Cold Nights, Warm Friends
Cold nights and warm friends "OK, OK, you win, I guess you can get your, er, reward..." Caleb squirmed and folded his ears back, the deer buck nervously squirming besides his best friend. The chubby bunny guy was a bit taller than the deer already,...
Cowboy's Dawn
The coyote opened his eyes slowly as the bright rays of the sun flooded his vision. Quickly he placed the back of his hand over his eyes as he tried sit up. "What" The coyote said. "Where am I?" "You're in Bridge Wood. A small town, about two days...
Takato Harem
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. The weather out was perfect for any kind of activity, such as exercising, a jog in the park or simply eating in the warm breeze that blow over the land. But one individual didn't take the opportunity to enjoy the...
Wild Ch. 10: Group Hug! 3
Stormtalon carefully stepped over low branches and logs, holding his heavy belly as if his baby would fall out if he didn't. He had a decent pair of breasts on his chest, and though he was very pregnant, he still looked fairly masculine, looking at his...
Every sound was amplified. Even more than it normally should have been, bringing even what were tolerable sounds when she had woken up that morning to ear-splitting annoyances. Indescribably unpleasant, like a pup possessed by the overwhelming drive to...
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 01 Talon
# Rexi and Talon ### By Onyx Tao []( Jack: Rexi and Talon by [Onyx Tao]( is...
Drachenblut Kap 9 "Die Freiheit ruft"
So es geht wieder weiter, und zum wiederholten mal verspätet, aber dieses mal hatte ich besuch über Ostern und war so nicht in der Lage zu schreiben. Das nächste Kapitel kommt in den nächsten tagen je nachdem wie schnell ich bin. wünsche viel spaß...
Innocent Turquoise - Vacation
"This is one town we won't be coming back to for a while," Dennis said with a chuckle. "Did you see the faces on those kids?" Turquoise giggled, "Priceless!" As the train began to pull out of the small town station, the twins watched as three police...
Jonestown Tea Cup 7
"On this bed of nails and regret." "Dying of fevers, betrayal and sweat." "I cry!" The rat sat at her desk, panic rushing through her as she tried to figure out just what to do. She had never had anything like this happen before, in the many...
Guard Duty
The sound of the door hissed open and expelled a rush of sharp musky air that made the line of fur along Vix's neck rise up while he continued to grip the edges of his shield. His fingers flexed a little bit, trying to find a good hold along the handle...
Happily Ever After
**Happily Ever After** The grey-muzzled wolfess spun against the earth's rotation, pink ribbons trailing like feathers from her fine fingers like a spider's gossamer strands. Her faded earthen clothes hung in tatters, hardly resembling any known...
04. Burglar Games
**"Burglar Games"** "So, which one is it?" Bruce asked over the sound of the wind that had suddenly whipped up around the two of them. Cale was staring through a set of night vision binoculars and took several seconds to respond. "It's that one." He...