Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH3)

Story by Garrick_Wolfblood on SoFurry

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#4 of Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond

Here is chapter 3 for you. Enjoy. Hope you like the new perspective

Chapter 3


Im staring at the large cryo pod, the chatter of my colleagues fill my ears as they stood around me. To my right is a mini cryo pod which had held my daughters now deceased hamster. The poor thing, his heart had stopped when we had tried to pull him out of the deep healing sleep. We were missing something. Something was just not right, something was off in the re-animation sequence.

"I think we need to adjust the anesthesia to le-" I was interrupted by a loud crash, the bunker shook, rock and dirt fell from the ceiling, red lights flashed and the warning bells screamed into life.

We all looked around confused. "Maybe the other bunkers experiment failed again?" I asked the people around me talking about our sister bunker, which often messed up in there research.

Gunshots started to ring out and my heart stopped, that was definitely not the other bunker.

"Humans!" i hissed as there putried hate filled sent drifted down to me.

My colleagues ran up the stairs, each holding there gun expertally. Not one of us was unarmed, we knew the risks of doing our research out here. We knew that some of the humans did not appreciate the work we were doing. I was about to follow them but my colleague put a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait, the logs. You have to update them you must warn the others."

He was right. When the logs were updated each one of our bunkers across the land was notified.

I nodded "leave it to me" I ran to the computer and logged in, my hands shook from adrenaline as I attempted to write out what was going on around me.

Day: 632

Employee: Shalamar

We are under attack! These dam human purest. We have always tried to help them. Why do they hate us? if anyone survives this tell Jenny I'm sorry. This might kill me but I'm going to do what I can to survive. Anything is better than what the humans will do to me.

End of daily logs for room 1095

I could hear the screams of my people as they were shot down. The smell of there blood fill my nose and set me on edge. Why were they doing this now?

My heart stopped. Jenny! Was she safe?

I shook my head, her father would have made sure that our child would be okay. She was probably already far away from this place.

As i was finishing my last log a massive feeling of dread washed over me like a tidal wave. A deep feeling of loss, like i lost part of my soul, settled over me. I gasped and staggered backwards. My heart stopped, my hands shook, i couldnt breath.

"No" i gasped "Mordare" my husband, my mate, had fallen. I clasped my hands over my mouth to stifle my tears. The humans had taken him from me. I heard footsteps coming closer, human stench wafed towards me. They had gotten past my fellow scientists. They were almost to my lab.

I would not be taken too.

I would not leave my daughter with no parents. I could only hope that someday in the near future, someone would be able to set me free from cryo without taking my life. I ran over to the cryo pod and with little hesitation. Quickly I punch in the code and the metal door hissed open. I slipped inside and the door closed behind me. i felt the anesthesia start to do its job as it filled my lungs.

"No going back now. There is no way to stop it from in here" I said to myself trying to calm my nerves. As i drifted off into sleep i saw her. My baby girl running down the stairs calling my name. Her face was a mixture of panic and terror, I fought against the anesthetic trying to no slip in to the deep sleep that it was causing. I wanted to scream out to her, I wanted to stop this foolish thing from taking me from her. I was unable to do any such thing as I felt the sleep take me. The last thing i saw was the face of my scared baby girl.

I awoke on a cold metal table laying on my back unsure how I had gotten here. I try to think back to the last thing I remember, it all came to me in an overwhelming flood. The most vivid image was the face of my baby girl searching for me. No it was not a dream. This must be what it's like to wake up after being frozen.

The humans had really attacked us, my mate was killed and i was separated from my Jenny. I open my eyes and see nothing only the darkness of the room. I sit up and turn, dangling my feet off the edge of the table

"How did I get here?" I think to myself. "why is it so dark in here?" I hear what I think is muffled footsteps coming to this room but my ears are not working as good as they should be and all i could really hear was my own breathing. I couldn't smell anything around me either. Most likely because of being in cryo for a while. Someone had been able to wake me. I was surprised and impressed. "What happened to me? Where was i? Was i still in the bunker?" I sit still pondering what could have happened while I waited for who ever it was to get to me. As what I assume is a doctor comes through the door my black room starts to get lighter.

"Who's there? Where am I?" I asked in a raspy gargled voice, it was hard to talk. I hard to force the words out of my mouth.

