, rape, and monsters. If you aren't allowed or don't want to read any of this, then please don't. Marked Extreme because if this story isn't, the later ones will be. The room flashed a blazing...
They keep doing impossible things
"Sig, you sure you're okay, man? You look messed up." "Yeah. Yeah. Hey, thanks for taking me out, though. Helped me unwind." "This is you 'unwound'? Damn, dude. Guess I haven't seen you uptight." "Hey, go fuck yourself," Sigfried laughed quietly....
Simba's Growing Pride Part 2 (musk alt)
For two days Simba had to endure. Kiara became needier as she approached the peak of her heat. More demanding of Kovu. In turn, the erotic spices and pheromones of her heat drove Kovu with need. The dark lion regularly walked around with his cock out,...
the bus shelter
another morning comes around oh I do like mornings, you see everyone in there true colours, by the afternoon you hardly see anything other then the oddball that talks to himself. This is a simple story yes there is smut so go ahead read on to that you...
The Revenge Of The Ice-Queen
Chapter Five: Getting Fitter, Joining Clubs * * * The following day, or at least morning, saw Crystal buying more mares for the herd. Lunch-time saw her, and the new horses, back at her house where she fed them all then had something to eat herself....