Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH5)

Story by Garrick_Wolfblood on SoFurry

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#6 of Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond

Sorry for being late this week. But here it is, Chapter 5. Please feel free to comment on what you think so far of the story.

Chapter 5

Feeling the heat.

Another week passed slowly by. I was cranky, my breasts hurt, i wanted raw meat, even more than ever before, i just wanted to curl up someplace and watch sad movies.. I realized my period was due to come soon and I was a little afraid of what that would bring. Because of my new body it would not be what i was used to. I assumed it would be similar to that of a fox's heat. According to my research and that of the scientists in charge of learning from me I should only get my heat in the springtime. Foxes only ovulate once a year and it is in the spring for about three weeks. It was difficult to know how this would truly affect me. No one really knew how a Raseri's body reacted, and how much it mimicked a human or beast. I was assuming it would be different than that of a wild animal because of my human like biology.

Would I still be able to think straight? I am confident though that I can keep myself under control. I'm not just going to have sex with someone because my body wants to. I had never been like that before so why would i start now?

It was not long before it started, the weather started to turn cold and almost emedittally my period started.

. At first it was much like having a period with the cramping and bleeding but as time passed i realized there was something else added to it.

The first week was a normal period. The 2nd week was the hard part. I wanted nothing to do with any of the other women I saw in this place. I was, for lack of a better word, a bitch.

Don't touch me. don't come near me, and for God's sake stop breathing my air!

I thought that i was going to kill these women that would come see if I needed anything. They would come in with drinks, hot towels, and pain meds. I just knocked the items out of there hands and screamed at them to get out. I hated them, the way they looked, talked, moved. Everything about them was infuriating.

Then there was the men. Oh my God the men smelled so good. When they would come around me my legs would get all shaky, my heart would race, and my stomach would go in knots. I had a harder time keeping it together then i thought i would.

Just when I thought that I had it all under control and I could be around men again my escort showed up to my door for my walk around the bunker. I went to answered the door and when I opened it I was hit with a wave of testosterone that forced me to my knees. My mind went to a place that was only occupied with the the thought of procreating. He must have been briefed on what I was going through. Because when I was on all fours ass up and tail off to the side begging to be mated he didn't flinch. I ground myself against his crotch in an attempt to get him in the mood. He picked me up and carried me to my bed. On the way to the bed I couldn't stop thinking about what he might do to me. I was licking his cheek and wagging my tail in anticipation as he laid me down on my bed. I am not proud to admit that at that moment i was more fox than human. The need to procreate was the only thing going through what was left of my mind. I would do anything that he asked of me at that point.. He told me to close my eyes so I did. I hear a click/hiss and a small pain in my neck and everything faded away.

I awoke the next day understanding what had happened. He sedated me. Nothing had changed over night though. I still had the burning desire to make puppies, to mate with a big strong male until i couldn't hold myself up anymore. I need something to put out this heat that is swelling up inside my womb. I did not have much time to try and entertain myself before there was a knock on my door. I was afraid to answer knowing who was most likely there. Even so I went to the door and looked through the peephole and there he is again.

"Go away! I don't want to embarrass myself again!" I yelled through the door embarrassed to see him again so soon after what just happened.

"Ma'am you will be fine this time. We have found a way to mask my musk." I slowly opened the door with my eyes closed and breathing shallow anticipating the same thing as yesterday but this time his smell is there but not as powerful.

"They want you to be able to continue to help with the research so every male on this side of the compound has been asked to shower with the soap that has been developed to mask our overwhelming sent. the ones that would not comply have been moved to the other wing"

"I'm surprised that they would do that for a prisoner like myself." I said emphasizing on prisoner.

"You are a valuable item to them," He looked at me with kind eyes "There are some here that don't see you in that regard though. A choice few still see you as the bright, smart, up and coming future for Human and Raseri alike. Some here are just as much a prisoner as you are. We might not like what we are working on here but we are hoping for a better future to come of it. If not for us than for our children."

I nodded only half understanding "I want to thank you for what you did for me yesterday." i said, my ears back and tail tucked between my legs ashamed.

"It was nothing."

"I don't think that you understand. I would have let you do anything to me if it meant getting your seed. At that moment I was only an animal that needed to be bread. The fact that you didn't take advantage of my state of mind said a lot about your character. I thank you for being more than a bodyguard and treating me like a person not a thing."

"Thank you." he said shifting his weight. We stood there in awkward silence for a bit looking everywhere but at each other. He was the first to break the silence

"Would you like to go for a walk today?" he asked me gesturing to the hall outside my door.

"Yes that would be good. It will give me some time to clear my head. I could use a stretch of my legs."

"You know all this time you have been following me I never learned your name." I said walking out into the hallway

"Kline." he said as we walked down the hallway together.

"Kilne? Like Calvin Kline?" i asked my tail swishing around us playfully.

