Looking Forward To The Future

Story by Kajex Surnahm on SoFurry

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A Star-Wars themed piece commissioned by :Iconsolidlegend:, taking place in a different time and era- possibly a different reality? And starring his lethal assassin character, Terrak! (Consider this piece non-canon to the events of Path of the Sentinel)

"In other news, the CSA has formally entered a trade agreement with the Trianii core systems, in what many are saying is another step in healing the rift between the once Imperial-aligned corporatocracy and the felinoid, matriarch-led species. This marks what is perhaps the most significant moment in the peace between both since the end of the CSA-Trianii wars that ceased in 1 ABY. Among those who have signed the agreement are Matriarch Tai-Su of Brochiib, Matriarch Bast of Ekibo, and Matriarch Ja'Murah of Pouma V."

"The agreement has largely been met with enthusiasm and support, with an estimated eighty-seven percent of the population approving the move, eight percent disapproving, and the remainder undecided. Discontent for the agreement is centered mainly around the involvement of the youngest of its matriarchs, Ja'Murah. Having become Pouma V's first matriarch since it was founded nearly twenty years prior, Matriarch Ja'Murah is known for her divergent political policies, which include granting ownership of the Trianii colony world to the then-recently rediscovered Kanj'Isha species. She has, since her decision, remained among some as a controversial figure."

"'Our gods teach us to spread our people among the stars on planets they have set for us in advance,' she stated during the agreement, under which the Kanj'Isha colony will also benefit, 'but also to not encroach on the worlds of other sentient, set for them by their own gods. With the Kanj'Isha's blessings, we've been allowed to remain on this planet, and I would see greater bonds between our people.' In the time that she passed ownership to the Kanj'Isha and was subsequently invited to remain, Ja'Murah since become known, either derisively or affectionately, as the Matriarch of the Wolves, acting as a political voice for the once-displaced and Sith-enslaved canine race. Her role has garnered her many supporters ever since their rendered aid to the Trianii Rangers, in addition to gaining a few detractors from those claiming she is a race traitor."

"'It is despicable that she has been allowed to remain a matriarch,' says Matriarch T'Rala. 'Undergoing genetic augmentation of her own volition soils her bloodline, becoming more like those mutts, and I've no doubt she plans to utilize her extended lifespan to secure an indefinite rule over her planet; already she has granted an economic benefit to an outsider race to whom she feels kinship. But this is nothing in comparison to the rumors of her being involved intimately with some of their males- her own suitor claims he was rejected because of it. She should step down immediately for her betrayal.'"

"T'Rala's statements refer to the extended longevity of the Kanj'Isha race, which has estimated by geneticists to last between 200 and 400 years of age. No evidence has been produced regarding the matriarch's claims of a physical relationship between Ja'Murah and a Kanj'Isha male. Her claims on indefinite rule were widely criticized by the Matriarchs of the core worlds; Matriarch Bast responded by pointing to the recently-enacted term limits for Matriarchs that reach the age of seventy cycles. 'I myself intend to comply with this divine law in only a few years, despite my health being as high as it ever was. To suggest that Ja'Murah would ignore them is nothing short of ridiculous. Her genetic augmentation is irrelevant, science will never change the fact that she is, and will always be, Trianii in spirit. She remains an honored and wise member of her tribunal, and I've no doubt she will serve her people well- be they Trianii or our Kanj'Isha citizens.' When pressed on whether T'Rala's claims of an interspecies relationship might be true, she merely replied, 'It's none of her damned business. My youngest daughter is mated to the Kanj'Isha's Grand Sentinel, and yet she performs her duty as a Sentinel honorably and without fail. I've no doubt Matriarch Ja'Murah is of the same mind.'"

"Matriarch Bast refers to her youngest daughter, Syrra Surnahm, a former Jedi Sentinel widely recognized among the Trianii as a hero and valued friend to Matriarch Ja'Murah; and mate to Kajex Surnahm, Grand Sentinel and founder of the Wild Space Wardens. Both are widely known for the aid they've rendered to the Trianii core worlds and outer colonies, beginning with intervention against an Imperial Remnant incursion on Pouma V a year before the end of the Galactic Civil War. Their presence in the matriarch's company was expected, following an attempt on Ja'Murah's life earlier this month. The assassin, a Trandoshan whose name has not yet been released, was caught and apprehended by former Trianii Ranger Pakka, now a leader in the Wild Space Wardens. Although the assassin has refused to divulge the identity of their employer, Warden Pakka forwarded his recommendation to assign a bodyguard detail on the matriarch's behalf. Earlier this week it was revealed that both the Surnahm Sentinels had been assigned to watch over Ja'Murah while an investigation into the assassination attempt is conducted, a move widely applauded by the Trianii populace. Matriarch Bast expressed her own approval of the assignment."

"'You could scarcely ask for anybody better to protect your life than my youngest daughter and her mate. May the Force be with them both.'"

"I feel like Navio City is becoming more like home every time we come here," Kajex mused, staring out into the city from the matriarch's garden balcony and smiling. "I guess it helps that there's no shortage of fond memories that we've made here."

A snicker broke out behind him, his mate leaning against the wall and grinning. "Like when we had our first threesome days after saving the city? That is a fond memory, by the way. I'm just glad the council came to an agreement and decided it was best to send us."

The wolf nodded, eyes panning across the horizon. Navio City had been through a lot since its founding, and in the decade and a half since he'd first visited the colony it had gone from a proud, medium-sized city to a planetary capital three times its initial size. An emerald jewel in the corner of Trianii space with a surplus of natural resources, it mirrored the Trianii homeworld of Trian in almost every respect. The city itself surrounded on all sides by massive forests, the tall spires of the city were like beacons in a sea of green. While he and his family had returned to the colony several times, it was always pleasant being able to come back again; they'd risked their lives to preserve the city before, and despite the time that had passed everyone remembered their heroism, and had made sure to show they'd never forget it. Memories of standing by Trianii Rangers and fighting the Imperial Remnant stood out as proud moments of his life.

Since then the planet had become a home to many Kanj'Isha, a forest colony having been built for the Force-sensitive species and its citizens becoming close to the local Trianii presence. By the will of the yu'nar, the Trianii matriarchal government of the population, the world had been declared the rightful home of the Kanj'Isha, and now served as a place of peace for the still-endangered species. Few wolves who arrived in the colony were eager to leave; and although Kajex considered the Trianii world of Ekibo to be his true home, it always felt like he had a place here.

"We had the best argument," he reasoned, straightening up. "The city knows us, we're the closest to Ja'Murah, and she knows she can trust us to do right by her." He paused, then sighed and turned to her. "And everyone agrees that, with what's at stake, it's best if I'm here, at least. Thank you for coming with me, Syrra- I won't lie, I thought I might have to convince you."

The gold-pelted Trianii Warden shook her head and smiled, pacing up to him and putting a paw on his armored chest. "Ja'Murah is family, love, just like the rest of the pack. You've shown so many times how far you'll go for family- this is just me following your example. And I wasn't going to let my husband face assassins and hunters by himself, no matter how skilled he is."

"I doubt any will show up, to be honest, what with the both of us being here and in warden armor- it'll probably scare off most would-be killers," the wolf suggested. "But at least I won't be bored while you're here."

The two drew in close and hugged, the wolf pressing his lips beneath the sapphire-mounted tiara and against her forehead as they shared a quiet and calm moment of affection and nuzzling. Seconds passed between them in peace before a beep to their right caught their attention. Both their eyes fell upon an astromech at the balcony sliding door, wobbling side to side anxiously as it chirped.

"Transmission from Locke?" Syrra repeated. The droid chirped, confirming.

"Good boy, Vapor," Kajex replied approvingly. "Bring him up, hopefully he'll have something new for us."

