The Towel Boy 2

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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The Towel Boy 2

By Kendo Kawabata

Azure somehow managed to pull himself out of bed the next morning, landing with a thump amidst tangled sheets on the floor. His whole body ached, particularly his ass. Even after a full nights sleep the femme zebra was still feeling the after effects.

He somehow staggered into the shower, his wobbly legs a testament to the hard fucking he had endured at the side of his car from the elder lion Emery. The hot water blasted down on his tortured body, making him shiver in both pleasure and relief to his tired muscles.

The poor zebra had to sit naked in his car on the drive home, every piece of clothing being used to protect the seat from all the lion seed that had leaked from his ass along the way. Somehow he had made it up to his apartment carrying said clothing without being seen, and had simply flopped on his bed and ended up falling asleep till the next morning.

He slowly rubbed his aching ass, his fingers stroking his curvy phat cheeks as he felt the slight bruising was already setting in. He was no longer leaking, but that meant the laundromat was going to be very busy as soon as he got the chance.

"I can't believe he fucked me last night" Azure said to himself as he bent over in the shower and gently probed his fingertips on his tender hole. "And he had been wanting to do it for so long too" he moaned as he found he was easily able to slip more then just two fingers into his now stretchy hole. "Why didn't he fuck me ages ago, we could have had so much sex by now" he whimpered as he found his little girly cock growing rather quickly erect to the feeling.

However his musings and whimpering would have to wait. He was due to start work soon, although how he could stay sane at the gym knowing he'd see Emery again that night was not easily on his mind to process. He lathered his body and cleaned himself with his nicest smelling soaps and got himself cleaned up.

After a quick breakfast of cereal and toast, he had to get his clothes ready. Although now he decided to pay a little more attention to his articles. Now that Emery had made it intently clear that the zebra was going to get another round with him, Azure wondered if he should dress more...provocatively. The gym was pretty open and only had one major rule regarding clothing. It was ''Cover it up''.

"I'm not wearing pink" he said flatly, although he knew he didn't have any pink clothing whatsoever. But he did have purple.

He was almost late after choosing his clothing for so long, and his car screeched into the parking lot as he practically jumped out and ran the short distance to the door, almost slicing the card reader in half as he swiped in.

"You're almost late" the annoyed looking she-wolf said at the reception counter, although she did not get an answer back from him as he tore past to the locker rooms to get himself changed. Thankfully the area was empty, as most patrons didn't end up appearing till around noon anyway.

Off came his baggy cargo pants and his hoodie and they were tossed into his locker as he stripped himself down, wincing a bit as he bent over to remove his boxers. His ass was still a bit tender and his hole was twitching, albeit in a good way, as it was stretched slightly from his movements. Thankfully no-one was behind him to witness his big girly ass being spread in plain view, although he kind of wished someone was.

His purple speedo briefs were on first, a size smaller then he normally wore so that it hugged against his small sheath, making it stick out. It didn't really hug at his phat butt, it just rode up, creating an obvious line over his cleft to under his tail.

Next came his black shorts, like his briefs they were a size too small so they showed off everything with each movement, the soft silky garment hanging down his thighs, but it also rode low. He knew that everytime he bent over, he'd be showing some cheek. And although the thought made him blush red, he knew he'd be bending over a lot today.

His black shirt was equally as small, showing off a couple of inches of his midsection and clinging to his slender frame. He gave himself a look over in the mirror, turning his body this way and that. He looked like a girly toyboy, the kind of flamboyant obviously gay boi that always seemed to want to be bent over and just rammed hard.

That was the intended effect.

As he started his shift by arranging the clean towels about the gym, he couldn't help but feel nervous and it took most of his concentration to not get hard, even though only a couple of patrons ended up turning up at all. But he knew he was getting looks, as every time he looked over they just blatantly stared at him for a few more seconds.

As the day wore on, all eyes in the gym were on him. And he swore that he saw a few of the guys openly adjusting their crotches after staring for a while. A number of the patrons dropped their towels about the place and only pointed it out when they were lifting weights or on machines, which of course made him bend over a lot to pick up the towels for them.

Almost every time he bent over, some one whistled. Which made his cheeks burn and his cock throb and his pucker twitch.

Azure couldn't help but wonder if and when someone would just grab him and bend him over and stuff him full of cock, right in front of everyone and make him squeal like a mare in heat. And he was disappointed whenever it looked like someone was going to do that and they just grabbed another towel off him.