"You are safe. In the lab" the woman replied.

" What happened? Where is everyone?"

"We were hoping you could tell us what happened. We found you in a pod here in this old bunker."

"Pod? Oh the medical sleep chamber? I'm amazed that you were able to wake me without killing me."

"I have been at it for a couple of years " she boasted.

"Is Jenny ok? Did she get out?" i asked looking around trying to get my bearings.

"I'm sorry this is going to be hard for you." she said apologetically.

"What happened to Jenny?! Where is she?! Where is my daughter?!" I said starting to panic.

"I don't know. You have been asleep for a long time. We estimate you have been in crio for around 150 years."

"A h-hundred and fiftyy..y..years?" I stammered. No wonder I am having problems with my senses. Wait! Jenny. Oh God I left her alone all of these years. There is no way that she could have lived that long, she was 13 when the humans attacked us, the average lifespan of my people was 125 to 150 years at best. .

"That's what we estimate."

I am unable to hold it together any longer. The thought of out living my baby is to much.

"No, No! Not her too. Not my baby!""

The humans have taken everything from me. I swear if I get the chance I will RIP them apart. My eyesight is all but returned and I can now see who is telling me this bad news. Her body comes into focus and i realize she has no tail, no ears, no wings, no scales, she is human.

"Humaaan!" I growled through my teeth. "Humans are responsible for thisss. Humans are the reason i outlived my daughter!. You humans have taken everything from me. My Daughter, my mate, my people. We tried to help you humans and this is how you repay us? You are all a pest that needs to be exterminated."

I jump off the bed and grab this filthy human by the throat and pin her up against the wall.

I inhaled deep taking in her sent fueling my rage. Something was not right about this one. She had a peculiar smell to her.

"You don't smell human or Raseri. What have you done to yourself?"

"C-c-can't b-breathe." she gasped out struggling against my grip.

"No matter. You all will die the same. Except you. It will be painful for you. You should have let me die believing my daughter was safe and alive." I am truly losing myself to the rage that I feel towards the humans. I am not in control anymore I am a spectator in able to stop myself if I even wanted to. But I don't. They deserve this and much more.

I take my sharp claws and pierce her in the chest hoping to puncture her heart or lungs. I look her in the eye and drag my hand straight down to her bellybutton going slow to cause as much pain as possible and to enjoy her agony. She tried to scream but my grip tightened on her throat keeping her from making to much noise. I pulled my hand out of her and admired the amount of blood that is on it. I was watching her closely to be sure that she didn't pass out on me from choking her. I would allow her a breath ever so often just to keep her here to enjoy the pain i had caused.

"Rot in hell human filth." I said to her looking her in the eyes.

My grip tightened around her neck as I watched her start to fade in to the abyss. I didn't want her to die that easily so i dropped her to the ground into the puddle of her blood. I watch as she took in her first full breath. Her expression widened as she tore open her chest even more whith with the expanding of her lungs. She cried out in pain and I responded with a swift kick to her face to stop her from alerting anyone else. I watched her for a moment to make sure she was down. I took a moment to try and regain my composure.

My body felt alive, the cryo pod had done its work. I felt better then when i went into the pod when this bunker was first attacked. I bent down and searched her body for some kind of weapon but found only pens. I took them and slowly opened the door a crack to look around. seven , i counted seven scientists in the pod room going over documents. I understood where i was in the bunker now. Quickly i planned my escape. I didn't know how many human bastards had infiltrated this place. I slammed the door open and grabbed the first scientist i could get my paws on and ripped out his throat.

One after another i despatched the men in the room.

"This is for my daughter" I hissed into the last dying man's ear. I dropped him to the ground and moved to the stairs. I knew i had many levels to go up before i could reach the ground floor and get out. I had to pace myself so i could get there safe. I took a moment to take the two pens i had found on the first filthy human, one in each hand.

I ran out of the pod room, and up the large spiral emergency stairs bypassing the main floors i didn't need to go into them, i just needed to get out.I reached the door that lead to the main floor and i took a deep breath. I could hear two men talking as they neared the door. There footsteps heavily and there laughter light. I could tell by the smell that they were armed.