Vapor wobbled again and scanned the immediate area briefly before projecting the image of a white wolf in black and white Jedi robes. Kajex's genetic twin bowed low. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything?"

"Bro, what did I tell you about bowing to me?" the wolf sighed, giving him a wry smile. "Stop that."

"Never, Grand Sentinel," the white wolf chuckled, a grin on his muzzle as the gray wolf shifted uncomfortably. "Not while you're at work, at least- we've a reputation to uphold, and you'll have to get used to holding a title sooner or later. In any event, I have an update from Warden Pakka. He was able to get the assassin to open up with some persuasion."

The gray wolf perked up, trading hopeful glances with Syrra. "What did he find? Did he reveal who tapped him for the mark?"

"Unfortunately not," the white wolf responded with a shake of his head. "He_did_ reveal that he was offered a sum of 500,000 in credits, and investigating his account showed the payment had been pending until the day his capture had been announced, at which point the transfer was canceled- but other than having received orders at a predetermined location, he had no knowledge of his employer. His directions were to end Ja'Murah's life and then appear at an undisclosed location afterwards. Rook's contact in the Bounty Hunter's Guild hasn't turned up any marks on the matriarch, and they've heard nothing on the vine concerning jobs in the Wild Space regions; nor have they heard of any freelance guns or rogue mercs being tapped for black jobs. Whoever paid for the hit is picking and choosing their employees carefully."

"Where did the money come from?" Kajex asked.

"Shell companies set up in the Outer Rim territories, in the Hutt regions," Locke answered. "Out of our jurisdiction, but I've already sent the Jedi Praxeum and NRI the appropriate information so they can investigate."

The two Sentinels glanced at each other; Syrra spoke first. "Well, we can't wait for them for an answer. But my money is that a Trianii is gunning for her."

"I'll chip in fifty creds for that," Kajex agreed.

"Why?" Locke asked.

"If it were the CSA trying to do it, they'd be going through some proper channel of hiring a gun instead of setting up shell companies; those bean-counters prefer having a paper trail so they can actually hold on to their own money and pin it on some poor sap in their lower ranks when they get caught," Kajex explained. "And as it stands, the CSA has more to lose than the Trianii do, if their trade agreement goes under. If we follow that, it would stand to reason that it's someone rich enough to risk tossing half a mil in credits, just to wipe out a key figure in a trade deal, assuming that's why she's being targeted." He smiled wryly. "And besides that, Trandoshans hate dealing with the CSA, though that's true of most bounty hunters as well. Too much paperwork, not enough blood."

Syrra nodded. "Whoever put money out there knew to tap a Trandoshan and count on their love of the hunt to see the job through. Not many Trianii have that kind of money or those kind of connections- except matriarchs," she added.

"You're thinking Matriarch T'Rala, aren't you?" Kajex chuffed. "She'd be pretty bold to put a hit on Ja'Murah after the comments she made- she's already under a lot of scrutiny seeing as she's failed to make a statement after the attempt. No prizes for pointing out that she doesn't like Ja'Murah, but I doubt she's the one behind it."

"Best to check and make sure," Syrra cautioned. "We've seen firsthand how underhanded a politician can be. I might be able to talk to Matriarch Bast and see what she knows. Last I remember, she'll be coming back from the first of the trade talks this weekend- I can get her attention when she gets back."

"I'll have Pakka and Tay investigate T'Rala in the meantime," Locke told her. "For now, keep yourselves safe- it's too much to hope that they'd only stop after one assassin. Tell her Keris and I said hello and congratulations."

"We will. Thanks for the info, Locke- may the Force be with you," Syrra said appreciatively. The white wolf bowed and smiled, just as the transmission ended.

"Where do we stand with the security arrangements?" Kajex asked.

"Four Rangers on the ground floor, and ten more making their rounds through the surrounding five buildings," Syrra told him. "They'll change shifts at 0100. We also have the buildings in question alerted so they can run scans in any room facing this structure- it should keep the chances of a sniper taking potshots to a minimum."

"Good. And Ja'Murah?"

"She's still a little huffy about being under close supervision, but she understands why." She smiled to him. "You should pay a visit later tonight and spend a little time together. I won't mind- as long as you keep your promise to me about when this is all over," she purred, licking his nose.

"I remember our promise," the wolf replied with a chuckle. "For tonight, though, I want to patrol with you at least half the schedule before I see to her." He turned to the droid. "In the meantime, squirt- I want you to keep a nighttime vigil on Ja'Murah while she sleeps. Bio readings and energy detection on the windows, plus a remote connection to the building's security cameras if you think you can handle it. Doors locked at all times unless she needs to step out for some reason- no need to make her feel trapped."

The droid booped confidently, inclining its discus-like head.

"Good," the wolf nodded. "Hopefully, other assassins will lose interest altogether knowing there's a pair of former Jedi standing in their way."

Night had fallen over the city, the last vestiges of sunlight have disappeared over the horizon hours prior. Neither the Trianii nor the Kanj'Isha required sources of light to peer into the dark, and no street lights for the population to steer by. The lack of light pollution allowed the city to be bathed in starlight from above as the majority of it slept.

Those on the surface still awake would have thought nothing of the gliding, silent shadow propelled by repulsors as it hovered quietly towards a tall building, slinking up its shadowed side and clearing the top only to settle on the roof with a quiet hiss. The speeder's hood slid back, allowing its dark-robed occupant to climb out of the seat, heavy boots thudding dully against the stone pavement as the figure crossed the distance to one end of the roof and leaned against the railing. A low beep sounded from his hip and the speeder rose, its black frame barely visible as it propelled forward past the figure, causing his cloak to billow out briefly. The vehicle dipped low and twisted, making a beeline for the light traffic lines below and leaving the figure behind as its automated pilot blended in with the city's speeders.

The figure's eyes followed the speeder until it was out of sight, then turned to the ornate building adjacent to the one he stood upon. The Matriarch's tower was far from the tallest spire in the city, but it was easily the best crafted, with Trianii script carved into the pillars and dedicating the building as a holy site. He gave it a brief read before scanning the ledges and balconies for sentries and security feeds; anything guaranteed to stand in his way. The lower floors were lit, the forms of Trianii Rangers pacing the floors dutifully visible as shadows through the windows.

A crackle in his hood drew his attention. "You there, boy?" a raspy voice said.

A pause. "Yes, Buir. Arrived at sundown. The ship is still in orbit. Nobody saw me coming."

"Good job, boy. P.A.D. finished the trace on the buyer, the signal they used only had a dual-layer scramble. If they--" The voice stopped short and a coughing fit followed; it ended with a tired groan. "Mmn... if the buyer tries to pull a fast one, we know who they are and can settle the score with them."


"You nervous, boy?"

"Not at all. I know where the target is, and I know what I'm up against," the hooded figure replied confidently. "Two Jedi or twenty, it makes no difference."

"It_does_ make a difference," the other voice insisted gravely. "I've lived long enough to see them in combat, and I've heard of both these warriors protecting this politician you're targeting. If you gotta take 'em out, then do it." He paused. "But if you think you can spare a life or two, consider it. I know what you were trained for- but you still got the spirit of Mandalore in you. We're mercenaries, not thugs or murderers. If it ain't part of the job, then don't spill more blood than needed, tali'bayc?"

"Elek," the figure replied, nodding.

"Good." There was a pause. "Hunt well- and come back to us safe."

"I will," he replied, a slight bit of warmth and respect in his tone. "Get some rest, old man- I'll let you know when things have been handled."

