The Exile, Chapter One
The station's computer beeped at her. In her bed, the Exile woke. Less the second later, she was out of her bed, crouched, and her stone knife was in her hand as the bright green eyes swept the room - and then she relaxed as true wakefulness hit her,...
Beginnings (Jin)
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if things turn out differently. Usually I'm not much of a thinker myself, but I guess it's natural for a cat to be curious. I'm a Tygrif, and this family name makes other people who recognise it change their...
Warm Welcome Home 01: Training
Warm Welcome Home What an exhausting day. Telkop was finally done his training, and they weren't lying when they said the final day was the hardest. After a month's worth of rigorous exercise, drills, and lessons about weapon use and safety, he was...
The More Gentle Wave
In the dark of night a large wooden pirate ship approached a harbour. This large ship belonged to Captain Ralen, a large gray wolf who had a reputation of being the one thing on the sea you don't want to anger up close, or even from far away really....
Interstellar Darkness
Interstellar Darkness Chapter 1: Duska POV: I groan, as I and the others wake up to the sound of the gong at 6:00 AM I.S.T.(Intergalactic Space Time). We are given 10 minutes to get dressed and in line for the mines. I got on my Jeans and a...
Loaded For Bear
Urgently Wyatt rang the doorbell again. He even rapped on the screen as loudly as he dared in the dying light of the evening hours. As much as he realized it had barely been a few seconds and certainly less than a minute since he'd first pressed the...
The Endeavor: Flight of November
The Endeavor: Flight of November 11:43 a.m., 17th of November on 2552. Dyson sits still folding his hands idle in his armor, inside he is reading to himself , shutting off all the outside sound. Noisily groups of marines jump on crowding around...
Where Dragons Rule: Rebirth Chapter 14
> Where Dragons Rule > Rebirth > By Evan Drake > © 2019-2021, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved ## ## Chapter 14: Old Wounds The next 3 days were very tense. She hadn't told the others about what she planned on doing, and no...
The Upgraded Wolf: Chapter One
The Upgraded Wolf The observation room was lit by a single row of fluorescent lights. The one at the end of the row seemed to flicker intermittently. There was only a simple wooden door at the back of the room; a large tinted window was the...
Splintered Light, Ch 9.1: A Celebration of Shame
Splintered Light Chapter 9.1: A Celebration of Shame Unlike the rest of the crew, Mr. Chen didn't have a wake-up call. Situated just forward of the engine room, the Cat's workspace also served as his cabin, and was far larger than any other living...
Lonely Oak Chapter 63
"Tonight?" Rini sat in the middle of the couch. The TV played without sound, on some random channel. "...No." Beside her, Goren talked on her cellphone. Ritzer had called. "Dude, I don't care. I'm busy; I have plans." By the sounds of it,...
5.2 - Celebrating
When they got back to campus, Jake walked Janice back to her dorm. Mrs Oplenski was waiting in the lobby for them. "Good evening, Mr Cohen. Will you be staying tonight?" "Uh, not long." "Correct answer." She held out the tablet and he tapped his...