I burst through the door and ran in between them. Before there confusion turned into reginition i jammed the pens into there carotid artery in the side of their neck. I pulled the bloodied pens back out, dropped them onto the floor and let them bleed to death. "That's for my Mate" i growled as they gasped for air. I heard shouting as i neared the lobby i was so close to the outside, to fresh air. I slipped into an old bedroom hoping to avoid too much conflict, as much as i wanted them all to die i needed to pace myself. When i closed the door and turned i was faced with an entire pack of male humans. They stared at me for a moment before pulling out there guns and aiming. Instantly i sprang into action ripping my claws through the first man i came in contact with. I used him as a shield as the others started firing at me. I tossed him onto the others and continued my gruesome battle with the filthy humans till no one was left standing. Ripping there inareds out to cause as much pain as possible. They did not deserve mercy from me.

I stood in the middle of the room, my hands dripping with there blood. I heard a small cry and my eyes snapped to the closet i had not noticed in my rage. There through the wooden slats i could see a face of a terrified man. The smell of urine wafting from the man told me he would not charge me in his cowardice. I turned and left him to wallow in his fear, he was not worth my time.

I ran out of the room and finally emerged into the lobby, i could see the door, my freedom. One more man stood between me and my escape. I lept at him and sank my teeth into his neck, his warm blood soaking my front and dripping onto the floor. I stepped over his body and out of the door feeling the clean air fill my lungs.

I get some distance from the bunker and I take a moment to collect myself and get my bearings. Lots of these woods have changed, I guess 150 years would do that.

But west is still west.

I need to find the river and start heading north. I know Jenny won't be there but maybe I can find the old meeting spot and camp out for a bit. I need to rest and decide what my next move was. I finally reach the river and sink myself in, feeling the cool water ripple around me, the blood from the filthy humans turning the water red.

As the river washed away the evidence of my grief induced rage. I thought back to a week ago when my Mate and I brought Jenny to this river to go swimming and have some family time.

"A week ago" I said to myself in a somber voice "Give or take a few hundred years" my legs gave out and I fell to my knees, tears streaming down my face dripping off my nose in to the shallow water. My arms shaking and my chest felt heavy. I threw back my head a screamed as loud as a could, my grief stricken voice echoing off the trees.

I stayed like that until the shadows grew long. I had half expected the humans to show up at any point and take me out.

"I guess they didn't have anyone to send after me." I said to my reflection in the water with a waver in my voice from sobbing. I started thinking of all the people that I killed out of rage, All the families that I ruined. Am I any better than them with my recent actions? That first woman, why did she smell weird? Was my nose still rebooting from the cryo? No it was something else. She almost smelled strangely familiar.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. That doesn't matter now. There is no way she lived through what I did to her. "Well let's get going Shalamar. Lots of ground to cover." I said just as my stomach growled hungrily. "okay I will get something to eat as well."

I decided to walk up the river in the water for about a mile to help hide my sent incase they bring out dogs to try and find me. I get to what i believe is a safe distance and get out of the river. I shake myself dry, i take a look up at the setting sun to find my bearings then proceed to walk north to where our hideout is.

I'm almost close to the hideout when i smell the best thing i have smelled all day. It is a rabbit and by its sent it was very close. I slow my walking and start looking for the tracks and behold i find them.

Creeping along i follow the tracks and find its entrance to the burrow. I back track and find a spot along its normal trail to stake out and wait. I know that it won't be long before it comes by and the wind is in my favor. I hid near a large tree to conceal myself further and prepare to wait till my prey comes in sight.

It was not long before hear it hopping down the path slowly, being cautious of its surroundings, its ears twitching with every leaf fall. I held my breath as it nears my spot hoping not to spook it. It comes bounding by me speeding up as it gets closer to its home.

I lash out and grab it by the back of the neck with my powerful paw. I grab ahold of its throat with my mouth and bite down breaking its neck. I had no idea how hungry i was until i had that rabbit in my mouth. I tore into it immediately covering myself in blood once again. Normally i would wait until i was in a safe place,away from the burrow to eat. Incase i would want to hunt this spot once again, but i was so hungry i could not stop myself

The taste of blood filled my mouth, warm and sweet. I felt revitalized the second it touched my tongue, i had always loved rabbit the most. In less than a minute it was gone and i had a less empty stomach.