The hooded figure sighed, then turned his gaze back to the building. On one of the upper balconies, he spotted a Trianii female walking the perimeter, robed in white with silver armor pieces visible beneath; she'd drawn a white hood over her head, the glint of a silver tiara on her brow, and on her left wrist was an ornate vambrace of ancient design. Her eyes were alert and searching, her pace careful and unhurried. It was a face he'd seen before, cast across the stars as a heroine of the very city she was in.

He regarded her with interest for a few moments before letting out a slight mutter of curiosity. There'd been no shortage of discussion about her presence, he'd known about for days- but seeing her in the flesh now, less than he had expected, he could not help feeling a twinge of disappointment. A tingle in his senses kept him in place as he felt the presence of two figures rushing up the stairs behind him; yet he stood deathly still, waiting until the stairway bulkhead exploded with sound as it slammed open. Two Trianii Rangers darted onto the roof and turned their weapons on the figure, aiming at him.

"Stay where you are," one of them growled. "Raise your hands to the air and then turn around slowly."

The figure remained still for a few moments, then raised his hands into the air and turned in place. A monstrous mask peered out from beneath the hood, skull-like in appearance with teeth-like extrusions hanging below what must surely have been the figure's chin; the eyeholes were carved into a deadly glare, through which a pair of gold, reptilian eyes gazed with an impassive, cold expression. The sight caused both Trianii to shudder slightly, the smaller of the two taking a step back.

"How'd he get up here without us knowing?" the younger female cadet asked.

"Given the black robes, the skull mask, and stories from the Wardens, I wouldn't be surprised if this one were a darksider or Sith," the older Trianii growled. "Nevermind that now- call it in, Cadet."

It happened with such swiftness that it was over the moment it happened. With one smooth motion the figure's right arm descended and clicked twice; a pair of whistles pierced the air, a flicker of silver glinting halfway between himself and the Rangers. Both felines gasped and gurgled, holding their throats and clawing at the darts that were now lodged in their necks, falling to the roof and writhing weakly. In under a minute the pair were rendered immobile, though their chests rose and fell as they continued to breathe; neither could do anything as the figure turned away from them and stood on the stone railing.

The last either of them saw of him was his form disappearing over the lip of the roof as he leapt through the air towards the Matriarch's tower.

"Tower Three hasn't checked in yet," Syrra spoke into her wrist-mounted comlink. "They're two minutes behind schedule reporting in. Tower Two, I want you to zipline to Tower Three and check their position; give me an update once you've found them, I don't care if it's just a bad transmitter preventing communication."

"Yes ma'am!" came the answer.

Syrra looked out into the towers, her eyes to the north as movement seemed to draw her attention to the sky. It was only a fleeting shadow, but she stared into the night sky carefully. Only minutes earlier she thought she'd spotted the outline of a pitch-black speeder gliding out of the shadow of the northern building and heading to the streets below. That her compatriots in that same building had failed to report in was ominous to her, a lifetime of experience compelling her to err on the side of caution. With a moment of concentration her started reaching out with the Force, hoping to sense life either ahead or around her.

She felt nothing.

Her comlink crackled to life again, the silence broken by the voice of her mate. "I heard the call out there, kitten. Ja'Murah was sleeping but I got her to the safe room and told her to get some rest- Vapor will keep an eye out for her. I'm downstairs with Team Two- do you need me up there?"

"I'd like that very much, thank you," Syrra acknowledged, glancing at the tower a final time before leaving the balcony and heading back inside. "I sense something is wrong, but I can't feel where or how. Whatever it is, it's elusive."

"Keep your guard up and yourself calm, Syrra," the wolf told her. "You've been through hell and back, you'll be fine. I'll be up there in a few minutes."

She nodded more to herself, taking in a deep breath and reaching to her hip, drawing the silver hilt of her lightsaber as she started patrolling the outer chambers of the floor. There was a time when her heart would be racing and her nerves would be tingling in anticipation of something terrible on the horizon; in its place now was a sense of stalwart determination, an unspoken promise to not let a trusted friend and lover come to harm. Though she hoped there was no cause for alarm, she refused to ignore the growing shadow just beyond her senses. She would take no risks, not where Ja'Murah and Kajex were concerned.

She stepped out into the foyer leading into the tribunal's meeting room, met with the sound of a gentle trickle of water; a fountain in the center of the foyer glistened in the starlight pouring in from a sunroof above. Syrra cast her eyes up, peering carefully and noticing the center panel was still closed.

Its latch, however, was unlocked.

A burst of static crashed on her wrist, followed by dead silence. A sense of dread overcame the Trianii as she brought her right arm up to her muzzle. "Kajex, are you there?"


"... Main tower, do you read?" Nothing still. Now Syrra started to feel a tingle of anxiety. The burst sounded like the com signals going completely dead- she was isolated and alone.

The sound of rushing wind caught her ear and she turned reflexively, raising her right arm just in time; a blindingly fast blur of black sped just past her view, a glint of steel streaking through the air towards her neck. The sharp crack of metal against metal rang through the air as her songsteel arm deflected the lethal blow, but a tremendous wrenching pain tore through the Trianii's shoulder as the assailant followed through with overpowering kinetic force. She yelped as she was knocked off her feet, spinning in the air and hitting the floor hard. A hiss escaped her as she got to her feet quickly, activating her Jedi weapon and scanning the room quickly.

There was nobody.

Another rush of air from her side was the only warning she got before it happened again. The Trianii dipped her blade at an angle, unable to see the incoming blow but barely anticipating it all the same; her arms rattled from the shock of the blow, yet she held firm. Once again, the assailant followed through and tore past the block, the blades slashing against her side and clawing through her robe cleanly- but they stopped short at the armor beneath, more than capable of weathering the assault as they glanced off the plate. With a grunt the Trianii shifted her footing and turned as the shadow followed, eyes pursuing the attacker until he seemed to fade into nothing, passing beyond sight.

But now she was fighting instinctively, alert and ready for the next attack. When it came, it did so as a barrage. The burst of air preceded the strike, and she acted with an angled slash, counter-striking the blade and deflecting it away; she turned smoothly, blade still moving with her as she spun and slashed at head level, turning away another pair of strikes with expert precision; a third rush hurtled at her and she leapt into the air, twisting her blade around- it missed the blade completely, scoring a hit on the shadow, yet did not seem to slow it down. She landed solidly and brought her blade up into a defensive posture, her eyes closed in concentration as she allowed the Force to guide her actions, feeling out for the next attack. The moment she felt the ripple in the Force, she acted.

With a twist and a crouch she ducked the slash meant to remove her head from her shoulders, thrusting out her free palm and catching the attacked square in the chest with a burst of Force energy. The shadow growled as it was propelled through the air, smashing into the marble water fountain's upper half. An explosion of stone and dust erupted in the center of the room as rubble flew out in every direction, and on the opposite side of the fountain the attacker rolled back up to his feet, regaining his balance. His hood and cloak had been torn off by the telekinetic blast, revealing a gray body armor with a dark crimson trim, modeled in a slim, customized Mandalorian style; save for his helmet, which bore the appearance of a slain beast's skull and through which a pair of gold eyes stared out at her. He was armed far more heavily that any hunter the feline had ever known, a pair of pistols on his hips, a blaster rifle on his back, and a pair of retractable blade sliding back into his gauntlets.

Syrra's eyes narrowed, recognizing the armor and speaking the tongue. "Ba'slanar jii, vod. Gar cuyir nu duumyc olar." Hoping the request to leave would be heeded, she settled into a relaxed stance.

"Gar cuyir nu Mando, aruetii," he rasped back defiantly, cutting a dismissive hand through the air as his eyes gave off a dangerous glint. "Motir be'chaak ra ash'amur."

The Trianii took a step back, frowning. "Not a chance. I can tell why you're here- you won't succeed, hunter. I've fought against and alongside Mandalorians before."

