Addiscend: Revealed Truths Part 1
Addiscend: Revealed Truths Part 1 By Natsuru It was a stormy afternoon; the sky was grey and filled with clouds, as rain was pouring down hard and fast. "Crackle, crackle", was the sound of thunder that could be heard all throughout...
Vignette: Definition of Marriage
"Cody, please? This is a big deal," begged the lion. "You know I'll just get bored," insisted the fox. "Trust me, you won't. C'mon." The lion was standing over their favorite armchair, TV remote in hand. Cody smiled, and sat down, somewhat...
I have hope, and focus on hope, because of his smile, and the beautiful arizona weather. Because without hope, where would i be? lost and alone, and focusing on the fact that you're gone. but with hope, I can remember that I'm hurting, and...
Rubber Ranch
Rubber Ranch "Your registration is complete Axel, Welcome to Phoenix!" The overly enthusiastic lady said as she handed the car keys to the man on the other side of the counter. "So are you here on business or for personal reasons?" "A little of...
As So, Malena's Story Goes...
"From henceforth, that book will act as a physical representation for all of Melena's life; any change there will alter her reality," the booming voice of the Djin echoed around Marty. The self-described nerd could only stare with wonder, still hearing...
A Confession of Love
A Confession of Love A nervous paw held the note that his best friend had given him. Jin let his soft blue eyes scan the piece of paper that he held. All that Kay had written on the letter was a time, three-thirty, and a place, our secret spot. He...
Sins of the Twins--Prologue
The deep chimes of a low bell echoed throughout the cathedral, the only source of light in the sanctuary where the ceremony was taking place being a a brilliant ray of sunlight through a large, stained glass window. It was the only light needed, as it...
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play
Siblings Fight and Siblings Play By CalexTheNeko "Ah come on that's not fair!" Nelly stamped his foot on the carpet as few sparks escaped the pichu's cheeks and the faintest hint of tears showed in his blue eyes. "Why do you get to watch it if I...
A Brand New You (10/10)
At the end of the day Newlyn and Samantha had just finished with a rather nice dinner their phones rang and it was Marlene texting them to come to their office. Though it didn't say anything they both knew that this was likely the last time that they...
The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 2, Part 4
Somehow Courtland's eyes grew even wider than when Larry had his misunderstood outburst. "No! You can't do that, Coach! My dad'll kill me! Please, he'll take me off the football team for sure!" Coach Bowling's expression softened for a moment--long...
Lysander's Adoption
Obligatory Content Warning: The following story contains scenes of CUB SEX between FOSTER SIBLINGS, including ORAL SEX and ANAL SEX, and both MALE and FEMALE CUBS. If any of this offends you, DO NOT READ ON. By reading beyond this point, you waive your...
Span part 2
Ch 2 With conflicting feelings i tidied up the work we left and returned to my room. Not that i could sleep. I lie there all night thinking about what happened. But the next day Seb acted like nothing had happened. Of course i was upset...