It seemed like the day was just going to drag on forever until eight pm finally rolled around. The pony zebra almost threw himself against the glass wall as he saw Emery walk in through the main entrance, his suit clinging to his body like a strippers outfit and his gym bag slung over his shoulder.

Azure could actually feel his hole twitch and his skimpy shorts bulge out in the front to press against the glass as he stared at the elder lion like he was staring at the biggest piece of meat in the butchers shop.

Emery actually glanced his way, but gave no reaction whatsoever to the drooling voyeur behind the glass as he made his way past and towards the locker room. He gave no recognition to the zebra he had mounted the previous night, something which should have upset Azure to the point his bulge deflated.

If anything, that look the lion had passed him just made him harder. Emery had looked at the zebra like he was just a hole he had fucked, like he was someone that he wouldn't be bothered to deal with unless he had a reason to. Like he was only interested in the zebra for sex.

Azure could have blown his load at the realization that that was what he wanted Emery to do. To just flat out use him anyway he wanted, like a sex toy for the lions pleasure. A dark spot was slowly spreading across the front of his shorts from how aroused the ponyboi just at the thought of being Emerys toyboy.

"Oi, towel boy. Over here" one of the patrons shouted, which made Azure jump and blush several new shades of crimson across his face as he struggled to get his cock deflated enough so that it wasn't showing. He grabbed a bundle of towels and starting doing his job again, although his with head bowed, his cheeks bright red and an obvious wet spot on his shorts.

Emery appeared just a few minutes later, once again clad in his almost see through white wrestling outfit, a towel around his shoulders and his water battle in his hand. He paid no attention to the zebra that stared at him with a longing expression on his face as the lion went through his regular excersizes.

Azure tried to keep his distance and not to ogle the lion as he did his squats, but he had the overwhelming urge to just bury his face in the lions butt and lick him till his tongue was too sore to speak. Or just suck on his balls and his cock while the lion did his reps. If the other patrons saw, it was just a thought that made him harder.

Now walking around the gym with an obvious bulge in his pants was bringing snickering and lewd whispered comments to the other patrons as they teased the zebra, rather obviously, behind his back. The whispered comments ranged from ''for a horse he's tiny'' to ''bet he wants to be tied up and rammed''. Those comments just made his cheeks burn and his bulge harden.

It started to get late and the patrons slowly left one by one, the little effeminate zebra getting more then a few slaps on his bubble butt on the way past, one particularly large wolf even walking right past and sliding his middle finger rather obviously down the crease in the zebras cleft, pushing right up against his tailhole with a firm prod before he walked past him, leaving the zebra so aroused by the nonchalant action that he almost blew his load in his pants.

When the gym went down to just a few patrons left, including Emery, that was when the lion made his move. Azure was bent over the large laundry bin, pulling out the used towels that had been discarded there and checking them in case anything was left behind, when he felt a firm grip on his ass that made him jump.

"Come into the yoga room" Emery said bluntly into the zebras ear, his hand digging down rather possessively into the younger zebras ass cheek. "Now" he ordered with a growl in his voice that made the zebra shiver so badly that he almost blew his load again. He was sitting on a damn hair trigger as the lion took his hand away.

The yoga room was a room off the side of the gym, one of a few private rooms lined with mirrors for private excersize classes. They weren't locked as Emery simply walked into one and shut the door behind him. Azure dropped the towels back in the bin and immediately followed, his hard little bulge leading the way.

The room was only light up by half the lights, but Azure could easily see Emery standing there, his arms folded over his large pecs as he eyes the zebra as the pony slunk his way in, the poor little boy looking embarrassed and shy, a dark red blush spreading over his cheeks and a hard little bulge in his pants.

"Strip" Emery ordered. He didn't say why, but Azure didn't care as he grabbed at his shirt and quickly pulled it off his torso, revealing his striped torso to the lion. His hard little nipples poked out like pencil erasers from his arousal as he shucked his shoes off and went to undo his shorts.

"No" Emery said, which halted the zebras action. "Turn around and take them off" he ordered. Azure blushed again, but obediantly turned around to remove his shorts. He lifted his black tail as he bent forward, bending to tug his shorts down his legs as he stuck his large girly backside back at the lion.