The hunter said nothing, raising his head with a look of defiance as he passed an gauntlet over his hip; in the blink of an eye, he disappeared into nothing, a shimmer in the air barely visible against the lit backdrop of the windows behind him the only hint that he hadn't completely vanished from existence. Syrra swore silently, unable to feel his presence in the Force reliably; but the premonition of danger was enough for her to dart to the right out of reflex, just in time to dodge the first barrage of blaster bolts as they erupted from out of thin air and exploded against the wall behind her. She turned and raised her weapon in a guard position, anticipating the bolts as they appeared; with an intense amount of focus she put her attention only on those able to hit her, keeping her body in motion and backing away from the ever-moving source of the lethal lightshow. Her swift swordplay succeeded in deflecting and redirecting the energy assault, bolts bursting against the floors and walls- one bolt smashed through the overhead sunroof, raining the foyer with shards of glass.

She perked up as the sudden torrent of glass rained down where her cloaked attacker was standing; she ducked one bolt, smacked away another and sent another burst of energy towards the attacker's outline. A grunt told her she'd found her mark, the assassin lifted into the air and against the far wall as his cloaking device deactivated, revealing him in full and sending his rifle clattering away- this time, Syrra went on the offensive, leaping clear over the fountain and slashing at the hunter's midsection.

He moved swiftly- but not swiftly enough, as the point of her blade slid against the apparatus he'd triggered on his hip. The device sputtered with a shower of sparks before going dead, leaving him fully visible as he rolled back up to his feet with both his pistols drawn and continued to fire. But now that she could see him, she could anticipate his firing pattern better, darting forward and dodging or deflecting his bolts to close the distance before slashing through the barrel of his pistols. The useless weapons clicked and fizzled for the space of a second before the hunter backstepped and tossed the grips of his ruined weapons at the Trianii.

"Give up!" Syrra hissed. "I know you're still armed with blades, but you're not going to win this one."

"I agree," he replied with a cold rasp. "So I'm through playing around."

He had lifted his arm again and almost immediately the Trianii anticipated another form of projectile to issue from his wrists. She was not ready for the burst of energy that erupted from his palm, striking her dead in the chest and throwing her backwards; the doors behind her let out a crash as her body was propelled through them, busting them off their hinges and tossing them into the entryway as she rolled along the carpet. Sharp lances of pain lanced up her spine, a heavy groan pouring from her muzzle as she got back to her feet, raising her weapons just as the hunter sprang into the corridor- now armed with a pair of burning-red lightsabers.

She didn't have time to reflect on how much trouble she was in, how foolish she'd been to assume her enemy was only a Mandalorian hunter; the fact that he'd hidden his presence from her in the Force and had been capable of moving at augmented speeds should have been a dead giveaway that he'd been trained in Sith-based arts. Her face was locked to a grim expression, her nerves and muscles tensed in preparation- only the pounding feeling of her heart would have indicated a growing sense of fear that she fought back internally. None of it mattered at the moment in the face of what she now recognized was a truly lethal threat; without sparing anymore thought she triggered her energy buckler again and sprinted at her foe, meeting the Force-sensitive hunter at the center of the corridor with a crash as their weapons collided and marked the start of a vicious duel.

The opening cadence of their fight was enough to convince the Trianii that her foe knew how to handle a lightsaber, whipping the blade around with incredible speed and battering at her defenses. She held strong, using her buckler to knock away his main-hand and her blade to counter his off-hand as he twisted and struck from all manner of angle. His physiology, clearly not human, enabled him to work his weapon around her defense stance at angles she'd rarely expect opponents to strike from, keeping her on the backfoot; yet her agility and natural balance were superior, leaving him unable to match her steps or penetrate her defense as she combined her buckler with carefully, precise footwork. He lunged in with one blade and slashed with the other. She turned aside the stab with her weapon and battered away the slash with her shield. With a hard swing she caught the edge of the buckler against his jaw, staggering him briefly. It took only a seconds' worth of reprieve for him to shove back when she tried to capitalize on the moment, swinging wildly in her direction and giving him the space needed to get his balance back.

The second cadence started more violently, the hunter's slashes tearing through the air around her and hammering away at her defenses, forcing her to raise her shield more and deprived of most chances to counter-attack. She rushed him and bashed the buckler against his chest to knock him back, yet his relentless approach kept him tight on her, giving her no chance to retaliate. She recognized the style of combat, the abrupt slashes and unpredictable vectors of attack- yet beneath the calm exterior her foe maintained, there was a dark, burning viciousness kept in check by immense focus. Her arms ached as she weathered the assault. Each blow sending shocks of pain into her biceps, as he struck far harder than she had any right to expect. Whether through physical augmentation, Force-aided strength, or more likely a combination of both, the Trianii's ability to fight was fading fast.

Breathing hard she ducked a dual-slash cleanly and leapt, flipping backward as her foot caught him beneath the chin and knocked him back several steps. She landed and darted in quickly, dodging one attack. With a spin she slashed and knocked away another. A twist and a swing and he was now unguarded. In only moments she became a whirling dervish, her sapphire blade cutting through the air and scoring a shallow hit on the hunter's leg. He gave no indication of injury, but now his assault was halted in the face of her furious, acrobatic attack. Perhaps thinking it would limit her movement he jabbed at her legs, but she was soaring into the air half a moment before he even struck, forcing him to raise his second blade and block an overhead slash that would have severed his shoulder. She landed behind and kicked- too slow to turn and face her, he grunted and rolled away.

But she'd fought long enough to know her limits and to know when her enemy was too persistent to leave alone. Keen on ending the fight quickly she charged in, aiming to relieve him of his right arm as she raised her saber. She slashed- and missed.

With only a subtle shift in his movements he'd avoided the blade, deactivating his right weapon and countering with what at first looked like a palm strike. It was only the excruciating pain in her chest that hinted otherwise, the Trianii crying out as he drove his hidden blade above her breastplate and into her shoulder. With lightsaber still in hand and against her neck, he activated- but before he could sweep sideways and decapitate her, she grabbed the blade and brought her buckler against his elbow, knocking him away as the elbow seemed to bend unnaturally. With a pained grunt he staggered away, swinging wildly with his good arm as the other dropped its saber.

Syrra staggered back, panting as she gave the wound a look-over. A lifetime of medical experience mixed with only a moment to gauge the injury was enough to tell her she would live, but for the moment her arm was as good as useless. She glanced behind her, knowing the lift to the safe-room was only behind her; even if the hunter had cut the power to the entire building like she suspected, he would find little to stop him from cutting his way down into it with his lightsabers. Knowing she was the only thing between the hunter and Ja'Murah, she raised her saber and pointed it at him defiantly.

He stared at her for a few moments, before reaching into his pouch and extracting a miniature injector, stabbing himself in the arm and twisting it around into place. The Trianii winced as he appeared to force his broken limb back into place, before twisting it around almost as if it were good as new. Once he seemed satisfied, he scooped up his second weapon before looking back up and addressing her.

"Like you're seeing now, I don't aim to let minor injuries stop me. You will die, if you keep this up. So before we continue, maybe you'll answer something for me- who is she, that you would foolishly give your life to protect her, Jedi?"

"She's as good as a sister and a mate, Sith," she panted, glaring back at him as she summoned her saber back to her metal paw. "If you have anyone in your life to whom you could say the same, then turn back now- or you'll be forced to fight someone willing to fight to the death to protect them."

The hunter said nothing, his cold eyes regarding her with a hint of curiosity. In lieu of words he answered with action, whipping his left saber around and throwing it at the feline. The shaft of light quickly became a discus of death as it sailed towards her. A shift of her weight, then a turn of her hips as she brought her weapon around- the spinning weapon was clubbed aside. Now she was open, the hunter thrusting his hand out and knocking her into the air again, her body bursting through the doors at the other end of the corridor. When she stopped rolling she found herself in the entryway to the lifts, a wide room with a window to either side; but she did not get back up to her feet immediately, wracked with pain and disoriented from her battle.