"Boy I have never heard that one before." he said rolling his eyes.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. It's a nice name."

"Why do you care what my name is? I'm just your bodyguard."

"Well what if I need to call out to you for something? Am I to just say hey muscle man?" I said. We passed a group of people coming towards us and we stepped aside to let them pass.

"Well I guess not. But why now?" he asked confused. "We have been together for what, a month now?"

"I guess I'm giving in to the fact that I am never leaving this place" i whined.

"Yeah I guess you are right. There is no indication that you will be leaving here any time soon."

"What is the chance that you could show me more of this compound? I would love to feel the sun on my face again." I said walking close to him, I grabbed his hand and pressed my chest up against him trying to get some kind of reaction out of him.

"No chance." He said ignoring my sexual advances "If I get caught with you in any unauthorised section of this bunker they will have my head. I will be out of a job and i can't have that"

"Well I guess it was worth a shot." i sighed backing away from him. "Dam!" I thought to myself "i thought I had a chance there. Shot down before I even had a chance. I'll have to find a more gullible man in this place."

I went about my day as normal as i could with this nagging heat burning inside of me. We went down to the mess hall of all places to get something to eat. As we got in line i glanced at the menu and sighed. Today was chicken pot pie.

" If i could just get the chicken still clucking i would be a happy fox." I mumbled under my breath as we advanced in the line. We got our portion and headed for an empty table near the back of the mess hall. I stared at the flack crust remembering how it used to taste. Now it just tasted like literal shit.

The pot pie was one of my favorites back before i was changed. I can remember standing in line for it hopping around trying to contain my excitement. I had become close once with the cute guy that maned the mess hall. He would give me double of anything that i asked for. In exchange i may or may not have spent some nights in his room on cold nights.

I found that in the first few months here that companionship was a good encourager for getting things i needed or wanted. It was not always sexual in nature. Some of the people here are just lonely and in need of good company. I will have to say that the ones that turned sexual were definitely my favorite. I found out shortly after turning eighteen that i am a bit of a nymphomaniac and crave the closeness of a male partner.

I must have had some goofy smile on my face because Kline was staring at me a bit confused as we, well he was eating.

"What you thinking about?" he asked poking at his food.

"Oh i was just remembering how much simpler things were before i woke up Shalamar." I said stirring my pot pie with no intention of eating it.

"I never did see much of you before all hell broke loose. Did you never visit the other wing?" he asked.

"I never had a reason to. All my work and colleges were in this wing. I was getting more lost in my work the closer i got to figuring it out."

"Ah i see." he said getting up from his chair and sliding back on his black ball cap he always took off while he ate. "Are you done stirring your food?" he asked holding out his hand for my plate.

"Yeah. i don't know why i even try to eat this garbage." i sad with a defeated look. "Im hoping some day i get to have a nice barely cooked steak" i sad licking my chops.

"Yeah and maybe i will learn how to fly over night." Kline said jokingly. He was right, in the two years that i have been here we have never had steak.

We decided to go take a look at what was being worked on a couple floors down. We went down the metal stars for 4 floors to the main research room which was one floor up from the pod room. The staircase took a while to get used to in this old bunker. As far as i knew it is the only way to get from floor to floor. The stairs are open from to top to bottom allowing you to see and hear everything. When you got to a platform at each floor it felt almost like you were floating. If you looked down you could see through all the platforms all the way to the bottom. It was almost nauseating. We walked off the metal platform into the open laboratory. The lab was almost empty save for a single janitor shuffling around emptying trash cans, his cleaning cart nearby. I felt Kline tense up a bit as I walked in to the lab. I turned to look at him and he was giving the janitor a stern look. Almost as if to tell him to leave. I didn't think much of it enjoying the posible alone time in the lab. The janitor swiftly took his cart to the other room leaving us alone. I looked over some of the files pertaining to what they had done to me and saw that they were testing my blood to see if they could learn anything from it. Some of the text in the paper files that were laying around had been blacked out but one set of words kept standing out to me.

Bio Weapon.

Were they really trying to find a way to immobilise Raseri with some kind of gas? Why? It was not like the Raseri people had fought back since the cleans. At least not to my knowledge. Maybe it was something to control the numbers of Raseri. With this information they could make the males sterile or the females barron.

The thought of any of this turned my stomach. I knew that they were trying to find a way to fight us but i guess i always thought that it would be a way to track or find us. I looked back at Kline guarding the door and caught him checking out my ass. I smiled at him making him look away all embarrassed. I used that moment to mess with the test that they were doing. You wouldn't believe how easy that can be. All i had to do was turn up the speed of revolutions on the centrifuge. Now if they were able to figure out what I had done it would take them weeks. Maybe even months to fix it. I felt the eyes staring at me again from across the room and looked in my peripheral and saw Kline looking me over again. I guess he has a thing for me but is able to hide it. I walk over to the small fridge that is on the floor and take a look inside making sure that when i bend over my ass is blocking the view to the inside of the fridge and distracting Kline. I reach inside it and turn the temperature up a couple degrees to make the samples they have in storage go bad but not enough for them to notice in time. I stand back up and grab a file off the table and start trying to read it while leaning on the table.