I went back to the river and cleaned myself off once again and had a talk to myself about eating cleaner. I needed to spend less time in this river and more time in the woods were there was more cover. I was to exposed here on the edge with nothing to hide behind, no weapons and no clothes. I walked out of the river again and made my way as quickly as i could to the old hiding place.

I was finally coming upon the cave just as the last light faded from the sky. My mate and I had found this place many, many years ago now.

"Did i ever tell you Jenny that this is where your father and I would go and hide form our world?" i said to the trees. "This is the very cave that we came to on that day we made you. That was a magical night. I wish it could have lasted forever." i sad with tears starting to flow once again. I took a few deep breaths trying to get control of myself.

"I need to get inside before i get overwhelmed again." i walked around the side of the cliff face and located the spot where the entrance was. "I can't believe this tree is still here. It has gotten so big." there was a pine tree in front of the entrance that hid it from view. You had to know that it is there to find it.

I walked up to the tree to see if i would still be able to make it inside and to my amazement i saw something on the tree i did not expect. Near the entrance back when my mate and I were young we carved our initials in to the tree with a heart around them.

"I know it is a bit childish but we were young Jenny. I can't believe it survived 150 years." i said breathless running my fingers over the marking. Memories of that night flooding my mind. "I miss you Mordare."

closed my eyes and gather the best image of him i have. I open my eyes and look to the now starry sky "May the God of the Earth hold you in a tight embrace in my place. May the God of the Air carry your spirit to the place of rest. I will be with you once again my love after my work here is done." my eyes start to get cloudy from the tears as i continue. "Watch after our daughter until i can be with you both in the great beyond. Watch over me and keep me safe so that i may finish what i have started." with that i ducked inside the cave.

I barely got inside and i once again collapsed. My greef was such a hard burden to bare. I lay there on the cold ground weeping unable to produce tears anymore. "How will i go on not knowing what happened to my Jenny. Could you atleast give me that!" i yelled at the gods. "I would give anything to hear my baby's voice." i opened my eyes and looked at the wall across from me. Therein the rock was two letters and an arrow pointing down..

"JR" I mumbled "That's Jenny! Jenny Ravora" I thought to myself. I crawled over to it and started digging under the arrow. I didn't have to go far down to find the emergency kit that we left in here for times like this.

"I opened it to find most of the kit had been turned to dust but there was one peice that was still intact. "A holo recorder!? I wonder if it still works." i said surprised as i take out the circular piece of mettle. I press the power button and blinks a few times and flickers on. "There is no way this battery should be still good. I guess you are watching over me my love." i press the play button not knowing what to expect. It flickers a few times lighting up the whole cave then i see it. A clear image of my daughter kneeling in the palm of my hand looking right at me. It takes all i have not to drop the recorder as i start shaking once again. I try to be quiet so i can hear what it is she has to say. "Hello Dad, i hope this message sees you well. I have waited for you for three days now. They keep trying to find me but our spot is well hidden. Dad im so scared.." She paused and looked to her left her voice shook a little bit. Her ears go back, plastered against her head, her tail tucked tightly around her in fear. ."i don't know what to do...th..they have Mom." She said close to tears "she is in the medical sleep chamber. I couldn't get her like you asked. I'm so sorry" tears were freely flowing down her face now. She shook her head and whipped her face with the back of her hand she took a few deep breaths "Please show up soon. If you are not here by tonight i'm going upstream like you told me to do and i will find the Jones family." She smiled weakly " i hope to see you there. May the Gods watch over us all." her imaged flickered and faded as the recording ended.

Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH4)

Chapter 4 A new friend I awoke startled not knowing where I was. I jumped to my feet in a fighting stance looking around to get my bearings. There was something in my hand, I look down and see the hollow recorder in my hand and I remember. "Oh...

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH2)

# Chapter 2 #### Waking up Reborn As I woke i immediately noticed that things were different. My ears were ringing, my body felt hot and heavy. Slowly i opened my eyes and squinted in the incredibly bright light. It only took a couple of...

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Raseri: The Unbreakable Bond (CH1)

# Chapter 1 #### Where it all started It has been two years since I accepted this job. I have been trying to figure out how to awaken this fox from her crip sleep but have had no success in finding a way that wouldn't kill her. During my time...

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