She had just enough time to sit upright and watch the hunter leap into the air, catching his thrown saber and aiming to drive both weapons into her unguarded chest.

He never made it.

Another burst of Force energy blasted against him in midair, slamming him against the door frame. Before he could even begin to drop, a second burst swept him off to the side and down the corridor. Syrra watched him grunt and roll upright onto his knees before looking around to find the source of salvation. Behind her stood her mate, his eyes narrowed in a deep frown as he regarded the hunter- his arm was again bent at an awkward angle, yet he gripped his weapons tightly. Nevertheless he did not move, looking as if he was fighting back the pain with a look of concentration. Once it looked sure the assassin wouldn't attack, Kajex knelt beside her.

"I'm sorry I took too long. Power's out in the building. I had to find another way up," he told her, nuzzling her cheek.

"Just as long as you're here," she purred tiredly. "I don't know what he is, but he's definitely using a mix of Sith and Mandalorian combat techniques- and chems to keep himself fighting," she added, as the hunter seemed to be limping forward and favoring his right leg.

"Can you fight?" he asked, peering at her wound.

"I will even if I'm not at my best," she acknowledged as she got to her feet. She spotted her discarded weapon and summoned it into her paw, holding it out in front of her and igniting the blade. The wolf nodded with a proud smile and drew his own weapon, a shaft of golden light pouring from the emitter. As a pair they strode forward, spacing themselves out to either side of the hunter.

"You're two on one," the wolf warned him. "Surrender now and give up the name of your employer, and we'll let you leave without argument."

He did not answer, snarling as he engaged the pair. Syrra swore as she blocked the first flurry of blows with her saber, driven back by the intensity of the attack- even with a broken arm, the assassin's strikes were no less powerful than they'd been before. Kajex certainly seemed to think so as well, backing up as the hunter focused his attention on him for a few moments. She charged in again and he refocused, shoving Kajex out of the way and slicing at her with vicious cuts that burned at her robes- only the presence of her armor kept her protected, the silver armguards and breastplate scorched with black marks as his blade glanced against the metal. The pair persevered all the same, fighting as a trained pair in tandem and driving the hunter towards on side of the room and nearing its window.

A sound to their left drew their attention, causing a brief lull in the battle as a pair of Trianii burst through a door and raised their weapons. Before they could issue an order to stand down, the assassin knocked them away with a push of the Force, the pair barreling down the stairway they'd just gone up; both wolf and feline covered their heads as a miniature rocket shot out of his vambrace and exploded against the door frame, collapsing the structure and cutting them off.

A cold anger set into the Trianii Sentinel, fueled having seen two of her Rangers being attacked and probably injured. She sushed him, winding up a mighty swing and knocking one of the blades out of his hand, while stepping into his range. He stabbed with his remaining weapon- she blocked the blow and disarmed him with a kick to his wrist leaving him completely unarmed. Before she could cut him down he grabbed her equipped hand and held it in place, then reared back and slammed the forehead of his mask against her injured shoulder.

She cried out in agony as intense pain coursed through her arm, leaving her open as he grabbed her midsection. With a snarl and a tremendous heave, the hunter lifted her off the floor and threw her through the window with a crash. Shocks of pain ran through her as glass cut against her robes and cheek- suddenly, she was free-falling.

A glimpse of the ground twenty stories below was all the information she got before she reacted- with a blind stab her blade found stone and gouged a hot, thin line into the side of the build, straightening her out and slowing her descent long enough to get her bearings. Almost immediately she spotted a window beneath her and caught the lip of the windowsill one-handed, groaning as she held on.


The voice of her mate calling roused her, and she responded. "I'm okay, Kajex!" she shouted back, lifting her injured arm and focusing on the window's lock. "Don't let him get to Ja'Murah!"

As she clambered into the window and dropped onto the floor, she realized it would take time to get back upstairs. But as exhausted and injured as she was, she got back up to her feet and limped ahead- hoping she'd reach them in time.

He had heard his mate's response, more than enough to quell his worry that he would lose her. It did nothing to soothe his anger at the hunter, drawing his second lightsaber and igniting it. He'd known his mate to be a dedicated fighter, conquering all manner of foes in one-on-one combat even when outmatched- that she had been taken out of the fight even briefly was enough for the wolf to regard the intruder carefully.

The hunter straightened up, circling him with an interested gaze. "Variant KJX-1175," he said softly.

The wolf's eyes widened. "How do you know that designation?" he growled.

"You and your brother are not unknown to me- nor is your history," the hunter hissed. "I've studied your style and method of operation as a Jedi. You'll fare no better now, Grand Sentinel." He performed a skillful flourish with his blades before holding them out end-to-end and snapping them together. The interlocking pommels clicked into place, turning the two Sith weapons into a saberstaff. With another flourish he took up an offensive position.

The wolf's eyes narrowed. "Right, because I haven't seen _that_trick before," he chuffed sarcastically. He shook his head, flipping his weapons up and connecting the pommels- with a single, sharp twist the weapons interlocked and held in place. "I play my cards carefully, I'm sure I can still surprise you," he told the hunter confidently, raising his free paw up and goading him to begin with a gesture.

Now armed with the same weapon, both fighters sprung towards each other and started.

Their flurry of attacks crashed throughout the hallway, a rapid percussion filling the air as they twisted and turned their deadly weapons, each aiming for any gap in defense. The hunter's attacks were at time wild and aimed at crushing the wolf's guard. Every fiber of his body, even his clearly broken and now bleeding arm, seemed to act as one, doubling his already powerful blows. a slash to the neck, and the wolf was forced to block, blade stopping only an inch from his collarbone. A twist and he brought the other end up in a rising sweep, causing the wolf to catch the tip of the blade across his chest armor- but no deeper.

Kajex's style was more flowing and precise, with subtle dodges and swift counterattacks aiding in his defense and keeping the assassin from gaining any advantage. Perhaps out of frustration the hunter hilt-bashed him in the chest, knocking Kajex away several feet- but he did not stop, continuing backpedal. Too quick to attack, the hunter overextended his stab and missed. Now open, the wolf thrust his palm out and threw the hunter's back leg back, causing him to fall forward. He never made it to the floor, as the wolf's foot slammed into his mask and sent him flying backward, flipping him over once before landing spread-eagle.

He leapt in with the intention of driving his weapon into the hunter's back, now fully aware of how relentless his enemy was. What he did not expect was how quickly he recovered, rolling onto his back, swinging out his legs and twisting his body back upright, landing a boot right in the middle of the Sentinel's chest. With a grunt Kajex hit the wall, briefly stunned as the back of his head struck the stonework hard. With his guard open, the hunter rushed at the wolf and attacked- the upper blade locked with the Sentinel's yet held strong. Anticipating the next attack, the wolf grabbed his foe's weapon to hold it in place- and left himself wide open in the process.

The hunter released his grip on one weapon, winding his fist back and slamming it into the wolf's shoulder- triggering his hidden blade at the same moment, penetrating above the armor and drawing blood as the wolf gasped and coughed. With a snarl the hunter drew back and struck again, sinking the blade into the wolf's midsection. Hot pain burned in the wound as he groaned and seized up, crying out as he broke the saberlock with a desperate headbutt that forced the hunter to back up from the blow.

A moment later, the wolf was on his knees.

He expected another attack, blindly raising his lightsaber. A boot struck his wrist and sent the weapon flying down the hall, eliciting a yelp from the injured Sentinel. In only seconds he had gone from uninjured and strong to being brought to his knees, struggling to master the pain through the Force, his blood pooling on the marble floor.