"Spread them" he heard once his shorts were off, making Azure blush again. He whimpered, his hard girly cock throbbing and leaking so much it was an endless dribble to the floor. He bent forward as best as he could as he placed his small hands on his butt, digging his fingers into the supple flesh as he spread his cheeks lewdly.

"Wider" emery ordered with a grunt. The grunt made Azure spread them as fast as he could, exposing his entire crevice to the lion as his tail was firmly out of the way. His puckered black hole winked back almost needily at the lion as Azure stayed bent over, blushing furiously.

Nothing was said as Emery eyed the bent over zebra, getting a good view of that spread butt. The zebras hole had shrunk down from its previous assault, but it was still a telltale sign that he had been violated roughly with how tender it looked.

Azure heard the sound of material shifting, but he didn't dare turn around without an order. Bent over, exposed and vulnerable, he should have been ashamed of himself. But instead, he just whimpered and waited for the next order.

"Get that hole wet for daddy" The lion said behind him. "Better do a good job, because I didn't bring lube." Azure gulped and whimpered again at the order, wondering briefly, but he didn't question it. With only one option he let go with one hand and brought his fingers to his mouth.

He slobbered on his black digits as he soaked them with his saliva, making sure to coat them good before he returned them to his hole. Pressing his fingers against it made him whine as it did hurt slightly, but he pushed in hard, moaning loudly as he felt his ring spread almost too easily as he rather blatantly began to finger his hole.

He had to return his fingers to his lips several times to drool on them, to give them extra lube as he greased up his hole, staying bent over to show the lion his lewd actions. His little pucker soon glistened as it was lubed up both inside and out, a thin dribble of saliva running down his taint slowly as he pumped his digits in and out.

Emery just watched, not saying a word as the zebra moaned and whined, fingering his loose hole rather easily as he pumped his fingers in and out. He huffed and panted, his face red and his cock drooling a puddle on the floor as he wondered how much longer he'd have to do it.

"Stop" emery said and the zebra practically yanked his fingers out. "Face down on the floor. Legs spread" he ordered. Gulping at the command, Azure slowly lowered himself onto the floor, keeping his rump in view as best he could as he squatted and then laid himself out, spreading his legs and hiking his butt up a bit to present himself.

He heard the footsteps and felt the presence of the bigger lion behind him as the lion got on top of him, then he felt something fat and heavy slap down on his back. The lions cock was fully hard and just thudded onto the zebras back, making him whine softly as he felt how big and heavy it was.

"I need to do my pushups" Emery said bluntly. "You're going to help me count, got it?" he asked. Azure nodded like a good pony as he wondered exactly how he was supposed to help. Then he felt that huge cock get moved down his body till it was pushing up against his hole.

The entry wasn't gentle or nice as it was just forced in, causing the zebra to yelp out and grip the floor as that big cock was pushed into him. The lion then leaned back over him, his movements pushing the big head past the zebras ring as his hands were planted on either side of the zebras head.

"Start counting" Emery ordered to the pony under him as Azure nodded.

"One...AHHH" he cried out as the lion lowered himself firmly, a simple down and up action, pushing with his arms. His big heavy and naked body lowered down onto the zebra under him, making him feel the bulk and weight of the body. But it also forced about half of that cock to suddenly thrust deep into him, planting itself into his body before it was pulled out quickly as the lion lifted up.

"T--TWO" Azure cried out loudly as the action was repeated, feeling that big cock spear down into his gut with the push up motion, feeling a bulge in his gut as half that big cock was sunk into his body.

Up and down the lion went, each pushup easy to him after countless practice, his bulky body pushing down on the zebra as he impaled himself. Then he lifted up with little more then an exhale, pulling almost all of that big cock out of the boys stretched hole.

"Fif-TEEN......Six-TEEN.....Seven-TEEN" Azure cried out with each impalement. His ring was starting to squelch with each thrust in, constantly stretched out by that huge cock as he was pumped into steadily over and over, each thrust forward making him cry out the next part of the word.

Drops of sweat began to drip down onto the zebra as the lion fucked him with his excersize, his thrusting not slowing down or speeding up, keeping up the constant pace as he buried his cock into that round ass over and over. He kept his gaze straight ahead, ignoring the zebra underneath him except when he counted.

"Thirtyse-VEN..... thirty-egh-EIGHT" Azure cried out as he continued to count.