"Dam this one is the same. How am i going to help if i can't read what they are doing." i said trying to sound convincing.

I felt a little bad putting on a show for Kline like this but i could not trust him, not yet. He has been very kind to me, He even opens doors and he took my plate at lunch like a gentleman would. Unlike the other men in this bunker he didn't seem to be affected by my looks in the same way. These nerds and geeks that walk the halls have a hard time with my choice of clothing and seem to get distracted by it. Almost like they knew that i was talking about them a large pack of scientist walked into the lab merming something about what they were working on and following them was their collective overwhelming, delicious, man sent. It wafted over to me causing my underwear to get wet from my vigina intisapting to be bread. I knew that i could not stay here with all this testosterone in the room.

The nagging of my heat in the back of my mind turned into a fire in the middle of my womb. what had been manageable was now growing to be to much for me to handle. There smell was sending my senses into overdrive. It might not have been as bad if I wasn't in this concrete jail with very little ventilation. Oh how I longed for the open air, for the chirping birds, for the trees to blow with the wind. I started to walk over to Kline, my legs tried to give out on me causing me to stumble and almost fall. I reached out and held onto the lab table for support.

"Kline! I need to get out of here now." i called across the room trying my best to get to him. He rushed to my aid picking me up just as i fell to my knees. I held on to him looking over his shoulder seeing the pack of fertile men staring at me.

"Any of them would produce a suitable offspring" i thought to myself watching them fade away as i got further from them. I admired Klines strength as he carried me up 5 flights of stairs without so much as a grown. We got to the hall that the bedrooms are in and i was starting to feel much better.

"I told you knowing your name would come in handy." i said in a small voice trying to joke.

"That it did." he said with a smile pleased with himself

"You can put me down now. I can walk the rest of the way."

"If you insist."

"I do. I would like to keep some of my dignity if at all possible." he put me down and i was a bit shaky but i could walk. We walked over to my bedroom door and Kline opened it for me as a gentleman would. I flashed a smile walking past him thinking he was a bit old fashioned and silly with all this affection he was giving out. I believe that he would like to be more than just my bodyguard but there is no way that i could ever see him in that way. He represents the evil of this bunker and wears it proudly on his chest in the form of a badge. I turned as soon as a went through the door frame to stop Kline from following me.

"I think i would like to be alone for now Kline." i said blocking the doorway. "I need to take some time and calm down, possibly take a nap. Getting worked up like that is tiring."

"That's fine. I can respect that. It is your room in any case. If you need anything i will be just down the hall at the security checkpoint. Give me a ring for anything."

"Will do. I'll see you tomorrow. We can try again then."

When I get out I plan on finding a field to run as fast as I can for as long as I can. I ached to be rid of this place..

For weeks I had the same routine. Wake up, walk around the compound, help where I can with the research, try to choke down the nasty food, and go to bed dreading waking up in the morning.

I do have one challenge every day that is starting to get annoying. All my pants no longer fit me. It is amazing what a little bit of fur can change. If I could get away with it I would walk around naked in my current state. If it wasn't for my fur being thinner around my niples, vigina, and ass I could get away with it. I have resorted to wearing a tube style bra and either a skirt or shorts. That is the only way that I could get comfortable and be able to walk around the compound.

I do think I am getting closer to finding out where Jenny got out. I don't know if I would be able to fit, She was much smaller than me and more in control of her body.

I still am unable to gain access to the upstairs apartment were Jenny started her journey. I would like to see where the humans broke in. Maybe I could get out where they got in. I don't know how I would lose my escort so i could do that though. He keeps a very close eye on me. I might have to see if I can convince him to let me up there. If I could find out who the others are that are on my side it might be easier to find someone that is willing to help me.

My next few weeks was spent trying to find out who in this wing of the compound is sympathetic to my cause. It was not ease to pry any info out of these tight lipped scientist. "I might have to change my tactics. Maybe I can find someone with clearance to get to the upper levels and relieve them of their keycard and code."

Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH6)

# Chapter 6 Getting what I want I have given up trying to find who in this concret prison of mine sees things the same way as I do. I have dropped many hints to the fact that I am trying to get out and don't want any of my research to be used...

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH4)

Chapter 4 A new friend I awoke startled not knowing where I was. I jumped to my feet in a fighting stance looking around to get my bearings. There was something in my hand, I look down and see the hollow recorder in my hand and I remember. "Oh...

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH3)

# Chapter 3 Frozen Im staring at the large cryo pod, the chatter of my colleagues fill my ears as they stood around me. To my right is a mini cryo pod which had held my daughters now deceased hamster. The poor thing, his heart had stopped when...

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