"If you were still a Jedi or part of the New Republic," the hunter hissed at him, "I wouldn't hesitate to cut you down now. But you decided to grow a brain cell and left." Kajex looked him, finding the tip of the hunter's crimson blade only an inch from his nose, ready to strike if he moved. "Let's see if that intelligence stuck with you. Stay down, and I will allow you and your mate to live. Move, and I will gut you. Choose wisely- you needn't die for this... politician."

It was as if the words had become a salve, dulling the pain and reinvigorating the wolf with a surge of anger. Ears flattened against his hair and fangs bared into a snarl, the wolf glared up at him.

"If you think... that's all Ja'Murah is... to me..." he growled, shaking with fury.

With a burst of strength he reached out with his gloved left hand, grabbing the blade and wrenching it up. The hunter seemed to flinch, trying to step back- but the wolf's grip was unnaturally tight around the shaft of ruby light, keeping him in place as he got to his feet. The leather glove burned and caught fire along his palm, revealing a mechanical hand beneath it- one that clenched hard around the blade without any ill effect, just as the other paw formed into a fist.

"... then you... really... fucked up!" he finished with a snarl, swinging his fist directly into the hunter's midsection.

The impact was not simply the sound of a fist sinking into another man's belly. A rush of wind seemed to sweep into the hall as the wolf channeled the Force into the blow, culminating in a boom as it slammed into his armored foe. In the middle of it all crunch and a crack could be heard. The abdominal armor gave way, bent inward and almost certainly breaking at least one rib. Hardly half a moment later the hunter was thrown into the air and down the hall. Kajex didn't even bother to carrying the Sith weapon with him, dropping the weapon without a thought. Intense focus kept him going, ignoring pain and injury as he charged at the still-tumbling assassin, bringing a punch aimed at his head. A shift of the hunter's neck spared his life, the marble floor cracking beneath the wolf's fist while he rolled out of the way.

Kajex looked up, blood running cold as he realized where the hunter had landed- before he could stop it, the hunter sprung to his feet and slapped a slim disc against the hatch. The moment the wolf reached out to yank the device off through the Force, the hunter elbowed him in the chest and grabbed him, flipping him over his shoulder in an expert hip-throw. The yelp he let out as he slammed into the floor was drowned out by the sound of the hatch exploding, dust and metal flying through the air and around them.

Dazed though he was, Kajex could feel the hunter leaving him, rushing to the now-breached elevator hatch. With no power, the lift would be inoperable; but the wolf was not willing to risk Ja'Murah's safety on whether the hunter knew which hatch he'd need to open to reach her. With a groan of exertion he got to his feet, limping to the hatch and peering down just in time to see his foe hanging on to a utility ladder two levels below; the wolf had to stifle a curse- the hunter knew where she was.

He had no time to dwell on it as the hunter lifted his gauntlet and fired another slug, his aim to high as the projectile ricocheted off the top frame of the breached door. It was still close enough that the wolf dropped and ducked, still weaponless; but the moment he saw the hatch two levels below open slightly, wrenched open by telekinesis, it was clear he could not waste time retrieving his lightsaber. The hatch slid open in full and Kajex saw his chance- leaping down the shaft just as the hunter leapt across.

They collided midair and rolled into the room, the wolf struggling to maintain the advantage by grabbing the hunter around the midsection and squeezing tight. It had the intended effect, a snarl of pain emerging from the taller being before Kajex was kicked off with a knee to the midsection, right next to his stab wound. The wolf had to struggle not to howl as molten-hot pain filled his gut, muscles seizing as he struggled to breathe properly. His legs faltered and he stumbled back a few steps, bringing his fists up as the hunter got back to unsteady feet; the only barrier left now was the wolf himself.

"K-Kajex?!" a voice behind him cried out.

"Stay back!" he hollered, steeling himself as the assassin staggered forward and swung. Fatigued as the blood-loss was making him, the jolt of fear from hearing Ja'Murah's terrified voice caused his senses to surge, giving the wolf the drive to duck expertly, then lean away from the hidden, open-palm uppercut the hunter had tried to catch him with; a standard but brutal opening strike from a Teras Kasi practitioner, he realized. He stepped back as that same hand swept downward in a knifehand, feeling the front of his robes tear as the assassin's hidden blade slashed through his robe and narrowly missing his already blood-stained chest. He blocked and countered, clubbing the hunter in the throat; with a twist and a drop to his knee he swung his leg out and tripped up the hunter, dropping him hard.

They were both back on their feet in a flash, but the assassin was a hair faster, roaring loudly as he tackled into the wolf. He raised his head and cuffed the wolf in the chin, causing him to stagger back a step. Feeling the reduced distance between himself and Ja'Murah he tried to step in while still winded, but a kick to his leg dropped him back to one knee; he barely blocked a second kick, the other side of his head slamming into the wall. Disoriented from the attack, a lurch in his nerves told him to bend further down- the assassin's open-palm strike missed by inches, blade breaking against the marble wall as the blow cracked the stone.

It was all the opportunity Kajex needed to level the playing field. His paw slammed into the assassin's inner thigh. The hunter stumbled. The same paw pounding into the still-dented armor. Now the taller being was winded the hunter, lurching back several more steps. Time enough for the wolf to get back on to unsteady feet- but not a second longer before the fight resumed.

Another swing and the wolf blocked quickly and carefully, the assassin's remaining hidden blade slicing against his armguard. He caught the wrist, yanking it to the side and striking his elbow into the assassin's armpit. It was as good an opening as he could hope for, the wolf rearing back and slamming the heel of his palm in the one place he was sure would hurt- the hunter's broken arm. A crack rang out and he roared again, grabbing the wolf by the throat with his one good arm; a surge of hatred-fueled strength sent the wolf flying through the air, stopping only when he hit the room's central pillar.

Battered and bloody, the wolf rolled onto his back and leaned against the pillar for support, trying to muster enough strength for a final stand. A whine poured from his chest as his body refused to function, exhaustion setting in. With a groan he lifted his head, panting as he saw the injured assassin approaching. Even in the middle of his pain, Kajex felt a slight twinge of satisfaction- the hunter seemed to be in just as much pain, barely able to remain standing.

The assassin stopped short, staring at the wolf; and though his face remained hidden, Kajex could sense a curious sense of respect coming from him. "... You were right," he said in a chilling low voice. "I... was not expecting that from you."

"Heh... I aim to surprise," Kajex managed to grin, keeping a hot glare up at the hunter.

"No," the hunter insisted firmly. "This is more than that, I am sure of it. So I'll ask you what I asked your mate. Who is this woman, this... politician, to you, that you would risk your life- and fight so hard?"

Kajex said nothing, letting the silence linger as he adopted a thoughtful expression- in reality, it was a desperate attempt to stall for time. He needed only a few seconds, a chance to get his breath back, a moment to regain some endurance before getting to his feet. He took in a deep breath, moving his muzzle to speak.

But before he could feign giving an answer, the option was taken from him.

"Get away from him!" Ja'Murah snarled, rushing out from behind the pillar and armed with a holdout pistol. She was dressed in a ceremonial garb, attire doubling as nightwear, and bore an expression between pure terror and anger, trembling from both as she aimed straight at the hunter.

"Ja'Murah,no!" Kajex shouted- but it was too late.

The hunter ducked the first shot easily; a second shot sank into his shoulder and got a snarl of pain out of him- but before the cheetah-speckled Trianii could fire a third shot he'd lashed out and slapped the weapon out of her paws, then reached out and made a choking motion with his hand. Kajex watched in horror as the matriarch's eyes widened and she gasped, clawing at her throat; a second later she was lifted into the air, feet dangling weakly as the assassin started choking the life out of her. Now that she was completely at his mercy, he raised his good arm, the hidden blade sliding from the gauntlet. He stepped forward, raising the blade and aiming for her belly.