He was panting, huffing, moaning, whimpering needily as his body was wracked with pleasure with each thrust into him, but without the savage rough pounding akin to what he had experienced the previous day, his body was burning for more. He wanted the lion to fuck him hard, to rut him like he was trying to get him pregnant. The steady fucking was great, but he wanted so much more.

"Please....please.....fourty-FIVE....i..I need....fourty-SIX.....oh god... oh god...FOURTY SEVEN" he cried out, his cried getting louder along with his counting. The lions big pecs were pushing into the back of his head, almost covering his head completely with each push downwards.

But Emery ignored him, watching himself in the mirror with his eyes dead ahead, able to see the squirming whimpering slut underneath him as he kept his form as good as possible. His cock throbbed with the pleasure of breeding that slut, and it was leaking pre that lubed up the zebras hole and make it squelch more lewdly with each thrust.

Only half that cock was shoved into him with each thrust, and the other half just remained outside the zebras ass, beyond the poor sluts reach as he whimpered and whined, wanting to feel more of that big cock inside his stretched out ass. He was starting to lose count by the time he got to the sixties, his whining just turning to begging as pleasure drove through his body.

Emery counted to himself, ignoring the zebra underneath him as the boy was begging to be fucked properly, asking his 'daddy' to fuck his boy cunt hard, to fuck his ass wide open. A grin did escape his lips, but only slightly as he counted past the eighties, not quite there himself but he would be.

"One hundred" he growled into the zebras ear, the moment he had finally reached his target before his hips simply slammed hard forwards, burying the rest of his cock into that bubble ass. The sudden slam made the zebra neigh out loud, his poor ass unable to handle the pleasure as he felt his girly cock spurt underneath his stomach.

He flopped forward onto the floor as a thick warmth began to spurt and squelch against his crotch and his stomach between him and the floor as his cock spurted everywhere it could, his tongue lolling from his mouth as he felt the lion start to really fuck him hard. The bigger males hips bounced off that ass over and over, his big fat balls smacking into the zebras thighs.

Azure couldn't speak, let alone think as the lion fucked him past his orgasm, ploughing into his insides. The zebras pleasure didn't matter, Emery had finished his pushups and now he needed release. And he was going to get it, using the zebra under him as he fucked him against the floor, rocking the slut back and forth hard.

It didn't take as long as Azure thought, but he didn't have a concept of time at that point before Emery slammed his cock in deep again, hips and balls pushed up against the zebras abused butt as his cock started to pulse and spurt his cum deep into the zebra once more.

Azure whined as he felt his insides get whitewashed, flooding with another load of the lions potent cum as he was filled, his stomach gurgling with the amount of seed flooded into him. A few grinding motions of the lions hips were made against his ass before he pulled out with a messy sounding slurping noise.

A wet pop and a few more spurts of the lions cum sprayed up onto the zebras butt, leaving some rather obvious streaks, as well as a well stretched and worn hole that was now dribbling cum onto the zebras black balls.

"Well, that's my workout done" Emery said with a sigh of relief as he stood up, grabbing his towel and starting to pat down his sweaty body. His wrestling uniform hung down against his thighs, his fat heavy cock slowly softening. "I'm going to go shower. I'll see you tomorrow night" the lion said as he slapped his towel onto his shoulder and started to walk out.

Azures' face burned in embaressment as the lion left him there, gaping and dribbling and thoroughly used as he walked out of the door, the zebra attempting to move but his limbs felt like jelly and they didn't respond. The lion had just used him and then dumped him behind now that he was no longer needed.

And the zebra wanted so badly to have it happen all over again.

His ears moved as he heard voices beyond the open door, someone asking where the towel boy was. He felt a jolt rush through his body as he heard Emery rather bluntly and openly say ''through that door'', followed by footsteps.

"Hey towel boy, you in HOLY COW."

Azure tried to move as he struggled to get up, looking over his shoulder as he couldn't hide his shame, even when he let down his tail.

Standing in the doorway was a bull in a part of cut off shorts with an iPod around his neck, staring at him with a surprised looked on his face, sweat covering his body and making it glisten under his mottled fur.

And a rather rapidly growing bulge in his miniscule shorts at the sight of the used towel boy on the floor.

"Well, I was going to ask you for a towel, but I think you can help me with another problem first" the bull said with a grin on his mature face as he stepped forward, rubbing himself through his bulge as he shut the door behind him.

Azure could only whimper and nod as he lifted up his tail.

The Towel Boy

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