And stopped.

"... She's... pregnant...?"

When the hunter had said it, it was in a voice and tone far different than what he'd used only moments earlier. Where once had been a cold and almost deadpan note in his words, there was now a twinge of shock, fear- and guilt. He stepped back, the matriarch dropping to her knees and gasping for air.

But at the moment, Kajex didn't care.

The brief break, followed by the sheer rage at seeing his pregnant lover nearly being murdered, was enough to reinvigorated the wolf, springing to his feet and rushing the shocked hunter with a fist. The blow connected hard, throwing him into the wall; but it was not enough to completely daze him, catching the wolf's wrist before he could land the second punch. Knowing full well the hunter still had one blade left the wolf grabbed his wrist and pinned it in place, and with a snarl put the last of his strength into a final blow; rearing his head back and slamming his forehead into the hunter's mask, the space between them exploding with force energy.

The last thing he saw before darkness overtook him was a look at the hunter's golden eyes- a tear having formed in each.

The images flashed by with swiftness and intensity, but with immense focus. Every half-moment was like a full minute of knowledge as what could only be described as memories flickered within the wolf's resting eyes.

A pair of adult Kaleesh, bloody and beaten to death in front of tearful eyes.

A selling platform and the weight of shackles on Kaleesh wrists as he was sold to slavery.

A Mandalorian hunter carrying him to safety.

The sound of beeping, a shout to get down, and a Kaleesh falling bravely on an explosive moments before it detonated; the blast of light and pain that followed.

Pain that continued, but with no complaint- assurances that the augmentation was worth it, even as the pain increased.

Tutelage under great pain, strength gained from great struggle.

In the middle of it all, another Kaleesh- beautiful in many ways. Behind her, the image of an armored Kaleeh, a great general of the Clone Wars.

And at the end- news that caused a flood of great emotion.

"I am with your child."

The final words brought Kajex back into the waking world, eyes flicking open to look into a pair of sapphire eyes framed within golden fur.

"Thank the Force!" Syrra sighed in relief, visibly relaxing and bending her head to touch the wolf's cheek. "Your were twitching and unresponsive, I thought you might have been having a seizure."

The wolf stared at her, blinking. "I... what just happened?" he asked, trying to sit up- but his body faltered and he groaned, pain returning to his muscles.

"Easy there!" Syrra cautioned him, helping him to sit up. "You took a lot of damage, love. Whoever that hunter was, he did a number on you."

"Is he... dead?" Kajex asked, shivering a bit.

"No," Syrra told him. "Or rather, last we saw him he was still alive. He left you behind without killing you even though you were unconscious, retrieved his lightsabers and just... left?"

A fresh surge of fear coursed through him. "What about Ja'Murah?" he said quickly, looking around. "She shot at him and he choked her, I thought?"

"I'm here!" a voice rang out, and Kajex looked up- she was rushing towards him, dropping to her knees and leaning into him with a hug. "I'm sorry, Kajex, but... I thought he was going to kill you. I... I had to--"

"Shh, it's okay," the wolf told her, finding enough strength to pull her into a hug and stroke her back. "I understand why." He swallowed, looking down at her and then at Syrra. "Although... I think we were in less danger than we thought."

Syrra frowned. "How so?"

"He... stopped. When he saw that Ja'Murah was pregnant, he just stopped choking her. I don't know why, or who he was, or who hired him- but... I don't think he was without some sense of morals, either." He nuzzled the matriarch, touching noses with her. "But believe me, I wasn't about to let him get the chance to hurt you _or_our child, Ja'Murah."

"I know," she sniffled, giving him a teary smile. "Though I couldn't very well let the father of my pup be killed before getting to meet him."

Syrra smiled between the two. "Well, I think the worst is over for tonight. We found the two missing rangers- they were hit with darts that caused mild paralysis. You might be right about that assassin having some sense of morals- I just hope he doesn't show up again."

Kajex nodded, still embracing Ja'Murah. "Well... better help me up then and get me some medical attention," he chuckled, wincing as the laugh made his body hurt. "Just in case he does."

A week later

"You feel that?"

"... Yep, I feel that alright," Syrra laughed, rubbing the matriarch's belly with her paw. "I told you, Ja'Murah- your pup is going to be a strong and healthy one, runt or not. You just need to look at my kids as a good example."

There had been no further breaches to security in the last few days, and while Syrra had been adamant on Ranger patrols continuing since the attack the matriarch had gotten more than a bit restless and insisted on having lunch in her personal greenhouse. The area was more secluded than much of the rest of the building, and so Syrra agreed to it so long as she was around for safety. But as always, the interaction between the two was less like a formal security arrangement and more like sisters visiting after such a long time, with the Trianii Sentinel feeling more at ease as they talked. It helped that the greenroom was a place of very pleasant (and intimate) memories.

"Do you think... the Trianii people will accept him?" Ja'Murah asked timidly.

"The people of Pouma V? Yes," Syrra said resolutely. "They love you and trust your judgment. Even if you were to reveal Kajex as the father I know the people of Pouma V, and the other matriarchs, will support you all the same."

"I don't think I'll go _that_far," Ja'Murah giggled, taking her cup and sipping more tea. "Will your kids be around to visit their half-brother when he's born?" Ja'Murah asked, leaning back in her seat and cradling her round belly with a look of motherly affection. "It'd be nice for them to be there during the bonding week."

"I'll try to get them up here, but don't sweat it too much if they can't- birth-bonding just makes it easier to bond, not impossible for those that aren't there. If they're too busy I'll be sure to have Vapor get some good images to send them," the Trianii Sentinel promised with a grin. She looked around. "Speaking of which, he and Kajex have been gone a while. I figured the call to Locke wouldn't take too long."

As if on cue the door to the greenroom opened and the wolf stepped in with a datapad in paw. It had only taken a day (and assistance from Jedi healing) for him to resume his duty, though his robed had been changed out into more civilian-looking attire. Vapor rolled in behind him, letting out a friendly boop; but the wold said nothing, a troubled look on his face.

"There you are," Syrra smiled. "We left you a bit of food in case you haven't eaten yet."

"I appreciate that," the wolf said with a small smile, though it fell again into a slight frown. "Got some... well, not news. Not yet. But it'll probably be broadcast tonight or tomorrow."

Syrra and Ja'Murah traded glances. "What will?" they asked.

The wolf hesitated. "Matriarch T'Rala. She was found murdered in her chambers."

A cold chill fell on the room, supplementing the silence that followed. Syrra was the first to speak. "Who did it?"

Kajex shook his head. "No idea. Pakka and Tay arrived at her estate to question her. The guard detail had been knocked unconscious and they went in to investigate. She..." He stopped short. "I won't describe what they found. But it's clear that a lightsaber was used to do it."

Syrra shivered, unable to keep herself from imagining just what had happened. "I... do you think that... _he_did it?"

Kajex hesitated. "A message was carved in front of her body using a lightsaber- 'FOR TRYING TO END A LIFE BEFORE IT BEGAN, MY LIFE IS WORTH LESS THAN HALF.'"

Syrra looked to Ja'Murah, who was shaking her head. "I do not want to believe that T'Rala was capable of sinking to such depths. But... we shall know in the coming days. You informed me that these assassins were to be paid via shell companies- if they fall in short order, it will be all the proof we need."

"Well... that's the thing," Kajex said, clearing his throat awkwardly. "They, uh... already _did_fall. NRI contacted Locke telling us the accounts that funded the Hutt-territory shell companies were frozen- and a _massive_amount of credits were stolen from them as well. If it _was_that hunter, I guess he felt it was imperative that he still be _paid_for his efforts." He shrugged. "I mean... he's got to pay the medical bill somehow, after all."

"So that's it?" Ja'Murah asked hopefully. "No more having to hide?"

"There might still be people who don't like you," Kajex smiled at her, approaching her and sitting between the two Trianii. "But for now, I think we're in the clear."

"That's a relief," Ja'Murah sighed, leaning against Kajex. "The stress of having to watch my back was getting to me."

"If there's anything I can do to alleviate that, just let me know," Kajex offered.

The two Trianii women traded amused glances, then grabbed the wolf by the arms and pinned him to the bed as he yelped.

"Well if that's the case," Syrra purred, "we _are_off-duty, now. And now that we're no longer sore, _you_have a promise to keep."

Ja'Murah raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What promise is that?"

"To relive some happy memories in this room," Syrra purred, nuzzling into the chuckling wolf's neck. "And maybe have our mate sire another child in _me_this time."

One quickly learned on Kamino to never expected a cloudless day. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and stilt supports of Tipoca City's western platforms could be heard even hundreds of meters above, and even with a torrential downpour from the darkened canopy of clouds overhead. What had once been a platform devoted solely for the production of clones had now become a residence for my Kaminoans- and the few off-worlders who had things to hide. Heavy bootfalls trudged through the rain-slick platform and into one of the more distant buildings- the moment the hatch slid shut behind the off-worlder, the sound of crashing and pouring water ceased. The air was no longer freezing and oppressive. It was instead warm and content.

Though, as always, perhaps a bit _too_clean.

It was also more dimly lit than most platforms, as opposed to blinding-white light pouring from overhead. The deeper the cloaked figure moved into the abandoned complex, the more comfortable it became. Before long he reached his destination, raising a fist to knock at the door.

He hesitated.

"... Come in, boy."

The figure sighed, but did as asked, triggering the hatch and stepping into the room.

Within was a well-lit medical center, a comfortable bed at the far wall. Lining the wall on either side was a collection of trophies of various shapes and sizes: battle-scarred weapons; vintage-model blasters; cleaned and polished skulls, bones, tusks and claws from hunts long performed. Perhaps most treasured of all was the item by the bedside, a still-image of a pair of Kaleesh, one of them adorned in Mandalorian armor- and it was this item the occupant of the bed was staring at with a look of deep fondness.

He was an elderly human in a medical gown, his arms scarred yet bearing the vestiges of a trained musculature, a forearm-mounted IV injection device beeping once before pumping its scheduled dosage into his body. His face was wrinkled with age, yet his eyes were still sharp and alert- the eyes of a hunter with sight keen enough to see a stray blade of grass in a forest. For perhaps half a minute, the figure didn't speak, smiling at the image before turning his attention to the hunter- hiss smile widened.

"Welcome back, Terrak."

Terrak paused, then lifted his hands up to his mask and unclasped I, revealing his alien face before saluting the elder Mandalorian with a fist to his breast. "Thank you, father."

"Well come on in out of the rain, boy- your old man, Jaxx, wants to have a word," the older hunter chuckled, coughing slightly as he gestured for his adopted son to take a seat next to the bed. "You're a bit later than you said you'd be- even though you said you had to make a detour. Now... what was that all about, I wonder? Didn't seem like the buyer was gonna screw us over."

Terrak sat by the hunter's bedside, sighing. "We were... deceived. The target was with child."

"Hmm... I see," Jaxx muttered, rubbing his chin. "Not a very honorable thing to take a life that hasn't even started yet. Had a word with them, then?"

"Her," Terrak elaborated. "And she is dead. Gave me garbage about the target being a blood-traitor, how she needed to be eliminated so the wolves would fend for themselves." He shook his head, looking ashamed. "She knew the target was pregnant."

Jaxx nodded solemnly, then shrugged. "Well... that's that, then. Hope you had the good sense to get paid for your trouble, though?"

"Those ex-Jedi Wardens are... durable," Terrak admitted. "I probably shouldn't have picked a fight with the Grand Sentinel."

"Don't sweat it, boy- if you'd come out on top, you still wouldn't have killed your target. I know you, boy. I've made my peace with you being Sith-trained and all, but there's no sense denying that your heart is one of a warrior's." The elder hunter looked to the Kaleesh with pride. "Just as I knew it'd be when I took you in. The best warriors know when to sheathe their blades, when there's no reason to take a life. You make me proud, Terrak."

The Kaleesh smiled, bowing his head. "Thank you, Buir."

"Hold your head up with pride, son," the hunter insisted. "By the looks of it, you put up a damn good fight- never seen your armor bent in like that."

"I might still have a few bruises," Terrak said with a slight groan, shifting a bit.

"Then be sure to see one of the medics soon to--"

He stopped short, racked with a violent coughing fit. Terrak's eyes widened in alarm, reaching up above the bed and pressing a call button while helping to lean the older hunter over. After half a minute the hacking fit subsided, the elder man wheezing and letting out a groan- Terrak detached his canteen from his hip, putting it up to his father's mouth, careful to give him a mouthful.

Jaxx gasped, taking in a deep breath. "Gets worse every month," he said, laying back against the mattress. "At this rate, I won't get to see the little one. Was kinda looking forward to seeing my granddaughter."

"Don't say that," Terrak told him, squeezing his shoulder. "I know you've got more fight in you than you think- if the Clone Wars couldn't bury a deadly cuss like you, this sickness isn't going to take you so easily. You _will_see your granddaughter, I promise you."

"I appreciate you saying that, boy," Jaxx replied, smiling up at him. "I'll hold on, best I can." He hesitated. "Seen to your lady, yet?"

Terrak shook his head. "Not yet."

"Y'gotta get your priorities straight, boy," Jaxx admonished him with a chuckle. "I'll be fine now that you've call Tama-Kai. You go see to your wife and kid. Let her know I want to see her tonight- we've got plenty to talk about. And by the Force, get yourself to the medic and have your wounds fixed, tali'bayc?"

Terrak smiled and stepped away from the bed. "I will, Buir. I'll be back soon."

"Take your time, Terrak," Jaxx insisted as the Kaleesh hunter left the room- the hatch slid shut behind him and he paused.

He looked worse than he had before he left. The old man didn't have much time left.

Terrak shook off the feeling and made his way down the hall, not bothering to put his mask back on. It took only a dozen steps to reach his destination. With a deep breath he triggered the hatch.

It was better-lit than the rest of the facility, living quarters adorned with trappings known to be found among Kaleesh families. The smell of a cooked meal hit his senses, the room warm and dry- and sitting at the window, staring out into the endless stormclouds and ocean, a female Kaleesh dressed in leather and cloth wrappings, her long white hair pouring over her shoulder and her belly swollen. She turned her golden eyes to the hunter and smiled, brushing away a few strands of her pure white hair away.

"<Welcome home, Terrak,>" she purred in their native language. And as she said it, Terrak felt the weariness of leaving home behind fade away. it did not matter that he was sore, that his armor was damaged, that he'd been deceived. He smiled back and approached his mate.

It mattered only that- like the Grand Sentinel and his own mate- he'd fought for, and returned to, the people who mattered most in his life.

Star Wars: Right vs Easy (Commission)

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Warrior At Heart

"I tell ya, Fox-boy- this has gotta be one of the most boring assignments I've ever been a part of." A cold wind whipped around Rook and caused her cloak to flutter as she scanned the horizon, a digital readout tracing along the edges of visible...

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Refuge and Rescue

"Coming up on the beacon, Sentinel." Kajex Surnahm looked up from his console and out the cockpit. The bright red gas giant Yavin took up more than half the view outside, with massive swirling vapors moving at high speed through the atmosphere. It was...

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